
"We thankfully do not need repairs. The .... wizard merely .... relocated us." He frowned grimly, not entirely used to villians that did not have murderous intent (except Superman). "We need to find the kids. They should be around here somewhere." He scanned the crowd to look for any familiar faces when he noticed Spectre: and blinked several times. Had he always been there?
archur archur darkred darkred Chungchangching Chungchangching FactionParadox FactionParadox

Lilliane Odessa del'Ortollio

Image result for cara delevingne laureline

She was flying through the air, keeping an eye out when several cartoon airships in the horizon: it looked so ridiclous she had to freaking laugh to herself as the a giant silly little dragon turtle emerged and started to proclaim himself as the main villian. God, it looked and sound so fucking scripted. The cannons, the explosions, even the screaming toadmen and Princess Peach's reaction, even the so-called 'heros' swift and bloodless defeat. She wasn't taking it at all seriously, thinking it was all some sort of show, that was until her communicator sounded and the woman told her to come back urgently. Such a shame, she was actually about to actually do something but ah well. She returned to her group, visibly annoyed, (also completely ignoring the fact that the castle is rising up into the sky, she still thought this was a show.) an annoyance when the woman and the assassin walked into clock? Curious, she followed. And sure enough, it was bigger on the inside, her mouth slacked open at the sight and was about to question when the woman, who clearly been told this question before already answered her. Then the woman tried to get her machine to "dematerialize" . but it must have failed because the woman crouched down and said, she couldn't get us away.

She looked at her intently.
Then said.

"What exactly is this? Where are we?"

darkred darkred FactionParadox FactionParadox @TeamTimeLord


As the cannonball barrage begins and the cafe is reduced to rubble, Julia's seat and her part of the table oddly remain intact. She effortlessly tosses aside debris and cannonballs that threatened to crush Toads with a mere glance. Picking up the rest of the pizza and stuffing a slice in her mouth, she finally gets up and walks to the others.

Right, The Espeon nods to Eric, although she includes just about everyone in the telepathy. I've got everyone covered. Just focus on getting to safety.

She glances up at the Magikoopa. Uh oh. That's a--

A flash of light, and then darkness.

Julia sits up, shaking her head to clear it, and then looking down at the pizza she was still holding. She finishes the slice in her mouth and puts the rest down.

"I'm right here, Ben." Julia says as she stands up and walks over to him. "Everyone should be alright. That was just a spell to warp us here."

She waits while the others play hide-and-seek with the Lumas. It would be cheating if I helped...

Andrita Andrita Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow L3n L3n marc122 marc122 Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins SheepKing SheepKing
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Marcus frowned “Perhaps I can, may not. He grinned at the Fox figure.” “I didn’t fight through 30 years just to be refered as a creation. Skynet does NOT own me!”

He frowned. Sometimes things like that come back.

The cyborg gritted his teeth as he dusted himself off. Then he noticed the familiar silver hair, and white jacket.


He bent down, trying to wake the man up. For a second, the terminator remembered the man put himself and his cards in danger for him.

“Come on, Come ON! Fuckkk, come on!”

Marcus remembered spectre used his cards too much and it used his energy.

Marcus hid his cute puppy dog eyes to a cold emotional mask.

He picked up the man “I can’t leave you her e.”

“Oh, this is spectre.”

“Long story, he helped me back in my world.”

FactionParadox FactionParadox PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Chungchangching Chungchangching Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara darkred darkred @team cosmic brownie


Maya “echo” Visari

Maya frowned when her communicator went off. She looked at Romana’s grandfather clock And was shocked stepping into it as it looked like a small Helghast ship inside. Echo nodded “impressive” trying to eye the tech inside. Hmaya was more focused on the mission somewhat “ this place is odd.”

“Too lighthearted for me”

Maya’s eyes wondered on the castle that was flying up toward what appeared to be another planet? Interesting.

But the device seemed to be failing trying to keep the castle from pulling.

@Polishadowbliss @facationparadox @that guyinthestore darkred darkred @team timelord

King Dedede

The king turned his attention to the scientist looking man, his face smug and prepared. "You're the chef at this here scrap shack? Whatever, I ain't the guy to be judgin'. Just gimme the nicest thing you got to eat-"

Unfortunately, Dedede never got to finish his rude demand, as a bright white light filled the cafe windows, slowly fading to an inky black.


Dedede lay asleep on the grass of the mysterious planet, softly snoring. He rolled over at the star creature's conversation with a few of his fellow guests.

" ain't a school day..." He mumbled in his sleep, unaware of what had happened.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ihonestlyhavenofuckingclueastowhoineedtotag​

Male_07 wakes up, sat on the ground; he looks around “I just knew it was gonna be one of those days.” he screams. “I’m a luma! But… who are all of you?” He looks at the star shaped blob and replies “Hello, Dr. Freeman.” while starting to stand.

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

As Benedict was reprimanding Josh for failing his quiz, the airships appeared and began firing on the city, “Ah......Josh, this is what happens when you don’t give me a room.” Benedict said as he continued to sit on Josh and calmly watch the events that unfolded, before being blinded by a flash of light. Benedict woke up on the serene planet, he took in all the silence and calmness of the area, “ seems like the witch did a good thing.” Benedict said as he simply laid back down, staying there without moving a muscle, It was a star, asking them who they were. Benedict’s face contorted into a serious glare, “Ah ah ah demon, you shall not hypnotize us.” Benedict said as Josh started jumping, trying to catch the star. “Stars don’t speak, therefore, I am asleep........goodnight.” Benedict told the star as he laid back down on the grass, staring up at the sky.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Hearing how the squid overlord was a world conquerer didn't strike him as odd, it was actually something expected of adults in his culture. But the fact an alien overlord would go after him alone did strike him as a bit odd, what ever it was Vilgax wanted from Ben it must have been important and probably powerful.
At the sound of Ben seemingly trying to cover up his transforming abilities Marvus raised a brow "i mean u do wear the exact same outfit buddy."
But any further conversation was abruptly cut off by cannon fire, looking out the window Marvus could see buildings being demolished by a giant sky ship. A party crasher, no party was complete without one.
"mothafukin party crashers time to bounce." He said seeing people already fleeing the cafe. Marvus would stay in as long as he could making sure everyone got out even the ghosts. It was ultimately his undoing as he felt rubble careen from the ceiling and collide with him from behind falling heavy and hard on him.
That was the last thing he remembered before everything faded to black.
When he woke up he felt like he'd been hit by a large scuttlebuggy and the scenery was completely different. But his main concern was the safety of others. He staggered to his feet slowly looking at the grassy fields and... Star creatures. He hoped he didn't break anything despite how it felt that might be the case but if he did the medic could possibly help. Though with the crowd of people clustered around it was a bit hard to tell.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins LilacMonarch LilacMonarch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Anyone Anyone -withmedicalexperience
Ignoring Jason's urge to flee, Lu Bu charges forwards, hand on her sword the whole time, stopping only when she saw the destruction around her growing with each volley from the cannons of the airship. She had planned to use the smoke from the attack to board their vessel, but many lives were in danger. She turns on her head, dashing back to where she'd seen the kids playing near the waterfall, gathering up any she saw and carrying them to safety. A counter-attack would have to wait, for now, these civilians needed protection. Once things had settled down, she regrouped with the others, taking in the scene before her.

Not an attempt on her life after all. How bizarre

"Such a bold move." she remarks, a little taken aback by the sudden assault on their kingdom "These foes, have they attacked before?" she asks, directing her question to any of the nearby toads she could see "This was organized" she sighs through her nose. Did these people know they were at war, and decide a party was more prudent than a mounted defensive? She could only shake her head mentally. Such damage, the risk to their lives, were they truly so passive that they allowed this to happen?

"Do you have any idea where they may have taken their captive?" she asks, turning back to the toads nearby. If they moved swiftly, they may yet launch a counter attack while the enemy was celebrating a successful assault. If these mushroom people did not often fight back, then they would not anticipate such righteous fury

Nightwisher Nightwisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Counter Offensive Gang​
Dib Membrane

Dib finally turned his camera off for a bit and put it away in his coat. He was lucky he didn’t get it taken but the cyborg named Marcus, but even if he did take it Dib has at least twelve extra cameras. Dib looked at Karako as he pulled out another Faygo. Dib was kind of amazed at how much of that stuff he could drink in such little time. Finally Dib noticed that Thae was indeed alive, but was pouting like a kid. “Instigators are usually the most immature, or at least that’s what I always say. Although I’ve never actually said that.”
Dib watched as almost everyone was busy chasing down the rabbits. He was definitely intrigued by them since they definitely aren’t like rabbits back on Earth. Dib looked at Karako with a shrug not understanding what these rabbits deal was either.
“I guess we better catch them. They must know a way to get off this... planet...?”

Birb Birb
Crow Crow ( The The group that would be playing with the bunny Ben is )

Molly told Kage somethingalong with the others " It would likely be good for us to catch these rabbits. This seems l ike one of those strangequests those of gigher authority give to those who show up in their world " She spoke through experienceas that was how she even became a ranger. She would go after the other rabbit heading towards.

Kage obviously nodded at Ben " That's an agreeable statement. Now we just need to find him, which is obviously going to be the most difficult part " . He said before sprinting off alongside Ben towards ththe rabbit he had. He then said " Let me try something.... " . He jumped very high into the air and attempted to fire a fireball ahead of the star eared rabbit. If it landed just in front ofthe rabbit it would likely get scared by it and slowdown just enough to be caught. If not, he fired 3 around the same general area to circle the rabbit to force it to slow down by not giving it much room to move out of the circle of Hadokens. If this didnt work had continue to chase it down.
Ruby Rose
(Gateway to the Gateway)

"...Ben? Mami? Eric?"

Among these names were the things Ruby missed, as she called out for them, looking around. She was starting to feel afraid she'd failed to save the day, this time for real. Even in Vale, even with the train already having crashed, they were still able to save the day. Yet, here she was. She was starting to tear up, when she heard Ben call out for her and the others.

"Ruby? Eric? Julia? Kage? Mami? MAMI??"


Ruby ran towards the source of the familiar voice. She wiped her tears as she holstered Crescent Rose, breaking into a sprint as she eventually saw him and happily hugged him, almost tipping him over.

"You're okay--and that's what matters!"

"I'm right here, Ben! Come check out this luma! He is the cutest thing!"

Ruby turned towards Eric, who had apparently turned out to be safe as well. She then kneeled towards him, then hugged the Typhlosion, snuggling him in the process.

"And you're okay, too, Eric!"

Whoever next on the reunion list was met by a heartfelt hug from Ruby. It didn't matter if she only met with them one time; all it mattered was that things are going to be alright. They certainly weren't going to give up on the Mushroom Kingdom, and that was what mattered. After the last hug for the group, which was with Kage, she then looked at the group and said proudly,

"I'm glad you're all still here..."

Afterwards, the time for reunion was over, and Ruby was back to listening to the Luma with the group.

- - - - -​

So, what they're saying here is that we're in the Gateway to...the Gateway? That's...that sounds confusing, but at the very least, their mom got them to wake us up when we need it. Which we do because we have to get back what we can!

- - - - -​

As Ruby watched and listened, she was fascinated by the living star turning into three different rabbits. All of which ran off and committed Raven disappeared. First thing she did was, she followed Eric in his tracks, who dug into the tall grass blades. As she carefully searched, Eric later found one of the rabbits, who then ran off. Since she was the one with a Semblance that boosted her, she turned towards Eric and said,

"I got it!"

Then, Ruby ran off, eventually turning into a swarm of rose petals that then dashed towards the rabbit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits) Crow Crow (Ben) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) L3n L3n (Mami) SheepKing SheepKing (Ravio) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Andrita Andrita (Kage) @everyoneelseonthesmallplanet
Interactions: Open
Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Crow Crow (Ben Tennyson) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) marc122 marc122 (Ruby Rose) Haz. Haz. (Makoto) 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM) @isekai'dcrew

Font = Germania One

After the Medic finished his workplace spiel, the peppy teenage girl leapt right up, seeming just as eager to tell her daily life story as the Medic was. He couldn't help but allow a chuckle escape him as she spoke up, full of energy. Though her work likely did not involve buckets of blood and treating horrific, grotesque injuries as the Medic enjoyed so much, it was heartwarming for him to see someone so young to already be so passionate about their career.

"I attend the Huntsman Academy, Beacon. It's where I train to become a Huntress, but for now I am a Huntress-in-Training. I have a team, and it's called Team RWBY. In order, it's me, Ruby Rose the leader, Weiss Schnee, heiress of the...Schnee Dust Company, Blake Belladonna with all her quietness... ooh, mysterious... And of course, my big sis, Yang Xiao Long!" Ruby began, before unholstering her weapon and giving everyone a brief demonstration, watching as it folded into a mechanical scythe - something that the Medic, at this point, wouldn't have been surprised if he saw Gray Mann's robots using.

"And this is what I train with: Crescent Rose. It's my scythe that's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle! It's also a gun."

I see...! Fascinating!" Medic replied, leaning slightly forward to see the weapon, pushing his glasses further up his face. "Oh-ho, I really should introduce you to an Engineer zhat I know someday! I think zhat you and him vould get along quite nicely!" Indeed, he thought, Mr. Conagher would drool at the sight of Ruby's weapon. Without a doubt, he'd want to poke around with it - who knows, if they hit it off, maybe he'll want to upgrade it! Now that would be an interesting sight.

"Well, golly! Looks like I can't be servin' all you with just my own hands!"

Medic turned his head towards the source of the voice, and found that the elderly, hermit-like owner of the shop had decided to employ help in the form of the paranormal, and ghosts soon became baristas. Medic let out a short laugh at the sight - he had seen ghosts before, yes, but typically, they had always carried massive axes, fired rockets, or tried to send him and his team to Hell. These ghosts, though - in his medical opinion, they were no threat.

Ah hah! Oh, zhe stories I could tell you all about ghosts!" Medic exclaimed, addressing his group as the ghosts took his cups and plates. "Zhey've always been a hoot! In fact, zhese are the first ghosts I've met zhat haven't tried to slice off my head or blow me to bits. Which, I must say, makes zhese much better baristas zhan the ones I'm familiar with." Medic said, meekly scratching the back of his head. Now that he said all of this out loud, he wasn't too sure how comfortable he was with spirits this close to him, but at least it wasn't Halloween. They always go crazy on Halloween.

"Tell me, how would you rate your experience here at the Mushroom Kingdom branch of Starbeans Cafe?" The hermit-man asked, a wide smile unwavering as he looked in the direction of his table.

Ho-ho! Ten spleens out of ten! After a long day of putting holes in robots and fixing zhe ones zhey put into us, I have to say zhat this has been a very pleasant way to unwind. Danke, Kamerad."


Do you hear somezhing?"


Medic's typically jovial expression dropped stone cold when he took a glance out of the shop windows. Airships. In mere moments, they had encircled the entire festival grounds in what was clearly, to him, an orchestrated military maneuver. There were so many of them, smothering the moonlight and generally making a huge ruckus. The Medic thought that Gray Mann's landship was imposing, but at least he didn't have hundreds of them. He felt all kinds of emotions boil deep inside of him, and his grin manifested itself once more on his face; however, he couldn't stop it from twitching. The sheer excitement of an invasion situation excited him greatly and was nothing new to him, yet the sight of this certainly was.

Caught off-guard, he stood up from his seat and walked out from the table. "
Vell, good news and bad news! Zhe good news is zhat we know where that sound is coming from! Zhe bad news, ah... unless zhose are confetti cannons, zhen - "


"Zhen in my professional opinion, we need to get out of here! MOVE! SCHNELL, DUMMKOPFS!"

Upon hearing the ear-splitting roar of the cannon fire, the man in the red helmet didn't need to tell him that he needed to get everyone out, fast. Gripping his Kritzkrieg underneath his left arm, he stayed inside of the shop longer than most just to make sure to forcefully drag anyone who was too slow to move out of harm's way, sprinting outside just in the nick of time as the shop was reduced to scrap by a man-sized cannonball.

Debris flew in all direction. He heard a beastly laugh, and, out of the corner of his eye, noticed an airship approaching the balcony of the castle which overlooked the whole festival grounds, yet the Medic had no time to gawk. Many had been wounded in this attack. He felt the adrenaline coursing around his body. It was time to practice medicine.

"Everyone, get away! If you're hurt, call out to me!" Medic shrieked, activating his Kritzkrieg, pushing forward the lever and healing anybody - Toad or otherwise - in his field of view, prioritising those who were injured and then moving on to the people actively fighting, in order to give them their Overheal buff. Those who were injured and witnessed their wounds heal themselves before their eyes may have tried to thank the Medic, but he urged them to fall back to a safer position. Though he appreciated the sentiment, he couldn't spare a moment's distraction - this festival had a lot of people, so the wounded needed to be treated and those on the front needed to be supported first and foremost before he could begin chatter. He saw Eric lead a small group of people and formulate a strategy - this was good, they needed to be organised -

"Achtung! Get down!"


Having built sufficient charge in his Kritzkrieg to be able to deploy the Projectile Shield, he did this as soon as possible near the groups of people trying to help get the non-combatants out of the way and those attempting to fight back against the invaders, as stray volleys of cannonballs launched themselves in every direction - surely some reaching the others. The Medic attempted to aim the shield to block any cannonballs heading their way - any cannonball that came into contact with it would begin to harmlessly demolecularise, hoping to minimise the damage output thrown in his general direction.

In the midst of the Medic's work, however, he began to feel...

Sorry, but I'm afraid you aren’t on the guest list for this party, so I'll have to escort you all out!

"Whuh ho ho...! Vhat a... curious sensation...!"

And with a painful, bright light, the Medic was down.


"Ach... verdammt... vhat on Earth just happened?" Medic groaned, finding his legs and, slowly but surely, standing to his feet. Once he observed his surroundings, however...

"Or, aheh... I suppose not so much 'on Earth."

"Finally! You're awake!"

"The hell are you?"

"I'm a Luma! But... who are all of you?"

"Fascinating...!" The Medic began, looking over the Luma as if it were some precious artefact. "A Luma, you say? Zhis does not seem to be one of evolution's greatest triumphs..." He muttered, before giving it a smile and a nod. "Dr. Ludwig, at your service. But, aheh, perhaps it is best to just call me 'Medic'." After giving his name to the Luma, he figured he would get his bearings and observe his surroundings. Leaning to one side, he looked over the Luma's... shoulders? In the distance, he saw someone who was struggling to get to their feet. Someone who looked an awful lot like -

"Gah! Marvus!" Medic cried, immediately rushing over to him. He wasn't sure why he was in such a hurry to rush to his aid - he had known him for, at most, just a little less than an hour - but whether it was just his medical instincts, camaraderie or both, but in a flash, he had made it over and pushed the lever forward on his Kritzkrieg, the Medibeam connecting with his body. Before Marvus' very eyes, he would witness any open wounds he had begin to close up and heal themselves - any bones he may have broken, begin to reset themselves - even the scuffs in his clothing, somehow, began to stitch themselves back up.

"Kamerad, vhat were you thinking? I saw zhat you were still in zhe building when it was demolished!" The Medic exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock. "As a medic, I understand putting your life at risk for zhe sake of others, but, mein Freund, you are lucky zhat you are still alive. It vould, aheh... take me significantly more effort to bring you back, had you been less fortunate back zhere."

As he finished lecturing Marvus, his attention was brought to a teenager with blue hair and a short, young girl in uniform, stood close by.

"Come to me if you've been hurt. We'll figure out how to get off this planet once we're done recuperating."

"Ja. Zhat is zhe best course of action." Medic began, addressing the blue-haired teenager and his companion. "Zhis is a good spot to get our bearings, but we can't stay here. We need to get back. And vhen we find whoever gave zhe 'go' for zhat invasion..." He trailed, briefly making eye contact with the uniformed girl. "... all I can tell you is zhat it will be excruciating."

Looking back at the blue-haired teenager, the Medic spoke again. "You have medical experience? Perhaps we should work together, zhen. We will be able to get everyone back on zheir feet much faster vith two people at zhe helm."

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the boi.png


Ah, so there IS another part to this little trial! Breaking into a sprint instantly, I run after the rabbit, who I must say is quite fast- if I could still use Quick Attack safely, this would be made way easier. But while I may not be a speedster, a new friend who searched the grass with me is. I couldn't be more grateful she came along.

"I got it!" the girl who so kindly hugged me earlier (and I loved that, by the way), name I now know to be Ruby Rose, shouts, dashing off towards the escaping bunny faster than I. As if that's not enough, she soon disappears into cloud of rose petals befitting her surname; or, more fittingly, transformed into them, the bits of flowers chasing after the Luma rabbit at blinding speed. Like her, I have my own way to catch our little star pal in case she still can't catch up to him somehow. Rumble... The rolling, low sound of thunder echoes across the tiny field. Cracking, flashing, lightning surrounds my body, coming together and slowly building something solid like it did when I had made the knife for Marvus. It wraps around me like a Seviper, its metamorphosis complete. Around me is now a chain created from my electricity, and quickly 'uncoils' itself, raising its 'head' towards my target. Like the weapon I gave the troll from before, it would not hurt to touch, though I could easily will it to.

"Down, boy." I smile and raise my paw. The chain stops. At this range, I'd be stretching myself too thin. I could no doubt wrap it around the rabbit's leg from here, however it would be able to escape just as easily, like ripping apart tissue paper. On the other hand, he doesn't know that... my smirk grows tenfold.

"Sic 'em."

The chain lashes out, growing in length until it's long enough to reach the target. Yet, instead of trying to trap the Luma, it goes in front of him and waits, once again raising its 'head,' this time as a threat. If I'm lucky, the star creature will have the sense to stop, giving Rose enough time to nab him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (bun)
marc122 marc122 (Ruby Rose)​

ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus)​
Karako Pierot

“Instigators are usually the most immature, or at least that’s what I always say. Although I’ve never actually said that.”

Karako looked in the same direction of Dib, and looked much happier than the human did to see Thae. The small clown was about to go over to him, but he seemed to be sort of occupied. Oh well... karako was happy he was safe anyways.



“I guess we better catch them. They must know a way to get off this... planet...?”

Karako nodded in agreement, and looked around. There were a few places they could search... but the clown wasn’t all too sure. There was a house... probably belonged to someone. Some grass, karako had bad experience with Alternian vegetation. The green tube, who KNEW where it went. Karako tugged on Dib’s sleeve a bit and began walking, looking for a place to search.


He took a sip of the faygo, not paying attention to where he was going, when he felt himself slip a little bit. The small clown jerked back, almost falling into some sort of crater.



Karako looked mildly embarrassed at the near slip up. He looked down at the crater, in awe at its size.

“H o n k?”

Karako looked at Dib, wondering if they should go down or not.


Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @AnyoneAtTheCraterIfAnyone
Techmarine Martellus​
Status: Slightly Bewildered​
Actions: Orienting Self, Wary of Luma ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore )​
The second Bowser showed up was the second Martellus instantly knew it wasn't going to be his day.
The Techmarine dove for cover, unholstering his Melta Gun and preparing to blast the xeno. There was just one very, very tiny problem with that plan.
And that was that Martellus was far too late to do anything. Melta gun blasts screamed over and over again, but to no avail-Martellus was having trouble aiming with the sheer amount of chaos being unleashed.
Martellus turned to Tanya. ( 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B )
"Get down, we have-"
“Sorry, but I'm afraid you aren’t on the guest list for this party, so I'll have to escort you all out!”
"Foul xenos incoming."
Martellus turned to fire at Namek, and saw to his chagrin that he was much too late as the beam flew at him.
"There will be a reckoning, foul xenos witch-"
Then Martellus fell unconscious.

The Techmarine was one of the first to wake up. Martellus wasted no time pacing around, observing his surroundings. This wasn't the Mushroom Kingdom. This was what looked like a forest in space-meadows, trees, flowers, and on top of it all Martellus noticed the others weren't suffocating. Something... was off.
"Damn it... I need to let the Commander know of this. We need reinforcements-strange xeno attack-"
“Finally! You’re awake!”
"What the-"
Martellus snapped right around, and listened to someone else ask who it was.
“I’m a luma! But… who are all of you?”
Martellus's immediate response wasn't anywhere near friendly. The Techmarine quickly readied his Melta Gun, and held it in a warning position. The thing didn't look too menacing but so did Tyranid Rippers, and Martellus had seen far too many battle-brothers fall to the teeth of Rippers.
"I am a Techmarine of the Imperium of Man, and as of right now I want to know where I am."
Might be worth a try to get information-after all, even the deceitful Eldar sometimes let on to the Imperium of pending threats.

20190517074654_1 (2).jpg
In the meanwhile, a relatively silent whirring sound was heard. As it would seem, the festival-goers weren't the only ones who were sent here.
Well, technically, they were.
SPARK-001, designation Praetorian and MPF operative, was slowly booting up from Namek's magic beam. The machine had literally just stepped onto the ground the second Bowser launched his attack.
The SPARK booted up, steam coming out of joints, and the lights on it's "face" silently booting from dark yellow and black to orange, yellow, and light blue respectively. The SPARK stood still for a moment.
"Running self diagnostics..."
"Armor integrity not compromised..."
"Weapons operational..."
"Sensors at maximum functionality. Self diagnosis complete. All systems are clear."

“Finally! You’re awake!”
"Short range audio detected."
The big machine slowly turned to face the Luma greeting them all. It silently listened to the Luma's question of "I’m a luma! But… who are all of you?”
Then Praetorian responded in a much politer way than Martellus.
"I am SPARK-001, codenamed Praetorian. I serve the Extraterrestial Combat Unit-abbreviated to XCOM-as well as the Multiversal Protection Foundation, abbreviated to MPF."
"If you wish to call me a nickname of some sort, let me know so that I may log it in my data banks for future reference-"

Neither really expected the Luma to turn into rabbits, and run off in a hide and seek contest.
"...this is xeno witchery of some sort alright. Where could they have gone... that pipe looks relatively easy to hide in."
Martellus ran off to the pipe.
"Search protocols engaged. En route to destroyed house."
Praetorian headed to the house.
(Open for interaction)​
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[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]mami tomoe [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]resident magical girl[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] “I’m definitely glad to see you too,”Mami replied as she decided she was going wander around the grassy plains. “I’ll meet up with you later, okay?”she asked so Ben knew she wanted to see him again. The blonde didn’t want to drag the kid on her little adventure. Playing hide and seek wasn’t on her agenda. Plus she had faith in the strangers that surround her. Mami was always better when she was alone anyways.

She took off from the group calmly to go explore the grassy planet. It was calming to only see nature. I mean who would mind living here forever? This little pause was definitely needed to keep her relaxed persona. She wished she could learn how to get not worked up by being almost blown up, but there was always room for growth in that department. Next time however she’d fight. Mami was talented in combat, and if anyone knew their way around a single-shot percussion-lock rifle musket it was her. All she had to do was prove it.
[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mood; calm ☀ mentions; x☀ interaction; Crow Crow , anyone around
location; new planet ☀outfit; x [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #ffe96e [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(; background-size: 215%; background-position: 55% 30% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #ffffff [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #d6a500; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(; background-size: 125%; background-position: 60% 55% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffc914; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffffff [/class] [class=bla]background: #ffffff [/class] [class=ble]background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=blo]background: #ffc914 [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: black [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]
From the seat Ravio sat in beside Mami, Ben, and all of the others, the chaotic noise of destruction boomed right outside of the cafe. The suddenness of the sound completely petrified the bunny hooded boy right into his spot. It took Sheerow’s aggressive yet frantic pecks to the help to break him out of the spell and rush out of there so he wouldn’t get crushed by the incoming cannonball. He barely managed to but thankfully he, Sheerow, and his precious bag had made it out relatively unscathed mere moments before the cafe was destroyed. Soon after, like with all of the other guests and even a few stray toads, he fell into deep unconsciousness.

On a foreign planet, possibly light years away from the attacked Mushroom Kingdom Ravio lay sleeping among all of those who got caught in the wizard’s blinding light. While some were impressively quick to awake and begin searching for a way off, Ravio was quite the opposite. Despite the circumstances he was able to soundly sleep for quite a while longer until he was finally pulled into consciousness thanks to Sheerow once again. Eyes now wide open he looked around at his surroundings in increasingly growing confusion. It was apparent that this was definitely not the festival he had been once enjoying but something told him that it wasn’t simply all a dream, that something being he was on a literal different planet than the one he was on before. With that out of the way Ravio would soon be lucky to find his trusty sack of items sat right beside him still carrying all of his items after a quick check. Besides that, he still needed to look for those who were also within the cafe with him if they were even on the same planet. With a sound as heavenly as the goddesses themselves, Mami was able to quell his fears with her voice. Ravio now ecstatic that he wasn’t alone in this unknown land quickly hollered back to her, “I’m over here!” As he scampered to her location. Once Ravio reached where she stood he noticed that the young boy from before was right by her side thankfully unharmed too.

“Thank Hylia that both of you are alright, is everyone else here?”

This question would soon be answered as he saw basically everyone from the cafe and a few more exploring the planet. While some chased these rabbit looking creatures, others decided to heal any of those who were wounded in the attack. It was in this latter half did he see the blue boy from before that he now knew to be named Makoto. Along with another he appeared to be looking for any who needed their wounds to be tended. Rather than drag him away from this task by interrupting him, Ravio instead gave a thumbs up in his direction which could hopefully convey he’d come over soon. Turning back to the newly formed group he gave a shaker smile from beneath his hood. “Have I missed anything?”

Crow Crow L3n L3n Haz. Haz.
Briefly mentioned: Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Location: Stange planet
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The Espeon walks to where Marvus was, nodding to the Medic.

"I can help, too. I have a healing ability."

She then uses Morning Sun. The distant star didn't provide the brightest light, but it was enough to heal anyone that was hurt a modest amount. It would feel like the sunlight was giving them life for a few moments. To anyone unhurt, it would just... feel nice.

ManyFaces ManyFaces Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow @literallyeveryone​

Ben Tennyson
Location: Strange Planet -> Beeg Yoshi House
Interactions: Andrita Andrita DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow L3n L3n marc122 marc122 Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins SheepKing SheepKing
Surroundings: A lot.
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

“I’m guessing we’re supposed to be chasing bunnies?”

"Well, already found one," Ben says as he looks to Ravio, then looked to the distance at the activity of others, "aw man, I think Vilgax found another too!"

When Mami chose to stay behind, Ben placed a hand on her shoulder assured her, "count on me-" he briefly looks to Ravio. "- I mean- us to pass this test."

Crow Crow ( The The group that would be playing with the bunny Ben is )

Molly told Kage somethingalong with the others " It would likely be good for us to catch these rabbits. This seems l ike one of those strangequests those of gigher authority give to those who show up in their world " She spoke through experienceas that was how she even became a ranger. She would go after the other rabbit heading towards.

Kage obviously nodded at Ben " That's an agreeable statement. Now we just need to find him, which is obviously going to be the most difficult part " . He said before sprinting off alongside Ben towards ththe rabbit he had. He then said " Let me try something.... " . He jumped very high into the air and attempted to fire a fireball ahead of the star eared rabbit. If it landed just in front ofthe rabbit it would likely get scared by it and slowdown just enough to be caught. If not, he fired 3 around the same general area to circle the rabbit to force it to slow down by not giving it much room to move out of the circle of Hadokens. If this didnt work had continue to chase it down.
Ruby Rose
(Gateway to the Gateway)

"...Ben? Mami? Eric?"

Among these names were the things Ruby missed, as she called out for them, looking around. She was starting to feel afraid she'd failed to save the day, this time for real. Even in Vale, even with the train already having crashed, they were still able to save the day. Yet, here she was. She was starting to tear up, when she heard Ben call out for her and the others.

"Ruby? Eric? Julia? Kage? Mami? MAMI??"


Ruby ran towards the source of the familiar voice. She wiped her tears as she holstered Crescent Rose, breaking into a sprint as she eventually saw him and happily hugged him, almost tipping him over.

"You're okay--and that's what matters!"

"I'm right here, Ben! Come check out this luma! He is the cutest thing!"

Ruby turned towards Eric, who had apparently turned out to be safe as well. She then kneeled towards him, then hugged the Typhlosion, snuggling him in the process.

"And you're okay, too, Eric!"

Whoever next on the reunion list was met by a heartfelt hug from Ruby. It didn't matter if she only met with them one time; all it mattered was that things are going to be alright. They certainly weren't going to give up on the Mushroom Kingdom, and that was what mattered. After the last hug for the group, which was with Kage, she then looked at the group and said proudly,

"I'm glad you're all still here..."

Afterwards, the time for reunion was over, and Ruby was back to listening to the Luma with the group.

- - - - -

So, what they're saying here is that we're in the Gateway to...the Gateway? That's...that sounds confusing, but at the very least, their mom got them to wake us up when we need it. Which we do because we have to get back what we can!

- - - - -

As Ruby watched and listened, she was fascinated by the living star turning into three different rabbits. All of which ran off and committed Raven disappeared. First thing she did was, she followed Eric in his tracks, who dug into the tall grass blades. As she carefully searched, Eric later found one of the rabbits, who then ran off. Since she was the one with a Semblance that boosted her, she turned towards Eric and said,

"I got it!"

Then, Ruby ran off, eventually turning into a swarm of rose petals that then dashed towards the rabbit.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits) Crow Crow (Ben) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) L3n L3n (Mami) SheepKing SheepKing (Ravio) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Andrita Andrita (Kage) @everyoneelseonthesmallplanet

Ben hears the sound of a collapsing building and the sight of dust rising from wood and concrete rubble. That was once the building.

"Well, I think we need to help someone else pass a test first - a safety hazard test! Ruby, Kage, you guys go ahead and join Eric. I'm gonna help whoever was in that building!"

Julia summoned morning rays to heal all. "Just the boost we need. Thanks Julia!"


Location: Strange Planet
Interactions: @Tamotsu @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Surroundings: @NovaAres Haz. Haz. CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @BoltBeam @
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

He takes a look around as the rest of the former attendees investigate until eventually spotting the obviously fake ears of one seemingly human girl. So our Squid faced friend over here proceed to nug her slightly, out of annoyance at most.

Laffey, even for a while, was awakened.

"Mmmm... Inazuma... Laffey is still tired... five more mi- huh? You're not Inazuma... who are you?"

Laffey was partway ready to head back to sleep, but stay awaked for this conversation.​
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King Dedede

The king's pleasant dreams were interrupted by light shining on his sleeping eyelids. Rolling over, he mumbled loudly in his sleep, "" Dedede hugged his hammer like a child would cuddle a teddy bear, still continuing to softly snore.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @whoeverelse​
Thanks to the combined efforts of Kage's fireballs, Eric's chain, and Ruby's semblance, the bunny had stopped in its tracks almost immediately. It had really skid to a halt when its entire body had become surrounded by three deadly looking fireballs, so Ruby had pretty much caught it immediately, making Eric's lightning chain a bit moot. Upon being caught, the rabbit would let out a mock-wine.

"Oh, you caught me!" It exclaimed in sorrow. "I knew I should have hid in the pipe!" With those words, the bunny quickly evaded Ruby's grasp and landed upon the ground. It then did a flip in the air, before turning back into a Luma.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow marc122 marc122 Andrita Andrita
"Oh... what do you want?" The beeg yosh asked as Ben approached. If there wasn't so much fat on its face, it could very well be assumed to be frowning. "My house was already destroyed... as well as everything I own...." It sighed deeply, before a stubby arm would reach inside its fat roles and pull out...


"At least I still have these... unless you would like to take them from me too?"

Crow Crow
Batman smiles and walks toward the crater. Years of training has taught him to be silent with his footsteps, so without a sound he walks toward the bunny, grinning a little as he stares silently behind the bunny. He takes a moment to savor and with strong hands, he grabs the bunny and lifts him up from the crater.

"Gotcha, bunny rabbit."

He felt a slight hint of guilt as with his detective vision, no one can actually hide from him. Making this test a cakewalk. But the Batman must never assume anything.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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