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Fantasy DreamWorlds

Rather than scaling the surface as originally planned Rori felt the incentive to head south, toward the base of the Tower. He made a mental note of Nicole’s position and then descended. What he found was nothing of surprise as Rori inspected the splintered, frosted surface. It was in similar fashion as the rest of the structure although the fracturing was measurably more pronounced here, his appearance reflected back in countless angles.

Straining against the glass remained the silhouette of the countless items trapped inside, waiting for release. All that was necessary was finding a solution. As Rori wrestled for an answer the immense wall, the entire structure, trembled, and the hairline fractures intensified before his eyes.

They were running out of time. “All it needs is one good hammer blow…” he murmured. The idea of dashing memories against the surface repeatedly crossed his mind – an entire ensemble of potential missiles just waited inside the tower - but Rori dismissed it in the same second. He’d probably gained a life time’s worth of guilt from the memories he’d already hurled over the edge willy nilly. Surely they deserved more than becoming the subject that revealed his less than average pitching skills.

But where was one to find a hammer? At this rate the chances of conjuring one from thin air seemed more likely.

...Light bulb.

He must not have stayed as long he’d thought for Nicole was still lingering where he’d left her. It appeared as though she were still deciding which direction to take, which was somewhat surprising based on her constant affinity for volunteering first in most cases. “Gaining a vantage point is a good place to start,” Rori offered from near the entrance and gestured a single finger upward as though he had a rather pressing question, “It’ll broaden your spectrum. Either that, or perhaps, the use of your abilities might be better.” A knowing look entered his eyes as Rori ducked inside the Tower. “One of you was responsible for creating that ferry from earlier, right?”

There was little time wasted as Rori arrived and went immediately to Nina, guiding her from the room before she could protest. Catching sight of Ryan, who seemed to be debating on what to do, Rori snagged him as well by the shoulder. He ushered them out, asking for the two that were clearly confused at this point to meet him at the base, and then went to Anelie.

“This doesn’t require you to toss things off the building like last time but I do need your help. Make sure no one remains or returns inside here, including yourself.” Rori did a mental review of who was left inside. “Find Alisa aaannnddd..." He searched the room, unable to find the second person in mind, and then shifted on his heels to peek over her shoulder to find Nicholas, perfectly blocked based on their position. "Him." A halfhearted wave was sent in Nicholas’ direction.

As the girl set to the task with a hesitant but affirmative nod Rori flew out to meet the pair he’d swept outside. “Nina, I need you to think of a way to create a rift in this wall,” he began without preamble. “You were able to create that bag from before, but now I need you to think bigger. These walls are fragile, crumbling as you can see.” He placed both hands on the surface and lightly pressed in brief demonstration, causing a nearby fissure to deepen. “And we need to speed up this process. Once there’s an opening it’ll allow the memories to spill out onto the sea bed. Kind of like setting a metal spigot in a maple tree: once you create a flow, it should all tumble out. All we need is a small opening to set things into motion. From there gravity will take over. The hole should widen from the sheer force, but make sure it’s a gradual process, otherwise you’ll be buried in items, which is where you come in.” Rori removed his hands to regard Ryan. “You’re in charge of making sure nothing comes down on her. Or you. Pull back if things get dangerous.” He thought about it. “In short don’t get killed.”

@Elfia Nightwing @JaidenLark @DergTheDergon
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Nicole had been scouting the immediate area around the tower, trying to spot Julian but no luck yet... she was beginning to wonder if she should go off searching for him alone, when Rori startled her with his voice from behind. Turning around to face him, whilst forcing a perfect poker face to appear on her features and make it look as though she was not startled at all, she found herself blushing at his words. "Y-yes, well I was simply-" before she could even finish her sentence, Rori had called into the tower. She had been the one to make that boat... but now she was confused. What exactly did he mean by her abilities being of use? To find the seed, perhaps? But how?

Before she could so much as ask him what he was on about, Rori went inside, and forcibly dragged Nina and Ryan outside of the tower. Nicole couldn't help but give him a confused look at all this. He hadn't explained any method to his madness and was simply acting it out for all to see. Whilst she was looking for Julian, Nicole couldn't help but wonder what was going on in that head of his.

As he began to explain, Nicole loomed closer to Rori and his most likely unwilling entourage', and listened in on his rather shocking instructions. Nicole then found herself walking up to him in a huff. "Rori, did you give Nina a choice in this? You're demanding she risk her life, essentially. I understand that you mean to help us find the seed faster, but... I'm not so sure this is a wise way to go about it. I could also undertake this if you wish, but then someone else shall have to find Julian... hmm.. perhaps I should go myself after all. The boy may run into a nightmare or somesuch. Please Rori, just... give her a choice in this. It just isn't fair demanding she undertake a potentially dangerous task."

Her motherly instincts mostly satisfied, Nicole finally began searching for where in the world Julian may have gone in earnest. She'd call for the boy, but considering his emotional state he may avoid her if she let him know she was coming in that way. Her plan was to find him just searching silently,attempt to console him and coax him to come back. Easier said then done, mayhaps, but since no one else was actively searching for the one member of the group who could be in danger with no one around to help at the moment, she kept treading on, searching in wider and wider areas in hopes of finding Julian.

@JayfeatherRaven @thistle
"Eh? O-ok... I'll try..." Nina nodded, not really understanding what Rori wanted, but it seemed important. She thought of something that fit his description, something small, something that would create a precise hole, not to big, not to small. Her backpack shuffled, causig her to open her eyes.

Pulling off the bag, right next to the Forest seed was a pick and an avel. "Rori! Would this work?" Nina asked, holding up the objects in her scarred hands, going over the crumbling wall. " Not to hard, but not to soft," she mumbled to herself remembered the art lessons one family had bought for her. With that Nina set to work, slowly chiping away at the wall bit by bit.
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Dragged from the Tower forcefully, Ryan looked on in confusion as Rori explained his plan briefly and began assigning jobs to each of them. Confused and still dazed, Ryan nodded numbly at everything Rori said and stood by at Nina as she called upon her abilities. From what Ryan had comprehended, all he had to do was be a personal guard of Nina's if anything went wrong. That was easy enough. He waited as the girl pulled out tools from her satchel that weren't there before and set to work, despite Nicole's warnings. The younger girl was was getting pretty good at DreamWeaving. Until now, he had only seen Rori and Nina's DreamAbilites at work, but he had yet to witness if the others had different tricks, and if his own powers still worked after the release of the DREAM gas. With a shrug, he decided this was as good a time as any, and he focused on the pit in his stomach and pulled.

"Did it work?" He asked no one in particular after a moment of concentration. He looked down at his own hands and still saw them clearly. But if he really had achieved DreamLurk, then no one else should be able to see him at all. "Can you see me?" He asked Rori, knowing he would sound fairly foolish if his unstable power had given up on him.

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Nicholas rolled his eyes at the boy who waved to him. He was not going with his absurd plan. Nick had a little habit of making a list in his head every time he met a new group of people, and these lists were rankings of the people he hated most. Right now, Ryan took up first place, and Nina was a close second because of her assault, though Rori was quickly climbing up the ladder. And at rock bottom resided Julian, the missing kid. Unexpected worry sprang up in him, and he turned to leave the Tower. "I'm going to find your brother." He said to Valora abruptly, and before she could even react he slipped out the doorway.

Ignoring the group of people idling by base of the Tower, which consisted of the three people he now despised most, Nicholas streaked by them and caught up to Nicole, who had drifted away from the crowd while looking for Julian. "Maybe you could try calling for him." Nicholas suggested slightingly. "His name is Julian. J-U-L-I-A-N." He intoned. Getting a rise out of the short-tempered girl could always lift Nick's spirits, so he always did his best to annoy her to no end. But finding Julian was a serious matter, and he suspected that Nicole would be in no mood to banter with him right now. Nick fell silent and instead looked around for any sign of the young boy.



Valora's hands slowed, her brows creasing with anxiety. Her heart fretted for her lost brother, even though he was only gone for mere minutes. For all she knew, he may be right outside the Tower, huddled by the walls, hiding from her and everyone else. But she couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was in trouble. At the thought of this, Valora delved through the mess with renewed urgency. The sooner she found the Seed, the quicker she could go and find Julian. He should have cooled down by now, but Valora couldn't just leave the Tower, especially since there was only her and Alisa in the Tower. The others had all gone out, either to search for her brother or help with Rori's master plan. Briefly, the thought of abandoning the Seed to get Julian crossed her mind. But that would be unfair to both Alisa and all the others working hard to obtain it. Struggling between her choices, Valora began flinging objects away from the pile without looking, creating a heap by her feet. She glanced down and grumbled. Now she would have to clean it up before moving on. She knelt down to pick the things up, but then a shadow flickered in the corner of her eye, causing her to freeze.

Manifesting in the dark corner was the eerie contour of a monster, an abnormality with protruding limbs and beady red eyes. It fixed its gaze on her, and the crimson eyes split into four, eight, then sixteen. Valora stumbled back a step in horror, summoning fire in her hands. But she'd forgotten she was surrounded by water, and the flame snuffed out as quickly as soon as it was lit. Valora took another step back, her voice trembling as she whispered, "Alisa, whatever you do, don't move." She hoped the girl would do as she was told, and Valora stared at the multiplying Nightmares, who were swimming out of focus. There were too many, and they kept dividing before her, eyes the color of blood blinking at her emotionlessly. "Don't come near me." Valora croaked, her throat dry with fear. She tried again and the smallest of fires burst to life on her fingertips. But it was nowhere near enough to ward out these creatures, and already her powers were waning, having used every ounce of energy to keep the flame from extinguishing.

To her immediate relief, the NightMares turned and ignored her, scuttling out of the Tower as if she didn't exist. She almost collapsed in exhaustion, the DreamSpinning draining everything out of her. But she couldn't lose conscious just yet. The giant crawling mass of darkness was headed right for the others, and she had to warn them...

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Nicole had been searching high and low for Julian for quite a few minutes now, and was beginning to get very worried, as were others she imagined, his sister Valora especially. Not much time had passed and he couldn't have gone far, but it almost seemed that he did. Nicole began searching in every nook and cranny that he could possibly hide in in and around the tower. Caught up in her search, the sounds of someone swimming up behind her startled her a bit. She turned around to see none other than Nicholas, her narrow-eyed glare letting him know she wasn't exactly pleased that it was him she was seeing.

His words only caused her to glare at him more heatedly, before quietly saying, "There's a reason I'm not doing that. The boy could be trying to stay away from us and hearing our voices could put him in greater danger. So... if you're going to help me search, don't call him. Please." Her tone was actually sincere for once, not disdainful towards him in the slightest. At least, the word 'please' was. To Nicole's surprise, Nicholas actually heeded her words from then on, splitting up with her and searching in one direction whilst she searched in the other. There even seemed to be...concern on his face. Maybe he deserves more respect then she's been giving him but, this is one of the first small reasons to respect him amidst a venerable list of reasons she could see to hate his guts, and not trust him as far as she could throw him.

As she kept frantically searching, Nicole glanced back towards. the tower to see... something...no, many somethings, scurrying out of the tower. It seemed, from this distance, that a few of them were headed this way. "Are those...nightmares?" She asked essentially no one, though Nicholas was close enough to hear her and be alerted to what she was seeing. She began searching for Julian more rpaidly, hoping to see any sign of him, as now time seemed to be of absolute essence.

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@JayfeatherRaven @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @JaidenLark

Alisa Ann

Searching on the top of the pile was about as useful as searching from the bottom, really. Probably more boring due to the fact she couldn't move anything without dropping it on Valora. Where could the seed be? With their luck it was directly in the middle of the pile of items. Sighing she moved several items aside gently, but didn't move them from the pile. It could still be there, she could of just not found it yet. Her searching had been so intense she hadn't noticed Rori or the others leave, thus she stayed searching. She'd barely been able to hear Valora whisper to her, being on top of the pile, but luckily she had. She was going to question why, that was until she saw the hoard of Nightmares.

Her eyes widened in fear upon sight and she instantly froze in place, Valora didn't have to worry about her moving.
Net.. Was the only thing the girl could think while awaiting impending doom. She sighed with relief when the Nightmares flooded out and away from them, instantly she floated down to Valora to check on her once the last one left. "Valora! Are vy alright? They didn't hurt vy did they?" She asked her. Then it hit her, they were going outside to the rest! "My have to tell the others! Lets go!" She shouted before tugging gently on her arm to try to help her up. They had to hurry, and fast.

Fidgeting in place she suddenly took off without her, "
Guys! Look out! There are Nightmares here!" She shouted as she exited, hoping they hadn't already reached and swarmed them.
Upon seeing the set of tiny tools Rori opened his mouth. He had assumed as much. Quite frankly, he might have considered a similar tactic as Nina had he not known the circumstances. But when the miniature instruments – held in equally miniature hands – were compared to the sheer greatness of the Tower soaring miles above them, it made the task appear rather daunting. They were dwarfed by its size ten times over, and Nina’s delicate handiwork as she chiseled at the polished surface with the daintiest of taps, only promised years worth of patience. It was akin to taking down a tree by peeling it bark by threaded bark.

Before he could propose a more effective solution any objection was cut short by Nicole's arrival. The concern was hardly missed as she shared her thoughts, stealing glances every so often in Nina's direction as if to catch her attention and motion her way from the wall. Had he really made the situation sound so dire?

Perhaps. After all, mentions of death and dying didn't promote the most joyous of feelings even if you spoke of them in a relatively light tone. Knowing the risks and responsible for the plan himself, Rori hadn't intended to leave the pair. At the first sign of bursting a retreat would have been called immediately, planning that he or Ryan would be the one to rip Nina away in case anything happened.

Of course there was no chance of explaining this all to Nicole. As soon as Rori thought to reply she was turning and heading back to higher waters, deciding to place her trust in their hands.

“Always moving,” he sighed after her. A passing thought made him wonder how she would react if he sat Nicole in front of a canvas and request she remain still during the duration of a session. Would she oblige and keep steady, folding slender hands in her lap while she watched without a sound, or would the silence undue her and prompt Nicole into offering him yet another tube of paint?

His thoughts were pushed aside as Ryan's voice reached him. The subject of the question was peculiar, and that, coupled with the fact that Ryan himself sounded uncertain of the matter, caused Rori to chuckle. His humor was cut short and reduced to an odd set of blinks as Rori searched the suddenly unoccupied waters, attempting to pinpoint the voice. “See you? No,” Rori replied, wondering if his expression matched his bemused tone, “but hear you – now that’s another case.” Unable to determine Ryan’s location, Rori crossed his arms, stooped. “How did you…?”

Scanning again and this time more carefully, there was a section of water that rippled in a way that didn't match the rest of the ocean. It was a subtle movement, close to indiscernible, and concentrating Rori could make out the vaguest outlines of a figure.

“There’s something new,” remarked Rori in approval, staring at a height that he hoped was some general part of Ryan’s head. "You know, if I do end up making a mess out of things, I'll have to ask you to teach me that. Nicole hasn't used her sword yet but I'd hate to be the one she decides to demonstra - "

Rori halted, alerted by Alisa's sudden cry above them. Eyes turning upward he watched as surging dark shapes, all of which looked like one body, poured from the mouth of the Tower like a heavy fog. Amid the mass of shadow pricks of ruby pierced through the twisting column, feverish to spot movement of any sort as the waters grew dark around them. How Alisa had gone unnoticed was beyond Rori as, with terrible slowness, he sailed carefully back to the wall and hushed Nina's movements, placing a hand on both her own and signaling silence as Rori touched a single finger to his lips.

Unmistakably, it was the same creature from Metropolis, though this time with some extra company. Wishing his heart would stop its incessant hammering, Rori tried to recall Ryan's position and gave an urgent look. There was a chance they'd remain undetected, seeing as they kept to the shadowed end of the Tower, but knowing Ryan floated out in the open and defenseless, put Rori on edge.

And what of the others?

@JaidenLark @Elfia Nightwing
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The Nightmares surged out of the Tower, spreading out in all directions, and as they sliced through the water, they began mutating into different shapes and creatures. One second Ryan thought he'd seen a black horse, then the next it was a banshee. He got dizzy by just looking at them. He'd turned around when he'd heard Alisa's warning cry, and Rori had brought Nina to safety. But Ryan was here, standing out in the open, his only asset a confirmation from Rori that he was invisible. Meaning, his DreamLurk had worked. But there was no time to celebrate the success of his years of hard work, he had to prepare to fight.

Instinctively, he grabbed the nearest item he could find, which was Nina's pick. It was a tad too small for him, but it would fare well enough. Knowing fully well that it would give away his position, Ryan moved fast, willing himself to rush towards the impending NightMares. The water resisted his advance, and he felt the familiar feeling of nausea as his stomach roiled again. But still he pushed forward, plunging the pick into the first NightMare's glowing red eye. With a howl it disintegrated, but just as quickly two more replaced it. Even without meaning to, Ryan was engaged in battle with the swirling darkness, fending them off by darting in and out of their reach while making himself invisible. It almost seemed as if the NightMares were attacking an unseen enemy, and Ryan knew they must have looked ridiculous to whoever might be watching.

Flickering into sight, Ryan stabbed another goblin shaped NightMare in the chest and shouted to the others,"Why are you guys standing there? Get over here and help!"

@DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98 @Iomana
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JaidenLark said:
The Nightmares surged out of the Tower, spreading out in all directions, and as they sliced through the water, they began mutating into different shapes and creatures. One second Ryan thought he'd seen a black horse, then the next it was a banshee. He got dizzy by just looking at them. He'd turned around when he'd heard Alisa's warning cry, and Rori had brought Nina to safety. But Ryan was here, standing out in the open, his only asset a confirmation from Rori that he was invisible. Meaning, his DreamLurk had worked. But there was no time to celebrate the success of his years of hard work, he had to prepare to fight.
Instinctively, he grabbed the nearest item he could find, which was Nina's pick. It was a tad too small for him, but it would fare well enough. Knowing fully well that it would give away his position, Ryan moved fast, willing himself to rush towards the impending NightMares. The water resisted his advance, and he felt the familiar feeling of nausea as his stomach roiled again. But still he pushed forward, plunging the pick into the first NightMare's glowing red eye. With a howl it disintegrated, but just as quickly two more replaced it. Even without meaning to, Ryan was engaged in battle with the swirling darkness, fending them off by darting in and out of their reach while making himself invisible. It almost seemed as if the NightMares were attacking an unseen enemy, and Ryan knew they must have looked ridiculous to whoever might be watching.

Flickering into sight, Ryan stabbed another goblin shaped NightMare in the chest and shouted to the others,"Why are you guys standing there? Get over here and help!"

@DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @Mitchs98 @Iomana
@DergTheDergon @thistle @Elfia Nightwing @Iomana

Alisa Ann

Alisa fidgeted in place as Ryan started fighting. She was terrified of those things, but if she didn't help everyone could die. But if she did she could die. It was so conflicting..but in the end she didn't matter as long as everyone else could be safe. Soon after Ryan shouted for help a sharp whistling could be heard as a thin current of air sliced through the water and into two of the nightmares. "
Don't worry! Keep them off of ya and ya will help vy!" She called out to Ryan, immediately gaining the attention of two Nightmares, two Nightmares which soon found themselves cut in half. She couldn't fight forever, but she was quite good with her D.A, so she would definetely help.
Nicole couldn't help but stare in fear at the NightMares in the distance for a few moments. She pondered what to do... with these beasts out and about, and quite a few of them, it seemed time was now even more sensitive regarding finding Julian. Then, they started attacking. the others around and about the tower. She was torn in two directions: finding the lost boy with no on e around to help him, or fighting alongside the others currently being attack by shadows this very moment. They seemd to be handling themselves, but then Ryan shouted, waking up Nicole's torn conscious the ones very clearly in deep trouble right now. Sometimes, Nicole's soft spot for young and vulnerable children narrowed her vision and didn't allow her to see what else was important, like now.

Nicole sighed, feeling bad for abandoning the search for Julian but feeling spurred towards the ones fighting. Finally ,she made a decision whilst praying Julian would be safe. Gripping the hilt of her rapier, she swam furiously back towards the tower, drawing the sword as she went, then landing on the ground near Ryan. "I was quite far away y'know, you're lucky I heard you!" She snapped, a little angry that he expected her to help regarding those circumstances, though her more rational self knew it was just plain petty to be angry about such a thing in this situation. Slashing at one of the nightmares, she got right to business trying to kill these damn things, hoping the others around her would all join in in their own ways.
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A shiver of cold slid down her spine at the sight of haunting red eyes and the girl involuntarily froze in fear. These creatures seemed like something out of a nightmare...wait... With that thought she managed to shake the paralyzed fear that held onto her, eyes scanning around to take note of everyone's positions. They seemed to be doing well enough as far as she could tell, well-- at least no one was dead, that was a positive. But there was still the matter if what she could do to help fend off the creatures, Anelie was by no means a fighter, she didn't even have a weapon.

Oh wait! Pressing her lips together as her eyes slid shut in order to focus, Anelie tried to summon forth something. The most the girl had ever used her DA to do was bring forth the odd instrument to play and she doubted a flute would be much use right now. Nose scrunching in concentration, the girl willed forth something, anything, that would have been useful. Feeling a shape come to her, there was the feeling of a slight mental tug then the reassuring weight of something rested in her hand. Glanincing down she caught sight of a dagger, one that was simple enough in design but the edges glinted dangerously. Before the girl had time to appraise her work, a snarl caught her attention and her eyes snapped up just in time to catch sight of a NightMare headed straight for her. She slashed down the dagger just in time to feel it connect with the beast and, aided by the strength and muscles that were built thanks to years of playing instruments, the creature disappeared with a howl, but not before leaving Anelie with a present of its own.

It took a moment to notice the sting that came from her shoulder and, eyes widening at the realization, the girl saw that one of the monster's claw must have raked her before its demise, leaving the girl with a small gash. She muttered a few words in her language under her breath that her mother would definitely not approve of. Doing her best to ignore the blood as it began to swirl from the wound and dissipate into the waters surrounding her, she turned her gaze back to the fight. They seemed to be holding their own but it might only be a matter of time until they were outnumbered. Glancing from Alisa slashing them with wind to the Tower, Rori's most recent idea came to mind and a grim smile grew on her lips. It was dangerous and stupid but hey, she could possibly kill two birds with one stone. "Everyone move away!" Anelie yelled, hoping they could hear her above the fray. "Get away from the Tower!"

Turning her attention back to Alisa, she called out, "Alisa! Could you use your wind to herd the NightMares closer to the Tower?" It seemed it was her turn to have a crazy plan.

@Mitchs98 and everyone
Disrupted in a hail of bubbles the water parted as the taloned claws shredded downward once more. Rori tucked his shoulder at the last second and heard as the blow, meant to bisect from shoulder to groin, ripped past. It sent another jolt of adrenaline spiking down his body as he turned in the water to face the creature.

It was a hybrid of some sort, part beast, part avian, its snarling mouth parting to reveal the set of incisors within as its massive jaw, feathered wings beating through the current. After Ryan’s charge, which was announced only by the sight of the pick being ripped from Nina’s hand and carried off in determined motion, everything had seemed to blow by within seconds.

Ryan’s first move had set everyone into action – humans and Nightmares alike. As Ryan had whisked from one shadow to the next, flickering into view every so often, Nicole and then Anelie had swept into the fray as well. From the archway of the Tower and perched above the fighting, Alisa, meanwhile, had provided air support. The small girl continued to make sharp cutting motions in the air, and though Rori could hardly trace their path, the result of her actions sent an invisible force ripping through the bodies of their enemies.

He’d watched as the monsters burst into smokescreen, pressed against the Tower with Nina beside him, and only turned when one of the phantoms had oriented in their direction. There was little time for hesitation as it had streaked toward them, Rori shoving Nina away none-too-gently and using the force to propel him in the opposite direction.

Sheer luck allowed the creature to round on Rori himself and not Nina, although Rori’s little quip of it having a nasty glare might have encouraged that decision as well.

Now here he was twisting nimbly through the ocean and hoping each blow tore only through water and not himself. For the spectacle he was making, it was a bit of a surprise it didn’t draw further attention from the enemy.

His lips began to draw impossibly up, tucking his knees to his chest as if to alight upon a wooden crate while the Nightmare dove and brushed past – and then he glanced toward Nina and saw the second Nightmare behind her, its viper head striking forward. “Ni - !”

Rori’s hand shot out in an instant and before he knew what he was doing, the glowing mouth of a portal appeared behind the girl. The killing blow and the entire serpent itself was brought to an abrupt end as its momentum carried it through to the other realm, swallowed whole. Without a chance of escape Rori willed it shut. As such a malignant creature he expected the backlash to be ten times greater than before, and yet his mind only twisted as it did when he transported his companions.

Still - it was an effective distraction. The fleeting tug at his shoulder was Rori’s only warning as sudden claws sheared through clothing and skin alike, raking down the back of his arm and causing a short gasp of surprise to escape. The blow was more shocking than anything, fingers spasming in response, but Rori didn't even consider the extent of the damage as he swiveled in the creature’s direction and cast a second gateway.

The light was blinding, acting as an effective wall between the two, and Rori managed to hold it open for only a breath as the Nightmare sunk to its demise. Then the portal was gone. What remained of the Nightmare was only the massive lower half, its feline quarters twitching in the semblance of life before seeping away into inky strands.

As the remaining pieces of its hindquarters disintegrated, Rori was already moving, catching Anelie's shout from above. He spared Nina a second glance and saw her kick away as well, seeking a safe distance from the Tower.

That girl would owe him a bandage once this was over.
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Nina watched in horror as the nightmares began surrounding their group. One by one, each of them were attacked, fending of the monsters as best they could. When one attacked Rori, her legs began to shake unaware of the danger behind her. As she felt the sudden warmth of a portal behind her, the girl whirled around just in time to see the serpent like monster jump through the portal into it's demise. "Thank you!" Nina called out to Rori as the both bolted from the tower. What do I do, what do I do?! She began panicking, only stopping for breath when she was far enough from the threat. As she looked out, she could see all of the different skirmishes taking place. Ryan, Alisa, Nicole, Anelise. Everyone was fighting to their best ability.

Nina felt sick when she thought of what to do, what could she do? Make a giant backpack and somehow herd all the nightmares away. A light bulb suddenly went of in her head. "Maybe..." she thought, running closer to the action concentrating on exactly what she wanted. She remembered how a foster brother of her's had snuck into her room late at night, to show her the curved blade that he had stolen from his fathers hiding place. Reaching inside her back, her fingers curved around the familiar hilt. Perfect!

Pulling out the throwing knife from her bag, she thought back to the summers spent with her foster brother, throwing knifes at empty cans until his father caught on. Lift your arm, aim, fire! The knife landed right inbetween the eyes of the inky black monster closest to her, eho just so happened to be one who was chasing Rori. " Behind you," she added lamely, running up to the boy her cheeks pink from excretion. " I... Can help too!" Nina offered, frowning up at the boy." I'm not delicate... I can fend for myself... I've done it my whole life, so don't treat like a princess 'cause... I'm not..." She frowned.

@thistle @JayfeatherRaven @Iomana @DergTheDergon @JaidenLark @Mitchs98
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Though the flood of NightMares didn't seem to cease, Ryan felt others joining him on all sides, hacking at the demons with all the DreamAbilities they could summon. But the enemies still outnumbered them twenty-to-one, and they couldn't keep fighting forever. Sooner or later, their strength would deplete. They were doomed to lose. But it was at this moment, in the heat of the battle, Ryan felt an odd sense of unity, perhaps even camaraderie, as they all moved as one. It was crazy, he knew, but maybe, just maybe, this was what they were missing all along. Anelie's call sent renewed energy surging through him, and he stabbed an advancing monster in the gut before vanishing then reappearing minutes later beside the girl. Finally, they had a plan.

"Took you enough!" He said to the newest member of the group, but he was smiling good-naturedly. "So what do you have in mind? I'm hoping it will get rid of these huge, annoying pests once and for all."

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At this moment, the shadows swarming around the ragtag group of dreamers, Nicole felt as though she was in a dream within a dream. The hilt of her rapier gripped firmly, she felt disconnected from her thoughts, her emotions. All that occupied her mind was thoughts of this urgent, present moment: stab at this one, at that one, doge a claw attack from the left, step behind Nina to defeat the one lunging for her, keep the others away from Rori as his portals swallowed another one whole. She managed to slay a few, the sword that had granted her wish proving quite powerful, yet there were so many that is was clear that the group could not fend them off forever, their powers combined. Still, Nicole felt this sense of... connectedness to the others, even though she was mostly unaware of what the others were doing as she focused on fighting. One of the cannibalistic shadowy creatures managed to get her side rather bad with its claws before succumbing to her blade. The others would notice that her moves her graceful, well practiced. She had taken fencing for most of her teenage years, and still was before the D.R.E.A.M. gas was released, but she'd actually never been this advanced, she'd simply watched others do it and aspired to. It was as if the blade itself was the source of her skill with it... another compensation for the hefty price of her memories.

Suddenly, a voice rang out through the oceans, even over the growls and cries of the NightMares. It was the girl they had just met here in the Ocean. Away from the tower? They had to defend the tower, didn't they? For all they knew the seed was most likely there. Not knowing much of how NightMares interact with the Dreamworlds, for all Nicole knew they were trying to guard the ocean's seed. However, the others started moving and so Nicole did as well. Her priority was fighting alongside the others helping to fend the NightMares off at the moment anyway. She then heard the girl call out to Alisa, and couldn't help but wonder what sort of crazy plan Anelie was cooking up in her head. Redirecting her thoughts towards the most pressing matters, such as ensuring everyone's survival so the plan could come to fruition to begin with, Nicole began to sprint after the others as they moved away, attempting to clear a path through the NightMares with her sword as she went.

Whirling around in an attempt to stop one of the shadows that was chasing after Rori, facing its backside, it dissipated before her eyes. On the other side was Nina, her arm out as what was clearly a throwing knife remained where the monster once was. It was clear that she had the ability to create things in dreams as well, so it seemed she had done just that with the knife. Nicole felt a sense of pride on the girl's behalf, as she then bravely spoke up to Rori. 'Don't treat me like a princess', my how those words sounded familiar to Nicole. "You heard the girl, she may have saved your bloody life." She spoke up to Rori. "Alright Nina, let's see how many of 'em we can take out while the others are executing that little plan of theirs." Hoping these words encouraged the brave Nina further, Nicole then gracefully lunged forward and stabbed the rapier into another NightMare, fighting quite well despite her wounded side. The others seemed similarly unfazed by their wounds, as if adrenaline, the nature of the dreamworlds or whatever else was allowing them to fight as best they could despite any perceived setbacks.

@Mitchs98 @Elfia Nightwing @thistle @JayfeatherRaven
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@Iomana @thistle @JaidenLark @DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven

Alisa Ann

Alisa had continued cutting down Nightmares when optimal. She couldn't keep it up forever, none of them could. They were extremely outnumbered and it was only a matter of time before they overwhelmed them unless someone came up with a plan. Luckily, Anelie seemed to fill the role of planmaker quite quickly. "
Da! Ya can try!" She called out to her. Moving away from the tower she focused intensely, this was far more strenous than creating blades to kill them with. This was creating a massive vortex to slam the Nightmares into the tower. Breathing in and out heavily she brought her arms out to one side before slowly making a massive swinging motion directed towards the tower. Nothing would happen at first, though suddenly a wall encompassing the Nightmares would appear and a vortex would appear on the other side sucking the Nightmares towards the tower in an effort to slingshot them into it. Alisa assumed this is what she wanted her to do, hopefully it was..she wouldn't be able to repeat something like this again.
A startled shriek escaped Anelie as a voice suddenly appeared near her and the girl whirled around, likely preparing to put her dagger to good use. Luckily, she spotted Ryan in enough time to halt her attack and placed a hand against her chest, the sound of her heartbeat thudding in her eardrums. It was the rude one, Ryan, though at the moment he was sporting a surprisingly friendly grin. "You scared me... Where did you even come from?" Frowning slightly, she gave a brief shake of her head, she could focus on that later. "Actually, never mind. My plan's pretty simple, I'm going to--" Right then, Alisa answered and her attention was drawn to the other girl, watching silently with slightly furrowed brows as a moment passed, then two, until finally a vortex of wind swirled into existence, scooping up the monsters like a vacuum. A bright grin spread across her face as blue eyes lit up in excitement, this was even better than what she expected!

"Way to go, Alisa! Thanks!" Giving another glance to make sure the group kept their distance from the Tower, Anelie shot a grin at Ryan. "Here, watch this." Thanks to Alisa's vortex, the NightMares were sucked in and thrown against the Tower, causing even more cracks and fractures to spread across its already frail surface. All it needed was one final push... Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes once again, and the dagger held clutched in her hand slowly faded then disappeared completely as it winked out of existence. To pull this next trick would require an extreme amount of concentration. Breathing in and out steadily, Anelie envisioned a sizable boulder, not too heavy to where it couldn't be moved but still large enough to do some damage. As it materialized into existence next to Alisa's vortex, a wave of dizziness washed over her and she stumbled. Not only was she really beginning to feel her shoulder injury now, the toll of creating such a large object when she was unused to it nearly caused the girl to fall to her knees. Only willpower and the desire to see her plan through kept her standing.

As the winds drew it closer, the boulder slowly moved towards the vortex until, in a blur of movement, it was caught in the swirl and launched through it, hitting the Tower with a solid thud and crushing a few NightMares in the process. An intent stare was focused on the Tower, the girl watching eagerly for any change. After what seemed like an eternity, there was a large tremor as a crack snaked up the Tower from the contact point with the boulder, and chunks of the material began to fall apart and rain down. Corralled and held near the falling Tower, the NightMares had nowhere to run as large chunks of material fell down upon them. It seemed a bit cruel destroying that entire chamber, but from what Anelie gathered in most cases those memories did more harm then good. Maybe some things were meant to stay forgotten. Plus, it was either that or their lives. Turning a triumphant smile to Ryan she opened her mouth to speak right as her knees crumpled beneath her, it seemed she could no longer resist the strain put on her from her wound and from creating such a large object.

@JaidenLark @Mitchs98 @thistle @JayfeatherRaven @DergTheDergon @Elfia Nightwing
Nicholas had hung back, surveying the battle from above, knowing fully well that he would be completely useless no matter if he was down there or up here. It was a David versus Goliath fight; a few inexperienced Dreamers against a swarm of pitch black NightMares, which were continually changing form into greater horrors. Despite their sudden solidarity and harmony, which had no doubt formed because of a common enemy, the Dreamers were losing this fight - fast. Anelie's quick thinking had reduced the number of NightMares by half, but the stunt had immediately crippled her, leaving her in no state to stamp out the remaining foes. Alisa's powers were also drained, and both Nicole, Nina and Ryan had multiple wounds from the attacks. Rori's ability could only defend them for so long...and they were losing this battle - fast.

Nicholas' mind whirled. He had to think up of another solution, a way to end this once and for all. With a plan made up halfway in his head, Nick darted in between the Dreamers and NightMares, intervening in the raging fight. "Stop!" He shouted. The Dreamers were already in no condition to continue, but to his surprise, the NightMares did as he said, though their reluctance was plain. He had their attention, but not for long. "We mean you no harm." He said in his most convincing tone, which wasn't easy, since Anelie and Alisa had just brought down half of a building and a boulder on their brethren. The NightMares did not react to his words. Obviously they had not forgiven the Dreamers yet. "We just want to find the Seed, that's all." Nicholas explained, and couldn't help but wonder if they understood him or not. Were these intelligent creatures, capable of thought?

"So if you could just leave us in peace, and -"

The NightMares' eyes flashed before blinking out one by one, until all that was left was one large, unblinking eye. Banshees, goblins, and witches all swirled into one gigantic black cloud before reshaping in the form of a gigantic orge, with a single crimson pupil in the center of its forehead. A Cyclops. Nicholas realized the beast from the Greek Myths and stumbled back in alarm, bumping into Nicole. The Cyclops was blurred at the edges, and if some NightMares had not quite merged into the vast body yet. Occasionally a part of the giant would split into smaller monsters then regroup, playing tricks on Nick's mind. The colossal creature could not have been substantial, yet the black wall looked rock solid. As if to strike, the Cyclops raised its dark fist. Nicholas closed his eyes. This was it. He would die for sure. But the blow never came. He opened his eyes to see the giant lumbering away from the Dreamers, returning to wherever it came from.

Nicholas blinked and breathed out a sigh of relief. It worked. With a shaky grin, he said to Nicole, "See? Not everything can be solved with brute force, you know." The girl was equally stunned and he was about to say more when a loud scream traveled into his ears, coming from the direction the Cyclops had gone. "Julian." Nicholas said, his face paling when he recognized the child's voice.

"Someone go get Valora." He ordered, then began moving in the direction of Julian's cries. "Nicole and Ryan, with me."

@DergTheDergon @JaidenLark @Iomana @Mitchs98 @thistle @Elfia Nightwing
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Nicole fought the nightmares best she could, almost enjoying the act to an extent. Her wounds pained her, and the sight of these creatures caused fear to well up inside the young woman, but with every nightmare she destroyed, and saw destroyed around her, they all seemed less scary. She tried not to think about the vast amounts of nightmares flooding from the tower, and simply keeping as many of the shadows away fro mthe two girls involved in thier plan as Alisa concentrated hard. It looked ike she was trying to do something big with her Dream Ability, and boy did she.

Nicole found herself stopping for a moment, her sword still stabbed into a dissipating NightMare as she watched the massive wall appear, and the vortex on the other side. If that were not impressive enough, next thing she knew, the other foreign girl, Anelie, pushed a boulder straigth through the tower, destroying many of the shadows in th process. For a moment, she felt very jealous. She had the same Dream Ability as these two, yet all she managed to conjure so far was a boat for Nina that only offered her reprieve for a few short moments and gave Nicole quite the headache. These two had just slain half the horde it seemed.

These thoughts were halted as she witnessed the girl falling to her knees moments later, reminding Nicole that this was no time for envy. Anelie was still part of the group, and now she seemed down for the count as far as continuing to thin the horde goes. Sudddenly, Nicole heard a shout from hnearby. "Stop!" It was Nicholas' voice. To her surpris,e it seemed to work. Why were they listening to him? Why were they listening to anyone? As he continued speaking, it seemed as though he was angering them, not getting them to back down. His words seemed ludicrous, like they absolutely wouldn't work in a million years. hHow the hell would these savage things understand any of that, much less even consider his point of view? They all began reforming into one big monster, and Nicole found herself stepping back. "Bloody hell... I think I need a bigger sword." Then, it reared up to attack, and Nicole looked to Nicholas for a moment , yelling "Now you've bloody done it!" She then found herself closing her eyes a well, hoping to god that those were not her last words... then Nicole heard its footseps gradually fading into the distance.

Opening her eyes, she looked towards Nicholas, and found herself huffing after his words, her only response a haughty "Hmph," looking away and crossing her arms. It was true she hadn't thought of anything else to do but use "brute force" as Nicholas described it, which was a rather unladylike term that she'd rather him not have used. Nicole then scanned her eyes about the rest of the party, seeing howthey wer all holding up... only to freeze in shock and fear hearing that scream. Nicholas had taken the word from her mouth, that had to be his voice. Was that monster heading for Julian and ignoring them? Why ever would it do that?! She found herself dashing in that direction, already several feet in head of Nicholas when he told her to come to him, most likely not even looking for her as he said it.

What Anelie had done was even better than Ryan expected. He'd underestimated the extent of the girl's powers and her wit. "Not bad." He said approvingly when half the NightMares were crushed and pulverized. They were still dividing into more black critters, but the process seemed to have slowed. Finally, they stood a chance against the NightMares. Ryan closed his eyes, willing himself to DreamLurk again, but nothing happened. The familiar sensation of melding into his surroundings never came, and every time he tried, a jolt of pain from his abdomen would break his much needed concentration. When the pain intensified, he pressed his hand to his stomach, only to feel it warm and wet with his blood. He glanced down and let out a loud yelp. Ryan's shirt had been sliced open and stained with blood, and a long gash ran horizontally across his skin. The injury looked worse than it was. Thank God I'm in a dream, he thought in relief, The salt water would've hurt like hell in reality.

Almost immediently the wound began to sting uncomfortably, his subconscious responding to the trigger of his expectiation. His blood now seeped into the water, appearing light green for a fraction of a second began dissolving into nothing. He remembered reading in a book once that human blood looked green underwater, but he didn't know if it was true or not. And our dreams are based on these guesses, he mused. A random experiment formed in his mind, and he thought: I will become weak from blood loss if I don't staunch the bloodflow soon. Right on cue, his vision swam and he began to feel faint. It was a stupid idea to test his hypothesis on himself. "Um...guys?" His voice sounded muffled to his own ears.

Only by sheer will did Ryan keep himself from passing out, slipping in and out of conscious as he watched Nicholas intervene and cast the NightMares away. Just when he thought the danger had gone, a piercing scream ripped through the water. Ryan's eyelids were heavier than rocks as he forced them open, and for a moment he thought he felt the mattress from his bed at home draped over his sleeping body. "Wuh?" He muttered drowsily when he heard Nick's worried voice mention Julian. "Can someone..." Ryan placed his hand on the fabric of his shirt, which was now soaked through with blood, before finally letting his eyes close. Just a minute of rest... He allowed himself, unaware that he was growing invisible again, but because of an entirely different reason, one that could cost him his life.

@Iomana @JayfeatherRaven @everyone else
While shattered chunks of crystal and slabs of sandstone continued to shower the floor, Rori hardly noticed the bed of stars begin to light underfoot as Julian’s scream split the air. The roaring din of the memories as they continued to spill from the gaping Tower was mute in comparison to the terror that filled the boy’s cry.

As Nicholas and Nicole rushed to the boy’s aid, hardly taking a moment to catch their breath from the previous onslaught, Rori sought to carry out Nicholas’s orders. Though the initial threat had been dealt with, the group had taken a blow of their own, Anelie’s collapsed form acting as a vivid reminder of their toll.

He paused, kneeling to check her shoulders still rose and fell, and when they did Rori set his eyes to the distance. It was with slow realization, watching as the previous pair pursue after the one eyed beast, that Rori noticed they were a member short.

Automatically his lips moved, marking each person’s position, and as if on cue a body bumped into him from behind, reminding Rori of his previous injury as it flared to life. Set off kilter, the weight made him buckle as he turned to catch what could only be Ryan. Any witty remark was abruptly halted at the sight before him.

He was…fading, and not like he had done earlier by fading seamlessly out of view. Rather it was more like a weakly lit candle that was threatening to gutter out at any second.

Starting, Rori patted his companion’s head with sudden insistence. If he hadn’t witnessed similar signs, he would have assumed the boy’s reaction only a result of fatigue. But the memory of the Forest and of the girl who had remained unnamed to him, were still clear.

“Hey!” The world was an exclamation, sharpened in an obvious form of disapproval. With a critical frown and Rori now shaking Ryan's shoulder with greater urgency, it almost seemed as if the artist was in the middle of scolding Ryan for being unconscious. “No, none of that! I’d rather face another horde of those creatures than see what Julian does to me when he finds out you’ve gone and disappeared.” As he spoke Rori ignored the painful tugging of his wound and tore the hem of his shirt to wrap around Ryan’s midsection. It wasn’t a perfect bandage, Rori’s first aide skills being sub par at best, but it would staunch the injury to some degree at least. “I swear: If you fade any further, I will personally drag you by the wrist until you wake up!”

As if to stab the point home Rori took up the said joint and shook it with firm intent, causing Ryan’s limb to flop limply in the air. No response.

He let out a terse breath, dropping the facade and setting the hand back down with newfound gentleness. “Would you mind keeping an eye on those two?” Rori asked, approaching Nina and Alisa and nodding to their unconscious companions. “Awake or not, it would be best if we remained in pairs." Rori checked the direction he had last seen Julian's sister and hoped it was the right way. "I'll be finding mine in a moment. A quick note though. When you see that piece of cloth start to fall, give Ryan a good prodding. A poke, a nudge of the toe. Anything to keep him conscious in this world, although mind his injury. Further bleeding will likely worsen the situation."

It wasn’t the most assuring notion that he would be leaving the girls to themselves. But then again they had proven their worth and neither of them seemed to be complaining despite the injuries they’d sustained or the likely fatigue in their bones. Keeping this in mind he hurried off in search of Valora.

@Mitchs98 @Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven @everyone else
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Nina blinked as Rori suddenly pulled her away from where she was staring dumbly after Nicole, who herself was whisked away to join the search for Julian and Valora. Man, these people really like to yank a girl around. She thought to herself. As Rori explained to her and Alisa their job, she watched as Ryan drifted back out to unconsciousness. Oh no, oh no oh no! Nina thought, looking around nervously for someone to give some sort of instruction. As a girl who had never been allowed to live freely before, suddenly being put in charge of two people, ( Not to mention two highly injured people,) was extremely jarring.

Nina looked to Alisa for some sort of guidance, but the there girl seemed as clueless as Nina. As Nina struggled for a answer of what to do, she saw Ryan grow more and more faint, causing her to let out a shriek of panic. "Ryan, you can't wake up!! Don't wake up!!" she cried, trying to draw him back to them. No good. Out of options, and full of fear, Nina collapsed on Ryan's lap, shaking as she debated her options. drawing back her hand, Nina steeled herself and swung as hard as she could, the sound of flesh connecting echoed all around them, as Nina repeated the process. "You! Can! Not! Wake! Up!" She screeched, enunciating each word with a slap to the cheek.

She finally stopped when both of Ryan's cheeks were fire engine red, but his body wasn't fading anymore. Nina let out a sigh of relief, collapsing against his chest. "Everyone...Please hurry back."she whimpered.
@Elfia Nightwing @JayfeatherRaven @thistle @Iomana @otherppl

Alisa Ann

Alisa flashed a thumbs up when she was praised for her work, though she was absolutely exhausted she didn't intend on passing out anytime soon. She was shocked when the remainder of the Nightmares formed together and just..walked off. It was really unexpected, but definetely welcome seeing as no one was fit to fight anymore. Soon enough Rori called her and Nina over to watch over the injured. She didn't really know what to do, only shrugging when Nina looked to her for advice. She wasn't exactly well versed in first aid..at all really. Especially first aid in the DreamWorld. It wasn't really an issue for her until now, so she didn't exactly bother learning how.

Soon enough though it seemed Nina figured out a viable solution, which was to repeatedly slap Ryan. It seemed to work, as he stopped fading. He was clearly still wounded, but no longer fading. "
Well..ya guess that works." She mumbled to herself before shrugging. "Good work Nina." She told her before moving beside Anelie. Since Nina had helped Ryan she'd help make sure Anelie stayed with them. She was just exhausted, so it'd be an easier task. She sat beside the girl, which was an odd sensation in water, and gently shook her ever so often. "Don't wake up Anelie. Stay with my(us)." She told her whenever she did, basically repeating the same thing.
The feeling of betrayal was a first for Julian, and to him it was worse than being hit by the hardest blow. Compared to that, it was a bucketful of cold, harsh ice water dumped onto his head, jerking him awake. Julian had always been mature beyond his years, having experienced a great deal of things that kids his age only saw in movies. But his innocence was like any other, his heart just as fragile, not yet hardened by the cruel years. How could he possibly imagine that his own sister, the one who had been by his side despite the odds, the one person he'd trusted, the one who he'd been fiercely loyal to- had betrayed him? The salty streaks on his cheeks never seemed to cease, even as he rubbed his eyes forcefully. Stop crying! He scolded himself, but his tears did not listen. Suddenly, he heard a low, resonating hum, and a song emerged from the depths of the ocean, causing his sobs to quieten.

My heart belongs to the ocean, the deep blue sea

To all the lost stars once alive and free

Flames of light in the sky we used to see

But down they plummet as a wish for me

My heart belongs to the ocean, the deep blue sea

For the Tower itself holds my memories

So who should I trust, who should I believe

Is all what it seems- just a reverie

My heart belongs to the ocean, the cold harsh blue

When this is more than a dream come true

I offer up my beloved to you

So that you know I have nothing to lose

Some heavy settled into Julian's palm and he looked down to see the pale Seed nestled in his hand. A minute ago, he would have wanted to hurl the Seed into the abyss out of hatred - this horrid place was what caused the rift between him and Valora in the first place, but the ballad had calmed and soothed his pain like a lullaby. He was finally starting to understand these DreamWorlds. They were not lifeless pieces of architecture - they were living, breathing, feeling consciousnesses constructed by the wonderful, limitless dreams of humanity. And these Seeds were the pure hearts of these gentle deities. Julian thought as he wrapped his fingers around the azure pearl protectively.

His serenity was cut short by a looming shadow cast over him, and before he could react, giant fingers circled his waist and flung him through the water, slamming him into the remnants of the Tower. Pain exploded in his back and he screamed as the Cyclops lumbered towards him once again. Struggling to maintain conscious, Julian made out two blots of figures approaching, one who looked like Nicholas and the other with a sword in her hand...

@DergTheDergon @everyone else


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