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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Yea, no worries. Hoping all is well with Alistair and looking forward to when things have returned to normal for him and we can begin things here. I have been checking fairly regularly as well, but not sure how many questions I could actually answer.
Avatar's Name: Alistair

Nicknames: The Grim Reaper.

Special Title: Hero (Carrier of Fate) Increases HP and MP a bit during major battles (i.e. Raid Bosses, long quests’ boss battles, etc.)

Avatar's Gender: male

Avatar's Appearance:

Guild: GM of the to be created Persona Quest Guild.

Level: 90

Race: Half-Alv

Class: Enchanter

Subclass: Scribe


Reaper's Overcoat (Phantasmal) - "A Black Overcoat/Longcoat that is shredded around the ends of the coat worn by a creature known to have been pale as bones, an accursed item that no one dares to touch, unless they are worthy" Light weight armor that boosts high protection from magical attacks, when equipped with the full Reaper Set, its secret ability is unlocked, the ability that the Overcoat wields is all offensive, defensive, and support magic is boosted around 5%. Also gives the Overcoat an ominous purple tinted glow to its black outfitting.

Reaper's Leggings (Phantasmal) - "Leggings worn by the creature known to have been as pale as bones, an accursed item that no one dares to touch, unless they are worthy." Light weight armor that boosts agility/speed. Allowing for easier retreating if in need to stay safe behind allies. Secret Ability - The Leggings allow the wearer a near silent approach to the battlefield if one is arriving late. Enemies will not notice the wearer until they make themselves noticed in battle. The leggings gain a purple tinted glow.

Reaper's Scythe (Phantasmal) - "A Sacred Staff that transforms itself into a Scythe when in battle, known to have been used by the creature as pale as bones, an accursed item that no one dares to touch or has sought, unless they are worthy to wield its powers and look at its worth." A Staff/Scythe that does literally no damage to opponents, but steals MP whenever the scythe is used to cut foes, and in turn, with an amount of MP that has been stolen, the scythe can direct an curved energy slash at its opponent, dealing damage equal to the amount of MP stolen, also slows down opponents MP regeneration and agility. Staff spell usage makes spells 5% more effective. (20 MP stolen for each cut to opponents. 10 cuts max 10x20 = 200 hp. Used effectively it can be deadly.) Special Ability - Scythe - damage continues to affect opponents like poison. (5 points of damage every 5 seconds) Staff- MP regen is even quicker. The Scythe and Staff are both given an ominous black and purple hue to it, as if energy pours out of the weapon, almost like it lives as one with its wielder.

Mithril Shirt (Phantasmal) - "A white chainmail long sleeved shirt with golden inlay, the shirt was made from strong material named Mithril, said to have been impenetrable even by magic blades" Medium weight armor, that boasts high defenses in battle, able to withstand an amazing amount of damage for the wearer, but even so, not every piece of armor is able to protect the wearer from defeat.


Dazaneg's Magic Bag - Holds an interestingly large amount of items in a magical bag fit for the wearer's items.

Griffon Flute - Summons Griffon's as a mount.

Rainbow Ink Bottle - : A Production-class item, the color of ink within the bottle can be changed.


Reaper's Lantern Talisman (Artifact) - "A lantern used by the creature as pale as bones, used on its many journeys across many plains of the worlds, it lights the way for the creature and its subjects." The Lantern boosts magic damage, support, and defense by 5%. Special Ability - The Reaper Lantern Talisman gives the wearer, if they are an Enchanter the special skill called "Spell Counters" The ability allows Enchanter's to stack a certain amount of Spells to a Counter, and then release the amount of spell usage as damage with an attack. (Example. If Alistair used 4 spells throughout a battle, the Counter tracks the progress of those spells as 4 spells used during a battle.) If Alistair uses another spell, the counter will track 5 spells. 5 spells is the limit to the counter, and he can use the full power of the Spell Counter, which adds to damage output. 1000 damage is given to any of his offensive magic spells. (Example during a battle. Alistair uses Thorn Bind Hostage as his fifth and final spell, he uses the Spell Counter skill, and the amount of damage each thorn has will add up to 2000 damage per hit from an ally.) Making this Talisman, a force to reckon with. The Lantern has a green flame that glows menacingly, but is unseen under the Overcoat.

God's Wood Talisman (Artifact) - "A Talisman carved out from a Godswood Tree, the Talisman seems to produce a humming sound to the wearer, soothing their weary bones" A Talisman that boosts status immunity.

The Reaper Set gives Alistair a total of 10% increase in all spells. A silent approach ability, the Spell Counter ability, MP steal and attack ability with poison like dmg as special ability, and quicker MP regen ability
Personality: Alistair is said to be very quiet at times, in these moments Alistair could be thinking, or just daydreaming, no one really knows. A Fatherly Figure among any who come in contact with him, he is a great tactician and strategist during battles, and will ensure his comrades to be encouraged even when things seem to be getting rough. He never seems to panic or freak out during a battle, and will always keep a calm and collected demeanor, Alistair rarely boasts, even if he knows the enemy team will lose against him and his group. He is also quite reserved, and decides not to speak much about his past, playing Elder Tale before the Apocalypse, and how he gained the Special Title of Dragon Slayer, and the nickname of The Grim Reaper, though it could be obvious why, since his equipment shows enough evidence.

Background: Alistair's background is shrouded in mystery, and he shares it with no one, though he is indeed male, Alistair's only sort of background information is that he's possibly in his early or late 20's. And could have possibly graduated College by now, hints to himself is he could possibly be a CEO of a successful Corporation, which is why his tactician skills are quite amazing, as for his strategy skills, it is most likely because he loves to play chess. As you can see he always plays by himself whenever he's alone. He shares no information of how he got into Elder Tale nor his past achievements in the MMORPG itself
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RageFace said:
O_O ...... I think I just died of Jealousy...... I really like that character. (*U*)
I take a while to always get my character to have a nice story set for himself. Thank you very much :D
Definitely like this character. I think this character itself may end up being a strong enough pulling force to make my character want to join :P That is one of the things I was half worried about, my character having a strong enough desire to want to join the Guild vs just an acquaintance to the guild and its members (like his past has been).

@Alistair Did you get my private message about what I am considering for my overskill and the additional history of my character? The real life part that he doesn't remember?
Shineko said:
Definitely like this character. I think this character itself may end up being a strong enough pulling force to make my character want to join :P That is one of the things I was half worried about, my character having a strong enough desire to want to join the Guild vs just an acquaintance to the guild and its members (like his past has been).
@Alistair Did you get my private message about what I am considering for my overskill and the additional history of my character? The real life part that he doesn't remember?
Yes I did, I'll have to review it again, but he is surely accepted into the guild if he so desires.
We will have to see if he decides to join through the process of the role play. I want to make sure the decisions I make match with his personality. I am sure he will want to join at some point, just not sure if it will happen from the very start or if he may take a little longer to make that decision. The role play will help me figure out what he would do.
(I might introduce this character in a later arc; maybe appearing when Alistair introduces his character.)

Avatar's Name: Reynald

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: to be determined

Level: 90

Race: Wolfhair

Class: Samurai

Subclass: Chef


  • Overall: Militia-mail: Standard-isssue battle uniform. (bonus to aggro gained)
  • Feet: Militia's boots: Standard-issue battle uniform. (bonus to aggro gained)
  • Weapon: Meat Cleaver: Phantasm-level equipment. It's a chef's meat cleaver that has been altered to be more like an axe. (also acts as a chef's cooking tool and gives a bonus to cooking)

Personality: Reynald's character is rather laid-back and care-free. He will complete assignments given to him, but he can easily go on auto-pilot and miss fine details. Complimenting his subclass and weapon-of-choice, one thing his character is dead serious about is cooking. Sometimes it can even act as a berserk button. He also loves combat and can go a bit trigger-happy when prompted.
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Thesmashbro said:
(I might introduce this character in a later arc; maybe appearing when Alistair introduces his character.)
Avatar's Name: Reynald

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: to be determined

Level: 90

Race: Wolfhair

Class: Samurai

Subclass: Chef


  • Overall: Militia-mail: Standard-isssue battle uniform. (bonus to aggro gained)
  • Feet: Militia's boots: Standard-issue battle uniform. (bonus to aggro gained)
  • Weapon: Meat Cleaver: Phantasm-level equipment. It's a chef's meat cleaver that has been altered to be more like an axe. (also acts as a chef's cooking tool and gives a bonus to cooking)

Personality: Reynald's character is rather laid-back and care-free. He will complete assignments given to him, but he can easily go on auto-pilot and miss fine details. Complimenting his subclass and weapon-of-choice, one thing his character is dead serious about is cooking. Sometimes it can even act as a berserk button. He also loves combat and can go a bit trigger-happy when prompted.
Thank goodness we have A CHEF!!! :D
Avatar's Name: Leorio

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:

(Without handcuffs on tail and robotic looking feet. Stands at 6 ft, 8 in.)


Guild: (to be determined)

Level: 90

Race: Werecat

Class: Monk

Subclass: Avenger (Skill linked to Tora)


  • Body: Futuristic Monk Top (Rare; bonus to defense)
  • Legs: Futuristic Gi Bottoms (Rare; bonus to defense)
  • Hands: Tape Wrappings (Common, small bonus to attack)
  • Feet: Futuristic Monk Sandals (Rare; bonus to agility)
  • Weapon: High-Tech Gauntlets: Gauntlets made by monks from the future. It slipped into this realm through a crack in time. (Phantasm; boosts electric based attacks and gives <Lightning Straight> a slower cool down.
  • Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag (inventory)

Personality: A kind and loving father. A patient teacher. Leorio often has a smile on his face. He's a flamboyant monk who lives for the thrill of battle. His grin grows wider as he mentally pumps himself up for a fight. Leorio not only uses his fiery spirit to fight, but to inspire those around him as well. He's protective of his daughter and there's no better way to get on his bad side than attacking her.

Background: Real name Daichi Akira, age 35. Daichi never outgrew the child inside him and has kept up with the major videogames even in his adult life. He married young, but the marriage ended in divorce a couple years later. His only child, a girl named Tora, lived mostly with her mother. Daichi only got to see Tora during certain weekends. Most of the time he only heard her voice over the phone or voice chat in Elder Tale. When the game world became real, Daichi continued to embrace his Leorio persona and promised that he'd protect his little girl.

Avatar's Name: Tora

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:

(Tigress werecat with looks similar to Leorio but not a complete copy [she has green eyes instead of blue]. Stands at 5 ft, 5 in.)


Guild: (to be determined)

Level: 85

Race: Werecat

Class: Druid

Subclass: Apprentice


  • Body: Regal Druid Dress (Rare; small maximum MP bonus)
  • Legs: Cute Skirt & Shorts (Common; basic medium armor)
  • Hands: Cat Claw Gloves (Rare, small bonus to attack)
  • Feet: Regal Druid Boots (Rare, bonus to agility, small maximum MP bonus)
  • Weapon: Kitten's Healing Staff: A healing staff created by a cat loving Druid. Some say that the kitten head design on the top of the staff is cuter than the real thing. (Ultra Rare, small bonus to healing output and allows access to <Servant Summon: Kitten>)
  • Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag (inventory)

Personality: In real life and in game persona, Tora is a shy girl. She speaks when spoken to and is very polite, but she doesn’t always start a conversation. She tends to press her index fingers together as a nervous habit. She may be more on the quiet side compared to her father, but she’s just as determined to help out in battle as he is.

Background: Real name Tora Akira, age 14. Tora was a young child when her parents divorced. She lived mostly under the care of her mother, but got to see her father over certain weekends. One such weekend she found her dad playing Elder Tale. She thought that the game looked cool and it would be another way she could interact with her dad long distance. Her father helped her set up her character. Tora did most of her social gaming with her father and always quested with him. He helped her understand the game mechanics and get her items. She was scared at first when Elder Tale became real, but she feels safe around her father and can now spend a lot more time with him.
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Avatar's Name: Akaikimono

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: (to be determined)

Level: 38

Race: Foxtail

Class: Sorcerer

Subclass: Maou/Demon Lord


  • Body: Red priestess robes.
  • Feet: Ninja leggings.
  • Weapon: Ruby wand. Slight bonus to fire attacks.

Personality: Akaikimono is very competitive and tries to show that she is capable of holding her own in battle. When she tires herself out, though, she gets rather emotional. In a word: Tsundere.

Background: Miyako was the younger sister of a prodigy. Her brother, Katsurou, was intelligent and a good athlete, which caused Miyako to be overshadowed. She was always expected to meet up expectations set up by her brother, but she rarely could. While Katsurou excelled in sports and education, the one place Miyako could feel like she was good at something was gaming. Starting out with first-person shooters, she eventually moved on to role-playing games and then MMOs.
Character Sheet

Possible image here

Character Statistics


Physical Characteristics


Mental Characteristics


Powers / Skills




Nobody worry about this! I'm just looking at it for a moment xD
Avatar's Name: Kashi

Avatar's Gender: Male

Avatar's Appearance:


Guild: (to be determined)

Level: 39

Race: Human

Class: Druid

Subclass: Painter


  • Body: Forester Cloak and Clothing.
  • Feet: Forester Boots
  • Weapon: Forester Healing Staff: A wood staff with leaf designs carved in. Small boost to healing spells.

Personality: Kashi acts lazy. He views things half-empty and often complains that something is "going to be a pain." He may complain when helping his allies, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to help out.

Background: Despite his intelligence, Shiroe Hatake, age 16, doesn't push himself to do his best when it comes to school. He's barely getting C's. Shiroe spends more time online in Elder Tale than doing homework. He may not have played the game since it's release, but he quickly made his way up to level 39. Shiroe installed the expansion and was going to launch it, but his mom made him work on his homework first. After creating another C worthy homework assignment, Shiroe logged into the game. He wanted to simply play with his friend Akaikimono, but the new update did a lot more than that.
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Oops, missed a click in there to come to this tab :P

Avatar’s Name: Youko

Avatar’s Gender: Male

Avatar’s Appearance:

Physically well built, much like his personal characteristics. However, finding himself a fan of Anime and Manga, he decided to have fun with some of the other features.

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 180 lbs

Eyes: Golden

Hair: Long hair down just past his shoulders of an orange tinged red color. In game he wears a cloak with a hood that helps keep both his hair and eyes obscured.

Guild: Currently not in a guild

Level: 41

Race: Half-Alv

Class: Enchanter

SubClass: Scribe


Body: Cloak of the Heavens – Production Class Item, Set item – Improves defense based on Wisdom & increased mana regeneration. The appearance of this item is a dark blue with light blue and white specs seemingly covering the cloak resembling the evening sky.

Set Bonus: Increased casting speed, resistance to negative mental status effects

Primary Weapons: Staff of the Heavens – Production Class Item, Set item – Increases magic damage and reduces cool down times for enchanter spells, “Astral” spells cool downs are cut in half. The appearance of this item is that of a 5ft long oak staff, the top has a crescent moon with a blue jewel mounted between the tips of the moon.

Set Bonus: Increased Wisdom and mana regeneration

Accessory 1: Bracers of the Zodiac – Production Class Item, Set Item – Increases Wisdom and boosts magic damage. These bracers are made of a light weight silvery colored metal that have the Elder Tale Zodiac signs embossed on them.

Set Bonus: Astral Bind now gains the effect of Thorn Bind Hostage

Accessory 2: Horse summoning whistle


He has always pushed himself hard to be the very best and make his family proud. This has left him sometimes a little oblivious to how others were impacted as he was so focused on the task at hand. He loves his little sister and wants to build a normal sibling relationship with her. He doesn’t back down from a challenge, but he will take the time to think about the best way to approach it instead of just rushing in carelessly. He is able to process a lot of different information at once.


Real name: Katsurou, Miyako’s older brother.

Age: 23

Eldest son and child prodigy. Currently attending Tokyo University getting a double major in Economics and Law (focus on international). Due to friendships at university, he recently started suspecting his younger sister may have been overshadowed by his performance and had expectations placed on her to perform as well. Due to the focus on academics and other activities, they were not close. Hoping to patch things up with his sister and have a more normal sibling relationship, he started seeking out something he could do to show interest in her life. He learned that she was playing a game called Elder Tale. He learned that a friend of his at Tokyo University had been playing for a while and asked him for advice and help. His goal was to get to a high level and then show his sister in hopes of finding some kind of common ground and interest. Before that could happen, he was trapped in Elder Tale thanks to the Apocalypse. He doesn’t even know if his sister is also trapped in the game or anything about the character she played.


Avatar’s Name: Warui Okami

Avatar’s Gender: Male

Avatar’s Appearance:

Fairly well toned and decently muscled.

Height: 6’ 2”

Weight: 210 lbs

Eyes: red

Hair: Brown hair, long and tied into a ponytail.

Guild: Currently not in one

Level: 42

Race: Wolf Fang

Class: Monk

SubClass: Blacksmith


Head: Headband of Perception – Production Class Item – Greatly reduces chance that wearer will be taken by surprised (or suffer penalties from a sneak attack).

Body: Shaolin Apprentice

Hands: Shaolin Apprentice Leather Wraps – Production Class Item, Set Item – Improves attack speed and defense. These are leather straps that wrap around the wrist and connect with the fingers.

Set Bonus: Boost to evasion and reduced cool down time for monk skills

Legs: Shaolin Apprentice Pants – Production Class Item, Set Item – Increased attack power and defense.

Set Bonus: Bonus to evasion and attack speed

Primary Weapons: Shaolin Apprentice Training Fist – Production Class Item, Set Item – Increased attack damage and attack speed.

Set Bonus: Increase to evasion and defense

Accessory 1: Horse summoning whistle


He has managed to always get by without having to study too hard. Would much rather be out partying and having fun than stuck inside studying and loves a good adventure. However, this doesn’t mean that he lacks the knowledge and skills, only that so far he has not felt challenged and found the extra effort towards his studies to be a waste. He is currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Having been an only child, he always wondered what it would be like to have siblings. Because of this, he has a soft spot to help out those with siblings if they are in need. His father practiced the ancient art of metalworking and had shown him many of the different techniques, which he had been able to learn. He enjoys watching anime and reading manga and used playing Elder Tale to escape the real world and experience adventure.


Real name: Iketani.

Age: 23

He met Katsurou at Tokyo University during freshman orientation. They have been good friends since and after learning of Katsurou’s desire to get closer to his sister through elder tale, stopped playing his level 90 Samurai and started a new character to help him get the hang of the game and level up. He chose to play a monk since he was most comfortable being on the front lines. With the assistance of his Samurai and other high level friends, he managed to acquire some special gear to aid Youko and his abilities. Though unsure of how powerful Miyako’s character had become, they needed every advantage they could gain to help them hopefully catch up to her level so they could hopefully use Elder Tale as a way to become closer.
Avatar's Name: Jhenai Lyvanna

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance: 5'4" 120 lbs, slender build, lightly tanned skin, green eyes, short reddish brown hair.

Avatar's Appearance

Guild: None yet

Level: 40

Race: Elf

Class: Assassin

Subclass: Tracker


Body: Woodman’s Cloak – Magical Class Item – Provides bonus to Dex and Sneak

Hands: Journeyman Scout’s Leather Gloves – Magical Class Item – Provides bonus to Dex and critical rate

Legs: Apprentice Scout’s Leggings – Production Class Item – Provides a bonus to Dex and agility

Feet: Woodman’s Boots – Magical Class Item – Provides a bonus to Dex and to Silent Move

Primary Weapon: Darkthorn Longbow – Magical Class Item – Increased attack speed and damage.

Accessory 1: Endless Trueshot Quiver – Magical Class Item – Always has an arrow available, no need worry about having enough arrows. Also gives a bonus to critical rate.

Accessory 2: Flute of Horse Summoning

Personality: Fairly quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She's shy and it takes a little while for her to get to know people. Respects other people and tries to do the right thing. She enjoys travelling and improving her skills and equipment. Her friends are the most important things in her life. She holds grudges against those who wrong the ones she cares about.

Background: Her real name is Kaelyn, and she's in her mid 20's in college with a part-time job. She doesn't share much about herself.

Special Note: Since a Ranger class did not specifically exist, the assassin class and tracker subclass were used to create something close.
Jhenai said:
Avatar's Name: Jhenai Lyvanna
Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance: 5'4" 120 lbs, slender build, lightly tanned skin, green eyes, short reddish brown hair.

Avatar's Appearance

Guild: None yet

Level: 40

Race: Elf

Class: Assassin

Subclass: Tracker


Body: Woodman’s Cloak – Magical Class Item – Provides bonus to Dex and Sneak

Hands: Journeyman Scout’s Leather Gloves – Magical Class Item – Provides bonus to Dex and critical rate

Legs: Apprentice Scout’s Leggings – Production Class Item – Provides a bonus to Dex and agility

Feet: Woodman’s Boots – Magical Class Item – Provides a bonus to Dex and to Silent Move

Primary Weapon: Darkthorn Longbow – Magical Class Item – Increased attack speed and damage.

Accessory 1: Endless Trueshot Quiver – Magical Class Item – Always has an arrow available, no need worry about having enough arrows. Also gives a bonus to critical rate.

Accessory 2: Flute of Horse Summoning

Personality: Fairly quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She's shy and it takes a little while for her to get to know people. Respects other people and tries to do the right thing. She enjoys travelling and improving her skills and equipment. Her friends are the most important things in her life. She holds grudges against those who wrong the ones she cares about.

Background: Her real name is Kaelyn, and she's in her mid 20's in college with a part-time job. She doesn't share much about herself.

Special Note: Since a Ranger class did not specifically exist, the assassin class and tracker subclass were used to create something close.
Avatar's Name: Ayla

Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:



Guild: TBD

Level: 90

Race: Human

Class: Guardian

Subclass: Knight


[Head] Risen Martyr's Integrity (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to purge corruption from a maiden, only those deemed incorruptible may don this helm, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[body] Risen Martyr's Purity (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to purify a maiden's soul, only the truly pure are anointed to wear it, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[Arms] Risen Martyr's Mercy (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames use cleanse cruelty from a maiden, only the truly merciful may use these, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[Legs] Risen Martyr's Diligence (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to test a maiden's diligence, only those that rise to hardship may wear it, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

Risen Martyr's Tenacity (Artifact) - "A shield said to created by divine beings to protect a maiden of purity." Increased Aggro, Boosts Stamina, Holy resistance, Inflicts Weaken upon being struck.

Risen Martyr's Justice (Artifact) - "Said to strike with the fury of a deity and only maiden of virtue can wield it." Increased Aggro, Boosts Strength, Holy Damage, Inflicts short Holy DoT on strike.

[set Bonus] Risen Martyr (Party Buff) Should this character's health drop to zero, the character will have it's health restored to 25% and everyone else in the character's party will receive a 10% buff to all major stats for 300 seconds. Cooldown: 24 hours


Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag

Accessory 2: Cup Size Archive (Journal of sorts)

Personality: Ayla is a honest stand up gal. She very loyal to her friends, to the point that she acts like a big sister. She always seems to be in a good mood not matter how bad the situation is and does what she can to cheer people up, usually relying on cheesy and sometimes perverse jokes. Speaking of which, Ayla is a pervert and proud of it. Especially when it comes to oppai. That's right, Ayla loves oppai, in a good way...


Ayla is a 20 year old guy. His name is Darren Stokes.

Darren Stokes was born in America but came over to Japan as a foreign exchange student when he was sixteen, while he was teased a bit for being an outsider he found Elder Tales. A place where it didn't matter if he was an outsider. Whenever Darren wasn't studying, he was on Elder Tales and through this world he met many people and became fast friends with them through the Love of Oppai. Later, Darren would even meet with some of these people in real life and continued their friendship outside of the game. Eventually Darren would graduate and continue living in Japan and go to an university where he would study Criminal Law in hopes of becoming a lawyer to protect the oppai that he loved from unwanted touching, rough handling, and discrimination. Darren wasn't able to visit Elder Tales as much as he wanted to since becoming a law student, but as fate would have it, Darren was logged in on the day the new expansion came out. At the age of 20, Darren got his very own set of oppai.
[QUOTE="Galain Fletchawk]Avatar's Name: Ayla
Avatar's Gender: Female

Avatar's Appearance:



Guild: TBD

Level: 90

Race: Human

Class: Guardian

Subclass: Knight


[Head] Risen Martyr's Integrity (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to purge corruption from a maiden, only those deemed incorruptible may don this helm, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[body] Risen Martyr's Purity (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to purify a maiden's soul, only the truly pure are anointed to wear it, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[Arms] Risen Martyr's Mercy (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames use cleanse cruelty from a maiden, only the truly merciful may use these, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

[Legs] Risen Martyr's Diligence (Artifact) - "Charred black by the flames used to test a maiden's diligence, only those that rise to hardship may wear it, else they are consumed by fire." Boosts Strength/Stamina, Fire Resistance, Status Resistance.

Risen Martyr's Tenacity (Artifact) - "A shield said to created by divine beings to protect a maiden of purity." Increased Aggro, Boosts Stamina, Holy resistance, Inflicts Weaken upon being struck.

Risen Martyr's Justice (Artifact) - "Said to strike with the fury of a deity and only maiden of virtue can wield it." Increased Aggro, Boosts Strength, Holy Damage, Inflicts short Holy DoT on strike.

[set Bonus] Risen Martyr (Party Buff) Should this character's health drop to zero, the character will have it's health restored to 25% and everyone else in the character's party will receive a 10% buff to all major stats for 300 seconds. Cooldown: 24 hours


Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag

Accessory 2: Cup Size Archive (Journal of sorts)

Personality: Ayla is a honest stand up gal. She very loyal to her friends, to the point that she acts like a big sister. She always seems to be in a good mood not matter how bad the situation is and does what she can to cheer people up, usually relying on cheesy and sometimes perverse jokes. Speaking of which, Ayla is a pervert and proud of it. Especially when it comes to oppai. That's right, Ayla loves oppai, in a good way...


Ayla is a 20 year old guy. His name is Darren Stokes.

Darren Stokes was born in America but came over to Japan as a foreign exchange student when he was sixteen, while he was teased a bit for being an outsider he found Elder Tales. A place where it didn't matter if he was an outsider. Whenever Darren wasn't studying, he was on Elder Tales and through this world he met many people and became fast friends with them through the Love of Oppai. Later, Darren would even meet with some of these people in real life and continued their friendship outside of the game. Eventually Darren would graduate and continue living in Japan and go to an university where he would study Criminal Law in hopes of becoming a lawyer to protect the oppai that he loved from unwanted touching, rough handling, and discrimination. Darren wasn't able to visit Elder Tales as much as he wanted to since becoming a law student, but as fate would have it, Darren was logged in on the day the new expansion came out. At the age of 20, Darren got his very own set of oppai.

Accepted! Welcome to the Elder Tale RP! And welcome to RpN!


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