Upon exiting the pipe, Agent 3 would feel the top of her head pushing... something out the front. It was soft, furry, and...

“Dangit! You found me!”

It was the last bunny! It began hopping in the opposite direction, away from Agent 13. You’d better catch it before it gets away!

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Agent 3|Stop That Animal!

Upon exiting the pipe, Agent 3 would feel the top of her head pushing... something out the front. It was soft, furry, and...

“Dangit! You found me!”

It was the last bunny! It began hopping in the opposite direction, away from Agent 3. You’d better catch it before it gets away!
Agent 3 gasped as she felt that bunny graze off her head. She looked at it and immediately ran after it as fast as she could manage - which, with this weird mushroom being in effect, may or may not be easier. "Get back here! This was hide and seek, not a chase!" She quipped, laughing as she chased the bunny, sometimes trying to corner it or trap it with ink in the way. Needless to say; she's gonna get that rabbit eventually, one would hope.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Better than ever
Status (mentally/emotionally): Having too much fun
Location: "Gateway to the Gateway" (pipe)
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs
Active buffs/power-ups: PWR+3 (general power boost)
Course of action: Catch that rabbit!
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None
Nearby: None
Agent 3 was right in her hypothesis, as she eventually caught the bunny she oh so sought to catch.

“You caught me!” It shouted with a whine as it squirmed in the Inkling’s grasp. Like the previous two rabbits, the mammal squirmed out of its captor’s grasp and landed upon the ground, before doing a backflip mid-air and transforming back into a Luma.

“You did it! You passed the test!” The three Lumas exclaimed in unison as they began floating around each other. They all giggled like children, and eventually, the original Luma who had met the group when they first arrived turned to face all of you.

“You all have proven yourselves... maybe you can help Momma!” It said as it led you to the former house that the Big Yoshi lived in. The Big Yoshi who was still being held by Ben, unfortunately.

“Oh... hello, Lum.” It said in that same deep, monotone voice.

“Hey Mr. Yoshi!” It exclaimed with a wave, before tilting downwards and looking to Four-Arms. “Who’s your new friend?” It inquired curiously.

“Oh... I think it wants to kidnap me and eat me like a stuffed pig. Not that I’d mind... I don’t have much to look forward to in this life anyways...” It said with a sigh.

“Haha! You’re so funny, Mister Yoshi!” It said, before turning back to face the group at large. “As a show of gratitude for passing our test, I’ll give you guys the way to get to Momma!” The Luma exclaimed, before balling up its tiny fists and shaking profusely. Sweat drops bounced off its head like water from a faucet as it began to become enveloped in a strange, bright light.


One blinding flash of light later, and it had transformed into a bright, spinning orange star.


“Oh! Is that a launch star?!” Exclaimed Captain Toad, who had apparently recovered from his crying fit. After straight up ignoring Lu Bu’s question (or he simply didn’t hear it over the crying), he immediately sprung up like a loose spring and hopped into the so-called “launch star.” “Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

As soon as he hopped into the famed launch star, the toad was locked into place and SPRUNG outward into the air. The other toads soon followed suit, each of them screaming as they were launched out into the cold atmosphere above them. Eventually, all that was left was the original group from the Star Festival.

“Welp... I guess there’s worse ways to kill myself...” Jason said with a half-hearted shrug as he awkwardly stepped into the launch star. He winced a little as the cold orange steel locked his entire frame into place, and before he could even have a second to reconsider...



And, just like the toads before him, Jason has disappeared in a mere matter of seconds, having flown off into the atmosphere before you all.

Now it was your turn.

Haz. Haz. Nightwisher Nightwisher BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow Birb Birb FactionParadox FactionParadox DapperDogman DapperDogman Chungchangching Chungchangching FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 L3n L3n @LITERALLYEVERYONE​

After the airships pulled up on the Star Festival and Pink Guy had a mild 'Nam flashback, the brightly-coloured spandex man found himself in a very different realm than he had been standing in just moments before. Pink Guy began to panic, but soon collected himself. The people he recognised from the festival were scattered all over, he even spotted the people he'd just been with in the cafe. Despite the earlier circumstances, they didn't seem to be in any immediate danger.

That was at least until Thatguy posted a big ass update while I was in the middle of typing out my fucking post a bunny caught by Pink Guy's allies turned into a bright orange star, which naturally lead to the whole group of mushroom people getting yeeted into the atmosphere. Pink Guy wasn't entirely sure what was going on but he knew deep down that he was destined to be yeeted.

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Pink Guy broke out into a full on sprint and leapt onto the launch star, and sure enough, was sent barrelling upward through the sky.
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Dib Membrane

Dib watched as the star people all turned into a singular star that the mushroom creature called a launch star. He watched as all the mushroom people launched themselves into space. It seemed very unsafe, but it seemed none of them had a choice unless they wanted to be stranded there forever. Dib looked at Karako and nodded meaning that it was their turn. Dib walked towards the launch star and began to be dragged towards it by some sort of force emanating from it. However as Dib was being put inside of it he stopped moving for a second.... his head was stuck!
He grumbled to himself as he pushed his head through and got it unstuck. The launch star shot him through the air as he said one last thing before he disappeared.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb

A flash of light woke Sans up, only to see a star..Floating


He looked down to see a golden flower on his lap. He only knew one monster that had those. He sighed. That meant Asgore was okay.

“Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Sans looked up, to see some toads get launched into space. Others soon followed. With a sigh, Sans too approached the star, stared at it and fell into it. Before he knew it, he also got launched into space while he took a second nap.

CN Shrug.PNG

CN-tan saw the three men and a fat-looking skeleton (If you can even call Dib a 'man') hop into the launch star, exciting The Toon enough to join them because who doesn't like a little thrill in their life? Especially when that person is an overactive toon that always tries to keep herself preoccupied to get away from boredom, she was a bit hesitant because she doesn't know where this launch star would send her, is this thing even safe? Doesn't matter, it's the only way out of here and she doesn't want to be in this boring plain wasteland of a planet anymore. She pushed her way into the Launch Star and turned around, doing a salute as she gets launched out of the atmosphere.

"See you guys in the other siiiide!"

King Dedede

"The heck does that mean?" He scoffed at the purple cat, the numbskull not understanding the sarcasm, but clearly telling it was some kind of insult. He didn't get to recieve the answer with that question, as a red dude carrying a fat lizard walked up to him and the two peculiar creatures. This Yoshi, as he quickly learned before piping up to ask, wanted a professional contractor to build him something. Before he could comment on this situation, three tiny star creatures said something about having found them, forming into a large orange star. Everyone gathered around, one by one hopping into it to...somewhere.

"How bout you lot go first?" He asked, gesturing to the star. The king wouldn't admit it, but he was a little nervous hopping into a mysterious star-shaped object that could launch him just about anywhere.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Location: Gateway, then to wherever everyone else is going.
Players: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Haz. Haz.

Helrica Turned their head to see the flash of light shine from the ruins of the Yoshi's house. With a nod, they said to Makoto: "I think this is our way out, then. Good luck to you." Moving off afterwards to see the launch star. Before they tried to use it, they took a long look. First at the star, then at the direction the others had been flung in. However, they seemed to have misunderstood the way it worked. Instead of getting into the star, Helrica took a long, running leap to jump upon it, kicking off it in a split-moment, legs aglow with magic. The effect though, was identical: an incredible burst of speed, flying along an arcing course, following those who used it before them.
Karako Pierot

“Now that I realised it...we haven't introduced ourselves to each other once have we?”.

Inazuma went to stand front of the suited man,the boy with an oversized head,another boy with a pair of horns protruding his head and another man who bore scars that told stories that she'd rather not know of.

“U-um...I'm Inazuma. 4th Akatsuki-Class Destroyer. This is Laffey,Benson-class Destroyer.”

Inazuma spoke as she pointed at Laffey. For the Warframe however.....

“And this is......uh.....well....I don't know his name because he wrote it in a foreign language. And he's let me know beforehand that he can't talk.”

Just as she finished,everyone present could see the him write his name in the ground. Again.


Karako looked up at the other two.. one of them had blocked Dib in a way when Karako threw him, but that was ok.



Again, Karako held up his pendant, with his name on it.

“Oh! Is that a launch star?!” Exclaimed Captain Toad, who had apparently recovered from his crying fit. After straight up ignoring Lu Bu’s question (or he simply didn’t hear it over the crying), he immediately sprung up like a loose spring and hopped into the so-called “launch star.” “Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

As soon as he hopped into the famed launch star, the toad was locked into place and SPRUNG outward into the air. The other toads soon followed suit, each of them screaming as they were launched out into the cold atmosphere above them. Eventually, all that was left was the original group from the Star Festival.

Karako gasped in some sort of excitement at the sight. This wasn't some ordinary juju to the little clown anymore, it was something much more, much bigger. The troll walked over with Dib, a bit more jump to his steps.

"Honk honk!!"

It seemed very unsafe, but it seemed none of them had a choice unless they wanted to be stranded there forever. Dib looked at Karako and nodded meaning that it was their turn. Dib walked towards the launch star and began to be dragged towards it by some sort of force emanating from it. However as Dib was being put inside of it he stopped moving for a second.... his head was stuck!
He grumbled to himself as he pushed his head through and got it unstuck. The launch star shot him through the air as he said one last thing before he disappeared.

Karako let go of Dib so he could go first. It was almost entrancing, the star and all... Karako rocked back and forth on his heels, waiting- oh. Dib was stuck. Karako sort of face palmed, holding back a smile, as Dib had to pry himself out of the launch star.



Once Dib had gone through, Karako skipped over, and was slowly pulled into the star. At first, the troll resisted a bit, unsure of what was going to happen.. but then it dawned on him that it might be sorta.. fun...?? Sure, why not! The troll jumped up, and within half a second, was shot into the same direction as those who went before him, leaving behind a final message.

"H O O O O O O O O O N K K K K K K"

Hehe have some Karako fan art


[Current Activity: Being yeeted by a magic star]

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Everyone Everyone PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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Agent 3|Set To Launch

“You caught me!” It shouted with a whine as it squirmed in the Inkling’s grasp. Like the previous two rabbits, the mammal squirmed out of its captor’s grasp and landed upon the ground, before doing a backflip mid-air and transforming back into a Luma.

“You did it! You passed the test!” The three Lumas exclaimed in unison as they began floating around each other. They all giggled like children, and eventually, the original Luma who had met the group when they first arrived turned to face all of you.

“You all have proven yourselves... maybe you can help Momma!”
Agent 3 laughs as she heard the Lumas all talk in unison - they seemed really thankful, and Agent 3 herself seemed relieved that the long winded hide and seek was over. "OK guys, so, what's our reward for this?" She asked, little did she know she was about to find out...


One blinding flash of light later, and it had transformed into a bright, spinning orange star.


“Oh! Is that a launch star?!” Exclaimed Captain Toad, who had apparently recovered from his crying fit. After straight up ignoring Lu Bu’s question (or he simply didn’t hear it over the crying), he immediately sprung up like a loose spring and hopped into the so-called “launch star.” “Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

As soon as he hopped into the famed launch star, the toad was locked into place and SPRUNG outward into the air. The other toads soon followed suit, each of them screaming as they were launched out into the cold atmosphere above them. Eventually, all that was left was the original group from the Star Festival.
"...A giant star?" Agent 3 asked, confused, as soon as it appeared. She was understandably confused, at first, but she was also about to find out what it did. She went silent while Captain Toad leapt into it, followed by several other Toads, and then just paused. "Wow, uh.. I guess that don't call it a 'launch star' for nothing..." She said, just walking up to it calmly, before she would then decide to break into a sprint and leap into it. "Oh, this is going to be fun! BRING IT ON!" She said with no regrets or second thoughts what-so-ever, that is, until she was to be flung into space at a far faster rate than she would expect. It instantly reminds her of the launch pads back home, and as for how she holds up during her flight, her enthusiasm quickly shifted into 'holy hell this is way faster than I would have expected' screams of terror in Inklish.

Well, that escalated quickly...
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine
Status (mentally/emotionally): Terrified (mid flight), otherwise fine
Location: "Gateway to the Gateway" (Launch Star)
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs
Active buffs/power-ups: PWR+3 (general power boost)
Course of action: Take the Launch Star
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None
Nearby: None

(Art credit: Milkamel on Pokefarm)


Though Princess Peach's decision to invite total strangers from different universes is... such an unfathomably risky move that I'm surprised absolutely no one else has talked about it yet, I don't have time to dwell on my guildmaster's words for long. Kid-squid finally ends the star bunnies' game of hide and seek by finding the final hider, and like music to my ears, the original Luma we'd met before excitedly decides that we can help its 'momma.' I flash King Dedede a pleased smile that also says 'told you so.' Of course, one question arises: how exactly are we going to find this Luma mother? If she was on this tiny planet, she would've been found by now by someone. The answer quickly comes in the form of the Luma transforming yet again, but this time into this star-shaped gate, hovering in the air, in wait for… something. That red mushroom man by the name of Captain Toad, is the first to jump into the ‘launch star’ (of his own words). In just one, mere second, the star gate spins, locks the toad man in place, and launches him like a cannon off the planet, all in a single smooth motion. All his underlings follow him out, each screaming as they go. Soon, it’s just us- the offworlders and one green heart attack. Jason Todd, the intimidating Red Hood, is the first of us to step in. Luma-become-launch-star repeats the cycle we’ve seen a dozen times before, and the elusive vigilante Jason cries out,


sweet suicune’s panties i’m deceased

I look over at King Dedede, who graciously allows us to shoot ourselves off the planet before him. I’m assuming he doesn’t know how obvious his nervousness is. ‘Least to me. With a comforting grin, I offer him a kind paw and a very real understanding behind it.

“Come on, Mr. Dedede. A king should always be the first. I’ll go with you.”

FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Beeg Yoshi, Jason Todd, Captain Toad, Luma)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)
BoltBeam BoltBeam (Agent 3)​
Batman was many things, vigilante, billionaire playboy, chronic bread eater.

But the one thing he wasn't was fun.

He saw a goal, he accomplished it. That was it.

Stoicly and without preamble or quip of any kind, he strood toward the giant star and poked it with his gloved and in an instant was launched off the planet at tremendous speeds.

He did not not scream. As a matter of fact if anyone were to take a picture of the situation, it would be the Batman fly at absurd speeds with the same expressionless face he always had.

Except unknown to everyone else, inside his mind, he was going.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Chungchangching Chungchangching Birb Birb archur archur Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @TeamCosmicBread.

The Stars had just conglomerated into a bigger star. Tanya was confused. This world was confusing and the confusers of the confused world confused Tanya. Nevertheless after Tanya got over the initial shock of some stars making a bigger star that only launches people into the air.

"I guess once you get used to it it suddenly stops being so..weird" Tanya muttered before looking up to the crazy doctor "Can you explain this, Mr scientist?" she asked the four eyed doctor inquisitively "Because I sure as hell can't" she let out a long and drawn out sigh before reaching the platform "I guess that's my cue..you better follow suit" she stepped onto the platform and was launched like the rest of her fellow otherworlders. Tanya wasn't really the screamer type because she still let out a small chuckle. The new world was good but It'll take a lot more than a little love tap to get to her head.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Haz. Haz.
~ Marie ~

From seemingly nowhere, the green popstar squid reappeared just in the nick of time! She strolled into view of the launch star, and what remained of the group ready to launch through it. "...I assume this is where everyone went," she commented, getting a read on each person.

"Well, apparently there's nowhere else to go..." she sighs, before hopping into the segments of the launch star, and firing herself off into the depths of space. This was a brilliant plan, clearly.

(yeah I'm back)
Interactions: Open
Mentions: Haz. Haz. (Makoto) 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Tanya) ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus) LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia) marc122 marc122 (Ruby Rose) NovaAres NovaAres (Helrica) Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Thae) @meediiic

Font = Germania One

After the Medic finished up healing Marvus and cut off the Medibeam, he briefly surveyed his surroundings. There were still wounded around - mostly, he observed, Toads who had perhaps been a little too slow in taking cover from the initial assault. It was probably for the best that they had all ended up here, Medic thought, because having to fuse mushroom giblets back together while under cannon fire would have been more of an inconvenience than a thrilling challenge.

His usual jovial grin returned to his face and he gave Marvus a reassuring nod once his work was done. He was about to turn back towards the blue-haired teenager and his companion to continue his work, but then Marvus began to speak to him. His lax, chilled-out attitude was still ever-present, but Medic noted that Marvus was looking at him and his Kritzkrieg with... what was it? Respect? Admiration?

"dam buddy i didnt kno u were a mothafuckin miracle worker. shiiiz, i think i owe u sumthin now specially since u fixed my threads."

Oh, ho ho! Ah, miracle worker... honestly, Kamerad. Ho-ho...!” The Medic laughed, glancing in a different direction, trying to play it off like it was no big deal. To him, it just wasn’t. He may relish in, and acknowledge, his genius, but he believed that, at its core, he was just doing his job really well. He had been doing this with his team for so long that it hadn’t occurred to him that, to strangers, seeing his healing abilities would seem miraculous.

Well, miracle worker I may be, mein Freund, but regardless, I have told you before!” Medic began, looking back in Marvus’ direction. “Zhere is nothing you owe me just for doing my job. Mein Gott, if everyone I healed owed me, I’d have black market organs for a lifetime!” He said, folding his arms and giving a light shrug. “If you insist, zhen why don’t you stick with us? You seem more zhan capable. Who knows vhat’ll happen on our way back, but I zhink we will need all zhe help we can get.

Anyvays...” The Medic began, turning back around to face the blue-haired teenager. He had said that he would be able to work with the anaesthetics while the Medic handled the actual injuries - fine with him. The Medibeams had a pain inhibitor, but anaesthetic would make his job easier. “Let’s go practice medicine -

... And, of course, as a form of surgical prep, the boy put a gun to his head.


“Gah! Vhat zhe - ?! Was ist los?!"

He pulled back the hammer.

"Wha - NEIN!" The Medic shrieked, lurching forward, trying to snatch the gun away from his head before he -


The Medic tightly shut his eyes, expecting to be drenched from head-to-toe in a fresh layer of blood - more common during his Über Heart Transplants, less common during suicides. He was already thinking how, in the space of a few seconds, it was going to be possible for him to be able to scoop up the remains of his brains and put them back inside his head. The Medic had seen brains on the floor a frightening amount of times - sometimes, even putting them there himself - so as sick as it was, it wasn't a problem for him to do it. What he was thinking, however, was how long it would take to reanimate him. The last time he brought someone back from the dead took six hours - and that was without his brain being completely destroyed. Did they really have that kind of time?

"Aheh...! Not to worry, everyone! I can bring him back! Just, ah... Marvus, could you pass me zhe Loch Ness hamster brain from my medical kit?" The Medic called out, still not having opened his eyes, gritting both sets of his teeth together in uneasy anticipation for what he would see when he opened them.

And when he did open them...


The Medic's face flickered between a pick-and-mix of different expressions. Bewildered, for sure - enthralled, definitely - absolutely horrified? Probably. He just watched this boy shoot himself in the head, and instead of his brains coming out, out came an imposing, almost robotic-looking figure which now loomed over them both like some sort of angel or demigod. Taking out the gigantic lyre it had slung over its back, it began to play a gentle, soothing melody - one which was almost able to relax the Medic from the shock of seeing a young boy put a gun to his head and shoot.

As if it were magic, the moment the mysterious figure began to play, the crowd of injured Toads and other creatures around them began to have their minor, surface-level injuries healed, completely good as new - the splinters, bruises and scratches they had received were history. Thankfully, this helped to calm the nerves of the easily panic-stricken creatures, and helped to quiet down their rather annoying shrieks. It wasn't that the Medic minded people calling for his help - it was just that listening to a Toad's voice was like ripping out your own teeth with your bare hands.

Ah! So it was magic!

"Oh, ho hoh! Oh, you Schweinhund! Ha ha ha!" The Medic cackled, playfully elbowing the teenage boy in the side. He had clearly come to the conclusion that the gun to the head was just a prank. "You certainly got me! Ha-ha...! Mein Gott, I thought I was going to have to scoop your brains back in! Oh, vell done...!" Medic exclaimed, his voice audibly tuckered out from how much he had been laughing. "Perhaps I have been in zhe wrong profession! I simply must learn zhis magic!"

This seemed to be enough playing around for the Medic to get back to work. Though the young man's mysterious lyre-playing guardian angel had calmed and healed the Toads of their minor injuries, the more severe ones still needed attention. With this, the Medic grinned, pushed up his glasses, and began to use his Kritzkrieg on each and every one that lined up in front of him. As the Medibeam made contact, in no more than one second, the wounds of the Toads would close before their very eyes. Open, bleeding wounds - gone. Most shrapnel pieces embedded in their bodies would simply fall out upon contact with the Medibeam, and those that were too big to be forced out were carefully plucked out by the Medic as they came closer, with the same efficiency one would have in stamping papers.

To provide assistance, Julia and a cloaked, occultish-looking woman began to offer assistance in their own respective ways, casting both sunlight and some sort of divine rain.

"Ah! Danke, you two!" The Medic answered, giving a smile and nod to them both. "Zhis will help, certainly - "


"Ooh." The Medic muttered, his face scrunching up slightly in response to the clearly pained, fox-like howl - apparently, their healing spells did not work so well on everybody. "Perhaps next time, ah hah... you should see if you could avoid casting on whoever zhat was."



His field medic instincts kicked in, and immediately his head swerved in the direction of whoever had called for his help. It was the young, scythe-wielding girl he had met in the shop. She seemed utterly panic-stricken and desperate, but from what he could see, there was little wrong with her physically. For her to be in so much shock - what was wrong with her? Internal bleeding? Was she having a heart attack? Stroke? Did eating all of those cookies give her diabetes -

"Please make the noise in my ears stop!"

"Alright, alright! Calm down, bitte! It's just tinnitus! It won't kill you!" The Medic yelled, though it was clear that she was likely unable to hear him. "Just hold still for a moment!" He cried, switching his Medibeam target to Ruby. In no more than a second or two, the ringing in her ears would have completely subsided. "Can you hear me now? Hello? Has it stopped?!" Medic exclaimed, shouting uncomfortably loud for anyone stood next to or close to him.

He must have been extremely focused on providing medical aid, because in the midst of it all, he hadn't even noticed...

launch star.png

The huge star that the Luma from before had transformed into. Before his eyes, his group was leaping into it and propelling themselves forth like rocketships.

"Can you explain this, Mr. Scientist?" The uniformed girl asked. “Because I sure as Hell can’t.”

“Hmm... nein, I can’t either. But, eh heh heh...” The Medic began, grinning from ear-to-ear as he ran towards it. “I can find out... hyah!” He continued, leaping into the air as he made contact with the Launch Star, being propelled into the air like a firework. “With an examination! Ha, ha ha ha ha!”
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"Hey, are you okay?"

Thae glared over his shoulder at the mechanical alien being, feeling like lashing out in anger and frustration for a split-second before settling for just huffing under his breath. The question itself was grating, he didn't admit to feeling this way, shouldn't acknowledge it. Acknowledging was giving it more power, was showing weakness. Unconceivable! No, instead, he was expected to get back up on his own, brush the dust off and move on to the next nice thing. That's how it has always been, that's how it should be.

"I'm fine", his tone was unfairly harsh and expectedly stubborn, "Something took me by surprise and I fell, but it shall not happen again, Ma'am! Ah-"

He tensed up at the slip, averting his gaze trying to pretend it had never happened. Fuck! Get it together! This is not junior camp, these are not your superiors... You're not even on the mission anymore at this point! Why in the universe are you making reports?! Shaking his head, the fox-male gave his face a few taps as if trying to wake up. Come on! He is Aufh Mokwu Qwa Thae'il, the Dark Comet, the Void Star, the embodiment of Misfortune and Disharmony, the inciter of chaos, mayhem and destruction!! There were far more dangerous things out in the universe that he had faced, he should not allow old baggage to be the one to take him down like this!

"Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!", the scratchy high-pitched voice of one of those 'toad' creatures echoed in the background, holding the answer.​

Prompted by the sound, Thae had instantly turned around to witness that which could only be described as a hopping conga-line of the shout-happy mushroom beings. He was in awe. OH, RAGING BURNING SUPERNOVA, was that... an interplanetary jump-pad?! Oh-oh, he loved these things to death!! They had been the only good part of his training and disappointingly enough not that popular of travelling method throughout most of the universe... Weeeell, probably because teleporters, tunnel elevators and traction beams were safer and more reliable for long-distance trips, but hey! JUMP PADS! They were fun, and seeing one made him feel like an excitable kit all over again!

Emotional baggage forgotten and involuntary form shift taking place, the fox star animal had locked his gaze on the star-shaped launcher, pale-amber gaze full and tail wagging so fast that one could almost believe he could take flight with that thing. Thae'il could barely wait for his turn as he watched several members of their 'stranded in space' group follow after the line of toads. The first man didn't seem to know how to enjoy the trip, sounding more terrified than thrilled, --what a waste--, then whatever the pink creature was supposed to be.

Next was Dib, impossible to miss because of his planetoid of a head, that... actually got stuck on the pad's frame. The fox laughed out loud at the scene looking in the direction of the pad with a glance that seemed to say 'I told you so', though probably too far from the kid to actually be caught on. Eventually, the pad had managed to release the human, opening room for a skeleton-like being, similar to a couple of earthlings' decoration for an event called 'Halloween'. Thae wasn't entirely sure of what that was about, just that you could get free candy from it.
Several others still managed to go before him, some of them known such as Toon, the girl that gives nice pets; Karako, his alien pal and even Batman with what had to be the most underwhelming jump-pad launch he had ever seen in his life. That this point, the cosmic fox could barely keep himself contained, straight on hopping in place with anticipation for his turn on the star mechanism. Then one of the squids took off on their own trip and the line was gone...


Yipp-yapping happily as he ran, --for once in a normal speed--, Thae'il gave nothing else his attention going directly for the star-shaped jump-pad, getting more excited the closer he got to it. Someone else went first still, but it didn't matter because he was next and YESYESYESYES ALL THE YES!!

"THIS is how you're all supposed to do it!", he yelled out at no one in particular, stepping gracefully on top of the thing and letting it do its magic.

It was, similar in principle to the jump-pads of his kitten-hood, but the mechanics were slightly different, with the inner rim of the star pulling back, more like the spring itself than by having said spring system below the standing area, but anyways, it was bound to be just as fun! He watched the outer rim move forwards and the inner one pulled back dragging him with it, rotating. Filled with anticipation, the fox prepared to give the pad's boost an even extra one with his own light-stepping ability... Then it began rotating again and Thae knew, oh, he absolutely knew what was about to come and he was ready for it!

The rotation stopped, the inner rim recoiled upwards and there the Dark Comet went, leaving behind the trail of stardust that had earned him said title:


By the Emperor's crimson mantle, he was having waaaay too much fun with it~!
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

When the star portal appeared, Benedict sighed with relief, “Ah......quickly Josh, we won’t let the demon win.” He said as he tossed Josh inside, Benedict looked back, and grimaced before stepping inside the portal as well.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Heh, oops. Can't say I've ever seen anyone hurt by a little sunlight..."
The Espeon chuckles, not seeming all that concerned about it. "I'll leave him out next time if I remember."

Ignoring Dedede's obliviousness, she watches as the Luma turns into a launch star, and some of the group start getting into it and firing off to...somewhere.

What Suicine wears panties and why..? Julia wonders to Eric. Have you been looking at e6 again?

"Yeah, 'your Majesty', you're not a coward are you?"
She prods will a small smile.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin ManyFaces ManyFaces Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=blk][div class=title]mami tomoe [div class=line][/div] [div class=lil]resident magical girl[/div][/div] [div class=b][div class=lilimage][/div][/div] [div class=info] [div class=post][div class=scroll] Mami’s little break definitely helped with how worked up she got. The now poised girl headed back to the group that she had divided away from. If anyone paid attention to her looks you’d notice she didn’t have on her yellow sundress anymore. The blonde was decked out in her magical girl outfit giving her a gunner theme. She knew in this she wouldn’t feel over her head in the next battle.

“Well I hope this is safe,”she spoke quietly as she eyed the launch star. The girl watched a few people get tossed into the air before she decided to test it herself. With a wink to whoever was left she gracefully stepped on the star only to elegantly be thrown through the sky like an uncooked hotdog.
[/div][/div] [div class=pos][div class="round1 round"][/div] . [div class="round2 round"][/div] . [div class="round3 round"][/div] [div class=stats]mood; wet hotdog ☀ mentions; x☀ interaction; everyone
location; air ☀outfit; x [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: undine[/div] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px; [/class] [class=container]height: 340px; max-width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; background: #ffe96e [/class] [class=image]height: 100%; width: 33%; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/PrkeGMh.jpg); background-size: 215%; background-position: 55% 30% [/class] [class=blk]height: 100%; width: 65%; left: 35%; position: relative; top: -200px [/class] [class=title]position: relative; top: -120px; left: 0px; max-width: 235px; width: 100%; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 20px; color: #ffffff [/class] [class=line]height: 1px; width: 100%; background: #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lil]position: relative; width: 96%; text-align: right; font-style: italic; font-size: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #d6a500; [/class] [class=b]position: relative; left: 240px; top: -175px; height: 20%; width: 20%; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; border: 1px solid #e8bc2a [/class] [class=lilimage]height: 100%; width: 100%; border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 100px; background-image: url(https://imgur.com/kQq5ZdM.png/x.png); background-size: 125%; background-position: 60% 55% [/class] [class=info]position: relative; left: 0px; top: -165px; height: 245px; max-width: 310px [/class] [class=post]height: 190px; width: 101%; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; text-align: justify; padding-right: 30px [/class] [class=pos]position: relative; top: 15px; height: 35px; max-width: 305px; text-align: center; color: transparent; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=round]position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffc914; transition: 0.7s; [/class] [class=round2]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=round3]transition: 0.7s; display: inline-block; height: 25px; width: 25px; border-radius: 100%; background: #ffffff [/class] [class=bla]background: #ffffff [/class] [class=ble]background: #ffd64a [/class] [class=blo]background: #ffc914 [/class] [class=stats]position: relative; top: 10px; width: 100%; margin: auto;font-weight: 800; font-size: 9px; color: black [/class] [script class=post on=mouseenter] addClass bla round1 addClass ble round2 addClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=post on=mouseleave] removeClass bla round1 removeClass ble round2 removeClass blo round3 [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseenter] addClass up round addClass up stats removeClass down round removeClass down2 stats [/script] [script class=pos on=mouseleave] addClass down round addClass down2 stats addClass up round addClass up stats [/script] [class name=up] animation-name: {post_id}up; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=up] [keyframe=0]top: 0px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: -30px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down] animation-name: {post_id}down; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 0px[/keyframe] [/animation] [class name=down2] animation-name: {post_id}down2; animation-direction: normal; animation-duration: 0.5s; animation-delay: 0s; animation-timing-function: ease-out; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-fill-mode: both; [/class] [animation=down2] [keyframe=0]top: -30px[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]top: 10px[/keyframe] [/animation]


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: dealing with a crying toad.
Condition: annoyed

Captain Toad, although only vaguely understanding a word that Vilgax had said, was at least smart enough to understand when he'd been insulted. So, he did what any rational adult would do when he received criticism...



He fell on his ass and cried like a bitch.
So the so called leader of this pack of toads ended up bursting into tears over Vigax's comments. What's more, is that he attracted yet even more trouble from some sort of human sword woman. Her words filled with cruel criticism that would have shaken any outer person, but not Vilgax. Even when manifesting armor from the plentiful amount of smoke.

"You've proven a nuisance since your arrival" she clenches her fist at her side, gritting her teeth beneath her helmet "Begone, for I shall not tolerate you a moment longer"

"So do you plan to kill me for giving advice?" he asked. He wasn't planning on engaging anyway, mostly because of his last attempt ended up with every single attendee backing up Ben. But before any sort of fighting can take place, that canine like humanoid has come to scolding Vilgax over his choice of words as she dares put her hands on his solder. For a moment Vigiax thought he felt something, something so subtle, like that of an Ectonurite. But he can't be so sure at the moment.

"Vilgax! Apologize right now! You hurt the poor little mushroom’s feelings! Just because you’re all big, scary, and tough doesn’t mean you have to be so rude!"

"I was merely giving out criticism. If talking mushroom wants to improve, it should cease crying and lessen the cluttered layout of the map," he said in his usual uncaring tone. he let the two women talk it out as he takes a look at the newly formed Warp Star. For Vilgaix, traveling through space was no issue as he had done so a few times since conquering T-K. He takes one look at Four Arms as he cares that gigantic looking reptile on his back, why does he bother with it?
"Why do you even bother with that creature?" he asked.

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool T The Man With No Name ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza DapperDogman DapperDogman Crow Crow @anyone_of_intrest
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While Ravio looked over the green dinosaur in Ben’s arms, the final rabbit had already been caught. They’d passed their test and as a reward the little star being simply transformed into some sort of strange floating object. The angry red helmet wearing guy from before went in first where the thing shot him out of there faster than any cannonball that Ravio’s evee seen. He wouldn’t even have been surprised if all that was left of the poor guy was a pile of human flavored mush. Yet for some reason the others just jumped right on in after him. In Ravio’s opinion they were all utterly bonkers and there was no way that he’d even think to get in the floating death machine. He’d be perfectly content dying on the tiny little planet with him, Sheerow, and his money as long as it meant he wouldn’t be shot out of there to his supposed doom. That is until Sheerow, the little traitor, got in the thing and in an instant left the place. “I swear to the three golden goddesses and Hylia herself, Sheerow you’re going to be in so much trouble!” was all that Ravio had to say.

With a deep groan he turned back to the dinosaur to offer some advice. “You know, with there not being any sort of professional contractor nearby, you could come with us if you want. There’d probably be better luck looking for one anywhere else than here anyways”. After a final nod to Ben, Ravio made his way to the launching device. He checked to see if all his supplies were all safe in his bag first and finally forced himself to hop on in. In those few moments before he’d be shot out to his presumed death, Ravio tugged his hood down to his chin and prayed that he’d meet a quick and painless end.

“Oh dear goddesses plea-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Location: Most likely somewhere out in space going faster than any recorded speed in history
“Oh! Is that a launch star?!” Exclaimed Captain Toad, who had apparently recovered from his crying fit. After straight up ignoring Lu Bu’s question (or he simply didn’t hear it over the crying), he immediately sprung up like a loose spring and hopped into the so-called “launch star.” “Come on men, follow MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
“Welp... I guess there’s worse ways to kill myself...” Jason said with a half-hearted shrug as he awkwardly stepped into the launch star. He winced a little as the cold orange steel locked his entire frame into place, and before he could even have a second to reconsider...


"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Pink Guy broke out into a full on sprint and leapt onto the launch star, and sure enough, was sent barrelling upward through the sky.
“Hmm... nein, I can’t either. But, eh heh heh...” The Medic began, grinning from ear-to-ear as he ran towards it. “I can find out... hyah!” He continued, leaping into the air as he made contact with the Launch Star, being propelled into the air like a firework. “With an examination! Ha, ha ha ha ha!”

By the Emperor's crimson mantle, he was having waaaay too much fun with it~!
“Well I hope this is safe,”she spoke quietly as she eyed the launch star. The girl watched a few people get tossed into the air before she decided to test it herself. With a wink to whoever was left she gracefully stepped on the star only to elegantly be thrown through the sky like an uncooked hotdog.
“Oh dear goddesses plea-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
"Well, apparently there's nowhere else to go..." she sighs, before hopping into the segments of the launch star, and firing herself off into the depths of space. This was a brilliant plan,
He did not not scream. As a matter of fact if anyone were to take a picture of the situation, it would be the Batman fly at absurd speeds with the same expressionless face he always had.

Except unknown to everyone else, inside his mind, he was going:


  • 79oDRFc.png And off they flew. Beyond the starry horizon they soared through as the trampoline sent to high up and out of the reach of the gravitational field of this little planet we found ourselves on. I simply just watched as each and everyone of them flew,with some either screaming at the top of their voice like Banshee getting startled or simply being quiet. I'd rather not think about what may be in the minds of the ones who stayed silent....especially the Batman's.

    “D-do we actually have to...?”

    Of course she'd be afraid. We're being shoved into the middle of a strange spring-like star that uses a living being as ammunition and fires them towards a destination that everyone of us here are ignorant of. At least the ones taking flight are all travelling on the same path,so I decided that I'd go first in case. Patting Inazuma's shoulder reassuringly,I nodded,pointed at myself and then at the launcher before sticking up my index finger in a manner as if to say "One"

    “Eh? You're going first? Will you be okay?”

    My index finger and thumb formed a circle,gesturing an "ok" sign and nodding in response. Having sent the message,I went and climbed into the middle of the star,where I found myself getting launched beyond the atmosphere and into the starry void above me. This actually feels no different than a bullet jump.
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Slowly regaining consciousness in Marcus's arms, he blinks for a few seconds then Summons Sunvine Thrasher again, feeling unprotected without the Plant-Type Link Monster. "Marcus, do you know what happened to us? I remember some wizard and a flash of light..." The silver haired man asked, surveying his companions, an eclectic group but perhaps they might be able to do something together. Getting to his feet unsteadily, he began looking to see where they were since this wasn't the mushroom kingdom.


darkred darkred Team Cosmic Bread


"We're in my time machine, it's called the TARDIS, it stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. It's how I arrived on this planet before we were all abducted, I arrived on that ship in it and arrived in the village shortly afterwards." Romana explained to Odessa, finalizing repairs to the critical systems since the TARDIS was self-repairing but she knew enough to help repair the components that might take longer than others. Reinstalling the circuit under the console, the panel reappeared out of nowhere.


Standing at the console for a moment, lost in thought she spoke after a few minutes. "There's another option... We can go to the alien UFO and sabotage their drive systems. We can't let this place go, it'd just drift in space like an asteroid. But if we can stop them even momentarily, it might ruin their plans. That alien mentioned building a new galaxy, I imagine to do that he's scavenging a lot of parts, delaying the arrival of said parts might stop him. What do you two think?" She asked the other two.

darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Team Time Lord

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