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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Quest 2 : A Guild forged.

"A world filled with so many mysteries, so many new and amazing things can come from such a catastrophe.. We only need to look into it, Adventurers are pulling back from what they used to be, they are now filled with fear...Maybe there's a possibility to change that."

During the conversation, all members who had fought the Frost Giant outside Akihabara had been sent a message, the holder was Alistair! The message popped up in everyone's messages, and appeared as a piece of parchment on their screen with calligraphy in black ink.

"Hello! Thank you for your abundant help during the battle, meet me later around the outskirts of Akihabara. Close to the barrier to the North. I shall await your meeting there. I have a very interesting proposition for anyone who desires to join in this small formation of a meeting. Shall you have safe travels towards the outskirts.

Signed - Alistair"
Rahl leaned on the wall, outside of the door to the tavern room as he flipped up and down a flat pebble that would be perfect for skipping stones. Images flipped through his mind of a boy younger than him with brown hair and matching eyes skipping stones on a pond, the day of their first meeting. I hope he's fine, whatever has become of him during the time I've been prancing around out here. He pocketed the stone as he returned to idly listening to the banter going on inside, hearing the two named Vincent and Talia announce their marriage. As they walked by he looked after them with a whispered "Congratulations," he doubted they heard, returning to his thoughts and cutting off the suddenly loud voice that pierced his newly sensitized hearing.

Those two... They really looked happy together, didn't they? He left a note with a person of the land along with a gold, containing the desired meeting place before using a combination of <<Quick Steps>> and <<Unicorn jumps>> to reach the deserted skyscraper he had taken a liking to in the game, ignoring the ding sound of a message.

I really do envy them.
Shineko pauses what he receives a message and then notices several others also receive a notification. Opening up the interface, he quickly reads through the message. "Leorio, Tora. It seems that Alistair, someone I met earlier that was there for the fight against the Frost Giant, has asked to meet with us." He shows Leorio the location of the meeting place. "If you are interested, I would like to invite you to go and see what he has to say. While I may not know what he wants, I would at least feel safer that close to the barrier if we had more folks with us." Shineko looks around at everyone else. Can you try to locate the others who aren't hear and make sure they also got their invitation? And try to convince them to go see what Alistair has to say, please. Leave finding and talking with Rahl to me. Besides, I am looking forward to that cup of tea and the chat he wanted. I will meet everyone there." Shineko stands up and walks towards the door. As he goes to open the door, he turns around and says "Best of luck and speed to each of you. I hope to see you again at the meeting." With that, he walks out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. As he went to walk towards the tavern's exit, a serving girl timidly approached him with a message from someone who had been listening outside the room not long ago. Mutters, "Why didn't he just come on in?" He continues on outside and steps off to the side before opening up the message and reading it. Thinking to himself Well, I still have some time before the appointed meeting, might as well pay him a visit and then he quickly disappears into the evening, heading towards the deserted skyscraper.

As he reached the upper floors that had been indicated as the meeting place, moved into a more visible space. "I got your message Rahl. Now, how about that cup of tea?"
Rahl smiled faintly as he sensed Shineko come in with a twitch of his cat ears, patting the chair next to him. The chairs faced outwards towards the wilderness, giving a beautiful view of the hills on the horizon as the last light of day painted the scene red. "Beautiful, isn't it? This used to be my favorite spot in the game, when I had the time of course. Go ahead and sit, I managed to get some flavor into this tea with the peelings of apples. It isn't half bad." Rahl kept relaxed as he spoke to Shineko, holding out a second cup of the light brown mixture. He felt no need to guard too much around the furry assassin, knowing that it would just be a waste of his effort to disguise too much. "Before we really talk and start exchanging intricately worded dialogue, can we enjoy the sunset together? I'd find it a waste of the last moment of this view to talk it away."

Rahl knew this meeting between him and Shineko was important, and that is exactly why he acted in such a relaxed manner. He always found it a bother to get too worked up on important matters, and as he said-it would spoil the scenery. He couldn't help it, but it was set in his mind as a
need to view the sunset from up here, with somebody else when possible.
Walks over to the chair that had been offered and sits down. Sensing that Rahl had more on his mind than just a simple cup of tea and sharing the view, even if it was a splendid and beautiful view, he took the proffered cup of tea. Hoping that Rahl's statement about getting at least some kind of flavor into the tea was more than just wishful thinking, he took a sip. "Ahh, that is nice. Finally something that at least has some small aspect of flavor. I agree, this is a nice view. I don't mind waiting til after sunset to enjoy this scenery, but that will decrease the amount of time we will have to talk. I have another meeting that I need to attend this evening. It would be good to see you there as well, I am assuming you received the invitation that Alistair sent out." Shineko sits back in the chair, peacefully enjoying the sunset and the tea. He didn't feel a need to be worried, he was sure Rahl wasn't luring him here as a type of trap. While he wasn't sure why, he felt someone at ease around him even though he was a stranger. It was probably because he actually displayed some talents and skill in the same league as his own and would keep things interesting. He really disliked being bored or those gravitated more towards people who could help keep him amused and interested. Rahl seems to have some promise in that way. So does Alistair from what I saw of him earlier, we will see tonight if he lives up to my expectations.
Alistair was waiting at the rendezvous point, far enough away from the barrier but close enough to see the hills and grassy plains. Alistair was sitting on a large moss covered boulder, his cloak had been stashed away in his bag, only leaving his white chainmail long sleeved tunic, named "Mithril" to be clothing with his pants, and the "Reaper Boots". He rested against his staff, in which was a rather large staff made from Obsidian, carved into a rather articulate, yet comforting shape. The black, legendary magic staff gleamed as the flames from the campfire crackled with lively hunger, devouring the wood he had stocked up. Alistair decided to look closer at his Staff, he had never seen it so beautifully crafted like it was now, than it was in the game. Crafted with Obsidian, with some bandaged wraps loosely hanging from the staff itself to give it a much more ominous look, it seemed to pulse out a dark purple energy from it, as if it was alive and well knowing that its master was examining its expert craftsmanship.

"A lot of things have indeed, changed in this game. I've learned so many things that I except everyone else knows about, but there's more to this world than what meets the eye I'm sure..I hope they do come, this meeting shouldn't be a waste of time, I'm sure of that.."

Alistair stood up and soon looked around, wondering if anyone was coming just yet, he turned himself around to be sure and meet everyone when they arrived. In the meantime, Alistair looked at his Staff once more, transforming the Staff into its Scythe form. The blade was not crafted in Obsidian, but was made with a sort of black steel, the shape had changed little, as the staff was still made of Obsidian, the Scythe seemed to exhume more energy from itself in Scythe form, the bandaged wraps had become darker, and more war torn. After inspecting it some, he let it revert to its Staff form. "Such unusual craftsmanship, its not a crafted weapon though..I found it on my third raid in the Dungeons, complete with the whole Reaper Set next to it. Since it was an Enchanter Set based, I took it with the other items. Its aided me well in a lot of battles, raids, dungeons.. Looking at it up close, like this as if it were reality. I can see how well it is, and appreciate it. What surprises myself is this Set has Offensive aid for my class, quite unusual considering Enchanter's don't gain such a perk."

Alistair soon looked around once more, wondering if anyone had yet to arrive once more.
Reynald opened Alistair's message when it appeared on his HUD. The first thing he noticed was Alistair's stationery of choice. Why it couldn't have been a simple text he never understood. "Well, I guess I'll go see what this is all about." Reynald said to himself as he left the table and went outside. Once he was outside, he walked for a while before suddenly stopping. He fiddled though his interface to find that there was no mini-map. After thinking for a moment, he dialed Alistair in his voice chat. "Hey," he said, "which way is north?"


Mairi walked out of the library with a book hugged against her chest. She had recieved Alistair's message and was heading to the meeting spot. She knew that the cathedral was in the general direction of north, so she set her path past that. Once she finally got there, she seemed to be the first one there other than Alistair. She sat down at the base of the mossy boulder and silently continued reading the book she had brought.
Alistair smiled at Mairi as she appeared, not wanting to disturb her reading, he walked a bit away. As he received Reynald's voice chat he opened it up. "Yes...No Mini-Map or anything..I'll have to make a map sometime, the Cathedral is to the north, so follow in that direction and you'll meet Mairi and I here. You'll see a column of smoke in the air to help mark your location." With that he tabbed the voice chat if Reynald wanted to talk more, and walked over to Mairi. "Hello there! I'm glad to meet you, Mairi. The Summoner during the fight I remember, you were amazing out there! I won't disturb you while you're reading. When everyone's here we'll begin." So, with that introduction Alistair plopped back on top of the boulder.. Thinking to himself as he usually does with stone cold silence.

"I bet even the books in Elder Tale have changed to look like actual books.. I honestly wonder how much this world has changed to replicate a reality within a MMORPG.."
"Of course we're interested," Leorio replied. "We'll meet you there," he added as Shineko left for other business. Leorio and Tora got out of their seats and exited the pub.

It had't taken them long to reach the meeting spot since the father-daughter duo scouted the layout of the city before going off to fight monsters. Once at the meeting spot they saw Alistair and Mairi.
"Y...you must be Alistair-san," Tora said shyly. "We're with Shineko," Leorio added, holding out his massive hand for a handshake. "The name's Leorio. This is my daughter Tora."
Alistair blinked, and smiled at the newcomers, Leorio, had quite an interesting set up for his character. And noticed his daughter, whom maybe shy; but could be of great help in the Guild he is planning. Both father and daughter complimented one another and that was an even more interesting sight to see. He smiled, getting up and jumping off the boulder with a thump, and a small grunt, he stood up and smiled at Tora. "You don't need to call me Alistair-San, just Alistair is fine with me!" He chuckled some, trying to help loosen the tension for her. So she could feel comfortable, he then looked at Leorio, and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, with Shineko eh? I'm glad to know! Please, sit! Enjoy yourselves for the while. I have a fire burning if you need to get warm or something like that, make yourself comfortable!"

Alistair then had crawled up the mossy boulder once more. Plopping himself down on the top with an unusually innocent smile, for a man like him. Though nonetheless, as he smiled like a dope, he was contemplating many ideas, theories, changes, and possibilities from the outcome of this new expansion for Elder Tale. The barrier being much weaker and able to be smashed is a new concept, and Alistair would get to the bottom of this with his plan to form a Guild and set out to find any cause, and any resolution to this problem.
Time continued on and the sun had now been set for quite some time when the conversation between Rahl and himself started coming to a close. "Rahl, I am saddened by the fact that you at least won't join me at the meeting with Alistair this evening before attempting what you are setting out to do. I find you to be an interesting fellow and would hate to lose you to some unfortunate event. Add me to your friends list and contact me if the need arises." Turns towards the opening in the top of the tower that they had been looking out and walks over to the edge to enjoy the view. I hope he doesn't do anything too rash.
Tora shyly pressed her index fingers together. "A...aye, Alistair-san." she replied. "Uh, I mean Alistair," she quickly added with a respectful bow. Once Alistair returned to where he was once sitting, Tora looked over at the only other person there. The elf woman seemed to be heavily concentrating on reading. Tora was too polite to interrupt and too shy to say anything. She followed her father over to a nearby tree and sat down.

Leorio flipped through the list of the online Adventurers. He found Shineko's name and activated a telepathic link. "Hey Shineko, Leorio here. I thought you were coming to Alistair's meeting place, or did you get lost?" he asked in a joking tone. "Try not to take to long to get here. I have the feeling that this is urgent."
Alistair only smiled at Tora, returning the respectful bow. He then turned to Leorio. "Not as urgent as some meetings might be, one can take their time if need be. My only desire to lay out an interesting idea to you all, it would be entertaining at most. So I simply hope you enjoy it!" He then continued pondering on things, especially with making a map of Akihabara, that would be something he'd have to take some time on doing. Being a Scribe, it would come easily, but if this were similar to the real world he wondered just how it would work..

More so, Alistair wondered just how everyone will take the meeting's general idea. He must be observant of the fellow adventurers, see their personalities, and specialties before he makes any bigger decisions than the one he's already made. As of now, all it is left is to be patient with the arrival of all the members, and in the future maybe new opportunities will arise. Alistair knew he could make Akihabara flourish again..Seeing all the Adventurers sad and low spirited put him to work the few hours he'd been caught in this unusual catastrophe..
Rahl stood at Shineko's final words, nodding as he starred off into the space beyond the window, adding Shineko to the list that had only held two names before today. He looked for a long while at the second name with a bitter stare before looking up at Shineko. "That bunch from today... They might just have the potential to be the real thing, don't they?" Rahl looked away and silently spoke "Teleport" before Shineko could answer, moving without hesitation towards the guild building that held the first boss that faced him. Indeed... This first step is something to lay the cement for something new. A world where things will be better for me. A world with a fresh start,not doomed from the get-go by our forefathers. A world... that he would smile at. And if I can make him smile... Then nothing else matters. His teeth gritted as he looked upon the cursed door, his friend list telling him exactly where his quarry lay. A gloved hand rose to knock on the door, a door he was threatened into opening a few days ago.
Shineko watched as Rahl disappeared towards the Guild Hall. Lets hope what is to follow for him goes as well as he hopes. Looks back in the direction he will need to head for the meeting and where the others are hopefully gathering. Shineko whispers to himself, "Yes, they do seem to have the potential. I hope for everyone's sake that they can exceed that potential, I have a feeling we will need it." Without waiting any longer, Shineko disappears into the darkness heading towards the place he had marked down as the meeting place. To make better time, he merges himself with the shadows all around and speeds along.

As he nears the meeting place, he follows the shadows in as close as he can towards the fire and emerges from the shadows. "Sorry I am running a bit late. I do hope I haven't kept you waiting." Using the time that he was speaking to aid him in letting his eyes adjust to the surroundings, he spots Alistair and says "I must apologize, but I was unable to convince Rahl to join us here tonight. He seems preoccupied with something else and won't be able to move on until he has dealt with it." Noting the small crowd that has gathered so far, he wonders if maybe he misjudged what the others would do. Shineko sees Mairi sitting to the side, seemingly absorbed in a book. "Hi Mairi, glad to see you were able to make it. Did you find any good books that might contain any information to aid us at the Library?" Walking over towards Leorio and Tora, he extends his hand to Leorio to shake. "I am glad to see you two were able to make it." Looking down at Tora, "I hope they haven't been boring you. Thanks for making sure Leorio found his way here, I am sure you had plenty to do with that" Shineko said with a sly teasing smile.
Since Alistair had said nothing that she hadn't already assumed--that the meeting would start when everyone was here--Mairi hadn't said anything, choosing to focus on her book instead. More and more people joined them as time passed. After Shineko asked Mairi a question, she looked up from her book. "Oh, this is a good book," she said mischievously, "but it doesn't have any information that will help any of you." She then returned to reading her book. If anyone looked closely at her, they would see her blushing heavily at the content of the book, whose back cover featured a large red circle with a slash through it.


Reynald fell flat on his face in exhaustion once he made it to the camp site. "'Go north,' he says. 'Go past the cathedral,' he says. Maybe if I knew where the cathedral was, that would actually help..." he said before looking up at the gathered group. "...Man, I'm not even the last one? screw this; wake me up when the meeting begins." Reynald then let his face fall to the ground again.
Leorio shook Shineko's hand. "As a guildless duo, we didn't have much going on anyway," he replied with a smirk. "N...not really," Tora shyly spoke to Shineko. "Pappa started playing Elder Tale before I did..." "Aw, you're too modest," Leorio interjected, putting an arm around his daughter's shoulders. "Things are different now and I don't have a mini-map to remind me when my memory fails. If I forget a portion of the map then hopefully you haven't, my little navigator." Tora blushed due to a mixture of embarrassment and shyness. "S...Shineko-san, looks like another one of your friends are here," Tora said, pointing at Reynald.
Shineko chuckles a bit at Reynald's entrance and then looks back at Tora, "You have no reason to be shy here, though you are among new people you will be in the company of those you can count on. That loud lump trying to take a nap there is Reynald. I don't know too much about him except that he seems to travel and know Alistair and overall seems like a good person. Alistair is someone who intrigues me and I have yet to make up my mind completely about him, but I feel like he is someone who thinks a lot before taking action if he can and has a good heart. And since Reynald there is with him, I feel that he would also be someone we can trust. I wanted you to join us tonight so that you not only got a chance to make new acquaintances or friends, but also so you could hear what Alistair there had to say. I would be interested in hearing your opinion on him and what he has to say tonight. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. While I don't have many answers, at least not yet, I will do my best to answer whatever questions you may have." Shineko pulls up his display and looks over the names on his friends list again. I see there are still more out there, hope they are safe and being careful.
Alistair had a good view of what Mairi was reading, he did not though, speak of what it was out of simple respect for her. When he saw Shineko he simply smiled, nodding. "One day, he will arrive I am sure. Though I'm sure his intentions were to let us continue without him for the time being." Then he met himself with a slight smirk to Reynald finally arriving. "Good to see you once more my faithful friend. It was hard, I am sure. But you found yourself here in no time!"

Alistair continued to look at the display of character's, the glasses he owns gleamed brightly as the fire crackled, shielding his eyes from any to see, as he speculated and observed his fellow companions. "They all seem to be much better than the usual lot of Adventurers that I have spotted, I enjoy this thoroughly, Akihabara needs them more than they think.." He thought to himself, slowly adjusting his glasses. A slight breeze of wind seemed to come from the west, and the crackling flames hissed and spat as the winds had leaped against them.

"There's even a wind system implemented...It seems the developers of this Expansion weren't just going for a fantasy world brought to the life of us people...They were trying to create a reality in their own image.." Alistair looked up at the sky, and sighed, more in relief. "Welcome, I believe there are a few more people that we are waiting on. So please make yourselves comfortable as we do so waiting.. And do not worry, I will work on creating a map for all of us, so that we can utilize it as much as possibly needed." With that simple statement, Alistair returned to sitting down and staring at the flames, most likely dozing off and into outer space.
During the downtime Leorio and Tora sent friend requests to Alistiar, Shineko, Mairi, and Reynald.

"Sounds like a lot of thinking," Leorio said to Shineko. "If you're looking for a second opinion would you listen to it if it went against your gut?" he asked. "I wouldn't."

Tora raised a hand. "Um...I have a question," she pipped up. "W...who are we still waiting on?"
Alistair looked up from the flames and directed his sight to Tora, smiling softly. "We are waiting on Zweihander, a tank of a Knight, and hopefully he arrives soon. We're also waiting on Qwerty, whom is a Kannagi, we are waiting for those two. I'm sure they'll turn up in no time. For now let us all just relax for the time being." Alistair's soft smile soon receded, staring off towards the barrier, and to the valleys beyond, he had accepted the friend requests as soon as they had arrived. He wondered where they could be at the moment, but with a simple sigh, he returned to look at the group, and smiled. "Shineko, was it? When you get the time, please thank Rahl for his help, and for saving me after I saved him, it was very kind of him to do so!"
When the ding of a message came up, Qwerty didn't hear it because the voices in the inn where so loud. First when she noticed that everyone seemed to have runned of, she checked her messages. Oh no, she thought. I hope they don't mind I'm late. She summoned a horse and set out for the barrier in the North as quickly as could. When she came there, she noticed that two werecats that hadn't been in battle was there. I think I saw the other guys talk to them. She jumped of the horse and sat down.

-Hi! I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't notice I got a message. Have I missed anything?
Leorio sat down under a nearby tree. "Wake me up when we're ready to get started," he said. Pulling a page out of Roronoa Zoro's playbook, Leorio crossed his arms behind and his head and began to sleep while leaning against the tree.

Tora summoned her in-game kitten and started to pet it as she waited. Seeing Qwerty she assumed she was looking at another teenager due to her avatar. Tora picked up Kitten and shyly walked up to Qwerty. "Y...you haven't missed anything. We haven't started yet," she replied. "Hi Q...Qwerty, I'm T...Tora," she added with a shy smile.

"Ah yes, as Tora stated we haven't started yet. Other than basic introductions of one another." Alistair smiled, looking at everyone. "It seems everyone is here for now, shall we begin with our group meeting? I believe in due time, we will find other members worth being able to join. Other than that, everyone take a seat, eyes on me and lets get this show started. Now shall we? Reynald, time to get up" He softly poked Reynald with his staff, right on the forehead. He soon returned to the boulder, this time standing straight up on it. Looking down at everyone, it was finally time to arise his motives..

He stamped his staff onto the boulder, to gain full attention now. He seemed much more serious than before, the glasses he wore no longer had the shine effect to them from the flames of the firepit, now everyone could tell Alistair was looking at all of them as well.

"I brought you all here for a group meeting, not only is this meeting important to me, but I believe it can help make a difference.. Let this meeting start!" He called out to everyone, hoping they'd understand, hoping that they'd be alongside him in this..

@Shineko @Thesmashbro @That Guy Over There @RageFace @SdrawcabDaer @shadowdude505
Leorio wasn't given enough time to actually fall asleep. He quickly opened his eyes after Alistair hit his staff against a rock. "A difference huh?" he asked. "I think you and I are on the same page, but just in case tell me anyway," he added with a smile.

Tora nearly jumped out of her skin as Alistair slammed his staff into the rock. She quickly gave him her attention. Petting Kitten to ease her nervousness.

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