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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Mairi crossed her arms and looked away from Shineko. "My name isn't Maria." she said as she pouted, "Just for that, I'm not going to add you to my friends list yet." Mairi left with Vincent and Talia, but staying behind them as they ran. While her height wasn't that different to her height in real life, she didn't want those two to see her trip if she did. By the time she reached the guild hall, she was exhausted. "Why couldn't I have chosen a class with more dexterity?" she complained aloud. Too tired to think straight, she immediately summoned a slime behind her and plopped down on top of it, the slime contorting under Mairi's weight in a way that resembled a bean-bag chair. Exhausted as she was, she didn't even realize that she hadn't used any menu to use the [summon: slime] skill. While the slime's substance did wet Mairi's clothes, it also helped cooled her down, which was what she wanted.
Qwerty was taken completly by surprise when Vincent and Talia introduced themselves. She had a tight grip on the wall though, so she didn't fall.

-Hello, Qwerty said to Vincent and Talia. It's a pleasure to met you.

She looked at Shineko

-I still have a hard time adjusting. It's just so different.

She sighed. Everyone seemed to have adjusted just fine. She on the other hand was jumpy, stressing over every movement. She really had a hard time living in completely different place than she was used to.

-Anyway, what do you think we should do?
"Qwerty, as I have already tried to let them know, I think we have a couple things we need to do that are vital. The first seems obvious, but critical, that we get used to moving and acting in these bodies so that it becomes as natural as your own bodies" Hmm, wish I could remember what it was like for me to move around. Was I athletic or was I pretty much a klutz. After a moment he continues. "Second, we will need to figure out how to handle combat. I didn't say anything early because I thought maybe it was something strange that had just happened to me before I met up with everyone else. Looking back over at Mairi as to emphasize who he is about to mention, Shineko notices her name is Mairi and not Maria. But Mairi helped confirm my suspicions that there is a way to activate our abilities without the interface. She didn't bother tapping into the interface but simply made the gestures and the slime was summoned. Turning back to face the majority of the group, especially Qwerty who is the main one who hasn't heard most of this before, "I think we need to gather knowledge. That knowledge will be our most powerful ally while we try to deal with things in this world. It will take time and we are going to need people we can trust and work with in order to gain a better understanding of exactly what we can do here. If you have any questions or have any other ideas of things we should add to that list, please share. I think we have begun building the beginning of a good group here. And if there is anything I can do to help you adjust Qwerty, you are welcome to ask."

Shineko looks back over to where Mairi had plopped down on a slime and after a moment, he walks over to her.
"Mairi, I would like to apologize. I think in the rush earlier that I accidentally called you the wrong name with everything going on. I hope you can forgive my mistake. I meant no offense"


"We're waiting for another party member. You may know him. His name is ZweiHander," Talia said to Qwerty after Shineko explained things to her. "The six of us are going to figure out the fighting mechanics." Talia turned her attention to Shineko. "He knows we're here right?" Vincent's attention was turned to Miari and her slime. He noted what Shineko said about not needing the interface to do game attacks and actions. "So game things are activated as if we were doing that thing in real life?" he asked. "An interesting theory," Talia added. "I can't wait to test it!" Vincent said excitedly.


"It is only a theory but now a couple incidents have occurred that make me believe that it is entirely possible for these actions to be triggered automatically instead of using the interface. I just don't know what it is that triggers that. Once we are out of the safety zone effect of the city, we can try testing some of our skills that didn't require a target to activate and see if we can figure out those mechanics. If I am right and we can activate our skills without the interface, combat and even other things are likely to become a lot easier."

Looks around scanning the crowd. Wonder what is taking ZweiHander so long. Then again, he is probably just having fun in this world and checking out things while heading over here. Wonder if he passed by an armor or weapons merchant on the way, I could easily see that being a distraction.




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Mairi was too distracted by her own exhaustion and the cool feeling of the slime she was lying down on that she wasn't listening to the conversation the others were having. Her attention was only grabbed when Shineko walked up to her and apologized for the earlier mix-up. She opened one eye to look at Shineko and said, "Geez, were you really that worried over a friend request? It's not like I refused to be in the same party as you." Mairi leaned forward to sit upright before opening up her menu. "I was thinking that I could contact you through Vincent or Talia, but if it's going to cause that much anxiety then I guess I have no choice." Mairi sent Shineko the friend request and wondered how the person with the username "Maria" is reacting to the sudden friend request, if such a person was online. Deciding to jump into the conversation, Mairi picked up the topic matter by listening to them. "Skills without interface..." Mairi leaned back on her slime to lie down again. "Sounds a bit too 'Matrix' to me." She said, forgetting that, in her exhaustion, she had just done that, "If Elder Tale was made as a virtual reality game, though, I suppose it would be plausible."



"Wonder what is taking ZweiHander so long to get here." *Scanning around the area again looking both for his friend and to see if anything else seems out of place* " Qwerty, you are here with us now. You have nothing to worry about. Just take your time and relax. Do the best you can and you will get used to things. For now, why not practice basic movement around this area to help you get more comfortable with movement while we wait for ZweiHander to arrive."





Vincent looked over at Mairi. "But you just summoned your slime without the interface," he said with a smirk. "Which means...," he said to himself as he pulled out his sword. He started to fiddle with it as he tried to figure out how he needed to hold it to activate his sword tied ability: <Shadow Sneak>. He remembered that when Elder Tale was a game his character would hold the sword backwards when the ability was active. After imitating his player model, Vincent was covered up by a cloud of shadows. He walked over to Talia like he was sneaking up on her. "Boo!" he said from behind her.

Talia looked back at him as he canceled his ability. She was unfazed from his humorous sneaking attempt. Among friends wasn't the right time to use the skill and now he'd have to wait fifteen minutes before using it again. She flashed Vincent a warm smile before turning her attention to Shineko. "Do you think we should start looking for him?" she asked.

@Thesmashbro @Shineko @RageFace
Mairi stared at Vincent blankly. "I did?" she asked before looking at the slime acting as a chair below her. "...huh. So I did." She then got up and looked at the slime. How would she unsummon it without opening the menu? Vincent seemed to be able to activate his skills. Perhaps she could believe that it would work; roleplay it out. Mairi extended her staff to the slime and mentally commanded it to vanish. Sure enough, the slime disappeared. Satisfied with herself, Mairi turned to the group and said, "I don't really see the point in waiting. We--more accurately I--have just proven that we can use skills without interface and that death isn't permanent. If we go against lower-leveled enemies, there is literally no risk."

Mairi then looked at Vincent. "By the way, was that really the best you could do? Your characters are in a relationship, after all." She walked to Vincent while positioning herself behind Talia. "The sneaking part was perfectly fine, but you should go farther than a 'boo.' You should've-" Mairi then sprung into action. Moving quickly, Mairi embraced her arms around Talia's midsection and pushed her chest against Talia's back. "-done this." Mairi said as she demonstrated the intimate sneak-attack hug. After doing that for a second, Mairi then backed off to allow room to dodge whatever Talia was going to do to her.
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You begin to hear rumbling in the distance, you get this strange sensation but things seem to have been peaceful until now. You then begin to notice the ground ever so slightly shake, as you begin wonder what could be causing this. You see the rising of smoke not far from you, *CRACK!!! BANG!!! KSSSSSSSSSSHHHH!!! * You turn to look at where the noise came from and as you do a gust of dusty smoke and wind nearly blows you back as part of the building crumbles. Pieces of rubble fly towards the group and shadowy figures move in the smoke but faintly you hear something..... I said, give it back you GOD DAMNED BASTARD!!!!! *ROOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!!!!!* You hear many things but can't exactly determine where each noise is echoing from, but the one thing that your certain of is the figures approach closer to your position and you prepare your self for whats to come. * HOOOOOOOOOOOOWL......* You see a green flash in the dusty smoke, YEAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

Suddenly you see a figure flying towards you it yells and at first its only one, but for how long? You soon realise that you've heard this voice before, that same comfy voice now roughened with battle and a stern yell almost as if a call for help. The figure appears from the smoke and crashes to the ground, it's Zweihander and he looks pretty roughed up. He slowly opens his eyes and he says as his voice trembles, Hehe Sorry I took so long to get here... Cough ... Huff ... I ran into... some trouble in the forest...... you need to get out of here. Somethings different about the system my abilities won't work properly, I don't know if I can fight them properly!? COUGH EH HEAAAG!... Huff, huff, huff.... You see his health bar is below 1/4 of whats left of his total amount and nearly a dozen Debuffs preventing him from healing and speed reduction to his movement. He nearly looks like an ice cube, you wonder how long he was at it with those creatures but currently you have bigger problems to worry about.

As the dust begins to settle you get a glimpse of the creatures, it seems they are not moving. As if the wolverines want to attack but they cannot proceed forward. The frost giant takes a swing and flash of blue light sparks as it hits mid air.
He stands a couple hundred feet away as he continues to slam his club on the invisible like barrier. The ground lights up illuminating in amazing light display, it flickers ever so slightly as the wolverines move ever closer to the edge edge, as if waiting for an opportunity to proceed.

Please follow link and read description 'Monster Ranks': http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/Monsters




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Shineko walks over to where Zweihander landed and looks at him with a wry smile. "Why am I not surprised by this entrance of yours? I knew you were taking too long getting here unless you found yourself another 'Adventure' along the way." Reaches out his hand to help Zweihander up to his feet. "Why don't you go over there to Qwerty the shrine maiden and keep her safe. She hasn't exactly acclimated herself to her body and this world yet. Keep an eye on us, we were just discussing some of our revelations about the skill system and how to use it without the interface. Maybe watching will give you some insights into your own abilities."

Shineko turns back towards where the others are at and yells "Sorry everyone but it looks like Zweihander here tried to play with something before he was ready. Think you are up for some fun? Let Qwerty try to tend to Zweihander and get him ready for action. Maybe we can go play with a few of these creatures." All of a sudden you see Shineko look upwards towards an apparently abandoned building and scream "Sorry to ruin your fun but I am pretty sure you mean us no real harm. Care to come down here and give us a hand? I may not have caught your name yet, but I am aware of your presence."
Rahl frowned as Shineko called him out, displeased as the man has already shown off in minor ways, teasing Rahl. I barely kept up with him in that shadow state of his, out of sorts or not, and he's poked at me with half the words he's said, and he asks me for help? Still, he seems interesting enough to keep around... Fine, I'll help, but the others don't need to see all of the tricks I've figured out so far. "Why, you're a mean one to ruin the beautiful entrance I had planned." None of his thoughts showed in his voice, which was a light trill as he made the jibe before jumping out of the window and landing as gracefully as the animal his race was based off of, slowly pulling his rapier out of it's blue-tinged white sheath. His eyes opened as he turned to face the frost giant that loomed overhead, a height that would dwarf any player.

"Very well. You can leave this one to me for now. Just remember that you owe me for this. Anyone that decides to help me hold this beast off... try not to be a bother." Lightning crackled over the blade as he <<quick-stepped>>(swashbuckler movement skill, like a teleport) next to the giant's foot, quickly following up with a slash directed at the back of it. (<<bloody piercing>>-lowers evasion of target substantially)
I am glad that this fellow decided to come down and help, I wasn't sure if he would but considering the situation I figured it was best to at least ask. There were plenty of things to fight and the planned healer wasn't in any shape to keep up with a full battle currently, so we needed the extra damage. I am just glad I guessed correctly this time. Suddenly Shineko calls out, "Lets clean up the Frost Wolverines real quick and then give this new guy a hand with the Frost Giant. While I am sure he can keep it busy for a bit and slow it down for us, I wouldn't want to leave anyone to solo it. Besides, now is the perfect chance to really test our skills and put what we are learning to the test." Yes, this new guy is going to be fun to keep around. He has already brought me much pleasure and I hated to end our little cat and mouse game early, but too much was at risk here for me to let my pride get the best of me.

Shineko activates all of his equipment and utilizes the effects of his Visor for the improved accuracy and crit chance. Combined with the bonuses from his sword and some other minor improvements, these Frost Wolverines should be fairly easy thanks to his ability to land critical strikes. He pulls out his Wakizashi and moves to where the monsters are trapped outside the city's border. As he approaches the edge of the city and sees the monsters, he notices that things don't seem quite normal. Almost like the wolverines are pushing in along the edge of the safety zone. It must just be my imagination since this is first time seeing all this from this side of the computer. Shineko shifts his stance to attack with Accel Fang through the group of wolverines and then pounces into the air at the end to use Assassinate on the one in the back.




A black figure watched the battle below from atop the Guild Hall roof, the long coat's shredded ends flapping endlessly with the added weather effect in the new expansion. The Staff wielded by the fellow glowed and exhumed an interesting purple/blue energy from itself. As for the figure, his whole body was glowing purple, no one could spot him just yet, not until he made his presence known, and now was the time..

The Staff glowed some, a darker shade of blue, cobalt. <Dispel Magic> was activated ( Sends a silent wave(like ripples) of colorless magic, removing debuffs on the targets.In addition to removing debuffs on allies, it can also remove buffs on enemies and disable traps of a magical nature, it is a convenient spell.) The spell itself only caught Zweihander, and was unable to go as far as the battlefield outside the barrier. With that, the figure also activated <Mana Transformer> (Spell that transfers your MP to another party member with a delay. About 30% of the MP is lost in the process, but the loss can be reduced with increased proficiency.) Giving back a large amount of MP towards Zweihander, to get himself back in the fight if possible. For a third and final spell to activate for his turn before he needed to regain most of the MP he lost, he activated <Astral Bind> ( [Action obstruction] Magic that limits movement, retraining the enemy target.) casting it on the Frost Giant to keep it immobile for a time being.

"Something is definitely wrong here, that Frost Giant, and those Wolves are too close for comfort...The Barrier, something must be wrong with it or it would've repelled the monsters...I guess I'll have to take a look sometime before things actually get dangerous...As for now, we must protect the city!"

The figure then stood and watched, waiting for his MP to restore, as it recovers fairly quickly with his equipment load or without it anyway. Many knew him of rumors and stories, the Grim Reaper has appeared in this surprising battle, the Enchanter/Scribe who also wields the Title Dragon Slayer...

@Tenshi Hinara





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Zweihander sighs with a smile as he grabs skinekos hand, You know it, I always manage to find the interesting stuff. Up on his feet he listens to skineko, as he picks his sword up from the ground and moves towards Qwerty. Don't have to much fun, you won't last five minutes by yourself with the giant. He moves towards Qwerty with his sword on his shoulder, he shuffles along. You must be Qwerty, names Zweihander nice to meet you, sorry we couldn't meet on calmer terms but we got trouble and I need to get back asap. Just heal me back 3/4 and I'll be good to go.
Reynald looked down at the situation below as he sat on the edge next to Alistair on top of the Guild Hall roof. "Troubling..." he said to himself before turning to Alistair. "It appears that we have no way to get down quickly without receiving fall damage." Reynald then got up and walked towards where they had climbed up. "You can stay here and play 'Batman' for a while longer if you want." he said to Alistair, "I, for one, am not going to let them hog all that EXP." As he finished talking, he started navigation down some of the vines that had grown on the side of the building. Judging by his movements, it was hard to tell if he was being either careful or leisurely.
Talia opened her eyes wide with surprise as Mairi hugged her from behind. She reached down to push her off, but the trouble making elf had already jumped back. Vincent watched Mairi's demonstration of what he should of done and rubbed his chin with one hand. "That would have been a better idea," he said to the elf. "But there's a big difference between RPing as a couple behind the screen and in it. You could say I'm just...." The sound of rumbling cut Vincent off. He looked over and saw the source. His jaw dropped, but his surprised expression quickly turned into a grin. "...warming up."

Talia's jaw was also hanging low, but she reacted as anyone in the real world would have. "What where you thinking fighting those things by yourself? You should have called for backup, form a party, or something!" she yelled Zweihander, sounding like a concerned sister. With a determined look on her face she pulled out her two swords. "Heal up, we'll need you in a moment," she said to the guardian while keeping her gaze on the Frost Giant.

Following Shineko's plan to deal with the wolverines first, Talia activated her <Wirlwind> skill by spinning her body with her blades out and swiped at the wolverines near her as she charged through them. Vincent, on the other hand, charged toward a wolverine and sliced through it to the other side of the creature with <Accel Fang>.

@Thesmashbro @RageFace @Shineko
Alistair looked down at Reynald, adding him to a voice call. "Why thank you for the prep talk, and no, it seems we wouldn't. On the contrary, a Enchanter must stay in the back of the group during battle, I assure you this is no "Batman" Game, but thank you for the offer of being a Vigilante of Justice, sounds quite nice. I don't need the EXP, you can have all you want... But the Barrier seems to be weakened, we need to figure out why, and more than that how to fix it, and the damage done.."

Alistair looked over to the Barrier, narrowing his eyes. Things have indeed changed much from what he used to remember, with this New Expansion it felt like he was in a new reality, it didn't take long either for Alistair to get accustomed to the new world and its new, more intricate and complex properties.

Alistair had regained his MP, and now activated the spell <Haste> (Magic that accelerates the action speed of an ally. The acceleration is increased with higher ranks, used by a level 90 cast time and auto-attacks are about 20% faster.) and set it on Reynald, allowing him to have an even faster reaction speed, and ability to move faster. For Talia and Vincent, Alistair activated <Keen Edge> (Support magic that raises the offensive power of an allies weapon. The amount raised is increased as the skill is raised in rank.) With this, Alistair was fully noticeable, but still held back atop the Guild Hall Roof.
Shineko, in true Assassin speed and style, hits and moves on to the next one. If I remember correctly, these wolverines should be considerably lower level than me. The only reason they are potentially a danger is their numbers and that giant. Guess it is time to see if I can activate another one of my skills. Losing himself in the heat of the battle, his mindset shifts to focusing on what needs to be done. Somehow, this seems to make it a little easier for him to activate the skills he wants to use and it is like his body just shifts where it is needed for those skills to be used. Again triggering Accel Fang, Shineko targets 2 or 3 wolverines on the edge to strike through. Hope this works as well now as it did before. If so, combined with my gear, I should be able to one-shot most of these weaker guys. Just as he reaches the other side of those 3 wolverines, he turns and uses Sweeper to quickly strike at each of the wolverines.

Mairi was, once again, disappointed by Talia's under-reaction. Perhaps they finally caught on that she was looking for a reaction, so they stopped giving her one. That was no fun. Now she had to find other people to tease. It was at that time that Zweihander made his flashy entrance via frost giant's club. After accessing the situation, Mairi was about to yell at Zweihander but Talia seemed to have beat her to it. "Honestly, picking a fight at a time like this... It's downright suicidal. Maybe I should summon a golem and have him throw you at the frost giant. Don't worry; you'll respawn." After saying that, Mairi summoned Salamander to deal extra elemental damage. She could attack the frost giant without risk if she stayed in the town.


Reynald sighed as he reached a lower ledge of the building. The spell that Alistair had cast to speed him up only increased action speed, not movement speed. He was less likely to fall off the vines now, so he considered himself lucky that Alistair hadn't cast overrunner. The sudden increase in speed would've surely made him fall. After climbing down a few more vines, he finally reached the ground. "If you stay on the Guild Hall, I'm going to quickly leave your spell radius." he said over the open voice call to Alistair as he walked by Zweihander and Qwerty.

Once he reached the front lines, he brandished his weapon and looked the frost giant in the eye. "Hey, Sno-cone!" he yelled at the frost giant, "I'm going to tell you something important now, so you better dig the slush out of those huge ears of yours and listen! The reputation of The Grim Reaper echoes far and wide. When they talk about his badass chef - the wolfhair of indomitable spirit and masculinity - they're talking about me! The mighty Reynald!" This was to activate his skill: Samurai's Challenge. Doing that made all the wolverines and the frost giant focus their attention on him. All of them approached him at once. Once they got near, he activated another skill. "Koko Yaburi!" he yelled as he brought down his axe/giant meat cleaver at the frost giant. All enemies around where he struck were blown away and stunned.

"Everyone!" he said to the group around them, "We have to move this fight away from the city! If they get through the barrier everyone will..." he stood there silently for a moment, which his stun maneuver allowed. "...collectively beat the crap out of them--why are we so urgent about this?! Y'know what, forget it; let's move it away from the town before we're forced to share EXP and loot with any more people! Denkosekka!" With his increased movement speed, he lead the frost giant and wolverines--which were no longer stunned--away from the town.
Alistair nodded, and cleared his throat some. "You're right on that part, I can see that my spell radius can go as far as where the Frost Giant is standing, but if you take the Frost Giant a little farther away it cuts off, I suppose I'll indeed have to move towards you all. I'll be there in a few." Upon that, Alistair activated <Haste> once more, increasing his action speed and began traversing down the Guild Hall rooftop, and soon enough was on ground level. Turning his attention to Qwerty, Zweihander, and Mairi, he simply pointed towards the battle outside of the barrier. "Reynald is directing the Frost Giant away from the city and the barrier, you'd best come if you want to help continue this fight. We need to protect the people who aren't accustomed to this new reality and their abilities.. I can take you all with me on my Griffons, If you'd like."

He then pulled out the Griffon whistle from his Magic Bag, and gave it a whistle, summoning a Griffon at once, their strong wings and bodies made for easier, faster, and longer periods of travel without stopping. When the Griffon made its landing, Alistair got it, looking at the others and saying "You all may come as you like, or stay here as you like. I'm going to help them either way. I can have you guys cram on, or I'll send the Griffon back to pick you guys up." Alistair looked out at the barrier, narrowing his eyes some.. "The barrier is the biggest of our problems, we need to find a solution to this temporary problem.." Alistair looked out to the battlefield, and began to speak with Reynald through the voice chat again. "I've gotten the others a ride to get towards the battlefield, we'll be coming soon, hold off the Frost Giant and those Wolves, and don't get clumsy, eh? Don't want you having to be disgraced, oh mighty Reynald, the Badass Chef." Alistair smirked at Reynald's boast.
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The Frost Giant had been hit by Rahl's bloody piercing, with the Astral Bind in effect, The Frost Giant had little to no chance to move or react, and took the damage as well as the effect. The Frost Giant directed its attention to Reynald's boasting, and in anger began to follow him across the hills. His life was still considerably high even after Zweihander's battle.

The Frost Wolverine's had been hit in succession, Shineko's assassinate did a large amount of damage but didn't kill the Frost Wolverine, It backed out while another charged at Shineko to attack him. But the Wolverine's attack was countered by Talia's Wirlwhind. Another Wolverine was attacked by the Accel Fang by Vincent. Shineko's Sweeper move did a successful hit, taking down 3 of the Wolverine's.

Now, the Frost Wolverine that was attacked by Shineko attacked viciously in return, being fast enough it hit Shineko, taking a small amount of health, but the Frost damage had taken a larger amount of health, and action/reaction speed was lowered. Indeed its life points were low, but it seemed to have a will, a mind of its own, to continue fighting till the very end. all the other Frost Wolverine's followed Reynald.

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Tailia charged at the Frost Wolverine that attacked Shineko with a <Quick Assault>. "You OK?" she asked Shineko. She was too focused on the combat currently going on to look at his health bar, but she assumed he had more than half of his health due to the level difference between him and the creature.. Noticing that the other Frost Wolverines were running after Reynald, Vincent turned to the Frost Wolverine Talia attacked and aimed for it's back, relying on <Stealth Blade> in case Talia's low damaging attack didn't finish it off.

Once the lone Frost Wolverine was dealt with, Vincent looked over at Alistair. "I don't think we can all fit on one griffon," he said. "Plus, since the game is real and all, the griffon may not be able to handle a couple hundred pounds on it's back," he added as he pulled out his own griffon whistle. As Vincent summoned his griffon, Talia tossed a small health potion from her own magic bag to Shineko. She then climbed onto the back of the griffon and sat behind Vicent before Shineko could protest about the health potion (if he was going to). Talia wrapped her arms around her RP husband's middle as the griffon took off. They speed off toward the fight leaving with Reynald; this wasn't the time for a slow, romantic griffon flight.
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Shineko catches the health potion and yells after Talia "Thanks, I really can't believe I am needing something like this so quickly. Looks like I am actually going to have to get serious." At least I have my Amulet, the elemental damage from these guys shouldn't be that bad. Shineko starts grumbling to himself and it almost seems like he is mad at himself for considering resorting to something, but what isn't clear. He pulls up his sleeves of his shirt revealing the lower half of his arms, revealing what appear to be tattoos on them. Each one looks different, somehow elegant and script-like.

"Everyone, we will need to get prepped quickly and follow. No matter how strong any of the tank classes are, they can't hold out forever. We will need to get in there quickly and clear the rest of that trash. If you have any type of AoE or attack with super speed so you can quickly attack large numbers, focus on that so we can get rid of the wolverines and deal with the Frost Giant. But be careful, things are definitely different here." I hope we can go ahead and make quick work of these wolverines, I want a piece of that giant. I am not about to let those two have all the fun.

Shineko attempts to contact ZweiHander as he begins following the direction that Reynald left with his his prey following behind. Really hope ZweiHander is okay and healing up and that Qwerty is safe as well.
Refusing to let anyone take his target away, Rahl continues following the Giant and looking for an opening. Using one of the giants failed attempts to attack, Rahl begins running up the Giant's arm, his right hand seeming to twitch whenever a piece of the giant's skin came into view, using <Viper's Thrash>(swift attack on arm tendons) to continuously bleed the giant and make him even slower and less accurate before leaping off to in front of the giant's throat and using <Preemptive Strike>(damage amplification debuff as well as moderate damage) at it's jugular three times before allowing himself to fall from this frenzy, narrowly avoiding the giant's club. Upon his fall to the ground the giant seemed to be focused in on him once more instead of this new comer. Hmph... I could solo this if I wanted to. Now that combat isn't restricted by what you can do with a keyboard it's unimaginably easier to fight. Not to mention the new tricks I can pull if things get too hard. These others might miss the old world... But in here I'm finally FREE!

He failed to notice in his elation that the giant had brought down it's club again. As if a rude awakening, one of the rocks thrown up by the impact hit him squarely in the chest, stealing his breath and putting a noticeable dent in his health. Dang it... if not for the debuffs I had inflicted on his accuracy and speed before, I might be in a worse condition. Just as this battle being real has it's perks, it has it's downsides too. I need to keep my cool in this, otherwise I'll be a test subject on death here. His eyes went hard as he resumed his relentless barrage, being more conservative with mana and ensuring that he used every element to it's fullest capacity without breaking it. He used each attack to its fullest without attempting to go overboard. After all, this battle isn't really grand enough for me to demonstrate what I am truly capable of here.

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