Midgardsormr easily keeps his perch upon the Red Skinned Alien as they soar through space. As the Princess arrives and explains what they need to do, he keeps silent, until she show's the image of Bowser. He spits out some Aetheric Fire in response, what a pathetic creature, stealing from others and destroying lives for such selfish reasons. He relents his perch when the beeping starts. He fly's a short distance away, but comes back when instead of exploding into a mess of gore, he reverts back into a Hyur child. The Dragonet makes a new roost on said child's head. He takes note that his new mount and the Kraken Faced Man Dubbed Vilgax seem to have a hostile history together, judging by their barbs. "Perhaps you should look into keeping relations with each other neutral, until we have no need for each other. At the very least, it would make our time together simpler."
The dragonet shifts his feet and wiggles his tail, getting comfortable.
Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

  • latest

    Status: Wary
    Mentions: Shilo Nightwisher Nightwisher , Lu Bu DapperDogman DapperDogman , GM thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
    Woods seemed to stare Jason down as the latter gave him a cryptic answer to his question. If it weren't for the fact that Frank was still listening to Shilo's mind, the Marine would have promptly read right into either the red-hooded man's thoughts or the mind of the new sword-wielder- or worse, grilled the two to figure out what the hell was going on. Thankfully, Agent Saga still kept his attention- both with her looks and her words. As she mentioned her discomfort over her dress, the Marine merely smirked.

    "Well, at least it helped me distinguish you from the crowd. That's enough of a plus in my book." He commented before frowning at the assassin’s confirmation on the MPF. Yeah, definitely just like any of the other old organizations he’d been in. Not that it was bad; it just seemed like Frank would always be doomed to be patrolling the world no matter how big it was.

    “I assume your definition of ‘busy’ includes the boatloads of different universes you have to deal with.” The American remarked before listening to her mental words all while she spoke to Lu Bu. His grin turned into a frown as he mentally spoke up to her.

    I started looking the moment you vanished from Millennium without a trace. Nearly gave up, but I saw that little invitation from these shroomheads and figured I’d try and relax a bit before trying again. Guess you could say I was searching this whole time. The American confirmed her suspicions, but before he could further share stories a rumble in the distance caught their attention.

    “Damn it. I thought we were done with that spiky-shelled moron,” Woods scowled after Shilo asked him about Bowser, the former soldier reaching his hands behind his back to unsling his Colt M16A1. It wasn’t as refined as the M16A3 he gave Shilo, but it was cheap and had served him well enough after he’d been forced to go off the grid.

    As the entire debacle happened from afar, Frank set his fire selector to “SEMI”- automatic spray wouldn’t be accurate at range- and aimed his red dot sight right at Bowser’s temple. But just before he could pull the trigger one of his magic minions promptly fired a spell at everyone, blinding him with a flash of white before going dark.

    ...The next thing he knew, he was lying face-flat eating dirt on a mini-planet. One palm was open, having been held outwards at Shilo like he’d second-naturedly moved in to cover her. The other was still wrapped arohnd the grip of his M16, though had moved away from the trigger instinctively to avoid inadvertently shooting someone. At this point Shilo was missing to him, and only made herself known as he got up to his knees rubbing his temple.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. Those bastards made a mistake in not killing us while ruining the party, though...” The S.O.G. survivor commented drily as he looked in Shilo’s direction just as she re-appeared. He’d nearly forgotten about that power of hers, but this was a quick reminder that he wasn’t the only one with new toys now.

    As Lu Bu asked a few nearby toads about the story between Bowser and everyone else, Frank was already inspecting his rifle and making sure it wasn’t damaged.

    “Considering those airships of that oversized turtle, I’d wager we ain’t getting to that bugger any time soon. First plan of action is getting outta here.” He commented, rubbing a bit of the dirt off his rifle before the three weirdo animals that everyone else was looking for created a path off the planet in the form of a rocket launcher-esque star. People began to file off until it was Woods and Shilo (plus a few stragglers) left. The Marine glanced over to the assassin, slinging the assault rifle back on its original spot before making sure it was snug.

    “Well, guess we’ve got no other choice. I’ll go first,” Frank commented as he stepped forwards. After taking a deep breath, he stepped into the star, and...



    The few seconds he spent in literal outer space seemed to be forever before ending up on a glass panel, instinctively bending his knees and rolling forwards a couple times in order to mitigate the impact (though unnecessary). As a result, he ended up being the one lying prone in front of the princess that apparently owned this place. Apparently Bowser had gone and stolen all those Stars the book invitation talked about- so now they were looking at a scavenger hunt. At Jason’s pseudo-leadership Woods scoffed quietly before his light blue eyes looked Rosaline over, standing up in front of her when she was done.

    “So what kind of resistance should we be looking at anyways? Last I checked, all us foreigners to this universe got a dirt nap by some yellow wizard just by waving his wand with some voodoo sh- er, magic.” For once Woods seemed a bit more composed and less crass; he didn’t exactly want to offend Rosalina considering she was their only way out. That, and their relationship between her and this entire party group was essential; if one treated the other like shit, neither would go anywhere.

    “I mean, it’s gotta be bad enough if you can’t go out yourself and find these power sources, right?”
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  • 79oDRFc.png Wincing in pain as I got up,glowing blue outlines started to flow around my body as the shield regenerated. Inazuma went by my side and helped my back on my feet,which I repaid my gratitude with another affectionate patting on her head. I looked around at the Observatory (or so the lady in blue refers to as such),noticing that there were several areas that lacked light and seemed to be undergoing a blackout.

    Deciding the explore the observatory a little,I turned to the right,the flashlight built into the Warframe (I don't know where the heck it is,but for some reason Warframe seem to have something to illuminate in front of them whenever they're in the dark) automatically switched on as I wandered around the unilluminated area with Inazuma following close behind me. There were bookshelves lining up at the left end of the platform. Stopping in front of it,I tried looking for a book that could be the dictionary to this world's standard language. Although as I found out when I,out of curiosity,tried pulling a book out,I would not be able to read anything either way as they seemed to be stuck no matter how hard I pulled. I did not want to continue out of fear of tearing the book instead or pulling the entire shelf onto me or worse,Inazuma.

    Would be nice if someone here knows telepathy and could "hear" my name......

Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 08.28.33.png

Location: weird floating castle / Comet Observatory

CS: Fandom - Enter the Cosmos (Multi-Fandom Crossover RP)


Although the impact onto the cold strip of glass wasn't forceful enough to cause injury, Pink Guy still hit the ground rolling as if he had jumped from the side of a speeding vehicle. However, the pink man gracefully broke his momentum by contorting into a break dance mid-roll, and had come to a stop purely from the force of sick dance moves alone.

After busting out some moves, Pink Guy found his feet again, and was glad to see that all his comrades had made it. The shimmering princess in the light blue dress had explained that the next launch star would take time to unfreeze, so Pink Guy took it upon himself to check up on his allies.

The blonde satyr that Pink Guy had met earlier at the cafe back at the Star Festival, Helrica, had just finished giving a rather moving speech, and Pink Guy declared his determination to save the universe by punching a fist to the sky and screaming "RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGHHHEEHHH!" ("I devote myself to defeating Bowser and protecting the Universe from a dictatorship, I will assist in any way I can.")

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore NovaAres NovaAres

The Espeon stares at King Dedede for a while before shaking her head with a sigh. "Knew it."

As long as you don't corrupt my daughter with that, I'll let you live.
She thinks to Eric.

She walks off and enters the Launch Star, which flung her out toward a castle-looking thing at high speed. Flying, even at such high speeds, was nothing new to her. But she still had to admit the trip was pretty fun. Unlike some others, her landing is very graceful - spinning around and using Psychic to slow to a stop just before landing softly on her feet.


Julia listens quietly as Rosalina approaches and explains the situation. "I'm in a similar position as Ravio there. Good to know that won't be an issue. In that case, I'll be happy to help."

She looks around the area, taking in the layout and then frowning. "Speaking of those little guys, I don't see any around..."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin ManyFaces ManyFaces Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Asgore, relived his acquaintance was safe, was shocked when the little star that spoke to the group earlier explode into a launch star. Asgore, unknowingly, just stared and said aloud-

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It wasn't long before other people began to hop inside of the launch star, and Asgore, seemingly having no other option, thought to himself-

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Asgore slowly walked towards the launch star, and, almost in an instant, was dragged into the center, where he was shot into space. Though the voyage was short, Asgore screamed at the sight of himself being hurtled towards a giant mass, only to land safely when he arrived. Asgore, along with the others, witnessed Rosalina phased into existence in front of them. It was then made apparent that a monster named Bowser was behind the whole scheme, scattering stars throughout the galaxy. Asgore, already ready to be over with the journey, whimpered on the inside. All he wanted to do was make friends with the humans and drink some tea, but now he had to help save the universe? What an afternoon.

Asgore, now lost on the Comet Observatory, searched for Sans in his time after arriving. After seeing he had launched too, he simply wandered around until he found Sans napping and, assuming he was napping lightly enough to hear him, said-

View attachment 620739

ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool



The ride was short, Sans could feel it but he still kept on napping anyway. After much talking from a lady, something about power star hunt. Asgore then spoke to him, which the skeleton gave a thumbs up in response and sat up. Looking around, he took a hot dog from his pocket.

”Anyone want a hot dog? I know launch time was over long ago but thought I could ask”

T The Man With No Name Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza @ Anyone Interested

Attempting to fall on Rosalina's graces with some respectful flirting
Birb Birb , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , archur archur ,
Chungchangching Chungchangching , archur archur , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Ahhhh~ The cold breeze of dashing through the universe by himself~ Thae was slightly disappointed when the castle had begun to show up before him, indicating that the jump-pad ride was about to end. Shoot! If he had known that it was going to be this short of a ride, maybe he wouldn't have given it an extra boost that made it take like half of the time it took for the others... Nooooo, don't end! Or at least, have a new launch station as soon as he arrived so that he could simply do it all over again. He wouldn't complain about that, these interplanetary jumps could last the rest of his life and the star animal would probably just sit back, enjoying bouncing back and forth through planets for eternity.

But alas, his flying course neared the spacial structure, meaning it was time to slow down or there would be fox mush to scrape out of the ornate glass pannels. And no one wanted to see that.

Putting his paws back as if coming to a halt after running, but done in the air, the comet light-trail is cut off and he soars majestically for the end of the trip, landing softly with a muffled 'thud'. Huh, this seemed to be like an open-air hangar of sorts, fitting. Still euphoric from the jump-pad endeavors, huge smile across his muzzle and tail wagging in excitement, Thae shook himself, letting any droplets of water that had condensed on his fur fly off of it as if a shimmering shower of stardust, then stretching right afterwards. Okay! Arrival was a success! Time to look for the next thing to engage with!

Or not, because as soon as the shadowy fox had been about to move, a new silhouette had appeared before them. This new woman had something very ethereal about her presence, like a faint shine emanating from her person, alike to the stars themselves. Rendered speechless, Thae'ils movement had come to a full stop. Just, paused with a front paw still hanging mid-movement, bewildered by the radiating human-looking being, mouth open through most of her story.

Most of it, because the sheer sight of none other than bowser in the hologram had elicited the fiercest sequence of attack barks from the star animal he had probably ever given out in life. That. guy. again. Ooh, just looking at that stupid lizard-like face again made his blood boil! He was still determined to rip the bastard in thin, bloody strips of flesh as soon as they met once more. JUST WAIT FOR IT. Maybe he'd even claim that ridiculous spiky shell as a trophy or something, hang it in plain sight on Gunter's living room and desecrate the darn thing even after the owner was already done for. Like some sort of payment beyond life!

Well damn, the light-hearted fun times hadn't lasted that long, here he was plotting revenge again. Oh well, some things never changed. The only plus was that it seemed like they'd be collecting those 'power stars' from the book in their journey. Heeeey, everything had gone full circle now since that was exactly what Thae'il had come to the festival for... Though with Lady Rosalina wanting them for her ship's fuel, swindling one or two under her watch seemed to have gotten just that more difficult. Heh, a challenge. Well then, at least it seemed like this fox wouldn't get the chance to be bored and idle for a while now. Perfect.

Aaaaand there would be more jumping-pads on their mission!! Oh my stars, yeeeeessssss~

Excited once again, the cosmic fox tilted its head slightly, wondering what to do first now that they had to wait for the frozen launch star that would get them out of there... heat back up? Jeeeez, they allowed their transportation devices to run without some kind of internal battery or heater system? Talk about reckless! These things were their only salvation in case their ship started falling apart or stranded without a power source, --like now--, and they were not maintained with an autonomous system independent from the ship ones? You know, in case of an EMERGENCY?

Arrrgh! ...Pacifist races. Never thinking ahead on what could go wrong until it effectively went wrong... See? This is why they were so easy to coerce, bully and extinguish. So naive and oh, so very dumb. Thinking about what even went on inside their minds was a grinding task by itself.

Anyway, enough talk about space conquests. That mysterious gleaming woman... It was clear that she was the authority of this place and if Thae wanted to be any closer of racking up some of whose portable batteries for himself, he'd have to be in good terms with her. The thought of charging up before anything did come forth a couple of times, but after that unpleasant experience last time he could only look up and eye the starry sky itself with distrust and suspicion. Nope, way too soon to risk a sensation of that calibre repeating itself... He shivered merely at the idea.

To Rosalina it was:

"Pardon me, milady. I just couldn't help but notice how breathtaking you are...", he stepped closer to the princess, softly, gently, still keeping a mindful distance from her, "My race doesn't believe in deities the same way other civilizations do. The Emperor himself retains a position of ultimate power, above any individual or race in the universe and yet, the way your majesty irradiates light-itself is unlike anything I've ever seen before..."

"I must say, it is truly inspiring to be in the presence of someone so... grand."

Lowering himself towards the ground and bowing his head, the fox remained in respectful silence before the ruler, waiting for her to allow him to get back up. Someone had shouted something about a hotdog in the background, and Thae's ears had twitched slightly at the mention of food, putting the item in his mental to-do list next. Normally he'd have dashed behind the offer in a heartbeat, but not now. It was time to court the princess, even if it was simply part of a ploy to ultimately get something out of her.

But no one really had to know that part.
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  • [div style="background:url(http://www.sunlandrvresorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/bigstock-Road-trough-a-dark-forest-with-43808242.jpg);max-width:1000px;max-height:500px;border:4px solid #000000;margin:auto;padding:10px;line-height:1;text-align:center;"][div style="opacity:1;background:black;line-height:1.5;width:76%;border:3px solid #c71585;margin:auto;padding:10px;text-align:justify;max-height:405px;overflow:auto;"]

    ~Shilo Saga~
    Location: Small Planet
    Inventory: 9 throwing knives (hidden), two katar, a Bowie knife, a Glock .45, and a M16A3
    Power: Light Manipulation
    Stand: Death Valley Queen
    Mood: Annoyed and analytical

    Condition: Healthy
    Before Bowser had so rudely interrupted, Shilo was enjoying Frank’s company again. It calmed her, to some extent. A small smile played at her lips as he talked about distinguishing her from the crowd. Though, why it had been the dress that had done that, she wasn’t quite sure. Sometimes, the woman wished she had a way into his head the same way he had an in with hers. Though, the way she could read his body language most of the time, it sometimes seemed like she did. “Yeah, basically. MPF was kind enough not to give us watch over all of them, just a select few -- in comparison -- but it was a full time job when it was just our world. Now… well, we’re glad for the updated equipment to say the least.” From a technological standpoint, joining with the MPF had been a dream to Nara. Well, all of the Team, really. Though, despite all the new toys they got and had access to, Shilo kept her knives and the guns that she’d gotten in MC. It felt odd to have it any other way, after so long.

    When Woods confirmed that he had been looking for her, Shilo visibly relaxed. Well, visible to those who knew her at least. A mixture of relief and guilt ran through her mind. Relief that it had been Frank looking for her, and guilt that she hadn’t returned the favor. I appreciate it, I’ll pay you back one of these days. The promise was clear in her mental tone. Though, how she would pay him back for abandoning him, she didn’t know. She also didn’t have time to think on it before the party was officially crashed.

    Once Frank confirmed that he was alright, the woman gave a nod. “Well, it’s a mistake they’ll regret.” She told him, smirking. The grumpy, old Marine and her had made quite the team back in Millennium. Being able to join forces again left the enemy at a devastating disadvantage, even without all the fire power that they had with everyone else. As everything went to anarchy around them, Shilo took advantage of the situation. She watched as everyone ran amok. Communication was poor, no one seemed to really care about the group as a whole. Granted, it was a large group and hard to command, but fuck, could someone at least try? To those who usually worked solo, didn’t work at all, or who weren’t military trained this sort of disorder was probably fine maybe even common place. But to Shilo Saga, it may as well have been a daycare. Now that the situation had grown more serious, the Team 73 Leader actually took the time to look over everyone and divide them into four lists: 1) possible allies; 2) the useless or more nicely put -- those she would have to protect; 3) those she would either kill or refuse to save; and 4) to be determined. The lists were simple enough. Anyone who looked like they could fight and were capable of taking orders from herself, Woods, Todd, and even the sword wielder they would make the first list. If Shilo gauged the person to be useless to her, but not necessarily useless over all, or in need of protection they would find themselves on her second list. If they came off as more of a threat to the group, or worse, the mission as a whole Shilo would dispose of them quickly or let them wear out their welcome and let their own brash decisions finish them off. The fourth was pretty self explanatory: anyone she wasn’t quite decided about at a glance.

    The strange badger-like creature in the scarf and vest that Shilo had noted upon first arriving had gone toward the grass in search of the rabbit -- he found it easily enough. Though this wasn’t a particularly clear sign of intelligence or skill, the assassin mentally added him to the list of possible allies. She couldn't shake the sneaking suspicion that she had seen him before, but for now, she ignored it. He had caught her eye in the beginning, so it was an easy decision which list he would end up on. Shilo quickly moved on with her assessment of the others. A purple cat like creature with a split tail and a stone embedded in its forehead. Most likely allies with the dapper-dressed badger. Though, the assassin’s gut feeling was very different for this one, though she couldn’t quite place it. Into the fourth list the purple cat would go, until further notice. However, both animal like creatures brought back memories of Millennium City and the blue dog Pokémon -- Lucario. Maybe these two were different kinds of Pokémon. Whatever it was, she couldn’t dwell on it for long. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught some odd troll creature was hugging some kid who clearly had a brain tumor, or some kind of terrible deformity that made his head gargantuan. She added them to the list of people she would have to watch over.

    A young woman was hurrying across the small planet toward someone calling out names. Shilo watched for a moment. She looked caring, and the scythe-like weapon she sheathed made it clear she was a fighter. Without hesitation, the Team 73 Leader added her to her Possible Allies list. Next, she watched as a dragon landed atop the house not too far away, crushing it, and the blonde girl that had followed was clearly unhinged. The dragon was teetering between someone she would have to protect and a possible ally, she added him to the fourth list to be safe. The unhinged child had hurt her finger, or something, and ran away from the commotion of the house collapsing and back to her group. A strange robot of sorts who seemed resourceful, and the other two were still passed out, but it was clear they were active in something to do with violence considering how heavily armed they were. Shilo was unable to gauge the miniature group on their abilities, considering half of them were passed out, so added three of them to the fourth list, adding the strange, blonde girl -- who put the woman on edge -- to her kill list. Some squid-like girl, which reminded Shilo an awful lot of the other squid she’d run into in Millennium City, had climbed into a green tube and disappeared. Into the second list she went, if she returned from her expedition. Really, who jumped into a tube without trying to figure out more about it first? The assassin’s teal gaze continued flicking around, gauging the others.

    Some sort of white being with wings, who looked very menacing, caught the assassin’s eye. It looked powerful, but the assassin wasn’t sure to place this particular being into the third list or the first. Without getting to know them, she’d be unable to tell, so for now its name would be added to the fourth list. Next, the woman’s gaze fell upon a man in a white suit. Her brow furrowed for just a moment as she realized he looked rather familiar. Information ran through her mind as she tried to recall where she’d seen him before, she knew she’d never spoken to him. Ah, that’s right. He, as well as the cyborg next to him, had been on a mission for MPF not too long ago. Spector and Marcus Wright. Having pegged them as affiliated with the Foundation, Shilo added them to her allies list. With that, the woman looked upon the armored and caped man she had noticed before. He seemed to have joined up with the other two but she was hesitant to place him direction into her allies list merely because she didn’t know him herself. He was trained in comabt, she could guess that much, but something about him told her that he wasn’t much of a team player. That would cause issues once orders started being given. For now, he would remain undetermined. Her eyes flicked to a woman trying to get the caped man’s attention, tugging at him. Shilo’s eyebrow twitched as she categorized the white haired, glasses wearing female as useless. The assassin’s gaze shifted onto a rather strange creature. Well, not human at least, the assassin had grown used to seeing strange beings. A green creature with a tentacle like beard, one vine like arm, and one arm that appeared metal. He looked almost un-bothered by everything that had happened. Shilo couldn’t tell if that was due to apathy or battle hardenedness. For now, he would remain undecided, though she assumed that he would either go onto her kill list, or her allies list. It was surprising how much those lists tended to overlap at times.

    Speaking of, the woman’s gaze landed on a young looking man who was just sitting in the air, hovering as stardust seemed to fall off of him. He looked annoyed, and while Shilo shared that annoyance, something about the odd man didn’t shout ‘team player, I’ll follow your orders’. However, he didn’t look useless or like he would need her protection either. For a brief moment, she considered making a fifth list that was merely ‘Avoid’. Deciding that would be too much for even her to keep track of, she merely added him to her To Be Determined list. The Team 73 Leader watched as a woman walked over toward the floating boy and just plopped down beside him. She seemed bored and annoyed as well. Not only had they been forced onto this small planet, which seemed even smaller due to the crowd, they were immediately expected to play some sort of games. Yeah, the young woman understood all too well the qualms these two had. Though, she did wish that more people took an active role in actually trying to figure out what was going on. They didn’t have to play, but they could at least gather information instead of lazing about. For that, Shilo added the woman To Be Determined list. That was when her gaze landed on a skeleton. Again, this person was familiar, digging up memories of both Millennium City and MPF. Sans, she knew the name, but only knew the very basics of his character. She also knew that this was not the same Sans that she had read up on and for that, she placed him in her fourth list. Shilo took a single glance at the sleeping penguin creature and added him to her useless list. He didn’t look like much to her, compared to some of those she’d fought against or along side. Her next decision was just as quick as she looked over the man who had called the luma Freeman -- though something about him told her he deserved to be on her kill list, she added him to her useless list nonetheless.

    Shilo’s gaze next swept across another penguin. Two penguins? Of course, that would be the thing that was really odd to the woman. Then she froze, the hairs on the back of her neck pricking up. She wasn’t sure why the odd looking man-like being, who had stated that stars don’t speak, gave her such a reaction, all she knew was that he was the first to be added to her kill list. The assassin quickly shook the feeling, carrying on with her categorization, though she kept the man in the back of her mind. Shilo’s eyes trailed over the goat like monster, once again reminding her of someone. Though this time, it was someone she knew a bit more personally. She didn’t know this particular monster, but he gave off a friendly and easy to work with vibe. She added him to her Possible Allies list. Next the young woman’s gaze fell upon another gray troll, however this one was taller and wore a purple suit of sorts. He didn’t give off any signs of being a fighter, and didn’t seem like one who would take orders. She wasn’t quite sure what brought her to do it, but she added this troll in with the other on her list of people to protect. Shilo didn’t seem to be the only one who thought so as a large man in a white coat hurried the the trolls aid. That alone was enough to place the, what she assumed to be a medic, in her list of Possible Allies.

    The Team 73 Leader kept her focus, sweeping her gaze over the others as she made her snap judgements about their usefulness. A red haired woman didn’t seem like much from a glance, and so she placed her in the protective list. The blue haired demon individual beside her, however, she took an extra second with, trying to gauge his character correctly. He seemed dangerous, not someone she would particularly want to fight but he was at least trying to help, however he seemed impulsive, which earned him a quick trip to the fourth list. With that, Shilo carried on. Once again, she found herself looking over the man with the claw thing on his back, that was simple enough, he’d already stuck out to her as a possible ally. Though, something she wasn’t expecting caught her eye. A familiar robot from MPF -- that stupid Xenomorph Tokyo simulation. Praetorian, she believed was his name. She didn’t bother adding the robot to a list, knowing exactly where he belonged -- whether or not they actually interacted with one another.

    The woman ignored the command of the familiar voice, knowing the order wasn’t meant for her. However, at the loud bang of a gunshot, Shilo’s attention shot to the other MPF agent. “God dammit, Todd.” In all honesty, if the man hadn’t ruined her focus she probably wouldn’t have cared too much at the man firing blanks to get everyone up and at-’em. But he had ruined her focus. “Could you at least try kicking him before you jump straight fucking with everyone around you.” Her tone was serious, the annoyance clear, as she gestured to the girl that had screamed at the empty shot. After a pointed glare for emphasis, she returned to assessing the rest of the group.

    Shilo knew that her listing of the others was a lengthy process, though it only took her a few seconds for each individual, sometimes less. It didn’t change the fact that there were so many. Nonetheless, the woman didn’t feel like she could correctly move on with the mission until everyone had their place on her list. Despite her ambitions to make the process as quick as possible, Shilo’s gaze hesitated over a small blonde girl. She had a calm demeanor which struck the assassin as odd. Off of her gut response, mere instinct, the woman placed the girl into her first list. In the girl’s group were a few that Shilo had yet to sort. One of those beings had been the person who with the odd purple rabbit hood. Unable to correctly assess them, Shilo placed them on the fourth list. For the brunette boy, with the odd, clunky bracelet, the raven haired woman took an extra second. He gave off the air of a fighter, in some sense, but immature and impulsive. For a strong fighter, it might be worth the impulse… but it could lead to easily to insubordination. Without a foundation of trust between them, the woman didn’t want to risk it, and thus the boy was placed onto the To Be Determined list.

    With a flick of her gaze, Shilo took in a trio. An odd looking individual who she couldn’t quite tell if they were donning armor, though their head sort of reminded her of an ocarina. She didn’t think on it for too long, placing them into the To Be Determined list before moving onto the other two. Both female, one brunette the other with unnatural, or at least unnatural to Shilo, pink hair. Of course, the woman enjoyed the color so she wasn’t going to judge. The assassin placed the brunette in the to be protected category while she placed the pink haired girl in the list with ocarina head and moved on. Next, the woman’s gaze landed upon a blue haired male talking to a blonde female in military dress and another female who had glowing hands -- another strange thing the woman had become all too used to. The first two set Shilo on edge, but in a way she was all too used to, leading her to adding them to her Possible Allies list. Though, she was more hesitant with the blonde girl. Child soldiers could be useful, Shilo knew that from first hand experience, but they could also be testy if someone they weren’t used to taking orders from stepped in as an authority over them. Nonetheless, she had faith in her own abilities and if she needed to put the girl in her place to prove a point, the Team 73 Leader wouldn’t hesitate to do so. The female with the glowing hands could also possibly come in handy, considering it was always good to have the extra support, and thus, Shilo added her to the first list.

    Once again, the assassin's focus was interrupted by the sound of crying. She turned her head to see one of the toad creatures bawling while her sword wielding possible ally called Davy Jones wanna be a nuisance. Just like that, the alien had made it onto her kill list. But on the bright side, the woman that had waved at Shilo before stepped in and scolded tentacle beard, prompting the assassin to add her to the Possible Allies list. With that, Shilo went on ignoring all the rest of the pointless interactions as she looked for anyone she may have missed in her original assessment. That was when an odd man in a bright pink onesie caught her eye. How she had missed him before, she wasn’t sure. Maybe he was sticking toward her left, and blind, side. For a moment, the woman wasn’t quite sure where to place him, however, as he let out an elongated scream running after Jason the assassin knew exactly where to place the man in pink. Kill list.

    As the woman watched the man jump onto the launch star and disappear, a familiar figure caught her eye. Marie, the squid from Millennium City. Shilo hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should say hello. Though, it was clear that not all the familiar faces were as familiar with her as she was with them, so she steadied herself, glancing at Frank for a moment and wondering if he had noticed her as well. Either way, the familiar face was going on the Possible Allies list. With the group moving forward, Shilo would have to end her listings here. For now, it would do, though she hoped to gain a better understanding of the sixteen members on the To be Determined list to better place them. But only the future would tell.

    Shilo finally turned her attention back to those around her, that of course being Frank Woods and the sword wielding individual who she’d not yet gotten the name of. The new comer hadn’t wasted any time in asking questions and trying to get useful information from the locals, and they even had a bit of snap to her which Shilo appreciated, proven by how they had handled Green Davy Jones and crying toad situation. Good, that meant the assassin had once again made the correct choice in who she wanted on her side. The woman gave a nod to Frank as he suggested going first, stepping out of his way and crossing her arms over her chest to watch. She couldn’t help the laugh that arose at the sight and sound of him getting thrown through space. Without hesitation, the woman followed. Despite watching her partner get launched first, she was not prepared. However, unlike many of the others, Shilo was able to keep her mouth shut. The assassin landed on her feet, her boots sliding against the glass until she was standing next to Woods, wobbling a bit until she regained her balance. She tossed her head a bit, forcing her long, raven locks to fall back into place over the left side of her face.

    The Team 73 Leader shot the Marine an amused glance as she heard him scoff as Jason’s half-assed command. The woman didn’t respond the Todd, deciding it was better that she didn’t. Despite being a member of MPF, Shilo had a bit of her own jurisdiction. She wasn’t apart of the strike team because she’d chosen to stay with her team. Same with Vincent and Xander. They worked best together, and quite frankly, the whole superhero thing wasn’t their scene. Team 73 were far from heroes. But unlike Jason Todd, they actually lived by that belief and didn’t walk the line. They knew exactly what they were. They weren’t heroes, they weren’t anti-heroes, and they weren’t villains. They were philosophers with the power to enforce that philosophy. They helped mold the world into what they believed was a better place. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes it didn’t. But the whole hero shtik? Being revered by civilians? That wasn’t for the assassin, or anyone on the Team. Her methods didn’t work well with people like Todd, the Avengers, and a good majority of the Multiverse Protection Foundation. The Team was too diplomatic in most ways, too morally ambiguous in others, and never, ever, made a show. It was quick, quiet, in and out. Discussion over fighting, strategy over brute force, and a silent death or three over destruction. Honestly, it was mostly political research, an annoying amount of philosophical discussion, and a whole lot of getting the answers so you wouldn’t need to ask questions later. So, despite the fact that the red hooded jack-ass was, technically, in command over the MPF members, and despite the fact that she was considered one of those members, Jason Todd was not someone she considered her superior.

    Shilo turned her attention back to the blonde princess, deciding to stay quiet for now as everyone else was covering the questioning.
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Gaige was taken aback, this claptrap was from the past, not only that but past claptrap was just as annoying as present claptrap. Just her luck. “No clap, listen,” right as she was going to explain it all she was struck unconscious out of no where, only to wake up gods know how long later surrounded by a lot of the people from before and some princess and what she assumed was some sort of monster.

She slowly through her dazed state got to her feet, Mordecai seemed to still be asleep but claptrap certainly wasn’t, and with tiny Tina no where in sight she was stuck with the yellow timetravelling son of a bitch for a bit longer. But clap was the least of her worries for now, she was more concerned for the massive dragon like shelled monster, though claptrap didn’t seemed fazed, “Hey clap, I wouldn’t get too cocky there.”

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla jigglesworth jigglesworth Nightwisher Nightwisher
Rosalina, upon being screamed at by the strange man in the fashionable tuxedo and top hat, shot Benedict a deadpan expression. When his tangent was complete, Rosalina merely rose her wand and wove it around, and upon doing so, Benedict’s megaphone had vanished from thin air.

“Please refrain from yelling, Sir. It’s quite rude,” She said as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples with a sigh. “Anyhow, I’m afraid I can not grant you a room. Due to Bowser’s meddling, all the available rooms have been locked down.” She responded in a blunt yet still elegant tone. Further inspection would reveal that Rosalina was correct, as the areas around the ship appeared to be out of service, and the rooms were all locked and inaccessible no matter what you tried.

Turning to Agent 3, Rosalina nodded slowly with a deadpan. “Yes. That is what I just said.” She replied, blunt as ever before redirecting her attention to those who had introduced themselves to her. “It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” She said with a sincere smile.

When Claptrap commented on Bowser, Rosalina nodded in accordance with Gaige. “Your friend is right, little yellow one.” She began in a gentle tone. “Bowser is not a force to be underestimated. I would tread lightly when facing him. Pride will only lead to destruction.” She said to him in that same gentle yet stern mom-tone she had about her. Then, Thae decided to assault her with a flurry of compliments, which Rosalina took in stride.

“Oh... you’re simply too kind!” She exclaimed with a bright, slightly flustered chuckle.

Zerulu Zerulu FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun BoltBeam BoltBeam
Eh... A lifeless expression comes out of Manelion, as he witnessed Rosalina ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ) make the strange object vanish from thin air, formerly belonging to a fellow adventurer ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch ). Did I just get ignored?
Truthfully, despite Manelion's appearance being similar to that of a beast's, he had never been so easily ignored by people.
Maybe she's just too busy, Manelion thought. Being royalty sure is though. But does she even know what it's like to be the people's hero?
And with that, Manlion walks out of the Princess' presence.

Passing by different adventurers, Manelion tries to look for someone he could interact with. From the fellow fashioned by, what it seems to be, a tuxedo and a top hat, surely of class; to a woman who displays a curvy body, wearing clothing unfitting for the maiden, and has dark, unfixed hair ( Nightwisher Nightwisher ). From a beast with fur as dark as night, but its eyes glow brighter that the moons ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ); to a short, and stout skeleton... man ( ElenaIsCool ElenaIsCool )?
Everybody seems to be a part of their own band; all warmed up, and acquainted with each other. He might not feel welcomed by them. Such does not bother Manelion; he is not one to care about others' image of him. However, there is still something he needs to be sure of,
There's a bad guy we need to get rid of.

Manelion, paving his way through the crowd-filled area, yet spots another adventurer. It is creature-like, similar to the nightly beast he had just passed by. They may appear as creatures one can normally find in the wild, but they appear to possess reasoning. This feline-like adventurer has an unusual colour; close enough to be called pink, but not quite ( LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ). Its ears points longer than most creatures of its size, and its tail has two ends. What captures his focus, however, is the fact that the never-seen adventurer is not being accompanied by anyone.
It doesn't have a band yet, Manelion thought.

Manelion approaches the feline adventurer. "Are you alone, as well?", he asked, whilst giving a welcoming presence.
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

"You okay, Atraxa?"

If she had eyes, she would've rolled them so hard, they would've spiraled out of her sockets and shattered on the ground from her annoyance at the question. She settled on vaguely staring up at the white-haired girl from the festival earlier.

"Never better." She muttered, wiping the deluge that hung off her chin with her forearm. Her balanced returned as she found herself slowly getting back on her feet, wings splayed out in a magnificent display of her biology, the white-grey panels of skin between her wings just thin enough to allow the light of distant stars to shine through. She balanced herself on her spear as she stood, swaying left and right as if she were in a drunken stupor as she did.

"I get motion-sick easily, so I-" She stifled a residual burp. "I need your help. If I were to fly, I would hit the ground again, so I'm going to hold onto your shoulder and follow you for now." Atraxa stated, before adding a quick "If you don't mind." She had to remind herself that she wasn't giving orders to simpleminded servants, but to a real person who could very well turn her down. Being careful with her words is a new skill she would have to quickly learn.

"Also, have you seen Batman or the others? I followed fox-boy here, but I just haven't seen him since." She figured if anyone would know, it'd be CN-Tan. The kid was bouncing all over the place like a Tangle courier: wild, quick, and hard to keep track of.

Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)

King Dedede

Dedede jerked his hand away from Eric and scowled at the purple cat's words. "I ain't some lil' kid! I ain't scared! J-Just watch me!" He huffed, jumping into the star as proof of his "bravery". The king, like the large-headed child, got stuck initially, the blubbery penguin monarch's weight doing more harm than good in this situation. Eventually, with a little wiggling around, the orange star thing flung the king out into the cold abyss of space.

"GYAHHHHHH!" He yelled, flying along terrified.


The king's landing on the glass was less than smooth. He was launched headfirst into the glass, sliding forwards slightly before coming to a stop on his head. The king's weight quickly caused him to lean and fall flat from the awkward headstand onto his back. "Guhhhh...." He groaned, laying there dizzy and disoriented for several seconds. After regaining his bearings, he gave his head a firm shake and slowly pulled himself back up, to be greeted by a woman in a neat dress telling them all about...stars? Power stars? Center of the universe? And she needed their help?

"So we gotta go on an egg hunt spannin' several galaxies?" He thought out loud, then shrugged his shoulders, "I don't think sittin' round here is gonna do me none. Suppose I'll help."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @whoeverelseisnearby​
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors
View attachment 620944

"You okay, Atraxa?"

If she had eyes, she would've rolled them so hard, they would've spiraled out of her sockets and shattered on the ground from her annoyance at the question. She settled on vaguely staring up at the white-haired girl from the festival earlier.

"Never better." She muttered, wiping the deluge that hung off her chin with her forearm. Her balanced returned as she found herself slowly getting back on her feet, wings splayed out in a magnificent display of her biology, the white-grey panels of skin between her wings just thin enough to allow the light of distant stars to shine through. She balanced herself on her spear as she stood, swaying left and right as if she were in a drunken stupor as she did.

"I get motion-sick easily, so I-" She stifled a residual burp. "I need your help. If I were to fly, I would hit the ground again, so I'm going to hold onto your shoulder and follow you for now." Atraxa stated, before adding a quick "If you don't mind." She had to remind herself that she wasn't giving orders to simpleminded servants, but to a real person who could very well turn her down. Being careful with her words is a new skill she would have to quickly learn.

"Also, have you seen Batman or the others? I followed fox-boy here, but I just haven't seen him since." She figured if anyone would know, it'd be CN-Tan. The kid was bouncing all over the place like a Tangle courier: wild, quick, and hard to keep track of.

Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan)
Right at that moment, Batman appeared, Honkboi at his heels, Dips being carried in his arm. Batman sets Dips down, scans the two teammates, looks around and says simply.

"Where's the fox and the half-cyborg?"
archur archur Chungchangching Chungchangching Birb Birb darkred darkred Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara


Vilgax, conqueror of ten worlds
Status: being accused of antagonizing people
Once more he was blamed for antagonizing the Big-Headed human. It got to the point where that bat-themed human went in and snagged Dib from his relatively lose grip. And once again that canine like humanoid came over to scold him even more, and once more that suttle feeling returns. Some sort of dragon also came along, landing on the overly sized skull of the boy.

”Vilgax! Can you please try not antagonize someone every five minutes? Do you have anything better to do than bully children? My patience is starting to run thin. I expected that you would at least try to avoid making enemies. Your earlier stunts have already earned you plenty of distrust, I doubt that you would want to have a dozen people at your throat the next time you pull something like this.”

"Perhaps you should look into keeping relations with each other neutral, until we have no need for each other. At the very least, it would make our time together simpler."

Vigiax simply pressed the non extinct bridge of his nose in absolute annoyance. "I was merely curious over the condition of that boy over there. But I see why my actions would be seen has hostile. For that, at least I will...apologize to them." Vilgaix proceeds to walk towards the trio of Batman, Dib, and Karako to...apologize...to them.
"I humbly apologize for mistakingly indicting conflict with the human child. Despite recent events, I was simply curious over his big cranium."
Was it himulateing, yes. But knowing what a few of them are capable of (especially with the canine like humanoid ) he wasn't going to snoop to the level of absolute stupidity.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Birb Birb ManyFaces ManyFaces QizPizza QizPizza DapperDogman DapperDogman Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @anyone_of_intrest
Landing as a mass of smoke, Lu Bu's body slowly reforms. "It seems there is no threat here after all" she muses, straightening up. Looking around, she saw the lady who looked similar to Princess Peach but wearing a blue dress. Walking forward, she crosses her arms, listening to intently as she spoke. This woman seemed humble and wisened. Strange, given her youthful look. She said they held this celebration every hundred years...How old was she exactly? "I must inquire." Lu Bu starts "Why has no-one fought back against this Bowser yet? Surely if he's such a nuisance, it would be for the best to put an end to his meddling?" as she speaks

Those around her seemed to be handling the situation in vastly different ways. Some were bored, other flaunted their powers, some seemed more occupied with forging friendships than making a counteroffensive against this tyrannical Bowser. She could not fathom how anyone here would find a more worthwhile use of their time than reclaiming these lost stars and restoring order to this place.
Not out of principle but in order to return home, it seemed the only way would be to recover the stolen stars from the evil turtle.

She kneels down, bowing her head in respect to the princess before her
"If such a hero exists, I implore you to summon them. If Bowser has any weakness, we must know, in order to defeat him and recover the stars for you"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Whoevercares​
“There was a Hero such as that,” Rosalina said with an audible sigh as her gaze lingered downwards. “Some of you may know him as the hero, Mario. Savior of the Mushroom Kingdom.” Her crystal blue eyes tilted upwards once more and focused on the empty void of space in front of her. “He was their only line of defense because, really, he was the only one they ever needed against Bowser. Single-handedly, time after time again, Mario would defeat Bowser...” She waved her wand and Bowser’s still image became distorted before disappearing entirely, and was soon replaced by clips of Mario defeating the Koopa King in the past.


“But... Bowser got lucky. He had a... ‘cheap shot’, as some would call it. Mario was vulnerable for the briefest of moments and he took it,” She sighed again. “I’ve tried searching for him, but without the Power Stars I’m afraid I just don’t have the manpower to do that yet.”

She looked up again, a look of slight angry and a hint of determination conquering the previously worried emotion she expressed mere moments ago. Turning back to face the hologram behind her, she continued. “My theory is that Bowser has enlisted the help of an outside source. Who or what? I’m not too sure. But he’s never been this powerful on his own terms.”

DapperDogman DapperDogman
Atraxa, Voice of the Praetors

Atraxa slumped some of her weight onto the child's shoulder, and the rest onto her spear, making creative use of her power to hover to negate some of her inherent weight, being a machine and all. "Alright, let's go find-" She was cut short by the sudden appearance of Batman, however, she hadn't quite reached process the surprise, as she didn't express being startled by the caped crusader at all.

"There they are."

"Where's the fox and the half-cyborg?"

"Good question. I followed the fox here, but lost track of him after..." She glanced down at the mess she made. "...after I got a little sick. I don't do so well with being catapulted high speeds, thank you very much." She paused to loose another motion-sickness induced little burp. "I suppose we should find them, they can't be too far, no? I bet that fox is doing something he shouldn't be."

She grinned weakly at Batman, and waved with her third arm at the two newcomers, the largeheaded boy and the little wannabe phyrexian from earlier. He just felt so familiar! Where was he from? Those horns, the white facepaint, the grey skin. Where? Later questions, for a later time. They had to get the group back together.

Chungchangching Chungchangching (CN-Tan) PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Batman) Birb Birb (Honkboyo) Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Dib)
Dib Membrane

Dib was quickly grabbed from Vilgax’s grasp by the bat suited man and put down shortly after. People continued to call his head big, but he was tired of it. Dib decided to ignore and and all head comments because he wasn’t going to let it ruin his good vibe. Dib focused his attention on Karako.
“Alright so according to the space lady we have to get these things called power stars so we can find Mario to defeat Bowser.... Why does this sound like something that would happen in one of Gaz’s video games...?”
Dib rubbed his head in confusion, but tired to not think about it too much.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Birb Birb

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

No one vanishes Benedict’s megaphone and gets away with it, after Rosalina explained the reason she couldn’t give Benedict a room, he quirked an eyebrow in disbelief, “Ah......I thought witches could do.......useful things, but alas, I must seize this operation as it is getting quite ridiculous.” Benedict said as he pulled out an even larger megaphone, “AH! ATTENTION EVERYONE! LETS GO GET THOSE STARS, AFTER ALL, WE DONT WANT TO BE UNPRODUCTIVE DO WE?” Benedict looked at Josh, who managed to lift up his head and look around, but was still lacking the energy to get up, “ALRIGHT AGENTS......CHOP......CHOP” Benedict said before looking back at Rosalina, “Ah.........I shall set up a recon post at......this.........very........spot.” He said with wide, serious eyes while pointing directly at the ground in front of him, “And also.......you get a ticket, you have 30 days to return my megaphone and redact the ticket or else you must pay a.......quite hefty fine I’m afraid. Excuse me, I must.......set up shop.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The Espeon can't help but chuckle a little as Dedede faceplants his landing. She turns to Manelion. "Not exactly. I've become acquainted with many of the guests. I simply haven't decided which group I'll stay with, if any."

Julia listens to Rosalina with interest, taking mental notes of what she said. Looks like we'll want to keep an eye out for Mario when we're out and about.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow RedLight RedLight FoolsErin FoolsErin ManyFaces ManyFaces Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

(Art credit: Milkåmel's Profile - PokéFarm Q)


King Dedede declines my invitation to accompany him on his launch; it's unfortunate, but it's expected. Why would a king tarnish his reputation by literally having a tiny 135 cm badger creature hold his hand? I'd be a little flustered, too. As the penguin man gets into the launch star and flings himself away, screaming until he disappears, I cup my paws over my mouth and yell out after him, "YOU'RE DOING GREAT, MR. DEDEDE!"

Ping! He's gone, just like everyone else. Now I'm one of the last left on the planet (if not the actual last). Calmly, I step into the launch star, feeling my body lifted up and suspended, the different 'layers' of the star gate separating, spinning, charging up... and then...


FOOM! Like a cannonball from one of Bowser's ships, it launches me away at exhilarating speeds, into the paper-thin atmosphere and then through the brightly-lit depths of space! "HAHAAAAAA!" I holler joyfully, spinning around in rapid, nausea-inducing spirals! IT'S LIKE BEING RAYQUAZAAAAAAAAAAAA! As fast as the excitement comes, it all stops; I can see my landing zone straight ahead on this island planet that looks like it houses an grandeur observatory of sorts, one image I know I've seen somewhere before. I flip head over heels and touch down feet-first, my tie fluttering into my face as I land alongside the others. I'd give myself an 8.5 out of 10 for that, could've stuck the landing.

My attention is almost immediately drawn by a blue dress-clad lady with a crown on her head and a star-shaped wand in her hand, which, thankfully, looks like it won't be used to whisk us away to another planet anytime soon. Recognizing her is a cinch, and in that same exact moment, all of the Lumas make total sense. She's Princess Rosetta! Hesitation crosses my face. ...or do they call her Princess Rosalina here? Introductions begin promptly, and I soon find out that it's the latter. That's... very unimportant, though; the actually important information comes in the form of our little mission briefing: we need to stop Bowser by reclaiming these stolen Power Stars. Making up my mind is easy! Left with no other choices to return to Nick Fury and a task that sounds just a little easier than taking down an alien amalgamation of all negative thoughts and feelings, I turn to Red Hood, who had asked me along with a few others if we'd be accepting this undertaking, and without a shred of doubt, smile and agree with an enthusiastic "Say no more. I'm in." Then, I turn to the others, addressing them all at once with a slightly raised but still kind voice. "I truly, truly hope I get to know you all. Let's do our best out there."

But, despite talking to everyone in the group (each of which I plan to talk to more personally later), there's one creature that looks a lot like Marvus in the crowd, though instead of speaking in complete slang, he's talking entirely in honking noises. I've seen and heard him back at the festival, but I didn't really get to get an up-close look. Friendly side says, let's remedy that! I slide my way around the others and next to the grey clown-sounding thing. "Hey there," I start simply, careful to not startle him.



Specific Interactions:
FoolsErin FoolsErin (King Dedede)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason Todd)
Birb Birb (Karako)

ManyFaces ManyFaces (Marvus)
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~ Marie ~

Marie sighs, taking a quick stroll around the Observatory, passing by each room, trying to navigate the darkened sections of the castle-like structure. She circumnavigated the entire structure after several minutes of negotiating with particularly hard-to-gauge jumps and some unforgiving terrain, but she did it. It seems some people were asking the owner of this castle a few questions, as Marie arrived just as she was giving some answers and explanations.

Marie walks up to Rosalina, to add her two cents. She looks back and forth, before pointing to Rosalina more dramatically than necessary, "If Bowser's teaming up with someone, I can't think of anyone other than Octavio for the job. He's constantly making trouble for us back in Inkopolis! I wouldn't put it past him to be in cahoots with a big, scaly lizard man like Bowser."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and also everyone else here

Ben Tennyson
Location: Rosalina's Castle
Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing DerpyCarp DerpyCarp CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake L3n L3n QizPizza QizPizza Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Surroundings: N/A
GM Interactions: N/A

"Relax little guy, nothing bad is going to happen," Ben's pupils look up towards Midgardsomr, "the situation is all under control."

He then looks to Vilgax actually swallowing his pride, actually rather astonished.

"... OK, it actually is. This is some day."

He then turns to Dib.

"I've seen being in a videogame, and I can tell you, it's probably a lot more formulaic than what we're facing now... until the bad guy tries to trick you into letting him into the real world."
Dib Membrane

Dib looked at the boy with the strange watch. He simply shook his head a bit.

“No no I’ve been in a video game before. Multiple actually. My sister Gaz kidnapped me and took me into another dimension where gamers ruled the world and she was the one who ruled them. She put me into what they called the console which put me in different games except I didn’t have control over myself. Some random person did... it was so painful... Do you know what it’s like to have a grenade put in your pants!? DO YOU!?”
Dib took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Crow Crow
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