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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Shineko looks back at Mairi and Alistair in turn, "I am assuming Alistair is basing these possible encounter levels off of information from before the update. The problem with that is we don't know what all was changed with the update. Prior to the update, the barriers were fine and there was no need to do a quest to recharge them. So, either this is something entirely new to this world or part of the update. If it was a new quest being added by the update, there is a good chance that we may find new monsters or highly changed things along the way. I would not try to assume everything is just like it was when Elder Tale was just a game. If this is potentially a new quest, it would make sense that even if all the things we face along the way are exactly as he described, that we will find some type of boss either guarding the area where we would mine or that we have to defeat to get it as a drop."
"I can see where you're coming from," Leorio said to Shineko after he explained why he was hesitent to join Alistair's guild. "But my heart tells me I should be here and that's good enough for me." He walked over to Tora and put an arm around her shoulder. "Tora and I will gladly help with the barrier problem." Tora shyly smiled. "A...as a healer I promise I'll do my best."

"Geez, guess work is a pain," Kashi muttered. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm willing to tag along as far as I can without being low leveled," he added. "Why is XP gathering such a pain?" he asked himself.
Shineko turns towards Leorio, "I do think that we would all be better off together and I think Alistair's heart may be in the right place. I just worry that some of his decisions on how to accomplish those goals could have a negative impact and want to minimize those if possible. That is the very reason I suggested having even an inner council within the guild that is used to help work out the details on how to accomplish these goals instead of just acting. This could very well help us keep from making a mistake along the way and having too many others turn against us before we are able to accomplish what is needed. I am very glad to have your assistance and companionship Leorio and Tora for this next part." Shineko proceeds to add all those present to his friends list, just in case they get separated and something happens.

Warui looks at Youko to gauge what he thinks but quickly realizes he is all for this, "Okay, looks like we are in too. I know there is no way I am going to stop Youko here and I still have to keep him safe." Warui looks over at Youko, "Just because we are really in the game, I still plan on doing my part to help you."

Youko simply smiles at his friend's comment. Warui understood what he was trying to do and gave it his all to help him. His mind briefly wandered, wondering what his sister was doing and whether or not she was caught in this. If she was here, he had no way of knowing and no chance of finding her since he didn't even know her in game name. Snapping out of his momentary loss in thought, he just says "Thanks Warui. I think I am going to also join the guild. These guys all seem to care about what is happening and maybe I can be of service."

Without hestitation, Warui spoke up as well "Guess that means I will join as well. Can't very well have you running around on your own."

Shineko smiles at the two young friends who are trying to make their way through this world together and support each other. That is what he is after and trying to preserve. That is just a small example of why he feels so cautious about the decisions he makes, so that others may continue to have that luxury.
Rahl silently observed the interactions taking place, letting the information Shineko had given him settle, slowly processing every word and it's placement. Finally, as his eyes observed Shineko's seemingly fond look towards the two friends named Youko and Warui, he spoke up with a glance towards Alistair. "Since everybody seems to be making their decisions now, I see no point in hiding my opinion on the matter at hand."

He took a deep breath before glancing over the crowd that has gathered, deciding that there was no point in hiding anything. "Alistair, although I hold nothing against you or anybody present here, I find your ways a bit too different from mine to join your guild at the moment, accompanied with a few of my own reasons to not join. However," His arms uncrossed, folding out as if he were about to hug someone, a faint smile appearing on his face. "That does not mean I will never assist you. As different as the means we will use are, several of us here share the same goal; creating a new world, where we haven't been doomed from the beginning by anyone, where we can live in the best place possible. Now, I realize that we have reached the same conclusion on a matter pertaining to this subject." His small smile turned into a wide grin, his purple eyes glinting in the campfire's light as he held out his furry hand to Alistair. "Would you like another ally for this journey?"
Shineko looks around at everyone to make sure he has them on his friends list and that they have had a chance to add him if they so desired. Then he walks towards the edge of the clearing heading back towards the guild hall and looks back and everyone and says "I am off to the bank, I need to switch out to some of my other gear. Send me a message to let me know when and where to meet, once it is decided, to begin our journey to recharge the barrier. Either we need to find someone who can handle the mining or just go and hope that it is an item drop or something we can collect without the need of any specific skill."
Alistair looked at Shineko "The only information I know is what I looked into as of now, the caves show much more detailed information now than it did pre-update. Though not as much as we personally need, it only tells me the name of the cave, its location, how many levels there are, the enemy levels, and the event, or quest in-action as of right now. After the battle with the Frost Giant, I ran around some before making the plan to meet you all here, and so that's where I know the cave, the energy crystal, and the barrier needing repairs. I enjoy where your speech stands Shineko, I considered the possibility you all would think I was planning on being a totalitarian dictator, but in honesty, that's too hard, and annoying. I'm more of a strategist." He grinned wide, sick, and twisted as it should be. He turned to look at Leorio and Tora, grinning much wider now. "I will be glad to have you two as my companions and friends. Do enjoy yourselves as much as possible."

He looked to Reynald "My friend, we will soon enjoy ourselves as well, questing like we used to, though on untimely intervals. Now though we will be doing it all the time haahahah!!" He adjusted his glasses slowly once more, the shining effect of the glasses twinkling with the flames reflection.

"Rahl, I shall gladly accept the offer at hand" He grinned a devilish grin, as he took the furry hand and shook it. "The Devil plays with his toys on strings, a pact has been made and will be carried out between you and I, Rahl. That includes you, Shineko." He turns to be able to see both of them in view. "They don't call me the Grim Reaper for nothing, hehehe..." He cackled, lightly, tapping his fingers together.

He then resumed, and waved Shineko off. "I shall send you a message when the time of invading the cave is at hand, do be quick with your errands, friend!"

"Slowly..Slowly, more and more individuals accept this invitation. I'm surprised that a few fellows from nowhere came and agreed so quickly...This will be interesting, being a Guild Leader as well..I will do my best, I shall not let them down."
Shineko turns one last time to quickly shout back, "If you stay here long, I may be back before you have a chance to go anywhere" and with those final words, he disappears into the darkness. Now enveloped in the darkness, he uses his cloak's ability once again to become one with the shadows and speeds towards the Guild Hall. In a matter of minutes, Shineko finds himself at the Guild Hall and steps out from within the shadows and walks towards the Guild Hall entrance and the player bank housed inside. It doesn't take long before being able to access his items and switches out some of his gear.

Hands: Dexterous Cutthroat Gloves – Production Class Weapon – Improves the user’s agility and provides moderate armor. Also provides a small bonus to getting a critical hit and dexterity based actions involving the hands. These are soft gray leather gloves made in a style where they do not cover the fingers allowing the user’s sense of touch and grip to be unhindered.

Legs: Traveler’s Pants – Magical Class Item – The pants are made of a soft, comfortable material that makes it easy to move. The user gains minimal armor but gains a bonus to dexterity. The pants are a lighter grayish brown color.

Feet: Cat’s Grace Boots – Artifact Class Item – These boots provide very little armor but are made of very soft and supple material, giving a bonus to moving quietly and increased movement speed. They allow user to maintain normal full movement rate while moving quietly, quadruples movement rate out of combat but only double movement rate allowed in combat. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Unfolded, they read just short of the knee but they are kept rolled down to the calf.

Primary Weapon: Kamuy’s Wakizashi of Luck – Artifact Class Weapon – This weapon provides an increase to the users crit rate and damage. Also improves the drop rate if wielder delivers the killing blow.

Hands: Xipe Totec Obsidian Armguards –Phantasmal Class Item– Greatly improves the user’s agility and defense. Grants the ability to place a decay DoT on an enemy target. Damage increases each turn and lasts until fight is over (either player or target dies). Damage occurs (pulses) and recalculates every 2 seconds. Initial damage is 10, doubling each pulse.

Legs: Vampiric Shin guards of the Abyss – Phantasmal Class Item – Greatly increases ability and defense. Also gives moderate boost to crit rate and damage. User gains a moderate amount of health based on all damage being done by wearer.

Feet: Shadow Striker Boots –Phantasmal Class Item – These boots provide moderate armor and huge increase to movement speed and ability. Movement speed is not hindered by being in combat or terrain. Movement speed is quintupled. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Wearer is granted Sneak and Silent Move.

Primary Weapon: Xolotl’s Blade (custom length blade on the edge between a wakizashi and katana) –Phantasmal Class Item – This weapon provides a major increase to the user’s crit rate and damage. In addition, user’s damage is double if user is sneaking. Damage is treated as both normal and lightning damage with a high chance to cause paralysis status effect.

Accessory: Griffon Flute – Summons a Griffon as a mount.

Head: Visor of Improved Sight –Production Class Item– This item wraps around the users head with a crystal lens section in the front for the player to see through. The lens tint instantly adapts to surrounding light conditions. These provide 3 major benefits. Low-light/Night Vision, improved accuracy (improving chance for a critical strike), and immunity from being blinded.

** Special Note on items Appearance ** The appearance of this items resembles a uni-body styled pair of sun glasses that fit snugly on the head and look sleek. The lenses are made of a crystal with a green hue and the framing seems to be made from a lightweight and durable dark gray material.

Body: Cloak of Shadowed Tranquility –Phantasmal Class Item– Provides moderate bonus to armor and agility. Also provides a bonus to blending into the shadows. The user can slip into the shadows and travel in the shadows and exit at a different location as long as the trail of shadows goes unbroken. Maximum time the user has to travel while in shadow form each time is 10 minutes. You can use this item twice (with a small 5 minute break in-between) and then it will require a longer 2 hour cooldown before the skill fully resets. If a user only uses one of the 2 available charges, both will still be available after a 2 hour cooldown period. While travelling in the shadows, movement speed is double your maximum capable speed. User is unable to go through solid objects but can travel through cracks as long as there is shadow/darkness to create a path. The cloak seems to almost flow and wrap itself about the wearer at the same time, blending in with the shadowy areas around the user.

**Flavor Text** The wearer of this cloak can become so much like a shadow that they almost seem to slip out of an individual’s ability to target.

(As flavor text becomes reality, would make it so the wearer can’t be attacked until the wearer attacks)

Hands: Xipe Totec Obsidian Armguards –Phantasmal Class Item– Greatly improves the user’s agility and defense. Grants the ability to place a decay DoT on an enemy target. Damage increases each turn and lasts until fight is over (either player or target dies). Damage occurs (pulses) and recalculates every 2 seconds. Initial damage is 10, doubling each pulse.

Legs: Vampiric Shin guards of the Abyss – Phantasmal Class Item – Greatly increases ability and defense. Also gives moderate boost to crit rate and damage. User gains a moderate amount of health based on all damage being done by wearer.

Feet: Shadow Striker Boots –Phantasmal Class Item – These boots provide moderate armor and huge increase to movement speed and ability. Movement speed is not hindered by being in combat or terrain. Movement speed is quintupled. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Wearer is granted Sneak and Silent Move.

Primary Weapon: Xolotl’s Blade (custom length blade on the edge between a wakizashi and katana) –Phantasmal Class Item – This weapon provides a major increase to the user’s crit rate and damage. In addition, user’s damage is double if user is sneaking. Damage is treated as both normal and lightning damage with a high chance to cause paralysis status effect.

Secondary Weapon: (Left Hand) Hand of the Etcher with an embedded black obsidian shard with a sigil on it –Production Class Weapon– Gives the wearer the ability to draw runes anywhere, even in combat. It can automatically use the items contain in the wearer’s immediate inventory and can call on the knowledge of the wearer to create a rune to his specification (as long as it is within the wearer’s normal ability).

Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag –Magical Class item– Earned by completing the Level 45 quest (Get the Magic Bag). Due to personal player preference in its creation, the bag was created in a style similar to a belt pouch. The amount it can hold inside has not been altered.

Accessory 2: Red Dragon’s Blood Amulet –Artifact Class– Makes player unaffected by natural temperature changes. Gives wearer increased Resistances to Natural Elements (fire, water, lightning, earth, etc) and makes wearer immune to fire.

** This amulet appears to be made from a metal that almost seems to look like liquid fire with the runic script embedded in a circle for each of the elements found in nature with the symbol for fire made from what appears to be a bloodstone in the center. Most players who touch this amulet find it warm to the touch.

Accessory 3: Griffon Flute – Summons a Griffon as a mount.

With his new gear now on and his other set of gear stashed in his bank, Shineko turns and walks back out of the Guild Hall into the darkness.
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The color of the sky was a bright and crisp blue when Darren opened his eyes. Instinctively, he raised his hand to shield them from the sunlight. 'That's weird the last thing I remember was logging onto Elder Tales. How did I get outside?' That is when he noticed his hand was covered by a charcoal black gauntlet. "WHAT!?!" He took a involuntary step backwards, tripped, and fell on his ass. Too stunned by the sudden appearance of the gauntlet to feel the pain, Darren looked at his other hand only to discover that it was covered by a matching gauntlet. He tried getting up before examining the rest of his body, but found his balance was a bit off. After a bit of effort, Darren was able to stand up again, but during the process of standing saw that he was covered in armor matching his gauntlets that was strangely familiar to him and something else that was not so familiar. There were two decent sized mounds on his chest. 'Are those...' Darren pulled against the top of his armor to confirm his suspensions. "HOLY SHIT! I HAVE BOOBS!" Darren quickly looked around for a reflective surface, and quickly scrambled over to nearby puddle. Although it wasn't his face he saw in the reflection, the face was one he knew. Staring back at him was the face of his character on Elder Tales, Ayla, though the rending was much better. Darren closed his eyes, counted to 10, and pinched himself before opening them again to see Ayla's face still staring at him.

Darren hadn't moved from the spot where he fainted for some time. He had checked his lower parts and that turned out to be too much information for his brain to handle. Darren came up with with a few facts while while he laid there. 'Number 1, I am in a place that closely resembles Akihabara from Elder Tales. Number 2, I can't log out. Number 3, I am in the body of my female character from Elder Tales, Ayla.' Darren sighed as used his hand to navigate through the console menu. He was scanning through his friends list when a message popped up. 'An Invitation from Alistair? Hmmm....' It had been awhile seen he had talked to him. Alistair was an Enchanter that had been in the a large number of the raids Darren had done to get his Risen Martyr Set for Ayla. Darren thought Alistair was creepy at first, but found that he was a pretty awesome dude that was insanely intelligent. 'The Grim Reaper probably has a better idea of what's going on than I do.' Darren shifted his character's weight to get back on his feet. He noticed that the body felt lighter than his own and was a few inches shorter too. Darren sighed happily before starting to walk towards the Raid meeting point. "At least I have lovely pair of oppai to keep me company." Darren then abruptly tripped and sprawled face first into the ground but it wasn't his face that broke his fall, though Darren had wished it was. Tears welled in his eyes as Ayla's body instinctively curled into a ball to protect his now bruised oppai.

(From this point on I will write with a feminine overtone, as Darren is coming to terms with his now female body)

Ayla arrived with tears in her eyes and dirt covering her from repeated fails of walking. She had gotten the hang of it now but her oppai were still aching from earlier. She sniffled a bit as she wiped the tears from her eyes and then looked around to see she seemed be to the first to arrive. Ayla sighed before absent mindedly slumping down against a nearby tree. Ayla removed her gauntlets and began to massaging her sore oppai, it helped with the aching and made Ayla much happier. "The Power of Oppai knows no bounds." She said aloud to herself while chuckling a bit. Not realizing that Alistair and his companions were on the other side of the mossy boulder not far from her.
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Hmm, I should have gotten the location information about this cave. I could have gone ahead and done some recon on the area. Oh well, guess I will just head back to where the meeting was being held to see if anyone is still there. Shineko continues walking through the city, enjoying the night air and keeping an eye on the people around him, both the adventurers and the People of the Land. He noticed that the NPCs seem to be more real and have a much greater depth of personality when interacting with others, both adventurers and other People of the Land. If they were no longer just NPCs but truly alive, this could add one more thing to our list to worry about. Oh well, nothing we can do about it now. Just need to keep watching and keep things like that in mind for the future. Shineko continued his journey back to where the meeting had been held, walking and enjoying the night air while letting the myriad of thoughts swirl through his head while trying to figure out the right path to follow.
"Enjoyment will be easy to find. We're inside Elder Tale after all," Leorio said with a grin. "I'm ready to start the quest when you are, Alistair."

Tora tapped her fingers together while holding Kitten in her arms. Alistair grim reaper persona startled her a little. "What did papa get me into?" she quietly asked her cute summon.

Kashi equipped his staff and leaned against a tree. As he silently waited he overheard someone's laughter. "Sounds like we may have another eavesdropper," he said to Alistair. Judging from the words he overheard, the speaker had a very....interesting personality.
Alistair nodded at Leorio, tapping his staff slightly on the ground. He then looked on over to Tora. "My lady Tora, you will be fine, men like me are only scary because we don't leave our house for at least half a week. Nonetheless we are all stuck playing anyway.." He then looked over to Kashi's direction. "A visitor? Well how comforting, let me go on over and see." He walked on over towards the boulder. Wondering just who this might be...

Alistair laughed with a great big smile, Ayla! One of his old friends has arrived. "It seems you have found your body accustomed to your liking, friend? Good to have another friend of mine on the Guild, it is certainly a pleasure". He knew all too well of Darren's decision to play as a female, the "Oppai" In which he loved so much could not be contained when he started Elder Tale it seemed, as his hunger-like interest towards the round masses had completely taken him over. "You seemed to be getting accustomed to moving around in this world as well, what say you friend? Join my Guild?" He smiled at Alya, holding his hand out to her.
Ayla was a bit shocked as Alistair's voice seemingly came out of nowhere but it was fleeting when she saw him come around the boulder. "Alistair! It's been too long!" She said ecstatically as she used Alistair's extended to help herself up. "Of course, I'll help you out with guild of yours! I mean in the current situation, it's dangerous to go alone!" Ayla giggled a bit at her own reference. "This body is a bit troublesome still though." She grew a bit pouty as she placed her hands on her precious oppai. "I have absolutely no qualms with my new sweater bazookas but I'm now a bit shorter than I am in real life, and I ended up falling on them a few times since I'm a little top heavy now. So they're a bit sensitive at the moment, but hopefully with your help I can become more accustomed to this body." Ayla had said it without realizing what it might of come across as, but her attention was now turned to Alistair's companions. "Alistair! Are these my new guild-mates?" Not really waiting for confirmation, she walked past Alistair to approach the two werecats. Ayla extending her still unarmored hand to tall male first while beaming warmly. "Nice to meet you! I'm Dar...." Ayla stopped herself before giving her RL name. 'It would probably be easier if I just introduced myself by my character.' Starting again while never losing her warm smile, "I'm Ayla."


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Tora comically glared at Alistair after his strange answer. She couldn't tell if he was trying to be serious or not. She turned her attention to the newcomer and watched as her father shook the woman's hand with one of his large paw-like hands. "Greetings Ayla, I'm Leorio. This is my daughter Tora," Leorio said to Ayla. "H...hello Ayla-san," Tora said shyly. "This is Kitten." She held out her kitten summon before quickly bringing the creature back against her chest. "H..how long have you known Alistair?"

Kashi watched the scene play out. "Oy, Alistair. As much as I love relaxing, we should probably get a move on soon. Who knows how much juice the barrier has left," he said before letting out a sign. "Barriers that don't work are a pain," he muttered to himself.

Jhenai opened her eyes and found herself in a forest, sunlight filtering through the trees onto the damp ground. She looked around, wondering where she was. Is this a dream? She looked around, taking note of her surroundings, and saw a path. Deciding to follow it, she wandered along the trail, feeling the light breeze against her skin and listening to the rustling of the leaves. The scent of pine cones and wild flowers was in the air.

It must be a dream... Tho I don't feel quite like myself. Strange. This place does seem familiar.

A twig snapped behind her. Startled, she whirled around to see two weasels snarling at her. They had thorny vines entwined in their tail. Brier Weasels! She realized she was in the world of Elder Tale. They are too close for her to pull out her bow and attack. With very little time left, she pulled out the dagger she kept on her belt and attempted to fend off the Brier Weasels. As the combat continued, she was able to figure out how to activate her skills, but alas this knowledge came too late and she found herself laying on the ground dying from the wounds she had taken. She felt herself fading away from the pain, then all she saw was darkness.

She woke up on cold marble in a bright room. Sitting up, now with the knowledge that this was Elder Tale, she could only surmise that this was the Cathedral. Thankful that reviving at the Cathedral was still functioning, she began to see if she could access an interface. Once she activated the display, she was able to see many of the familiar functions available. Jhenai tried, probably like so many others, to use the logout button but with no success. Sighing, she realizes she is now stuck in this world.

Deciding she needed to do something, she got up and left out of the Cathedral and walked around the city, trying not to draw attention to herself, overhearing bits and pieces of conversation as she went by. Jhenai walked around the city for a number of hours and it had already gotten dark some time ago when she stepped off to the side at a quiet spot and pulled up her friends list. She smiled with a bit of relief when she saw Warui and Youko's name lit up, and tapped on Warui's name hoping that she could still contact him using this method.

Thankfully, Warui answers and she inquires as to how Youko and him are doing. She also asks if they would like to meet up. Warui informed her that they are glad to hear from her but are currently in a small gathering of players, but she would be welcomed to come join them there. They give her the location of where this meeting is taking place and how to get there, asking her to not take too long since they will most likely be departing soon on a quest.

After ending the conversation, Jhenai gets her bearings once more and begins heading towards the location Warui had given her so she could meet up with them.

It will be nice to be among friends again.
Warui turns back to the group, focusing on Alistair. "Sorry to interrupt but I just finished talking with a friend of ours" as he gestures towards Youko to indicate who he was including. "She should be on her way here now, so I hope you won't mind delaying our departure long enough for her to get here." Warui then turned towards the new comer and welcomed her and introduced himself and Youko. Youko nodded to in a welcoming manner towards Ayla and looked at Warui as to inquire who he had spoken with.

Shineko steps back into the meeting area and looks around noticing that there was some extra commotion. Quickly noticing the new arrival, he walked over to her and introduced himself and welcomed her to the gathering.
Alistair smiled at Tora, until she was distracted by his friend Ayla, in which he then took his time to turn himself to Warui. "Oh no, I won't be moving just yet. We have a few people to still bring forth I'm sure, I will wait till all have appeared. Your friend may take their time!" Alistair then looked at Kashi, smiling brighter, his eyes closed. "I understand your need to hurry, if I may say, shall we wait till the rest have met up with us? I will ensure we get to our location right on time..The barrier won't be going anywhere so soon, so we have that luck on our side." He then looked at Tora and Leorio...

"My dear lady Tora, I did not mean any harm within my joke. Though sadly, for a man like myself, that joke is very much true!" He laughed a lil. Scratching his hair softly. And turned to Ayla "Good friend, I will surely not go alone, I have taken what has been given and what has been given is of much abundance." He snickered, leaning back. "if everyone so desires, they can rest up. I will stand guard for the time being."
'Holy crap, he's freaking huge!' Ayla's first thought of the giant werecat was probably not the first of it's kind but a person that provides such a massive size difference tends to stick out to people. Leorio's daughter, Tora, on the other hand was much easier on the neck muscles and eyes. Ayla was able to maintain her warm composure for the most part while Leorio introduced his daughter, but something in her head broke when Tora introduced "Kitten". 'Oh my god, the shyness, the cat ears, and the way she holds the kitten to her chest! IT ALL SO KAWAII!' Before she could stop herself, Ayla let out a squeal and dragged Tora, kitten and all, into a face full of Ayla's bosom and started petting Tora's head. 'She's sooooo soft!' Fortunately, Ayla came to her senses before she started drooling a bit and quickly released Tora. "I am so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Ayla bowed her head to Tora and then to her massive father. "I apologize for harassing your daughter! She was just so undeniably adorable and I couldn't contain myself." Her face red from embarrassment, she craned her neck upwards to look at massive werecat's face. 'Oh my God! I can't believe I did that to her, and in front of her father! This massive mountain of furry muscle is going to kill me and he's going to leave me scattered in some giant litter box.' In Ayla's panicked state of mind, she had forgotten her new body and was thinking that she was still in her previous male body and what she had done would result in, at the very least, a huge ass-whooping.


I asked myself this question while writing this and I thought I'd share it. "Do I feel less of a man for making my character squeal and enter kawaii mode?" If my character was purely female, no. Not. At. All.

However. Since Ayla is essentially a guy in a female body, the answer is a very definite yes and I feel ashamed and EXTREMELY guilty for having put Darren/Ayla through that.
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Tora's eyes went wide with surprise once her face was planted between Ayla's bust. She blushed a little out of embarrassment, but mostly out of shyness. She quickly darted back to her father after she was released. Leorio faced the sky and let out a jolly laugh after Ayla apologized. Back when Elder Tale was a game, female gamers enjoyed the werecats' father-daughter dynamic and thought that Tora's player model was cute. This was the first time Tora was hugged tightly by one, an action now possible due to Elder Tale being real.

Leorio slapped a hand against the armor on her back. "Don't worry about. You're not the first female gamer to find her cuteness irresistible." He saw nothing wrong with a hug. From his perspective the earlier interaction seemed almost sisterly and Tora could use some female friends in this game world. He'd only step in if things were taken too far with Tora, even if it involved another woman.

@Galain Fletchawk

"Fine, but you better wake us up," Kashi said to Alistair after the option to rest was given. "Oversleeping is a pain," he muttered before trying to dose off.

Leorio sat down cross legged against a tree trunk. Tora curled up on her father's large lap. She held Kitten against her chest like a stuffed animal as she dosed off. Leorio decided to stay awake and blanketed Tora with one of his large paw-like hands.
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Shineko smiles watching Leorio and Tora interact with the newest comrade to join this group. Giving Leorio a mischievous grin while teasing Ayla, "Becareful girly, he might decide to bury you in a giant sandbox if you aren't careful." It was nice to see the good humor that Leorio and his daughter brought to the group. It was definitely the right decision to invite them here. "Alistair is right, everyone should try to get some rest if they can before we head out. I feel fine for now, so everyone else feel free to at least sit and rest if you aren't able to sleep. If anything happens, I can let you know in plenty of time." Shineko watches as Leorio and Tora go to rest and sees that Leorio is also staying awake as well.

Warui looks over to Youko, "Guess we should go ahead and get some rest, but I probably won't fall asleep until after Jhenai gets here." Youko, hearing Jhenai's name became somewhat excited, "Jhenai is here too! Awesome, I can't wait to see her again. I definitely won't be getting any sleep until she gets here. But we might as find a spot to get comfortable and rest." With that, the two set to finding a place to rest closer to the side of town so they could be there to great Jhenai when she arrives.
Alistair smiled pleasantly, nodding at everyone, then he hopped back up on the boulder, looking out into the fields beyond. The barrier broke off at least half a mile from where they were, he rested his weight upon his staff and sighed in relief. "For now everyone should rest, I shall take care of being the look-out, this can also help with my Scribe sub-class...I do need to make a map soon, best to take all of what I can, I'll get a better view when I go on my Griffon.."

He stared up at the moon, blinking a lil, then back out to the fields and trees. From where he was perched, he spoke up to Leorio, Shineko, Reynald, Rahl, and Ayla. "Thank you for coming, and thank you for joining, though Shineko I know you have yet to decide, and same with you Rahl. I believe what we all have in store for Elder Tale, and Akihabara, could work with time and devotion to such a cause.We have set the first piece in place, sometimes I use situations and identify them with a game of chess, it makes little sense on the outside, but my brain works in various different ways. Heh... Other than that, tell me. Were you all taken aback from this expansion?"


@Galain Fletchawk



@That Guy Over There
Following the directions Jhenai was given, she eventually saw a campfire glow in the distance. Approaching it, she saw a fair sized gathering of people. Leave it to Warui to find where the party's at. I hope they're nice..

Embracing her two friends, she felt more at ease.
"Hey Warui and Youko! It's so great to see you both again, even under the circumstances. Looks like you've made friends already!"

Looking around at everyone else, she said "Hello everyone. I'm Jhenai, it's nice to meet you all.." then hooked her arm around Warui's and stayed by his side, trying not to bring too much attention to herself.
Warui and Youko hug Jhenai and after the quick introduction take her off to the side and start trying to catch her up on what has been happening here at the meeting. They also let her know that they have decided to join Alistair's guild and see how things go.

Shineko contemplates what Alistair said before deciding to respond, "I wouldn't say taken aback so much as a mildly surprised, though I am still not convinced it was the expansion that caused this. But I also find it to be a wonderful opportunity and I am somewhat excited by this occurrence. But with things being a lot more real, I feel a level of concern for my comrades since I am not sure we really know all the rules to this world. While my decision has yet to made about joining the guild, I have no problem aiding the group with anything that will benefit those in this world. Like you, I don't always see things the same way as most. The more information I have to work with, the better I am able to predict the next step. This is why I think increasing our knowledge is very important at this stage. I also agree that it will take time and effort to accomplish what I believe we each desire for this world. It will also require allies."
Rahl shook his head. "Shineko has stated almost precisely my opinion; I see no point in expanding upon his eloquent wording." He then tapped Jhenai on the shoulder, appearing behind her with the swashbuckler skill <<Quick Step>> . "Nice to meet you, my name is Rahl." He bowed his head lightly in greeting with a closed eye smile.
Kashi and Tora sleepily opened their eyes after a female voice introduced herself. "This should be everyone right?" Kashi asked Alistair as he stretched. "I'd like to get this quest over with," he added, sounding like he wasn't looking forward to the mission. Even though he didn't like the idea of being low leveled, the idea of a quest excited him despite hiding it.

Kitten disappeared in a cloud of smoke as Tora returned her companion to the summoning realm, or where ever summons disappear to. After climbing off her father's lap she slowly walked over to Jhenai. "H...hello Jhenai-san, I...I'm Tora," she said, nervously pressing her index fingers together.

Leorio stood up after Tora got off of him. "A sandbox? I may be a werecat, but I'm more creative than that," Leorio said to Shiniko. He then turned to Alistair. "It was a little strange finding myself in my hulking werecat body and moving around, but I've adjusted. You could say being a werecat grew on me. I always loved the world of Elder Tale," he replied. "I would have been a bit lonely for awhile if Tora wasn't stuck here with me, but I never doubted that I would be able to make friends here. I'd find it amusing if my Ex were here, but she was never much of a gamer."

Leorio laughed a little after his speech. "I'm ready to start the quest when you are," he said in a fired up tone. He held out his fist in front of his face and his high-tech glove sparked. Leorio was clearly ready to fight some monsters.
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Ayla was still a bit red in the face after apologizing to the werecats, but she was recovering quickly. She reequipped her gauntlets while listening to Alistair's speech and climbed clumsily up on to the boulder afterwards to where Alistair stood and stuck out her chest towards him as if to make a point. "I think you know how I feel about this new expansion, but let's keep my actual gender between the two of us, yeah? No need for me to be turned into a scratching post." Ayla whispered into Alistair's ear before turning around to the rest of the group and introducing herself. "Salutations! I'm Ayla and I'm a Guardian! I look forward to fighting alongside all of you!" She bowed before trying to stepping off the boulder, only to trip and stumble before catching herself and ended up decided that sitting at the base of the boulder would be good for now.

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