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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

@Daniel reaving[/URL]


Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @CERBERUS177
Ronda pressed a few buttons that looked like they would open the doors, and she heard a noise from above as light came into the into the room as the large doors opened.
Tyler looked up and saw it open, dirt fell and a few rocks came with it, he jumped into the room when a large one almost slammed into his helmet, but that was it on rocks, the rest was just piles and piles of dirt.
CERBERUS177 said:
Dan got finished prepping the room for Isabella, and came back out to see her, watching TV. Dan walked to the fridge and looked for something that she could drink, Sarah was on the computer typing away. Dan found some regular orange juice and poured her a small glass, but brought the jug with him, "Here you go sweetie." he said, handing Isabella a glass of orange juice.
@Daniel reaving


Tyler looked up and saw it open, dirt fell and a few rocks came with it, he jumped into the room when a large one almost slammed into his helmet, but that was it on rocks, the rest was just piles and piles of dirt.
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @CERBERUS177
Ronda regrouped with Silith and said, "Th' doors are open, ma'am. We're ready to go."
Silith nodded as every one regrouped around the nukes as the doors opened revealing a massive war ship floating over head, the ship was at least two times bigger than the storage area they were in so it was massive

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.9421dcd4ba2adadbb43fc577dee09fd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.9421dcd4ba2adadbb43fc577dee09fd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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''Yes Miss?'' Tim said crawling out of his hiding spot,''It's finally safe?'' he asked.then when he got near her he could make out the blury image of the her and there was some red on The Woman's fur that there wasn't there before.''You're hurt...'' He added.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Silith nodded as every one regrouped around the nukes as the doors opened revealing a massive war ship floating over head, the ship was at least two times bigger than the storage area they were in so it was massive
View attachment 320641

The ship was quite an impressive sight, but there wasn't much time to waste. Ronda was ready to board the ship and head back, and just awaited Silith's command.
[QUOTE="Crispy Fries]The ship was quite an impressive sight, but there wasn't much time to waste. Ronda was ready to board the ship and head back, and just awaited Silith's command.

"Incoming!" Tyler shouted, firing a few shots at some rebels running towards them. Between the ship, the doors opening, and the only 35 dead soldiers above, out of 200, there was no way that they were getting out of this unnoticed. Tyler stood in front of the boss, shielding her from bullets, as his armor can take it, but only for a short amount of time, "Go! Get to cover!" he shouted, shooting a few more rebels.

(Unless we killed everyone, then I will delete this)
Daniel reaving]Isabella smiled tiredly when he brought her orange juice as yawned. "Thank you papa." She said into the yawn as she rubbed one eye [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36638-cerberus177/ said:
Dan walked back to the fridge and put the jug away, then walked back to sit with Isabella. He would have asked what she was watching, but, she looked like she didn't know what TV was until now. "Dan! I just got accepted to be a teacher! I couldn't find anything for homeschool...But, they will let me teach kindergarten, I'm sure by the time...y'know...I won't need to be there the whole time!" she said happily, "Wow...I guess you're going to school soon." Dan said, ruffling Isabella's hair.
"You don't say." Desh said sarcastically as she looked at her wound. "Yeah... Nothing vital but it hurts like hell. Can't wait for the medics to come over and fill me with drugs." She paused then and stared at Tim. "You shouldn't be here when the reinforcements arrive. Do you think you could go to the address I give you? It's just an apartment I own but rarely use." She pressed on her wound as she spoke.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Incoming!" Tyler shouted, firing a few shots at some rebels running towards them. Between the ship, the doors opening, and the only 35 dead soldiers above, out of 200, there was no way that they were getting out of this unnoticed. Tyler stood in front of the boss, shielding her from bullets, as his armor can take it, but only for a short amount of time, "Go! Get to cover!" he shouted, shooting a few more rebels.
(Unless we killed everyone, then I will delete this)
Instantly every soilders started firing back as hundreds rappelled down through the door as the 35 that were hit slowly got up lucky there armor took the bullets as all other rebels were killed. "Damn." Silith sighed as she watched with a sigh

@Crispy Fries
CERBERUS177 said:
Dan walked back to the fridge and put the jug away, then walked back to sit with Isabella. He would have asked what she was watching, but, she looked like she didn't know what TV was until now. "Dan! I just got accepted to be a teacher! I couldn't find anything for homeschool...But, they will let me teach kindergarten, I'm sure by the time...y'know...I won't need to be there the whole time!" she said happily, "Wow...I guess you're going to school soon." Dan said, ruffling Isabella's hair.
Isabella groaned cutely and tiredly as she leaned against him her eyelids heavy as they started to close as she drifted off to sleep next to dan
Daniel reaving]Instantly every soilders started firing back as hundreds rappelled down through the door as the 35 that were hit slowly got up lucky there armor took the bullets as all other rebels were killed. "Damn." Silith sighed as she watched with a sigh [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37244-crispy-fries/ said:
@Crispy Fries[/URL]
Tyler went for some cover, but, heard a loud, 'BOOM', familiar in sound to him, as he's met snipers back home that used it, the dreaded M82... Tyler flew forward and didn't move, he looked at his head, and saw the there was a breach in the leg armor, but no bleeding. He didn't dare move until that sniper was down, "Boss...Sniper, M82 50, take him down, I'm a big target, and he's probably watching me now!" he said, his voice cracking with emotion, since he was scared now, since he can't move, and he was a large target. That 50 caliber can rip right through his armor. So, he laid there, motionless, keeping his heart beat pings silent, but over open coms so everyone knew he was alive, and not to be alarmed that their tank was down.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabella groaned cutely and tiredly as she leaned against him her eyelids heavy as they started to close as she drifted off to sleep next to dan

Dan smiled and picked Isabella up and brought her to bed, Sarah was already lying down watching TV, he laid her in the middle of them, then laid down. "When will you have enough for the chip?" Sarah asked, "Maybe, next week, I got a raise yesterday, so expect some more money...I'm sure she'll be even more perfect when she gets it." he said, looking at Isabella, she was so cute when she was asleep. "Guess we don't need to make one now do we?" Sarah asked and giggled. Dan rolled his eyes, "That's up to you." he said, smiling a bit. Everyone went silent, Sarah fell asleep, Dan closed his eyes, and also fell asleep.

(Guessing the end of the mission will be the next day...?)
Tim looked toughtful for a second,then grined ''Sure I can! even if I bleed to death on my way it's better than getting tortured'' he said with determination.as he slowly stood up,and leaned to the wall for support.Then with a smirk he said.''Go easy on drugs by the way,pain is better than overdose,but who Am I to judge I would love to have a shot too'' with sarcasm,yet it seemed like he was serious when he said the last part.
Desh pulled out some key from her back pocket and raised them at Tim. "The address is on the keychain. Second floor. Make yourself at home - I never have." She shrugged.
''So you are really taking the risk,you know I can runaway and return to the slums,Hell It would be so funny to see the Faces of the Senior Members.'' he chuckled as he got the keys from The Dyn.''Well see you there...or not.'' he said as he walked towards the nearest exit.
Desh watched him walk away for a few moments before turning her back on him as well. This was not the time for her to think about trusting the wrong people. She held her gun raised and decided to do a sweep of the floor before reinforcements arrive.
Crispy Fries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23228-daniel-reaving/ said:
@Daniel reaving[/URL] @CERBERUS177
Ronda didn't share Tyler's fear and tossed a grenade towards the sound of the sniper. A few seconds later, she heard a scream and an explosion. "Sniper down!"
Tyler got back up and took his supresser off, and slid the select fire to fully auto, and slid in a 65 round clip, "Let's rock!" he shouted, opening fire and mowing down a small group that was coming down some stairs, killing all 7 of them, then he turned to the next group, and lit them up too. "Suppressing fire, if anyone needs to move, move now!" he shouted over open coms. His armor was slowly losing it's protection against the smaller arms fire, and hoped that he could take down the majority before ducking behind cover.

@Daniel reaving
Apartment Building,Fourth Floor,Desh's residence,New Mobville

Tim opened the door,walked inside closed the door and then collapsed to the nearby sofa,It had been hard to walk all the way from hospital,Really sneaking past the Police was easy for Tim yet Walking with two holes was the hard part.''What a fucking day Timmy'' he spoke to himself.'A cigarrete would have been good now' he thought to himself as he just layed there on the sofa,waiting for the Sgt.Major.
The Autocracy Tower, New Mobville, Epsilon

"One." Victor Black walked into One's office. Lazily, One looked up from a folder on his desk.

"Victor." He nodded. "You're up late." Black quickly sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. "What's the matter?" One asked.

"The rebels attacked the New Mobville hospital. A lot of dead civilians, One." Black shook his head. "I'll schedule a public address tomorrow morning. I need to say how we feel about all this."

One paused and sighed. "Don't." One shook his head, leaning back.

"One, we need to talk to the public about this." Black frowned.

"I meant that I'll give the speech." One looked away, plans already being made in his head.

"Oh... Which body double do you want to be there?" Black pulled out his phone and started giving instructions to his secretary.

"I will go myself." One stood up, calmly fixing his tie.

"So, you'll be bringing your entire death squad as protection, I assume?" Black gave him an uneasy smile.

"Yes. And ETU. And MICA. And ELE. And MP." One nodded. A lot of organizations that have trouble working together. Though, as long as his had his personal squad around, he should be fine. Should.

"A show of strength. Could be effective. I'll set it up for the morning, in front of the tower. We shouldn't have problems in our own back yard." Black stood up, sending several more messages.

One put his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath. "I'll arrange the security myself. You make sure everything else goes smoothly."

Outside Rebel HQ, Epsilon's rain forest.

James' car parked in clearing, next to an old temple, inside Epsilon's lush rain forest. "Still a ruin, just as when I left it." James thought as he began making his way towards the entrance.

"Stop." said one of the two guards as he raised his weapon "State your business."

"Guard duty , little brother?" said Richard with a faint smile "Who did you piss off this time?"

"You dare show yourself here? You're not my brother anymore, you're a monster." said the guard "Not after all you've done, after you've killed so many innocent persons, after you dishonored our family, our heritage,our..."

"You lecture me about honor?" James interrupted him "I know what all of you have done, to One , to his people, and you think you fight for justice? So let me ask you this , which one of us is really a monster , brother?"

"Don't bother escorting me , I know the way." James said entering the temple.

Rebel HQ, Epsilon's rain forest , boss' office.

"May I?" James walked inside the office looking at Allen Carver, one of the oldest rebel bosses.

Carver sat up and fixated his gaze on James "I thought I told you to never come here again." he said with an angry tone "You're testing my patience."

"Don't worry, father. I am not here to spend time with you." James said "I want to strike a deal."

"What makes you think I am willing to help you?" Carver said as he walked in front of his desk "We fight for equality, justice, democracy. And you? For some tyrannical dictator."

"That was always your dream, not mine." Said Richard with a calm tone "Mr. Carver, I hope you don't think I find pleasure in asking you for help.I could rid this planet of you and your lackeys if I wanted to. This deal is a win for both sides."

"I am ashamed that once I called you son." said Carver "You didn't even come to say goodbye to your mother when she passed away, and you dare show up now?"

"I don't have time for this." said James, annoyed "Listen up, I need you to press the MP and the EICA as much as you can and as hard as you can. What do you win from this? I give you my word that if you do as I tell you , they will lay off of you."

As he finished saying that James' phone rang. He checked his phone and said "I have to pickup. Think on that, father.". James walked out of the room and answered his phone.
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"Richard." One said. "I have a job for you. Should serve as a proof that you know how to run ETU. You and a few other government agencies will handle security during a speech I will personally hold. That means no mistakes. The meeting is tomorrow morning. I expect everything to be arranged by then. I will organize my squad, the rest of you will take care of your own teams." One explained.

The squad he was referring to was One's Hunters. A dormant team of soldiers working on direct orders from One. Unlike the other groups, the Hunters were far from free-thinking. Conditioned and trained from a very early age, these soldiers are on strong performance enhancing drugs which turn them into beasts on the field. Emotionless, efficient, unstoppable. Their weaknesses seem to be reckless abandon for their own safety and blindly following the last order given.
"With all due respect, One." James said as he opened the door to his car "Don't you think that's too much security for a speech? The Hunters are more than capable and more than enough for this job."

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