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Realistic or Modern Empire of the Dead

Caffeine Freak

Caffeine Freak
Before I get started on the sign up sheet, I'd like to talk about the affiliations.

There are three 'factions', Z-Com, Survivors and Corpses.

Z-Com: As Spec-Ops as Spec-Ops can get. Z-Com affiliated characters are usually addressed as 'Demons' (derogatory) by Survivors and Corpses alike. Z-Com soldiers are either equipped with firearms, refined melee weapons or simply their own fists. Naturally, they are extremely skilled fighters, but lack social skills and are feared by Survivors more than they are trusted. Corpses hate Z-Coms. A lot. While not 'abusive' to Survivors, Z-Coms stick to their fundamentals, and deal with troublemakers in their own discretion.

Survivors: Civilians who have taken their survival into their own hands. Survivors aren't always physical fighters, but have their own tricks to get around anyway. The most they have to worry about is stray Corpses and pissed off Demons. Usually equipped with scavenged, even modified primitive weaponry - still more than enough to fend off a Corpse. Survivors don't favor Demons, any friendly relations with them are long forged, and whether characters fear, remain indifferent, or challenge them is up to personality.

Raiders: A sub-group of Survivors that prey on weak civilians or gang up on tougher Survivors. While they may refer to Z-Com soldiers as 'Demons' like the rest, other more.. insulting terms are often used too, out of lack of respect or fear. Raiders all have different motives - materials, women, money, drugs - but it all comes down to the same thing: They survive off tormenting others. Either out on the alien streets or within the human colony, Raiders pass off for regular survivors at a glance, and Demons need to physically witness them committing a crime before dealing punishment.

Corpses: While some Corpses are unable to talk physically, they can all communicate with one another telepathically. Humans cannot hear this language. Corpses are much faster and stronger than your average Survivor, but their dead form makes it difficult to keep up the over-exertion for too long before requiring rest. The main way to kill a Corpse is by destroying the brain, but major organ rupture or disembowelment works as well (albeit with slightly more effort)

Corpses that are 'killed' can switch bodies, possessing a more intact dead person. The new body will eventually start to look like the old one as time goes on. Corpse weaponry varies, but they intentionally avoid using human-made tools. Corpses rely on sound to hunt during the day, but their senses become sharpened during the night, facing a Corpse at night is something even a Demon would think twice about doing.

The RP takes place in a ruined city. I'd say which one, but that'd kill the whole imagination thing, wouldn't it? The human colony is a cluster of ruined buildings surrounded by a massive electrified fence. The Corpse 'community' is a relatively nearby town made up of primitive buildings.

(TL;DR version: Z-Coms are soldiers that everybody calls demons, Survivors are what it says on the tin, Corpses are smart zombies that can communicate telepathically and are stronger at night)

Any questions? Probably. Ask them in the QnA tab.





Weapon of choice:

Backstory: (from beginning of outbreak-present)


Additional details:

Theme tune:
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Name: Oliver Schumer

Age: 24

Faction: Survivors


Weapon of choice: Hunting knife


At the start of the outbreak Oliver was a member of the SAS and was drafted into the Z-Com program. He made it 7 months in the program, being honed into a lethal killer - however he was completely unwilling to sacrifice other humans to put an end to the corpse threat, thus he was dismissed from the program and was sent home in disgrace. This would later turn out to be a good thing since he had much of the training of the Z-Com but lacked their ruthlessness and their lack of social grace. Olivier has joined many groups however finds himself constantly being split from them, either by corpses or by internal disputes.

Additional details:

Olivier is an optimist - always seeing the best in people despite what his training and his circumstances might have shown him.

Theme tune:


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@hitman654 Loving how you entwined Oliver's backstory into the Z-Com project, nice choice of theme music too. As soon as I'm done with touching up the story, I'll get to accepting character sheets.


Noir Wilder







Weapon of choice:

Shotgun or machete


At the beginning of the outbreak, Noir lived with her family in a group of other survivors, and was one of the strongest despite her young age. Unfortunately, the small community that had formed fell apart within a few years after an attack by corpses; Noir being one of the only people to make it out alive, thanks to her ruthless combat skills. Little did they know, Z-Com was watching, and seeing potential, recruited Noir. After a year of gruelling training, she joined the ranks, and is one of the best soldiers they have.

Additional details:

Noir is usually cold and emotionless, but all she really wants is for someone to help her out of the shell she created after seeing her family and friends brutally killed.

Theme tune:


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@KawaiiSilver So close to being accepted, but I probably should've made it more clear that Z-Com soldiers don't have squads, they're more one-man armies. Never the less, I'll add it to the trivia and tweak the intro a little. As soon as you've adjusted that, you're in.

@hitman654 You're accepted too now, I'll start off with the intro post.
Name: Allen McRyan

Age: 31

Faction: Z-Com



McRyan arresting a looter
Weapon of choice: Nightstick

Backstory: As with virtually every survivor, Allen's loved ones were massacred, his hometown reduced to smoldering ash and people who he had once called friends had thrown him to the wolves on multiple occasions in order to save themselves. Allen, however, saw his repeated survival despite his circumstances as a message from divinity to make something from himself. He volunteered for the corpse for the Corpse Relief Effort in 2043 to hunt down remaining Corpses in an effort to suppress infection. Z-Com received a recommendation from his superiors and integrated Allen into the project. Despite nearly being kicked out countless times, Allen's insistence saw to his eventual surpassing of his peers and qualification as a Z-Com operative. Once a charming, witty individual - Allen keeps informal discussion to a minimum, and it takes some serious warming up to get anything more out of him. Now stationed in an urban outpost miles from his home country, Allen sees to it that bandits, raiders or simply no-gooders get the severe punishment they ask for.

Additional details: Allen doesn't kill per-se, but will instead beat troublemakers to bloody pulps and simply knock slow Corpses aside.

Allen's professional tone has become more of a front kept up by the mind numbing repetition of it during training. The years of the apocalypse have worn on him greatly, and it doesn't take much for it to flake off entirely. His attitude shouldn't be confused with arrogance however. While his mouth may not be in the right place, his heart is.

Theme tune: [media]

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Name: Mr. Smith

True Age: ?

Faction: Corpses



Mr. Smith, during the early outbreaks.
Weapon of choice: Brute force

Backstory: Kingpin, The OG Zombie, Patient Zero and Fugly, are just a few terms 'Mr. Smith' is addressed with by survivors. Before infection, the soul that would unknowingly come to host the most dangerous creature on the planet was simply an aspiring lawyer, how he came to carry infection still remains mystery. During the initial outbreak, Patient Zero was noticeably faster, larger and more stubborn than the infected that followed him. After the first outbreak was over, Patient Zero was driven into hiding underground where he began slowly evolving his intellect, his infected starting to mirror these new traits soon after. After the total collapse of Earth's governing bodies, Patient Zero was by then ironically beginning to identify as one of the things he hated the most. A human. He demanded that the infected address him as 'Mr Smith' and converse with him vocally rather than telepathically. The modern Mr Smith now wears a tattered business suit and took measures to make sure his body is free of decay and remains presentable. A vanity that is impossible to explain for a Corpse. Nowadays he conducts his reign from a remote location inside the blissfully quiet remains of a ruined city, unknowingly close to one of the final scraps of human existence.

Additional details: Mr. Smith insists on formality, but the layer that separates his facade from his true instinctual nature is fragile,

if pressure is applied in the right places.

Theme tune:[media]

Conner Kaitlin Jacobs


"Shut up before I shoot you."

Age: 27

Faction: Raider

Weapon of Choice: AK47, It's a classic

Backstory: Conner's really never given a damn about anything, why should the apocalypse be any different? She was known for making trouble for the police in practically any and every city before the outbreak, once it happened she went about her pillaging as she pleased, making a few other "friends" that were considered raiders as well.

Additional Details: Despite her "I don't give a fuck" attitude, she does often take mercy on survivors that have families and/or small children with them.

Theme Song:


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Marsilla Kaen

"Silence is key."

Name: Marsilla Kaen

Nick: Marcy


Faction: Surviors

Nationality: Japanese


Weapon Of Choice: Crossbow or Throwing Knifes.



+ Hand to Hand combat




- Tends to not trust anyone

- Is very distant

- Can come of cold.


+ Drawing

+ Combat

+ Running


- Yelling

- To much light

- Being treated unfairly.


Marsilla was once a young protegee of the CIA, but she was never quite prepared for the 'end'. She was trained since young age by her mother, a fellow CIA who died three days after the start if the end. Marcy has since been traveling to help others and help out any way she could eventually ending up a settlement she has stayed with.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5650a46_th(2).jpg.52f49f1331ef9403fab009c4ab5321ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5650a46_th(2).jpg.52f49f1331ef9403fab009c4ab5321ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcy has pale skin, light brown hair, and cloudy grey eyes. She is slim and flexible, but don't let innocent acts and looks fool you.



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Max Sheerio





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6135f5d3d7ebfd6afb69c25bec34e24c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6135f5d3d7ebfd6afb69c25bec34e24c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.895104c4caef7c6dc6857b229ddffa72.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.895104c4caef7c6dc6857b229ddffa72.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


No even knew Max exist before the outbreak. The people that noticed him before the outbreak were just people that bullied him. He'd always get into a fight trying to stick up for himself and he'd be the only one that got in trouble. And those who do know him are now dead by his hands it was during school he brought his favorite knife and stabbed all the kids that ever bullied him so before he knew it he was running into the woods. That was we're he encountered the first infected but instead if panicking about it he took it was a calling to continue killing since he had no one to stop him. Wel only those that can put a bullet in his head. He even became a cannibal when he began running low on food now he's addicted to it and will kill and eat anyone he sees raider like him or not.

Additionally details:

Wears a mask to cover his mouth and only takes it off to eat. Never uses his guns unless needed.

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Theme Tune:





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Name: Jakra Ellison


Faction: Survivors

Appearance: Always wearing her determined face, Jakra has thick, chocolate brown hair, which curls naturally, and goes down just past her shoulders. Her pale skin shows noticeable signs of age, with wrinkles here and there, but her reflexes are sharper than they may seem at a first glance. Her hazel eyes pierce through dishonesty.

She typically wears her maroon trenchcoat, which is complemented by numerous pockets, and black boots.

Weapon of choice:


Backstory: She didn't have a family that could be murdered, and part of her thought that perhaps that was a blessing. Well, a blessing on her part for rejecting everybody. She was quite a lone wolf.

She stayed with groups of survivors, but as ever, stayed the introvert, but eventually they all split up somehow, whether it was zombies - she refused to believe that the "corpses" could be getting smarter than humans, and called them by their original name - or internal conflict.

Somewhere along the line, she became an incredible shot with her revolver - she didn't bother learning which type, make, or whatever it was, but she probably should, as calmly telling the enemy what type of gun you're about to blow a hole in their head with, can instil quite a lot of fear. Anyway, Z-com tried to recruit her, noticing her ability with a firearm, and her more-or-less above average intellect, but she bluntly refused.

Now staying at a survivor outpost with several other survivors, she remains a quite introverted, yet extremely determined person.

Theme tune:

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Surprised I got three sign-ups but still no updates on my inbox. Good thing I checked it anyway.

That aside, @DwlfTheDuck and @LilyannaGaming , you guys are accepted (I liked that oldschool appearance description, Duck) but @Yaboku God of War , you need to expand that backstory and do a little proofreading before I can accept you too. This is a casual roleplay afterall.
Name: Sofiya "Balalaika" Pavlovna

Age: 35

Faction: Survivors



Weapon of choice:

Main - Dragunov Sniper Rifle

Sidearm - Stechkin APS

Backstory: When the outbreak first began, Sofiya was still a captian in the Soviet Army, Vozdushno-Desantnye Vojska', or Air Assault Troops in English. A fine marksman and sniper, she earned the nickname "Balalaika", one of the Soviet Army's slang terms for the Dragunov Sniper Rifle, while defending her country from the infected.

In the April of 2041, just after the first Human Victory, Sofiya and her unit promptly desserted the Soviet forces, feeling as though they needed a well deserved break from all the chaos they went through. Of course, the Russian was asked to joined Z-Com, but stubbornly refuted their attempts at recruiting her, saying that she had enough of fighting for now.

Many years and outbreaks later, what happened during that time not really important in her life, Sofiya and her unit, whom she reunited with a few years after they had voluntarily discharged from the Soviet Army, are now momentarily living in one of the survivor outposts, not planning on staying in one place for too long.


Additional details: Sofiya earned burn marks on her face, chest, and legs during a rescue mission in Moscow, earning the nickname "Fry-Face" in her unit because of it.

Theme tune:


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Name: Alexandra O'neil

Age: 17

Faction: Survivors


Weapon of choice:


When the outbreak began she appear to be home, she was at first running away from a flesh eating cannibal from College. She was a student halfway through a exam, she needed the bathroom but was pause through corridors witnessing blood and gore, after that she went home.

She was trying now collect many things she could, she found her dog infected on a chain outside and blood leading into the living with the door lock. Her parents were already dead inside, well infected. They left a note for her in the kitchen to read and once she was done she took off hours later in their car until the fuel ran out.

After that she walk, she was getting stronger as she could climb tree's most night and camp up there, just encase the zombies would stroll past. She would start hyperventilating or something but other than that she been traveling by herself for a few months.


Additional details: She never kill a Zombie and is too frighten to try. (Yet)

Theme tune: [media]

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Tsarina Shizen

"Apon wings of Night."

Name:Tsarina 'Midnight' Shizen

Nick: Midnight


Faction: Raiders

Nationality: Russian


Weapon Of Choice: Three throwing knives, Sword, Small cross bow glove attachment



+ Lying




- Tends to not trust anyone

- Is very distant

- stays to the shadows


+ winning

+ woodlands

+ Running


- getting seen

- z-coms

- Being treated unfairly.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5dc140d_th(5).jpg.baeae4d32894cb016224a5fe5c597bd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5dc140d_th(5).jpg.baeae4d32894cb016224a5fe5c597bd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Midnight never had a true home or place before the outbreak, she stuck to shoplifting in her city and would never look the same when seen. After a while she grew distant from her friends, or what few she had. When the out break sparked her friends where some of the first to die. She here's that they had to die, but was glad for breaking off.

Midnight started off as a survivor, but fell back into her old ways and ran away from her group and became a lone raider. She raided her fathers home for weapons, since he liked to create them, and fitted them to fit her likes and strengths. After getting geared up, she left and began to terrorize the survivors, but only at night, during the day she dissappered. Hence she earned the well known title Midnight. Only Z-Coms could recognize her if they spot her. Others won't know until she reveals herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5db43c0_th(3).jpg.52b44796a14065be862843332fe7e1a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5db43c0_th(3).jpg.52b44796a14065be862843332fe7e1a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Normally, She has Dark red hair and almost black eyes. Though she does seem to change apperance from time to time if she feels danger.





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@Yaboku God of War Much better, you're in, get posting whenever you're ready.

@Maiza Avaro It took too long for it to sink in that your character was Russian after reading the name - not Italian, I'm probably just not very well traveled. Anyway, you're accepted!

@xkeyxx I get that English isn't everyone's favorite slice of cake (I'm terrible at expressions), but if you would mind proofreading as well as extending the backstory (how she stumbled across the outpost, etc) then I can get to accepting your character as well.

@LilyannaGaming I'll be waiting on that backstory. Remind me to check it.

I think I'm gonna close the new admissions for a while, everyone still has the chance to edit or add new characters (as long as it abides by Rule 4)
@LilyannaGaming 'Aight, all the required fields check out - you can start with your new character.

On a side note, I'm going to re-open admissions - I was just running a test to see if everyone who signed up was actually playing.

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