[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

CrazyIvan said:
Fire does solve everything - can either one of you take a full blast from Flight of the Brilliant Raptor?
I LOVE when you guys get creative! ^^
Sorry Cyl, ticks fixed.

I am making a mess.

Also, my connection goes down randomly!
Hrm - of course the *easiest* thing to do is to do both.

And seriously checking before I do this - can both Siham and Zenjo take at worst five levels of lethal damage?
Remembering that I had Unseen Wisp Method on, I adjusted my essence and willpower totals to the correct levels.
I realize I'm up, but I'm not sure what I can do that would be effective. I don't think my attacks can pierce warstrider Hardness values, and the immaculates are still up out of reach.

Any suggestions?
Tell them bad jokes? The ever popular 'Draw attention to myself'? Continuing to distract the Immaculates from the refugees is always useful.

You could go on an invisible archer hunt if you like.
CrazyIvan said:
Hrm - of course the *easiest* thing to do is to do both.
And seriously checking before I do this - can both Siham and Zenjo take at worst five levels of lethal damage?
Not without falling unconscious no. I remind you I had a poison deal a good number of bashing damage.
CrazyIvan, your action definitely qualifies for a stunt 2, but please define the mutations of your warform and those of your first purchase of Hybrid Body Rearrangement.

Also, Siham does not need any fire as the green slime did not touch him, you may want to aim your Raptor a bit away from him, or even ask Zenjo to move away... :|
Hi all, I was a little slow on the initial posty, but xarvh has invited me over anyway. :)

Against my screaming survival instincts I think I will be playing a DB (looks a bit full up on the celestials). I'm thinking a water aspected, orginally realm DB. Debating ex-immaculate, but I'd like to be more utilitarian than that I think... we'll see. If any of you have ideas or things you think aren't covered, or are really well covered, ideas are welcome. Probably making it today/tomorrow.
Meh we got a fae, a fae blooded, an abyssal... what's one little terrestrial gonna do to us ?! :lol:
xarvh said:
CrazyIvan, your action definitely qualifies for a stunt 2, but please define the mutations of your warform and those of your first purchase of Hybrid Body Rearrangement.
Also, Siham does not need any fire as the green slime did not touch him, you may want to aim your Raptor a bit away from him, or even ask Zenjo to move away... :|
I was assuming we were using the errata'd version of Hybrid Body Rearrangement.

Replace the text of the Knack with the following: A dedicated Lunar can learn to change just part of his body to gain some special benefit or attack. The character may transform part of her body, producing any mutation she desires, so long as the mutation is based on her spirit shape or a shape in her heart’s blood library. Producing a pox or deficiency costs 1m, an affliction or debility costs 2m, a blight or deformity costs 3m, and an abomination costs 4m. These motes are not committed, the Lunar may simultaneously wear as many mutations as she wishes, and the mutations last as long as the Lunar desires. Such mutations do not recede when the character’s anima flares to the 8m+ level.
The wings are from the hawk portion of my heart's blood library, and I've always had groups treat "Large Size" as an inherent property of warforms (since you can't apply Large Size to a war-form and the mechanical effects of warform have Large as a subset) so I forget its not well, necessarily true. If not, drop the large from her thing, and we'll hope Siham is light.

I'll define the warform mutations tonight.

In the case of spell positioning, in that case, I'll aim it for the far side of Zenjo, 2.8 yards away ;) . I'll use the stunt dice to help with the plucking Siham out of harm's way. Hopefully that might mean either the DP points or my Compassion Channel can be saved for Zenjo.
Ok, I was not aware of the errata entry.

No problems then.

Declare if you are using the DP and edit your post to reflect the different aim. ^^
How much damage did River take? From the text it sounds like 2L, but on the tick chart you have 4L marked.

Initially I didn't count your use of the DP (which made quite the difference).

The correct damage is 2L.
Made quite a difference? It saved my bacon! I was expecting to be able to use my Dex excellency to up my DV at character creation, but I didn't expect to go up against the minuses of the coordianted attack of these Immaculates.
So, some idea thing..! Comments/suggestions welcome.

Peleps Argis

Argis was something of an enigma. Clearly gifted, yet never finding his own path. He studied broadly, exalted early in a fierce sparring match, and began his advanced studies at the Spiral Academy. He found it interesting, but was often distracted, and when asked to think on his future he couldn't see himself doing any of the things he trained for. There was too much out there, too many options. Eventually frustrated and frustrating he was recommended to the immaculate monks. The teachers hoped they would be able to find a direction for the youth. He studied there, often bored at first, but the monks were wise and found ways to challenge him in ways that he could grasp on to. The peace and cleansing of the cloister life changed him some. Meditating on creation without distraction forced him to finally seek out a place. There were lots of problems, and so many people living outside of the blanket of civilization the Realm offered. He could help them, he could show them the glory of the dragons and bring them better lives. And so he trained diligently, finally learning the charms necessary to begin study of the Water Dragon Style. The sifu found him quick to embody the fluidity of water, but one day, after finally learning the first charm, Argis suggested a it could be done a different way. The furious sifu kicked him out of the cloister. Usually the humiliated student comes back, is forced to meditate on the error and their heresy and things might move on. Usually, but Argis just assumed this was one more path that didn't fit. Too embarrassed to return to his family, he struck out on his own. How could he fulfill his purpose now? Would his family acknowledge such a failure? Could he serve the Realm as he had determined to? Unsure, Argis drifted as a piece of wood at sea. Waking up in Nexus as so many have, he came to grips with his situation and began to use his skills to his advantage to shore up reserves of money. Not for love of money, but for getting by and the day to day challenges it offered. He was never very committed to this path either though, and always something would set him to go see or try something new. It was on one of those adventures that he was surprised by one of the maiden's chosen. Of course this was not obvious at first, but after being ridiculed and defending his position, Argis was made a student. A bit unwittingly at first. The man pinched and pulled at ideas, suggesting that there was reason to question the immaculate philosophy. Eventually he revealed himself for what he was and told Argis it was about time he put his potential to greater use. The sidereal, Five Onyx Dreams, has begun to train Argis in the Crane style. Argis, hasn't really figured out what greater use he is supposed to put his potential to, but he focuses on the training when Five Onyx Dreams is around and on traveling when he is not. It is amid one of these travels that he finds his way into our story.

Water aspected DB, Social/Phys/Mental (I think..) Favored: Awareness, Socialize, Medicine


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â— (4 BP)

Wits â—â—

Abilities 35/35


Linguistics â—â—â— (Native: High Realm, Learned: Low Realm, Riverspeak, Sea-tongue)

Lore â—â—

Occult â—

Stealth â—



â—Awareness â—â—


Integrity â—


War â—


Athletics â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—

Melee â—

Presence â—â—

â—Socialize â—â—


â—Bureaucracy â—â—â—

â—Investigation â—â—

â—Larceny â—

â—Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— (2 BP)

â—Sail â—


Archery â—

â—Medicine â—â— (1BP)

Performance â—

Ride â—



Bargaining (Bureaucracy) â—â—

Unarmored (Dodge) â—

Immaculate Philosophy (Occult) â—

Charms (note: st suggested 10 charms at creation)

Wind Carried Words Technique

First Socialize Excellency

Confluence of Savant Thought

Finding the Water's Depths

First Investigation Excellency

Infection Banishing Prana (5 BP)


Pasiap's Humility

Moment of Daana'd

Flowing Water Defense

Blade Deflecting Palm

Fluttering Cry of Warning

Backgrounds 17/12 (5 BP)

Artifact â—â— (authoritative stamp â—â— (exploration find), blue jade hearthstone bracers â—â— (exaltation gift))

Breeding â—â—â—

Connections (Nexus Finance) â—

Connections (The Guild) â—

Connections (Merchants of the East) â—â—â—

Reputation â— (Argis is known to his set for his early exaltation and excellent record at the spiral academy, but it is also known that he left for the cloister of wisdom, and rumor has it, was kicked out)

Resources â—â—â— (he recieves a small stipend from his family in theory, but has never returned to sort out the details, all of his current resources come from his business dealings, which more than a few have come to think of as being robbed in broad daylight and powerless to object, techincally he owns a small house in nexus for the benefits it allows him, but he is rarely there, and in fact carries much of what he owns on his person.)

Sifu â—â—â— (Five Onyx Dreams, mysterious and benevolent sidereal)


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—

TemperValor â—â—

Essence â—â—â—â—

Personal 13/13

Peripheral 28/33 (5 committed)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—â— (1 BP)

BP 18/18


Yeah... Certainly willing to go for something else, snake maybe. But, crane does have the benefit of maybe eventually getting him a PD. I was also going for gold faction Sid being some sort of reasonable buffer such that he doesnt run off to tell the wyld hunt... Crane seemed like something they might chose to teach.... Agh crap, I left out the 2 requisite charms for CMAs. I'll fix it in the morning.
Feantari, I think the Ink Monkeys chargen, that we are using, reduces the BP costs for Attributes and Charms.
xarvh said:
Feantari, I think the Ink Monkeys chargen, that we are using, reduces the BP costs for Attributes and Charms.
Hmm, double checked it. It looks like that only applies to Solars, Abyssals, and Infernals.

Made a few tweaks, and for the life of me can't find where the Sifu background is described... I'm sure were it a snake it would have bitten me.
The description for Sifu's in the background traits of the siddies(p.107).

twaz not a snake mate, twaz a pattahrn spidah ! :mrgreen:

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