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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

"You guessed correctly. .50. As for the arsenal I promised you, there's a room for that. Come on. Leave your shoes by the door." She entered the garage fully, sighing contently. "Ah, home sweet home." She walked towards the glass door into the house, and opened it up, the alarm being so high pitched only she and the two dogs that greeted them at the door could hear it. She quickly shut it off, shrugging off the hoodie as she entered.


@Crispy Fries

"You are a very lucky woman." Violet nodded and looked at Ronda. "Could you, after you look around the mansion, come find me? I'd like to discuss a tiny job for you tomorrow. Nothing big but it's something you would be perfect for."
@Crispy Fries

"For having that many people around, it's a wonder how none are at an arm's length." She chuckled, looking around. "I'm certain there's someone outside working on the garden. Just tell them I said to walk you around the estate. They'll be ecstatic to be of help." She nodded.
Dan closed the door behind them, "Alright, want me to take a look at your arm now? I think you need that to be patched up before we go any further with staying her. I don't want you to bleed out from that..." he said walking up to her, petting one of the dogs.


"Alright then. Ah'll be sure to see y'all when we're done."

Ronda, Lily, and George got up to leave the room. As they were walking out, George gave Violet a curious glance before he left the room.

The three walked out into the garden and Ronda went up to one of the workers. "Excuse me, Miss Violet said that y'all could show us around th' manor."
The dog he pet was an endless flurry of licking and happy panting, while the other kept its distance, growling and circling Sage protectively.

"I see you've met Sugar and Spice. I'm sure you can tell who's who." She glanced down at her arm.

At least it's clotted.

She waved her hand dismissively, "I'll take care of it. Besides, I'm a robot. How bad can it be?"

@Crispy Fries

"Of course." A young man with blonde hair smiled. "Follow me." The man said, starting to walk around the manor. He watched the colorful trees, all an equal distance away from the mansion with finely cut grass holding the line between the two. "This is truly a wonderful location." He said. "I only started working for her recently and I still can't get used to how beautiful everything is."
"Not a robot in my eyes..." he said quietly, following her to the armory, he looked around at the house, looks like the windows have wind covers, metal shades mostly, but other's had regular shades, the metal ones will be useful if needed.

@Crispy Fries

"Oh, that's great." The man clasped his hands. "It's always great to have more people in this little family of ours. Too bad some people leave." The man trailed off. "Like George. He's retiring tomorrow. I was told we worked together at EICA. I don't remember it..." He finished with a sigh. "Not that it matters now that I work here. Oh, hey!" He looked at a small campfire under a tree. There were several staff members sitting around and chatting. "That's where we hold barbecues." He said, trying to stay in the tone of a tour guide.
She tried to ignore the comment about her not being a robot to him.

If only.

She followed this gaze,

"The whole house is bullet proofed. You're safe." She said numbly, before opening a door at the end of the hall.


@Crispy Fries

"You know how to play guitar?" The man looked over his shoulder. "That's great! I heard we used to have a lot of artists and the like here but... I guess the family is a lot smaller now." He pointed at a huge greenhouse. "That's where the mistress keeps various exotic plants and herbs. Some even brought in from Earth. One of a kind here. I'd love to take you there but we're not allowed to go in." He pouted. "The mistress doesn't want the plants exposed to the outside."
Dan smiled at the sight of the guns, "Alright, at least we know where it is...Don't suppose you have any man close right?" he asked, "Since, I'd like to change my cloths from an orange shirt to something a bit better." he said, taking his shirt off, as the whole right side was a bit darker, from his arm wound, "I'm not bleeding out, that just means that I'm healing..." he said, taking the gauze off and checking it, "See, the hole is small now, the bullet probably fell out in the car." he said, walking over to an M16 that was on the wall, taking it and holding it, "Never mind the shirt...where's the ammo for this gem of old world tech?" he asked, as he loved the old issued M16's.

"Check the cabinet." She said, gesturing to a large white cabinet, stocked with ammo out the wazzo.

"And yes, I do have men's clothes. Follow me."

@Crispy Fries

"That's so sweet. I'm certain the mistress is happy to have a couple among her staff." The man nodded and walked them to a huge pool behind the greenhouse where several staff members were throwing around big balls and splashing at each other. "This is our outdoor pool. It's almost always full." The man chuckled.
@Crispy Fries

The man turned and watched George for a few moments. He was obviously having a hard time struggling to think of something. "We have a library?" He asked, looking at Ronda. "I-I'm afraid nothing else comes to mind... What do kids like to do?" He asked, looking completely puzzled by the idea of a child at the estate.
Dan did as he was told, leaving the gun on the table in the armory, Dan was also wonder on a way to get out of this trouble scot free with Sage being safe, "Do you know of a way end the mercs and attacks?" he asked her as they walked.

@Crispy Fries

The man spread his arms with a wide smile. "Everyone here is friendly. Everyone here is very happy. The mistress is sometimes gloomy but it's our job to keep her happy." He shrugged. "There's not a happier place on Epsilon."

"This sure seems like a good place fer a kid. Ah'm sure Geroge can get used to it." Ronda couldn't help but get a nagging feeling that something was off though, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

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