[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

Alright, not deliberately trying to start an argument, but there's some stuff in OOC I'm replying to to clarify where my head is at.

cyl said:
The consequences will be more severe for the dominion
I'll touch on this a little further down in the post.

I don't need to sell that.
Freeing him is the best course of action all things considered.
You kinda do. From your perspective freeing Malek is the best course of action. It is possible someone might disagree with that assessment. And with the ratcheting up of concepts like Malek hating Fangs, its entirely possible that it isn't the best course of action for her.

The problem is you are taking your, or Malek's, premises as the ground truth. They aren't necessarily.

Killing him after his release depends entirely on Fangs & Mirror, but freeing him is kind of an obligation right now... unless Fangs is ready to unleash another moonshadow with Malek's memories about Cross and his death.
This is not necessarily guaranteed, and beyond that, we've already stated that Fangs has a decent inductive argument that Malek can't be abyssalized, because none of the Abyssals yet encountered have been ex-Solars. Fangs' chief interest is the defeat of the Neverborn and the freeing of her mate.

Among other things, Malek's current situation, and his death, present a very rare opportunity for a natural experiment. Remember, Siham isn't the only high Int scholar in the group ;)

He will never kill Fangs because of her powers which are going to be way too useful for the coming war.
You should try telling her this IC. Also "You're temporarily useful in the coming war" is not exactly a resounding offer of peace. Especially to someone who has expressed IC that she dislikes the occasional tendency to treat her like a tool, or a court sorceress.

I'm guessing the issue isn't the rational reasons to not kill Malek - it's the emotions that are the barrier. Fangs hates Malek, for all the reasons previously discussed. Malek's current state of mind is a big change for everyone except Fangs, who pretty much feels like she's being treated like Malek always treats her. Healed Malek is no better to her than broken Malek.
So here's the guy that's been an arrogant jerk to her for several years, all trussed up like a sacrificial lamb. It's horribly tempting.
Beyond the emotional reasons, Fangs has rational reasons too. She is an extremely long term thinker - in her mind, replacing a Deathlord with an equally dangerous Solar isn't a "win". Malek's state is currently a massive unknown, and she doesn't particularly trust that whatever the Mask was doing to him isn't "almost done". He can't really vouch for his own sanity. He can't bind himself sufficiently so if he's wrong and he *is* broken that it doesn't blow back on Fangs and Mirror.

CrazyIvan is looking for emotional context IC from Malek, to convince Fangs. Likely this is going to involve Malek swallowing his pride, at least a little bit, and conceding something to Fangs. Right now Malek is trying to not give Fangs any satisfaction whatsoever, which is understandable in light of his hate, but is a poor option on the self-preservation.
This is partially correct, but it's also a rational choice on her part. She's looking for some evidence that freeing him isn't just pulling the pin out of a grenade. His utter unwillingness to meet her halfway on anything, to even acknowledge that she might be hesitant, or that there's some cause to worry about him once he's free, isn't so much convincing her of anything other than she's still dealing with a moral absolutist Solar whose been spending some time getting mindbent by a mind-boggling powerful servant of the Neverborn.

xarvh said:
To be honest, within her emotional drives Fangs seems to act very rationally.

Indeed. I actually play her as being quite rational - but that doesn't mean she's cold. And she's rational from a particularly...sideways...way of viewing the world, and a set of premises.

cyl said:
@Kacie... it's more that his schtick is to take himself out of the equation and consider his duty to Creation first.
Except *he's a Solar*. Taking himself out of the equation is like saying "Well, besides the armed, fully fueled ICBM aimed at the capitol, here's the strategic situation..."

The "good guy" he was is now gone. He's a completely different person now.
Now he can kill without second thoughts because it's convenient, and furthermore he has no one, nothing, he cares about and wants to come back to.

He's completely folded on himself and he's lost track of who he was.
And yet here is someone, sympathetic to that notion, who has voiced *exactly that*, and is clearly trying to lead him out, and all he's doing is spitting in her eye.

He counts on Fangs to understand the situation and do her duty, simply because she has to... not to save him for his shining personality and because deep down she's a nice gal, he knows she's not and that she'll probably kill him if she gets the chance. (hence my point about breaking his legs)
As fun as it is to talk about Fangs as the Wicked Forest Witch, she's had ample time to have a go at Malek and has never done so. Her (failed) attempt to teach him that Words Mean Things have actually been relatively tame.

cyl said:
Malek cannot understand Cunning Fangs, because he's more of a jedi and she's more of a sith.
Remember when I said I'd come back to this: "The consequences will be more severe for the dominion"

You've elected to use an analogy where there is an expressly good and evil binary.

This is the fundamental problem I have. Disagreeing with Malek seems to be parsed by you, both OOC and IC, as siding with the forces of badness. There's dozens of way to frame the difference between Malek and Fangs. A difference of whether the ends justify the means, whether a duty to Creation is to the concept of Creation, it's people, or each individual person, the Divine Right of Solars, etc. All of them difference in approach, or degree, shades of grey.

As long as this continues to be framed as "Black vs. White", with Fangs wearing the black hat, it's impossible to resolve. Because she's not evil. She's not a Sith. She's not the bad guy.

If we must go with a Star Wars analogy, Malek is more...Yoda, and Fangs is Mace Windu - a Jedi who recognizes that sometimes the right end means some ugliness and violence.

But in this particular situation, understanding her motives is irrelevant.
It's really not. It's never irrelevant to understand someone's motivations when they make a decision.

If she ignores that fact and continues her attempt at what he perceives as abusive extortion she will lose him.
This is the core issue - she's not extorting him. And honestly, if everything besides "Okay Malek, imma get you out and then get some bandaids" is abusive extortion that's going to drive him down an ugly path, we're already stuck.

It puts me in an impossible position. Malek is there giving her the same hateful look he gives the Deathknight who tortured him, is the pet project of the same Deathknight and the Mask of Winters, has been tortured and mind-bent for an indeterminate period of time and being like "Hey, what happened, and if I let you go, I need you to promise not to tear into me" is 'abusive extortion'?

Kacie said:
Cyl, I don't believe that's fair to CrazyIvan. There's socially a lot of pressure on him to not kill another PC, so this "test" of Fangs is already compromised.
Beyond that, I really hate PvP.

xarvh said:
cyl already expressed that he's ok with Malek being killed; I have the same attitude, a dying character of mine is a powerful story.
Nor I have any problem with PvP as long as it is dramatically appropriate rather than a player's whim.

Both CI and cyl have been interpreting their characters wonderfully, so I have no problems letting them all options open.
And yet I'm hesitant. And when I talked to Malek, it was in the context of "What if we can't spring Malek out and have to bolt, do you want him dead or left to the Deathlord again", not our current situation.

Anyway, post incoming. Fangs is trying Plan...E. Let us hope we don't get to Plan M.
So wednesday someone accidentally let our dog out of the safe place she was in and into scary place full of scary people... we've been trying to find her since then and thus lack of posts and stuffs. We're basically in wait and hope mode atm though so, we'll see, and I should be able to post more.

Argis is pretty damn fed up with all this personal hatred crap getting in the way of everything.
Feantari said:
So wednesday someone accidentally let our dog out of the safe place she was in and into scary place full of scary people... we've been trying to find her since then and thus lack of posts and stuffs. We're basically in wait and hope mode atm though so, we'll see, and I should be able to post more.
Argis is pretty damn fed up with all this personal hatred crap getting in the way of everything.
Poor doggums!
Before you get offended at being called a Sith, I gotta say Sith have a much better "badass creed" than the Jedi... ;)

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.
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EotFS is lending itself to a lot of arguments.

I believe that this is inevitable in this kind of game, as it is inevitable in RL politics and whenever the PCs have to make choices that can potentially affect nations.

I personally don't mind, to some extent this is what we want from this game and the discussions are usually interesting.

At the same time, if arguments become too much of a drag and ruin the enjoyment, I might have to step in, for example asking you guys to appoint someone who will have final say on certain matters (we had Albane as Minister of Interior, for example.

I'm very happy to continue as we are doing now, but if you guys want otherwise, just let me know.
xarvh said:
EotFS is lending itself to a lot of arguments.
I believe that this is inevitable in this kind of game, as it is inevitable in RL politics and whenever the PCs have to make choices that can potentially affect nations.

I personally don't mind, to some extent this is what we want from this game and the discussions are usually interesting.

At the same time, if arguments become too much of a drag and ruin the enjoyment, I might have to step in, for example asking you guys to appoint someone who will have final say on certain matters (we had Albane as Minister of Interior, for example.

I'm very happy to continue as we are doing now, but if you guys want otherwise, just let me know.
For the record, I'm not actually upset - there were just a lot of things said about an interaction with my character while I was busy listening to people talking about shoving poop down someone's throat.
@CrazyIvan : wow, that was AWESOME <3

In his weak state, that sort of manifestation and message can be pretty potent.

No way he can resist that.

Good move :)

@xarvh : how do we handle this ?

Normally it takes (Conviction) scenes to build a new intimacy or to erode an old one... but I think Fangs has made quite the impression on Malek and it should go a bit faster this time.
xarvh said:
Just have Malek cry like a fountain.
You mean, like this? ;)

cyl said:
In his weak state, that sort of manifestation and message can be pretty potent.

No way he can resist that.

Good move :)
There is an upside to him being utterly drained.

Credit for "Um...social attack time now?" goes to Kacie. It hadn't even occurred to me, because I tend to avoid social combat like the plague.
Feantari said:
Argis's frustration is IC. I was thinking about what he's going to say to Shiana and Tirana.
Might I suggest "Step off bitch?" To Tirana. Saying that to Shiana is likely to result in Argis never getting snakelady cuddles.
Well. "Step off Bitch" is certainly how he feels about some things, but he has a vision of how Cross and Sanctuary can execute a mutually beneficial plan. Based on what Shiana just said Argis can't even approach her with it because Tirana's hateful and close minded nature would just have her kill him on sight. Thankfully he can attempt to speak at range, but still, not a great thing.

I'm not prepared to give up on developing an ally despite the thorns involved. Esp one that is so damn likely to just be an enemy otherwise. We have enough of those.
Aaaah forbidden love :D

So refreshing.

Beware of the old giraffe, she might just kill Shiana just because you kept on courting her.

CrazyIvan said:
There is an upside to him being utterly drained.
Credit for "Um...social attack time now?" goes to Kacie. It hadn't even occurred to me, because I tend to avoid social combat like the plague.
Me too, unless the other players consent to it, but it was done so positively and awesomely that I would have felt insulted if you had asked first.

Replying soon.
cyl said:
Aaaah forbidden love :D
So refreshing.

Beware of the old giraffe, she might just kill Shiana just because you kept on courting her.
No kidding! She killed a cute doggy (and oh yeah, it's owner, an Exalt you guys knew, and her own mate) -- there's no evil she's not capable of!
Yeah, she might just send you her head with a note like

"Keep this as a souvenir,

you seemed to like her...

kind regards


> :)
cyl said:
Beware of the old giraffe, she might just kill Shiana just because you kept on courting her.
Tirana would never kill a *female* of her flock, for entirely practical reasons.

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