[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Just getting to this now, but I'm going to have Walker under the effects of 2 levels of Branding and 2 levels of Stigmata while during the Mirunda scene. Back to Resonance 3, but now it's harder for him to hide, I've got my -0 level filled with generalized bleeding, and all my essence expenditure is peripheral.
We're going in stealth mode, so you can't take branding... it will defeat the whole purpose of sneaking in... :roll:
cyl said:
We're going in stealth mode, so you can't take branding... it will defeat the whole purpose of sneaking in... :roll:
Many of the effects of branding aren't exactly contrary to stealth.

And its less harmful to sneaking than Conduit, Blight or as crippling as doubling down on Stigmata.

You don't want the problems? Call your sister off ;)
Uh, at level 2 you get - (Essence) d for stealth + spontaneous spectral manifestations within a 100 yards for a full day...

It doesn't mean stealth is impossible of course, but it's definitely harder to sneak in... which is kinda the point of going in with a thief and an assassin.

We're alone now, the mortals and lovers are away, you don't need to cover my ass, and with a bit of luck we won't be detected (unlikely but one can hope).

Even if we face some opposition, you shouldn't get any more resonance dots during this scene... no sins of life or death in sight... unless we beat the crap out of some random greater servants of the Neverborn, but we didn't come for that, we're just doing recon.

I am more worried about my Limit than your Resonance actually, mainly because unlike you, I can't ventilate it... :|
Not trying to make things worse, just thinking that he tends to manifest the Neverborn's hate on himself rather than the outer world unless he's really mad. If we stay in the dark, then Walker will still have 10 dice to stealth.
cyl said:
Uh, at level 2 you get - (Essence) d for stealth + spontaneous spectral manifestations within a 100 yards for a full day...
Yeah, but spectral manifestations in 100 yards, in a shadowland of a dead city > A zone of destruction of the same size, or his one positive intimacy that can be negotiated (Morals - Protect) turning negative.
So, where and when do I wake up? Am I a prisoner?
Thinking up a reply to the old fox... meanwhile, I'm reading the second part of the autochthonian compass... Man, Estasia sure looks dull...
Point of inquiry: I was under the impression the poll was decidedly OOC - if it was IC, Fangs mostly would have taunted the Solars about being grossly undemocratic.

I'm not necessarily disputing that Fangs is covered under the Oath - but she would likely have abstained from voting if it was IC, not that it would change the results.
It was half IC and half OOC.

Albane and Malek do have official IC roles now...

Please notice that Fangs has been briefed about Tirana.

If she is a third party, then the Oath has been broken already.

If she is not a third party, she belongs to Cross and her rolls may botch just as well.

And yes, we can totally assume that Fangs grumpily skipped the election meeting altogether, would be very IC for her.
xarvh said:
It was half IC and half OOC.
Albane and Malek do have official IC roles now...

Please notice that Fangs has been briefed about Tirana.

If she is a third party, then the Oath has been broken already.

If she is not a third party, she belongs to Cross and her rolls may botch just as well.

And yes, we can totally assume that Fangs grumpily skipped the election meeting altogether, would be very IC for her.
Yeah, is more for the future. Fang's objection is also not about *that* Oath.

But to Fangs "Some dude swore an oath that happens to involve you" and "You swore an oath" are in entirely different orders of magnitude.
Don't worry, I actually happen to have a master of law IRL, so I got some decent notions of balance when it comes to contracts.

That oath has a 6 months duration, and while it involves the people of Mirunda, we only told a handful of exalts about Sanctuary, and those were briefed not to spread the word.

Meeting the condition for the curse is highly improbable, and the short term duration ensures that we take no risks and enjoy the benefits of using the river to get to Great Forks and bring in what we need.

In any case, if there is any long term oath in the near future to be sworn, rest assured it will be carefully planned and written and that all the players will be involved as soon as the subject of the oath will come at the table.

That Tirana is an interesting character, she she seems to be rather open with us, but still wishes that her lair be hidden...

Next chapter I think we would be best used going with Dove to look after the Dragon Kings... if we have to defend ourselves against both hers and Walker's forces (always prepare for the worst), we really need their strength combined with ours if we want to stand a chance.
cyl said:
Don't worry, I actually happen to have a master of law IRL, so I got some decent notions of balance when it comes to contracts.
Heh. I've lived with a lawyer too long to have any faith that "a master of law" and "balance" are at all related when it comes to contracts.

But this is more of a side/Lunar note. A member of the Silver Pact, when talking to another, dangerous, potentially Elder member of the Silver Pact, should make it clear what is *their* oath, and what is something that idiot with the gold thing on his forehead made on her behalf.
cyl said:
In any case, if there is any long term oath in the near future to be sworn, rest assured it will be carefully planned and written and that all the players will be involved as soon as the subject of the oath will come at the table.
Good luck with that...
So no settlements on the river apparently... it might not be that big of a deal. Checking the Scavenger Lands book I've seen a few major and several minor trade routes mere miles away from the Cross.

As they're inconsistent with the other maps and the setting of this game (a major trade route goes straight into Walker's territory... and happens to pass right through Sanctuary), we need to confirm their location with the ST so we can have a better perspective on our potential development.
Bear in mind that the nearest Dragon King settlements (that we know of) are Dove's tribe in the Ravanashi Peaks and Rathess, both of which are a long distance from the Cross. Also, both communities are very small -- 100 individuals or less -- and are still in a semibarbaric stage of cultural development.

Making either group into viable allies will require building them up (enlightening more stalkers with Solar Charms, repairing the local magitech infrastructure, dealing with local threats to their well-being -- which in Rathess are pretty huge -- and awakening the sleeping elders) and developing some means of reliable transportation between them and us. The rewards are enormous, but it will take a lot of work.
Does Dove have knowledge of all this information ? Rathess... the sleepers etc etc ?

Wouldn't it be more simple to bring them to us rather to go there and help them rebuild ?!
Yeah, just what we need is a bunch of half-wild carnivores running around Cross with the Solars chasing after them trying to teach them. Lets keep them at a distance from our civilians for now. The only exception to that would be the Sleepers, but they will have their hands full trying to rally a defense of their people.
I'm quite tired as I make this last IC post, but I'm confused as to what exactly is publicly known of Deathlords other than the Mask of Winters - if you feel that my character displayed undue knowledge of the Walker's nature, just mention it, I'll edit my post.

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