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Fantasy DreamWorlds

Nina followed Julian's instructions, clutching tightly to the bag like a floatie. "I...I don't like water." she said bluntly, frowning in discomfort. "Can...Can we get out? Or make a boat? Or anything?!" Nina pleaded. She suddenly felt very queasy, very light and her stomach was doing somersaults. "Can we go somewhere else please!?"
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Julian's actions and Nicole's words did nothing to calm Nina down, and if anything she seemed to panic even more. He shrugged helplessly. "You should know that this whole DreamWorld is underwater, but it's only what you feel. The water here doesn't sink us or get us wet at all. You'll get used to it soon enough." Julian replied.

He too, at first, had hated the feeling of the Ocean, due to his irrational fear of water. But this was also the World in which he attained his DreamBending powers, something he was still struggling to master. It had occurred when Valora explained the relationship between reality and dreams, and suddenly an image of a thousand glowing strings twined together popped up in his mind's eye. By snipping the strings or bending them, he could manipulate people's subconscious to believe that they were dreaming, or awake. Because of the gesture he used to call on this Ability, he named it DreamBend. But blurring the lines between corporeality and abstract could be devastating towards the human mind, especially if it caused them difficulty to distinguish both. Julian may not understand his DreamAbility, but he knew the potential danger he possessed.

But anyways, he got over the feeling of suffocation in the Ocean eventually, though it didn't help him in real life at all. It should be even easier for Nina. He cast a quick glance at Nicole, prompting her to comfort her friend. After all, she seemed to know Nina better then most of them here.

@DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing
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Nicole looked over at Julian and found herself frowning at his nonchalant words. Nicole felt that Nina would overcome her fear rather soon as well, as she seems to be dealing with the loss of Pan far better than expected, but simply telling her as much wouldn't do much good. In fact it probably felt a little insulting to the poor girl. Nicole sighed, swimming closer to Nina, and casting a displeased glance at Julian for a moment. Nicole then looked back at Nina with a kind, motherly smile, looking into her eyes as she thought of what she could do to help this poor girl. Then, she remembered. DreamWeave! Of Course!

"Hold just one moment, dear. I think I have a solution for you." Nicole shifted her gaze to a small closeby area of the ocean's surface with no one around. Closing her eyes for a moment ,she lifted one hand out of the water and put it to her temples, her face scrunching up in concentration. All of a sudden, a small rowboat appeared, large enough for about three people to sit in. It was simple, but would hopefully do the trick. Nicole didn't want to risk creating anything larger or more complicated, as this creation in itself had given her a dull headache. This must be what Rori's head feels like after creating portals, except less severe.

Looking back towards Nina, she said, "There you are, m'dear," with a small smile. She held out her hand to Nina, and if she took it Nicole would guide her to the boat, sit in position to move the oars and Help Nina climb in herself.

@Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven
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Nina nodded her thanks at Nicole, using her hand to pull herself up into the boat, followed by Nicole. "T-Thank you," she stuttered, glancing up wonderstruck at the blonde girl. She was so nice, and so pretty, in Nina's eyes the two had never lived peacefully side by side. Pretty people were not nice, and nice people were not pretty on the outside.

Nicole was a oddity, an abnormality that Nina had never experienced. "W-Why are you so nice to me?" she suddenly asked, turning fear filled eyes to Nicole. Nina had once had foster sister who looked a lot like Nicole. Long blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, she looked like a princess from a fairy tale. But she was really the devil. Miranda, that was her name, would often push Nina down flights of stairs, take her towel while Nina was showering, leaving her cowering in the bathroom until someone discovered her. She had once even locked Nina outside in the winter when Nina accidentally spilled juice on her shoes.

Finally like all of her foster families, Nina was taken from Miranda's house, not that she complained. She was happy to be ride of her abuser. "You're pretty...Pretty people aren't supposed to be nice..." She frowned, fiddling with the hem of her dress in worry.
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Nicole smiled back at Nina warmly, though the expression faded slightly, into a sad, wistful smile, her lips barely curved and eyes saddened. She seemed... bewildered, surprised even, that Nicole was being nice to her, she could see it in the poor girl's eyes. She must've had it rough. Nicole knew what it was like to be treated cruelly by others for no apparent reason, and it seems poor Nina was used to that. Until Nicole's brothers moved out of the house they constantly teased, bullied and ridiculed her, and did unspeakable things to her Nicole planned never to tell anyone about. She sympathized with the girl's surprise at her behavior so much that she almost expected the girl's sudden question.

Her smile finally faltering into a sad expression, Nicole thought for a few moments before answering in a soft voice. "Because... I've always been drawn towards kindness towards others who are also kind but, more than that... you remind me of myself when I was younger." At Nina's sudden observation about "pretty people," Nicole found herself giggling a little before her expression became solemn once more. She wasn't expecting that, and taking compliments in stride had never really been a strength of hers. "I'm glad you think I'm pretty, darling... I can understand why you developed such an idea but I assure you, kind people come in all shapes and sizes. Sadly, these days they are simply few and far between... I've made a decision to be kinder to folks, be that nice person others need sometimes, but it's more difficult with certain types of people." Nicole found herself looking over at Nicholas whilst saying this then continuing after meeting Nina's eyes with her own once more. "But you, Nina, you have a kind soul as well, I can tell. Being nice to people like you just... comes naturally to me." Nicole smiled.

Nina was so much like the younger Nicole it was surreal. She believed men weren't supposed to be nice because of the constant bullying of her brothers and the indifference her father showed towards the acts. As she grew older however, she slowly learned to accept the concept that some men can be genuinely nice, even through Nicole's defensive and angry actions towards boys that genuinely liked her and simply wanted to get to know her better, or even simply be her friend. "I can sense that you don't fully trust my intentions... and I understand... I had a similar belief when I was younger. Although, to be honest... you're rather pretty yourself, Nina, and you're very kind. Just think about that." Nicole smiled warmly, so as to reinforce the authenticity of her compliment.

@Elfia Nightwing
Rori’s face grew considerate at Valora’s question. Whether it was because he found the inquiry something of intrigue or the fact that he appeared mildly entertained that the remaining pieces of her hair continued to buffet his fingers with incessant play, was entirely up to interpretation.

“DreamLink is what it’s officially called?” he asked, laughter in the question. “Nicholas did refer to me as a DreamLinker, so no wonder why that terms sounds familiar. It seems like I’ll have to retire the use of ‘portal skipping' then. ” He fanned away the lingering strands of hair gently, and found his fingers finally freed. Rori flexed them, unthinking. “The title carries some responsibility to it, doesn’t it? Does it concern you to know that I only recently came by this skill in less than a year? Manipulating it to a degree of success – at least for myself – has included an even shorter time frame.”

Valora was not one he had expected to speak to so early in this adventure. Aside from quelling the confrontation between Nicholas and Nicole back in the Home Tree, she had seemed to share her thoughts with Julian only. Because of that he’d considered her the more reserved of the group.

Now though, it seemed it had only taken an accidental run-in to find speech was easy with her. Admittedly, Rori wasn’t entirely displeased by this notion. “Limits?” he repeated and then added sequential synonyms as if to buy some time to think of a proper response, “Drawbacks? Consequences?” It didn’t seem to help as Rori lapsed into silence.

Reflexively, his eyes were drawn upward as Julian and then eventually Nicole went to Nina, who was dwindling by the surface. Their movements grew distorted as the water blurred their expressions but based on the rapid flailing of Nina's legs, it appeared she was in the greatest form of distress. Soon enough something was determined as a shadow solidified on the tops of the sea, the small girl drawn to it with sudden vigor.

Though little could be understood of the muffled voices, the gratitude was not missed in Nina's voice as she addressed Nicole.

“Unless I’ve summoned a portal for myself,” he finally replied, “it seems like whenever another steps through, there are repercussions. Namely here.” Rori tapped his temple. “The pain worsens whenever an additional body enters. One other thing is that our destination is beyond my control. I can visualize where I wish to go without trouble. But where I land or often fall into, is still something unpredictable. This might be because the Worlds are so large that it would be an impossible feat to determine an exact location."

He glanced Ryan and Nicholas a few ways off. Both had a muscle in their jaw flickering, though Nicholas's was standing out like it was carved from marble while Ryan wilted close by, his skin an unhealthy parlor. It was a distinct shade of green that the water's marvelous glow had no part in lending.

Keeping mental note of their numbers Rori scanned the waters, seeking Alisa. "Should we come across someone else it'll become a bit of a challenge to keep the gateway open for everyone," mentioned Rori casually as he spotted the final member of their party...engaged in conversation with another person. The irony. "Ah look, a new face!"
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At that, her brow furrowed and a finger tapped nervously against her thigh. "Nothing at all." Though from the way the other was talking, there seemed to be more to the seemingly random disappearance of everyone in the DreamWorld. "Where did everyone go? And why are we the only ones still here?"

With that, she cast another look around at the group of what was really nothing more than children, all occupied with one thing or another. At least she happened to run into them, a small shiver traveled up the girl's spine at the thought of swimming through the empty Ocean forever.

Ryan's gaze landed on the new girl, who was fidgeting uncomfortably. Her question made him roll his eyes. "Are we going to have to answer this every time we meet a new Dreamer? For God's sake, figure it out yourself!" He exclaimed, clearly exasperated. He still looked paler than usual but from the way he spoke, he seemed to have forgotten about his nausea entirely. Frustrated, he raked his fingers through his hair but the motion was lost underwater. All it did was make his mop of hair stick up like yellow seaweed. "Long story short: Everyone is gone because the D.P. released an evil gas all over the world, and now the DreamWorlds are dying. We're trying to save them by finding the Seeds and then replanting them. Got it? Now can we do the 'last survivors bonding thing' later and move first?" He asked, practically shouting at the new girl. It wasn't the nicest introduction Ryan could offer, but it was the most practical one right now.

Nicholas looked away from Ryan with distaste. He looked slightly better now, but was still in no shape to jump through another portal for the next few hours. Nick kept silent even when new stranger - Anelie, she was called - began firing questions at them. He scrutinized her carefully. She had corn-silk blond hair that cascaded down to her shoulders even in the water, and her eyes were an interesting shade of turquoise. She seemed completely innocent and normal, but you never knew if she was concealing something sinister underneath. To Nick's surprise, Ryan must have felt the same, since he snapped at her rudely. But this time, Nicholas had to agree with him. They had no time to idle around. "I'm Nicholas." He said in a brusque manner. "Ryan has told you everything you need to know. You can satisfy your curiosity later. Now," He began, sweeping his arm towards the others, causing a stream of bubbles to appear, "Shall we get a move on?"

@DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98 @thistle @Iomana
As one of the people she noticed earlier, a boy, called out to her, a flash of anger sparked in Anelie's eyes but was quickly extinguished when she turned to face him. With a bright, almost cheery smile pasted on her face, Anelie gave a quick nod. "Sorry to waste so much time 'bonding' and asking questions, it seems that I'm not all-knowing-- unlike you apparently." She bit her tongue and turned away again, if the situation was as dire as he just explained now wasn't the time to bicker like a child, no matter how aggravating the other was. As yet another boy, Nicholas, spoke up, she turned a quizzical gaze towards him. Right, they were supposed to find these Seeds. But still, where were they supposed to start? The Ocean was a large place and if the Seed they were looking for was the actual size of a seed then... Perhaps they were going to head towards the Tower, it seemed like the best place to start looking. "Yeah, sorry to hold everyone up."

@JaidenLark @JayfeatherRaven
Having caught Ryan’s sudden outburst, Rori peeked over Valora’s shoulder to spot the new arrival and drifted into view. His expression was placate when he spoke, bordering on pleasant as his eyes crinkled in greeting. “We’re not entirely sure where, exactly, we’re supposed to look,” he put in. ““Technically speaking, you haven’t held us up at all since none of us have an idea as to what direction we're headed. Besides,” Rori’s eyes swept upward, spotting Nicole and Julian still dwindling above them, Nina somewhere in the shadow that lingered above, “a few of us are a preoccupied right now. Introductions would hardly take any time.”

Holding three fingers he motioned them ceilingward, signaling her attention in the same direction. “Nina, Nicole and Julian.” Rori gestured to Valora behind his shoulder. “Julian’s sister, Valora." The same hand briefly rested on himself. "Rori. And the impatient one over there is Ryan,” added Rori, wiggling his fingers in the boy’s direction, seemingly unruffled by his previous exclamation.
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Nina looked up at Nicole in shock. How can she say that? There was no way Nina was pretty. She had gone her whole life being told so." I... I don't think...." Before Nina could finish her sentence, something soaking her leg caught her attention. When she looked down she could see that the boat was dissolving, leaving them to the open waters. "Nicole!" Nina whimpered, latching onto the older girl, just as the boat finally disappeared, dropping them back underwater.

"What happened?! Why did the boat do that?!" She cried, looking around in panic. She could breath fine and yet she felt herself hyperventilating, like this world was closing in on her. "Nicole!" Nina latched onto the older girl, shaking in fear.
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Nicole looked over Nina's face and found her expression saddening once again. She must've been told all her life that she was hideous to have such a reaction to a compliment like that. Preparing to attempt to reassure the girl, she was then distracted by an ache in her head. Looking down at the boat she'd created just moments ago, it would seem that she was losing a grip on the boat she'd created, reaching out to Nina almost instinctively while wincing in pain. She'd felt this before, but only a dull, barely noticeable ache whenever her will to create on object was too weak too keep in the world. This was a full-on migraine, and hurt rather a lot. It only just occurred to her that she'd never summoned something as large as a boat before, and besides, she has no personal connection to this place. It was always easier to bring her imaginings to life in The Forest.

Nicole held Nina for a bit, attempting to calm her down after they'd fallen deeper underwater. From the girl's grip around her waist she was clearly terrified of being underwater... poor girl's really had a rough dream so far it seemed. "I.. I dunno.. I just... lost control and it disappeared... I'm so very.. ah-s.. sorry." She took one hand and rubbed her temples as the migraine suddenly intensified for a moment, the boat entirely gone now. "It's alright dear... I'm here, and I won't let anything happen to you. We can continue on like this." Nicole tried to swim towards the others a bit, and while her movement was restricted a bit by the terrified younger girl clinging to her she could still transport poor Nina well enough. It would have to do. "Let's get a move on," she called to the others, "but... please don't leave us behind..." she straggled towards the group, then her gaze fell upon the new face that had appeared here. "Oh, forgive me, Miss, I've been a bit preoccupied as you could probably see... I'm Nicole. And you are?" It was clear that Nicole was so caught up in her interactions with Nina that she was unaware of Rori introducing her on his own, or really what any of the others had been saying.

@Elfia Nightwing @Iomana @JayfeatherRaven
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Alisa Ann

Alisa was going to answer Anelie when it seemed Ryan went ahead and did it for her. Oh well. Though once again things became hostile amongst the group, causing Alisa to get nervous. She didn't want the people she considered friends to fight, fighting wasn't good. Especially with what they were doing. They really needed to work together. Luckily the hostility died down for the most part as everyone agreed to the suggestion to move on to the tower. She nodded and followed after them, a small excited smile on her face as they made their way to the Tower. With the luck they'd been having, if it could be considered good..., they might find the Seed quickly.
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Turning her head towards the new voice that addressed her, Anelie listened along to the introductions, softly repeating under her breath the names that were given to her as she memorized them. "Nina, Nicole, Julian, Valora, Rori, and Ryan." Easy enough, she always did have a knack for remembering names and it was a relief to be reminded that not everyone in the group was as rude as Ryan. Repeating the names once again to herself she shot Rori a grateful smile. "Thanks."

Soon afterwards two girls joined the group... Nicole and Nina. Somewhat proud at remembering their names on the first try, Anelie then gave a hasty shake of her head at the other's apology. "It's alright, I've just been getting caught up with everything. It's nice to meet you, my name is Anelie."

@thistle @DergTheDergon
Nicole smiled warmly at the new girl, then nodded as she intrduced herself. "Likewise, Anelie," Nicole responded, her smile still beaming for a few moments beofre she realized everyone was beginning to head forthe tower in the distance. She then began toting Nina along as the poor girl clung to her, not seeming to mind and be all that physically strained by carrying her. She was rather light anyway, and besides, the water didn't really offer the resistance you'd expect. Swimming here was more like floating, for all intents and purposes. Liek this, she swam herself and Nina along with the group, lagging only slightly behind. Not being in the midst of everyone was actually rather comfortable for Nicoel, and perhap sNina as well. Though, it was doubtful Nina was capable of being comfortable with anything at the moment. Nicole allowed the girl to cling to her as long as she needed without a hint of being bothered by it.

@Iomana @Elfia Nightwing
As they neared the tower, Valora looked around in search of the stars which used to light up the golden seabed. She closed her eyes and envisioned heavy weights tying around her ankles, dragging her down into the depths of the sea. To her surprise, it worked. Her hair danced upwards as she descended, and though her vision shouldn't be affected by lighting in dreams, the liquid surrounding her darkened at an alarming rate. The second her feet came into contact with the sand, she knew something was wrong. "Guys?" She called, uncertain how well her voice could travel underwater.

She needn't have worried. Within seconds, Julian was right beside her, having figured out a way to sink down too. "What's the matter?" Before she could open her mouth, her brother cut in. "The stars! They're fading too, just like the plants in the Forest." Valora nodded worriedly. "Do you think this means the wishes are losing their powers too?" Her brother frowned thoughtfully. "I don't know, but we should hurry to the Tower as soon as possible."

In unsion, they looked up at the Dreamers mingling above them, blissfully unaware of the impending doom. The two of them alone bore the weight of knowing how dangerous it could be if they were stuck in a disintegrating dream. They needed to find the Seed, fast. Without another word, Valora grabbed Julian's hand in hers, and together they returned to the others, their faces grim.

(@DergTheDergon @thistle @Mitchs98 @Elfia Nightwing @Iomana The second main arc is about to begin! You should all head to the Tower so that the plot can progress.)
As a unit they moved toward the gleaming diamond like structure that reared in the distance. Given its multi-faceted exterior and rainbow colored polish, the image of the tower should have had one turning their head only minutes after spotting it.

Instead, as they neared, the walls appeared frosted, its reflective surface dimmed and chased away by the film that covered it. While Valora - apparently distracted by something below - sunk to the ocean floor, Rori examined the tower. His glance was cursory, lingering on the same spot no longer than a few seconds. Housed inside, the vague outline of miscellaneous shapes could be made, their silhouettes pressing through the glass as if they wished to be heard.

Taking a step back - or floating, in this case - Rori found that a treasure cove of items were present, stacked upon one another in no semblance of order as they filled the spire from foot to roof top: watches and crystal figurines, flowers embedded with jewels, top hats, decorated pens and belts, pots and vintage looking picture frames.

He thought to peer closer at a mirror that stared back at him, oval and tilted on its side, but paused at the last second. Minuscule and fine, a latticework of cracks danced all along the tower walls. It almost looked like a vein work of carefully constructed mining by tiny hands that had been intent on getting inside. Though the glass appeared thick from the outside there was something delicate that surrounded its appearance.

Wishing not to be the one responsible for burying the group in a sea of items Rori refrained from touching the fractured surface just in case.

Fleetingly, in this watery haven, he wondered if Nina had any other comrades squandered off in stone, but the look of fascination and trepidation on her face as she clung to Nicole told him otherwise. “I don’t suppose any of you have an idea where to go from here?” posed the young man. “There was a bit of a riddle to the last one, so I don't expect anything different here. Some form of surprise is bound to show up, eventually.” His eyes slid to Nina once more, than Alisa, thoughtful. "Speaking of which, do either of you know what attacked you earlier in the Metropolis? In case we happen to run into that creature again, now seems like a good time to share. From what I saw it didn't look like it was asking to be scratched behind the ears."

In the back of his mind Rori almost thought of asking Nicholas his thoughts on the subject. Seeing as he had been the one to first reveal the secrets of the Dream Worlds and their demise, it didn't seem like a bad idea. But Rori withheld at the last second as Valora and Julian - when had he disappeared? - returned back into view. It was probably best not to have everyone speak at once.

@Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98
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" it was scary... But I don't know what that was.." Nina admited. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought back to the attack. Her arms tightened around Nicole, pressing her head on her chest in a act of affection. " I'm sorry I wish I could help..." She whimpered.
There was always something she loved about visiting the Ocean, a place so serene she felt she could truly be alone with her thoughts and her music. However, with the new knowledge that the DreamWorlds were dying, Anelie could see the effect it was having. The water seemed less radiant and even the tower looked ready to fall apart at the slightest touch. Sorrow filled her heart at seeing the once beautiful landscape falling into disrepair.

She was completely lost in her thoughts until the word "attacked" reached her ears. Grimly and with a small touch of surprise, she listened to Rori's question and Nina's answer. It was bad enough that they had to worry about finding these Seeds but there was some sort of beast on the prowl too? Dread filled her at the thought. She couldn't help but wonder how they found the first Seed, Rori mentioned a riddle, and decided to ask about it later. Blue eyes still glued to the Tower, Anelie began to carefully scan it in hopes of finding something that might prove useful, all while keeping and ear glued to the group's conversation.
thistle said:
As a unit they moved toward the gleaming diamond like structure that reared in the distance. Given its multi-faceted exterior and rainbow colored polish, the image of the tower should have had one turning their head only minutes after spotting it.
Instead, as they neared, the walls appeared frosted, its reflective surface dimmed and chased away by the film that covered it. While Valora - apparently distracted by something below - sunk to the ocean floor, Rori examined the tower. His glance was cursory, lingering on the same spot no longer than a few seconds. Housed inside, the vague outline of miscellaneous shapes could be made, their silhouettes pressing through the glass as if they wished to be heard.

Taking a step back - or floating, in this case - Rori found that a treasure cove of items were present, stacked upon one another in no semblance of order as they filled the spire from foot to roof top: watches and crystal figurines, flowers embedded with jewels, top hats, decorated pens and belts, pots and vintage looking picture frames.

He thought to peer closer at a mirror that stared back at him, oval and tilted on its side, but paused at the last second. Minuscule and fine, a latticework of cracks danced all along the tower walls. It almost looked like a vein work of carefully constructed mining by tiny hands that had been intent on getting inside. Though the glass appeared thick from the outside there was something delicate that surrounded its appearance.

Wishing not to be the one responsible for burying the group in a sea of items Rori refrained from touching the fractured surface just in case.

Fleetingly, in this watery haven, he wondered if Nina had any other comrades squandered off in stone, but the look of fascination and trepidation on her face as she clung to Nicole told him otherwise. “I don’t suppose any of you have an idea where to go from here?” posed the young man. “There was a bit of a riddle to the last one, so I don't expect anything different here. Some form of surprise is bound to show up, eventually.” His eyes slid to Nina once more, than Alisa, thoughtful. "Speaking of which, do either of you know what attacked you earlier in the Metropolitan? In case we happen to run into that creature again, now seems like a good time to share. From what I saw it didn't look like it was asking to be scratched behind the ears."

In the back of his mind Rori almost thought of asking Nicholas his thoughts on the subject. Seeing as he had been the one to first reveal the secrets of the Dream Worlds and their demise, it didn't seem like a bad idea. But Rori withheld at the last second as Valora and Julian - when had he disappeared? - returned back into view. It was probably best not to have everyone speak at once.

@Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

It didn't take them too incredibly long to reach the tower, not at all it seemed. Though Alisa had remained silent the entire trip to it the majority of the group seemed to of soon found themselves outside of the tower. She'd only managed to come to the Ocean once, so her memory unfortunately wasn't too good on what it was supposed to look like. Though from the looks on the faces of the others it wasn't supposed to look like this at all. "Net(no), ya has never seen anything like it before. Ya would of remembered something like that..it was terrifying. Ya sorry ya doesn't know anything about it." She replied. "Why...did vy see something that look liked it?" She asked nervously, looking around with a slightly panicked expression.
Nicholas watched with enjoyment as they squirmed with the discomfort of the unknown. He recalled catching a glimpse of a monster in the portal after Nina had tumbled into the Forest clearing, and right after Rori had slammed the portal shut, a chunk of what looked like a malformed claw had been severed from whatever it had once belonged to. Nicholas didn't have to guess twice to know what had been chasing them. They, on the other hand, didn't seem to have a slightest clue.

"Those were NightMares." Nicholas informed Rori, holding back a small smile. "They can be created or summoned by fears and insecurities, and will attack whoever they find vulnerable. They can be beaten, if you have the mental capacity and enough NightEssence, but mostly they just wake you up, which in our situation would not be a good thing." He paused to take a breath and gauged their reactions. "From what I know, they spawn from the Abyss but can manifest almost anywhere."


When Valora finally tuned into their conversation, they appeared to be discussing the problem of NightMares. She had encountered them with Julian before, and had failed miserably in either fighting or outrunning them every single time. "Once they catch scent of you, they won't stop until they track you down. The risk of waking up is higher than ever now, we would get caught by DP almost certainly." She added, as if the threat the monsters posed weren't dangerous enough. "But," She said hurriedly, spotting the discouraged expressions on each Dreamer's face. "Maybe we could ward them off. Nicole, what is your sword made of? Is it NightEssence?" She looked at the girl hopefully. "I remember learning that weapons forged from the crystals in the Volcano can kill NightMares."

(@DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @Iomana @Mitchs98 If you're unsure of what I'm talking about here, you can always take a look at the Info Tabs!)
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As Nicole followed the others, focusing on not jostling or startling the girl clinging to her whilst also keeping up as best she can, the regal-looking young woman heard Rori speak in her direction, or more accurately, Nina's direction. Nicole's eyes widened with fear at her words. Nina was attacked in the place she came to the Forest from? Just as she was about to ask Rori for his own rendition of this foe, Nicholas spoke up. Glancing over him with slightly narrowed eyes, she took in his words. Nicholas was quite the dilemma in Nicole's eyes. He seemed entirely untrustworthy, mean-spirited, and downright sadistic at times, but he's the only one among the group who seems to have the slightest idea what's going on here, besides Valora and her younger brother, and Nicholas seemed to know more than the two of them combined as well.

Once again, his words started to make sense of things Nicole had thought for the longest time were simply beyond understanding. Nicole's nightmares, which she once thought were dreams themselves as most do, often consisted of creatures chasing her, and sure enough, whenever they caught her, she woke up. Then, in one dream, she found the very rapier she carries now, stabbed into the thick trunk of a tree. With all her might, she barely managed to pull it out, as the terrifying roars of some abomination grew ever louder behind her. Whirling around with eyes closed in fear, she stabbed at the beast with her newly acquired weapon, then when she opened her eyes... there the forest was. She wasn't awake. Looking down deep in thought, she pondered mentioning her sword and wondered if it had any significance to what the others were talking about, then as if the other girl was reading her mind, Valora turned to Nicole and asked about the very topic that she was just thinking about.

Nicole corrected her initial expression of surprise, deciding to simply answer the question rather than wonder if this seeming coincidence was not just that. "I dunno what it's made of, Valora, but... it may just be made out of NightEssence. Believe it or not I just found it one night in the Forest, and ever since then it's been with me, fastened to my hip in all my dreams. I remembered several nightmares where some beast nearly caught me, I tried to defend myself with this weapon and... I didn't wake up for once. The monster seemed to be gone. I dunno how this sword got into one of my dreams, but I think it may be more valuable to this endeavor of ours then I initially thought..." she smiled a bit, thinking of this. Nicole had felt rather useless in this journey so far, but perhaps she is more capable than she thought. The sword has been part of her dreams for as long as Nicole could remember, it seemed almost mundane to her now, so she never thought she'd be able to defeat nightmares with it. That was the stuff of fairy tales. Thinking back on it however, she seemed to have done just that, several times. With a new found look of determination on her face, she spoke to the others. "Well, we'd better get inside that tower before it up and disappears on us, haven't we?" With that, Nicole swam towards the looming, slowly fading tower, Nina clinging onto her tightly serving to keep her own trepidation at bay.

"You know, Nina..." Nicole spoke up softly to the girl clinging to her, "you said just moments earlier that you wish you could help. Perhaps opposing the Nightmares isn't your role here... it may be mine, it would seem, but not yours. You've been keeping the Forest's seed safe, and that has to count for something. Besides, having you here is... reassuring to me. It is... comforting, in a way, to know I'm being depended on." Nicole smiled at Nina for a moment, looking back towards the looming tower as the group gradually neared it.

@JayfeatherRaven @Elfia Nightwing
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“That was only curiosity speaking,” he replied toward the pair of girls who had turned unnerved eyes in his direction. “Given that there seems to be a number of unanswered questions still, I thought gaining even the slightest clue would help us know what we’re up against.” He gestured toward Nicholas, a casual movement that caused his jacket to flare open in delayed motion. “Fortunately there’s already someone who knows quite a bit, regarding what we face.”

Scarcely concealed glee danced just beyond the arrangement of dark lashes as Rori’s gaze passed over him. Had he not been familiar with wearing a similar expression he would have overlooked it. But as someone who was quick to flash a smile in order to deter another from digging up his past, Nicholas’s facial cue was something to consider. At the very least it was questionable.

The Abyss, for instance. Throughout his traveling Rori had only been aware of four existing dimensions. Since acquiring Dream Link, this was the first time he had ever heard of a fifth, let alone take a step into its domain. Only once had he come across a strange event and it wasn’t until now did Rori think to remember it.

At the pinnacle of despair, where the Academy had dismissed him from their grounds and the pangs of becoming completely color blind were still fresh, Rori had fled to the Dream Worlds in an effort to escape. While standing in the center of the Forest and finding its beauty for once too overbearing, a new portal had been drawn up without thought. It was the only time emotions had governed his actions.

A reflection of the heart rather than the mind, the summoned portal had revealed nothing but unending darkness. Contrast to the empty shadows that often sat in mundane fashion in his room, the gloom which met him had felt...organic, almost alive. The twisting shapes in the background were wraith like and cunning, and upon being noticed they had curled in excitement, as though the prospect of being spotted had relieved them of their endless boredom. Those closest to the doorway had caressed the sides, trailing in invitation as their darkened fingertips beckoned for him.

Then, as if recognizing its mistake, the portal had simply slammed shut.

Still grasping the mechanics, Rori had assumed it a small glitch,none other than trivial error due to callow, unpolished talent. That didn’t seem to be the case now.

Conversation floating in the background broke his thoughts, catching fragments of what Nicole and Valora were discussing. Crystals? Weaponry? The only projectile Rori was familiar with were throwing darts, thanks to the behest of his teacher and the sudden spurt of boredom.

Unexpectedly, the memory was a sobering experience and with distracted movement, he began searching for clues at Nicole’s suggestion, trailing to the other side of the tower where Rori disappeared from view.
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The Tower loomed before Ryan, casting a bleak shadow upon him and drowning out all the sunlight from above. An odd thought suddenly occurred to him. If the Ocean had no known surface at all, then where did all the warm sunlight come from? It had to have some kind of source, right? He stifled a nervous giggle. The others were discussing NightMares and weapons, and here he was, wondering about the inner workings of a DreamWorld. But that was exactly it. Nothing made sense in a dream, did it? The conversations, the logic, the whole feel of it... Everything was wrong. Maybe he was actually going crazy from all the time spent here. He tried to imagine himself lying back in bed, snoring peacefully, but even attempting to do that gave him a splitting headache. Sleep and dreams used to be means of escape, a time-out from the taxing events in reality, but now it only seemed like a prison. You wake up, you die. You stay here, you go crazy then die. There weren't a lot of choices to choose from. All Ryan could do was keep moving forward.

He shook his head to rid himself of those depressing thoughts and focused on surveying the building. It was a sturdy stone steeple, the design somewhere in between a lighthouse and a spire. It didn't look like it would fall down anytime soon, and there was no conspicuous entrance to it. A flash of white caught his eye and he paused, scanning the same spot again. Ah! There it was. Hidden in the wall of bricks was one rectangular stone which looked significantly lighter than the others. Ryan swam forwards until it was within arm's reach and acting solely on impulse, he pressed his palm against the smooth white brick and pushed inwards. His sight had not deceived him. The brick slid in easily and the rest of them crumbled in a delayed fashion around it, revealing an archway just big enough for Ryan to pass through.

He stepped inside, certain the others would follow, and was instantly overwhelmed by the sight of millions of random objects, ranging from household items to large pieces of furniture, piled up so high that it almost reached the ceiling.

@DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @Iomana @Mitchs98

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