[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

And while some individuals would frown on the torture part. If it gets the job done Firewall could care less as an organization, the death of 9 out of every 10 people you knew only 10 years ago tends to change people's ethical stances somewhat :D .

That said, Firewall technically does not exist so if you get caught in the wrong place and as far as they are concerned you are on your own. O:)

Did you notice his Criminal Rep was one of the few he had points in? Yeah. :)

Anywho.... Yeah. He sorta.. got behind the "Greater Good" ideal in a big way.
Titania has her rep in two places. Research... Criminals. xD (Evil mastermind in the making? oO)
CactusAir said:
Are you making it more expensive to buy Rep? That's the most common rule mod I see.
No. I have seen it done, but I think rep is very important and prefer if people have various reps. Having only one or a few makes characters too cliquish and limited IMO. I think I can trust people to not abuse rep and if they do the system is designed in such a way that they will loose enough of the appropriate rep as punishment, or be shunned by that network all together. That, and I think those extra points can be better spent on aptitudes and skills, rather than having to spend more on rep.

Also just a note I am entering my last weeks of school, I'd like to start on or around the 8th of May, but I will give time for those still in school to finish characters, if needed of course.
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I'm gonna have to withdraw from this game. It sounds really cool, but I just don't have the time to learn an entnirely new system and setting. Sorry.
Esbilon said:
I'm gonna have to withdraw from this game. It sounds really cool, but I just don't have the time to learn an entnirely new system and setting. Sorry.
Sorry to hear that. If all goes well, we will be here should you change your mind at a later date.
On that note, just so I know for my prep and the initial post plan of sending out in the next week--- is there anyone else who is still interested in playing who has just not had time to put up a character yet? Not rushing anyone I just want to know so I can plan plot points and such.
I am really sorry about not getting anything done yet, I haven't had time to learn the Eclipse Phase system yet or give the book more then a quick read.
No rush I only just sent out the first post so there us still plenty of time to join as I expect some prelude and introduction stuff. The system is not too hard to learn it is all based on Percentile dice for the most part and the character generators that are out there take all the guess work out of making a character and they do the heavy lifting for you. So don't feel rushed.

Oh and sorry I was trying to recall who all had expressed interest and had not dropped and I forgot one or two people.
I've had a spate of RL issues taking up time. I have the char down on paper (yes, I'm that old-school). I just need to work the backstory out. Also, I have no clue how to do the tabbed entries for the char sheet, but will try to copy-pasta one of the chars already submitted. Or if you would send me a PM with the proper format I can drop the info into the proper spots.

What is our starting location again?
It's in the IC thread, millershipper.

My character has skills and backstory done, but not equipment. Will try to fix today.
No worries, I had a bit of time and got the first post up while I did but I have a final exam tomorrow and a couple of papers to get written by Sunday so no rush.


[ tabs ]

[ tab= name for tab 1 ] Stuff in tab one here

Or here

[ /tab ]

[ tab=name for tab 2 ] stuff for tab two here

[ /tab ]

[ tab=tab 3 etc. ] stuff got tab 3 etc.

[ /tab ]

[ /tabs ]

Just like that except without the spaces I put between the brackets and the word tab or tabs. Open and close the entire post with tabs with an "S".
Cool, thanks. If I don't get to it tonight it'll be sometime Saturday. I will post the character, though.
Entirely up to you. Is your character the sort of person who does it every so often or are they obsessive having it done every week. Your contact with Firewall entitles you to backup every 2-3 months, more than that would cost 1,000 credits each time or a Moderate rep roll with whichever Rep Network you want to use.
@SephirothSage said "Making the roll, and then I assume waiting for the Briefing to be done."---yes correct.

Going to give Cactus a chance to post in the lobby and then bring everyone here together for an initial briefing, still have some people in the character gen phase--but they can be brought up to speed as we go.

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