[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

xarvh said:
Argis -> Sanctuary (no troops)

Kalak, Siham, Flicker -> Cross

@WlfSamurai Where is Rhapsody going?
I had aimed Rhapsody at taking Malek's troops to Mirunda and meeting Argis there. Not sure how/if that will work now. I can bend it in a different direction if need be.
Argis -> Sanctuary (no troops)

Rhapsody -> Mirunda (w 1200 Tiger Warriors)

Kalak, Siham, Flicker -> Cross

I'll try to push the IC soon.
xarvh said:
Argis -> Sanctuary (no troops)
Rhapsody -> Mirunda (w 1200 Tiger Warriors)

Kalak, Siham, Flicker -> Cross

I'll try to push the IC soon.
So you know, the plan is for Argis to make a quick diplomatic trip to sanctuary to try to get them involved and then take the branch that Flicker has trained along with settlers for mirunda to rendevous with with Rhapsody in mirunda. Rhapsody is also hopefully taking civilians to mirunda...
I don't think we ever established numbers, but I'll try to include some in my detailed postys later tonight. I believe the idea was to leave Cross with a population it could support that included enough troops for defense and the folks tied in to the library and such. More to relieve the burden on the local resources and provide a chance for those not keen on living in the middle of the jungle to rejoin a more "normal" society. (ie folks from thorns so inclined and people from mirunda originally that want to move back.)
We aren't? Did we not already have this big long discussion? Malek had like 300 tiger warriors or so, cause limited by the charm. yes? Argis is taking the branch you mentioned. (~150). This leaves much of the army in cross. Some of the tiger warriors will end up staying in Mirunda cause boat space. Which actually leaves cross with more defenses than we talked about for the moment. Plus it has walls, demons, and the defensive force.
Ok, I see that the cross millitary section lists 1200 tiger warriors so idk, but I thought Malek was limited and that many of the troops were trained by Flicker or a combination of trainers.

@xarvh I see both a mention of a 1st dragon 900 troops, as well as tiger warriors 1200, hunters 100, and there is also the defensive force 300, for which I will get a post together "soon"

Are there a total of 2500 troops or is that 900 part of the 1200?
I figured we started with the hunters, then we had 900, now we have 1200. Most of them trained by Flicker using Wolf Pack Training Technique, since she's had the most time to devote to them.
That was pretty much my thought as well, but I wanted to confirm with xarvh.

edit: and if that is the case how many do we want Rhapsody to take? I'm thinking on the order of 650 or so, such that they can have a few (3-4) mag 3 units after argis takes ~150 and they can form a defensive dragon for the city if need be (mag 5). That leaves cross with the 300 defenders + 400 troops which is enough to form a defensive mag 6 unit if need be and have the defensive wing (mag 4) plus 3 talons (branches/mag 3) of troops. I think that should leave each place with as many troops as could be effectively used on the battlefield as well as enough to have a static defense force plus multiple patrols and strike forces.

Also I need to find that post you made about alternate names and staple it to my forehead... I go find now...

edit edit: and with that many troops it may be better for the second group to have like 150 of that 650 so they have a mag 3 before and behind the column.
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... and it is even more awesome than the first season !

I particularly liked that dark version of Liu Kang... and it was rather inspiring regarding what Malek could become.
Kacie said:
@Feantari - I've pulled all-nighters. As a TA once told me, at some point you start doing negative work, as in you'll have to redo it later. This has proved true for me. 2-4 hrs of sleep is better than no sleep.
Of course, everyone's different. That might not be best for you.

Either way, good luck!
I am eternally grateful to my fiancee (now wife) for having made me go to bed when, at one point, I was preparing to frantically reimplement my dissertation in the span of like, two days, in a language I didn't know.

In the morning, after a full eight hours, I had to change two lines of code.
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Hrm - more crazy time talking with Malek, or really frustrating the Abyssal by just teleporting to his location? Just so I'm clear - are Malek and Fangs cut off from Mirror and Words?
Dunno... which has the strongest pull ?

Kicking Malek in the teeth while he's already down or helping Mirror get through what seems to be a tough fight ahead ?

Both must be very tempting I'm sure :D
xarvh said:
The first 1200 are pretty badass too.
No mortal army can seem really badass when there are Exalted about (kind of like the way the Imperial Guard are always eclipsed when there's so much as a single Space Marine present), but Flicker's trying to make them more Men of Sherwood and less of a Red Shirt Army.
It depends on the number of heroes the enemy army / group has.

A single hero coordinating 10 men can be threatening to any exalt, so if you have several groups led by several heroes, you don't need fancy flying death star or power armors to kill exalts... just the right plan, the proper terrain and a sufficient number of soldiers you're willing to sacrifice to take that demon king down.

The more heroes you have, the more men they can lead, the more ass they kick.

EDIT: which makes our Delegates and mortal allies valuable assets, especially when considering moving people... unless the Legion is lurking around... then they're all dead anyway :D

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