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Fantasy DreamWorlds

Nina looked up sheepishly at the pretty blonde girl. She looked like a princess out of a fairy tale, although her sharp eyes reminded her of the knight from fairy tales. A princess knight, yeah that's what she was. When she promised to help her find Pan Nina's eyes widened, leaping up to wrap her arms around the blonde ladies thin waist. She was so pretty, but no one pretty had ever been kind to Nina. This world was really confusing.
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Nicole found herself smiling as the young shy girl's eyes widened, seeming overjoyed by her request. The girl's next action's astartled her, however. She clung to Nicole's waist in what seemed like a gesture of overflowing gratitude for simply agreeing to help her find her friend. It seemed this girl had been through quite a lot in her so far short lifetime to be so outwardly vulnerable, which made Nicole a bit sad just thinking about it. All the more reason to keep her earlier promsie, Nicole supposed. Regardless, once the initial surprise faded Nicole found herself smiling down at the girl, ruffling her hair a bit with one hand and allowing her to cling to her waist for now.

@Elfia Nightwing
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It was a peculiar sight, admittedly, to find how quickly parts of the group were already recovering from the scene – Nina, Alisa and Nicole grouped in one corner while Ryan was trying to wave down attention from where he was at. Seeing as he had yet to move from his spot, a response would be required of him soon. For now finding these 'seeds' appeared as the best decision but Rori couldn’t help finding Nicholas's nonchalance the most perturbing out of everyone.

Rori sliced a glance in Nicholas’s direction and recalled just how casually he had dismissed the matter of the girl. As a significant event, in which the choice to wake carried irreversible consequences, Nicholas had seemed almost entirely unaffected by her disappearance, that pleasant tone never wavering. So light in its delivery Rori had been taken aback to see how lacking the concern had been.

Given that we're up against the clock, perhaps that is how we should all be acting,
he reasoned silently to himself. The most tactful decision would be to move on.

Seizing this idea Rori rearranged his features into its usual amiable reflection, the last traces of warmth from the girl's skin disappearing from his fingertips. He popped back to his feet as Nicole went to Nina’s side and brushed past the boy with the bright smile and steel-touched orbs. “That's the second surprise of the night. First that creature and now disappearing girls. To avoid future sorrows I suggest not getting attached to one another here," Rori spun on a heel to glance at Nicholas, quickly warming back to his usual self, "Sound like a plan to you?”

An outburst to the side sent Rori finishing his turn, and, without giving Nicholas a chance to answer, went to sidle up to Ryan's side, who was now accompanied by a youth. Without a second glance, he was by far the youngest of everyone present.

“I think the girls find little Nina more charming at the current moment," he told Ryan as Nina, particularly thrilled to have made a connection with Nicole, flung herself at the taller girl in an act of joy. "Luckily I’m here to listen, so share your worries with me, my friend!” He gave a short chuckle, hitting the right notes that would surely irk Ryan, and stepped to where the small boy remained. There was a look of urgency in his young eyes. He glanced at Ryan, tsking in disapproval. "Or have you already spilled them all to the youngest of us here? That's a bit unfair, Ryan. He's just a child," admonished Rori.

Julian waited until everyone's eyes were on him before lowering himself into a crouch. Then, with a deep breath, he pressed his palm against the earth and closed his eyes. "Do you hear that?" He asked softly, aware that his voice sounded oddly detached from his body. It became deep and hollow, an ancient presence more powerful than his small body overtook him. He felt himself convulse and heard Valora cry out. "Julian!" She shouted, but her voice was muffled, like she was speaking underwater.


Valora stumbled to her brother's side, her skin pale with fright. "Julian!" She tried to call him, but Nicholas grabbed her arm. "He's concentrating." He said, looking at the boy with renewed interest. Valora stared in horror as her brother opened his mouth and began singing in a voice that was not his own:

Swaying, dreaming forest tree,

Hanging, watching over him.

A chance to rest, a chance to sleep.

A chance to bury nightmares deep.

Oh swaying, dreaming forest tree,

He wants to fight, he wants to flee,

But all he can do is in his dreams,

With reality clawing at the seams.

Dear swaying, dreaming forest tree,

Your time will end, soon you will be free,

Don’t let him lie there all alone,

Let him think of hopes, not fate in stone.


As soon as Julian stopped singing, he opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. "I told you to listen to me." He said to his mortified sister. "Thanks for telling them to hear me out, Ryan." He grinned the boy who'd helped him, but he was busy shooting daggers at the other guy, Rori. "So, was that useful?" He directed this question at Nicholas and Nina. Nicholas was looking at him with faint amusement on his face, unfazed by the eerie song, but the other girl, Nina, looked like she remembered the melody from somewhere else.

@Elfia Nightwing @thistle
Swaying, dreaming forest tree... Nina looked at the little boy, the one apparently called Julian with wide eyes. That song... It can't be... But no one else had ever sang it before. Nina closed her eyes, doing as Julian had done, concentrating on the sounds of the forest. That was when she heard it. Nina, Nina."Pan..." Nina croaked out, her eyes flashing open." Pan!!" And with that Nina ran into a seemingly random direction, going towards the voice of her long lost friend.
Nicole flinched in a gesture of shock as the boy began speaking in a disembodied voice. Then, he began signing... somehow, despite the shokcof this boy singing in a far deeper voice than his own, that seemed to echo with every note, Nicole found herself profoundly calmed and soothed by the song. Looking down at little Nina for a moment as she clung to her, it was clear that the song held some sort of important meaning to her with the wide-eyed look on her face, staring dumbfoundedly at Julian as he sang. Nicole barely heard the word "pan" croaked out of the poor girl's mouth, then a second time, louder now, before suddenly to girl detached herself from Nicole and came rushing deep into the forest.

Nicole found herself running after the girl without thinking, but then turned around to shout "Well? Anyone else coming? The girl may be onto something!" Back at the group before rushing to catch up with her again. Nicole would be heartbroken if this precious little girl, who seems to think of her as some sort of hero for an everyday act of kindness, had something happen to her whilst running off into the possible dangerous, changed forest on her own. Nicole glanced from side to side, then back every now and again to see if anyone was following, while keeping up with Nina and not losing sight of her if at all possible.

@Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven @thistle @Mitchs98
Ryan glared at Rori, barely registering the others until a deep, harmonous voice began singing. He whirled around in surprise when he realized it was Julian. His sister looked worried but made no move to help him, and that was when he realized it was because Nicholas had put a restraining hand on her arm. Ryan bristled at their contact, but everyone's attention was on Julian, who had returned to normal. "Pan!" A hoarse voice said, and Ryan turned to see the quiet girl running off in a seemingly random direction. Nicole, who had developed a bond with the girl, quickly hurried after her, stopping only to ask if anyone would follow. Ryan shrugged and and glanced at Rori. "Whaddya say?" Without waiting for any answer, he too began running, leaping over treeroots and anything else in his way. He overtook Nicole soon enough, the girl was no match against his speed, and caught up to Nina a few more steps later. "Do you know where you're going?" He asked her, only slightly out of breath. Even though Nina had short legs, she didn't seem to tire, running forward with a determined expression on her face. Ryan began to wonder if she was going to answer him, when they suddenly burst out of the woods and in a clearing, which in the middle stood a gigantic, towering tree. The Home Tree.

@thistle @DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing


Julian's sister grabbed his hand and took off after the peculiar girl, and Julian had to run twice as fast to keep up with Valora's longer legs. "Will...you..listen to me...now?" He asked in between heavy breaths. Valora, on the other hand, didn't seem winded at all. She slowed down to a stop and smiled down at her brother. "Yes. Now, come on." She slipped her hands under Julian's arms and lifted him up onto her back, carrying him as she began running again.


As the others began running, Nicholas cast a quick glance over his shoulder. Darkness loomed everywhere. They're coming closer. He realized. It seemed that even the NightEssence of the most powerful Dreamers combined couldn't keep the evil away. But Nicholas only smiled. He wasn't afraid of any NightMare.If dreams couldn't touch him, then neither could they. What he really needed to be catious of was something else...something in the midst of those ignorant, seemingly innocent Deamers. Any one of them, from Ryan to even the little Nina girl could be potentially dangerous. Shaking off his thoughts of unease, Nicholas gave the darkness a childish flutter-fingered wave before racing off towards where true danger awaited.
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Nina glanced over to Ryan, not answering his question as the entered a clearing, a large oak tree standing in the middle. The tree looked as old as time, reaching far above the other treats of The Forest." Pan.." Nina whispered, moving closer towards the tree. As she got closer, she could see that in some places, the bark of the tree was black. Like it had been hit with a plague." It's dying," Nina observed, looking up at the many lim branches, leaves falling down all around her.
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Alisa Ann

First someone started singing at random then Nina ran off after shouting Pan. Alisa wasn't sure who to check up on next, really. Though ultimately she decided to check on Nina. She quickly ran after her along with the rest, just as used to running as Ryan but not nearly as fast. After Nina came to a stop so did she, but by means of tripping over a tree root and falling face first into the ground accompanied by a small 'oof!'. Pushing herself up she rubbed the dirt and grass off of her face. She didn't approach Nina when she saw her, not yet at-least, instead she decided to watch and observe what she did. For all Alisa knew she could find the Seed.
Ryan moved forward, reaching up a hand to touch the immense tree. The rotten wood crumbled beneath his fingers and opened up a large hollow into the center of the tree. "Nina? I think you should look at this." He said, his voice uneven. Right in the middle of the giant oak tree stood a disturbingly intricate sculpture of a boy, crafted to look like he'd been turned, or encased in stone. A dreaded feeling descended in his heart as an image of Julian, possessed, singing with a disembodied voice sprung up in his mind. Let him think of hopes, not fate in stone. This was the 'him' in the song. And judging by the look on Nina's face, this was also her Pan.

@Elfia Nightwing
As Nina turned to look into hole her heart dropped in despair. No.. It can't be... She rushed inside the hole, ignoring the splinters to her arms and legs as she beushed her hand against the statute. " Pan..." She gasped, feeling her eyes rush with the threat of tears." You left me too.." She choked out, burying her face in his neck. The young girl shook in silent sobs as she latched onto what was her childhood friend. Onto who was her first love.

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Running through the forest after Nina, Nicole suddenly saw the boy named Ryan speed right past her, Nina still somehow keeping ahead of him with her little legs until suddenly, she came to a stop, not bothering to answer the question directed towards her. Panting by the time she finally caught up to the girl, Nicole skid to a stop and caught her breath with her hadns on her knees. Stand up straight and looking up at the Home tree, in all its majesty, she nearly smiled in remembrance of the first time she encountered this beautiful spectacle of surreal yet natural beauty, before she realized the ugly, sickly-looking patches along its bark. "...No... what's happening to it?" She spoke in barely a whisper, tears already threatening to roll down her cheeks. This place was the only peaceful, happy place she was guaranteed to be able to retreat to, around 8 hours a night, her solace from her dreary, stressful life in the real world, but now... it had turned into this. If Nicole needed any more reason to go along with Nicholas' mad ramblings and find those damned seeds, this was it.

Nicole forced herself to look into the hole Ryan had suddenly opened up in this formerly majestic and strong-looking tree by simply touching it, bidding herself not to think about how bad off her favorite place in both the dreamworlds the real world was now in order to keep her sanity at a high-functioning level. She stared into the hollowed-out trunk and squinted, from her location barely able to see the stature of a boy that looked hauntingly realistic. Her eyes widened upon hearing Nina gasp Pan's name in despair. So this... was who she'd been looking for? Nicole's gaze softened from a widened, shocked expression to an expression of pure sympathy, her eyes locked in a forlorn expression as, by motherly instinct more than anything, she began slowly stepping up behind Nina as she latched onto the statue so desperately.

Once behind the girl, Nicole gently and carefully put her hands on Nina's shoulder, careful not to startle the girl. In a gentle, consoling voice with just a touch of firmness and hope, she spoke. "I am very sorry m'dear... he must mean a lot to you... though I wonder... he must've called you here somehow, and so he must still be alive... there must be some way to change him back as well. After all, this is a dream, and anything is possible here."

@Elfia Nightwing
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With his hands shoved deep into both pockets Rori was one of the last to arrive, halting just at the clearing. Aside from the open stretch of grass that led to the massive tree and where everyone else gathered, the rest of the floor work was carpeted in a mass of roots twisting above the surface. Thicker than a man's forearm the individual braids snaked and twined into each other, some spiraled so tight they seemed to form one combined root. The massive tree as a whole would have been an impressive sight if not for the discolored patches that stained its surface.

Upon first glance he thought them parts of the tree that had been malnourished, the bark wan and gaining a gray, almost soot like tinge. But as he ran a wandering hand along the surface of one an entire chunk of degraded wood collapsed into his palm. It smelled of old, spoiled soil and was on the brink of decay. Rori turned his hand over and the slab of wood broke asunder instantly.

The rot had not seemed to stop there. The only reason why Rori remained steady of breath was because he had followed the stained yellowed tracks of those flying past him. Though the grass had been fresh underfoot, the moment their foot had touched ground the soil beneath had shrunk and withered in an instant, leaving behind a scattered and desecrated trail to follow. It was as though their very presence was poisoning the woods themselves and yet after hearing Nicholas's explanation, Rori could only pin it to the world's continual destruction.

He arrived where the others had come to rest, ducking beneath the awning of wood and entering the hollowed inside of the enormous structure, the space clear of anything aside from the single figure that stood in the middle. No human could obtain such perfect stillness and he saw how the eyes remained glazed and distant. Unaware of the girl who clung to him in earnest, the statuesque boy stared blindly past Nina, expression caught between wistful and longing as though he waited for someone of importance.
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Valora let Julian hop off her and back onto the ground before taking a look at her surroundings. The Home Tree was so big that at first she could even see it, dismissing it as a large slab of wood in the middle of the clearing before her. Then she took a step back and looked up, her breath stolen away by the stunning spectacle. From far away, an observer would be able to acknowledge that yes, the tree was large compared to the others. But nothing prepared Valora for the sight before her. The tree was so immense that even the blue sky had been split into small shards between its wide branches. The sheer size of the tree was almost impossible to comprehend in reality, since nothing that large and powerful could possibly exist. But here it was. And it was dying.

For the first time it struck Valora exactly how important and urgent their mission was. The people needed the DreamWorlds, and the DreamWorlds needed the people. Dragging her gaze away from the declining tree, she hurried into the wide opening and stopped beside Ryan. The girl who had led them here was hugging a statue, crying small, shuddering sobs that racked her small frame. On closer inspection, Valora saw that the carving was too detailed to be done, and this was the only time Valora had seen something so...utterly lifeless in the Forest.

A emerald glimmer caught her eye and she glanced down, spotting a shiny rock clutched in the stone boy's hands. "Guys!" She said breathlessly, "I think that's the Seed!" But how were they going to get it out? It seemed to Valora that the boy was way too precious to Nina, and she would never leave him here. Even if they could, what were they going to do? Pry the Seed out of his stone fingers? Nicole seemed to believe there was a way to save Pan, but she might have said that just to comfort Nina. Netherless, if there was one thing Valora trusted, it was Nicole's last words. This was a dream, and anything could be possible here.

@DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing @thistle @Mitchs98
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Nina tightened her hold on Pan when it became clear the he was holding the Seed. "No..." She whimpered, moving to shield Pan with her body. She couldn't let them hurt Pan, even if he held what they needed. Nicole she was almost sure of wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but that Nicholas. He seemed like the type to do whatever was needed to get what he wanted. "No, Nicholas..." Nina simply protested, burying her face into Pan's chest, like when he was still alive.
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Nicholas looked at the girl with barely concealed surprise. Did she really think he was going to use force to get the Seed? How...violent. That wasn't something he would do. "Don't worry, little girl." He said in a slightly mocking tone, "I wouldn't even dream of hurting your precious Pan." He hoped that she caught the pun, grinning at the sight of the child squirming with unease. She hugged the statue so tightly that Nicholas almost believed it would crumble in her unrelenting embrace before they even had to make a move. Nicole's words did nothing to soothe NIna, but the sheer ignorance of her suggestions made Nicholas want to laugh. She, and all the Dreamers were so gullible. They thought they were actually invincible in dreams? Ha, little did they know, someone much more dangerous was lurking around, waiting for the right moment to pounce. "Since you sound quite optimistic, Nicole, why don't you tell us how, exactly, do we turn Nina's beloved Pan back? From what I know, this wasn't done by anyone, it was done by the DreamWorld itself, acting to protect its Seed. I doubt it'll be anything but impossible."

@DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing
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Nicole stayed behind Nina for a moment, a saddened look on her face as she realized that words would do nothing to soothe the girl right now. Nicole shifted her gaze to look at the glowing viridian seed in Pan's hand... it was rather unfortunate for poor Nina that what everyone wanted and needed was in her Pan's hand. Nicole then decided, she would find a way to safely get this seed from him if it killed her. If there was indeed a way to turn back back to normal, Nicole would find it.

Nicole whirled around towards Nicholas and fixed him with a glare once his mocking remark was finished. "How Very dare you! You've no right to joke about the plight of this poor dear's friend when it does not concern you! We all have much reason to believe you'd do just that, you simply seem to be trying to protect your own massive ego!" Nicholas only replied with a jab at Nicole herself, causing her gaze to narrow so far she almost closed her eyes with disgust. She then took a deep breath, reminding herself he's trying to rile her up and she must not let him do so any further. Besides, t Nicole's perceptions he was dead wrong. She decided to focus more on attempting to prove him so rather than attacking the man himself, with words or otherwise. Though at this point, such a prospect was rather tempting indeed.

"I doubt you truly expect me to know something like that, and just because you may think it's impossible does not mean it truly is. Let's look at what we know about this situation: Nina knew how to get here somehow, was drawn here. I also have reason to believe that Pan's voice was the one singing through Julian there," she said nodding towards the boy she mentioned, "which to me seems to mean he must still be holding on. Besides, the very idea that the world itself sealed the seed like this and meant for no one to find it is ludicrous! Doesn't it need to be planted somewhere for the forest to continue existing?! You sir, are full of hot air and not helping in the cause which you implore us all to help you in."

She crossed her arms, glaring at him, momentarily seeming proud of her retort, then directed her gaze towards the rest of the group. "I dunno about you lot, but I believe that there must be a way to release the seed without harming pan, perhaps even of returning him back to normal. I am unsure how to go about this, and doubt my abilities would be of use to this cuase, but a few of you seem to know more of the dreamworlds than I do." Her gaze passed over Julian, Ryan and Valora especially. "If any of you have suggestions as to how we could achieve this, no matter how ludicrous they may seem upon first thinking them, let's hear them and try them." Her gaze passed expectantly over everyone in the glade, back straight, expression even and serious.

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Nina frowned at Nicholas joke. Did he really think this was a joke? That Nina wanted to hear Puns about the boy she loved? detaching herself from Pan for the first time, she walked calmly over him, raising her hand. Before anyone could stop her, Nina drew back her hand, slapping Nicholas hard across the face, leaving behind a red imprint of her hand. Her normally timid demure was replaced with one of anger as Nina frowned at Nicholas." Not... Funny... Thats really not funny!!" She croaked out, walking back over to Pan.

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The silence that followed was profound, only the sound of Nina's shoes scuffing through the grass to return to Pan's side filling the alcove. It appeared parts of the group were struggling to find an appropriate response to the situation, not knowing whether to tend to Nina or Nicholas. Deciding, Rori pushed from the wall.

“I have one.”

The reply came from an obscure direction, the vast amount of space throwing his voice from one side of their wooden confinement to the other. It resonated faintly, traveling up toward the endless ceiling of the tree to disappear as Rori approached. In one hand he clutched something round, the surface polished smooth and scintillating even in the dim light.

He acknowledged Nicole first, noting she did not look entirely displeased by Nina's action. "A suggestion, at your request," he began, trying to return everyone to the current issue at hand, "which no doubt contains the most room for argument. Whether we agree to test it out or not is entirely up to Nina.”

The bright splash of color on Nicholas’s right cheek warned Rori to be mindful of what he said. After this proposal though he had a feeling he would be the next to demonstrate Nina's disapproval.

Rori took a breath, reviewing his thoughts once more, then began to share. “As we’ve already been told, these Worlds exist because of the dreamers who inhabited them. They – us – fuel the existence of these places because of what we imagine and believe.” He held up his hand to reveal a piece of fruit that had dropped from a tendril belonging to the Home Tree. Inside its crystal blue flesh a bell-like chime emitted, stirred by Rori’s movement. The notes danced like a butterfly’s wing, light and fluttering. “This remains in sight before you because it is a manifestation of this world. Additionally, seeing me hold it like this further reinforces our perception of its existence. But even an inkling of doubt can affect it.”

Rori grew silent, now staring at the fruit. Rather than targeting the crystal drupe he focused on seeing the paleness of his palm and the extension of all five fingers, stitched with creases and the soft trace of veins that ran beneath the surface.

The tiny gourd began to fade before their eyes. Instead of shriveling up as though it had been plucked from the vine, it simply began to ebb out of existence, its glittering surface now faint and edging on translucent. Rori hefted his hand higher for them to see and the chime which emitted was a hollow echo. “This only stands here because the rest of you believe it still exists in some way or form. As a fragment that previously originated from this world, it may be another reason why this has yet to disappear.”

He set the crystal fruit to the floor where it returned immediately to its natural state, Rori once more acknowledging its presence. Then, looking past them to where Nina stood, he gazed at the statue of the boy, expression unreadable.

“Everything that exists in these worlds is accredited to those who imagined them. Essentially what stands before us is a byproduct of everyone’s dreams, and if that’s the case,” he continued in a reserved tone, “doesn’t Pan fall under the same category? Like these failing Dream Worlds, Pan's presence is waning. The only person seeming to anchor his continual existence to this world is Nina." His eyes fell to the floor, growing soft in thought. "And since the Seed isn’t tied to her memories of Pan, it would remain intact if they were somehow separated. In other words, Nina,” Rori finished, addressing the girl and the girl alone, "if you forgot about Pan, there would be a chance we'd be able to recover the Seed."

@Elfia Nightwing
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"N-no...No!" Nina hissed, tightening her hold onto the statue. Forget about Pan?! How could he even bring up the idea. "Pan...Pan is my friend! He was there for me, when those bad people hurt me! He didn't tease me, or pick on me or hit me! He didn't ignore me!" Nina was crying by this point, her grip on Pan wavering as she keep her eyes locked on Rori. "I'm not forgetting him! I'm not doing it!" Nina glared at all the other occupants to think very carefully about their choice of words.
Rori didn't hold it against Nina for reacting the way she did. Though he knew little of her, Pan's significance was not something to deny. The tears streaming down her face sent guilt stabbing through him, and for that matter Rori owed it to her to speak in an appeasing voice.

“As Nicole called it, this is only a suggestion, Nina. Not a permanent decision. But understand we are working against the clock. This place is dying. Look.” Rori bent and tore a handful of the grass, showing it to her as the pieces curled inward, aging before her eyes. “How much time we have left is unknown but the seconds are winding down quickly, and there are still three other Seeds to collect. Unless another idea is brought forth that may be our only choice.”

He had no desire to remove Pan from existence. Knowing he had been the one responsible for such a plan troubled Rori. But from a realistic stand point they needed to move on. The internal conflict raging inside of him was well concealed as he continued to watch Nina from behind an impassive mask. “What other options are there?”
Nicholas touched his cheek gingerly and gritted his teeth, Nina's blow ringing in his ears. The slap itself didn't hurt, and he supposed he kind of deserved it. It was the humiliation that made him furious. How dare she? But his anger soon dulled when Rori began convincing Nina to forget about Pan, and as she began crying, Nicholas laughed. "You stupid girl." He took a step closer to her, using his height as an advantage as he dwarfed her. "We're not going to let the DreamWorlds rip itself to shreds just to protect your Pan statue. What did you think? He was obviously meant as a sacrifice-"

Nick broke off as the Seed began glowing brightly, blinding those standing in the Home Tree. Squinting against the light, Nicholas watched as the statue's cold grey surface regained color slowly, softening from hard stone in warm, human skin. "Nina..." A low, pleasant voice hummed. At first Nick thought a new Dreamer had joined them, but then he realized - the sculpture had turned into a living, speaking boy, with soft tufts of brown hair and equally hazel eyes.

He closed his eyes briefly, as if succumbing to Nina's tight embrace, but then removed himself from her grip, even though it seemed to require a mental effort. "I missed you." He whispered. The two of them seemed to be wrapped inside their own small bubble, seeing no one else but each other.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you." He said to her, his eyes locked onto hers, which were shimmering with tears. "But I don't have much time." With a pained expression, he looked away from Nina, his gaze finally landing on Julian. "It's you." With three long strides, he made his way to the young boy, who had a striking resemblance to him. "Thank you for bringing her here." He said to a wide-eyed Julian.

"Nina." Pan said, taking her hand and pressing the emerald Seed into the palm of her hand. "You know I love you, and I always will. But..." Pan suddenly looked devastated. "The Forest requires a life for a life. I am the sacrifice." Using his long, slender fingers to wrap those of Nina's around the Seed, Pan clutched her hand tightly with his. "Maybe one day you'll finally be able to accept that...I don't exist. I never did." Pan smiled at Rori for realizing this. Perhaps these people will help Nina let go.

Pan pulled Nina into a hug for one last time, then gently released her, already fading into nothing. It was almost as if he was never truly here, leaving only the young girl sobbing, grasping at emptiness. All that was left was a patch of grass on the ground, with a plain white daisy flourishing in its center.

@Elfia Nightwing @thistle
"Pan!" Nina screeched, reaching for the disappearing boy, growing to more troubled and frantic as the boy grew fainter. No, no, no,no no no no no!!!!! Nina dropped to her knees when Pan fully disappeared, dropping to her knees in front of the daisy. "Pan...Pan...Pan!!" Nina screeched, letting out a inhuman screech of pain.

"Pan...No...You can't leave me too..." Nina whimpered, the glittering emerald remaining at her feet. She hated it, she hated this stupid world for taking away the one good thing in her life. "You got your stupid seed... But at what cost..." she choked out. Any attempts to comfort the girl were futile as she suddenly rose to her feet, those once hope filled eyes now dead and glassy.

"Let's move on to the next world..." And with that, Nina picked up the emerald, holding it close to her chest like a talisman. She didn't look at anyone, or make anymore comments, simply walking back out into the clearing.
Nicole found herself smirking a bit towards Nicholas after Nina slapped him. Nicole was inspired by the small girl standing up for herself in her current state of emotional turmoil. Her smirk faded the next second, as she continued looking over the others for thier suggestions. As Rori stepped up, Nicole watch him. After a while, her face dropped in a mix of shock and bewilderment. His idea actually made a degree of sense, Pan may not be real, but Nicole was unable to grasp why he thought it was okay to say that to Nina in her situation. Nicole tentatively looked over at Nina, worried what sort of response Rori's words would bring, and her reaction was mostly as expected, adamant on clinging to Pan. Nicole sighed, looking back over everyone hopefully. hoping someone else had another idea, or that she could come up with anything to try. Sadly, the latter was not happening. Nicole had no idea how to possibly resolve this, and Nina seemed unable to budge on her decision, of course.

Nicole gazed towadrs Nina with solemn eyes until she suddenly heard laughter. Listening to Nicholas' proceeding words, her eyes turned from shocked at just how cold this man seems to be, to another narrowed glare of absolute hatred. Just when she was about to slap Nicholas herself however, something amazing happened. Looking at the statue, her eyes gazed on in wonder as he came to life. Nicole's eyes momentarily sparkled with hope, as it seems Nina had gotten her wish just like that... but his words, the sad look on his face... Nicole nearly understood what he was getting at before he said it. In order for the forest to live, for some reason, he must fade away. Nicole stood still in shock, barely able to think and entirely lost on what had just happened. She wished greatly to comfort Nina, but it seemed that was impossible for now. She'd do whatever she could for the girl, but for now simply following her seemed like the best idea.

Glancing at Nicholas, she remembered his harsh words earlier and promptly approached him, slapping his other cheek even redder than the one Nina had hit. "You know what that's for, you heartless pig," she snapped at him, before turning around and beginning to follow Nina without another word. Thankfully though, the girl seemed strong, taking action immediately and choosing not to give u, even in an endeavor she didn't seem to have any reason to aid in anymore. Perhaps with time, Nina could truly move on and perhaps even be happy from time to time. Nicole surely hoped so, at least.
Nicholas saw Nicole's hand coming way before she even slapped him, but he made no move to defend himself. He'd finally provoked her into doing something, but the result was disappointingly unsatisfying. He was more than ready to leave this place anyway. As he took a step forward, a hand dropped onto his shoulder, halting him.

"Nicole. You know this isn't Nicholas' fault." Valora's voice said from behind him, making him flinch in surprise. Nick shrugged her hand off but stayed silent, a little touched by how she'd come to his defense, despite how mean he had been to her. But she couldn't prevent the slap, and his cheeks still stung with pain.

"Whatever. Let's go." He said. "Rori, you can conjure portals, right? Where should we go next?" He asked, hoping to distract the others from attacking him...again.


Ryan looked on in bewilderment as Pan was ressurected then faded just as quickly. He was having a hard time believing that they'd obtained the first Seed so easily, probably since there was the attachment Nina had to Pan and Julian's odd powers. But he doubted the next DreamWorld would yield its only Seedling so easily and he too glanced at Rori, waiting for his decision.

@DergTheDergon @thistle

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