the boi.png

(Art credit: breepi | DeviantArt)


Phew. Seems like I wasn't needed after all. My lightning chain retracts itself and rests upon my shoulders before disappearing. "I think we know where to look next," I chuckle to Rose and Kage, amused by the bunny's inadvertent hint. "Thanks for your help, guys!"

Calmly, I walk over to where my troll buddy, guildmaster, and crazy German scientist friend are. The latter two are helping the wounded get back on their feet, and they're certainly working fast, not that I'd expect any less from them. As I glance around at the scene, I realize one creature still hasn't woken up yet, its fat and lazy form bringing no surprise. I wander over to the Empoleon-like beast and, still softly snickering, gently shake his arm. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?"

marc122 marc122 (Ruby Rose)
Andrita Andrita (Kage)
FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)

ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic)

King Dedede

The king gently pushed Eric away in his unconscious state, then rolled over yet again. "Five...more...minutes..." He grumbled in his sleep, still continuing to snore. It seemed the lazy king would need a little more motivation to wake up.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

As Lu Bu approached the stray, unfortunate toads that had been caught in the crossfire, she would find that they were no ordinary toads, but rather...


It was Captain Toad! This specific toad had a camping backpack and a hardhat, as well as a beige jacket, held up only by a single belt that wrapped around his waist. He was joined by other similarly dressed toads, though aside from their clothes and the color of their heads, they didn't really look all that different. The head toad, the CAPTAIN Toad, looked over to Lu Bu and shook his head in a disappointed fashion.

"I'm afraid not... Bowser's always been the tricky sort. Unless..." He gasped loudly, before jumping up in the air. After turning to face his men, he dramatically pointed a stubby finger at them as well. "MEN!!! Pull out that map of the cosmos!"

"You mean that one that you drew in blue crayon?"

"Yes! Precisely!" He shouted in his clearly fake British accent. The toad who had asked the question saluted him before unstrapping the backpack from his small shoulders. After shuffling through miscellaneous items such as mushrooms, strange orange flowers with eyes, some snacks, and a flamethrower, the toad eventually found the map he had been searching for. The toad eagerly hopped on over to the Captain, who grinned and nodded in response. "Thank you, Jimm E. Your courage will be honored upon our return." He said in a tone that was.... way too dramatic, especially considering the circumstance. If Lu Bu looked closely, she could even see a tear fall from his left eye.


"Now, pay attention and look closely," Captain Toad said to Lu Bu after laying the map out on the flat, grassy fields below them. "We are here." He said, pointing to the area that said "ROADZ". After slowly tracing his finger to the middle of the map, he continued. "And, if Bowser's words of creating a galaxy at the center of the universe are correct, then we need to get... here." He continued his explanation, softly tapping his finger against the circle marked "CENTER OV UNIVERZE." "Now, I never claimed to be a genius, but if there's one thing I know, it will take a lot of these..." He traced his finger further to the left, before tapping it against the clusterfuck of stars that invaded practically the entire left half. He then looked up to Lu Bu with a smile as he began to roll the map back up.

"Any questions?"

DapperDogman DapperDogman
Ahim breathed a sigh of relief; Mr. Asgore was safe as well. Of course, he too was confused about the attack on the Star Festival.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot explain this either. After that charlatan attacked us, it would seem as though one of his servants, who is clearly a skilled wizard, transported us here for an unknown reason.”

It could be explained that his magic did not specify a destination, but that explanation did not satisfy her; a skilled wizard’s spells should have those sorts of details as part of their creation. Were they were truly sent to this little planet by an accident of chance? Ahim doubted that they would find many answers here.


Luka just blinked as the alien split up into three. Seriously? The only way to get off this dump was to play kiddy games with them? If she weren’t so annoyed with the whole of everything that had happened so far, she might have gone for it. After all, how different was hide and seek from what she did growing up hiding from Zangyack soldiers day to day. Whatever, some people had already found one of the rabbits, which meant it was perfectly fine to leave the whole game to them.

It seemed like someone else thought the same; a man with yellow eyes was grumbling about this stuff too. Well, misery deserved company or something like that. Luka walked over and sat down nearby.

“You’ve got the right idea,” she said.

Just how many Tests of Courage or Whatever would she have to go through? At least the ones the old Super Sentai people gave were normal, except for that one time they got captured by a monster and were made to participate in a crazy game-show; that one was pretty ridiculous…, and the traffic safety one. Okay, so, maybe a lot of their tests were dumb, but all the more reason for her to just sit back and let some other shmuck handle things for once.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Luka to Thae)

T The Man With No Name (Ahim to Asgore)
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun archur archur


"Argh. . ." CN-tan finally woke up from her unconscious state, her eyes fluttering open as she took a look around to familiarize herself in this unknown location, where is she anyway? She stood back up slowly and attempted to find her talking pet but it seems like he's nowhere to be found, bumming The Toon out a bit because she thought he might not have survived the attack on Peach's castle because he was just a talking fox with no real powers other than the ability to speak or at least that's what she thinks. It's not even a day and she already lost her good pet. She sighed quietly, rubbing the back of her head as she took her broken glasses off, realizing that it broke in the impact of landing here, they were decorative so it doesn't matter that much so she put them back into her pockets. She'll get them fixed IF she ever gets home.

CN-tan dusted off the dirt on her jacket and started approaching Batman, tugging on his cape again to catch his attention, where even is Atraxa anyway? Hope it didn't die too. . . Even though it was like a merciless psychopath, CN-tan was slightly attached to that creature since she gets attached to people way too easily even if they were just friends for a few seconds.

"Batman!" She said. "Baaatman!!" She repeated, tugging on his cape harder and harder after every pull. "Did you see my pet and Atraxa? Hope they didn't die."
Dib Membrane

Dib looked around the area for somewhere to search. He felt the tug at his sleeve from Karako. Dib never thought it would happen, but he somehow made a friend who just so happens to be an extraterrestrial. Dib watched as Karako was about to fall into the crater. Dib was about to pull him back, but Karako was able to prevent himself from falling.
“So a rabbit might be down there huh? Well time to show how fearless I really am! Here I come rab-“
Dib cut himself off as he watched the man in the bat suit jump down and grab the rabbit before Dib had a chance to jump in.
“Well... at least our question is answered.”

Birb Birb

The words of Jason Todd, also known as the Red Hood, were dripping with authority and pissed-off-ness as he spoke towards the fat oaf DeDeDe. Gritting his teeth, the anti-hero harshly shoved Eric aside with a single thrust of his gloved palm and pulled out a pistol. He cocked it, before taking aim at DeDeDe's big, fat snoring head.


"I said..." Before anyone could stop him, he did the unthinkable and pulled the trigger on the pistol he held. The bullet quickly left the chamber with a loud BANG! and what came out was..

Smoke. Nothing but smoke actually. There was no dead fat penguin for dinner tonight, sadly. Though, maybe there was, if Jason's gun filled with blanks had given the old man a heart attack.

"Wake up."


FoolsErin FoolsErin CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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  • 79oDRFc.png A few moments had passed as I wandered around,several more of us started to wake up,and the star had,alongside the rest of its friends,turned into a different species of creature,challenging everyone to a game of "hide and seek". Seems that the ones who "seek" are us,as the stars had hid themselves anywhere on the planet. I thought to myself to find Inazuma first before I join the others in search of the stars that had scattered themselves across the unfamiliar land we now found ourselves on.


    There she is,lying on one of the patches of grass. As I approached her,she groggily sat up and yawned,her eyes creaking opened as if she had just woke up from a good night's sleep. Stretching her arms up,she saw me just as I had stopped beside her. Any sign of exhaustion had vanished in an instant as she at me,rather worried for some reason.

    “Oh- its you! Are you okay?”

    I simply nodded,yet she didn't let off a sigh of relief until she had checked for any injuries I've sustained. She then looked up at me with a question.

    “Did you find everyone else?”

    Given that they're everywhere,I nodded and pointed behind me. She bowed in gratitude and went to the rest of the group. Well then,it's time for me to do the "seeking". I recognised the young man (Karako Pierrot) standing by a crater. Thinking that he was probably also taking a look in there,I went towards the crate just at the opposite end of the side he was standing by at and also looked down. It was then the man from before (whom I had come to dread ever getting on his bad side) also approached the crater. Smiling triumphantly (Hang on,he SMILED!?) ,his hands reached inside the crater,where he pulled out one of the shapeshifted "stars".

    "Gotcha, bunny rabbit."

    A "bunny rabbit"? Is this what the species the stars had transformed into are called?


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: waking up a ship girl.
Condition: annoyed

Laffey, even for a while, was awakened.

"Mmmm... Inazuma... Laffey is still tired... five more mi- huh? You're not Inazuma... who are you?"

Laffey was partway ready to head back to sleep, but stay awaked for this conversation.

"Doesn't matter, you were serving as nothing more than a nuisance sleeping there." he coldly said. "If you wish to be of help, I would suggest getting up."


"Now, pay attention and look closely," Captain Toad said to Lu Bu after laying the map out on the flat, grassy fields below them. "We are here." He said, pointing to the area that said "ROADZ". After slowly tracing his finger to the middle of the map, he continued. "And, if Bowser's words of creating a galaxy at the center of the universe are correct, then we need to get... here." He continued his explanation, softly tapping his finger against the circle marked "CENTER OV UNIVERZE." "Now, I never claimed to be a genius, but if there's one thing I know, it will take a lot of these..." He traced his finger further to the left, before tapping it against the clusterfuck of stars that invaded practically the entire left half. He then looked up to Lu Bu with a smile as he began to roll the map back up.

"Any questions?"

Vigax takes a look at this so called "map of the cosmos" and he can't even...
"That so called map of yours is the most atrocious thing that I had ever layed my eyes on. I seen better maps from Highbreeds that are better than this mess." he rudely commented

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza @anyone_of_intrest
Ruby Rose
As soon as Ruby caught the rabbit, she broke out of her rose petals back into her default form, which was holding the rabbit up in the air. As soon as the rabbit bursted into a luma, she turned towards Eric and said,

"Hey, couldn't have done it without each other. Go Teeeeam..."

The trouble spot soon hit, and Ruby stopped, pondering about her "team" name.

"We still need a name, don't we? Anyways, let's get going!"

Ruby shrugged, then followed Eric to where three of the others were, finding Medic, Marvus, and Julia, all of whom she'd seen before. However, there was someone new that she hadn't seen before. He looked like some sort of cartoonish, overweight penguin...and she didn't even know what a penguin was! Nonetheless, as soon as Eric failed to awaken him, she decided to give it a try, saying,

"Hey, big guy, Luma's got rabbi--"


Ruby screamed as soon as Jason goddamned Todd butted in, trying to wake the King up. Instantly, since she was startled, she stepped back, as she was about to say something when the Red Hood pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot, further startling her. Stammering on her words with her ears ringing, she said,

"W--Was that ne--necessary?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits, Jason Todd) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) Andrita Andrita (Kage) FoolsErin FoolsErin (King DeDeDe)
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Batman was savoring "passing" the test when he felt an incessant tugging at his cloak and a child drowning at him. Now he was no father figure but he could hear in her voice as she asked her question, then he noticed the two other kids. The trollish kid and the kid with an overgrown head. Good they were alright. He turned toward the toongirl.

"They are alright. The fox is sulky though and Alaxria is her usual self. They have not been harmed." He said what was hopefully a reassuring tone. He turned and saw an alien had joined them. He glared up at the alien.

Chungchangching Chungchangching Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Batman's sneak attack very well could have worked on the unsuspecting bunny, who had previously fell asleep within the depths of the dark crater. However, Batman had failed to notice one integral part of passing this test...

He hadn't actually caught it! Rather, when CN-Tan began to tug on his cape, the bunny had awoken with a snort, looked up to find Batman and some others surrounding its hiding spot, and exited right on out the other end of the crater! Looks like the only way to catch it now was to jump through the crater.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Chungchangching Chungchangching Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Birb Birb

King Dedede

The penguin-like king bolted at the sound of the gunshot. "Gyahh!" He cried, jumping up and back a couple feet, standing on his tip-toes in fear. "The heck was that!?" The king quickly found his answer as he surveyed the people in front of him, his eyes settling on Jason's gun. Dedede's face melted into anger, shouting,


The king gave a mighty swung of the hammer he'd been sleeping peacefully with seconds previously towards the firer's torso. Whether he was ticked off from being fired at or from being awoken from his nap was unclear, however.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow marc122 marc122
[class name=quote] text-shadow:1px 2px 0px #000091; [/class] [class=title] font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:1.7em; text-align:center; text-shadow:1px 2px 0px #000091; position:absolute; right:250px; width:1em; height:auto; z-index:25px; [/class]
[div class=title]MEMENTO

[div class=quote]Makoto Yuki
Location: ??? | Interacting with: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore NovaAres NovaAres 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
| Mentions: Helrica, Tanya, Medic
code by Ri.a

Sighing softly in relief, I responded to Helrica's inquiry with a small nod and a look over her shoulder. I only ever liked hide-and-seek when I was the one hiding, but in this case we didn't seem to have much of a choice.
I looked around, observing the landscape. Craters of moonrock broke up fields of blooming flowers and lush trees, which stood tall above the curved horizon. The planet itself couldn't have been that large, appearing to span barely a little over 1000 ri, or around the size of Pluto. Turning my eyes skyward, to the stars laid bare, I gave a small frown, struck by a wave of absentminded solitude yet again. I peered into the cosmos, feeling as hollow as the black expanse for a moment before snapping back to reality. There was a void in the pit of me, an uncharacteristic helplessness that I'd never known before. I was thrust into a world beyond the boundaries of what I'd known was real, and once again, the concept of death was beginning to feel more familiar than the concept of life. Would I ever be able to go back?
The question lingered only for a second, before being snuffed out by more pressing matters. The injured toads hobbled towards me, and I found solace in distracting myself from crippling cynicism. I seriously needed a hobby.

A girl approached me in military uniform. She looked around a few years younger, but her height suggested even more so. A child soldier, huh? I didn't dwell too much on the ethics of that; it wasn't my business, and I knew as much. She introduced herself as Tanya, and asked for my name, but I was too preoccupied to answer and simply nodded and raised one finger to signify that. An older gentlemen in combat medic attire followed suit, who seemed to believe that I had some expertise in his field. I didn't. I supposed, though, that magic was a reasonable enough substitute.
"I'll focus on anesthetics. You can handle the injuries." I said, bluntly enough, as I brandished my Evoker and placed it to my temple in a gesture that I hoped wouldn't immediately set off the two. Cocking the trigger, I called upon Orpheus, who heeded the call with lyre in hand and began to play a soothing melody. As a result, any surface-level injuries that the toads had sustained, like scratches, splinters or bumps would be healed with relative ease, but the more severe ones would have to be tended to by hand.
Ruby Rose
Her ears were still ringing from having barely engaged her Aura a bit too soon. Fine, but now it's nothing compared to the vitriol the blue, big penguin was now seething of. Stepping back to avoid his hammer, her eyes blanked out, as she raised her hands in guilt, saying,

"L--Look, we're sorry! We just wanted to have fun and that was it, but no! Someone had that one 'bright' idea!"

Then she looked at Jason with the same scared expression, before saying under her breath,

"Please, someone make the noises in my ears stop!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Luma, Rabbits, Jason Todd) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Eric) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Medic) Andrita Andrita (Kage) FoolsErin FoolsErin (King DeDeDe)
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Karako Pierot

Karako excitedly readied himself to go into the crater, when he saw someone else go down...


Batman smiles and walks toward the crater. Years of training has taught him to be silent with his footsteps, so without a sound he walks toward the bunny, grinning a little as he stares silently behind the bunny. He takes a moment to savor and with strong hands, he grabs the bunny and lifts him up from the crater.

"Gotcha, bunny rabbit."

He felt a slight hint of guilt as with his detective vision, no one can actually hide from him. Making this test a cakewalk. But the Batman must never assume anything.

Karako looked dumbfounded. He had been right, but that was his rabbit to catch. He sadly looked down, disappointed they had come this way for nothing.


“So a rabbit might be down there huh? Well time to show how fearless I really am! Here I come rab-“
Dib cut himself off as he watched the man in the bat suit jump down and grab the rabbit before Dib had a chance to jump in.
“Well... at least our question is answered.”

Karako nodded, and was ready to turn away, when he saw something that caught his attention again. The rabbit had escaped, and was now getting away. He still had a chance!!! He looked at Dib excitedly, and stepped off the edge of the edge of the crater, still dragging the human with him.


He hadn't actually caught it! Rather, when CN-Tan began to tug on his cape, the bunny had awoken with a snort, looked up to find Batman and some others surrounding its hiding spot, and exited right on out the other end of the crater! Looks like the only way to catch it now was to jump through the crater.

Perhaps if he and Dib worked together, they could catch it!! The small clown looked pretty determined to catch it.

"Honk honk!!!"


Batman was stunned at the rabbit's unusual strength.

"Sorry kid. I have a bunny to catch!"

He jumps into the crater without hestition. Not because he knew about the catching rabbits part but because he loved chases.

Karako noticed the other man was after the bunny too.. for a second, he looked ready to give up... but then decided, this man was no scarier than some- cerulean blood at most!! Karako gritted his teeth and ran even faster. Now for an ordinary child, this would be an unfair chase. But Karako wasn't some human, he was a troll!! A purple blood at that!! The troll was soon, running side by side with the bat clothed man.

Karako feared he wouldn't make it... the bat clothed man may be a human, but he certainly was fast... but Karako was determined. He also remembered.. Dib was about to go in, show how fearless he was. Karako had to admit, the human had guts. He didn't seem frightened or scared by anything that had happened during the day, which was admirable. So, he did what he'd consider a 'favor', and launched Dib forward, straight at the rabbit.

"H O N K!!!!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @RabbitChaseYEET

  • 79oDRFc.png Ah......the bunny rabbit dropped into the crater. The "Batman" (or so the other woman pulling at his cape like a spoiled child calls him) soon also dropped himself into the crater. Well,figuring that It wouldn't hurt to assist him,I dropped down into the crate,where I soon found myself on the other side of the land I was standing on a little too quickly. What kind of land is this,really? It seems suspiciously small,and yet the gravity that holds us down is comparable to that of Earth's. Now on the other end of the crater,I saw the Batman rush towards the bunny rabbit,the latte hopping ahead quite swiftly. Well.....leaving the lack of core on this planet (at least it seemed like it) aside,I soon took part in the chase,sprinting beside the Batman and the young man (Karako,again) before bullet jumping past them towards the bunny rabbit. Just as I was close to catching it however,someone (Dib Membrane) had crashed onto me,delaying my efforts as the rabbit hopped away while the Batman ran past me.

    ....Thanks for the assistance. Truly appreciate it.

    Not bothering to get up,I simply lifted my head up,resting my chin on my left fist and tapped my right index finger on the ground impatiently as I waited for the chase to just end already.
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Batman chased after the rabbit, smug confident when he heard a loud HONK and saw the troll kid throw the other kid at the rabbit.


He ran faster but it was no need. The kid slammed into the large alien thing, causing him to be delayed.

He smirked a bit as he ran past the alien and was gaining at the rabbit.

Pushing him into a final sprint, he ran toward the Rabbit until he was close enough, and Launched himself at it with a tackle!

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Chungchangching Chungchangching SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

Ben Tennyson
Location: Beeg Yoshi House
Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Surroundings: A lot.
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I was not expecting this."

Ben could only look in shock as he sees a dismantled debris pile with a fat thing at its core. What happened here?

"Oh! Candy! Gim- wait, no, that's not what I'm here for. I came to check on what was happened. Well, you seem physically safe, " Ben circles to fat creature to check for wounds, "but for now, I can't leave you unsheltered for too long."

Ben dials his Omnitrix and scrolls through his various transformations, grinning with confidence.

"Lucky for you, I know someone who can build your house back up before the big bad wolf drops by. By the end of this, your house will be spick and sparkly like a diamond."

Ben was ready to slam his watch down...


Location: Strange Planet
Interactions: SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Surroundings: DapperDogman DapperDogman
GM Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Hmmm... not very polite..." Laffey speaks as Vilgax chides her. She then turns to the side. "Oh, there you are, Inazuma... where do you think we should go? The impolite squid person seems to be looking at something interesting... but everyone else is also finding other interesting things to do..."

Laffey looks to her own outfit.

"Hmmm... Laffey should get changed. The festival is ruined... so there is no more need to wear festival clothes..."

Laffey removes the overcoat layer of her top, before stripping her main clothes, revealing her main work uniform undeath - consisting of a red skirt and a two-coloured tank top. Afterwards, she unveils another overcoat to don, this one more pink and fluffy. As a little final touch, she removes and keeps her shoes as new ones would materialise from nothingness, and she would adjust her rabbit ear-like hairpins and modify her hairstyle.


"Benson-class Destroyer Laffey, ready for duty... probably..."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I step in between Jason and the penguin king, holding out my paws to stop both of them. "No 'clobberin'' each other yet, alright?" With a strange aura of calmness in my face, I smile innocently. First I look at the vigilante, Red Hood. "We all have a rightful reason to be angry. I don't know what else that Bowser guy has in store, but I do know that he's taken away the only chance we have at getting back to Fury. We should save our ammo for this airship army of his. Give 'em what they really deserve."

Then, my attention is drawn back to King Dedede. "Sir, I don't know if you knew this, but... we're trapped here. Someone raided the kingdom and put us on this weird planet." I stand tall, adjusting my tie, though I'm still dwarfed in stature by the two on either side. A lightbulb goes off in my brain, the name of the hammer-wielding royal and details of his universe coming back to me. "King Dedede, we're a long way away from Planet Popstar. If we lay around here, we may never get back."

I can only hope my words resonate with the two.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason Todd)
FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)
Dib Membrane

Dib was about to turn around and leave, but he saw that the rabbit had escaped. Everyone immediately began to chase after it and Dib was dragged along by Karako. Dib thought that their chances of catching the rabbit were very slim since the others were so far ahead, but Dib felt himself being lifted off the ground and thrown at the rabbit.
Dib felt himself crash into yet another alien like thing. He brushed this off however and quickly adjusted his glasses and continued running right as the bat suited man ran past them. Dib was determined and pretty fast for a kid his size.
“Wait? Why are we even competing? Aren’t we all working together here?”
Despite the fact that Dib pointed this out he still dove after the rabbit at the same time as the Batman. Whoever got it would be declared victorious... for some reason.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03


“We’ll see you in a bit Mami!”
Ravio enthusiastically replied after Ben’s affirmation that they were going to beat this test. To be truthful he didn’t even realize that chasing the bunnies was even apart of a test but he was willing to go along with the ride. They however quickly became sidetracked as the noise of a home crashing down got Ben’s attention as he scrambled over to the wreckage of the sigh. Trying to keep up, Ravio quickly tagged along with him.

Once there it was already too late. The house was nothing but debris and the resident was now without a home. It was a sad sight seeing the deformed dinosaur like creature pull out two candy bars from his body rolls before asking if they were going to take it from him. Out of the kindness of his heart (but mostly because he didn’t wanna touch sweat covered candy with his bare hands) Ravio shook his head as Ben also refused to take the two treats.

“I’m so sorry about your home mister. I swear none of us meant to destroy your home on purpose”

For Ravio it was unreasonably hard for him to console the little being. He just simply looked so...weird that it was difficult even focusing on helping him . He could only attempt to force himself not to stare at the poor little thing as Ben fiddled with the object on his wrist.

Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore L3n L3n
Location: Beeg Yoshi’s home
Location: Gateway to Gateway
Players: Makoto Haz. Haz. , possibly 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B , Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins and thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and whoever else wants some healing about.​

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Helrica said to Makoto, watching with a slight apprehension as they summoned their Persona. The gesture of raising an evoker to their head brought no recognition, just slight puzzlement. As for the Persona itself, Helrica looked more interested in who it was, than what it was, or even what it was doing. When it had finished closing the surface wounds of the toads and others around, Helrica was finally able to finish that thought: "But your healing magic is weak, let me."

At this, Helrica raised their hand and from nowhere, a wind blew. As it did, Helrica's hands glowed a pale blue and the wind carried droplets of rain, fine as light. When they splashed upon the skin, weather of the toads or anyone else about, they closed wounds and more. For they brought with them a sustaining relief, like a cool room on a summer's day. Even wounds that were hidden inside seemed to be effected by this, as if the almost-there rain had blown through them and not around.
Karako Pierot

Just as I was close to catching it however,someone (Dib Membrane) had crashed onto me,delaying my efforts as the rabbit hopped away while the Batman ran past me.

Karako almost stopped in place, overwhelmed with the feeling of defeat. He looked disappointed, and a bit angry. He rested his hands on his knees and panted heavily, giving up. The bat clothed man was way ahead of him...




He ran faster but it was no need. The kid slammed into the large alien thing, causing him to be delayed.

He smirked a bit as he ran past the alien and was gaining at the rabbit.

Pushing him into a final sprint, he ran toward the Rabbit until he was close enough, and Launched himself at it with a tackle!

“Wait? Why are we even competing? Aren’t we all working together here?”
Despite the fact that Dib pointed this out he still dove after the rabbit at the same time as the Batman. Whoever got it would be declared victorious... for some reason.

Karako was about to just lay down in his own pity, as he saw Dib get up and go at GOG SPEED towards the rabbit. He straightened his back, in awe. The human might actually do it!! Karako pumped his fists, cheering Dib on.


Karako jumped up a bit, anxiously watching, praying to the *Messiahs that Dib would get there first.


*The "messiahs" aka, the Mirthful Messiahs, are god like figures in subugglator religion.
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BunnyChaseYEET

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