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Fantasy DreamWorlds

Nicole's eyes widened in surprise as the girl named Valora came up behind Nicholas, seeming to try and comfort him with her hand upon his shoulder. As she spoke up to Nicole, the young woman found herself pausing for a moment, and feeling slightly guilty fro her actions even. "Yes, well. He's still guilty of the awful things he's said to Nina." Her eyes shifted back towards Nicholas and said "We're all lucky that she's still cooperating with us. You could stand to show more respect for everyone. Might make things a bit easier on you." Showing not even a hint of emotion on her face, Nicole subsequently continued following Nina. Nicole greatly respected Valora for what she just did, truth be told. Nicole has never had the patience nor the desire to show sympathy for people who make a bad impression on her, but the idea that someone else was kind enough to do so was admirable. Nicole herself had always been very black-and-white about how she treats people, and honestly she was a bit ashamed about it.

Pushing such thoughts aside for now, Nicole observed the others as they all trudged onto the next destination, her head turning towards Rori expectantly as Nicholas asked a rather astute question. She found herself, despite the rather low mood of the party at the moment, quite excited about exploring new dreamworlds. Nicole only ever remembered dreams of the forest, after all. She also, although this thought was strange and saddening to her, was rather eager to leave this place, if only not to have to see the current state of it anymore. The decay all around her, especially the sickly-looking home tree, was devastating to see.
Alisa Ann

Alisa just sat there observing and watching everything unfold with a saddened sympathetic expression on her face. It seemed Nina had finally found Pan, yet..it didn't matter. Pan was petrified, an immobile stone statue. Though, that didn't seem to matter to her, she still cared for him. She couldn't help but feel bad for her, after who knew how long she'd finally found her friend..yet she couldn't talk to him, just hug his seemingly lifeless statue.

Alisa, like Nicole, believed there was a way to save him however. He'd reached out to her, after all, meaning he clearly wasn't dead. Though..they needed the seed before the world died. She wasn't about to heartlessly suggest they destroy Pan to get to the Seed however, no, she wasn't that cruel. When Rori suggested that Nina forget about Pan Alisa was honestly shocked, though she knew the girl would immediately disagree.

Nicholas' words just the expected reactions, honestly Alisa probably would of done the same thing had Nina not did it herself. Though the action was honestly unexpected from her, she couldn't help but grin in slight amusement briefly. Try as she might, she couldn't think of a suggestion that didn't have a chance of injuring Pan. Thankfully and sadly the issue soon resolved itself as Pan came back to life...only to dissapear and leave Nina alone with the Seed a few minutes after.

Instead of giving up like she'd expected Nina to do, Nina was the first to suggest continuing onwards. Silently Alisa stood up and jogged a bit until she caught up with her, slowing her pace when she did. She remained silently as she walked, not exactly sure what to say even if there was anything to say. "Ya...is sorry for what happened. Ya knows he was important to vy.." She finally told her before sighing, unsure of what to say further. Typically she would hug her, but she wasn't sure if that would just make the situation worse or not. So for now she just silently walked alongside her.
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From where the boy had disappeared a multitude of slender white petals waved back at Rori from the ground, its canary yellow eye staring upward as he stood directly above it. No wind passed through and its lingering movements, he assumed, were the last trace of Pan’s magic.

A simple piece of beauty, soon to fade like the rest of the World.

His shoulders rose and then fell, the action weighted. “Would things have been different if I'd remained quiet?” he asked the single flower. He was not seeking an answer, nor did he wish to receive one as the daisy kept its silence. Pan had already admitted a sacrifice had been necessary to achieve the Seed.

Still, that had been the second look of despair for the day. No doubt everyone was finding some way to cope, Nina being the first to depart as she clutched the Seed in mourning.

A harsh crack broke the air and Rori turned in time to catch Nicole’s hand follow through on a blow to Nicholas. To his credit, Nicholas restrained himself, though Rori could see how much of an effort it cost him to do so, spotting the rigidness in his slim frame. For as little as they’d known one another those two in particular were inclined to trade insult than conversation.

Bodies shifted and a new face appeared between them as Valora managed to pacify the altercation. There were a few exchanged words and before he knew it, Rori found himself being the target of conversation.

“Portals?” he said with enunciation, stressing the ‘s’. “If you’re asking me to summon multiple portals simultaneously than you’ll receive nothing more than a few sparks from the fingertips. On the other hand, conjuring a single portal for all of us to filter through – that I am capable of.” Rori paused and considered their next destination. “There was a piece of coral I meant to revisit before this night was over.”

Walking to them he flicked his fingers and the shimmering doorway appeared, hovering beside Julian. Unlike last time Rori realized distantly that he would be transporting more than twice the number of people than before. He steeled himself and asked, “Where did Nina and Alisa run off to? I’m still working on fine tuning this blasted thing. I’d hate to shut it and open up another, only to spill them miles away from everyone else.”

@Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98
Nina glanced at Alisa, nodding to show that she knew her friend was there but she said nothing. She kept replaying what had just happened in her mind, clutching the Seed tighter as she felt Nicholas look at her. " I...Pan...Wasn't imaginary to me.." Nina frowned, clutching the seed tighter and tighter.

" He was my friend...and more. I... I loved him so much that it hurt sometimes... And I knew that he loved me..." At this point tears were rolling down her cheeks as Nina dropped to her knees curling into a ball." But it still wasn't enough... I couldn't save him... I couldn't be with him anymore..." Nina sniffled, wiping her eyes." I just want this all to end..." After a few more shed tears she stood up, walking over to the rest of the group. "Can I keep this? I'll take care of it!" Nina asked, holding up the seed. Her tone was almost as if the Seed was a puppy.
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Valora withdrew her hand from Nicholas' shoulder just as quickly as she put it there. She'd said what she had to, even though he didn't seem to appreciate what she had done for him.

It was time to move on to the next World, and though she feared that the next challenges would affect them even more, they had to save the DreamWorlds. The things they had to face were the only defenses the DreamWorlds had against outsiders, and only through this way were they able to prove themselves worthy. Valora supposed it made sense. The Seeds weren't mere pips that grew into different plants, each one of them contained a universe of its own. If the Dreamers had expected an easy journey, they would not have gone far.

Nina's shaky voice pulled her out of her thoughts, and Valora turned to look at the young girl. She gripped the Seed so tightly that her knuckles had gone white, and her eyes were still red from crying. When Valora heard her plea she felt her heart tug, as she sympathized with this child. She understood how it felt to lose someone dear and be left to wonder if they ever even existed.

"Alright." Valora smiled at the girl, patting her head gently. "But you have to promise you wouldn't lose it." Valora was almost sure that Nina would never let the Seed out of her sight, and that the heart of the Forest would be safe with her.

@Elfia Nightwing


Ryan frowned at Nicholas' request, not liking how they depended on Rori for means of travel to the other DreamWorlds. What if Rori's control over the portals weakened? They would be lost in between dreams, bits of their subconscious scattered all over the place. At the thought of this, Ryan shuddered involuntarily. No way he was going to let that happen. But he'd gone through Rori's portals once, not really thinking it through at that time, and the link seemed stable enough. And other than that, Rori seemed like someone who knew his limits. Though Ryan hadn't known him for long, he had no choice but to trust him for now. "Then we should get going." He said, gesturing at the dying forest all around him. "Hopefully the other DreamWorlds are holding out better than this one. Whenever you're ready, Rori." He nodded at the boy as a vote of confidence.

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Nicole walked with the group, keeping nearby Nina and Alisa, who where the members of the group that had her her trust the best so far. Nicole did not fully trust anyone here, except perhaps Nina who Nicole couldn't imagine betraying the group. Silently walking nearby, a slight smile adorned her features as she listened to the strange foreign girl, Alisa, attempt to console Nina and actually seem to do an alright job of it despite the situation. Nicole sighed, a bit guilty now that she herself had not attempted to comfort her during this journey, yet she could tell simply by the way Alisa acted that Nicole's to open up and make others feel comfortable around her was not up to par with the foreign girl's.

Nicole politely turned towards Rori as he brought up the subject of portals, and despite the situation giggled a bit when the boy put so much emphasis on his inability to make several portals at once when Nicole was unsure that Nicholas meant such as opposed to conjuring one protal fro everyone as he did once before. Rori was a strange one, that was for certain.

Turning and hearing Nina's plea, Nicole smiled towards her and was about so peak but Valora had beaten her to it. So, Nicole decided to simply nod towadrs the girl, hether she paid much attention or not. "I second that. The seed should be safe with her," Nicole spoke to the group at large. She then went silent again as the group slowly gathered in the clearing, not feeling that any words needed to be said. As the portal opened , Nicole stepped tentatively closer and peered in, trying to see the world on the other side, wide-eyed with wonder for a moment and a bit anxious about stepping through. Once others decided to step through Nicole would take a deep breath and do the same.
Nina hugged the Seed tighter. It felt light in her arms, almost like a pebble. She wished that she had a backpack to carry it in, knowing she would feel safe to feel the weight on her body. Just as the thought crossed her mind, she felt something touch her back and shoulders. When she touched it, there was cloth under her fingers. A backpack! Pulling it off, Nina inspected the bag. It looked big enough to hold the seed and a few other objects. The brown cloth looked sturdy, and it fit perfectly.

Nina smiled happily, stuffing the seed inside the cotton bag, swinging back around. What a great find! With that, Nina skipped over to the portal, feeling the seed bounce against her lower back. "Nicole!" Nina called, following after the older girl. "Wait for me!" And with that, Nina entered the portal that would send them to their next world.
Alisa Ann

Alisa had put a hand on Nina's back as a means to comfort her silently as she started crying, the same small frown on her face from before. Beyond what she had said she wasn't fully sure what to say to her. Luckily she seemed to of perked up a bit later asking about keeping the seed. She turned to listen to what the others had to say, a small smile on her face as they approved of Nina keeping the seed. Which only proved to make her happier. Alisa sighed to herself, glad the girl was happy now. She wondered if she knew she had her powers judging by the reaction whenever she summoned things, probably not. "
Wait for menya!" She called out once she noticed everyone shuffling into the portal. Running she tripped at the edge of it, practically causing her to dive into it.
How odd, how odd. She swam through the abandoned area, the only sound reaching the girl's ears being that of her own hurried breathing. The DreamWorlds, normally so full of life and energy, now seemed as if a hush was placed over it. Anelie saw no one and heard no one, this was definitely a worrying situation. She never exactly visited the DreamWorlds for the company per se, but to suddenly find herself in a place all alone... it was a little frightening.

Feeling a twinge of panic coil through her, the girl's pace picked up speed as she swam through the shimmering water. The beautiful scenery did nothing to alleviate her panic and, truthfully, the still water and singular tower in the distance only seemed to enhance the feeling of isolation. "Hallo?" she called out, her voice sounding lonely in the empty space. "Ist hier jemand?"
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As Nina and Alisa returned to the hollow, Nicole in tow and shepherding the girls with certain fondness, Rori set to work on finalizing on their destination. He wasn’t entirely sure where one was to dump a group of teenagers and a young child in order to find the next Seed. The Ocean was a floor work of stars and a flourishing mass of coral – to find something that fit in the center of one’s palm could be anywhere, quite frankly.

At least with the Forest they had been given some kind of lead thanks to Nina. But Rori only thought that pure luck on their half. Who knew what this next place had in store.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nicole shuffled closer to the portal.

Faced with a swirling, dark maw – the edges glowing with hypnotic light – it was only right for it to fetch some form of attention.

Before she drew too close Rori, in a half conscious gesture, straightened an arm to the side, palm facing the door as if to catch whatever the shadows decided to spit out at him. “Stepping into a portal before an image is correctly formed could provide terrible results,” he advised and turned a mild smile on her. “But I don’t blame your curiosity. Occasionally I wonder what would happen if I stepped through without a location in mind.” Rori’s head cocked to the side as an ivory flower, twined expertly in her blond tresses, caught his eye. It stood out to him, a notable characteristic. Inspired, the darkness behind them coalesced into a picture the next moment, rearranging itself until the weighted depths of the Ocean appeared. Playing the main star attraction, the glass tower winked back in a rainbow of color as the remaining coils of shadow evaporated.

The image sunk into his mind’s eye like a key being set forth into a lock. Rori held it firmly in place – and not a moment too soon as Nina, with sudden sprightliness, dashed straight into the next World, hands gripped tight into the strap’s of a backpack that Rori could have sworn had not been on her shoulders from before.

As she entered, a metaphysical hand pushed gently at his mind. Nothing entirely uncomfortable but he was jostled once more as Alisa followed quickly after, stumbling over her feet. The two had been short enough to pass beneath his arm that had barred Nicole from stepping closer. It lifted and turned, now beckoning for the others to enter.

“I’ll follow last,” Rori said, “just to make sure things run smoothly here.”

@JayfeatherRaven @DergTheDergon
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Nicholas watched as Ryan lept into the portal after a slight moment of hesitation, puzzled by the boy's sudden belief in Rori's portals. Ryan didn't come off as those who accepted others easily, but here he was, diving into the portal like he'd known Rori Touling all his life. Nicholas watched as Valora came up next, her brother holding her hand in a vise-like grip. Valora's face was as white as a sheet, and it was clear that she'd never seen a portal before, let alone gone through one. When her eyes, darting nervously around, caught his, he smiled mockingly. "After you." He said. Valora gave him a wavery smile and to his surprise, Nicholas found his smile turning geniune. Taking a deep breath then holding it, Valora plunged into the portal and the Ocean, Julian clinging tightly onto her.

Rori stated that he would go last, but Nicholas noticed the beads of perspiration beading on his forehead. It seemed that holding a portal open for so long was quite taxing, and it was as if he bore the weight of every single person who'd gone through. But it was only right for him to stay behind last, seeing that even if he lost connection to the Ocean, he could always wait until he regained his strength and then make another one. Nicholas finally moved from his spot, first stopping to pick up the rapidly wilting daisy on the patch of grass that was once Pan, then crossed over to the portal. "See you on the other side." He said to Rori before walking into the swirling vortex.

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Just as before the weight that collapsed on his mind was astounding. Every pair of feet that left one World and landed into the next felt…entirely wrong. It was as if the gateway was aware that the person stepping through its passage did not belong to its master, and as such threw a fit, in which the response came in the form of metaphysical fists that beat against Rori himself.

Like a child throwing a tantrum, Rori found it hard to ignore. He barely made out the words Nicholas tossed his way before disappearing.

The burst of pain in his temple signaled Nicholas had appeared the next second and Rori, exhaling a burdened breath, glanced at Nicole. She was the only one that remained. “It tickles, nothing more,” he ensured as Rori, seeking distraction, hid both hands into his back pants pockets, rocking back and forth to ease the discomfort. "Though if you wish to stay and chat here, I don't mind either." It was meant to entice movement, to have Nicole through the portal, and nothing more, the slight tug at his lips holding only innocent humor.

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As Nicole stood still in the clearing, examining the portal with wide-eyed curiosity, Nicole was broken from her reverie as Rori's arm moved within her peripheral vision, held out horizontally to block her from getting too close. At his words, she nodded, stepping back a few paces, a bit scared by his sudden warning yet intrigued by it as well. "Ah, I see... I didn't intend to step in yet, just simply observing... thanks for the warning, though." She flashed a warm smile at the boy, which turned into a rather confused and slightly bewildered expression as he noticed Rori was now silently staring at her, head cocked aside as if lost in through. It looked as though he was staring at her hairpiece, the white flower she wore nearly everywhere. Just as she was wondering why he'd find this everyday part of her attire so interesting all of a sudden, out of her peripheral vision she noticed the image projected on the swirling face of the portal was complete. On the other side was a world Nicole had never seen before, looking to be a vast ocean, just as fantastical as this forest.

Just as Nicole was pondering when to step through, a bright, energetic voice was heard from behind. It was Nina, calling for Nicole to wait for her. Nicole smiled whilst looking back at her, only to gaze at the portal with wide-eyed surprise as the very next second, she disappeared right through it. Her attention was then called back to Rori. The moment the suddenly optimistic girl entered he seemed to be in pain. Alisa, who'd been standing nearby as well, seemed to trip and fall into the portal. Nicole then realized.... with every subsequent person entering the portal, he seemed to be in yet more pain. While worrying over others this much had been unfamiliar to her, this caused Nicole's mind to fade from the world for a moment, staring at him worriedly, not even aware how many had passed through the portal by the time she was snapped out of her sudden strange, thoughtless state by Rori's pained voice. That entire time, Nicole had felt that she had to help him but could not think of anything to do, and only now did she realize that this entire time she'd been gawking at him like a fool.

Barely understanding his words, Nicole focused in on the conversation to distract from her slight embarrassment. "I find that hard to believe... you sure you'll be alright?" At his next words Nicole found herself glancing around, only now realizing that she was the last one here, and felt her cheeks grow hot with yet more embarrassment. She'd spent so much time standing there, gawking and worrying over this boy that she'd forgotten to do the one thing that would probably ease his pain, step through the bloody portal! Still, Nicole found herself grinning back at his little quip, and the smirk tugging at his face despite the pain, beofre promptly taking a deep breath and finally stepping through.

The first thing that hit Nina as she walked through the portal was a feeling of weightlessness. The feeling only lasted for a few seconds before the feeling of gravity came crashing down around her. Not even able to let out a scream of surprise, Nina was plunged inside crystal blue water, clinging desperately to the bag as to not drop it.

It's salt water! Nina thought, struggling to the surface as she felt water flood her nostrils and mouth. Nina had been underwater before, remembered the feeling of her throat burning, her body growing heavier,she didn't feel any of that.Nina thought back to the swimming lessons she took when she was seven, to kick her legs and use her arms to propel her through the water. It seemed like a eternity before she reached the surface, coughing up water as she looked around. There was water for are far as the eye could see, save for a large tower in the distance. " Nicole! Alisa!" Nina screeched, coughing up water as she searched for her friends."Anyone! Please!" She was struggling to keep her self afloat and keep hold on the Seed, growing exhausted from overexerting herself.
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It was a brief act of reassurance. Or camaraderie. The latter seemed too soon to determine seeing as they’d hardly exchanged words with one another. Still the smile Nicole returned was a welcoming response as she fell through the portal, spelling encouragement.

The vision wavered as he felt her arrive on the other side, and Rori clutched his head briefly to collect himself. Things would grow challenging if this pain became a continual side effect. For now only improvements could be made from here. Hopefully.

Grimacing, the young artist turned, plunging into the next World.
Unexpected laughter burst out of Julian's lips as he watched Nina thrash in the water, but he quickly covered it up with a polite cough. Drifting to her side, he reached out to steady her. "Um, I believe you can breathe and float as soon as you calm down. Gravity and air do not affect us here." He said to her, all the while avoiding getting splashed in the face by her flailing arms.

@Elfia Nightwing


Valora took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the brightness underwater, feeling her body lose weight and her brown hair waft around her head like a crown of mist. She instantly felt peace overtake her as she always did in the Ocean, protected in its infinite mass of liquid. It was a bit like travelling in space, and her limbs felt airy and light, moving with ease. The Tower stood in the center as it always did, like a lighthouse that always guided the lost. Valora began to move towards it, certain that the Seed would be hidden there. But she froze when a new, melodic voice reached her ears, one that did not belong to any other Dreamer. She strained to look further, but all she could make out was a slight figure, with blond hair so pale that it seemed almost white in the light. "Oof!" Someone bumped into her from behind, causing her to momentarily lose balance. Spinning around, she found Rori just as the portal blinked out of existence behind him.

@Iomana @thistle
If there was one DreamWorld Ryan absolutely disliked, it would be the Ocean. His stomach dropped and he felt nausea overtake him the instant he exited the portal, and he began to wonder if losing himself in the portal would be better than...this. He hated the loss of gravity and everything solid, and he'd never been a big fan of the seas, even back in reality. Swallowing back bile and putting his hand on Nicholas' shoulder to steady himself, Ryan closed his eyes to stop the world from spinning. "Ngh." He pressed his hand to his abdomen. "Give me...just a second." He groaned.

When Valora stumbled, Nick's hand moved halfway to support her, but at the last second he thought against it. His hand dropped limply to his side. What was he doing anyway? He couldn't show any attachment towards any of these people. He knew that the Dreamers were more than what meets the eye, and he couldn't let his guard down for a single minute.

A trembling hand gripped his shoulder suddenly, and he jerked it back. He turned around to see a sickly Ryan, his face green and looking like he was making a conscious effort to not throw up in the water. "Get off me." Nicholas growled, his face souring in disgust. His hatred towards the boy had not dampened at all, and moving to another DreamWorld did nothing to lighten Nick's mood. The Ocean looked normal enough, with glistening water and a strong Tower, and at first it seemed like the decay hadn't caught up to it yet. But on closer scrutiny, the usual colorful coral reefs had lost their luster. This World, like all the others, was falling apart.

Suddenly, a dark something appeared in the water, a small group of kids spilling out from it. Surprised, Anelie momentarily paused in the water, her hair gently swaying around her as she watched them. Where had they come from? Suddenly giving a small start, the girl gave her head a small shake. It didn't matter where they had come from, she finally ran across some people! Eagerly swimming up to the group, her eyes scanned each member as a relieved smile lit her face. "Gott sei Dank! Wo sind all die Leute?"

A worried frown cut through her relieved expression as she floated in place, brows furrowed with one hand reaching up to nervously tug at a piece of her hair. "Es ist völlig leer, ich habe nicht eine einzige Seele zu sehen...Oh! Es tut mir leid, ich habe vergessen, mich vorzustellen. Mein Name ist Anelie."

Alisa Ann

Rather than panic like Nina, Alisa quite liked the Ocean, really. Alisa looked around, mostly searching for the Seed. Of course, it'd more than likely be in the tower reminiscent of Golden Sun's Mercury Lighthouse..but eh. Soon after a girl she assumed was German came over speaking to them. Now, see, German and Russian were a bit similar. Some of the words were the exact same and such. To Alisa it was about the same as trying to understand English, maybe a bit harder. As far as she was aware none of the rest spoke German or Russian. It was a good possibility Anelie did, however, or at-least they could partially communicate between languages.

Therefore Alisa was the first to approach her. Before she attempted to speak Russian, she tried English. "Hi Anelie! Ya is Alisa. Ya..isn't too sure what vy said though. Do vy speak English? Or maybe Russian?" She asked.
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Normally at the mercy of his temperamental portals, in which he was never tossed in the same location twice, Rori often had the luck of landing on the bottom most part of the Ocean itself. So when he found himself tumbling into nothing but open water, it felt right to widen his eyes in frank disbelief.

Cushioned by oceanic arms Rori rotated about, refacing the gleaming gateway, and tipped backwards onto his back. Now that everyone had finished passing through including himself, only a faint throbbing knocked on the forefront of his skull. Nevertheless it did feel nice to recline on his back and catch his breath, sunlight winking down at him as he closed the gate.

The only con about mindlessly drifting face up was paying little heed to what floated before you. As such the thick mass of shifting hair that tangled in his fingers came as quite an alarm to Rori. Hearing an exclamation of being effectively jostled, Rori twisted onto his stomach to face the person, careful not to twist his hands as he did so.

“The only time I decide not to land on my feet and this happens,” Rori sighed in a stream of bubbles as Valora’s profile came into view.

A confused look settled over the blonde's features before understanding dawned in her expression and she gave a vigorous nod. "English? Oh! Sorry sorry, yes, I can speak it." Slipping into the new language easily it seemed the only hint of her Austrian heritage was present in her accent. Looks like all of English classes in school were actually good for something, and her parent's insistance that she be somewhat proficient in the language was useful as well.

"I'm sorry, I was so relieved that I didn't think. Have you all seen anyone else? I've been swimming around for a while but you're the first group of people I've seen."

Iomana said:
A confused look settled over the blonde's features before understanding dawned in her expression and she gave a vigorous nod. "English? Oh! Sorry sorry, yes, I can speak it." Slipping into the new language easily it seemed the only hint of her Austrian heritage was present in her accent. Looks like all of English classes in school were actually good for something, and her parent's insistance that she be somewhat proficient in the language was useful as well.
"I'm sorry, I was so relieved that I didn't think. Have you all seen anyone else? I've been swimming around for a while but you're the first group of people I've seen."

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled and shook her head, "
No no, it's fine. Ya kind of did the same thing as vy actually." She replied. "And no, ya doesn't think there are anymore people. Ya is actually kind of shocked to see vy." She added. She like her, she was pretty interesting. She seemed kind and easy to talk to, at-least. Which was more than she could say for one or two members of the group. Mostly Nicholas, possibly Rori. She mostly didn't like Rori for the fact of him suggesting for Nina to forget Pan. She still felt bad for the girl, honestly she was glad that she seemed to be taking it pretty well. In all honesty Alisa couldn't say she would be able to do the same.

Nevertheless, they'd incurred another member into their group. Thus she felt it pertinent to ask what she knew of the situation. "
How much do vy know about what's going on?" She asked her. She was more than willing to explain it as best she could, should she know nothing, which she was beginning to think she didn't.
Valora laughed, a little surprised by Rori's abrupt entrance but unharmed by his movements. "How long have you used DreamLinking? It must be convenient, getting to go to wherever you want." If Valora or her brother could have obtained this power, they would be able to find their parents much more efficiently. Then she thought of her own DreamAbilities, and added another question, "Are there...any limits to your power, other than overexerting yourself?"

Tumbling through the portal, Nicole's eyes suddenly lit with wonder as she momentarily forgot she was falling. She'd never seen the Ocean before, nor the Metropolis, only the Forest. She always had this feeling other worlds existed and that she could reach out and dream in them, but it felt like there was something blocking her from doing so. Such thoughts always faded as she took in the splendor of the Forest, so until now she honestly hadn't paid the idea of other dreamworlds mind until she found herself in this bizarre and seemingly dire situation. Landing in the water, Nicole began to kick her feet to stay above water before she realized something: even falling from above the water into it, there was no sting, no feeling of being immersed in water. The water seemed to be there, but have none of the trappings of normal water. In a moment of curious inspiration, Nicole ducked under the water and was excited and bewildered to notice that she could breathe freely here... it was just dark. Then, a thought came to mind... this place seemed so vast, and the vision so low, how in the world were they going to find this world's seed? At the very least, the signs of this world dying didn't seem to be around the surrounding area, or were more subtle at least. Seeing the obvious rot and decaying the forest nearly broke Nicole's heart, and as selfish and avoidant as it may sound, she was glad that perhaps such disheartening sights weren't as common here.

Being broken out of her reverie by nearby voices, Nicole swam over to the others and overheard Julian attempting to explain what Nicole had just observed to little Nina. Swimming over to the young ones, Nicole confidently swam up to Nina and in a calm, reassuring voice said "The boy's right, Nina.. this water poses no danger. Took me a while to figure it out myself." Nicole glanced down at the seed Nina was carrying and found herself smiling. The way she guarded that seed, the reminder of her dear friend Pan, like her life depended on it was touching. Nina didn't seem to realize it herself, but Nicole could tell she was an extraordinarily strong young girl.

Once done conversing with Nina for a while, Nicole found herself glancing around for Rori as a new girl was found and Alisa started to get along with her quite well.. Nicole smiled a bit that they had found another one like them, another to help search for the seed, but she seemed occupied at the moment with being introduced by the others. Nicole took this time to find Rori with her eyes, who was underneath the water nearby, slowly floating up. How'd he gotten into that predicament? Nicole had landed on the surface, and she swore all the others had as well. Nicole swam over towards Valora when she realized that Rori was about to unknowingly float up right into into her, and opened her mouth to give a warning before realizing, as Rori's hand hit the surface that she was too late.

@thistle @Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven
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