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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

''Rebellion? No! Forget about the Rebellion! This is about us as people!'' Said Francis angred by all this.''We fight every time there is a gathering! Swearing and cursing ffrom morning to night until it ends in a fist fight! We are Politicians! Civilains! but all of us act like Animals!'' He said moving his hand and pointing to each and every one of the leaders.''How can we think about Overthrowing that Dictator when we are fighting a Civil War of our own!'' he Yelled.


"Well, ah hope she turns out alright. Ah can stick around fer a while if y'all want; we might as well get to know each other a little if we're gonna be workin' together."
''Rebellion? No! Forget about the Rebellion! This is about us as people!'' Said Francis angred by all this.''We fight every time there is a gathering! Swearing and cursing ffrom morning to night until it ends in a fist fight! We are Politicians! Civilains! but all of us act like Animals!'' He said moving his hand and pointing to each and every one of the leaders.''How can we think about Overthrowing that Dictator when we are fighting a Civil War of our own!'' he Yelled.



"And what exactly do you suggest?" Greenpost crossed his legs. "You can't really arrive back after such an absence and make such strong suggestions without any viable ideas behind them. I'm all ears."

"Same." Severin nodded.

"Well, ah hope she turns out alright. Ah can stick around fer a while if y'all want; we might as well get to know each other a little if we're gonna be workin' together."


"Sure, if you're not busy." Millie smiled. "Though, I think I know a lot more about you than you know about me." She winked. "Violet really enjoys meeting new people."

"Ah enlisted right outta high school back when ah was 18. Mah parents, and really just about everyone in mah family had served, and ah wanted to join ever since ah was a little girl."

"Ah enlisted right outta high school back when ah was 18. Mah parents, and really just about everyone in mah family had served, and ah wanted to join ever since ah was a little girl."


"Your family sounds just like mine." Millie smiled. "Though, mine were around before Epsilon was what it is now. We snow Dyn live a while."

"Well, before mah family came to Epsilon, we were from th' United States of America. Mah grandpa used to tell me stories of back when he was a marine, and mah grandma would tell me about when she was in th' navy."

"Well, before mah family came to Epsilon, we were from th' United States of America. Mah grandpa used to tell me stories of back when he was a marine, and mah grandma would tell me about when she was in th' navy."


"Violet really doesn't want to visit Earth. She doesn't have a lot of faith in people there."

"Ah guess ah can't blame her. Anyways, when ah was gettin' th' tour of th' manor, ah saw th' music room and ah was told that y'all can play th' violin."
''Well,first of all I had more important things than...this,but even than the corrupt Officers of One did find me.Look I don't know why you my old Friends are fighting for but I have my reasons and that Two years only helped me see that I was wrong before all this.Tis is not about Socialism.'' he said looking down.''Nor is it about Corporate greed.'' he said pointing towards Severin.''Not about the Military'' he said turning towards Gary.''And not about Personal gain or Dyn!'' he added glaring at Raz and Koola.''It's about the WHOLE of Epsilon! The Future of the young ones! And yes I do have an Idea,let us go for an Election for an Assembly of Rebel Politicians,with The people voting,We are not getting anywhere with allowing every Party equal opprtunities so let's let the Common men and women decide.The Party or Parties that hold the majority wins while the others get seats as opposition parties according to how much votes they've got.Basic Democracy yes?'' He asked.

''Well,first of all I had more important things than...this,but even than the corrupt Officers of One did find me.Look I don't know why you my old Friends are fighting for but I have my reasons and that Two years only helped me see that I was wrong before all this.Tis is not about Socialism.'' he said looking down.''Nor is it about Corporate greed.'' he said pointing towards Severin.''Not about the Military'' he said turning towards Gary.''And not about Personal gain or Dyn!'' he added glaring at Raz and Koola.''It's about the WHOLE of Epsilon! The Future of the young ones! And yes I do have an Idea,let us go for an Election for an Assembly of Rebel Politicians,with The people voting,We are not getting anywhere with allowing every Party equal opprtunities so let's let the Common men and women decide.The Party or Parties that hold the majority wins while the others get seats as opposition parties according to how much votes they've got.Basic Democracy yes?'' He asked.

''I defend Freedom of Speech and it wasn't my idea to begin with Gary.'' Francis said wawing back.''Still bad at organizing a Congress I see.Why do you even invite these guys? Only thing they do is fight with eachother'' he added pointing towards Koola and Raz,not caring much if they heard him because he was sure they were ignoring everything going on around them.


That's cool, we need to play for Violet some time. She enjoys music. Say, where's your family now? Do you visit them often?"
''Well,first of all I had more important things than...this,but even than the corrupt Officers of One did find me.Look I don't know why you my old Friends are fighting for but I have my reasons and that Two years only helped me see that I was wrong before all this.Tis is not about Socialism.'' he said looking down.''Nor is it about Corporate greed.'' he said pointing towards Severin.''Not about the Military'' he said turning towards Gary.''And not about Personal gain or Dyn!'' he added glaring at Raz and Koola.''It's about the WHOLE of Epsilon! The Future of the young ones! And yes I do have an Idea,let us go for an Election for an Assembly of Rebel Politicians,with The people voting,We are not getting anywhere with allowing every Party equal opprtunities so let's let the Common men and women decide.The Party or Parties that hold the majority wins while the others get seats as opposition parties according to how much votes they've got.Basic Democracy yes?'' He asked.


"How about someone rejects him before me?" Koola frowned, l placing her hands on her hips. Francis got the attention of both her and Raz. "Just so I don't end up being a bitch again." She said. As her eyes landed on Timothy, she smirked.
"I'm working with you as a sign of good faith." Raz pointed at Francis. "I don't intend to listen to anyone's orders."
"I'm afraid I have to agree with the young ones." Sebastian sighed. "I can't have my plans be undone just because the elected one doesn't agree with them." He looked at Greenpost.
"Even though my opinion doesn't matter now, I have to agree with Francis here." Greenpost smiled at Francis.
"No wonder you agree!" Koola clenched her teeth. "You would get elected."

"Well, mah Ma died a few years back, but mah Pa's still livin' here. Mah sister and brother live here too, and we visit every so often. Do y'all got any family besides yer sister?"

"Well, mah Ma died a few years back, but mah Pa's still livin' here. Mah sister and brother live here too, and we visit every so often. Do y'all got any family besides yer sister?"


"I've got a big brother. He's on Earth in the Epsilon Army. I don't really visit my parents anymore since they were around during the shape-shifter hunting times. Violet's pheromones get into my fur and they smell it but can't really tell what it is exactly. Yet."
''Of course he will get elected,unlike rest of us he hasn't been trying to tarnish one-anothers reputation,but rather improve his own image,and Raz for The Revolution's sake please be reasonable,we do need a chain of command.'' Francis said.meanwhile Tim had taken a step back and was hiding behind Francis.'Why is she even here?' he thought to himself.'Of course you don't remember do you? How can you Timothy? You aren't that old,you werent around then...' Answered his 'Brother'.'What do you mean? of course I was there! I served her! and I heard nothing of her addilation with the Rebelion or Francis! Francis our freaking father!' Tim questioned 'You only known her for a year or so Timothy,you were a side-effect,a usefull one at that' Said the voice 'Side-effect?'Tim Questioned him yet again 'Yes a side-effect of one of her many drugs,you see I was too ill-tempered and violent,so those 'good' scientists used something experimental to make me more,well I would say mild mannered but that would be wrong so to be truthful they tried to make me something I'm not.Happy,Childish,Naive...The end result is you my little brother.it created a distinct personality rather than alter the existing one.' The Voice answered.'And...She doesn't know that does she? to her I was...am you,For all she knows the drug worked.' Tim added.'Quite true Timothy,she doesn't know that I'm still intact and that is how we escaped.'

''Of course he will get elected,unlike rest of us he hasn't been trying to tarnish one-anothers reputation,but rather improve his own image,and Raz for The Revolution's sake please be reasonable,we do need a chain of command.'' Francis said.meanwhile Tim had taken a step back and was hiding behind Francis.'Why is she even here?' he thought to himself.'Of course you don't remember do you? How can you Timothy? You aren't that old,you werent around then...' Answered his 'Brother'.'What do you mean? of course I was there! I served her! and I heard nothing of her addilation with the Rebelion or Francis! Francis our freaking father!' Tim questioned 'You only known her for a year or so Timothy,you were a side-effect,a usefull one at that' Said the voice 'Side-effect?'Tim Questioned him yet again 'Yes a side-effect of one of her many drugs,you see I was too ill-tempered and violent,so those 'good' scientists used something experimental to make me more,well I would say mild mannered but that would be wrong so to be truthful they tried to make me something I'm not.Happy,Childish,Naive...The end result is you my little brother.it created a distinct personality rather than alter the existing one.' The Voice answered.'And...She doesn't know that does she? to her I was...am you,For all she knows the drug worked.' Tim added.'Quite true Timothy,she doesn't know that I'm still intact and that is how we escaped.'



Greenpost stood up and dusted down his shirt. "I guess we're delaying this decision again. As a penance for me speaking against the rebels, I came prepared to this meeting." He said in a serious tone. "Have any of you heard about the Beast project?" He asked, holding back a smirk, knowing the files about the old military project only recently surfaced in tight MP circles.

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