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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Reynald was relieved when they finally made it to the entrance. The whole trip had been uneventful for him, so he was glad that he could finally do something. "So, it's an escort mission then." he said as he walked behind Leorio only to sprint ahead once they had entered. "At our level, this should resemble Dynasty Warriors rather than Runescape! Come on! The less enemies left alive, the less likely enemies will attack the NPCs!" Spotting an enemy, Reynald charged at it and yelled "Kabuto-wari!" before striking with an overhead swing, killing it with one strike. "Leave the drops behind if you want to kill more than me!" With that, he ran off towards the next enemy.


Mairi was in a building around the center of the town with a dimly-lit crystal glowing on a pedestal. "So this is what I'm looking for..." she said to herself before walking back to the streets. Now she just had to check if certain game functions were still present and she could get the crystal she needed without leaving the town.
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Shineko followed behind the Reynald and Leorio, not partaking in the quick slaughter. He would wait until his help was really needed before taking action, preferring to take the more careful approach and watch over those he wished to keep safe.
Alistair observed, and quickly had Tora to his side. "The squad is in perfect form, Reynald and Leorio in the front, Shineko tailing from behind, and us together in the back for support. This is going quite well, Tora. Make sure to observe all members of the squad, you know your job, I have no need to tell you what to do. Just be sure to stay on your toes." He began following en-suite with the others, making sure each fighter was alright. He used -Force Step- <Support magic where for 1 minute, the cooldown timer of 1 ally is accelerated(in other words, cooldown is decreased), at the same time damage of their next attack is slightly raised> on Reynald, helping him out some, then turned to inspect Leorio and Shineko.
"I accept the challenge," Leorio replied to Reynald. "Try to keep up. Wyvern Kick!" Leorio zoomed by Reynald and rammed a flaming foot into one of the monsters up ahead. Like Reynald, it was another one hit kill. Leorio chained a couple Wyvern Kicks together and defeated two more monsters. "That's three to your one," he said to Reynald.

"A...aye," Tora said to Alistair. As she made her way through the cave beside Alistair she watched Reynald and her dad deal with the nearby monsters. She was ready to dish out some healing spells. So far they weren't needed.
Shineko attempts to quickly contact Leorio via voicechat. Once he accepts the link, he attempts to quickly convey the basics of what he would need in case they actually run into anything of significant strength. "Leorio, if we do happen to run into anything really strong down here, don't try anything too crazy. I just need you to do enough to keep the aggro off of me for about 15 seconds after I initially engage. After that, keep moving so you don't get hit and get healed up. If there is more than one target, you can go ahead and move on to it and we can repeat the process. Once each of my initial attacks reaches 15 seconds in, you can safely keep switching targets without fear for me. If this works, I should be able to ensure the safety of everyone else in the group if things happen to go wrong but I would prefer that we don't have to use this strategy unless absolutely needed. I will signal you if I plan on trying to implement this plan. Think you would be up for helping me should we need to do this?"

As Shineko waits for his response, he falls back a little closer to Tora and Alistair so he can talk with them. "Alistair, Tora. Should we find something really difficult here which I know is unlikely, I want Tora to focus on healing Leorio should he agree to my request. Should we run into a group of things of high difficulty, we will need your ability to root, stun, and otherwise slow down the group while Leorio and I set up something. I will need him for about 15 seconds on each target before he will be able to switch out. After that, I should be able to keep it busy until it dies without too much worry and without too much need for Tora to heal me though I would prefer not to need to use what I have in mind. We will probably have to get Leorio and Reynald to take turns with grabbing aggro to protect their health if we end up in a situation where this plan is needed. Alistair, can you pass the info along to Reynald as well. And remember that this is more like our last ditch plan instead of a main strategy."



Alistair was already on the job, having given Reynald information about the last resort planning, but other than that, Alistair seemed as if he were analyzing the battlegrounds, a bunch of monsters clustered in three directions, center, left, and right. He calculated calmly and dutifully.

"Have Leorio use his strongest move to make a dent in the enemy forces, then have him retreat back, then let Reynald in and cause damage among the havoc. I'll first group them all together with Astral Bind, after that it'll be a breeze. We don't want to spend too long fighting enemies here. Instead we should cut through the enemy lines with force to confuse, and then swat them off swiftly. Shineko, I'll use Force Step on you so you can knock away enemies from the sides, while Leorio and Reynald cut us a path. We head straight to the next cavern!"

Alistair was already in action, using <Astral Bind>(Magic that limits movement, retraining the enemy target.) On the three groups to bring them together, needless to say they were only skeletons of medium-tier level. They wouldn't be hard for both Leorio and Reynald, but one cannot be too careless, no?

Alistair then used <Force Step> (Support magic where for 1 minute, the cooldown timer of 1 ally is accelerated(in other words, cooldown is decreased), at the same time damage of their next attack is slightly raised. The ally that receives the effect has an icon of a sped up clock displayed. If used by a level 90 Enchanter, the effect of <Force Step> at Secret(Hiden) rank is 20% timer acceleration and +10% damage.) on Shineko.

After this, Alistair calculated the change in battle, and was pleased with the calculations he had made.




@That Guy Over There


@Galain Fletchawk


Leorio and Tora heard Shineko's plan. Tora wouldn't have any problems focusing healing on her dad and nodded in reply. "Sounds like a good strategy, but I doubt we'll find anything tough enough down here if the monster levels are as Alistair described."

Leorio listened to Alistair's battle plan and a grin appeared on his face as he anticipated roughing up some skeletons. "Wyvern Kick," he said after the Astral Bind spell was cast. He barreled feet first into some of the skeletons with rocket-like force.
Shineko quickly responded that he didn't expect that we should run into anything down here to give us trouble, but because the world has changed it would be best to have a backup plan just in case things go awry and to keep this basic idea in mind for the future as well.

Not wanting to waste the bonus to damage or the cool down reduction, he quickly set himself into motion. He targets one of the enemies at the end and uses <Assassinate>([special Move] Assassin's key and last-resort skill, it is the strongest instantaneous damage ability among weapon-based attacking classes. Deals large damage to an enemy's body; furthermore, enemies usually are killed instantly if their levels are lower than the Assassin's by 10 levels or more. Since the strength of this skill increases with higher ranks, the Assassin can potentially outclass the firepower of others. If the attack lands, a white glow appears on screen surrounding the enemy, showing their silhouette falling if it is instant death).

Not waiting to see the result of his attack with Assassinate, he quickly starts running down the line of enemies, taking advantage of the movement boost granted by his boots, using <Accel Fang> ([Movement Skill] A blow that nimbly cuts open an enemy while running through them. It has standard damage (a little on the low end for an Assassin skill), but if the attack lands there is a temporary increase in attack speed. The acceleration effect accumulates whenever <Accel Fang> hits consecutively (maximum 50%). This skill is used by Assassins who focus on mobility and number of hits rather than the damage of a single blow. Also, with the movement of slipping through the enemy, they can use it to fine tune their positioning.) to increase his attack speed. Once maximum attack speed is achieved, Shineko activates Sneak and Silent Move and targets those that Leorio and Reynald are attacking with <Stealth Blade> (Takes an enemy by surprise and launches an ambush. A strong attack technique that increases it's damage greatly if it hits the back of the enemy. The cooldown is short, and can be used aggressively if there is a chance. However, it must be used in combination with other skills to efficiently take advantage of the "attack from behind" condition in solo situations. It is suited for use in parties since the job of the warrior is the attract the attention of enemies, this basic form of cooperation leaves the enemy open to surprise attacks from the back, creating a pincer attack.) to help clear out the enemies as quickly as possible.

Seeing how they are rooted by Alistair and distracted by the two warrior types, this fight shouldn't last long at all considering the level differences. And thankfully Tora won't have to worry about healing me as much thanks to the properties of his Vampiric Shin guards of the Abyss (Greatly increases ability and defense. Also gives moderate boost to crit rate and damage. User gains a moderate amount of health based on all damage being done by wearer).

** Also of note for damage calculation

Increased accuracy and chance for critical hit (Head)

moderate boost to crit rate and damage (Legs)

major increase to the user’s crit rate and damage (Primary Weapon)

**Speed boost from boots is x5 movement, speed unhindered by combat or terrian. Wearer is granted Sneak and Silent Move

Head: Visor of Improved Sight –Production Class Item– This item wraps around the users head with a crystal lens section in the front for the player to see through. The lens tint instantly adapts to surrounding light conditions. These provide 3 major benefits. Low-light/Night Vision, improved accuracy (improving chance for a critical strike), and immunity from being blinded.

** Special Note on items Appearance ** The appearance of this items resembles a uni-body styled pair of sun glasses that fit snugly on the head and look sleek. The lenses are made of a crystal with a green hue and the framing seems to be made from a lightweight and durable dark gray material.

Body: Cloak of Shadowed Tranquility –Phantasmal Class Item– Provides moderate bonus to armor and agility. Also provides a bonus to blending into the shadows. The user can slip into the shadows and travel in the shadows and exit at a different location as long as the trail of shadows goes unbroken. Maximum time the user has to travel while in shadow form each time is 10 minutes. You can use this item twice (with a small 5 minute break in-between) and then it will require a longer 2 hour cooldown before the skill fully resets. If a user only uses one of the 2 available charges, both will still be available after a 2 hour cooldown period. While travelling in the shadows, movement speed is double your maximum capable speed. User is unable to go through solid objects but can travel through cracks as long as there is shadow/darkness to create a path. The cloak seems to almost flow and wrap itself about the wearer at the same time, blending in with the shadowy areas around the user.

**Flavor Text** The wearer of this cloak can become so much like a shadow that they almost seem to slip out of an individual’s ability to target.

(As flavor text becomes reality, would make it so the wearer can’t be attacked until the wearer attacks)

Hands: Xipe Totec Obsidian Armguards –Phantasmal Class Item– Greatly improves the user’s agility and defense. Grants the ability to place a decay DoT on an enemy target. Damage increases each turn and lasts until fight is over (either player or target dies). Damage occurs (pulses) and recalculates every 2 seconds. Initial damage is 10, doubling each pulse.

Legs: Vampiric Shin guards of the Abyss – Phantasmal Class Item – Greatly increases ability and defense. Also gives moderate boost to crit rate and damage. User gains a moderate amount of health based on all damage being done by wearer.

Feet: Shadow Striker Boots –Phantasmal Class Item – These boots provide moderate armor and huge increase to movement speed and ability. Movement speed is not hindered by being in combat or terrain. Movement speed is quintupled. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Wearer is granted Sneak and Silent Move.

Primary Weapon: Xolotl’s Blade (custom length blade on the edge between a wakizashi and katana) –Phantasmal Class Item – This weapon provides a major increase to the user’s crit rate and damage. In addition, user’s damage is double if user is sneaking. Damage is treated as both normal and lightning damage with a high chance to cause paralysis status effect.

Secondary Weapon: (Left Hand) Hand of the Etcher with an embedded black obsidian shard with a sigil on it –Production Class Weapon– Gives the wearer the ability to draw runes anywhere, even in combat. It can automatically use the items contain in the wearer’s immediate inventory and can call on the knowledge of the wearer to create a rune to his specification (as long as it is within the wearer’s normal ability).

Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag –Magical Class item– Earned by completing the Level 45 quest (Get the Magic Bag). Due to personal player preference in its creation, the bag was created in a style similar to a belt pouch. The amount it can hold inside has not been altered.

Accessory 2: Red Dragon’s Blood Amulet –Artifact Class– Makes player unaffected by natural temperature changes. Gives wearer increased Resistances to Natural Elements (fire, water, lightning, earth, etc) and makes wearer immune to fire.

** This amulet appears to be made from a metal that almost seems to look like liquid fire with the runic script embedded in a circle for each of the elements found in nature with the symbol for fire made from what appears to be a bloodstone in the center. Most players who touch this amulet find it warm to the touch.

Accessory 3: Griffon Flute – Summons a Griffon as a mount.
Rosabel walked into Akihabara a big smile on her face. It had taken her a whole week, and 54 deaths, but bit by bit she had chipped away at a frost giant. It died and she collected some of the fur, making some cute boots. It had been enough to make a lot actually. Enough that she couldn't keep carrying them around anymore. It had been months since she walked into the town, so she didn't exactly know why there were giants around. Placing out a blanket, all her items popped up along with a sale sign. "Come one, come all! Fashion items, armor, and charms alike! If you want I can even sell you some crafting supplys!" She pulled out her lye and began to play, hoping to attract customers attention. Instead she got her greeting of "The Candy girl is here!" Not all the children knew of her, but when they found her she could give them change for candy. She handed them some change and began to sing a song she had made up on the spot

"There once was a lady who lived in the forest

Who claimed she once knew the people of old

They talked and they talked

and shared her their wisdom

The lady was declared the wisest of all.

One day the lady went on into town

Greeting everyone both young and the old

She gave them all candy

They all felt so dandy

She had given them all a piece of her soul"
Reynald grit his teeth in frustration. Once he was close enough, he kicked Shineko like he was doing one of Leorio's wyvern kicks. Since it wasn't an attack skill, he wasn't sure if it would register any damage. "Stay out of this!" Reynald yelled at Shineko, "If you're going to take out some enemies, then don't go after the ones Leorio and I are taking out! Honestly, I should add 5 enemies to my count just for that, but I guess Alistair's enchantment cancels it out."

Returning his attention to the enemies, Reynald noted that Leorio was definitely the faster of the two. Leorio could get to the enemies faster than him, but Reynald had a different advantage. Reynald generated more threat, so the enemies would come to him. Ignoring the enemies trapped by the astral bind, Reynald raised his weapon into the air. "A duel is the clashing of two souls!" he said as he activated [samurai's Challenge], "As the souls clash, they become stronger than either of them were before! I won't accept help and I won't hold back! For anyone!" With that, Reynald slammed his weapon down on a group of approaching enemies with his [Koko Yaburi] skill, destroying one enemy instantly and sending the rest of them flying, stunning them and landing them into the range of other enemies, drawing even more attention to Reynald.

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A mischievous grin spreads across Shineko's face, "Aww, Reynald. Don't be like that. These just happened to be too close and so perfectly set up, no way I could turn down slicing them up when everyone worked so hard to make this possible. Besides, unlike you two, I would find it demeaning to make it a competition to see who could kill the most with such weak creatures. If you are wanting to show off how powerful you are, save it for something worth bragging about. I would rather just clear out this trash and keep the barrier in place."
Alistair watched the display Reynald had set, pleased with his desire to be the top, laughing some even. Shineko did have a point, but having fun was still an option! Let it be what they thrive on if need be. Alistair then used <Nightmare Sphere> [Abnormal status] Projection of an area being struck by lightning at a designated point, it's a magic attack that deals mind attribute damage to enemies within range, and afflicts a debuff that decreases movement speed. Effects are spread to the surroundings in several transparent spherical fields. There's not much growth in damage even at higher levels of the spell but the movement speed reduction is increased greatly, if casted by a level 90 Enchanter it can reach up to 80% movement speed reduction. On a group of skeletons that were arriving, at least three dozen had just arrived after the first few groups of skeleton's taken down. He'd much rather do some damage and slow them down as much as possible for the team, his Spell Counter was rising, but would use his special ability from his set later.. "I'm sure the battle will finally get hard at the bottom of the cave. Let's have some fun while we're at it! I agree with Shineko's points, but this does seem fun!"



@That Guy Over There


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Leorio smirked as Reynald and Shineko had a little argument. Elder Tale used to be a game, so he was still going to have fun with it. So far the enemies were easy to dispatch. As a new group of skeletons slowly approached, Leorio used a <Wyvern Kick> to get in close and kick a skeleton right in the face.

Once the party cleared the room, Leorio let out a hardy laugh. "It better get tougher as we go, I didn't even break a sweat." The tall werecat walked over to Reynald. "That makes 22 for my kill count, what about you my friend?"
Shineko grins as they wrap up the rest of this trash. He is enjoying that it is so easy to nettle Reynald with something so minor as this. But it is good to see he is competitive and competent. Shineko was also glad he ran into Leorio and had invited him and his daughter to come meet with Alistair. There is just something about Leorio that you can't help but enjoy being around him. His attitude is definitely going to be needed in the times to come until we can figure things out.

"Alistair, I swear if this doesn't get harder before the end, we are all going to be dead from boredom. That wasn't even a good warm-up." Looking over towards Leorio and Reynald and gives Leorio a small wink, "Sorry guys, I didn't bother keeping count of this garbage. I almost feel like it would be insulting to consider them worth counting." Shineko had to get another chide in, just to see if Reynald would take the bait and enjoy some banter. Besides, the way this trip in the cave is going, it might be the only way to keep things lively. But there is still that nagging suspicion that we shouldn't trust things with the new patch and changes that have been made. Who really knows how this could end. One minute we are laughing at how easy this is and the next we could end up wiped out because we got too confident.
"I got... 24." Reynald said unconvincingly. He really got 18, but he didn't want to look weak. "But Shineko does have a point. If we want to count any of our kills, we should only count one that can give us a challenge. Unfortunately, since the toughest area only goes near level 70, there can only be one possible thing to challenge us: the main boss." Reynald paused to think before turning to Alistair. "You know, I've been thinking. Why did we bring those low-levels along? None of them are high-leveled enough to help us here and I don't think any one of them are miners or blacksmiths."

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Overhearing Reynald's question to Alistair concerning the lower level groups, he was interested in how Alistair would reply. Shineko knew what his own reasons were for wanting them to come along and for making sure someone was with them to keep an eye on things. This just offers another chance to see how closely Alistair's own reasons line up with his thoughts on what will be needed to move forward in this world and their part in it. And there definitely appeared to be some interesting individuals in that group with plenty of potential. I just hope they have the mental fortitude and outlook needed to survive this adventure.
Alistair pondered the question, before answering. Adjusting his glasses some as they walked on. "Lower leveled players don't have it easy, they probably will have a harder time getting used to this world, more so than we will because we're already high enough to be formidable to any sort of enemy we come across, letting them have their chances of learning, examining, and evaluating their strength's and weaknesses now will help them later down the line, as they learn the basics like we have just some time before. Instead of action commands, we do it by our own will, why not let them learn that as well?"

Alistair stopped abruptly, as a few miners had appeared, they were obviously People of the Land, and seemed to be in a bind. They were all arguing actually, on how to go down low enough into the caves when there was a big monster blocking the way. Alistair looked at everyone in turn.

"I think we found ourselves some miners, people of the land as well. Why not ask them to help us for this crystal we need? A double win, for them and for us. How about it?"
"I think Alistair is right about them having a harder time adjusting. And they will probably find it a lot harder to level up, increase their power, and gain better equipment. I think this is where having not only our own guild but a larger alliance with the other guilds could be useful. Doing so could allow us to leverage the power of the higher level members across the area to help create a system to aid those lower level, gain more knowledge about the changes since the update, raid for materials, as well as other possibilities." Shineko took notice of the miners and how they were acting. Since the update, it seemed that the People of the Land were more like people and not poorly scripted NPCs used as fluff material or story/quest hooks. I need to make a note to look into this more later, maybe talk with Rahl to get his assistance with that as well. "I will leave the bargaining with the miners to all of you. I feel I may only be in the way for that little matter." Besides, it is easier to observe if I am not the one holding the direct conversation with them.
Alistair nodded in agreement with Shineko's help, then turned to the People of the Land. "I'll take care of them, I'm sure they seem reasonable." Alistair made his way across the cavern. Meeting with the three Miner PotL. (Shortening terms, exciting!). "What seems to be the problem my friends? Is it possible we adventurers can help you in your predicament?"

The miners looked towards Al, and blinked, looked at one another in return then at Alistair. "A monster has turned up deeper below in the caverns, we can't go down there and mine good material with it in the way! We're not able to take on something like that, we'd die at most. And we're so far away from the Kingdom we can't ask for any Knights to help us in turn. We've been in here for hours trying to mine, but nothing is good in this part of the cave, only down below!"

Alistair nodded, adjusting his glasses. Thinking to himself "The people of the land..They seem different, more lively at least...Like real people. I don't think I expected this to happen...this could bring about a sort of troubling effect for us Adventurers. The only choice I myself have is to wait and see what will happen..In the meantime my plans must continue to help build Akihabara from the ground up.. I cannot let it go to waste."

"We'll help get it out of there, I don't think anyone disagrees, eh?" Alistair turned, looking at everyone. "Not only that, but if we help you could you help us mine a specific crystal we're searching for?"

The miners shrugged, and nodded. "Aye, I guess that'd be a fine exchange. I think we saw a crystal embedded in stone before we had to tail it out of there from that monster..We'll get it for ya if you can help us."

Alistair nodded. "Then let's get going. We have some ways to go I'm sure before we meet up with this monster."


@That Guy Over There


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"I think we can manage to deal with this monster, especially with the offer of their help with the mining." Shineko pauses for a moment and seems to be contemplating, then looks over at the miners "Would you be willing to do us another favor as well? Can you spread the word of our help to the other People of the Land and ask that if they have need of help to come to us? My name is Shineko and this is Alistair. Alistair is just starting a Guild so you can come there to speak with us or another member of the Guild." These are more than the NPCs we were used to dealing with before. And there are a lot more of them than I remember seeing in the game before. It can't hurt to have some positive information about us disseminated through the populace.
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Reynald put his hand on Shineko's shoulder and said, "Don't you think that is overstepping your boundaries? Requesting payment for our services is all well and good, but the decision to spread the word about us is their decision to make. If they are impressed by our work, then they may tell their tale on their own time." Reynald then turned to the path that lead deeper into the caverns. "Time to continue our duel, Leorio!" he yelled as he charged full-speed towards the next area where higher-leveled enemies were.
The white wolf appeared in front of Mairi. She looked up at her and held her hand out. "Mairi..... It has been a while..." She said with a nod. Violet had been out a lot and not seen Mairi in a long time. "What is that you have?" she asked her with a curious tone, she knew about what was happening, but trying to figure out why she was not out helping.

Mairi took a step back in surprise when Violet appeared in front of her, but her expression soon softened after recognizing who it was. "Hi, Violet. Looks like you've adapted to this place even quicker than I have." she before holding up the potion that she was carrying in her hand. "I was just checking to see how alchemy works now. So far, it's exactly the same as it was in the game." She then thought for a second. "The crystal powering the barrier around Akihabara is running out of power. Pretty soon, monsters will be able to just walk right in. I'm going over to the player market to see if there are any NPCs running it so I can buy the crystal from there. If it doesn't work, though, I could use your help asking people if they have it."

@The Unamed Beast
Thesmashbro said:
Mairi took a step back in surprise when Violet appeared in front of her, but her expression soon softened after recognizing who it was. "Hi, Violet. Looks like you've adapted to this place even quicker than I have." she before holding up the potion that she was carrying in her hand. "I was just checking to see how alchemy works now. So far, it's exactly the same as it was in the game." She then thought for a second. "The crystal powering the barrier around Akihabara is running out of power. Pretty soon, monsters will be able to just walk right in. I'm going over to the player market to see if there are any NPCs running it so I can buy the crystal from there. If it doesn't work, though, I could use your help asking people if they have it."
@The Unamed Beast
"Sure Mairi, I would love to help an old friend" She said as she looked around. "Um..... don't eat the food over there..." She said as she pointed to a table full of food as some others sat down to eat. "It is a prank...." The people started eating. "Just remember my sub class..... anyway, I'll be off" She said as she left.

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