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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


"Ah think ah can manage that. Seems like th' fact that ah'm married and have a kid makes me stick out too."

"Unless you involve that wife and kid, this won't be anything new for Violet. Even that might not be new, come to think of it." She paused and shook her head. "I'd rather not imagine the details of her pleasure hunt."
''No offense taken Gary.'' he said giving a curt nod to the old officer.''Don't be like that dear,it was only a question because of this.'' He said looking at Koola as he pointed at Timothy covering ''I Didn't mean to offend you.not after seeing you after all these years dear.'' and practicly shaking behind him.walking near her while also making Tim fallow him.''So...you wanna go do something after this?'' He asked her with wink. 'Papa has a Crush on Mistress!' was the only thought Timmy had in mind. 'Wow thats great! our 'Father' loves our 'Mother' isn't that great Timmy?' came the thouht 'Stop with the sarcasm Colin! this is not funny,this is a bad sign.' He was thinking when he heard.''This is my son Timothy by the way.C'mon son say hello'' said Francis urging the kid to go forward.''Hello...Miss.Koola.'' he said with a whisper.


"How have y'all managed to interest Violet fer so long anyways? From what yer sayin', it seems like she would've gotten bored with y'all by now."


"Well, I asked myself that a few times but it's best not to question it. I settled for the fact that I'm not addicted to her yet when everyone else would have been. It makes me kinda unique."
''No offense taken Gary.'' he said giving a curt nod to the old officer.''Don't be like that dear,it was only a question because of this.'' He said looking at Koola as he pointed at Timothy covering ''I Didn't mean to offend you.not after seeing you after all these years dear.'' and practicly shaking behind him.walking near her while also making Tim fallow him.''So...you wanna go do something after this?'' He asked her with wink. 'Papa has a Crush on Mistress!' was the only thought Timmy had in mind. 'Wow thats great! our 'Father' loves our 'Mother' isn't that great Timmy?' came the thouht 'Stop with the sarcasm Colin! this is not funny,this is a bad sign.' He was thinking when he heard.''This is my son Timothy by the way.C'mon son say hello'' said Francis urging the kid to go forward.''Hello...Miss.Koola.'' he said with a whisper.




"Yeah?" Koola snorted, only glancing over Timothy. "I'm sure there's plenty of brothels even you can afford because this..." She ran her hands down her sides. "Is a 'no touch' zone for you." She smirked, giving one more short look to Tim. She didn't want to acknowledge him just yet. This was business time and pleasure would have to wait.

"Ah guess ah'll just be mahself and play hard to get like y'all do. Maybe ah'll introduce Violet to th' rest of mah family. They can be a real interestin' bunch."

"Ah guess ah'll just be mahself and play hard to get like y'all do. Maybe ah'll introduce Violet to th' rest of mah family. They can be a real interestin' bunch."


"Well, there is something that you can do and I can't. Put her in awkward situations regarding your family. She is careful around you and doesn't want to cross the line. That and she doesn't know how to really behave in a non-dominant way. It's a funny thing to see her try and be polite in that way."
''Still the same...'' muttured Francis.''You haven't changed one bit dear.And I love you for that.though you better update your info about my wealth.George left quite a fortune when he passed.More than enough to take a beautiful lady like you to a fancy dinner.'' he said to her.'Ugh...Francis and women,flirting with the women from the audience after a play was ok but,flirting with HER!' Tim thought to himself as he tried to stay calm,yet a expresion of disgust did take place for a second.

''Still the same...'' muttured Francis.''You haven't changed one bit dear.And I love you for that.though you better update your info about my wealth.George left quite a fortune when he passed.More than enough to take a beautiful lady like you to a fancy dinner.'' he said to her.'Ugh...Francis and women,flirting with the women from the audience after a play was ok but,flirting with HER!' Tim thought to himself as he tried to stay calm,yet a expresion of disgust did take place for a second.



"I'll do some research on your wealth and then we'll talk." Koola said in a resentful tone.

"Could we get back on track?" Severin looked at Francis and Koola. "As interested as I am as to how this soap opera will end, I'd rather hear what plans we have. One will be holding his Project Overhaul reveal tomorrow. Is anyone planning on carrying out an attack or can I attend the event in person?"

"So ah could make things hard fer Violet by havin' mah wife and son around me? Would she want a challenge like that?"


"I doubt she would try anything on you anyways. A few years ago, One had a talk with her and she doesn't really do 'bad' things anymore. Like seducing people with families. You could try hitting on her and putting her in an awkward situation."
''Score'' chereed Francis to himself.'This is embrassing.' Tim though,he had turned into a bright shade of red.'You know what Timmy? I agree.' came the ussual voice of Colin yet this time it seemed like he was not really enjoying the sittuation either.''Red Army is in no state to make a daring attack,most of it ran to the Countryside anyway.'' Francis said returning to his 'normal' behaviour.''Though I'll need to check with the Youth Movement.'' He added.

''Score'' chereed Francis to himself.'This is embrassing.' Tim though,he had turned into a bright shade of red.'You know what Timmy? I agree.' came the ussual voice of Colin yet this time it seemed like he was not really enjoying the sittuation either.''Red Army is in no state to make a daring attack,most of it ran to the Countryside anyway.'' Francis said returning to his 'normal' behaviour.''Though I'll need to check with the Youth Movement.'' He added.



"I'd rather if we didn't. We don't want One to feel pushed around. Just because the MP keeps the peace doesn't mean that they're not an actually army with tanks, jets, and missiles. If One wants us gone badly, he'll have us gone." Greenpost quickly chimed in. "I'd rather hear what he has to say about Project Overhaul. Sounds cool." He said with a chuckle.
''I heard it was something about welfare'' Said Tim. ''Ha! One and Welfare! where did you even hear that Timmy boy?''  Francis asked. ''Just heard it...something about every one getting cars and stuff.'' Tim told.''I doubt something like that will happen any time soon kid.What do you say Severin? do you think this 'Overhaul' will benefit the common men? Gary?'' he asked.

''I heard it was something about welfare'' Said Tim. ''Ha! One and Welfare! where did you even hear that Timmy boy?''  Francis asked. ''Just heard it...something about every one getting cars and stuff.'' Tim told.''I doubt something like that will happen any time soon kid.What do you say Severin? do you think this 'Overhaul' will benefit the common men? Gary?'' he asked.



"Reds are always so cynical." Greenpost smiled. "I actually think things will go for the better. I have faith in One. My goal is to make Epsilon a better planet - not necessarily a planet without One."
''Hey A bit of Cynicsm is needed here and an Epsilon without One is the first step to a better future and you know it Gary.'' Francis said.''That guy has been ruling this place even before you were born old man,no offense,and he cares not for Political nor Social reforms.That is why we exist.'' He told as if it was a matter of fact.''Maybe what they say is true,he is really a deamon.'' chuckled Tim


"Ah hope that y'all and yer sister get well soon," said Ronda as she got up from her chair. 

The trip back to the manor wasn't too long, and Ronda went straight to her room. 
''Hey A bit of Cynicsm is needed here and an Epsilon without One is the first step to a better future and you know it Gary.'' Francis said.''That guy has been ruling this place even before you were born old man,no offense,and he cares not for Political nor Social reforms.That is why we exist.'' He told as if it was a matter of fact.''Maybe what they say is true,he is really a deamon.'' chuckled Tim



"That may be why you exist. My supporters tell me that there's always a non-violet solution and I intend to stand for their beliefs." Greenpost said firmly.

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