[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

Yeah, you want closer to your target number for better success, but since this is an observation and not an opposed roll a simple success is enough. You won't learn her deepest secrets but it is more than enough to build a basic profile.
.....Ahh. Dangit. The CLoser to Target number thing was Unknown. I was hoping for the usual, /further/ from Target number being better. Dang.
Yeah I use the closer to the target number because it makes things quick and easy in opposed rolls. So in this case a 75 would have been the ideal roll--but you still succeed with two (almost 3) margins of success since 00-9 is one MoS and 10-19 is the 2. Also don't forget that any double is a crit success (if under or equal to the target) or a crit fail (if over.)
Closer to your target is better. starting with 00-09 every ten points is a Margin of success. So if you had rolled 70 you would have gotten an MoS of 8---- 00-09=1, 10-19=2, 20-29=3, 30-39=4, 40-49=5, 50-59=6, 60-69=7 70-79=8. In a way it is sort of like the way many people THINK centuries work. 1901-2000 was the 19th century (not the 20th). So 2000 was the last year of that century and millennium not the first as many people thought. MoS is more like the way people think the century thing works because in EP 00 is zero and not 100--in our calendar there is no year 0 which is what trips up those that don't realize that
It seems to be like the 40K DOS System, but instead of closer to Zero being better, it's closer to your Target Number.
Yep. The standard system is just like the 40k system for unopposed rolls but used my system for opposed rolls. So I use the latter system for all rolls to cut down on confusion. Having two systems based on the type of roll was a bit nutty IMO.
SephirothSage said:
Can I make a Psych roll for each of the PC's, as well, to analyze them during the group briefing?
You sure can. They have to option of trying to figure out what you are doing and try to oppose it if they have either Psych, Kenesics or some sort of Psi that might help.
Okay- would using my Charisma Psi Sleight help at all here?

IN fact- let me look through my Psi powers before I start to do that.
Yes it would. but you'd have to apply it to each person seperatly which could cause quite a bit of strian
Character is posted. I will wait for your comments, Hellrazoromega, before posting on the main thread. :)
You really do. Just 3 points off. Alas. Making so many rolls at once you were bound to succeed against at least one of us, though. You had the advantage :tongue:.
Titiana the Roll is against your skill in Kenesics which is 15 and you need to roll under. As an info life one you relaize you are being profiled, you can reprogram your eidolon to allow you to use interfacing for such rolls in the future.
Indeed- what is more, the roll I made aimed at you failed anyway. I went over my skill, and thus failed.

Also.... I find it beautiful they send a Serial Killer as one of this fellows bodyguards.
I was going to stay home, but now apparently I'm going to China this summer, because gramdpa is seriously ill and wants to see me. Not sure if I can slip the Great Firewall of China.

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