[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

Gotcha. I'll be 18 in real age, then. Thanks for the Info- I couldn't find any specific way to nail it down- because the Growth Acceleration makes it funky.

Ever watch Monster, by the by?
SephirothSage said:
So- if I'm one of the Lost, from that Project, how old am I again?
It is a tricky question. The Lost project fell apart 2 years ago game time. The most of the Lost were about 34 months when it blew but had physically advanced to 12 (at the 24 month mark) they then grew another year plus the two years since their escape. That makes them physically 15 if still in their Futura morph. Mentally however they are well past that--if a bit crazy. So anywhere between 15 and 16 in appearance.

Good choice by the way I LOVE the Lost, they are crazy fun (pun intended).
Indeed- I see. So Physicaly 16, Mentally Adult?

And "A Bit". I'm Psi 2- I have Two Mental Disorders. I was thinking Schizophrenia, and Compulsion: Murder.
Y"know, I might not do that, actu- Debates.. Debates...Sociopath isn't in the books, but it'd make more sense and more closely seems to describe what the Lost are like...
SephirothSage said:
Indeed- I see. So Physicaly 16, Mentally Adult?
And "A Bit". I'm Psi 2- I have Two Mental Disorders. I was thinking Schizophrenia, and Compulsion: Murder.
Yes--well as far as what was crammed into your head from the acceleration (hence the insanity) . That does not mean you might not be a bit naive, depending on how much you have been out in the world?

This mental disorders works--also look here for suggestions http://eclipsephase.com/new-mental-disorders

Also remember the Second Skin Advantage would allow you to choose another morph, in another morph you could look darn near any age you want. That said because of the covertness of the Lost program and the confusion I will allow any age between 12 and 18 in outward appearance. That said a huge as the event was on the mesh most anyone will recognize a Futura morph.
See, the thing is- I've already spent all my Charachter points, and yes, yes I do just have the Futara. Mine has /fuckin claws/. And a Cyberlimb. Yeaaah.

Going to look 16.

ANd still be a Futara. :)
That works, just don't get over attached to your morph as farcasting may be involed in some parts of the game and nowhere is going to have a Futura on hand on the other end. It's not like you'll lose the morph, you just may have to do without it for a while.
Also if anyone pulls anything from any of the other books if you could mark the book an page for reference like @Myllinnia did on her sheet as a fine example. I have all the books on PDF so anything is fair game.

Oh I should also add this which will become clear as I post more background info and do some setup once characters are made. None of your characters are in very deep in Firewall (unless they want to be) they are more like freelancers. They have a general sense of the what Firewall is about, but that is all. Firewall will not be running their lives and between assignments for Firewall their lives will be their own.
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After re-reading the Lost were almost fully accelerated to 18 at the end of the project. That said in my world I will allow any age between 12 and 20 since it had been two years since the project and in my game I am saying that there were different test groups at different stages of development physically.
Alright. Sound's good- I'll actualy take the Bump up, to 19, then....

Real Age is still listed as 2. Good Movie...

Anywho- any thoughts on what I got down so far? Like the Pictures? :)
SephirothSage said:
Alright. Sound's good- I'll actualy take the Bump up, to 19, then....
Real Age is still listed as 2. Good Movie...

Anywho- any thoughts on what I got down so far? Like the Pictures? :)

LOCATION : I still don't get this Entry.
Sheet looks fair from my glance. But let me explain this, as it was explained for me.

As Morphs aren't easily moved from long distant travel, some morph remain behind while another will be gained at the other end.

So say you want to go from Luna to Pluto in a rather reasonable amount of time. You can do it with a ship but that will take some time, so you farcast. You can't take your morph with you, but you have a different one planned to be there. So you leave yours at Luna, and get your other at Pluto. The location field just keeps things clear where you left your morph if you sleeve into something else.

I wonder if the digital morph/eidolons follow the same rules?
Ah. I gotcha- I knew about the moving thing.

I just don't see the need for an Entry there, when I don't know where the Campaign begins. Anywho- I'll update that once I /am/ in a Specific place.

But Yeah. Now, while OOC I understand this- Bartholemew is rather attached to "His" Body. I might take the Drawback where he doesn't associate himself with other bodies, in fact. He'll certainly prefer Exalts, Furies, Ghosts- other models... Yeah, he's attached to a certain style, a certain look- he'll definitely have a Vain streak..

Things like this help me flesh out Characters, and that makes me happy.
Ya I left mine with a big ? So we're cool. Leave it blank for now nod nod. ^^

Titania is very at home in her digital/holographic state. She isn't very much with a physical body yet.
SephirothSage said:
Ah. I gotcha- I knew about the moving thing.
I just don't see the need for an Entry there, when I don't know where the Campaign begins. Anywho- I'll update that once I /am/ in a Specific place.

But Yeah. Now, while OOC I understand this- Bartholemew is rather attached to "His" Body. I might take the Drawback where he doesn't associate himself with other bodies, in fact. He'll certainly prefer Exalts, Furies, Ghosts- other models... Yeah, he's attached to a certain style, a certain look- he'll definitely have a Vain streak..

Things like this help me flesh out Characters, and that makes me happy.
That would fit very nicely.

Myllinnia said:
I wonder if the digital morph/eidolons follow the same rules?
One if the minor drawbacks of being an infolife is that in some cases someone will need to "carry" Titania around in a ghostrider module. In a lot of places she will be OK because she can just run free in the mesh (so long as she doesn'tt get caught in the places that frown on that, of course). For the most part the players will interact with her via the mesh and "see" her eidolon as a projection in Augmented Reality, so for all intents and purposes she will appear to be in the room with them.

The benefit of being an infolife is that the farcasting restriction does not apply to, her eidolon can be transmitted just as easily (easier in fact) as she can. So there are only a very few rare cases (less than 1%) where she would not be able to take her eidolon along.
So I'm now considering this as my char's backstory (using the packages from Transhuman): Worked in an orbital somewhere in the solar system up to the fall. Has been a solid member of the Extropian faction with solid contacts among both the Autonomists and the hypercorps. Since the Fall was recruited by Firewall as a hacker/infosec/security ops type. His martial arts training makes him dangerous enough in meatspace if that's needed. Far more importantly are his skill in the mesh and with hardware.

I'll post a first attempt at the wall of stats (would someone mind PMing me a template as I tend to be dumb about the tabs?) but I'm more interested in how that kind of story would work within the group. This char would be a longer-term member of Firewall w/ the rep and networking to go with it.
I intend to have been picked up by the group in the horrific aftermath of the Lost incident- found and put to use by firewall, in exchange for my life. Bartholomew's talents are... mostly meatspace.

He talks pretty nice, better once he's gotten in your head. Very good with his psychic abilities...

And a right bloody artisan with a knife, or a sword. He's also a psychologist, and has knowledge of psycho surgery. He is, in short, an goddamn serial killer who looks like an angel and ostensibly works for the good guys.
That all works. The thing to remember is that most factions of Firewall will do ANYTHING to prevent humanities extinction, so if 100 or even 1,000,000 need to die to save the rest, then so be it. They tend to throw the whole "good" guy, "bad" guy tropes out the window and be far more pragmatic. If a serial killer has the skills they need fine, so long as he does not have a way to kill ALL of humanity or does not kill off too many people who may help humanity survive.
Well- he kills who he's told to...


Sometimes he tortures the shit out of them physicaly and/or mentally. More often mentally.

He's not the nicest person- but yeah. He works for the survival of the species.

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