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Fantasy DreamWorlds

Nina's eyes widened when she saw the monster letting Alisa pull her away. She wanted to write something but the pull had caused her to drop the notepad. "What is that!?" Nina looked behind, she could see the Nightmare was gaining on them, and fast. "Alisa!!!" Nina screamed, squeezing her hand tighter. "I can't...I can't run anymore..." she gasped, collapsing to her knees.
The old woman disappeared beneath the NightMares' attacks, and now that their prey had vanished, the shadows looked around wildly for new targets. Their glowing red eyes zoned in on two fleeing girls, and their mouths, dripping with black gunk, widened into gruesome grins.

@Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98


Ryan smiled at Rori's suggestion. Finally, they were about to actually do something, not just stand there. He cast a look at the quiet girl beside him, unsure if she understood what they were discussing. But his impatience got the best of him and he nodded towards Rori. "Good idea. Let's go." With a final glance at the girl, he prepared to step into the swirling portal. If the girl wanted to come, she would follow. Reassured by his own theory, Ryan walked through the portal and into the other DreamWorld.

@thistle @Lunar Lunacy


Valora gulped, not liking the way how suddenly, all of the attention was on her. Nicholas was having trouble meeting her eyes, and the girl was glancing at her expectantly. The conflict between them apparently hadn't been resolved, but somehow they'd managed to draw Valora right into the midst of it. "Well, ah..." She began, but then was cut off when a portal opened in the air right before them, and a boy with familiar blond hair stumbled out.

"Ryan?" She asked, bewilderment clear in her voice. What was her schoolmate doing here? Behind him, the portal was still active, glowing with the faint image of tall buildings. There was only one DreamWorld capable of that kind of architecture, and so Valora supposed Ryan had popped straight out of the Metropolis.

Nicole kept looking towards the girl expectantly, but then realized after some time that she may not answer. She seemed very nervous about the fact all this attention was rounded on her, but perhaps she should have expected that after giving Nicole a reason to be suspicious of her. Nicole's attention was tolen by a strange nearby sight, attracting Valora's attention as well. Suddenly this world didn't seem so empty as a blonde boy appeared from the mouth of a strange door to what looks like another dreamworld, the metropolis Nicole remembered dreaming of long ago, but had forgotten about when she began dreaming in the forest instead.

"Another dreamer? One would think we're dime a dozen by this point.... ah, Valora, you know him... more and more interesting by the moment. Ryan, was it? Would you be a dear and help us get some information out of this sad little man?" She nodded towards Nicholas coldly. She seemed almost unbothered by Ryan's sudden appearance. She'd seen stranger things in this world, after all, and nothing seemed to make sense anymore after the DREAM gas had been released anyway. For now she was concerned about trying to find out what this Nicholas was hiding, as she felt like it was something important.

Prepared to follow after Ryan, Rori, partly turned in a last attempt to encourage the girl to follow, stiffened abruptly, muscles seizing. Any incentive to coax the young woman were forgotten as the distant cry of fear – notably much closer - pierced the air once more. Orienting in its direction, he went the edge of street that overlooked the slanting hillside and spotted the source.

About a quarter mile away two girls were racing frantically down an abandoned boulevard, legs pounding against the cement floor, arms pumping to gain whatever speed was left in their bodies. In the silence of the city their panicked breaths reached him from where he stood as Rori watched from the elevated landing. But that was not the only sound echoing upward.

A couple hundred yards behind, and gaining ground at frightening speed, a whirling mass of shadow flew after the pair in pursuit. Its wild howls fled into the sky and buried deep beneath his skin, Rori unable to suppress the tremble that shot down his spine. Every so often the sleek extension of a leg appeared, a slash of night in the broad daylight, four limbs appearing at random in the insidious shadow of a form.

Just then one of the girls collapsed into a heap, drawing her partner up short as her legs crumbled to the floor, head bent in exhaustion. The distance between predator and prey was suddenly closing at rapid speed.

Rori acted without hesitation, not questioning what he was about to do lest he freeze up. With the image of his destination embedded in mind, concentrating on the very spot where Ryan’s feet had landed, the portal blinked out of reality and Rori, almost feeling as though he gripped it with one hand, sent the gateway flying toward the girls.

The weight left his palm and for one anxious second he feared he had sent it spinning out of existence, forcing him to watch the cold murder that was about to take place. But then the air shimmered before the girls and the portal yawned open, obliging his command. He thought to sigh with relief but there was no opportunity for it.

What connected Rori to the hurled portal felt like the thinnest of strings stretched taut, ready to snap and send it winking into nothingness the moment his concentration faltered. The barest flickering told him the Forest was in view for the pair to see and yet he hadn’t prepared himself for the initial consequence. The pressure weighing down on him was astounding, as if someone had taken a cinder block and asked him to balance it on his head without letting it tip over.

Feeling the strain on his mind, Rori snatched the railings of the guard and leaned over as far as possible to shout the single command that he hoped would spur the girls into a final action.


@Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98
As the nightmare closed in Nina braced herself for her last breaths, when she suddenly felt a surge of energy. She looked around for the source and found a shimering portal leading to god knows where. Just then she heard a boy yell at her and Alisa and that was when Nina jumped inside the portal without a second thought, just as the monster lunged at the spot she was in.
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Alisa Ann

Alisa had tripped when Nina collapsed seeing as she was dragging the girl along and hadn't expected her to get out of breath so easily. The NightMare was gaining fast and was almost upon them, there was no way she could lift the girl, it was looking like the only option was to fight the thing. Thankfully about a minute later before that had to happen Rori opened a portal for them. She didn't have time to think him, nor time to do much else besides jump and enter the portal behind Nina seeing as the Nightmare was literally right beside her and collecting its thoughts after missing its attack on Nina.

She landed directly beside the girl in the Forest, realizing how out of breath she was and breathing heavily. "
Are vy..alright?" She managed to wheeze out.
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As soon as the pair jumped through Rori slammed the gateway shut, the beast spinning against the concrete as its maws snapped audibly on open space. The crushing weight on his mind lightened somewhat as Rori snatched the transporter back and spilled it open before him.

One last time the image of the Forest was produced, showcasing the girls as they tumbled onto the bed of grass. “We’ll be taking our leave as well,” declared Rori, and, pausing long enough to see the shock rendered across her face, he caught the girl by a single wrist and yanked her through the gateway after him, its glowing walls snapping shut not a second after.

@Lunar Lunacy
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Nina nodded, letting it be know she was still breathing. Her head was pounding from the impact, her stomach churned as if she would throw up any second, and her hands wouldn't stop shaking. But she was breathing, and that was all that mattered now. Slowly she looked up, glancing around the dense forest. She really wished she had her note pad to communicate with Alisa. As she shifted her hand around the soft grass her fingers felt a unfammilar object to ground. She looked down and saw another notebook with a pen on top. Perfect! Quickly ahe opened it up and scribbled down her message. Is this the Forest?
@thistle @whoever was with them(sorry I forgot >_>)

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled faintly when Nina confirmed she was alright save for exhausation. She was pretty exhausted herself, so she didn't really say anything else while catching her breath up until Nina wrote a question to her. She looked around the dense forest, kind of wandering why that was a question. She really wished the girl would speak though, it was harder for her to read english than speak it, but she'd managed decently well so far atleast.

She nodded before standing up and brushing grass off of her clothes and body. "Da. Ya is pretty sure this is the Forest. Ya has never seen so many trees otherwise." She replied. It was the she'd noticed Rori had followed them. "Privet(Hey)! Thank vy for saving us! Ya is Alisa, eto(this) is Nina." She told him, gesturing to Nina when she introduced her and smiling at Rori.
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Nicholas was momentarily caught off guard by the sudden income of unaffected Dreamers, but he quickly hid it with a triumphant grin. "Well, I suppose it's time I disclose my secrets, seeing that some of us are so eager for answers." He shot a wink at Nicole, who was almost shaking with anger. She didn't even seem to notice the newcomers, her eyes only fixed on his.

Nicholas, instead, swept his gaze past the others, looking anywhere but at Valora. They seemed to have attracted people of all kinds, but none of them looked dangerous, just confused and scared. The last boy who had leapt out of the portal should've been the one who created it, but he'd done quite a feat. Transporting oneself was easy, as long as you knew where you were going, but three, four people at once? That would require a devastating mental effort, and the portal had a higher chance of going haywire and transporting them to other...less preferred worlds. The dark haired boy was out of breath, his had gripping the wrist of the girl beside him. But Nicholas suspected that this contact didn't mean anything intimate, as the girl was still stunned into shock.

The next pair was two girls, one who seemed to be frantically scribbling onto a sketchpad. Nicholas was too far away to see what she wrote, but he guessed from the way the other girl stared at the paper, it was their means of communication.

Moving on, he spotted a boy with brownish blond hair and a dark scowl on his face. Valora seemed to recognize him, but Nicholas instantly distrusted him, though for what reason he couldn't explain. "Why don't we begin by introducing ourselves?" He said. "I'm Nicholas, and this pleasant lady beside me is Nicole Arden. And those two over there are Valora and Julian Sayers." He said without sparing them a glance.

@thistle @Mitchs98 @Elfia Nightwing @DergTheDergon @Lunar Lunacy
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A gasp, soft and pained, left his lips as Rori touched ground and shut the glowing hatch behind him. There had been a lot of firsts for this night, all measured in equal levels of bizarre, but the obliterating pain taking place right between his temples was by far the most disagreeable. It felt as though someone had reached straight inside his head, plucked out his brain and proceeded to wring it out dry, twisting the fleshy mass of all its cranial juices.

Realistically he would have dropped dead if that were the case, but at the very most Rori knew he was going to be sick if he stood up any longer. “Terrible, terrible idea,” he scolded himself and, fingers slipping from the thin wrist of the nameless girl, the glade rose up to meet him. It wasn’t a collapse so much as his knees hitting the ground, followed by a slow tuck of the shoulders as Rori, rolling to his back, stretched upon the grass.

The sunlight knocked lightly at the door of his eyelids and in response Rori covered his face, obtaining the general position for one who prepared to play hide and seek. The cool breeze touched his face in sympathy and progressively the throbbing in his skull began to abate, breath lightening with each exhale.

At the entrance of an unfamiliar voice Rori split the fingers of one hand and peeked through the slit to find one of the girls staring down at him. Her English was clear enough, despite traces of her native language slipping in, and her eyes were bright and friendly.

The expression was somewhat infectious as a wry smile of his own appeared, and in return he opened up his other hand, both eyes now addressing the young girl. “You’re entirely welcome. I don’t ever recommend hurtling a portal from two blocks away but it’s good to see you and your friend...” Rori tilted his head to see who Alisa addressed but found her companion facing the other way. “Made it safe,” he finished. “It must have been frightening to trust a stranger’s instructions but I’m glad you did.”

In the background Rori caught the tail end of another voice cutting through the glade, and seeing as the majority of the pain had subsided, he pushed himself into a sitting position. In addition to Ryan, his surly expression instantly recognizable, four other figures drifted across from he and Alisa. Having arrived late to the conversation, the context of it was unmissed as Rori heard a list of names tacked on. “Rori,” he replied on instinct, speaking loud enough for the others to hear, “Rori Touling.” The effort cost him and his vision swam unsteadily, but he gave Alisa a gentle nudge, encouraging her to do the same.

@JayfeatherRaven @Elfia Nightwing @Lunar Lunacy @DergTheDergon

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded and retained her friendly smile, if it weren't for him those NightMare things could've killed them both, though she wasn't entirely sure if it would of killed her in real life she doubted it. Following Rori's instructions were a lot less intimadating than staying near those things, for sure. It then became apparent there were more people there besides the four of them, people she hadn't recognized yet they were introducing themselves.

Rori introducing himself followed by him nudging her prompted her to introduce herself. "Ya is Alisa, Alisa Ann. Nice to meet all of vy." She replied.
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It was clear to Nicole by now that Nicholas was testing her... and admittedly doing a pretty good job. If she hadn't notice this she didn't know if she'd have the willpower to keep from screaming right now. Nicholas was lucky to Nicole's perceptions that there were so many people appearing out of nowhere and thus, quite a few distractions from his infuriating behavior.

As Nicholas introduced Nicole in her stead, it was all she could to to stop herself from losing it to just focus on calmly nodding and speaking up to the newcomers. "yes yes that is my name.... pleasure to meet you all." She felt proud of herself there for keeping her cool in the midst of Nicholas' infuriating behavior. She managed to smile warmly at the newcomers despite this, and the very confusing circumstances in which they arrived. Nicole had learned long ago that one must take the odd happenings in the dreamworlds by stride, not think of them too much... but perhaps in this particular situation she was using that as an excuse not to think about the very disturbing happenings that recently shook up her whole life, not to mention just her dream life. Nicole simply stayed poised and silent, a couple of the newcomers introduced themselves then she became impatient with Nicholas.

"Yes well, I think that suffices for introductions, Nicholas. Why don't you stop stalling and tell us what you know, as you keep saying you are going to do?" Her glare was nearing the realm of the psychotic now, he'd better respond or he'd be in for a nasty surprise as far as Nicole was concerned.

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Nina nodded sheepishly hiding partially behind Alisa. She hated crowds, and new people, but crowds of new people. She wanted to pass out. As her fingers shaked, she wrote down her message and introduction. I'm Nina, thank you for saving us. She glanced up nervously at Rori, glancing back down when he glanced over at her.I don't really understand what's going on...But please treat me well.
"And I'm Ryan Benson." Ryan interrupted, even though it seemed like no one really cared about whether they knew him or not. All the attention seemed to be focused on Nicholas, who had a wicked grin and glimmering obsidian eyes. From the moment Ryan laid eyes on him, he knew he could not be trusted. And it looked like he wasn't the only one who felt this. Nicole, the girl who'd voiced all of their thoughts, seemed to feel equal hostility towards the boy. He waited for Nicholas to reply, since he was the only one who seemed to know the slightest bit of what was happening.


Nicholas couldn't help it, he grinned widely. Nicole was keeping her cool remarkably well for someone who looked like her head would explode at any moment. Even though all eyes were on him, Nicholas was unfazed. He met each of their gazes with his own, and began speaking, knowing that they would be hanging on to their every word.

"So, as I have said before, it's up to you Dreamers to recover the DreamWorlds if you want others to be able to dream again, and not endlessly locked in those comas. I'll advise you not to wake up right now, since DreamPolice have already known about your immunities and are probably searching for you all around the world. What we have to do right now is find the Seeds of each DreamWorld, which would be a problem since we have this skillful DreamLinker right here." He said with a nod to Rori. "Then, we'll need to find new places to replant them before the DreamWorlds crumble out of existence."


Valora looked around at all the people who were trying to digest what Nicholas had said. "So what are we waiting for? Let's start off by finding the Seed of the Forest!"


Nicholas smirked at the girl's naivety. "That's easier said than done. Millions have searched for these legendary Seed with no avail. What makes you think you could find them so easily?"

(@thistle @DergTheDergon @Mitchs98 @Elfia Nightwing @Lunar Lunacy And thus, our first arc begins! If you're unsure of what this scene is about, remember to give the 'Lore' tab a read!)
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Nicole nodded curtly towards the one named Ryan who hastily introduced himself. Call Nicole cold and antisocial but she was at least trying to acknowledge everyone, no reason to not do so as far as she was concerned.

Just as Nicole thought she was going to have a brain aneurysm, Nicholas finally began speaking. As out there as his words seemed, they explained her father's coma and the state of the dreamworlds themselves. She'd never heard of these seeds, but she supposed they must be what keeps the dreamworlds alive, so to speak. She'd essentially believe anything at this point to have the little peace of mind having any sort of explanation would bring. Nicole raised her eyebrow as he looked towards Rori and called him, what was that? A dream linker? She'd never heard of such a thing. Though then again, she'd also never seen anyone create a portal like that and let 4 people step through it, a feat which even the smug-looking Nicholas seemed momentarily amazed by. That ability must be called "dream-linking", Nicole managed to deduce.

Nicole's gaze shot towards Valora as she essentially voiced Nicole's own thoughts about the situation, nodding towadrs her. Nicole glared towards Nichlolas at his retort towards the girl. "Wait one moment! You expect us to find them yet you seem to doubt our ability to do so in the first place! Make up your bloody mind! Hahhh...." Following her exasperated sigh, rubbing her temples for as moment, Nicole then looked towards anyone esle. "well, despite the fact it came from the most suspicious one here this seed business is all we have to go on. I dunno about you, but the sooner we find one of these seeds the better. I'd advise you to keep an eye on Nicholas, by the way. Either way, I guess we'd better start looking for the bloody thing, shouldn't we?" Nicole started walking off past the others to accuentuate her point.

@pretty much everyone xD
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@Elfia Nightwing @everyone else

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded when each of them spoke, making a mental note to try and remember all of their names. She didn't understand much of what Nicholas said, but she understood the gist of it. And she HAD heard of the seeds before, she actually looked for the one in Metropolis on occassion. Though, as said Nicholas trying to find them was much easier said than done. Though Nicole was right, they should probably start looking. With that she turned to Nina. "
Do vy want to help moy look for the Seed?" She asked her, figuring searching with someone would be more effective than searching alone.
From where he remained, sitting placate on the thick blades of grass, Rori listened as Nicholas finished summarizing the extent of their circumstance and that of the degrading Dreamworlds. The idea that they – mere strangers – were suddenly responsible for restoring balance, was admittedly baffling and, to an extent, enormously overwhelming if Rori allowed himself to linger on the idea. But many of those seemed to take it in good stride as everyone’s focus remained trained on the male with a clever face, his metal-steel gaze falling on each of them periodically.

Nicholas was articulate in his explanation, weaving together a simple summary that left little opportunity for confusion, but Rori noticed how he brandished the story with some pride, his lips tipped upward as though he found the surrounding crowd’s puzzlement a form of entertainment. Certainly, it didn’t seem to sit well with Nicole standing nearby, expression hard, lightly colored lips pulled down in loathing.

At one point Rori caught her head tilting in his direction, wondering, and seeing he had accumulated some attention – Nicholas glancing once more at the same time – the young artist wiggled his fingers in the air toward both of them, unperturbed.

There was movement by his side as a pair of legs shuffled into view and he glanced over as the voices fell into the background. It was the girl whom Alisa had mentioned before. There was a trembling in her frame that only seemed to increase when his attention rested on her and Rori decided that full eye contact was not the best choice.

Still, it made reading the message she presented on her notepad difficult to make out and Rori steadied it, pinching the bottom of the page with thumb and forefinger. “It’s as Nicholas explained," he replied as he finished reading, "to find the seeds of these worlds and replant them. In short he’s proclaimed us as a bunch of gardeners – otherworldly kind, but gardeners no less. That or treasurer hunters. Depends on how you'd like to look at it.”

His voice became curious, exacting the same feel as one who had chanced upon a box and sought to find the secret latch that opened it through gentle probing. “That’s a unique way of communication you have there. Interesting, I admit, but it does bring up a logical question. What will you do once your pencil grows dull or you run out of space on the pages? There’s even a chance you’ll lose one or the other at some point in time.” It was a simple inquiry as Rori lifted his eyes to her own, fingers releasing the page. "What will you choose to do then, Nina?"

The questioned hovered as Rori, returning to his feet, spotted the momentary confusion flicker across Nina’s face. She looked to be deciding on a suitable reply when Alisa appeared, breaking the silence as she whirled Nina around and began speaking excitedly in her heavily accented voice. Forgotten, he left the pair to themselves.

It appeared everyone was already in the middle of taking some form of action, Rori spotting Nicole further away than where she’d originally stood, sureness in her frame as she declared it best to start ‘looking for the bloody thing’.

Working on a plan of his own, a noise from behind interrupted his thoughts, the ground once more stirred as he heard what sounded like something bodily slumping to the floor. Rori turned, finding the unnamed girl who had kept her silence this entire time, face down and motionless, her face covered by the shawl of dark hair. Stunned, he went to bend beside her, touching a frail shoulder and rolling her over to reveal the pale mask.

Her mouth was parted in the barest ‘o’ and her brows remained tilted upward at the inner corners, a mark of sorrow that lent despair to her face. Conscious to what Nicholas said it appeared as though she had simply lost hope in the matter. Right before his eyes she began to fade, color and solidity alike weakening. Rori felt his fingers begin to sink through her.

He spoke quickly and he spoke quietly, realizing what was happening as the faintest note of urgency entered his voice. “Don't do this - not yet. Don’t wake up. Didn’t you hear the situation we’re in?” She no longer seemed to be listening and he felt powerless by her decision, knowing, somehow, that it was too late. “If you leave now they’ll only catch you.” Though little had been exchanged between them since arriving, Rori felt partly responsible for having pulled her through by his own hand.

“Don’t wake up,” he repeated, forlorn, but she vanished before he could finish. Rori looked across the field to find Nicholas, the blanket of grass already beginning to expand where the girl had once been. "Once these people...these DreamPolice, catch someone waking, what happens to them?"

Nina blinked as she listened to Nicholas. It was all so confusing, these Dreamworlds, this seed thing. Nina just wanted to lay down and hide away. She missed her bed, the feeling of being protected by the outside world when she crawled under the sheets. She really missed Pan. Suddenly it hit her. Maybe these people could help her find Pan, and better yet, maybe Pan knew something about this Seed thing! Pan knew a lot of things so she was sure he knew something about it.

Her nails dug into the soft soil, ripping up the grass around her in excitement. Yes, yes! It would all work out perfectly! These people would get their seed thing and Nina would get Pan back! I think, I know something that could help. A friend of mine he might know something about the seed. Nina held up her notebook, fingers shaking slightly in excitement.
Nicholas furrowed his brow, his lips set in a grim line. "It depends. If she wakes up then it probably means that she's already lost her ability to dream. She's no longer a threat." He cocked his head as another thought occured to him. "But...if she's caught, then they might use her for...experimental purposes." With a shrug, Nicholas dismissed the matter and smiled. "Don't dwell on it. She's a lost cause. What we really should do now is find the Seed and save the DreamWorlds, yeah?"


"Wait!" Valora gasped. Even though she, too, was eager to find the Seed, the Forest was no small area. If the Seed was really as hard to find as Nicholas described it to be, then it was likely that they wouldn't be any better. If Nicole rushed off like this it would only make things worse. "Shouldn't we make a plan first?" She suggested.


"Ah, finally, a sign of intelligence." Nicholas remarked, shooting a smug grin in Nicole's direction. Her brash attitude would only get them in danger. But that would be her problem. He looked expectantly at Nina, who was still writing in her sketchpad. Did she have something to say?

@Mitchs98 @DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing
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Nicole stopped in her tracks as she began heading off, noticing the spat between one boy and one girl in the group. Before Nicole could react at all, the girl disappeared, having apparently woken up. Staring wide-eyed at where the girl once was for a moment, she then looked towards Nicholas as the boy named Rori asked a very astute question. Lost her ability to dream... at those words, Nicole found a profound sadness come over her... such a fate could be worse than death, to be unable to entirely escape the woes of life within these conscious dreams, at least as far as Nicole was concerned.

Nicole took this opportunity, not running away anymore, to turn and glare at Nicholas after his snide remark. Realizing that he wanted her to be angry at him now, she took a deep breath, turned away from him and ignored him entirely, turning to the rest of the group. " Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea. By the way, I'm wondering if you agree that not giving fools the time of day is also a sign of intelligence?" She shot her own grin back towards Nicholas and then turned back to the group and proceeded to ignore him entirely. Suddenly, her expression went back to being grim like when the weight of the woken girl's plight became known to her. "Regardless yes, we need a plan. I propose we split up unto small groups of two or three, and search for the seed in different directions. Oh yes, Nicholas, do you happen to know of any signs that one is close to the seed? Any way to feel it out? Any way of knowing that one has truly found the seed of a dreamworld? Any details of the sort would be immensely helpful." Once any sort of answer was given, no mater how sarcastic or snarky it may be, Nicole simply acknowledged any statement of facts in his response and ignored the rest of it.

Nicole then found herself glancing at the apparently mute girl still writing furiously in her notebook, waiting to glance at it for whatever the girl wants to say. Reading the note quickly, her eyes widened. "A friend of yours? Do you know where perhaps we could find this person? Somewhere in the dreamworlds?" Nicole was willing to follow any lead possible to find the forest's seed at this point, for a multitude of reasons. Mostly, however, she simply didn't want to see this dreamworld she'd spent so much time in and has given her so much solace simply fade away.

@Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven
Nicholas kept his eyes trained on the girl scrawling in her notepad, the first few words of her sentence beginning to appear. "The only way to find a Seed is someone with DreamSight. Or you could find someone who has especially sharp perception. Or," He added,"Someone who has a deep bond to the certain DreamWorld, which in our case is the Forest." He finally looked away from Nina, as she wrote painstakingly slow, and he doubted that her 'friend' would be of any use. Nicholas spread his arms wide to indicate his point. "So, do we have a fellow tree hugger here?" He asked, the smug smirk never leaving his face. These people were going on a wild goose chase and he knew it.


"Valora!" Julian tugged on his sister's arm. "Sh, Jules, I'm trying to listen here." She shook off her brother's hand, keeping herself focused on the exchange of words between the others. Her mind whirled with newly acquired information. DreamSight? Bonds? Tree hugger? Trying to find a green Seed in the midst of the Forest was like trying to find a pin in the ocean. Which was what they were probably going to do right after they found this Seed, she thought with a silent groan. "Valora!" Julian called again. Her pesky little brother was really starting to get on her nerves. "Julian, don't you see I'm busy? Why don't you go and play with Ryan first?" She glanced toward her classmate, who had his eyebrows knitted, apparently deep in thought. "Now, shoo!" She felt bad for telling Julian to annoy someone else, especially someone who was equally occupied, but she really needed to concentrate right now.


Julian frowned. Why wouldn't anyone listen to him? When they were all busy talking and discussing things, Julian had actually listened. Not to them, but to the Forest itself. He'd always paid special attention to it because he liked the sound the bell chimes made when they brushed against one another, and right now they were repeating the same tune over and over again. Julian felt like it was a melody of importance, but if only they would hear him out...


"Ryan!" The kid hurried over to him, leaving stalks of trampled grass in his wake. "You have to make them listen to me! I heard something!" Ryan glanced down at the kid in front of him, his large brown eyes pleading. Julian, though young, was not to be underestimated. Ryan knew he was one of the few to be able to DreamBend, a DreamAbility that required years of mental training- or just inborn talent. If the child thought he'd found something, then Ryan believed him. "Guys. Guys! HEY!" He hollered when they ignored him the first few times. "Julian here has something to say. You really should listen to him, since this kid sure knows a lot more than most of us combined."

@Mitchs98 @DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing
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I don't know...he left me alone! But I'm sure if we find him he'll help us! Nina looked at the group with determined eyes. She had to find Pan, any method available she would take it. Please...Help me find my friend. Nina looked up at the group, tears running down her face." Please... Help me." Nina croaked out, her voice broken and soft from lack of using.
Alisa Ann

Alisa listened to the others speak as she waited on a reply from Nina. It seemed they needed someone that liked nature a lot, which Alisa did. She often times explored the forest back at home when she wasn't asleep or watching TV or something. So she could most definetely help them. Though before she could reply Nina started crying for them to help her. Alisa turned to her and frowned slightly. Sighing she brought the girl into a gentle hug. "Don't worry. We will help vy. Especially if vy friend can help us too. Don't cry Nina." She told her reassuringly trying to comfort her. She hated to see people cry, especially people she considered a friend. "As for the Seed. Ya might be able to help. Ya like the forest, ya tended to come here a lot when ya could." She told Nicholas.
Nicole nodded once she heard Nicholas's words. She didn't really understand what DreamSight was but perhaps she would understand soon. She kept her eyes trained on the shy girl's notepad, tapping her foot in impatience but refusing to look away unlike Nicholas. Reading it she felt a tug upon her heartstrings. This friend of hers seemed very important to her, like the dreamworlds themselves were to Nicole. As she tried to speak, Nicole found a tear streaming down her face before wiping it hastily and recomposing herself. The girl could speak, but there seemed to be something wrong with her throat. Or maybe, there was something traumatic that caused her to choose not to speak. Either way, Nicole felt compelled to help the girl. "You seem to be unsure where to look for him, but... if I can help you I certainly will. I don't know about the others here, though," she added whilst glaring at Nicholas. At his sudden ask for "tree hugggers," Nicole roleld her eyes then said "I've dreamt here for many years. I may be able to help but I'm not sure how much help I can be."

Nicole found herself smiling as the girl with a thick Russian accent poured her heartfelt, though barely understandable to Nicole, words towards Nina. She was grateful someone else was able to think of more supportive words than her, though a bit embarrassed that they came from someone who doesn't seem all that fluent in english. She's just never been good at opening up to others.

Nicole found herself whirling around, raising an eyebrow as one of the boys among the group tried to bring attention to the kid that apperently, unbeknownst to Nicole, had been trying to get everyone's attention. Out of curiosity about what vital information someone so young could possibly offer, Nicole turned towards Julian and listned intently for him to repeat whatever he'd been trying to say.

@Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven
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