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Fantasy Drop: The Fate of the Second Chance (Fantasy/Adventure, Open & Accepting)

@WrathSama17 Er I don't mean to sound to rude, but I feel like your character is a bit too similar to Eslin. You might not have noticed the character sheet, but I'll point out the similarities anyway: A myrmidon with samurai armor (and weapon) that has a mantle transformation involving enveloping flames that disperse around him and a powerful flaming slash attack that needs to be recharged
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WrathSama17 said:
Damn you lol jk. Uh. Let's see if I can come up with something else
Oh and uh, since Rook's not here right now, I should go ahead and tell you that it might be a good idea to throw in your alias asap and read through the rp information carefully so you can write that one important thing into your profile. I also recommend going over it and checking your typos :^) But yeah, ultimately he'll decide if you're in or not, but I figured I'd throw in some advice
AtlasAtrium said:
Oh and uh, since Rook's not here right now, I should go ahead and tell you that it might be a good idea to throw in your alias asap and read through the rp information carefully so you can write that one important thing into your profile. I also recommend going over it and checking your typos :^) But yeah, ultimately he'll decide if you're in or not, but I figured I'd throw in some advice
I don't know what alias stands for .-.
Allright, okay, it isn't really optional- if you don't fill one in, your character will get one quickly because of lore reasons.

But it's optional.

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Well yeah, isn't how it goes for super heroes as well? Either pick a name or one will be picked for you? :P Superman was that way.
Yeah, but math proves:

Superman = dumb.

Kamael =/= dumb


Kamael > superman < intelligence

which then proves, that in nick-naming

if superman < intelligence,

nick-naming = intelligence,

then superman < nick-naming,

therefore Kamael > nick-naming > intelligence

so it's optional.

Simple stuff, really.
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SniperBus said:
Yeah, but math proves:
Superman = dumb.

Kamael =/= dumb


Kamael > superman < intelligence
these equations are 2 intense for me help i only took 1st grade math
AtlasAtrium said:
these equations are 2 intense for me help i only took 1st grade math
Maybe I should become an arithmetician.

I mean, these equations are too fire to pass up, yo.

hot diggity dog.
@CupAndCough Heya, just thought I'd let you know about a few things-

Rook doesn't want any WIP sheets or too many of one character type. There's a (temporary?) restriction on blacksmiths because we have two of them now, but maybe the rules are different for troop classes, I'm not quite sure.

I believe our current roster is:

1 Crusader

2 Myrmidons (if Kameal is accepted)

1 Marksman

2 Executioners

1 Magician

1 Priest

1 Survivor

2 Blacksmiths
@AtlasAtrium Thank you for being my little mod. Now I shall unleash my heavenly justice.

@WrathSama17 Your character as it currently stands is not accepted. I'm with Atlas in the sense that your Myrmidon is *extremely* similar to hers, and I'd like to see some uniqueness within the bounds of the roleplay. I'd step away from the samurai theme entirely, it's been encapsulated by Eslin quite well as it is. Furthermore, Myrmidon's are supposed to be LOW MAGIC. It's specified that they very rarely even use magic at all, mostly relying on their skill with their respective weapon. Your character apparently not only has high levels of magic, but techniques that would literally break game. It's spelled "kanji" not "kenji" and instead of using an accented "o" in Kokuyoseki in Romajin it would be spelled "Kokuyooseki". The setting is also modern, so having a "samurai general" as a father seems a bit unrealistic. I could go on, but try long story short, try again.

@CupAndCough you're fine with the WIP, your excellent writing compensated for it. I'm excited to see the finished product.

Also for clarification, if you don't give your character an alias one will be assigned to them. I'll go fix the code now.
TheLoneRook said:
@AtlasAtrium Thank you for being my little mod. Now I shall unleash my heavenly justice.
@WrathSama17 Your character as it currently stands is not accepted. I'm with Atlas in the sense that your Myrmidon is *extremely* similar to hers, and I'd like to see some uniqueness within the bounds of the roleplay. I'd step away from the samurai theme entirely, it's been encapsulated by Eslin quite well as it is. Furthermore, Myrmidon's are supposed to be LOW MAGIC. It's specified that they very rarely even use magic at all, mostly relying on their skill with their respective weapon. Your character apparently not only has high levels of magic, but techniques that would literally break game. It's spelled "kanji" not "kenji" and instead of using an accented "o" in Kokuyoseki in Romajin it would be spelled "Kokuyooseki". The setting is also modern, so having a "samurai general" as a father seems a bit unrealistic. I could go on, but try long story short, try again.

@CupAndCough you're fine with the WIP, your excellent writing compensated for it. I'm excited to see the finished product.

Also for clarification, if you don't give your character an alias one will be assigned to them. I'll go fix the code now.
So no magic right?

Low/no magic for Myrmidons. Something to enhance the power of your swordplay/weapon use, to provide the character with an edge. That or they can just use no magic.

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