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Fandom Elder Scrolls - Akavir’s Rise OOC

What’s your favorite pet from Skyrim?

Mines was the armored troll, because I had one named Brutus who once stopped a vampire from ripping my soul out :D
NO? that's a thing?! HOW have I missed that?! I mean, unless you're talking about the dogs you can get from that guy outside Markarth? But likE WHAAAAT
NO? that's a thing?! HOW have I missed that?! I mean, unless you're talking about the dogs you can get from that guy outside Markarth? But likE WHAAAAT
Oh man! You gotta get back into it!

There’s more than just dogs, there’s armored trolls, dwarven constructs, tiny goblin creatures, thralls!

Then again, I think they’re all from dlc >.<
I don't do DLC... I mean, I might for some of the Assassin's Creed games (If I ever get my grubby little hands on Syndicate I want the Jack The Ripper DLC so BAD) buuuuut otherwise, I don't buy DLC *shrugs* moneyyyy
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Why's Pelinal a cyborg? Or am I taking this out of context?
We don't know if the "cyborg" part is literal or not, but we use the word in the sense that he was likely created artificially and was not born biologically. He had a bunch of magic stuff baked into him, so he wasn't all organic material.

Some excerpts from the Song of Pelinal. Take them as you will:

The Song of Pelinal v1: On His Name said:
He was Pelinal the Whitestrake because of his left hand, made of a killing light
The Song of Pelinal v2: On His Coming said:
[And then] Kyne granted Perrif another symbol, a diamond soaked red with the blood of elves, [whose] facets could [un-sector and form] into a man whose every angle could cut her jailers and a name: PELIN-EL [which is] "The Star-Made Knight" [and he] was arrayed in armor [from the future time].
The Song of Pelinal v3: On His Enemy said:
"Pelinal called out Haromir of Copper and Tea into a duel at the Tor, and ate his neck-veins while screaming praise to Reman, a name that no one knew yet."
The Song of Pelinal v6: On His Madness said:
"Beneath the Pelinal's star-armor was a chest that gaped open to show no heart, only a red rage shaped diamond-fashion, singing like a mindless dragon, and that this was proof that he was a myth-echo, and that where he trod were shapes of the first urging"
The Song of Pelinal v7: On His Battle with Umaril and His Dismemberment said:
It was Morihaus who found the Whitestrake's head, which the kings had left to prove their deeds and they spoke and Pelinal said things of regrets...
We don't know if the "cyborg" part is literal or not, but we use the word in the sense that he was likely created artificially and was not born biologically. He had a bunch of magic stuff baked into him, so he wasn't all organic material.

Some excerpts from the Song of Pelinal. Take them as you will:
I think we can agree on one thing, he was a badass! :)

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