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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

"Yes we can't but I'm ready to agree on anything as long as it protects rights of the Working class and of course ends the  new Slavery system that One's Goverment overlooks" he told looking at Tim while telling the last part.

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"Yes we can't but I'm ready to agree on anything as long as it protects rights of the Working class and of course ends the  new Slavery system that One's Goverment overlooks" he told looking at Tim while telling the last part.


"I don't think we'll get around to holding hands..." Sebastian motioned his head at the doorway at the end where a lot of yelling was coming from. "People can never be civil, it seems."
"Yes it seems like evreryone turns into toddlers throwing temper tantrums" he chuckled as he walked up to the dor and opened it.The scene was a total mess with papers flying around and people shouting at top of their lungs,Tim covered behinds his father."Welcome to hell" muttured Francis

"Yes it seems like evreryone turns into toddlers throwing temper tantrums" he chuckled as he walked up to the dor and opened it.The scene was a total mess with papers flying around and people shouting at top of their lungs,Tim covered behinds his father."Welcome to hell" muttured Francis


"I'd compare them to animals flinging feces." Sebastian sighed. The most hated argument at the moment seemed to be between Koola and Raznious - the Dyn rebel leader with a strong hate for One and not many plans on what to do afterwards.

Gary Greenpost was sitting in the corner n watching them with a look of resignation on his face. He was wearing old military fatigues and had a short, grey stubble which matched his hair.
''Well,seems like Cat face and that woman are in a fight...Let's take our seats.'' Francis said as he led Tim in and took a seat.''Timmy,you okay kid? you've been actin weird ever since we came here.'' He asked concerned.''I'm fine,really! Just thinking.'' Tim answered with a awkward plastered smile.'Now you are lying?' came the thought.'It's not a lie...we are not really talking,just me thinking.' He answered.Francis did give a suspicious look to Tim yet passed it away as being nerveous with all these things going on and focused on listening the Fight bettwen the Woman and the Dyn.


"Yeah, that's probably th' smart thing to do. In th' meantime, is there anythin' else y'all need me to do?"

"Could you check on Millie for me? She wasn't hurt as bad as her sister but she was still shot. After that, go to the Autocracy tower. One wants you to be on his security detail during tomorrow's reveal. He moved the Overhaul project reveal to tomorrow to increase the morale after the plaza attack." She said, giving one more look to Jack before reaching for the door.
''Well,seems like Cat face and that woman are in a fight...Let's take our seats.'' Francis said as he led Tim in and took a seat.''Timmy,you okay kid? you've been actin weird ever since we came here.'' He asked concerned.''I'm fine,really! Just thinking.'' Tim answered with a awkward plastered smile.'Now you are lying?' came the thought.'It's not a lie...we are not really talking,just me thinking.' He answered.Francis did give a suspicious look to Tim yet passed it away as being nerveous with all these things going on and focused on listening the Fight bettwen the Woman and the Dyn.


"I don't give a crap about your people, Raz!" Koola shouted. "As far as I'm concerned, you'd make a fine rug!"

"Let's see you get in your car tonight! I've got a nice little bomb with your name on it!" Raz shouted right back.

"I'd like to see you try!" Koola grinned. "I've got enough people to make your balls shrivel up and drop off!"

"Hey there, Francis." Greenpost waved through the yelling with a warm smile. "No hard feelings about my expressing my opinion on the Plaza attack?" He asked.
''I defend Freedom of Speech and it wasn't my idea to begin with Gary.'' Francis said wawing back.''Still bad at organizing a Congress I see.Why do you even invite these guys? Only thing they do is fight with eachother'' he added pointing towards Koola and Raz,not caring much if they heard him because he was sure they were ignoring everything going on around them.

''I defend Freedom of Speech and it wasn't my idea to begin with Gary.'' Francis said wawing back.''Still bad at organizing a Congress I see.Why do you even invite these guys? Only thing they do is fight with eachother'' he added pointing towards Koola and Raz,not caring much if they heard him because he was sure they were ignoring everything going on around them.



"Raz is a good representative of the few rebellious Dyn there are. Koola, on the other hand, has a lot of useful contacts. As for the meeting, it doesn't feel much like a meeting but more like my trial." He shrugged. "No one is happy with how I feel."

"Don't worry, ah will," said Ronda, smiling back as she left the room. She took the elevator back up and exited the lab, then began making her way to the hospital. After a short trip, Ronda arrived at her destination. She entered the hospital's lobby, then went up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, ah'm here to see Millie. Miss Violet sent me."
''And that my Friend is Civilization at it's best!'' Chuckled Francis.''This is why we don't get anywhere Gary! Ten fucking years I've been in this mess and nothing we haven't gained anything! other than Police Crack-downs and Brutal uprisings.Don't ypu thing that it is time that we re-organize this shit pile of an Alliance into something that ressembles a real Movement! A Working,Functional Governing body!'' He said pretty much frustrated with all the screaming and yelling going on.''Papa,I thought you said that I had to speak with respect why are...'' Tim was asking before he was cut off.''I had tought that they had sorted their diferences in the Two years I've been gone kid.In this state you can swear as much as you like.'' Francis answered the Unfinished question,and it brought a smile on the kid's face.

''And that my Friend is Civilization at it's best!'' Chuckled Francis.''This is why we don't get anywhere Gary! Ten fucking years I've been in this mess and nothing we haven't gained anything! other than Police Crack-downs and Brutal uprisings.Don't ypu thing that it is time that we re-organize this shit pile of an Alliance into something that ressembles a real Movement! A Working,Functional Governing body!'' He said pretty much frustrated with all the screaming and yelling going on.''Papa,I thought you said that I had to speak with respect why are...'' Tim was asking before he was cut off.''I had tought that they had sorted their diferences in the Two years I've been gone kid.In this state you can swear as much as you like.'' Francis answered the Unfinished question,and it brought a smile on the kid's face.



"Why don't you join Raz and Koola there." Greenpost nodded. "You'll fit in with the yelling."

"Now, now Gary." Severin chuckled. "Our fire-blooded friend here simply feels strongly about the rebellion... Then again, so does Koola and Raz." He laughed.

"Don't worry, ah will," said Ronda, smiling back as she left the room. She took the elevator back up and exited the lab, then began making her way to the hospital. After a short trip, Ronda arrived at her destination. She entered the hospital's lobby, then went up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, ah'm here to see Millie. Miss Violet sent me."


"Oh, her." The receptionist frowned. "Top floor, room 406. She awoke recently, her surgery was carried out without an issue."

"Great. Miss Violet is gonna be happy to hear that." Ronda was glad that Millie was at least okay, although she didn't know about her sister. Ronda took the elevator up, then went to Millie's room. "Millie?" she said as she walked into her room.

"Great. Miss Violet is gonna be happy to hear that." Ronda was glad that Millie was at least okay, although she didn't know about her sister. Ronda took the elevator up, then went to Millie's room. "Millie?" she said as she walked into her room.


"Hello." Millie smiled, sitting up in her bed with a smile. Her room didn't seem any more lavish than any other in the hospital. Violet didn't want anyone to even assume that she was connected with her. "Violet sent you to check up on me?"

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