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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

"You're too cocky, and with cockiness comes a price!" Alistair had yelled down to Rahl as he jumped off his Griffon, landing beside him and running close to his side. "You can't just expect to fight alone, the monster is too dangerous we need to keep it away from the city, the barrier is very weak, if the Giant regains its attention towards the city everyone in there will be in trouble. The name's Alistair, but never mind introductions for now, duck!" He knelt down, having Rahl also duck alongside him.

The Giant in its anger, had swiped, and if not for Alistair it would have hit Rahl hard, though Reynald was up ahead, some of the debris of the swipe shot at him.

The Frost Wolverines were gaining on Reynald as well, his Samurai's Challenge kept them hard on his tail, the 3 of them all in synchronization attacked Reynald. A deadly combo of frost damage.

"Trust me on this, you'll need our help fighting them all. I can already tell you're very solo based, but now the world has changed. And so we ourselves must change to accommodate it .." Alistair soon dashed off to meet up with Reynald in an attempt to help him. Alistair activated <Reflex Boost> (Support magic that raises the evasion ability of an ally) on Reynald so he could have an advantage of evading the 3 synced attacks. "Finally...My Spell Counter is at 5. Time to unleash my favorite ability." Alistair activated his special ability from his Reaper's Lantern Talisman, ( With all the Reaper Set Equiped, after 5 Spells have been conducted and successfully used, an add-on of 1000 dmg is used for any offensive spells used by Alistair) "Alright..Hehehe" His body glowed with a dark purple aura, as he directed himself around to meet the Frost Giant.

Alistair used <Thorn Bind Hostage> (
A special magic attack that is referred to as setup type. Shining azure thorns coil around the target. The spell doesn't do damage when it hits the target, only when the target is hit with a different attack, the damage is synchronized with the attack and deals damage that way.) (Naturally, Thorn Bind Hostage does 1000 damage for each thorn plus damage from the weapon utilized to attack, but now the Spell Counter Ability is activated it equals 2000 damage each thorn plus the weapon used.) As Alistair met up with Reynald, going behind him, he looked at Reynald and said "We need to form a team with everyone else, we won't be able to take that Frost Giant down unless a team is made, so what do you say? Wanna get this done together with everyone else?"

@Tenshi Hinara
@Thesmashbro @SdrawcabDaer
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Qwerty stared at the monsters at they approached. These things are a lot more intimidating like this, she thought. She wondered where they came from, as some guy landed in front of the group, introducing himself as Zveihander. It seemed he was behind all this commotion.

-Uh...Hi, she said. I'll try to heal you as fast as I can, if I figure out how to it.

She tried to summon the game menu, and cast "Divine Protection of Deployment" (a spell that strengthens healing and barrier spells). She then started casting "Prayer of Recover", a rather weak healing spell that was compensated by short reuse time, in quick succession on Zveihander.

A sound of bells started ringing in the air, signature of the spell " Prayer of Recovery".
Alistair brought up the voice chat display, and called Qwerty, while he was beside Reynald in the fight with the Frost Wolverines. "Hello Qwerty, I need you and Zweihander to get over to us on the battlefield by any means necessary, I need you with this team formation. You're an important part of this and I assure you will be safe with me. So, whaddaya say?" While voicing with her, he also included Zweihander, Shineko, Vince, Talia, Mairi, and Rahl. "I need you all to get to our position, we all need to form a team to take down that Frost Giant. We all can work together on this I'm certain. You all may not trust me, or even know me, but in the situation we're in, we have no time for introductions or getting to know one another. By any means necessary we need everyone here to end this fight!"

Alistair looked towards Reynald, then at the Frost Wolverines that were growling, ready to attack, and the Frost Giant. Which was coming closer with the Thorn Bind Hostage still activated on him, including the Spell Counter ability. He began to think, narrowing his eyes. "This better work, the only chance of taking down this Frost Giant is together, we'd be here for too long if we all solo'd it.. I don't want any of the loot, the EXP gained is just fine with me for now.." "Reynald, if you don't mind me asking, are you ready to take down these Frost Wolverine's? We need to clear the way to get to the Frost Giant, I'll aid you in battle."

@Tenshi Hinara
@Thesmashbro @SdrawcabDaer
"Vincent and I are on our way," Talia replied to Alistair's voice chat message as Vincent flew his griffon toward the battle. "If I may make a suggestion, it may be easier to communicate and keep track of each other's stats if we form an official party." Vincent landed the griffon at the edge of the battle and the duo jumped off. The bird-lion disappeared shortly afterward. "I'll sweep up the Frost Wolverines. In theory they should die instantly since I'm sixty levels above them. Help the others with the giant," Vincent told Talia.

"Sounds like a plan, love," Talia replied with a smirk. She ran toward the Frost Giant and Vincent made his way over to the wolverines. He swung his sword in a <Sweeper> motion once he arrived at the cluster of Frost Wolverines. Talia ran up to the Frost Giant and stabbed it on the foot with an <Early Thrust>. A playing card shaped marker appeared where she had stabbed. With the marker in place the next attack made by an ally would deal additional damage to the monster. Talia strategically retreated from the Frost Giant so her agro wouldn't build up enough to out do anyone else's. "An assassinate will do a lot of damage if you strike now," she said, opening communication to everyone in the group. Any attack that dealt damage could chip off a bit more than normal before the card mark disappeared by the next hit the monster took, but strategically assassinate was a good follow up move.
Taking quick tally of who all we have, Shineko realizes a single party won't hold everyone. Over the voicecall, "We are going to need to create a raid, the party system will only allow 6 of us in a group." Looking at the id of the person who sent this newest group call, he sees the name Alistair. He also sees another name on the list, Rahl. Hmm, I wonder if that is the name of the one who was playing cat & mouse with me. "Alistair, I am assuming that is your name from the call info. We will need to split into two groups and form a raid. I would recommend you be the raid leader and party leader for one group. Can you get your cook with the over sized meat cleaver to create a group with Vincent, Talia, Mairi and yourself? I believe Vincent, that wannabe chef and myself can clear out the wolverines and join up with you for the Frost Giant. I can create a party with myself, Rahl, Qwerty, and Zweihander. Zweihander, Can you handle getting yourself and Qwerty here on the battlefield quickly? I am counting on you to keep Qwerty safe. Qwerty, when you arrive, stay close to Alistair and let Zweihander handle keeping that giant occupied. Alistair, I am trusting you to make sure she is safe as well. Mairi, you will probably be safest staying with Alistair and Qwerty but use your best judgment. And please save your teasing for after the fight."

From the way things sounded, things may be getting a little out of hand and dangerous. I might as well stop playing around. Reaches up and activates the magnification rune on his amulet. While it normally provides resistances to elements and keeps me comfortable, it also feels a little warm. Time to turn that heat up and channel it, adding fire to my damage and boosting the resistance protection.

"I will be on the battlefield momentarily. I just finished prepping and and already on my way. Rahl, I am sure you are still in the call, how about we both stop playing around and finish this before I actually see one of my companions get hurt. While I may not directly know who you are, I have a feeling you are much like myself and this giant really should pose a problem for either of us. I wasn't just being carefree when I recommended you keep him busy, I have a high estimation of your ability. Don't disappoint me."

Without waiting for a reply while heading towards the battle location, Shineko picks up speed and reaches his top speed without using his cloak's ability. "I should be there in just a few seconds everyone. Please accept the party invites as you receive them so we can make this a proper raid quickly."

Shineko sends a party invite to Rahl, thanks to having his contact info through the group call and also sends it to Qwerty and Zweihander.

@Alistair @SdrawcabDaer @Thesmashbro @RageFace @That Guy Over There
Rahl grunted as Alistair, 'The Grim Reaper', took him barely out of the way of another club attack. He quickly pushed the enchanter away with the words "You be careful!" before jumping back into his extreme melee with the giant, inflicting debuff after debuff on the monster that faced him. It would be a sad sight to see the enchanter, another interesting subject, die early because he was trying to be the hero and save Rahl. As the intensity of the melee increased, Rahl finally brought himself back under control, his right hand flickering in quick movements as the giant continued it's barrage. He was slightly surprised when Shineko told him it was time to end this fight, but a smirk slowly made it's way into his feline features.

"Very well, Shineko. After this, let's enjoy a nice cup of tea alone so we can exchange interesting ideas. After all, nothing builds a bond better than a battle of this extent." He spared his right hand to accept the invitation before sheathing his sword and pulling out twenty daggers, all blazing with odd fiery runes drawn into them. "Flashing Draw." The words where whispered out of his mouth before gravity finally registered for the spinning daggers, causing them to fall into his outstretched hands. He aimed them each at a point affected by an early thrust, so they would cause extreme damage. As Rahl landed on a nearby elevated location, he loudly said a final word. "Kaboom." The daggers exploded in a mass of fire.

(This should take the giant down to half health considering the massive damage bonus built up from early thrusts and the fact that it is a fire attack against an ice monster, but will leave Rahl with very little mana for a few turns, incapacitating him.)
Now that the frost wolverines were taken care of, Reynald turned to Alistair. "Look, you don't need to act like you're Gondor calling for Rohan's aid." he said, "When I get involved in a fight, it ends either with me respawning or getting some loot." Reynald then looked away from the city. "I had hoped I could've exited his aggro range so he'd have nowhere to go and return to his dungeon, but it looks like a swashbuckler returned some of the aggro I stole. Idiot." Reynald started to walk back to the battlefield. "Then again, I suppose that's what I get for trying to turn away an opportunity for exp and loot." Reynald then ran to the frost giant and used Kasha no Tachi to attack rapidly, hitting opponents nearby too.


Mairi was about to summon a mount to go after the frost giant, but the giant didn't go too far since his aggro was averted. She wondered if she should just let the swashbuckler die. He'd respawn, after all. "...Nah." she thought aloud as she summoned a titanium (highest-proficiency) golem. "Salamander, attack from as far as you can. Golem, attack it directly." Mairi commanded. Both summons obeyed Mairi and got into range. Salamander stayed back 30 meters, which was maximum range, and the golem charged right at the frost giant and started attacking with its fists.
Alistair smiled a little at Reynald's rather angered response. "I don't mean to be a pest of any sort good movie by the way, I was only wondering if you were going to ally with me in this fight haha! But I'd rather not want you to lose. Annd you're already gone..Take care!" "Such an interesting character.." With this, Alistair returned to the voice chat and listened to Shineko's words. "Yes I presume that would be the best option, I set up a Thorn Bind Hostage, its power is amplified so make sure to hit the vines directly to get around 2000 damage for each vine! It'll obviously be a great help in this fight!" He sent Vincent, Talia, and Mairi, as well as Reynald a request for a party invite, afterward he looked over at Vincent and gave a nod. "Nice to be acquainted with you."

The Wolverines were defeated easily, leaving behind some money, and other low tier items.

The Frost Giant was attacked by Talia's Early Thrust, and as Rahl made his attacks and debuffs present, it affected the Giant ever so greatly, with his next, special attack from his daggers, the damage done was greatly put forth, all 5 vines were hit including the damage done by Rahl's attack, 10,000 attack, which dealt great damage against the Giant. Including the move Rahl used it brought the Giant's HP down just below half his life. The battle was heating up though, and the Giant didn't seem to be stopping its attack, but Reynald's Kasha No Tachi had struck the Giant, causing it to flinch backwards with the amount of damage dealt before, and the new amount by Reynald.

Alistair tapped into the voice chat to start it up with Mairi. "I see that you're a Summoner, I hope to meet you on the battlefield haha! WOW! GIANT METAL GOLEM!"

The new offensive summons viciously attacked The Giant, The Golems barrage of fists continued to smack the Giant down, while the flames from the Salamander scorched its icy body, its health was lowering faster by the moment

Alistair smiled, he never expected things to turn out so well. 2 groups was a very smart move on Shineko's part, Rahl's high damage move helped shorten the time for this battle, Mairi's summons were chopping hp down by the second, Vincent picked off the annoyances while Talia fought on the first line, Reynald's vicious attacks were also cutting down the hp by seconds. Things were coming together nicely.
Why are they talking about me like I need protection? Qwerty thought. I know I'm support, but still, I can survive on my own, I have defensive skills. They should worry more about Shineko and Vincent, they are the squishy assasins.

-We should get going, Qwerty said Zweihander. We are the only tank and support in the group as far as I know. And that enchanter Alistair I guess.

Qwerty wasn't sure what to think of that guy. It was somewhat weird how he appeared out of of nowhere. She casted Galloping Sacred Horse Technique, and she was surprised to see a real horse summoned, instead of the origami horse the spell would summon before the Catastrophe. Here goes nothing, she thought as she mounted the horse, reflecting on the fact that she had never ridden anything before.

She started galloping towards the Frost Giant, that could easily be spotted due to it's enormous size towering over most buildings. As she got to the battlefield, she noticed she could handle the horse fairly well, even though her inexperience. Is this how everyone else do their skills without the menu? she wondered.
Knowing that the Giant would already be engaged, Shineko had started charging up Fatal Ambush as he headed behind the giant trying to avoid its attention. So far, things were going close to what he had anticipated for what we would be capable of once adjusting to the fighting. Now with the increased overall damage output from the tattoo on my right arm and the added fire damage from my amulet, this attack should take a huge chunk out of this giant. Once in position, Shineko examines the giant quickly looking over the debuffs and status effects and using the visor's ability, spots a few different locations that would provide critical damage. Taking on a new stance, Shineko seems to take on a more aggressive, much like a large wild predator cat stalking its prey and ready to pounce, the deadly intent almost palatable. Whispering almost to himself, Shineko says "Time for you to die" and unleases Fatal Ambush (Ambush style attack; after preparing the weapon and storing energy for a while, unleashes a powerful slash or shot using the power of the entire body). Immediately as his slash hits, Shineko launches into the air and triggers Assassinate ([special Move] Assassin's key and last-resort skill, it is the strongest instantaneous damage ability among weapon-based attacking classes. Deals large damage to an enemy's body).
As Zweihander adds a fire enchantment to his swords slot, (adds %20 fire elemental damage from the overall damage made against target creature using this weapon) tapping his foot waiting patiently to be healed, he feels this amazing sensation as green light covers his body with a tint of purple in the mix. he watches as his debuffs disappear entirely after 5- 10 seconds whilst half of his health was restored after about 30 seconds. HOLY CRAP!? You got rid of my debuffs, healed me and in such a short time no less! Your AWESOME! I hope you consider joining the group I'm apart of, it's been a very long time since I've seen quite a skilled healer like yourself. hopefully I haven't used to much of your mana, the other player's will have taken some good damage by now. As he stares into the distance he stands up and casts Galloping Sacred Horse Technique as Qwerty finishes healing him. "We should get going." She then also casts Galloping Sacred Horse Technique, Zweihander replies "Right, let's go rock this party." He jumps on his horse and rides towards the battle field with Qwerty by his side.

As they approach the battle field Zweihander reaches for his sword getting ready to draw his blade, waiting to get between the giants foot to make a ride by and deal damage with <Taunting Blow> (aggros target creature). As he swings he long thick blade across the giants foot he then turns his sword and swings it backwards to attempt a second hit. he rides forward past the giant and after 3 seconds of travel he disembarks from his mount, not even thinking of what to do he leaps at giants leg to perform <Cross Slash> (This deals a large amount of damage to target creature). As he hits the ground after his attack he lands looking for the wolverines and begins to count, after a quick view he turns towards the giant and performs Anchor Howl (Casts a high level of Agrro towards enemy targets within a certain radius). Then performs <Counter Break> (The first attack made by an enemy creature, has a %80 chance to miss and allows for an auto-counter with a %15 chance to inflict critical damage) as he stands waiting with his sword held to his side, he watches for his moment of opportunity.

The Frost Giant, just before Shineko's attack had regained its composure, knocking the Golem aside. But then Zweihander had used Taunting Blow, slicing at the Giant's foot it fell to one knee, then as he used Cross Slash, the Frost Giant fully fell over. Shineko's Fatal Ambush finally connected then and there, the Giant then was defeated with the last hit, by Shineko's Assassinate move. The Frost Giant exploded into bits, leaving behind lots of money and items, and some special items as well.

Alistair smirked at the display, he nodded to everyone, and with that he was gone, from the voice chat, the party info, leaving behind not a trace. He was off to think more it seemed, and for good reason as well, he felt something in his mind was coming on, and finally catching hold, a tight grip into his mind, a Guild..!
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Shineko's weapon effect boosted drop rate on a killing blow.

Shineko surveys the battlefield, glad to see everyone appeared to be okay. Seeing the items and money that dropped, Shineko moves towards it and begins taking inventory. He didn't want to see anyone fighting over something so petty as loot, and so he begins collecting the gold and items together so he can help split up the rewards in a fair way with the group. Shineko tries to reopen the group call, only to notice that Alistair is no longer in it. "Everyone, I am gathering together the loot so we can talk about what dropped and decide how we can split it all up and keep it all fair. If you see that chef guy or anyone not listed in this call that was a part of the fight, please let them know as well. I don't see Alistair in this call anymore or around the battlefield. If you see him, please let him know as well. He deserves a share as well. Rahl, I would be honored to have you join us as well when you can so we can give you your share, and so maybe we can have that cup of tea. We can head back to where we were meeting up outside the Guild Hall and decide where a safe place would be for us to go from there to go over the loot and how to best divide it. I would prefer to see items go to those who would actually be able to make use of them rather than just loot for sale."
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"Alistair deserves a share, but maybe he doesn't want any," Vincent said over voice chat, noting Alistair's quick vanishing act. "If you find any assassin items you can take them Shineko, I'd rather take a share of the money." "Are you taking the loot to the guild hall to split there?" Talia asked. "Wouldn't want a monster taking us by surprise. Who knows what else is out here." "As much fun another monster fight would be, I'd have to agree with Talia. We won a major battle, now's the time to celebrate!" Vincent added. "In a safe place of course." Vincent called his griffon and flew back toward the guild hall with Talia.
"Unfortunately, I think we have all had the same stance over time and have found ourselves each without a guild currently. I normally find myself happier free of the burdens of a guild but still like working with my comrades. Since none of us have a guild hall that we can enter for safety, I figured we might use the relative safety of the town and maybe find a tavern with a private room that we could use to look through the loot and divide up the spoils of war." Said Shineko over the voice call. After taking a breath, he followed with "There aren't many items I could see myself that interested in myself. I am more interested in the items and components necessary for me to further my research with Sigils. Now that we have a new world where things are changing, I would be interested in seeing if I can push sigils even further and get more power and use out of them."
The Special Loot was Ice Ore, the amount of Ore was enough to serve everyone a share, with it the members could go off and create ice based armor with specific buffs, and ice weapons with the same idea in mind, it glowed light blue, and it was so cold that the air around it whisked with a white glow. The money served to be large enough for everyone, though not enough for everyone, the loot amassed from the Wolverines though proved to give equal to everyone in the party afterwards. The XP was medium to low for the lvl 90 players, as for lower leveled it would be medium to high. In the midst were potions for Health, Mana, etc.
"In that case, Talia and I will scout out a private tavern room for us," Vicent replied. He flew the griffon to one of the popular taverns in Akihabara. The duo got off the griffon after landing and it disappeared. Vincent walked over to the door and held it open for Tailia. "Ladies first," he said with a smile. Once inside the duo were surprised to see the tavern mostly full of sad adventurers. They found a private room currently not being used. Talia told the others where they were via voice chat. The duo chatted as they waited.

@Shineko @Thesmashbro @SdrawcabDaer @RageFace @That Guy Over There
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"Useless..." Reynald thought as he looked over the loot that had dropped. Since he wasn't a blacksmith, he had no use for ice ore. At best, he could probably sell it for pocket change. At least he had gotten some exp out of it. After looking around, Reynald realized that Alistair had left. He wondered why that guy liked being so mysterious. Oh well; it was none of his business. Hearing Shineko over voice chat, Reynald began walking to the tavern.

Mairi dispelled her summons once the fight was over. The loot didn't interest her since there were no alchemy ingredients or equipment. "You all go on ahead." she said, "I'm going over to the library to see how it was affected. Depending on how it is, I might be there a while. Don't wait for me." With that, Mairi left the group and returned to Akihabara.
Qwerty went back to Akihabara by foot. It would be quicker to summon a horse, but it wasn't very far, and she wanted the admire the scenery. It was truly a sight. although time had past, the sky was still rather clear, and one could hear the birds chirping. It's so different from how it looks on the screen. A whole other thing.

As she wandered trough Akihabara, she decided to stop in shop. There she sold the Ice Ore for a mediocre price. when she got to the tavern, she saw it was full of bitter Adventurers. I hope there's still a room left.
There was a lot on Shineko's mind as he made his way back to the towards the city and awaited the news of a good location to meet back up. He didn't mind that some wanted to go ahead and get their share of the loot before meeting. Hopefully he could find time to speak with those who chose to do something else instead of meeting up. While wanting to make sure everyone got a fair and equal share of the loot was important, he had something more he wanted to talk with everyone about. He was happy to get the call from Talia that her and Vincent had found a tavern with a room available. After getting the directions and location, he headed towards the tavern at a slow pace taking in the surrounding city and its state. Things seemed different than he expected here. Adventurers almost seemed like they were out of place and the People of the Land were numerous. When this was merely a game, he didn't remember there being so many NPCs around. Too many things don't seem right and so many things to worry about here now. For now, one problem at a time.

After enough time had passed that he figured everyone would have arrived at the Tavern that would be willing to meet, Shineko finishes his trip to the Tavern and locates the room where everyone was waiting. "I am sorry to keep everyone waiting, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to arrive and myself a little time to think. Let's start by taking care of the easy part first, the dividing of the loot." Pulls out the items that he had collected from the loot drops early and gives each player their share. Those who have not arrived and didn't collect a share have their shares sitting in separated piles in the center of the table. "What is left there are the shares that belong to those who were with us but didn't grab their share before they left. For example, Alistair's share is there. As any remaining folks come in, we can give them their fair share of what they earned. I know it wasn't a great amount, but we each earned what is there and I want to make sure to be fair with all of you. I had an ulterior motive for asking all of you to meet me here besides making sure everyone got their share of the loot. I am sorry to not just tell all of you about what I wanted to talk about, but I wasn't even sure myself how to bring it up or word what was on my mind."

Stops for a minute and orders a drink. Once it arrives he takes a drink, giving himself to enjoy a moment before beginning this next part. "I am sorry to say that this is no longer the game we were so used to enjoying before. While we have heard that we can still respawn if we are killed, we don't know what effects it may have on us. I am not saying to run scared and hide. That is not a way to live, but we are all folks that either have enjoyed the freedom of being without a guild or found yourself without a guild along the way. But being without a guild does not mean we are without friends or allies. I want to ask that each member here exchange friend requests and keep in touch and work together. This new world has the chance to be a lot of fun but we also need to be careful and I have some concerns about what the future may hold. I don't recall being a part of any real group, but I did have some friends and acquaintances from before that I enjoyed working with. I was hesitant of joining a guild because I liked the freedom to hop around and explore different things and take on new challenges. I liked being able to work with different players, regardless of their guild or affiliation. Zweihander is one of those from before that I found myself working with often, which is why I was happy to see he was here before. And while he can sometimes be a little reckless, he keeps things entertaining. Thankfully, this group is growing but made up of a core of us that have worked together. I am sure that we are going to find ourselves in situations where we will need the support of friends and those we can count on. We have heard of some of those groups that were legendary in their accomplishments on the different servers. Most of us here were probably just as capable as they were and could have done the same had you the chance before this new expansion. I want to propose that we now work together and become the things of legend instead of just waiting for more stories to be written about what others have done. We are strong, we proved that today when we came together and took care of all the wolverines and that frost giant. And that incident alone should show us how much this world seems to have changed from what we know. Those creatures shouldn't have chased someone across zones to reach all the way to the city. And once inside, they should have quickly left and went back. Instead, they were trying to force their way through the city's protective barrier. I am not sure who Alistair is exactly, but I would like to extend this invitation to him as well." Shineko looks over towards Reynald, "Can you make sure to pass along what I am proposing and my concerns to him Reynald?" Now looking back to address everyone again, "I think that knowledge will be one of our biggest weapons going forward. The more we know about how things have changed, what our new limits are, and anything else that we are capable of or that might have been limited might server to help us not only survive here but even unlock a way home for those that would like to return. I would love to hear each of your thoughts on this matter."

Shineko returns to eating the tasteless food and sipping his drink, waiting for others to think over his proposal and the implications of what happened today. He was worried for those he considered friends and even his new acquaintances.

@Alistair @shadowdude505
Not long after Reynald had sat down in the tavern with Vincent, Talia, and the others, Shineko walked in and soon began talking. After sitting through Shineko's filibuster, Reynald got up, walked behind Shineko's chair, and whapped him in the back of the head. "Honestly, you and Alistair are too alike." he said, "You don't need to make this grandiose speech; all you needed to say is 'here's your share of the gold' and 'let's exchange friend codes so we can quest together.' You don't need to apologize for how the game is now as if you're the one responsible for this." Reynald sat back down in his chair. "As for inviting Alistair into our little circle, I'll try my best. He can be hard to get a hold of, but that might change since it's impossible for him to be offline or AFK now." After pausing for a second, he looked back at Shineko. "You know, it might be easier for us to make a small guild. We all seem to be level 90, so we should each have a small fortune saved up. I doubt that it'd cost us that much anyway since we probably won't need a fancy guild hall to meet in."
"About that...." Talia started to say. She grabbed Vincent's hand. "Being a guild would be fun, but now that we're officially stuck in Elder Tale, Vincent and I have decided that we're going to live the life we fantasized; we're going to get married and build a life in a village."

Vicent and Talia stood up and collected their loot. "Maybe we'll see you guys around. Thanks for the loot. It was fun," Vincent said. The duo sent friend requests to those in the room who weren't already on their list before leaving with big smiles on their faces.

Right after the duo left, a new one walked through the doors: A burly male tiger werecat monk accompanied by a teenage girl druid who was also a tiger werecat. "Why the long faces guys?" Leorio asked, his voice booming. "Still haven't figured out how to fight or is the food that bad?"

Leorio and Tora sat down at a table and ordered an ale and milk. They both took a couple of sips; they managed to get the drinks down, but they didn't look happy about it. "Maybe it is the food and drink. This stuff tastes blander than water." Leorio's laughter boomed through the room. "Papa, if fighting works the same way as real life, do you think cooking could to?" she asked quietly, shyly tapping her index finger's together. There were a lot of Adventurers in the tavern. "That's an interesting thought," Leorio said, pushing his ale toward the center of the table.
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While happy for Vincent and Talia's announcement of getting married and making the most of this world, Shineko was still worried for them. He quickly got up before they could leave and gave both Talia and Vincent a tight embrace. After this meeting is over, he would need to remember to send an in-game mail message to each of them congratulating them and reminding them that if they needed anything, not to hesitate in letting him know. He also hoped they would invite him to the wedding ceremony.

Looking back at Reynald, "Thank you, I think, for those words of encouragement. I hate to presume anyone would truly follow me and I don't feel I am truly cut out for it. I am just worried for my comrades and want to keep them safe. In that way, maybe Alistair and I are more alike than I realize, but since I don't know him as well, I have to take your word for it. I am not that comfortable being the one responsible for things. If Alistair has similar ideas or goals, I would love to hear from him and leave that to him. " Thinking back to when this was merely a game and he was running around, he vaguely remembered something what he had been nicknamed by others at the time. A few of my comrades had once began calling me 'Death's Shadow' or 'The Shadow Assassin'. I have another favor I would like to ask of you then Reynald when you manage to get in touch with Alistair. Can you ask him to contact me? I am curious as to his intents. As I have already said, I am more concerned for the safety of my comrades than anything and if he has similar goals, maybe we can work together to make it happen. As for the cost to start a small guild, I have enough to do that myself if we were to be so inclined. It is the cost and upkeep on a guild hall that could become a burden on the finances if we are unable to find a suitable steady source of income to maintain those fees."

Just as Vincent and Talia left, he saw two new figures come through the door and take a seat. After their initial remarks, he looks at them and says "Welcome my fellow werecats. My name is Shineko. The food is only a part of the issue, though it is pretty bad. We have figured out most of the fight system I believe, but the look is more of concern for what I believe is coming. Things are definitely different and possibly still changing here. Cities used to be safe, but we early had an issue where mobs trained across multiple zones to chase someone. Once that person was safely inside the protection of the city, they didn't lose aggro and return, they instead continued trying to force their way through the protective shield to follow. If our group hadn't been there to deal with the issue, I am not sure how much damage could have been done. And young one, I believe you may be right. I have also theorized that many things that we were once capable of doing in the real world may be possible to do here in this world now. But it will take time and testing to understand the new rules that have been placed on us. Sorry for going on so much, might I inquire as to your names?"

"I'm Leorio and this is my daughter Tora," Leorio replied with a grin. "P...pleased to m..meet you Shiniko-san," Tora said shyly. The smile on Leorio's face quickly changed into a serious frown. "I'm not sure of what is going on around here. This real life Elder Tale is different than the game one...and also very similar." A roguish smirk reappeared on Leorio's face. "I guess that adds to the adventure," he said with a sigh. "If you want some help rangling monsters, my daughter and I will be happy to help." "A...aye," Tora added, shyly tapping her index fingers together.
Shineko smiles over at Tora and then looks back up to Leorio, "Welcome Leorio. You and your daughter are both welcome here with us. We are a group of comrades that have already experienced some of the differences. I asked them to meet here so we could exchange friend requests so that we are always just a call away for help. It has been suggested that a guild might be more efficient as a solution for this, but I can't say I am the one that should do that. While I am worried for my comrades, I am not comfortable taking responsibility for everyone as the leader of a guild. I am more comfortable in combat or research, not leading others." Shineko walks around to Tora, "There is no reason to be shy here with us, your voice is as important as any of ours. If you have anything you wish to say, please feel free to do so. The only way we will survive is by listening to everyone and understanding that sometimes the nugget of knowledge we need may come from the most unexpected places." Shineko walks back to where he was seated and takes his chair, watching to see what everyone else decides to do. Hmm, I wonder how long he is going to wait out there instead of just coming in and joining the conversation. Then again, he is probably a lot like me and is not used to dealing with groups. But it would benefit him to come and be a part of what I am hoping will come from this. Not like he is going to find a decent cup of tea anywhere in the city currently. Well, I can't force Rahl to come join us, maybe I can talk with him more when this has concluded.
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