Elder World

"Well, you do seem kinda shy," Raven said. He then moved the grass to check his burn. "Hmm, not so bad. I've certainly had worse."
She but her lip, trying to decide whether she should ask her question or not. Eventually she just sighed and asked, "W-why are so afraid of fire?" She had seen his reaction to the spark before but didn't ask in case he didn't want to talk about it but she really wanted to know now. She also knew that everyone had a fear, she definitely did, but there is usually a reason behind it.
Raven flinched a little at the question, but figured there was really no harm in telling her. "Probably because it gave me this," he said as he rolled up his pant leg. On his right leg, there were terrible burn scars. "I got these scars before I lost my memories, so I'm not sure on the details, but I'm sure they're the cause of my fear."
Jessica gasped at the sight of the gruesome scars. She had never seen burns that bad before and he had them all up his leg... "Oh my gosh... Are you ok? Do they still hurt?" The questions suddenly poured out of her mouth before she could realize she was talking.
"They're old scars, so they don't really hurt anymore. Not unless something really hot touches them," Raven explained. "But thank you, Jess. I appreciate your concern."
She blushed a bit at her outburst, she just couldn't stop herself from asking him about the scars but at least he was ok with it. "Oh, um, your welcome." She smiled a little. "Your scars just took me off guard, they must have been really bad when it happened for the scarring to be so deep and prominent after all these years."
She sat beside raven her knees to her chest. " sorry about your scars."She couldnt see them so she imagined them in her head.
"Thanks, Tier," Raven said as he covered up the scars again. "Seriously though, I have no idea how I got them. The hell of it is they're the only clue to my past, and even that doesn't tell me much."
A smile crept on her face. She was happy that all three could conversate like this. Her mind was at ease as the voices faded. She was no sure that whateve question they had she woul answer . She chuckeld under her breath.
Jessica smiled to Raven comfortingly. As she thought about how Raven cannot remember anything her mind started to form an idea, a probably stupid idea, but still an idea. She wondered if she could see his lost memories... She could see everyone's that she's tried to so far. She soon became lost in her thoughts but snapped out of it when he started speaking with Tiel.
Jessica looks over, "It's.. it's nothing." She paused. "I-I was just thinking... I can see into people's minds, into their memories... I was just thinking that I might be able to do the same for you..." She was unwilling to tell him, in case she wasn't able to but if she could she wanted to try, so she could help him.
"Hmm... Well, I guess it's worth a shot," Raven said. "It can't really hurt to try."

(sorry guys, getting sleepy. see you later! ^^)
Jessica shrugged "I guess you're right, and you're sure you're ok with me going through your memories? I've met some who did not like it at all...."

(ok, g'nite! sorry for all the late replies)
Zinzie was a man of habit. Every morning it was the same routine: wake up at the crack of dawn, watch the sun rise over a new city, go back into whatever shithole him and his companion were lodged at, help Orren get ready, and head out. The only drawback that Zinzie could name about traveling with Orren was the lack of places to say. No inn owner wanted a leper sleeping in their rooms. The day before, Zinzie had managed to convince a man to let them sleep in his barn, for the same amount of money that a regular room would have cost. The barn was comfortable enough for him; it was a roof over his head, anyways. Orren didn't seem to mind either, as he preferred just about anything over sleeping in the streets.

Zinzie hummed quietly as he walked into the barn. He was met by the sight of bandages fluttering lightly in the breeze, hung from every rafter to dry. Every three days, Zinzie would help Orren pull off all of his disease ridden bandages and clothes, throw them in a pot of boiling water and peppermint oil, and then hang them up to dry. If he didn't, the younger man would run everyone off with the smell of his rotting flesh. The first day after the wash, he would smell like a sweet candy shop, the second day, he smelled like a candy shop with a dead rat inside, on the third day, it was clear that it was time to start the process over again. Zinzie had grown used to the smell of death, but most other people shunning his friend for it.

Zinzie gathered up the bandages and laid them in a pile. He glanced over at Orren, wrapped up snugly in a blanket on the ground. The potion maker bent over to shook his friend awake. "We have to get going if we want to make it on time," Zinzie said with a smile. He was met by an array of grumbles, but Orren slowly sat up. He was certainly a sight for sore eyes: skin pulled a bit too tightly over his bones, open, leaking lesions all over his small body. Zinzie did his best to keep them from getting infected by cleaning them out with very strong alcohol. Orren never minded; he couldn't feel it anyway. As the leper slowly wiggled out of the blanket, Zinzie gathered the dried clothes that belonged to him. He had to help the man get dressed, as Orren's fingers had long since been gone. It wasn't the actual disease that took them, but rats and injury had slowly taken them away, bit by bit. When sleeping in the streets, he couldn't feel the rats gnawing on him. It was gruesome to think about, and always made Zinzie that much happier that he had taken Orren in.

After re-wrapping and dressing, Orren went over to their wagon and began poking and prodding around for something to eat. He found a jar of preserved strawberries that Zinzie had bought a couple days ago and brought them over. Zinzie, who was busy getting his horse ready to go, smiled down at the jar as it was silently thrusted at him. He opened it for Orren and went back to work, still humming happily. It wasn't long before they were heading off, Zinzie steering the one horse wagon, Orren sitting in the back while munching on strawberries. Today, Zinzie was setting up his stand in the market of a new city. Well, actually, every city was new to him. It didn't take long to get to the market square. Many merchants were already setting up; any later, and Zinzie wouldn't have had a spot. He quickly busied himself with setting up his stand and pulling out what potions he had pre-made. Orren did his best to stay out of way, seeing as he couldn't really help.
Know more. She thought. She then gave a smileand looked toward the two. "Well you can ask me any questions." She smiled.
Venn had been poking at the fire as the three spoke to each other. He was becoming bored and tired and bored, so he began to take large handfuls of the flames at eat them like popcorn as eh listened to his friends talk to one another. Stuffing his face he nodded towards them, "Ask me anything as well I guess. Since we all have decided to get on Dr. Phil tonight." Smiling slyly he began to fill more flames into his mouth and swallow them down like it was nothing.

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