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Futuristic EDENSEED: The Genesis War

Just gonna post my Eve from the my CS, nearly done writing my actual character :P .

EVE name: Bouncer

Callsign: Anzac

EVE description: 48ft


EVE Class: Brawn

EVE Weaponry:

The Bouncer's primary weapon. Although the appearance more closely resembles a shotgun, it would be fair to compare it to a tanks main cannon. It is able to be loaded with a large variety of munitions, SABOT, HEAT, Standard HE and Canister rounds, anything that can fit inside the barrel can be fired out of it.

Turbo Servo's: One of the Bouncer's primary survivabilty enhancements. All of the servo's in the Bouncer can be turbo'd to increase the performance of the machine. The turboing of servos controlled can be pushed to the extremes at the cost of extreme heat generation.

Heatdumps: Heat Generation is one of primary disadvantages of the Bouncer. In an attempt to get around this problem the Bouncer is equipped with a couple resevoirs of coolant that can be dumped in the midst of a fight to temporarily reduce Heat.

Explosive Reactive Armor: A very standard piece of equipment that increases the survivabilty of the Bouncer in quick skirmishes. The Bouncer is equipped with extra platings of Explosive Reactive Armor that heavily dampens damage from the first hits. ERA is however only fully effective against the first strike, after this the plates are functionally null.

Ammo Sorter: Gives the Bouncer the ability to quickly swap between different shell types. The exchange of ammunition is fairly complex task taking a second or two and generating a small amount of heat. This ammo swap can be turbo'd to change ammo types quicker, although this is very risky because of the complexity of the sorter.

Main Weakness: Being an all-rounder Brawn mechs makes it strong in 1 vs 1 engagements, it has enough speed to stay on target of the smaller mechs and enough firepower and armor to stay toe to toe with larger mechs. The primary weakness of the Bouncer is that it doesn't last in longer engagements against many foes. Runnning out Heat Dumps makes Heat Generation an extremely limiting factor & makes the use of Turbo'd servo's extremely risky. Explosive Reactive Armor are only effective against initial shots, which results in the defenses of the Bouncer falling sharply as a battle continues. The time that the ammo sorter takes to switch between shell types can be very agonzing if encountering multiple types of enemies.
Yes it is! You don't actually haveeee to, of yo're purposely making the jump height low. Maybe your characters afraid of heights or something xD just trying to imagine your EVE trying to get onto a fifty sixty foot Atlas class..... .. Haha!
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I think @Beowulf meant mine xD ... It was on purpose, was trying to find another one...

We seem to have an ample amount of testosterone... not that it was unexpected, but I do love balance. Oh well.. can't be too choosy xP
Hanzax said:
Just gonna post my Eve from the my CS, nearly done writing my actual character :P .
EVE name: Bouncer

Callsign: Anzac

EVE description: 48ft


EVE Class: Brawn

EVE Weaponry:

The Bouncer's primary weapon. Although the appearance more closely resembles a shotgun, it would be fair to compare it to a tanks main cannon. It is able to be loaded with a large variety of munitions, SABOT, HEAT, Standard HE and Canister rounds, anything that can fit inside the barrel can be fired out of it.

Turbo Servo's: One of the Bouncer's primary survivabilty enhancements. All of the servo's in the Bouncer can be turbo'd to increase the performance of the machine. The turboing of servos controlled can be pushed to the extremes at the cost of extreme heat generation.

Heatdumps: Heat Generation is one of primary disadvantages of the Bouncer. In an attempt to get around this problem the Bouncer is equipped with a couple resevoirs of coolant that can be dumped in the midst of a fight to temporarily reduce Heat.

Explosive Reactive Armor: A very standard piece of equipment that increases the survivabilty of the Bouncer in quick skirmishes. The Bouncer is equipped with extra platings of Explosive Reactive Armor that heavily dampens damage from the first hits. ERA is however only fully effective against the first strike, after this the plates are functionally null.

Ammo Sorter: Gives the Bouncer the ability to quickly swap between different shell types. The exchange of ammunition is fairly complex task taking a second or two and generating a small amount of heat. This ammo swap can be turbo'd to change ammo types quicker, although this is very risky because of the complexity of the sorter.

Main Weakness: Being an all-rounder Brawn mechs makes it strong in 1 vs 1 engagements, it has enough speed to stay on target of the smaller mechs and enough firepower and armor to stay toe to toe with larger mechs. The primary weakness of the Bouncer is that it doesn't last in longer engagements against many foes. Runnning out Heat Dumps makes Heat Generation an extremely limiting factor & makes the use of Turbo'd servo's extremely risky. Explosive Reactive Armor are only effective against initial shots, which results in the defenses of the Bouncer falling sharply as a battle continues. The time that the ammo sorter takes to switch between shell types can be very agonzing if encountering multiple types of enemies.

Looking forward to the full profile, before i comment. I can see where your priorities lie... xD
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Never made a female OC so I'd most likely make a monster D: I fear to imagine what sort of abomination I'd create.
Ah... @Hanzax ... Another military background type.. lol! While somewhat cliche, I personally don't have a problem with it; as I'm more interested in how you bring out the extreme's of your character personality. However, you do need @Beowulf's approval, and I think you might have to do a little tweaking to your background, as @Redrobinwing did.

I do appreciate your attempt to incorporate the background lore by adding the years ^^; I love it infact, e.g. when @Shadow mentions about how Nox is the farthest from the war, small details but goes a long way! **alright, excuse my gushing**

Anyways, I think you'll need to adjust accordingly, in regards to the years and your character's age. War began in 2190, ATACs probably came into production 2191, and NARCs several months after that. Ardennais fell in 2194, and we're now in mid/end of 2195. Your character is 21, that would make him 16 when war began, and 18 ish when NARCs came into production. Minor adjustments, no harm done :)

On your EVE, my issue with the vast array of ammunition has been addressed by your last ability. However, non-pure energy based weapons such as projectiles do still have a limited supply, just a fyi ^^. Would be great if you could actually distinguish the separate ammunition types with the full names and what they do. I'm not too familiar with most military jargon tbh.

Other than that, you're good! The biggest change might have to be your military background.
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My reasoning behind the military background was thinking along the paths of, even neutral countries have a self defense force. though seeing as the world was annihilated that may not have been the biggest priority :P
Hmm... you know what? I'll let @Beowulf explain his reasoning. lol!

For now, just concentrate on adjustments to your EVE :) The military background bit is his request not mine. And I respect his authority as a co-GM, so I'll leave that part up to him.
Finally decided on a picture for my EVE!

ANyways, @Beowulf , @Issa22 , @theunderwolf , and @Shadow you may begin working on character relations. If you've no desire to know anyone before hand, just write what your first impression of the others would be, from your character's point of view. Just a line or two. For the most part, my character will probably have met you guys during the recruitment, if you haven't figured it out already :D

@Redrobinwing I missed out on requesting something from you. YOu don't have a description for your character! x3 Picture is fine, but we still need basic stuff. Height, hair/eye color, body build. That's about the minimum.

Thanks so much for cooperating when it comes to tweaking your character sheets!!

We'll be starting very soon!! Got an intro post coming up. We're still open for more applications though, so if you know anyone do ask them to check us out! :D THe first few posts will be the first time the Eden Knights will be officially meeting each other. Other than Euphoria Solstein who is from the recruitment and Gwyneth Irons, who's the chief engineer, everyone else should be new, unless you've met before ^^
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I just think that the whole raised in a military family bit is over used. That's the only reason I need to justify asking you to change it. I completely skimmed over your background as soon as I found out that your character was raised in a military family.
Sorry for the wait. CS going up soon. If not today then tomorrow.

If not then I have a lot of life/technological issues.
Just did some writing up on the different types of shells. Tried my best to keep it from being too technical. Will try and come up with an alternative background / heritage story. Does his partaking in military academies & tours of duty need any adjustments?
@Hanzax it doesn't have to be too detailed, for your shells. Just something simple like HDHB - high density hamster bullets. Fires super buff hamsters to chew on any form of metal.

Something like that will do.
@Windows98 looks fine to me except for a couple of things. He can't have heard about EVEs at 7 as the way only began about 5 years ago, unless you meant 17.

Character picture I can't see..

Rest is fine :)

Will be posting up into real soon guys! Sorry for the wait!

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