Elder World

The white wolf stalked the girl with no sounds conning from its paws hitting the ground. The girl went by the name of Lyra. The wolf change into a human female and she quickly got dressed in (the first outfit on Charrie). She moved silently and held her long sword close.
Venn shrugged, "Miss no offense, but... who cares! I've been searching for ther warriors for about two days and its frustrating too have too go back to the crockpot of a Summoner, empty handed." He whispered the last part of his sentence and smiled politely too the group. His voice was polite, but a hint of humor masked his words. The teen knew that if they all were here for a reason then it wasnt a big deal too shout it out to the world. They would need all the help they could get. He wanted too know exactly if they were Chosen Warriors as well so he could move on with this journey. He whispered the next part of his little rant, but it was loud enough so they all could hear, "The names Venn Knightingdale and I am a Chosen Warrior." With that he sat down cross-legged and set his palms a top his knees once more.

His eyes fluttered closed and he took the awkward silence as an opportunity too mediate and calm himself. It looked like the girl who had answered his original question wasn't too keen on trusting her fellow companions and if they all were Chosen Warriors then that would be a problem. For a moment he focused in the there's breathing, but then he widened his senses and could hear two others approaching the clearing. A sly smile played at the corners of his mouth.
Jessica shifted her weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably. She hadn't really thought of if the others were followers of the Sorcerer like the other girl did and she just told them all she was a chosen warrior. She was relieved when Venn said that he was one of the warriors at least. She glanced at the others curiously, were they warriors too or was it simply a big coincidence they arrived here too? Jessica watched Venn as he walked over to the middle of the clearing where they all stood, sit down then close his eyes. She wondered why he would do that when he was surrounded by strangers, any of them could attack him right now. Then she saw his mouth form a smile and this confused her, why was he smiling all of a sudden? She wrapped her arms around herself tightly, suddenly feeling a chill upon her skin as goosebumps rose on her arms.

Lyra watched the group in the clearing carefully, so far she knew for a fact that at least two of them were chosen warriors but what of the others? None seemed to know another so they couldn't have planned this ahead of time... She could easily go over there and fight them now, most people knew not to fight with her so if they were simple villagers then they wouldn't put up much of a fight but if they were all warriors, then this might be a bit more a challenge. She decided to simply stay put for now, and see what she can find out about these people before approaching any closer.
Sage's eyes narrowed, "It matters a lot, because you won't be going back at all if one of the sorcerer's men walk by." she closes her eyes and releases a frustrated sigh. She is silent for a few more minutes before opening her eyes again. She looked at Venn and then at Jessica, she knew they were two of her future companions but how to tell them without being reckless. "This is something that cannot be taken lightly if you want to succeed." With that she turned her attention back to what surrounded them and noticed two presences. However, she looked calm but under close inspection her hand got closer to her sword's hilt.
John stood where he was with his arms crossed just watching,he really didn't seem to have a part in this so he stayed out of it. He thought maybe he could just be invisible for the time being and just wait it out,but he didn't have that much time to stand around and do nothing. Maybe it'll all just breeze over and it'll all be fine after,he'll go back to wandering around while these guys do what ever it is they do. It would be nice if things were that simple,If...
Jessica looks around at all the people surrounding her uneasily. She has a bad feeling about something and she didn't really want to stick around to see what these people will do that could cause this feeling in her. Once she's sure no one is looking at her she starts to slowly back away, continuously watching the different guys near her to be sure she can get away cleanly. She soon makes it past the tree line without being spotted. She then turns to jog away until she's pretty far into the trees. Jessica soon passes where Lyra is hiding behind a tree and who then jumps out and covers Jessica's mouth, tackling her quietly. Jessica lets out a smothered scream and falls to the ground. Lyra chuckles and speaks lowly into her ear, "So, you're a chosen warrior?"

This girl was not exactly the one Lyra planned to take out first but she came right to her and how could she pass up a chance like this? The girl wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings and only the rest of the group in the clearing so it was a very good opportunity. Jessica scrunched her eyes closed and tried her hardest to escape Lyra's hold but only succeeded in rustling a bunch of leaves.
Eve wondered through the forest in a lost fit.She could not tell where she was,but she could sense a few people a little bit away from her,and two other people to the right of her.Her lit up with the light of aura,which allowed her to see through the trees and see the aura's of the people.She looked at the group,their auras where all nice and heroic,but when she looked at the two people to the right she saw that one of the creatures had a deadly aura.She rushed over to Jessica and Lyra,with her sword and book at her side.She got to them rather quickly with her hands radiating with chi,"Come out and release her,I know your there."She demanded with her fighting stance ready,to attack if needed,
Lyra jumps when she ears this new voice and Jessica pushed herself up onto her hands and knees but collapses under the added weight of this other. She still continues to try however until Lyra huffs and pulls out one of her daggers and places it onto Jessica's neck, the blade digging into her skin. She then yanks Jessica up but makes her have to lean back so they can remain level. Lyra keeps Jessica in from of her just in case and walks around the tree. "Who's there?" Lyra looks around the girl in from of her to see who spoke, it surely couldn't have been one of the people from the clearing?
"A person, that's who."She said looking through the with her aura vision,which allowed her to see the people's aura and their emotions.She saw the tussle that had just happen,and could tell that the vampire girl still had the upper hand.She started inch closer,but the stance she was in it made it look like she wasn't even moving,unless you paid close attention,"Will you release her,or what?"She with a serious tone and a calm composure.
Lyra looks up and to the side as she exaggerates a thoughtful look for a moment, "Hm... I'd have to say.... No." She looks right back at this new girl with a smirk and chuckles lowly.

Jessica looks over at this new girl uneasily and swallows nervously. Why did it have to be her? She just had to leave all by herself and only after she made sure no one from the clearing saw her... It was just her luck that it'd be her who has a knife to her throat and a stranger randomly coming to her rescue.
Venn focused his hearing at a wide range. Suddenly, he heard one of the girls, Jessica, turn and leave hurriedly. He was going to let her go since he knew she would return, but he jumped to his feet as he heard another voice that did not sound so nice. His superhuman speed traveled to his legs and he took off in the direction Jessica had gone in. He caught up so fast that he witnessed the vampire girl cover Jessica's mouth at the right moment. For a second he hid behind a tree to control his breath and watched the scene. He was trying to plan, but it seemed another girl was going to jump in and be the hero. The three women were face to face now, Jessica looking frightened. His instincts kicked in and using his sensory abilities he blocked all of his own sound so the vampire girl could not hear him sneak up behind her. Over the vampire girl's shoulder he looked at the new girl and simply placed his forefinger against his lips in a shushing motion.
When Eve seen the guy behind the vampire,she thought he was an idiot.Being a half Kitsune she could smell him,but he had cut off his own sound,so she did not hear him.She knew the girl was a vampire,and that race also a great sense of smell,so she took her spell book off her waist and flipped through it,"Quinymo Nidor!"She whispered the latin words quickly,as her hand glowed with energy,then dispersed.Venn's smell was completely erased as if it was never there.
Lyra watches this girl confused, what was just happened with her hand? All she saw was that it glowed for no reason. She glanced down at herself and the girls she was holding curiously, nope, nothing happened. She laughs and looks back at the girl. "Nice move, but next time you should probably actually do something instead..." She shook her head a little, and full of amusement.

Jessica braced herself when she saw this new girl's hand start to glow but relaxed once she realized that nothing discernable happend. She thought for a moment then stomped on her captor's foot but Lyra saw the movement and quickly moved her foot just in time so she missed. She glared at the girl she was holding and dig her elbow into her back causing Jessica to let out a stifled yelp. Even though it wasn't that hard it still pained her because of her past injuries.
Venn smiled deviously and quickly pinched the vampire's neck sending a huge wave of heat into her central artery. He was aiming towards a lava like temperature so her blood flow would boil and she would simply go into a shocked stated and release Jessica. The only thing he needed right now was for the girl to let go of Jessica so he could at least take her far away. There was no guarantee he had actually sent enough heat into the vampire to do anything, but if he did not then he would simple try something else. With his opposite hand he created a huge ball of fire as a precaution. He didn't want to be caught off guard now did he?
Lyra jumps when she feels someone pinch her and then she feels wave of heat go through her, instead of causing her to let go of the girl, her grip instead tightens and the blade she had held to Jessica's neck cuts her and causes some blood to trickle down her throat. Jessica then yelps and tries to jerk her head back, away from the dagger but can't go very far. At the feeling of the heat going through her neck, Lyra shivers then smirks. She twirls around, still gripping Jessica and uses the heat Venn shot into her to boost her venom burn and shoots it at him, causing this boy to feel as if he is burning from the inside out.
"Ew that is bloody disgusting!" Venn, after getting shot with the venom burn, accidentally took the ball of fire he had been constricting in his left hand and swung it towards Lyra. His hand collided with her throat where her adam's apple sat and the fire diminished in a huge cloud of pure black smoke. Even he could not see through it. The venom that had been shot at him didn't necessarily burn as much as he thought it would. He guessed because he was already burning from the inside out due to his pyrokinesis, but it still slightly stung his muscles and skin. His suit had absorbed up most of the venom although that was not a good thing for Venn. He ducked in case vampire girl lashed out at him and he took what little time he could to create flames on each of his finger tips... he was rather hungry.
Lyra stumbles back from the hit and instinctively lets go of Jessica to grab her own throat and screamed at him, "Hey! Watch it!" Her eyes become blood red and her fangs become much more prominent. She twirls her dagger in her hand glares at him. "I mean, come on, you sneak attack a girl who's younger than you? What kind of man are you?" She yells at him spitefully and rolls her eyes. She then darts forward and stabs him in the shoulder.

Once Lyra pushes her away, Jessica collapses on the ground, momentarily shocked from the sudden movement. She automatically reaches up and touches the new wound on her neck, she pulls her fingers away and inspects the blood on them. Jessica then sees the girl who had been holding her attack the boy who apparently just saved her. A hundred thoughts run through her mind, most of which simply telling her about how stupid her next move was but she ignores those and does it anyway. Jessica jumps up when she see the dagger cut through his skin and pushes the younger girl away from him shouting, "Bite me, snaggletooth!" She knew this was a stupid idea but also knew that she had to help this guy even though he probably didn't need it...

Lyra turns around and lunges at the girl, dang did this chick have some courage. "What did you just call me?" Jessica jumps out of the vampire's reach and sticks her tongue out before running off, causing Lyra to chase after her.
Venn got up from the ground holding his shoulder. He looked at wound; the dagger had cut his shirt and suit, but he simply created a flame on his forefinger and held it to the wound. He winced momentarily, but the pain was gone and the wound was burnt closed, hopefully he wouldn't get an infection. Looking around he saw what Jessica had done for him, as he tried to grab her to bring her behind him she had run off, Lyra right behind her. The adolescent created five flames on his right hand, one for each finger, and then ate them in one swoop. He burped and a cloud of black smoke exited his mouth. Feeling a more energetic Venn took off behind the duo.
Jessica glances behind her at the girl who is chasing her then gasps, her eyes widen and she speeds up once she sees that the girl is gaining on her.

Lyra smirks at the fear in this girl's eyes, her bloodlust growing with the chase for her now bleeding prey, the scent of the blood trailing after Jessica, straight to Lyra as she chased after her. She then became bored of this chase and puled out her whip as she ran then flicked it at her prey, aiming for her legs so she'll fall but instead misses and the whip simply slashes at the back of her legs, causing more blood to seep from her skin. Lyra's eyes widen at the scent of more blood and she groans when she misses, trying again and this time the whip wraps around the girl's leg, making Jessica fall onto the ground with a short scream and Lyra dashes over to the fallen, bleeding girl, filled with the want for blood.
Eve hopped off of the ground,flew after Venn,"Hey,whats your name?"She asked while flying next time him,while he rushed after the others.Her hand started to glow again as her book's pages started to flip.She looked up at the two girls ahead of them,"Hmmmm...."She said curiously wondering which spell to use,"Erumpo Ventus!"She roared as gust of wind burst forth in front of,that would blow Lyra off her feet,and a few feet away from Jessica
"The names Venn," he stated as he caught up with the girls. He had used his superhuman speed to gain on Lyra right as she caught Jessica's leg and she came sprawling to the floor. "Excuse me for a moment.." Since his energy was back and he felt light on his feet Venn decided to be a tad heroic and lunge at the Vampire girl right as she came to Jessica. He caught her by the waist at the last moment, holding her arms to her sides and focusing a few flames to lap at her exposed skin.
Lyra shrieks and struggles against Venn's hold, squirming in pain, she may be ok with heat inside of her but flames were something that, no matter her powers, will still always hurt her. She claws at his arms and any other part of him she could reach. She turns and tries to once again use her venom burn on this guy. "Let me go! Let me go, let me go, let me go!!" She screams as loud as she can at him, using all of her strength to try to break out of his hold. Lyra then yanks on her whip to untangle it from Jessica's leg, ignoring the fact that this also yanked the girl who it was wrapped around and then making the girl yelp. When the whip was unwrapped she then snapped it around Venn's leg then tugs on it so his leg will give out on him.

Once Jessica realizes that Lyra was no longer going after her and was instead being held back by the guy who is still helping her. She tries to get up but fails because of the cuts on her legs. She instead turns around focuses her energy on distracting Lyra. She didn't want him to be hurt so she closed her eyes and concentrated on searching the girl's memories for a fear. She ignores everything else besides the memories which ring a bitter chord with the vampire. Once she finds it she brings it to the surface of Lyra's conscious and overrides all of her senses so it is as if that memory is truly happening but only Lyra is experiencing it.

Lyra's eyes widen and she freezes in her struggles and doesn't move as the worst memory she has ever had comes to life once again. She is witnessing her parents' deaths all over again... Lyra begins to tremble then her body jerks forward as the burst from the original time the flames burst onto her, telling her that the house has blown up. She then remains on her hands and knees, trembling from the shock of an explosion only she is experiencing.
Venn stood halfheartedly and removes the whip that had created a knot around his ankles, "Bloody hell..." He looked at Jessica and then at Lyra as he finally processed what was going on. As he finally removed the whip from his ankles he wrapped the whip up and held it tightly. "What should we do now? It is a fact she will come after us with revenge if we simply just leave.." Venn had a second mind to burn the Vampire to a crisp for putting him through so much trouble to save Jessica. His eyes turned a strange golden orange color at the thought of sending flames throughout her entire body. He shook his head to rid him of those thoughts and then sat on a nearby stump to catch his breath.
Jessica peeks open one eye at him then quickly shuts it, suddenly becoming very shy. She clears her throat then speaks quietly, "W-we should probably start going soon, the memory is almost over..." Her voice was so soft you would have to listen pretty carefully to hear what she was saying. She then starts to get up again momentarily forgetting about her injuries and she quickly falls back down on the ground with a soft whimper at the pain. This causes her to lose her concentration and the dream projection stops then surrounds Lyra's senses once again when Jessica regains it. She focuses on the vision she's surrounding Lyra with and shakily reaches up to her throat to wipe away the blood which is still oozing from her cut earlier. When she feels the sticky substance on her throat and the sting from her dirt-covered fingers toughing the wound she whimpers softly but immediately quiets herself, hoping Venn didn't hear her. "We need to go." She spoke normally but it only came out to sound like a sort of hoarse whisper.
Venn rolled his eyes at the girls shyness, "I won't bite. Here let me help you." He managed to help Jessica up and then support her weight as not to hurt her injured legs. He kept a gentle hold on her at the same time since she seemed to be rather frightened of men. "I can help your wounds so the don't get infected if you like? It may slightly sting, but it will help in the long run." A cheeky smile played on his lips to show her that he was harmless and he really just wanted to help. He placed the whip on his belt loop momentarily so he could get a better grip on Jessica, in case the fatigue of blood loss caused her to stumble about.

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