[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

I disagree about the Infernals, personally. They might not be a great fit, but they do have their place. Ingosh Silverclaws had that prophecy about the Green Sun Princes, didn't he?
Yeah, there's never been the slightest indication of these "black market Exalt" types, while at least the Green Sun Princes were hinted at for a while before they actually showed.

Now, if they find a way to tie the new guys to the Exaltations from the two "lost" types -- the ones originally corresponding to soulsteel and adamant, who were wiped out during the First War -- I may forgive them. They've been teasing us about those for ages...
I can accept the possibility that other gods may want to and can actually claim essences and bind them to their will or even "exalt" mortals on their own.

It's what the NB & the Yozis did with abies and GSPs, the Incarnas were able to create the five great elemeand and 5DD is already capable of "exalting" mortals into god bloodedhood allowing them to reach essence 4.

So yeah, not entirely impossible IMHO.
*digs self out of moving related hole*

So I'm back, thanks for your patience.

I *love* the idea of the Infernals - I love that they exist in a game that at least in theory has a 1:1 mapping of rules and narrative effect as essentially the Yozi rules lawyering their way out. I love the narrative space their moment of Exaltation fits into - it's the last piece of the "Heroic moment..." puzzle. I love the idea of imprisoned gods tampering with things that will far exceed them in power out of desperation, and the hope that they can keep the music playing a little longer. I love a glimpse of what the most cutting edge charm theory can do for the game.

I hate hate hate the rapeyness of their fluff at times. And I hate that, despite their concentrated awesome, they seem to tend easily toward petty evil.

IC posts tomorrow.
There's good in the Infernals, but the fact that they do not exist in the Core (save being mentioned in the "Creature of Darkness" box), that they do not have an associated MM and that they have the shittiest (ST-wise) Excellencies ever (and helltech! WTF helltech!?) made me feel like WW wanted to milk in haste some more bucks from us Exalted suckers.


Seriously, one week without an IC post?


@Arynne, would you like to take over Feantari's task, and make an IC post establishing once and for all which troops are you moving and where and with whom, and which PC goes where?

Of the PCs in Cross, you are definitely the one with the highest stakes.
xarvh said:
made me feel like WW wanted to milk in haste some more bucks from us Exalted suckers.
The passion with which the designers talk about Infernals makes me doubt this.

Seriously, one week without an IC post?

In the last week, I moved and furnished an apartment on short notice, now live 4 hours from where my wife and my life actually are, started a new job, and wrote a not insubstantial portion of a NIH R01 grant that, if funded, will have a major impact on my career. Also on short notice.

I'm pleased it was only a week.
While I find the article quite interesting I would give Nolan's Joker a free pass to just be evil.

He's the evil genius, he's insane, he's twisted, nobody knows why, probably not even himself, and I like him for that.

Villains don't necessarily need to have a great and complex background to be great, sometimes their motives, actions and personalities or the fact that they completely overpower the good guys are even more entertaining than what actually drives them to be bad guys.

What gives me the most chills personally is when a villain forces the hero to change his methods and bring him down to his level and asks "what is the difference between you and me now ?".

Then you start questioning the essence and the root of evil and possibly make the characters face de uglay trooth ! > :)

There's a guy called Zimbardo who worked on what he calls the Lucifer Effect, or how good people can become evil with the right reunion of conditions and his work is interesting and can be used to pusht your random good guys to progressively become morally grey guys, and then really sick bastards.
Am alive. Just busy. Will see what I can do today. As for what Argis is doing, aside from all the organizing he is going to talk to Tirana and try to get her on board with a plan.

Edit: and pretty much what CI said. Though I didn't write any grants. I did start a pendragon game for 12 peeps though.

Basically there is a crap load to read and include in this planning post an I haven't had the few hours I want to do it justice.

Edit edit: also I really like infernals, but I really don't like games that try to start them at higher XP or devil tiger fast track. Having seen a few of those I feel pretty strongly that people should RP though the backgrounds lest they kid themselves about how much of the Yozis influence they can really brush off. One of the things I really love about infernals is their tendency to work alone as exalts. It very much colors their methods and IMO avoids too much peg/hole stuff and subsequent incomplete character issues. If done correctly.
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@CrazyIvan: My hatred is definitely fuelled by ignorance, same as the "New kinds of Exalts".

We'll see.

And just to be clear, I didn't want to take on you for the week of inaction. =)

@cyl: A psycho every now and then is fine.

The Legion is no different than the Joker.

But if all my Abyssals were like that, it would be terribly boring for me.
@Feantari: Flickering Claw will send the "Nightfall" Branch of the Tree of Battles, with stats as described in "The Cross", to accompany Argis. In addition to the listed traits, these soldiers have Stealth 3 and specialize in laying traps and ambushes. They carry javelins and knives instead of spears -- though Flicker cannot teach Thrown as rapidly as she can teach Martial Arts and Melee, she is quick to recognize soldiers who favor the Ability. As a ranged unit, their armor is lighter than those of the standard infantry, providing less soak but also fewer movement penalties. Their normal purpose when fighting with the army is to distract and soften up a target, then fall back quickly ("sting and fly away"), letting the heavy hitters -- infantry or Exalted warriors -- do their thing

They are currently led by Nehir, Houma's son, who recently received a taste of Exalted blood and now has awakened Essence, though he probably hasn't had enough time to learn Charms yet. Everyone is aware this mission is a test for him, in more ways than one -- can he help rescue the only serious rival he has for Flicker's affections?
@xarvh: obviously there are different sorts and flavors of psychos you can play with... so far we've just seen 2 psychos in our enemies; Legion the mass murderer and the Void Heart, the crazy assassin.

The rest haven't felt like "bad guys" up until now, even though they are working for the dark side they seem to be carrying out their orders as any one in their shoes would, an approach I kind of like.

Unlike villains who are just evil, your abies are not our enemies because of what they are but because of their interactions with the characters and pushes the narrative forward.

Most want to kill the Legion for the threat she represents to the dominion, but Void Heart and Words are a more personal matter.

The sad part about those guys is I doubt we'll even get our characters to investigate their backgrounds more deeply... although it could be a way to lear their weaknesses, because they must have some... and DarthMalek will probably want to exploit them > :)
Oh gods no. Not taking troops there.

His plan is a quick day trip to sanctuary with Shiana and Ith.

I'll post tonight!
Well, right now Flicker is obviously feeding baby dinos, using her massive Charisma to win over the former Swamp People, and sleeping in the enclosure with one eye open in case epic Charisma isn't enough.

At some point she will also use Sharing the Gifts of Luna to enlighten Nehir, obviously.
@Feantari - I've pulled all-nighters. As a TA once told me, at some point you start doing negative work, as in you'll have to redo it later. This has proved true for me. 2-4 hrs of sleep is better than no sleep.

Of course, everyone's different. That might not be best for you.

Either way, good luck!
Hyper Argis. Tehehe

Also amusing, Argis probably isn't sleeping for a few nights. It's not that I'm a horrible person guys, I'm just trying to be method.-.-

This one is very familiar with sleep deprivation. I just generally try to avoid it now that I'm not in college. 1.5hr or 3hr are my sweet spots. Maybe I'll do that instead. I leave it up to how I feel tonight...
Kacie said:
@Feantari - I've pulled all-nighters. As a TA once told me, at some point you start doing negative work, as in you'll have to redo it later. This has proved true for me. 2-4 hrs of sleep is better than no sleep.
Seconded, I lasted 5 days with 2.4 hrs of sleep per day.

It was on a series of events in Ecuador, and my gal slept 32 hours straight after we got back in Peru... I often had to check if she was still breathing ! :D
Sadly I can't really pull off the sleep for a day and recover thing, too tied to the sun. If I have a couple weeks of 3hr sleeps or less per night it tends to just lead to decreased immune system performance. Which is why since college I've tried to keep my schedule at least sane enough that such occurrences are occasional rather than regular. :-p

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