[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

cyl said:
Tearing holes in a geomantic structure... generally not a great idea.
Is Fangs unable to shapeshift into something smaller ?
Fangs can get in, it's Mirror that needs a larger opening.

There are crystal panels/doors that are already cracked - plus the whole Manse crashed out of the sky. A little more damage is not going to make a difference to the huge list of repairs that are already needed.
Well, if Fangscan get in and attune to the manse, then she should be able to open the door for Mirror.

If she cannot attune, then it means the Manse is already owned by someone else, and there isn'tmuch you can do.
@xarvh - would the spell "Incantation of Effective Restoration" work on a broken crystal door/window ? Specifically, not the sliding/mechanical/essence driven parts, but just the panel/door part? Spell is in Book fo Sorcery 2, pg. 50.

In 1st Ed, you could smash the hearthroom, and when it reformed, you attuned to it instead of the other person. (Or kill the other person attuned to it, of course.)

You could also modify the geometry to the point where the heartstone needs to reform.

Looking in the 2nd ed book, pg. 133: "Altering or defacing the hearthroom substantially disrupts the manse and causes all attunements to break." Then you have to repair the manse's hearthroom, and you can attune to it.

Basically, defend your manse, or someone will come in, break it, and take over from you.
Don't have the manual here but seems doable.

Still, as you will discover soon, the Manse does not have a heartstone. As it is right now it's a bit more than a glorified Demesne.
cyl said:
Like air does, through the holes in the stone.
Doors don't usually mean much to those who can alter their size.
xarvh said:
The manse is not sealed and the outer walls, while covered in thick dirt, are cracked in several points.
While the cracks are far too small for anything human sized, a smaller animal could penetrate easily.

Fangs and Mirror have been briefed extensively by Flicker and Malek. Feel free to read the whole thing: http://www.rpdom.com/threads/chapter-6-scene-14-together.58716/ =)
I was actively not reading that thread because I like meta-game knowledge separation.

cyl said:
Tearing holes in a geomantic structure... generally not a great idea.
Is Fangs unable to shapeshift into something smaller ?
Why would you believe that to be the case?

Fangs did express a concern that the Manse's defenses would light her up when she dropped in (because this is precisely what a Manse designed by Fangs would do). But given the knowledge that Flicker successful came down, that bit shouldn't be a problem.

xarvh said:
What happens in this case? Do you have to hunt down the heartstone?
xarvh said:
Don't have the manual here but seems doable.
Still, as you will discover soon, the Manse does not have a heartstone. As it is right now it's a bit more than a glorified Demesne.
Decisions, decisions. Kill whoever had the audacity to touch my Manse, or just fuck it up enough to call them back for killing or reclaiming the Hearthstone...

...so much destructive power, so little time. May have to consult Siham, if he's on his way.
Siham's away in Nexus right now, isn't he?

When he's on his way towards Ankss, if he could pick up a book or scroll with the Terrestrial Spell of Incantation of Effective Restoration from his library on the way, that would be lovely. Fangs can Messenger him with the request, and notice of captured, broken manse.

Still' date=' as you will discover soon, the Manse does not have a heartstone. As it is right now it's a bit more than a glorified Demesne.[/quote']
Does this mean it's so broken that it doesn't produce a heartstone, or that someone has attuned to the hearthstone and then run away? The former isn't solved by anything except repair works. The latter has options, as stated.

Fang's smallest forms come in the form of a defensive spell. Pull your punch
Fangs did express a concern that the Manse's defenses would light her up when she dropped in
Mirror isn't worried about Fangs getting inside. Mirror wants inside herself, so she can protect Fangs from any defenses that may have activated, or any surprises left by previous occupants.

Plus more fun for me if Mirror doesn't have to lounge about waiting outside.
Kacie said:
When he's on his way towards Ankss, if he could pick up a book or scroll with the Terrestrial Spell of Incantation of Effective Restoration from his library on the way, that would be lovely. Fangs can Messenger him with the request, and notice of captured, broken manse.
Or honestly, his Siham-ness might be sufficient at this point sans spell.

Does this mean it's so broken that it doesn't produce a heartstone, or that someone has attuned to the hearthstone and then run away? The former isn't solved by anything except repair works. The latter has options, as stated.
I imagine we'll know when we get inside.

Mirror isn't worried about Fangs getting inside. Mirror wants inside herself, so she can protect Fangs from any defenses that may have activated, or any surprises left by previous occupants.
Plus more fun for me if Mirror doesn't have to lounge about waiting outside.
True, but right now we don't know how to open it without breaking it, and one of us *can* get inside. That gives us an entirely new angle through which to look for doorknobs.


Or alternately, how long does it take to learn a spell...Mirror has Terrestrial Sorcery, doesn't she?
Yes, Mirror has Terrestrial Sorcery, and has Occult favored. Which is why carefully breaking a door could be okay, once the spell is learned.

About that hitting thing - you want Mirror to slug Fangs? Oh boy. That's gonna hit the psyche.
Kacie said:
Yes, Mirror has Terrestrial Sorcery, and has Occult favored. Which is why carefully breaking a door could be okay, once the spell is learned.
About that hitting thing - you want Mirror to slug Fangs? Oh boy. That's gonna hit the psyche.
She won't connect - Flight of Separation.

Which she could teach to Mirror...
I feel like Siham would know the theory behind sorcery and it's spells, even if he can't practice them.
JayTee said:
I feel like Siham would know the theory behind sorcery and it's spells, even if he can't practice them.
I more meant there is more than one way to skin a cat, and in this particular case, we have a Twilight Solar who likes to build things. That should trump sorcerous means of repairing things any day of the week.
So, uh, does Mirror need to hit above Fangs's DV in order to trigger the spell?

This is a funky question, but Mirror only has MA worth anything if she uses charms. If she uses charms, she quickly becomes very dangerous. And asking a Dusk caste to hit you is like taunting the Neverborn, you know...

Regarding the spell, I was thinking that if Fangs and/or Mirror know that, we can help make repairs go faster. Siham will still the star of things, but I was hoping we could help cut down the time even more.
Kacie said:
So, uh, does Mirror need to hit above Fangs's DV in order to trigger the spell?
Kacie, this is purely because Fangs is a little bit insane. Mechanically, the spell is a reflexive action, but reflex implies something happened.

Slap her cheek (this will cause things later, but they're happening anyway), Good-natured shoulder punch (This won't), etc. No rolls, no charms ;)
CrazyIvan said:
I more meant there is more than one way to skin a cat, and in this particular case, we have a Twilight Solar who likes to build things. That should trump sorcerous means of repairing things any day of the week.
Oh, I was thinking that if nether of you knew the spell, Siham would at least know the theory behind it so he could teach you and you could actually do it.
You can trigger any reflexive things at will.

The Widow herself used FoS without any attack, so can Fangs.
Which spell? FOS or the repair one? o_O

If it is just to access the Manse, we can have Fangs enter, attune and open the doors in a single post, so that you won't be left waiting.
FOS was what I was asking about - I don't believe Fangs knows the repair one. But if Fangs can enter and open the door swiftly, then no need to grab FOS on the fly, as it were. Thanks.
I know I'm up, just having a bad week, and it's important enough to Mirror that I'd like to not half-ass the consequences of her decking Fangs.

In other news, applied for a job I'd really, really like.

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