[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

CactusAir said:
I was going to stay home, but now apparently I'm going to China this summer, because gramdpa is seriously ill and wants to see me. Not sure if I can slip the Great Firewall of China.
Oh good luck with that, try not to let them keep you. If not I can save your spot, such a situation is fully understandable, just let me know what your want done with you character in the mean time, if it comes to that.
@Myllinnia Just a note, even with no ghostrider module that in most habitats you can still communicate with the people in the group and allow them to "see" you via the mesh. So unless you go to an area with no reception of the mesh you can still communicate, you just may not be able to project your eidolon.
Unless anyone has any other preparations to make the thread for the main party is up, the trip to the destination site goes off with no issues and you are able to arrange to smuggle on any small arms you need, but no heavy weapons or explosives (that does not mean some could not be improvised onsite).
Still here. Didn't see this update though (I did get an alert but somehow missed responding to it).
Well there are three and I know random posted. Seems like ever since the change over notifications have been hit or miss.
Yeah, my other game has slowed way down as well. I'm not really getting into the setting for Eclipse Phase, to be honest, so my post rate's way down as well.
So it looks like @SephirothSage computer issue are going to last longer than expected. Along with other players not responding, or having real life responsibilities---which I fully agree must come first---- I think this may be a dead stick :(
How odd, not a single notification. I thought the game died! Oo I guess I should just manually look from now on. (Kinda miss the old way, all my games sat at the top of the list, updated ones first then so on.)

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