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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Shineko walks over to Qwerty after she arrived and spoke, "I am glad you could make it." Shineko opens his friends list and sees Rahl is at least still active, hoping he actually makes it. Then steps back behind most of the others, a little farther from the fire so that everyone else was between him and Alistair to wait for anyone else who might arrive and for the meeting to begin.

After the staff pounds to sound the beginning of the meeting, Shineko watches everyone's reaction and listens to what the others have to say. "I look forward to hearing what you have in mind Alistair and what kind of difference you are hoping we can make." Pulling up the friends list once again, he sends a quick message to Rahl letting him know that the meeting is beginning and to hurry.
Even though Leorio hadn't been given enough time to fall asleep, Reynald already had. Mairi, however, was still awake and closed her book once Alistair started talking. "...Okay, then start already." she said, "You don't need to add a pause for us to say something when you want us to listen to you." She then immediately opened her book again to where she had left off. She could listen and read at the same time. Hopefully what she heard wouldn't merge with what she read. That would be awkward, especially considering what she was reading.
Alistair chuckled, as Mairi had finally spoken. "Such a Tsundere...She is." He nodded, and bowed to her. "Thank you then, by the way. I know what you're reading, no need to keep it a secret from me at least." He gave a soft smile..

He stood up, looking at everyone. "I have decided to make a Guild, and I have brought you all here, to request you all to join this Guild. Akihabara has fallen into disarray, adventurers no longer hold their heads up high and their hearts filled with the tenacity to adventure. I see only depression and fear in the faces of many adventurers now, but with this Guild I am sure that we can change Akihabara, to bring back that emotion. That feeling of being an Adventurer. You all seem to have no problem with Elder Tale becoming our new reality now, thus is why I am now deciding upon this. I have plans that can kick-start Akihabara back into a booming city. And, maybe, the possibility of creating even bigger, better things among this world."

So I ask of all who are present, may you join my guild? And in my guild, work not as divided members, but as friends. Companions. Allies. We are all equals."

And now, he waited for everyone's answer. He knew he could re-start Akihabara, he just needed allies, friends, companions...He wouldn't do this alone.. He felt it was time to finally have a guild...A team, friends to finally look and count on. He smiled at them all, hoping for the best of answers.

Shineko nodded his head and whispered to himself, "I thought he might be up to something like this". While keeping himself where he can watch the reactions of the others, he also moved so he could be better seen and heard by all who had come here. "I agree with the sentiment of a guild and comrades that you can count on. More so, of creating our own version of a family and like a family, we may not always agree but should be able to see it in ourselves to try to work things out. I think everyone here would agree that the state of things are not as we would like them but realize that it will be a huge job to change matters. I personally feel that it will take more than just our small group to make this happen. Before I can agree to joining a guild, I would like to know more about what your end goals would be and some idea of how you plan to accomplish this grand feat. I am sure we all have a variety of talents that we can lend to the mix, I just worry that even our desire and willingness to face this new reality may waver if we attempt a task doomed to fail. And I can not sit by and watch those that have proven to be good comrades become disheartened when we have so much that needs to be done."
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Rahl slowly walked forward, the final knife slipping out of his sleeve only to be caught in the vice-like grip of his left hand. His purple eyes flashed in the torchlight as he stepped by body after body, grinning with his sharpened canines attracting the fearful gaze of his final target. He brushed his left cheek lightly with his thumb, where a cut just deep enough to draw blood had formed.

"I will give you credit for tonight, my dearest friends. You put up a good struggle for what you are capable of doing, but you should know your own limits and when it would be wiser to run."

He finally reached the last thorn in his side from this group and slowly lifted up the person's face to bring them eye-to-eye. "And this... is the cost for what you tried to do." He shoved the knife through the person's hand, the symbol gleaming as the leader of Irzar's End, a PK guild named in honor of their first kill, fell to unconsciousness.

Pulling up his interface display, he notices a message from Shineko. "Now then... I wonder if I'm too late to make it to Alistair's little gathering." Rahl starts heading out towards where the meeting was to take place. The door softly shut behind him as he thought upon those two. 'Alistair and Shineko, huh... Although I doubt it would be more than a tie for any of us if we decide to fight it out, I still have to tread lightly. On the flip side, having companions that seem to approach my level would be very nice to achieve my goal.'
Alistair nods at Shineko, giving a subtle smirk equivalent to a devil's. "Hold that thought my friend, for I must wake up Reynald, I will have to tell him what has been going on as of these few moments, so he isn't confused later on." He walks over to Reynald, clearing his throat. "I can't believe I'm honestly doing this for you..." As he had cleared his throat, he soon knelt down close enough to Reynald so he could hear, but not damage his eardrum...


With this song, in which he wasn't good at singing entirely anyway, nor was it his class, he still put all his soul and worth into it, and even got into the groove with his body, as he sung the song...Very weird, and more or less embarrassing for an individual to partake in, even one of the likes of himself, a man shrouded in mystery and dark rumors, a man whom is a tactician, a strategist...Can be awkward, and what most would consider, a loser..
After hearing the first two lines, Reynald woke from the adreneline. He then immediately stood up in time to yell "YEAAAHH!!!!!" at the same time as Alistair. After standing quietly for a few seconds, he looked at Alistair. From his facial expression, Reynald could tell that he wasn't going to continue the song, so that must've meant that he was just trying to get his attention. Reynald sat down again, almost pouting. "...Ya shouldn't start a song like that if you aren't going to sing all of it..." He muttered to himself.

Mairi sighed when Alistair mentioned the book she was reading. She was holding the book out in the open and she didn't change the book's cover. She wasn't hiding it at all. After reading a few more lines, she was startled by Alistair's sudden outburst of English song lyrics. From Reynald's reaction, it was probably just to get his attention. She briefly wondered how much time those two spent together--considering that Alistair both knew how to wake Reynald up and to memorize those lines of English--before returning to her book.
Shineko smirks at the scene played out before him just to wake up Reynald. At least seeing that was a good sign that Alistair cared for those he was with and wasn't just giving a perfunctory show of friendship. There is no telling how much time those two spent together for him to know such a small detail about his companion, much less take the time to learn those lyrics. And to think how embarrassed most would be, yet he did it without any real hesitation. He may be the man we need after all. Let's hope his plans are as good as his friendship. "Reynald, you haven't missed too much but it was probably good that Alistair woke you before continuing. He has proposed starting a guild and asked for us all to join it. He seems to have high hopes for what he wants to accomplish and I have asked him to enlighten us to what those goals are and how he plans to complete these lofty tasks. While I believe his heart is in the right place, I need more information before I can agree to joining this new guild or asking my comrades to do the same. That should pretty much bring you up to speed. Alistair, whenever you are ready, the floor is yours once more."
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Both Leorio and Tora found the "The Touch" incident amusing. Leorio's grin grew bigger and Tora stifled a giggle. The idea of joining guild seemed like a big step to Tora, a little bit scary even. She figured her dad would quickly agree to join, that would make things less intimidating. After Shineko spoke up and gave the floor back to Alistair, the werecat father-daughter duo waited to see what he was going to say.
Alistair regained his serious composure, except this time with a melancholy aura around him, he adjusted his glasses, this time they gleamed in the light of the flames spouting from the pit. And with that a grin formed across his face, one a killer would wear just before their victim's untimely end. His grin was somewhat crooked, that melancholy air around him now instantly changed to a much more ruthless, darker feeling. "I'm glad you are interested Shineko, it would be my pleasure..." His voice seemed to have changed some, villainous like.

Though it instantly reverted back to his normal, calm, friendly, calculative tone. "But first, the biggest problem we have is the Barrier. Akihabara needs safety before we do anything that even involves the city. I have been looking around, and as to what it seems, the Barrier has been weakened, the only option is to go to one of the Caves on the outskirts and retrieve an energy crystal. That might solve the problem, I did not see any magic nor actual damage being displayed upon the Barrier. Though if attacked it will begin to crack, It heals slowly though, thus I fear if anymore dangerous monsters arrive, they will get in. That is the first and most important thing."

"Then..." His tone grew dark once more, villainous. His grin returned and it seemed as if the devil himself was playing Elder Tale! "My plans for Akihabara are renovation, advancements, Elder Tale has changed I'm sure thus our abilities, our skills, have surely changed as well.. There is no use in not trying out our skills. Our Sub-Classes may have more use than what we think, I am a Scribe. I have yet to experience a full idea of what a Scribe can fully do in this world...Blacksmiths, Mechanics, Tailors, Chefs, Artisans, Alchemists, Sigilmakers, there are so many Sub-Classes that have the possibility of untapped potentials.. Not only that, but we could take the advantage of using this new reality to make our lives similar to our original home. Earth. But then, there's what's the problem..This untapped potentials could lead to disasters for all, we must be careful as to not let this theory go to everyone just yet." His serious tone returned with that, and continued on.

"Anarchy and fear shall reign if we do not set up a type of Government to keep Adventurers in line, there are no rules, no guidelines than that in which is no fighting in safe zones. Adventurers will surely take this opportunity, and soon I say. Fear leads to corruption, and that very corruption will be our un-doing as Adventurers. To counter this, I will buy the Guild Hall, and control each and every Adventurer, it is the best action to take in the beginning, so that no Adventurer gets the idea to do something stupid. Because they'll pay a hefty price for a stupid idea. Then as I buy the Guild Hall. I will form a Government of different leaders coming together, and with that we will set laws upon Adventurers as a way to set the world in the right place. It will not be easy no, but being able to do it is not impossible, I only need your cooperation, my friends."

Alistair leaned his weight on his staff, his hands perched up at the tippity top, watching his fellow comrades. Their reactions, movements, every single detail to calculate their answers...


(Just for the fun, and idea of what could play while Alistair was speaking xD )
While walking through the wooded area, Warui looks over at Youko and says "That was fun. Good thing we figured out how to handle combat without using the interface, that was way too cumbersome." Youko responds, "And you need to stop being so reckless. We already know some things aren't exactly the same as before, I don't exactly want to find out that players no longer respawn at the cathedral after death the hard way." They continue walking and talking for a short bit. After a little bit, Warui notices a flickering glow in the distance, almost like a fire is burning and there is the smell of smoke in the air. Warui stops Youko and points out the glow and they try to figure out whether to investigate or not. Youko simply states, "Well, I think we are inside the safety of the town barrier now so it should be safe. If not, the border shouldn't be too far from here so we can make a run for it if something happens. Too bad neither of us really have any stealth skills to aid us. Let's try to be as quiet as we can and see what is happening."

As they approach the fire, they can hear what sounds like someone beginning to sing. After a few moments, a rather large fellow seems to wake up. They could hear another person speak briefly and then the one who had been singing seemed to take a position to address the group and started speaking again. While trying to listen in to what was being said, they attempted to move closer without being noticed. All either of them could think was, thank goodness they all have something to focus on or we would definitely be caught. Who was speaking switched again briefly and then it switched back to the person that they could now see. As they tried to remain just out of sight and listen to what was being said, they weren't really sure who the other people were but it seemed like the two who had been speaking were the leaders here. Youko whispered just loud enough for Warui to hear, "That one there with the staff seems to be someone important and ambitious. The were-cat over there that has also been speaking seems to also be someone of importance and cautious. Lets hope we aren't about to get caught up in something we shouldn't be over hearing." Just as Youko finished saying that, Warui went to move and Alistair stopped talking. Warui lost his balance slightly and went to grab Youko to help steady himself, but unfortunately they both tumbled forward out of the brush and into the clearing and light of the fire.

They look around cautiously hoping they aren't about to be attacked. Youko stands and says, "We are sorry for crashing in like this, we were just trying to return to the city when we saw the glow from the fire. I hope we aren't disturbing anything. We can be on our way."
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"Fun? More like a pain," Kashi said as he followed Warui and Youko. "You would have lost all of your HP if it wasn't for me. That fight took a lot longer than it should have." He stopped as the other two noticed the glow in the distance. "If you ask me it's a waste of time to investigate. Let's get back to town." But they didn't ask him. After Kashi spoke his two scents, Warui and Youko were already sneaking off toward the group. "This is going to be a pain," he muttered to himself before casually walking after his comrades.

"I'll gladly be apart of your guild," Leorio said. "I'll proudly do my part to make this world a fun experience." "M...me too," Tora added, sounding a little scared. There was something about Alistair's temporary villain tone that spooked her. She started to pet Kitten again to calm her down. Tora filched when she heard two bodies fall on the ground and turned to see the two lower leveled players. "W...who are you guys?" she asked.

"A couple of pains in the necks," Kashi replied, arriving quickly after Tora's question. Judging by the sound of her voice, she was around his age. Kashi doubted she was a PKer; he doubted anyone in the group was a PKer. Whatever the gathering was about, it seemed important. "Sorry about my friends, they can be a bit....impulsive," he added dryly as he helped Warui and Youko up. "We'll be out of your hair shortly."
Mairi looked Alistair in the eye. "No." she said bluntly, "Your plan is decent, but it's also baseless. You claim that the adventurers will become more savage, but I see no signs of that. The only thing I have seen is despair in varying degrees. As for the hidden application of our subclasses, that's only a theory. I--and, to my knowledge, you--haven't seen it in action." She changed sitting positions, now with one leg crossed over the other. "However, if you are so sure of this, then who's to say that you didn't have anything to do with this situation? Naturally, the person who knows the most about the new world would be the one who brought us here." Now she had a look of outright defiance on her face. "I will help get the crystal and restore the barrier, but I won't join your guild or have anything to do with your plans for this place."

(I'll post with Reynald later.)
Shineko looked at the new comers, "No need to rush off, we won't harm you. This is just a meeting amongst a few players trying to decide what direction we want to take from here. Stick around for a bit, no need to rush off just yet." Looking back over at Mairi, "While you may not see the signs yet, there is actually a good basis for his reasoning that we need to do something to prevent issues in the future. The current stay of despair may or may not get worse, depending on how we handle things. And by we, I don't just mean those of us here, but all the adventurers in the area. Fear is currently running rampant through everyone. They are confused and scared. Eventually that fear will give way and people will try to do more. But since it requires very little gold to survive here, people will inevitably become bored because fear will keep them from going out and exploring the more dangerous areas. This could lead to more instances of PKing. Not because they are necessarily malicious, but because they lack the motivation and need to do more. However, if we can create a situation by working with the other players, we can turn things around and prevent that from happening." Shineko pauses for a moment to catch his breathe and then looks back over at Alistair, the one who has orchestrated this meeting, and prepared for what is sure to be a long discussion to help determine not only the course he would follow, but could potentially effect the direction everyone here takes.

"Alistair, I can agree that we need to deal with the barrier. That is important for all who are here in Akihabara. After that, I think we may have some differences in opinion. I am not saying that eventually your way might not be needed, but I can not agree with jumping straight to buying the Guild Hall and forcing the hand of all the adventurer's to do things your way. Doing so would only make all those involved, including us if we were to join you in this endeavor, enemies of everyone else here. I think it would be wiser to approach all the other guilds, specifically there leaders, and try to work out some sort of alliance and agreement on how we can all participate in creating a new government for Akihabara and the adventurers here. This way they can be a part of what is to come and be comfortable with the actions being taken, knowing there isn't malice towards those who participate or those who don't want to join in, only that the goal is to create a fair and safe place for all to live. I do admit that purchasing the Guild Hall would give some advantages in helping enforce any laws that get passed and may become necessary. I only think that it may be premature to do so at this moment without at least approaching the other guilds first to try to create a new system of government without the looming threat of losing access to the Guild Hall. Also, by creating a system of partnership and trust with the other guilds, it will be easier for us to advance our knowledge of what we can now do that wasn't a part of Elder Tale before. And it would also allow us to utilize their resources as well to create places for different areas of study to safely experiment and discover what we can now do with our sub-classes, something of much personal interest to me. I get the feeling that your goals and ambitions are in the right place but your methods may need reviewing and modifying in order to appeal to all of us here."

Youko had listened to what everyone had said, calculating potential solutions and problems in the areas that had been discussed so far. "Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude but I would like to add to your discussion if I may." Without waiting for anyone to consent, he continued on "history tends to show that large numbers of people need some form of laws to guide them or you end up with the eventual break down of that society. Whether that form of guidance and control was in the form of various religions or centralized government, it has been necessary. I believe there are merits to what both of you are saying for establishing a new government and there is a very good chance that it will become extremely necessary for us to have one. This will allow all the adventurers here to be protected and guided in the single goal of looking out for the whole. This could come in the form of organizing quickly for the defense of the city, taking on new quests if those still exist, helping train and guide those of us who are lower level, and dealing with outside governments. These outside governments could be ones established by other players in other locations or even the already established governments of the People of the Land should they have added more depth to this with the expansion. Shineko, you mentioned the fact players didn't need to do much to be able to afford the necessities. The easiest way to deal with that would be to find a way to effect the economy, either by finding a way to make the things they already buy cost more or give them something that costs more that they would willingly pay larger amounts of money. The development of new skills could even help spur on a new economy, helping create a solution for something that I believe you were alluding to as a potential problem." Realizing how much he said without meaning to in this group, Youko tries to move back off to the side with his companions again and waits for the others to continue their discussion.

Alistair nodded at Mairi. "You are correct, these are only based on my viewpoint. Though I can state, in the psychological manner, when people are at the edge, with no understanding what has happened, where they are, what could happen, and why. They tend to take risks, and more or less let their instinct of survival of the fittest to go. People may be depressed now, but wait until they finally begin to act, which can be very soon. And as Shineko just stated, they will get bored easily of the life they live here and resort to PKing.. The theory with the sub-class, is indeed still just a theory until proven. I agree that its possibility is slim but can be firm within time."

Alistair gave a smile at Mairi, chuckling some. "If I did, per-chance create this disastrous world, I'm sure I wouldn't be helping the people of Akihabara, and instead watching from a throne room. Though if I could that would actually be quite fun" He chuckled again, lightly tapping his fingers together, shrinking his head into his shoulders as he cackled, but then he returned to Mairi. "I understand, I won't force you to join a Guild with me, I thank you for your honesty. And I am perfectly fine with you not wanting any part of my plans." He bowed to her, she had great combative points to his ideas and theories, he enjoyed that.

Returning to Shineko, he nodded. " You speak well, maybe I wasn't clearer, or at least the way I phrased and worded it wasn't as you though. But in an aspect what you just said is still what I plan on doing, I have yet to release my full plans to you all, thus I am giving you information in chopped up form. I know 2 guilds that are intrigued by only going out and fighting strong monsters, if possible we can gain them into the agreement of guilds. Becoming enforcers of the laws the Union of Guilds shall create, like Police Officers if you will. If you know any Guilds that are helpful, such as Guilds that involve stocks or purchasing items, goods, and building Guilds, then we will be well on our way to 25% completion to the plans. I will buy the Guild Hall only when we have an agreement of a meeting with all the Guilds. That, I am sure will take time nonetheless.."

Alistair smiled at Shineko, bowing to him "You must understand what I try to say, I assume, I am not very articulated with social interaction.. Thus my ideas, my theories, my plans can come out as choppy and..Well horrid for many..Ehehe... Though you on the other hand, can understand my way of speech it seems, as you have basically found out my first few pieces of the plan!"

Alistair then turned his attention to Youko, and smiled. "Smart you are indeed, if the sub-class idea is true..Then..We can see if Chef's can actually cook their food using ingredients found in Elder Tale! Yes! Great idea Youko!" He picked him up, smiling "That could be a marker for our first experiment, if we can see that Chef's can actually cook food, recipes, then we can form a pricing for that food, have adventurers take interest, and light their fires of adventure once more! A great idea to spur the economy like you stated." He set Youko down.

He cleared his throat some, looking at everyone once again. "I believe I can trust you all to go with me then? To retrieve the Energy Crystal needed in repairing and strengthening the Barrier? If anyone does not want to go, that is fine with me. I completely understand!"

"I, in honesty expected all of them to think I was crazy...Maybe they do but are just being polite.. Oh well, can't change what other's think of me I'm sure. But this is turning out much better than I had expected even!"
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"Sounds like it'll be an exciting quest," Leorio said as he stood up. "Of course you can count on me," he added with a bro-like thumbs up. "Y...ya," Tora stuttered. She still wasn't sure weather she should be afraid of Alistair or not. The mission sounded important though and if the barrier was really like he explained, then they should try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

"Sounds like a pain if you ask me," Kashi spoke up with his arms behind his neck. "I bet the creatures near the crystal are at least level sixty." He was upset about the potential level gap between him and the potential monsters in the area. The potential quest sounded like it would've been fun. Hopefully this world still had a game-like quest system. "I'd be willing to join your guild, but my hands are tied when it comes to monsters tougher than me. Guess that leaves the economy and Adventurer happiness for me to worry about."
Shineko gives a broad smile, showing his teeth and for a moment it is apparent that he is truly a predator. "Alistair, I am glad to hear that your actual thoughts are more in line with what I have said than what your original words would have lead us to believe. I might make a suggestion to you as well, that you choose the upper officers of the guild to be people that the group can trust and that could adequately advise you in how you approach or phrase these things going forward. I would personally insist that there also be at least a small council within the guild that you discussed your plans with before running off to implement them and to flesh out the details. I think it will depend on who all is in the guild as to who should be selected to be a part of that council so we could revisit this upon hearing who all decides to actually join the guild." Turning slightly to address everyone there, "And if having this council is something that would be the determining factor for whether or not you join the guild, please speak up all of you. I admit that I am reserving my decision on whether or not to join Alistair's guild based on each of you and what you decide. I wish to see each of you safe, so I will do what is needed accordingly. However, I will admit that if I join, I would at least wish to be a part of the council. But that is only IF I join, I await the decision of the others." Shineko slips back to watch what everyone else has to say and decide before continuing.

Youko looks out over the group, "
With that now cleared up some, if you are accepting lower level members as well, I would be willing to join as long as my companions here could also join. You both seem to have some big ideas and plans. I was studying both Economics and International Law at university before getting trapped in here. I would be happy offering any advice you may need in those areas or discussing any ideas you may have should you wish to have a sounding board. Kashi, you are too quick to give up. Even if they are higher level monsters, we could form a lower level party and then link ourselves in a raid to give some assistance when needed. Both your skills as a Druid and my abilities as an Enchanter don't require us to be on the front lines. And Warui here could act as our personal guard so they won't have to focus on protecting us as much if we tag along. This would give us a chance to observe how they fight and also gain some extra experience. That is, assuming they would be willing to allow us to come with them."

Warui started paying attention when he heard Youko mention his name. "
Too bad I can't just switch over to my other character. At least he would have been useful in a high level encounter. And Youko, weren't you just telling me I needed to stop being so reckless and here you are trying to come up with a plan to get us inserted in a potential high level and dangerous undertaking? Can't we just relax for a bit and enjoy a drink, maybe find some girls to keep company?"
"I said I'd join, you don't have to make a big speech about it," Kashi said to Shineko, before looking at Youko. "I don't give up easily. I'm just a realist. This isn't an Anime where I can go Super Saiyan by the power of nakama. We'd just be holding the main party back if they constantly had to rescue us."

Leorio walked over to Shineko and slapped him on the back like a bro. "You seem to rely too much on other people's opinions. What is there to think about when joining a guild?" he asked with a friendly laugh. "The council thing sounds like a good idea. Luckily for you it doesn't sound like my kind of thing, so you'll get to have all of the fun."

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Shineko turns to Leorio, "While I have worked with others, I personally have never felt the need to join a guild before. However, now that this is no longer just a game, a guild could prove useful to all those involved. It can help us gather new information more quickly and give us allies. I want to make sure I can count on those companions and would like to make sure we all have the same goals in mind. One of my goals is that I want to make a world here that everyone can enjoy and be safe. I do believe that a guild is a good place to start but I also believe that to truly do what needs to be done, it will take more than just a single guild. That is why I ask and wait to see what my comrades here decide to do, because I have a desire to protect my comrades, which would be hard to do if I were to tie myself to a guild with which they didn't want to associate. Either way though, I will participate in trying to repair the barrier." Shineko looks over at Kashi, Youko, and Warui. "I am sure that even a new guild such as the one Alistair is trying to create would find it hard to turn down those want to join. Youko, we may yet need your knowledge in helping restore and improve Akihabara. You are welcome to speak your mind, at least as far as I am concerned. I think we would need more information from Alistair and maybe to recon the area before deciding who should attempt going into the caves and restoring the caves. I was hoping that Rahl would make it here as well tonight so that we could see what he decides to do. I get the feeling that unless something gets in his way, he would at least come to help us with the crystal. But I can't say that he would agree to joining the guild. I believe he is wary of people and will take more than just our words to convince him of our goals."

Warui just looks at the group and says, "Too much worrying and planning, just make a decision and move on. If I am not needed to fight, at least point me to the local social gathering spots. I rather be partying, this kind of stuff just isn't for me." Youko looks at Warui, "You really have no ambitions except to have fun. You really should learn to take things more seriously some times. Count me in for whatever I an assist you with."
Alistair looked at everyone, then at Reynald "You have yet to decide my friend, shall you join me?" He smiled, then returned to everyone else conversing. "The Cave is fairly low leveled though, 40 to 60 yes, but as we soon go deeper into the cave the levels sky-rocket it seem to around 70's. Our best course of action is to make a raid group, all of the mages should fall back to my line, all fighter-based classes should be front lines. I assure you I'll keep close watch of all individuals in the party as I fight."

" The only thing I know about the cave is it has two levels, the 1st, which you'll find has monsters of medium difficulty, and the second level. With monsters of much more brutal difficulty. I know nothing else within the cave, if we desire to get the mission done we must first prepare ourselves instead of just jump in.. Kashi, there is still yet an option for you and all the other lower leveled players. Once we get Akihabara situated, I'm sure that I will be able to set up a area in Akihabara where we can receive documents of quests, requests from the People of the Land. And go out on those quests to finish them and gain money/items for it. Everything about the People of the Land will soon be considered but for right now lets not dabble in that just yet."

Alistair re-adjusted himself, to lean onto the boulder. "It seems everyone is joining in then, that's quite pleasant.. First, I'd like Rahl to join our raid into the cave. Second we'll set up a battle formation and make plans upon tackling the enemies inside, third. We move on in and en-act those plans. Though cautious we still need to be..."

Alistair looked on over at every individual, Shineko, Mairi, Leorio, Tora, Kashi, Youko, Warui, Qwerty,and his personal friend, Reynald! (I think that's everyone..)




@That Guy Over There



(Goodness the names xD )
Shineko looks up, "After we finish up this barrier issue, we can revisit joining the guild and its structure. Since this is no longer just a game and we now have a taste of combat, I have decided I need to head back to the Guild Hall and access the bank. I think it is time for me to get the rest of my real gear." Shineko pulls up his friends list once more to check on Rahl and a smiles. "I would say that if we wait here a little while longer, Rahl will show up and we can get him caught up on what has transpired so far. I would recommend waiting til at least in the morning before meeting back up to take on this new challenge. However, as long as I am able to retrieve my gear, I could leave sooner if needed."
Rahl teleported the last distance, his eye twitching as he finished putting up a chalky white substance back into a pouch. "What a weird Bard... Seemed of a different world..." This was muttered under his breath as he looked up and realized he had finally finished the trip that took way longer than expected due to a few experiments and one very, very weird girl he had passed by. He hid the emotions that bugged and interested him, some unprecedented feeling of recognition he felt and was still feeling from the time of seeing and bumping into her. "Sorry it took me so long... I ran into a bit of an amusement on my way here and decided to see where it led me. Shineko, would it be too much of a bother to tell me, or did you not think of just opening telepathy with me so I could hear too?"
Shineko greets Rahl and pulls him off side. "Glad you could make it. It will only take a few minutes for me to give you a quick overview of what all has transpired so far tonight." Shineko proceeds to inform Rahl of all the different things that were discussed tonight about the guild, what Alistair's plans and hopes are, how people felt and reacted to the news, and about the need to repair the barrier. With this last bit, Shineko urged the importance of working together to make sure we repair the barrier, even if Rahl doesn't agree with the rest of what Alistair has planned.
Mairi looked at Alistair. Was he actually suggesting a raid? Sure, overkill is fine, but not necessary. "So from what I understand, the dungeon is level 70 and the area it is found in has mobs ranging from 40 to 60." she said before gesturing to Youko, Warui, and Kashi, "Whether or not the lower level is a dungeon or just a higher-leveled zone, that means that those three will only be competent at the lowest-leveled part of the first zone. After that, the levels of the enemies will be at the level where only a few of us at level 90 will be necessary." She then got up from where she was sitting. "In other words: I'm not needed here in the first place. Three level 90s are probably more than enough; a tank, a damage dealer, and a support would be optimal." She then began walking away from the group. "If either of you three want to be useful, I could use some assistance around town."

Reynald was still sitting down with his arms crossed, eyes closed, and head tilted down. He was clearly contemplating something. He then looked up with determination in his eyes. "I'll join your guild and help you get the crystal." he said, leaping up onto his feet before continuing, "However!..." He pointed his index finger into the air. "You must remember that I am a chef, not a miracle worker. unless one of us has levels in the mining sub-class, we'll have no method of retrieving it unless it's a mob drop. Unless you have some kind of pickaxe that gives me levels in mining, I think we'll need to recruit one more person."
Alistair looked to Mairi, and nodded. "I believe we will encounter one another very soon. m'lady Mairi. Do enjoy your night!" "She's correct..There wasn't much need of the lower leveled individuals, though I was only considering letting the lower leveled ones gain some more xp. They would most likely need it.. I do wonder what she's planning on in the city..Such an interesting lady.." Alistair turned his head towards everyone else.

"I do believe Mairi was correct, we only need a few individuals to go in, anyone up for the task? The more the merrier I suppose!" Alistair looked around, as well as Rahl. He nodded. "Good Evening to you, I desire to say thank you for saving me back there, I wouldn't have noticed the second attack if it weren't for your help!" He smiled softly to Rahl. "Such interesting characters those two..They have a certain alignment I believe, I don't know what but its most likely something of importance!" He adjusted his glasses, looking at Rahl and Shineko..Then perked up at his friend's response!

"Ah! Reynald, glad to have you in the guild. It will be a pleasure indeed, but you are right on that part..I'm not exactly sure if the crystal is to be mined or not, my idea is that there could be a boss, this is probably a scripted event that hasn't happened before... But finding someone in the mining sub-class would be indeed helpful..unless we could indeed find you a pickaxe that works for your samurai class."

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