Hmmm, where'd that little creature go? He asks himself.

Shoes displaying quite the formality with each step. Slacks matching the fashioned shoes. Torso, however, almost naked -- layers of muscles, and atop of it are scars from a distant past -- chest and shoulders covered by thick leather. Covering a good portion of his torso, a white mane -- similar to that of a lion's, but much more menacing -- dancing like a flame with each movement of its wearer. A long, dark hair, similar to a wave, nearly covering each side of his face. Face bearing same scars as his body, yet still managing to pride a smile.

In a land different to his. Yet quite the entrance he gives.

I swear, I've seen one ran here.


Charging towards his front, three strange entities ( Birb Birb PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ) -- the strangest he had ever seen so far -- and a rabbit.

Ah, I got ya. He lowers his knees, as if a race is about to begin. After all, this IS a race. After putting strength into his legs, he makes a push. The ground, where his feet initially stepped on, became rubble. Passing through meters with a single push; quite superhuman.

Flaunting a confident expression. He extends his arm towards the direction of the rabbit. Left hand, with fingers as sharp as a beast's, open.

Three. Not bad, me.
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The star animal didn't get exactly what the cyborg called Marcus was trying to tell him, but he didn't like the tone either way, angrily growling at the half-machine before it had gone somewhere else... Though that didn't last long and soon he was back holding a friend of his. The next sentences were instantaneous, almost like an instinct at this point:

"Ho? So now he's your boyfriend, huh~?", Thae prodded, any sense of too intimate or too personal information completely unknown to him.

Batman had soon wandered off in the ridiculous rabbit hunt. 'Play hide and seek or remain stranded', the fox-male had repeated under his breath, mocking the costumed man's speech mannerisms. Jeeez, what part of not a bloodhound and not up for silly chases had he not understood?! Go away and let him sulk and mourn the lack of entertainment on his own for the Emperor's sake! So, annoying.
And it wasn't like he was just lazing off, which well, he was, but staying still as absorbing starlight guaranteed that Thae would not be stuck running at simple human speeds for running out of energy soon. So really, this was just as important for the group as it was for himself... or something. Who cared? He wasn't bored of it yet, so he wasn't moving, simple as that. Oh my stars, some soda would have been nice! Everything was still bitter and rage-inducing.

And then, there was pain.

Like a stupid kid placing their hand on a hot stove, like a clumsy teenager slipping their turned on babyliss and allowing it to sizzle their skin. He knew this sensation from a reeeeeally long time ago, when Thae'il still merely a kit had decided to absorb sunlight in the premiss that a sun was still a star. No one had cared to correct the misconception, why would they? If a recruit got themselves killed during training by being stupid then it was their problem. Only the strongest survived, only the best, the resilient, the ruthless, the merciless remained under the wings of the Empire. The rest had no value to them.

That had been the day that Thae not only had discovered that overheating was bad, but also how cruel and relentless the universe truly is.

Yet there it was, like his very organs were on fire for a brief second. A terrifying surge of pain that the Dark Comet thought he'd never ever feel again. The shock of everything is enough to knock the very air out of his lungs, the levitation field falters and according to the principles of gravity, the distance from the ground diminishes fast and the fox-male is suddenly on the ground once more, having fallen against his own back:

"WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOO!!", the fox-like scream cut through the silent and tranquil atmosphere of the tiny planet, a shiver-inducing, high-pitched noise that sounds like a mixture of both a woman in peril and an owl screech. Like something out of an horror movie.

Anyone else would be ashamed of being able to release such a noise, but not Thae. He's a fox, that's perfectly normal for him, so he just kept going as usual:

"WHAT... THE ACTUAL FUCK.", he asked himself loudly, looking back up at the sky, then the ground, then the sky again in complete confusion, "That- How, I don't even know anymore. I just know it hurts and I HATED IT! ...Those are not the kind of flashbacks that I needed today, no thank you! I don't know who you are, but go fuck yourself."

Hitting the grass with his fist in irritation, Thae proceeded to get even poutier than he already was, crossing both arms and legs, turning away from whatever everyone else was doing and desperately trying to shake away the bad memories from his recruit times.

"You’ve got the right idea", a female voice had said, the rustling of the grass suggesting she had sat nearby.​

"Huh, thanks.", the fox-male had grumbled under his breath, looking at her over his shoulder, "It was about time that someone agreed with my point of view on things... Even if it's just something this minor."

Thae didn't feel okay, especially not after that scare and seemed to deflate slightly and curl into himself. For a night that was supposed to be his, with his rules, done on his whims and for himself and only himself, this was just a total disaster. He never thought he'd think this, but damn he missed Gunter and the others, their patterns were known ones so they were easier to deal with.
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"Nope," Jason bluntly replied to Ruby as he holstered his handgun. Before he could successfully evade the conversation, it appeared that the oaf he'd woken up had taken it upon himself to try and fight him. Jason merely rolled his eyes at this, and was about to make another snarky remark when some... badger intervened? Or was it a hedgehog? Jason really didn't know or care. Instead, he merely scoffed and looked rolled his eyes at Eric's words as well. "Tch. Like I'd even waste a bullet on this oaf." He remarked, before merely turning around and walking off on his lonesome.

FoolsErin FoolsErin marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

King Dedede

"Tch! Why I outta..!" Dedede huffed in response to the masked figure's comment. He drew his hammer back for another swing, only to be interrupted by some little...badger thing? Whatever the heck he was supposed to be, he seemed to illicit a small twitch of the king's beak when he mentioned possibly never going back to Popstar again. Turning away and crossing his arms, Dedede's face squirmed into a foul pout. "Fine! But you ain't makin' me work with anyone like him!" He huffed, sounding like a bratty child after arguing with their sibling.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122
Ruby Rose
Ruby wasn't going to stand the ringing ears. Already could she feel the effects, being less able to understand Red Hood, Eric, and the King and just having a droning sound as a result of Jason Todd-induced tinnitus. She had little else choice if she had to deal with it now; the Medic, from what Ruby has heard from him, was a little crazy in his head, but she couldn't care any less about that anymore. This was apparently what happens when some DC character fires a warning shot towards some penguin, right in front of you, after all.

She turned to the Medic with little disregard for what others think of him, and said,

"Doctor! Please make the noise in my ears stop!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits, Jason Todd) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic) @Franklin RIchards (Kage) FoolsErin FoolsErin (King DeDeDe)
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Batman, although fast, had discovered one fatal flaw in his plan. One miscalculation, while it may have seemed minute, had actually only been the catalyst for his inevitable failure in catching the prized rabbit.

Dib's gigantic head.

You see, due to the laws of physics surrounding Dib's over-stuffed cranium, the intense gravity pushing against him only caused him to exert more outward force, which in turn made him travel at the speeds reminiscent of Batman's old friend, The Flash. With this in mind, the poor rabbit stood no chance against Dib or his gigantic head of justice, and he soon crashed into the innocent bunny with a loud BOOM!, which formed a small crater in their wake.

"H-help!!" The bunny rabbit screamed out from under Dib's massive head. "Y-you're... crushing... ME!!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss RedLight RedLight

(Art credit: Milkåmel's Profile - PokéFarm Q)


"You won't have to," I tell Dedede with radiant confidence. "But let's not dirty that hammer anymore than we need to. It's a nice weapon, by the way." A very real look of awe accompanies the compliment. As for Jason, I glance at him and give him a thankful nod, to show my gratitude for not escalating the situation. He's a cool person, and I totally understand why he did what he did. I was like that too, once.

With a clear of my throat, I continue briefing the penguin king on the situation. "We've found this thing called a 'Luma' that mentioned its mother. It wanted to test us by playing a game of hide and seek, although now that I think about it, it's probably just making us play a game for personal amusement. I'm thinking the 'mom' it mentioned could help us return to our homeworlds, and the faster we work, the sooner we'll complete that mission." My small ramble comes to a sudden stop. I blink. "Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself. Eric the Typhlosion. It's an honor to meet you in person, your majesty." Unlike I did with the others before, my greeting comes in the form of a formal bow. I've a feeling he would prefer that.

FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason Todd)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma)​
Marvus was trying to get himself together, he'd just come in contact with alien life sweeps before he should have. His blood made him strong he'd get after it. If it meant his newfound extraterrestrial friends were alright hed be alright. He sighed pretty at peace with his actions and his surroundings.
Until he heard a familiar voice, ah it was the doctor. "ay buddy gud 2 see ur alrite. im pretty ok wit wut i did 2, buddyz gotta look out for eachotha." He smiled at the Medic watching as he pulled out his healing device. He could feel pure raw healthiness pouring into his being, it felt euphoric, then the feeling was gone. He was fully healed, even his clothes were fixed up.
Marvus just looked at the doctor and his machine with a lax look of respect "dam buddy i didnt kno u were a mothafuckin miracle worker. shiiiz, i think i owe u sumthin now specially since u fixed my threads." Marvus chuckled grateful to the Medic for his aid. It seemed like the world was a bit more clear now and he could see Eric nearby as well as Julia it seemed liked so far injuries were minimum and with people like the Medic around it would stay that way.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

As Batman and the others sprinted off to go chase a blinkmoth or something, she decided that speed wasn't her place of expertise. Besides, she didn't want to take all the glory for herself anyways, why not let the others have their fun?

She crossed her legs, and plopped herself onto the grass with the fox-boy that had decided to stay behind too, running her fingers through the soft mat of living organisms. Despite the events that had just occurred, from the carnage earlier, to the declaration of a haphazard impromptu race, she felt at peace.


There goes that.

She traced the noise back to the source, and noticed it came from the boy that she was next to, and he had closed up all his body language. Clearly, something was bothering him, and it sure as hell had something to do with that scream. Atraxa stood up, then sat down right next to him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Thae) Veradana Veradana (Luka)
Captain Toad, although only vaguely understanding a word that Vilgax had said, was at least smart enough to understand when he'd been insulted. So, he did what any rational adult would do when he received criticism...



He fell on his ass and cried like a bitch.

DapperDogman DapperDogman Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Batman stopped, disororientated by the boom. Damn. He had miscaculated. The kids big head. It made him as fast as the Flash.

He walked toward Dips and took him off the poor rabbit.

"Good job kid." He said, no hint of anger in his voice. His mother, may she rest in peace, always taught him to be a good sport.

He picked up the bunny and gave it to him.

"You deserve it."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb

  • IMG_20190829_071052.jpg “Well...everyone seems to be looking for something here. Maybe we should also go take a look. Ah- Oh no! I forgot! 0∆0”

    Inazuma exclaimed as she realised one problem:The mute stranger can't talk,and she had just promised him that she'll help him out. Whenever he is right now,no one would probably have realised that he is incapable of speech.

    “I gotta go find him before someone misunderstood his intentions!”
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Dib Membrane

Dib was completely out of breath and his face hurt more than anything else. He felt himself be picked up by the man in the bat suit as he was handed the rabbit.

“Oh wow hey! I-I actually did it! Finally a win for Dib!“
Dib looked at the ground where there was now a small crater that wasn’t there before.
“Hey... how did that crater even get there...?”

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb


King Dedede

The king stuck his tongue out at Jason one more time before turning back towards Eric. His sour mood towards the masked guy turned to a more cheerful demeanor with the bow and compliment to his hammer. The penguin king laughed, chirping, "I ain't sure if I wanna meet the mother of a child who daddles around like there ain't no tomorrow." He grinned, looking down at Eric. "Well, Eric, you best be pleased to be in the presence of the great King Dedede!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @whoeverelseisnearby​

As Lu Bu approached the stray, unfortunate toads that had been caught in the crossfire, she would find that they were no ordinary toads, but rather...


It was Captain Toad! This specific toad had a camping backpack and a hardhat, as well as a beige jacket, held up only by a single belt that wrapped around his waist. He was joined by other similarly dressed toads, though aside from their clothes and the color of their heads, they didn't really look all that different. The head toad, the CAPTAIN Toad, looked over to Lu Bu and shook his head in a disappointed fashion.

"I'm afraid not... Bowser's always been the tricky sort. Unless..." He gasped loudly, before jumping up in the air. After turning to face his men, he dramatically pointed a stubby finger at them as well. "MEN!!! Pull out that map of the cosmos!"

"You mean that one that you drew in blue crayon?"

"Yes! Precisely!" He shouted in his clearly fake British accent. The toad who had asked the question saluted him before unstrapping the backpack from his small shoulders. After shuffling through miscellaneous items such as mushrooms, strange orange flowers with eyes, some snacks, and a flamethrower, the toad eventually found the map he had been searching for. The toad eagerly hopped on over to the Captain, who grinned and nodded in response. "Thank you, Jimm E. Your courage will be honored upon our return." He said in a tone that was.... way too dramatic, especially considering the circumstance. If Lu Bu looked closely, she could even see a tear fall from his left eye.


"Now, pay attention and look closely," Captain Toad said to Lu Bu after laying the map out on the flat, grassy fields below them. "We are here." He said, pointing to the area that said "ROADZ". After slowly tracing his finger to the middle of the map, he continued. "And, if Bowser's words of creating a galaxy at the center of the universe are correct, then we need to get... here." He continued his explanation, softly tapping his finger against the circle marked "CENTER OV UNIVERZE." "Now, I never claimed to be a genius, but if there's one thing I know, it will take a lot of these..." He traced his finger further to the left, before tapping it against the clusterfuck of stars that invaded practically the entire left half. He then looked up to Lu Bu with a smile as he began to roll the map back up.

"Any questions?"

DapperDogman DapperDogman

"Creating a universe" Lu Bu echoes, narrowing her eyes slightly "Surely this requires immense power? This Bowser fellow, he is strong enough to do this?" she did not like the sound of this plan. If this enemy of theirs was truly powerful enough to create a planet, let alone a new galazy, he was far beyond her league. She doubted any of them alone would be able to stop such a man.
Her eyes scanned the crowd, and she found the tentacled man from earlier was once again starting disagreements. He seemed pompous.

Standing, without so much as turning to face the man, she spoke coldly "Your tongue is troublesome, perhaps you'd prove more bearable without it" resting a hand on the hilt of her blade, she drew it just enough that a faint trail of smoke began to seep from its sheath "If you're done with your impertinent and immature insults, the kind Toad here was helping us plan a counter-attack"

Then the toad began to cry. Great

Turning on her heel, she glared up at the alien, enough vitriol in her words to melt through even his hide if it were anything but metaphoric
"You've proven a nuisance since your arrival" she clenches her fist at her side, gritting her teeth beneath her helmet "Begone, for I shall not tolerate you a moment longer"
The smoke around her body hardened, becoming solid in place around her like a suit of armour as she lowers her body slightly, preparing to strike should he not do as instructed and take his leave of her presence.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
The bunny inhaled a loud breath of fresh air as it was freed from its crushing captivity, desperately crawling out of the crater and placing its tiny paws on its knees. It breathed several large gasps of relief before looking up at the group that surrounded it. "Ah... whew..!" It breathed out as it struggled to stand upright once again. Once it finally did, it looked up and smiled once more. "I knew I should have hidden in the pipe!" It exclaimed, before leaping into the air, doing a backflip, and transforming back into a Luma.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss RedLight RedLight Birb Birb Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
View attachment 620333
Dib Membrane

Dib was completely out of breath and his face hurt more than anything else. He felt himself be picked up by the man in the bat suit as he was handed the rabbit.

“Oh wow hey! I-I actually did it! Finally a win for Dib!“
Dib looked at the ground where there was now a small crater that wasn’t there before.
“Hey... how did that crater even get there...?”

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb

Batman looked at the crater and back at Dips.

"Your head has the force of Superman." He said simply.

He looked at the star.

"I think you should take it."
Karako Pierot

With this in mind, the poor rabbit stood no chance against Dib or his gigantic head of justice, and he soon crashed into the innocent bunny with a loud BOOM!, which formed a small crater in their wake.

"H-help!!" The bunny rabbit screamed out from under Dib's massive head. "Y-you're... crushing... ME!!"
Karako looked near ready to explode in excitement. He jumped a few times, pumping his fists in the air over and over. Gog he did it, the crazy mother fucker did it!

(Art not mine but I thought it was fitting)


He ran over, ecstatic, with a face of half victory. While he had done some of it, Dib had caught it, and that was enough for the little clown.

"Good job kid." He said, no hint of anger in his voice. His mother, may she rest in peace, always taught him to be a good sport.

He picked up the bunny and gave it to him.

"You deserve it."

“Oh wow hey! I-I actually did it! Finally a win for Dib!“
Dib looked at the ground where there was now a small crater that wasn’t there before.
“Hey... how did that crater even get there...?”

Karako looked up and the bat clothed man, half tauntingly, half in respect. While they had gotten the rabbit, it was a fair race he supposed.


Karako looked at Dib, then the crater, and awkwardly pointed to Dib’s head. He didn’t want to be rude. After all the clown suffered from something similar; horns that were too big for his head.


But that didn’t matter!! Dib had the rabbit, and that’s what was important to the little troll. He gently held onto Dib’s sleeve again like he had earlier. It just made him feel a bit more secure...

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BunnyChaseIsOverYeet

Ben Tennyson
Location: Beeg Yoshi House
Interactions: @SheepKing @DerpyCarp
Surroundings: A lot.
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"If you wanted a professional, you would've called one already. We have to do something!" Ben exclaims, deactivating the Omnitrix's dial for now, before reactivating it after hatching another idea.

"Do you think you could do something if you could move around freely?"


Location: Strange Planet -> Crater
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern
Surroundings: Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Let us activate our radar systems then. Locating target..."

Laffey leads as she locates the Warframe, Dib, and Batman. Apparently, she had equipped herself with her signature riggings not too long ago and had slipped past all that the group had, which was not too hard.

"There he is."

Laffey looks to see that the others had caught the rabbit.

"Your friend hasn't done anything wrong it seems," Laffey says, greeting the group. "It appears that we are too late to participate in their activities, Inazuma..."

Laffey turns to the group before them.

"What do you intend to do now?"
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"I sure am, sir!" Exclaiming it lively, the penguin's overflowing energy bounces right off of me. A lot of people would say Dedede's just being your stereotypical fat egotist king, but I personally think he's a boatload of fun! "Now I'm not sure who this mother person is either, but unless we find another way to return to our universes, we're going to have to find out just who she is." On that note, I look around at the others. It seems we've caught one more rabbit. Now only one remains... and then, we can discover this 'Luma mom's' identity! I hope, at least...

"So, ah, King Dedede, sir." Paws delicately adjust my vest. As long as I'm here, I should keep his spirits high. "Why did you decide to come to the festival?"

FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)​

King Dedede

Dedede let out a small laugh. "Why wouldn't I? Dreamland's been boring as oatmeal ever since that there Nightmare clown got crushed. Most excitin' thing that's happened since then was the rebuildin' of the castle. Those Cappys can't keep things interestin' to save their lives!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Do you see any phones or cell towers around here, smart guy?" The big Yoshi asked as it slightly tilted its head downwards to watch Ben. At the second question, the Yoshi shrugged slightly. "I dunno... maybe."

Crow Crow

Ben Tennyson
Location: Beeg Yoshi House
Interactions: @SheepKing @DerpyCarp
Surroundings: A lot.
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Well, maybe's better than a no..."

Ben smacks his watch down, initiating a transformation.



The familiar-looking red, four-armed extraterrestrial would attempt the greatest feat of strength yet - lifting Beeg Yoshi off the ground with all four arms.

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