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Elder Academy (Naguru x Jukuto)


Esoterically Discontented

Elder Scrolls Influenced RP

~Elder Academy~

Vanguard of the White Blight

Tamriel is no longer the home we once knew, she has been ravaged, maimed and twisted by the corruption of the white blight. Her people once cultivated the land but now, they hide in small numbers gripped by the fear of their impending doom brought to them by the unknown. The once mighty races of Tamriel now lay scattered, broken and near extinction, clinging to life in the dark corners of Tamriel, driven by fear they are united by their weakness in the wake of their new enemy.

The beautiful plague, the gods disease, the divine cleansing, the white blight. It has many names but only one goal, the consumption of all life on Tamriel. Those consumed by the white blight become mad and insane, living only by primitive impulses of survival the strongest of which is an insatiable hunger, a desire to feed and help grow the white blight that has consumed their mind and from within it grows.

The gods seem to have abandoned Tamriel, but not all hope is lost. The survivors whisper in their dark corners, word tells of a safe haven in the centre of Tamriel, the last bastion of defiance to this new corruption risen from the ashes of the Imperial City. It is rumoured that this bastion and safe haven is the fruit of severe use of an Elder Scroll. But will it be able to overcome the white blight? Only time will tell.


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