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Finished [Durban - Otenzian Empire] Crisis by the Oasis

Rev IX

Skull Man from the Shimazu Clan
FantasyCat FantasyCat | Kiyo


The sun was slowly rising to its zenith upon Certago. Much to the relief of the workers on the docks, the merchants on the markets, the artists performing on the local amphitheater, and the soldiers doing their routine patrols, clouds masked the relentless sunlight, making it a pleasant day to be outside. A couple of ships had just arrived to the docks, bringing people, food, and a few other wares. Said people dispersed into the town, most of them making a stop in one of the two markets. Making both streets quite crowded. Bustling with business chats, folks promoting their items, and street smart buyers bartering for better deals.

Not everyone was having such a great time, however.

A few buildings from the upper market street, was the infamous Beggars' Den. A small plaza, where the homeless gathered after a long day of begging or even pickpocketing around Certago. Today, a few soldiers were dispatched to keep an eye on the area, as the markets were perfect for thieving and other such activities with more ease.

Coming from the roads that left the city, a couple of soldiers were escorting a carriage to the Beggars' Den. It was shabby, dirty, empty, and its sole passenger was simply mumbling what came across as nonsense to the soldiers. "Lost... Lost... Erika..." the soldiers just looked at the disoriented man for a moment, trying to make out what was he trying to talk about. "Must've gotten too much to drink..." One soldier thought out loud, while the other appeared mildly concerned "What if he's actually sick?" The first soldier replied in an authoritative tone. "Then we'll take him to be checked once the markets settle down" The sympathetic soldier straightened his gaze to the road ahead "Y-Yes, sir."

By the time they ended their chat, they we about to turn away from the market street. The two soldiers looked at the mass of people moving around, stopping for a moment, with the veteran soldier gesturing to the street while glancing sideways to the younger soldier. He was surely not going to risk all that people to the unknown threat of a drunk driver trampling who knows how many of them.
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Alveira Esne a girl on the run has tried taken residence in this city Certago and beleives that by helping the city the city will help her so she goes to the soldiers and says "dont worry sirs i can go check on this man while you continue your work" giving a light bow to the slodiers as she says this, before moving off to the drunken driver
FantasyCat FantasyCat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne


The exaggerated gesture of the veteran soldier made his opinion abundantly clear to his younger comrade. "I understand, sir." The soldier fresh from basic training answered, with a defeatist sigh. The veteran nodded with a satisfied grin.

Things for the two soldiers took a strange turn. As Alveira appeared in their way, seemingly from thin air. Shocking both as to how they didn't notice her before. It got weirder, as the girl believed for some reason that she had any place to order Imperial soldiers on duty just like that. As Alveira approached the delirious man, the older soldier grabbed her arm. "What do you think you are doing?" the young soldier opened his mouth to interject for her, but he wasn't able to.

The veteran debated on what to do next, but after a quick internal deliberation, he addressed Alveira "Normally, I would detain you. But there are more important things to do today. So you'll come with us and your friend over there to the Den." The soldier tightened his grip on Alveira's arm, and along with the man still spouting nonsense, dragged her to the Beggar's Den.
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It was too hot. Leo was used to the warm weather back in his home forest, but this dry, constant heat was too much for him. Just when you thought he couldn’t take any more he heard voices in the distance. He looked up from under his hood to see a city bustling with people, Something he thought he would never see again. This was the town he saw in his visions. The one the Voice guided him to, but why?

As he walked along the road that led into the town he noticed a carriage being escorted by guards. Out of curiosity he listened in to what was being said and heard the person in the carriage might be ill. He stopped and turned to one of the guards. “I-I might be able to help that man” He said nervously while grasping tightly onto his staff.
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alveira is originaly shocked by her clear lack of understanding but she has no intention of causing a issue in the new lands she is hoping to stay at "im very sorry officer i was merely hoping i could help in this minor issue while you did what was important but i do of course fully accept youre kindness and leniancy in only taking me to the beggars den" alveira tries her hardest in changing there impression of her
FantasyCat FantasyCat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne

Just before the two soldiers and the vagrants they were escorting got to the plaza, yet another person stepped in. This one wasn't directly ordering them around, but the older soldier was in a bad mood already, so lashing out yet again was a possibility. He took a deep breath, but before he could vociferate his thoughts, The younger soldier stepped in.

"Shouldn't we get back to our patrol, sir? You go on ahead, I'll catch up with you once these three are properly taken care of." An awkward silence fell upon the group. With the veteran finally groaning while letting go of Alveira with a push, which made her lose her balance. "Fine! But they better behave. If they cause any trouble, I'll be sure to make you take responsibility for it all. You heard, Urgino?" Trying to mask his relief with a serious expression "Yes, sir!"

After the grumpy soldier left, Urgino sighed, relaxing his stance. "I'm sorry about all that. He takes his duties very... seriously". The young soldier then offered a hand to Alveira should she need it, and then turned to Kiyo "Could you please take a look? I doubt he is just drunk. But I'm no doctor..."

The middle aged man was now fully leaning backwards in his seat, with his mumbles still being apparently random words.
Alveira looking slightly slumped at her failures to make a good impression goes to the young soldier and the kind boy who had helped her and thanks them properly. Alveira then says "i am also not a doctor but i will try my best" she sits down cross leged puting her to the same level as the man, ready to listen to what he wants to say


Humans had... odd hobbies. One of them was sitting around this place and starving? Must be some sort of meditation, because they could easily hunt or gather food on their own. They also smelled terrible, maybe it was to atract certain mates? Either way, Moo had taken a liking to such activities. Just sitting around and watching people walk by. Her interest was caught though by the sickly man getting help.

She raised an eyebrow at the situation, it was obvious the man just needed some vitamins! She stood up, removing the old rag she had been covering herself with, trying to fit in with the rest around her. She walked over in a lose motion, pulling an apple from her pocket.

"Can't ya see he just need sum food? Here, force em dis." Moo announced her prescence. She pointed the red apple at the odd man as if expecting him to eat it. "Hey you sum sorta authority here, ain't ya?" She asked the soldier, "Make em eat it."

Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


The man remained on the seat of his cart, unaware of Alveira's efforts. "Lost... Erika... Well..." he continued, still looking exhausted, bordering on ill. Urgino stood still, his concern becoming more apparent by the minute.

Another figure joined the folks standing near the sickly man. Going straight to the point. Urgino stared blankly for a moment, before nodding to the beastkin.

Taking the fruit Moo offered, Urgino climbed onto the cart and stood near the man. With a small knife, he took a chunk of the fresh, juicy apple, and put it near the man's mouth. It appeared to help him become more lucid. Urgino continued to offer more, which the man took with more and more vigor.

The apple was no more. But the man, despite looking tired and sluggish, had a way better visage. After properly sitting on the cart, he expressed his gratitude to the aiding faces "Thank you..." Urgino focused on his own duty-related questions "What happened to you, citizen? How did you end up like this." the man sighed, trying to sort out his thoughts. "I'm from Durban. During these days of the year, our water sources run short. So we can't be picky with what we drink... But something's wrong with the wa-" the ill man couldn't handle keeping the apple down, causing him to lean to a side away from the group and vomit a mostly purple goo.

After emptying his stomach, he faced the group again. "Could you... give me some water?... Please".
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Kiyo gave Alveira a confident smile as he climbed into the carriage to get a better look at the man.
“Don’t worry—I’m a healer!” he said before examining the unwell man. “Yes! You got to eat plenty of fruits when you are ill" he said, agreeing with Moo. With the tilt of his head, he watched the man devour the apple.

Kiyo then frowned as the man emptied his stomach. “Hmm, you can’t just drink any water you find. You might have taken a drink from a contaminated water source.” Kiyo explained while reaching for his leather waterskin and handed what water he had left to him.
alveira gives a thankful smile to kiyo and then a slightly more confused one to moo. before steping back and investigating the clearly wrong colour vomit and storing a small amount of it, into a sealed container so she could get it investigated later if need be.


D-did that person just put some of the sick man's vomit into some flask?! Why on earth would you do that? I mean, dogs eat their own vomit, but that?! Moo could only but wrinkle her nose at the action and look away, sticking her tongue out in disgust. "No water'll dodat to ya."

"Are ya sure it was d'water? Maybe ya ate sumtin bad like-ah worm or brown onion. I neva seen one brown onion, but I wouldn't eat it, ya know?" She patted the sick man on the back. "Ya need some greens, dat's wacha need. I ate a ton and look at me, big as a bear. Notta fully grown one, but still." She flexed her right biscep. "Don't-cha have one of em magic healing people? Take em therr."

Alveira quickly turns to moo looking slightly embarrased. "Im not going to eat it i just thought we could figure out what he ate by looking at what he throw up."
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


The ill man grimaced when Kiyo recommended drinking clean water "We don't have a choice where I came from, son..." He would've continued, but the moment Kiyo offered him water, he took it and drank it desperately. Every last drop. Once he finished chugging water, he exhaled in relief "Oh, how I missed normal water... Thank you so much, young man! And you too, miss!" Even if it was a little. The apple and water managed to give the ill man a second wind. Even if he still looked exhausted.

The man glanced, confused, to Alveira collecting fresh samples. Unsure what was the purpose of it. He relaxed a little when Moo voiced her confusion as well, but after hearing what the vomit collector said along with the muscular lady, he shook his head "It's not food. There is very little of it, actuall-" He coughed loudly, with a noise Kiyo and her medical knowledge could tell was not by any means healthy. "Sorry. Like I said, the problem is water. The wells. Something is wrong with the water they have. And our emergency water source, an oasis near the village. Is dried up during these times of the yea-r" Another cough tried surfacing, but Moo's hit to the back stopped it from taking place.

The man took a pause from the hit, and then looked at the tall beastkin. "Durban has healers and a medic... But they all got sick before something could be learned... And the remaining healthy adults are too busy investigating recent disappearances. I decided to try coming here to look for help..." He concluded, glancing at Urgino. The soldier noticed, and his face turned pensive, as if trying to figure out the best course of action. Sending soldiers from here would be difficult, it was too busy a day in Certago and they were short staffed as is. Concern showed once he realized that fact.
Alveira seeing the situation and wanting to be helpful saids "if it would be helpful soldier i could travel to durban and help investigate or make a report, if that would be alright with you soldier" as alveira makes her offer she makes sure to be as respectful to the soldier as possible so the same situation as last time dosnt happen
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Leo put his staff in his other hand, which revealed his right palm to have a bright green seed embedded in it with root-like veins spreading out from it. “Stay still, please” Leo said as he placed his right hand on the man’s chest Before his eyes began to glow bright green. Green and yellow Magical energy began to wash over the man’s body gently in an attempt to remove any ailments. The magic would make the man feel warm and relaxed while removing pain and sickness.


Moo looked at the white haired woman. Something so puny going on her own to a place where people got sick? Reckless. Then there was the catboy using some weird healing stuff. Surely if these two were to go and check on the origin of said sickness, they wouldn't last a day. Darn humans and their need to go around pocking their noses where they don't belong.

"I reckon I can go witta white hair lady." Moo arc her back and then stretched her arms upwards. "We getting monah for beer, right?" For now that was the only reason she was actually in Certago, collecting valuables so she could exchange it for beer. "Er- I coulda dodat for free, but I dunno if I wanna not get monah for beer."

Moo poked the sick man and nodded her head. "I can carry dis puny human, easy done. I can carry all three of ya, if ya wanna."

Alveira turns to Moo looking very happy at her offer to help, not only would alveria probaly need hlep in the task but her enitre goal was to make connections and reputation, "if your willing, your company would be much apprediated, but i am afraid my finascial sitation is about as bad as it comes but i can promise to return the favour at some point"
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


Urgino mentally stopped in his tracks when Alveira offered to help. "That would be greatly appreciated, but..." The soldier went back to his own thoughts, looking less confused than before, however. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." Urgino voiced, rushing away and disappearing behind a nearby corner.

"What are you..." The ill man tried asking young Kiyo when he got close. He obeyed regardless. He was already helped, so it certainly could not be anything bad, would it? Sure enough, the man felt revitalized and no longer poisoned. "Gods. You... Healed me. Thank you so much! Thank you, son!" He tried shaking Kiyo's hand and tried hugging him, too.

After settling down, the man looked at the two beastkin. "Do you think you could come back with me? I came looking for help. I would be eternally grateful if you helped my village. I was going to head to the guild and put a request, but..."

While the man was talking, Urgino returned holding a large container with water and what looked like horse food. "No need. I already talked with the Guild. They'd reward you three if you choose to help mister..." "Right! Where are my manners. My name is Titus, I'm Durban's leader, so to speak." Urgino nodded "Titus. If you help Titus and that village with their water issue, the Guild will reward you." As they spoke, Urgino put the water down for the horse and fed it.

"I can go ask the guild to provide you some things for the trip. Some basics, at least. Just tell me what you might need" Urgino spoke while petting the horse, who also seemed to regain energy from the food and water.

While Titus, feeling the best he has been in days, lightheartedly chortled while answering to Moo. "No need. Dusty and I can get us there in my wagon. The path is a bit rough since there are no real roads to get there. The ones that used to be were... lost" Titus seemed conflicted, but it was a relatively mild reaction for someone affected by the recent war.
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Leo smiled happily at Titus, seeing that he was better now. Helping people always made Leo feel good about himself. However, using that spell took more out of Leo than he anticipated, causing him to feel a little faint as he had not eaten a proper meal for a few days. “I need some food” he said, looking slightly embarrassed. “After I’ve eaten I will go to help your people. Perhaps we can find out what’s wrong with the water that you drank from” Leo said with an optimistic smile.


"Reward? What kinda reward? As long as I can trade em' for beer." Moo crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the group she was about to travel with. "I dun needa wagun. I got two fine legs for walking. Didya ask da horse if he okay with taking all you?" The horne woman looked at the animal eating and drinking water. "Thing's brr-ly alive."

Moo walked over to one of the bumbs and tossed her blanket at him. "Hold mah spot. I'll be back." She moved back to the group, looking at the horse still. "Cat boy, cantcha eat on the way? The sooner we do dis, da sooner I gettin mah beer."

"im most excited to travel with you moo and kiyo" alveira is looking happy with herself at this turn of events she then turns to urgino "thanks alot for talking to the guild for us, sir, it was very helpful." and finnaly turning to titus and says "and you too sir do not worry we will do our utmost to solve your issue, you just rest here youve had a long and painful journey, but moo is right do thank your horse for taking you"
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


Urgino was quick to nod to the small beastkin, "Food... Right, I'll prepare some rations for you all." He then turned to the larger beastkin. "Imperials. Money. You can change those for beer, if you wish."

When Moo turned to Titus, he smiled. "As you wish. Just know the sand can get quite hot for ones not used to it." He then glanced towards the now energetic horse. "Yes. Dusty is a very obliging friend of mine". Pride was evident on his tone when he addressed the horse.

For some reason, Moo appeared to wish to stay in the Beggar's Den after coming back. It was odd, but then again, it was free, Urgino thought. "I can get you fresh food for the road on top of the rations." He chimed in along with Moo "It's the least I can do if you all wish to ease our workload."

Seeing as planning was pretty much over, Urgino nodded to himself. "Stay here, I'll bring the food and the rations for the travel. Is there anything else you'd like me to bring you? On top of clean water and rations, that is."

alveira perking up at the generous offer asks. "as your offering, could you bring some rope as well, i would find that very useful, the food and water is also very much appretciated"
Leo nodded in agreement. “Okay, I'm ready when you are. “He then looked at his two new companions with curiosity. “Oh, my name is Kiyo. It’s nice to meet you!” Leo said with a big smile. "I look forward to working with you” he added.

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