Dragon's Roar.

Drumonkey said:
(Sandmen eat dreams they are associated with dreams more so than Morpheus the greek god of dreams)

(But if you asked the europeans before the like 18th century it would be flipped so I decided its both he just usually does good dreams)
Okay then Accepted.
Drumonkey said:
(Where do I jump in?)
Anywhere. Since you're a neutral character just jump in on any guild tab and walk up to it just to visit or cause trouble or whatever.
Name: Primeva "Call me Eva.......or I'll fucking kill you."

Age: 20

Gender: Females

Sexual Interest: Omnisexual

Species: Double soul (She is a human that was born with two souls of ancient beings...long story) "Curious thing...the word species."

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.46ff0936ea13548bad7ff3d0c1061017.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.46ff0936ea13548bad7ff3d0c1061017.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Easy-going the only thing that really pisses her off is when some poor fool ruins her cigarette. Not that it matters but she is only very fickle when it comes to people, she knows what she wants when she wants. Eva is much worse than even Velaris when it comes to getting what she wants getting in her way could literally mean death soooo dint do it. Other than that she is very seductive and can easily bed anyone she wants be it man woman or anything in between.

Powers:"Evil" it seems like magic, when she uses it different Symbol's will appear effectively casting spells.

History/Reason For Joining:Heard there was a "Dark Guild" and wanted to check it out.

Desired Guild:Excidium

Extra: When she changes gender she changes her weapon and skill sets as well. Her main weapon is "Oblivion spear" she can break it in half and elongate the blades to make twin swords. She is incredibly skilled in martial arts and uses her spear like a Bo staff spinning it fast enough to cut like a spinning razor blade.

Her cigarette is eternal and always comes back no matter how many times it's used or destroyed it always returns. It gives off no scent and the smoke is often used as her weapon. People think she's a smoke mage when they first encounter her and before they see her use her spear.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.a5640ea1b04ddb7c3970d508e4a6ab48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.a5640ea1b04ddb7c3970d508e4a6ab48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Also the smoke always curls around and becomes that little skull and crossbones..it's like her little pet so don't try to harm it....or you'll die.

Theme song: Make a Move (Icon for Hire)





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@Light[/URL], please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
Name: Light

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Light Essence

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/b17d351f96b2440df685cc22a706edb1.jpg.258ed0b28d255d685e6b81b0ac569fe3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/b17d351f96b2440df685cc22a706edb1.jpg.258ed0b28d255d685e6b81b0ac569fe3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Can become highly obsessed. Arrogant and does whatever he wants as long as it pleases himself and his companions.

Powers: Powers over light and slight control over the sun.

History/Reason For Joining: His history is unknown. He hails from space.

Desired Guild: Nuetral

Extra: Isabella's former suitor.


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Name: Charles Behemont

''A name which, unlike yours, will not be lost in the mists of time...Unfortunately''

Age: around 800 years old (looks 30)

''Age is meaningless. Nothing lasts forever...Well, I do...living until the end of time and beyond, as an eternal pain in the ass...''

Gender: male


Sexual Interest: heterosexual

''Eternally straight and ...ready for action''

Species: transcendent vampire

''It's what I am. I don't care why!''




Personality: Charles is nhilistic and apathetic. He has a dark persona and negates quite a few so-called miningful aspects of life and belives that the interpretation of existence must be based on resolution. He is also quite indifferent and passionless, although strong opponents might light a fire inside of him. Other than that he is quite brutal and vengeful if he is angered to great enough heights.

''I am and always will be... a thorn in the side of existence. That is my vengeance and also my way of life. Now shut up and watch as Oblivion unfolds, with your own eyes!''


#Transcendent Vampire Physiology- After absorbing the powers of The Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently the strongest vampire alive, known as the New Dracula. In other words he has become a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood. He has extreme levels of speed, strength, durability and agility while also possesing highly enhanced senses (except his sense of smell, since he doesn't breathe) and a supernatural perception. Other than that he posseses an extremely strong regenerative healing factor, which also makes him immune to toxins, poisons, venoms and viruses. Unlike normal vampires, he is not affected by sunlight, water (including holy water) or stakes and he is not vulnerable to holy magic or holy artifacts.

#True Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, but not only. Because of this natural ability Avalon exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He has no need to drink blood (even if he can do it to increase his physical capabilities) or even breathe. He also can't die (unless some extremely powerful godlike abilities are used) but he can be injured and temporarily defeated.

#Master of the Dark Arts- Charles is a master of black magic and he can use it for a wide variety of effects, such as curses, necromancy, illusions, destructive esoteric blasts and the manipulation of darkness.

#Blood Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate blood. In the case of other living beings, he can only control their blood if they have a weak will.

#Psionic Manipulation- Charles can use psionic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, supernatural empathy and astral energy control, at a highly advanced level.

#Natural Energy Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate energy stored in nature , including natural phenomena such as volcanic activity, earthquakes,storms and weather in general as well as connecting with nature and its creatures. He can also sense other living beings.

History/Reason For Joining: After absorbing the powers of the Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently became responsible for maintaining the natural balance between vampires, humans, as well as other monsters. The Primordial God gave him an asignment: he needed to join Excidium and listen to every order given by the leader (Mist), for the sake of...balance.

Desired Guild: Excidium


>>Other abilities (not supernatural powers):

1.Strong Mind- he has a powerful mind which makes him resistant to mind control, telepathy and emotional manipulation. But he is not immune.

2. Masmerizing Presence- due to his appearance, attractiveness and intense gaze Charles is highly masmerizing, especially for women. His gaze is almost hypnotic (not literally).

3. Highly intelligent.

4.Master in close quarter combat combat.

>>Note: unlike other vampires , who only drink blood, Charles can also feed off the nerve impulses of other beings, to gain more stamina. Altough it isn't necessary and he barely ever does it.


  • Void Sword- a sword which steals the opponent's vitality, little by little with each strike and then transfers it to the owner (Charles). It is highly durable (about 70 times more durable than steel) and sharp. It weights 2 metric tons and has glowing blue runes on the blade. Charles can also channel natural energy through the sword for various purposes or simply use the energy to enhance the blade in multiple ways.



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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Name: Charles Behemont
''A name which, unlike yours, will not be lost in the mists of time...Unfortunately''

Age: around 800 years old (looks 30)

''Age is meaningless. Nothing lasts forever...Well, I do...living until the end of time and beyond, as an eternal pain in the ass...''

Gender: male


Sexual Interest: heterosexual

''Eternally straight and ...ready for action''

Species: transcendent vampire

''It's what I am. I don't care why!''




Personality: Charles is nhilistic and apathetic. He has a dark persona and negates quite a few so-called miningful aspects of life and belives that the interpretation of existence must be based on resolution. He is also quite indifferent and passionless, although strong opponents might light a fire inside of him. He is also quite brutal and vengeful if he is angered to great enough heights.

''I am and always will be... a thorn in the side of existence. That is my vengeance and also my way of life. Now shut up and watch as Oblivion unfolds, with your own eyes!''


#Transcendent Vampire Physiology- After absorbing the powers of The Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently the strongest vampire alive, known as the New Dracula. In other words he has become a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood. He has extreme levels of speed, strength, durability and agility while also possesing highly enhanced senses (except his sense of smell, since he doesn't breathe) and a supernatural perception. Other than that he posseses an extremely strong regenerative healing factor, which also makes him immune to toxins, poisons, venoms and viruses. Also, unlike normal vampires, he is not affected by sunlight.

#True Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, but not only. Because of this natural ability Avalon exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He has no need to drink blood (even if he can do it to increase his physical capabilities) or even breathe. He also can't die (unless some extremely powerful godlike abilities are used) but he can be injured and temporarily defeated.

#Unusual Vampirism- unlike normal vampires, who only drink blood, Charles doesn't necessarily need to do it (if he does, though , it will increase his physical condition to some degree). Not only that, he can also feed off of the nerve impulses of others (he usually does it to calm people down) and he can use the energy gained from that to slightly amplify one of his physical traits (strength, speed or durability).

#Flight- he can fly at very high levels of speed.

#High Magic Resistance- because of his transcendent physiology , he obtained a very high magic resistance which lowers the effect of any type of magic (holy magic included) by three quarters (3/4). He is also nearly immune to holy artifacts.

#Master of the Dark Arts- Charles is a master of black magic and he can use it for a wide variety of effects (such as curses, necromancy, poison, illusions ,destructive blasts, dark flames and the manipulation of darkness)

#Shapeshifting- He can transform in vitrually any type of animal (altough he prefers wolfs and bats) as well as dark mist.

He can also manipulate state (from solid to liquid, gaseous or even astral energy).

#Blood Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate blood. In the case of other living beings, he can only control their blood if they have a weak will.

#Psionic Manipulation- Charles can use psionic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, supernatural empathy and astral projection, at an advanced level.

#Natural Energy Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate energy stored in nature , including natural phenomena such as volcanic activity, earthquakes,storms and weather in general as well as connecting with nature and its creatures. He can also sense other living beings.

History/Reason For Joining: After absorbing the powers of the Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently became responsible for maintaining the natural balance between vampires, humans, as well as other monsters. The Primordial God gave him an asignment: he needed to join Excidium and listen to every order given by the leader (Mist), for the sake of...balance.

Desired Guild: Excidium


>>Other abilities (not supernatural powers):

1.Strong Mind- he has a powerful mind which makes him resistant to mind control, telepathy and emotional manipulation. But he is not immune.

2. Masmerizing Presence- due to his appearance, attractiveness and intense gaze Charles is highly masmerizing, especially for women. His gaze is almost hypnotic (not literally).

3. Highly intelligent.

4.Master in close quarter combat combat.


  • Void Sword- a sword which steals the opponent's vitality, little by little with each strike and then transfers it to the owner (Charles). It is highly durable (about 70 times more durable than steel) and sharp. It weights 2 metric tons. It also has glowing blue runes on the blade.




Less powers.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]
Name: Charles Behemont
''A name which, unlike yours, will not be lost in the mists of time...Unfortunately''

Age: around 800 years old (looks 30)

''Age is meaningless. Nothing lasts forever...Well, I do...living until the end of time and beyond, as an eternal pain in the ass...''

Gender: male


Sexual Interest: heterosexual

''Eternally straight and ...ready for action''

Species: transcendent vampire

''It's what I am. I don't care why!''




Personality: Charles is nhilistic and apathetic. He has a dark persona and negates quite a few so-called miningful aspects of life and belives that the interpretation of existence must be based on resolution. He is also quite indifferent and passionless, although strong opponents might light a fire inside of him. Other than that he is quite brutal and vengeful if he is angered to great enough heights.

''I am and always will be... a thorn in the side of existence. That is my vengeance and also my way of life. Now shut up and watch as Oblivion unfolds, with your own eyes!''


#Transcendent Vampire Physiology- After absorbing the powers of The Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently the strongest vampire alive, known as the New Dracula. In other words he has become a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood. He has extreme levels of speed, strength, durability and agility while also possesing highly enhanced senses (except his sense of smell, since he doesn't breathe) and a supernatural perception. Other than that he posseses an extremely strong regenerative healing factor, which also makes him immune to toxins, poisons, venoms and viruses. Unlike normal vampires, he is not affected by sunlight. Because of his transcendent physiology , he obtained a very high magic resistance which lowers the effect of any type of magic (holy magic included) by three quarters (3/4) and made him nearly immune to holy artifacts.

#True Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, but not only. Because of this natural ability Avalon exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He has no need to drink blood (even if he can do it to increase his physical capabilities) or even breathe. He also can't die (unless some extremely powerful godlike abilities are used) but he can be injured and temporarily defeated.

#Master of the Dark Arts- Charles is a master of black magic and he can use it for a wide variety of effects, such as curses, necromancy, poison, illusions ,destructive blasts, dark flames, shapeshifting (into a wolf ,multiple bats or some sort of black mist as well as being able to change his state from solid to liquid or gaseous ) and the manipulation of darkness.

#Blood Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate blood. In the case of other living beings, he can only control their blood if they have a weak will.

#Psionic Manipulation- Charles can use psionic abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, supernatural empathy and astral energy control, at an advanced level.

#Natural Energy Manipulation- he can create, shape and manipulate energy stored in nature , including natural phenomena such as volcanic activity, earthquakes,storms and weather in general as well as connecting with nature and its creatures. He can also sense other living beings.

History/Reason For Joining: After absorbing the powers of the Forgotten One, Charles became a transcendent vampire and subsequently became responsible for maintaining the natural balance between vampires, humans, as well as other monsters. The Primordial God gave him an asignment: he needed to join Excidium and listen to every order given by the leader (Mist), for the sake of...balance.

Desired Guild: Excidium


>>Other abilities (not supernatural powers):

1.Strong Mind- he has a powerful mind which makes him resistant to mind control, telepathy and emotional manipulation. But he is not immune.

2. Masmerizing Presence- due to his appearance, attractiveness and intense gaze Charles is highly masmerizing, especially for women. His gaze is almost hypnotic (not literally).

3. Highly intelligent.

4.Master in close quarter combat combat.

>>Note: unlike other vampires , who only drink blood, Charles can also feed off the nerve impulses of other beings, to gain more stamina. Altough it isn't necessary and he barely ever does it.


  • Void Sword- a sword which steals the opponent's vitality, little by little with each strike and then transfers it to the owner (Charles). It is highly durable (about 70 times more durable than steel) and sharp. It weights 2 metric tons. It also has glowing blue runes on the blade.




You just moved some of the powers into different ones to make it seem like less but whatever accepted.
Name: Vokun the "Shadow"

Age: 3,600, looks like a 6-7 year old child.

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Devil, a creature superior to an ordinary demon, though this all depends of course.

Appearance: Vokun's eyes are visibly red, as well as the eyes on the shadows, as shown in the pic below.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.c7aecf6a5aab29ac3659b6a106d629c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.c7aecf6a5aab29ac3659b6a106d629c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.109c4ed14b4a2da9855d6b8111d28139.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.109c4ed14b4a2da9855d6b8111d28139.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cruel, Sadistic, Smart, Great actor

Powers: Vokun can manipulate seemingly indestructible shadows that comes from his own shadow. They have eyes and sharp teeth, giving it a formidable appearance, Vokun can see through the eyes of the shadows and talk through the mouths of them when far away. The shadows' teeth aren't there for long range communication only, though, they can bite and tear, even consume. Whatever the shadows consume, it gains all the strengths of it as well the weaknesses. (Vokun devours someone with his shadows and they have great physical strength but poor eyesight, thus Vokun gains both the strengths and weaknesses.)

History/Reason For Joining: TBR (to be rp'd)

Desired Guild: Neutral, often sells information to both guilds.

Extra: N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1c85f1ac1c3a2381379f695733886ecc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1c85f1ac1c3a2381379f695733886ecc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Verdas said:
Name: Vokun the "Shadow"
Age: 3,600, looks like a 6-7 year old child.

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Devil, a creature superior to an ordinary demon, though this all depends of course.

Appearance: Vokun's eyes are visibly red, as well as the eyes on the shadows, as shown in the pic below.View attachment 106956

View attachment 106957

Personality: Cruel, Sadistic, Smart, Great actor

Powers: Vokun can manipulate seemingly indestructible shadows that comes from his own shadow. They have eyes and sharp teeth, giving it a formidable appearance, Vokun can see through the eyes of the shadows and talk through the mouths of them when far away. The shadows' teeth aren't there for long range communication only, though, they can bite and tear, even consume. Whatever the shadows consume, it gains all the strengths of it as well the weaknesses. (Vokun devours someone with his shadows and they have great physical strength but poor eyesight, thus Vokun gains both the strengths and weaknesses.)

History/Reason For Joining: TBR (to be rp'd)

Desired Guild: Neutral, often sells information to both guilds.

Extra: N/A
Name: Layla and Lana West

Age: (twins) 32 years old

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: straight, though it can get pretty weird since whoever wants to date one has to date the other

Species: Human

Appearance: They look exactly the same except for a difference in hair style, which is blonde. Layla has her hair up in two buns while Lana keeps her hair in a ponytail. Normally they wear gold and blue robes, which they use to hide their various weapons. As a fight intensifies, however, they will shed these robes, revealing dark green tights that go over their entire bodies. Once they fuse, their outfit changes yet again to red and white robes of the same style as the ones they wore before.

Personality: bubbly, and sometimes annoying, they can be fun to be around but it seems weird how connected they are, not only finishing each other's sentences but saying exactly what the other says at the same time. Like Bruce and the rest of the West family, they enjoy a good fight and the money that pays from using their abilities.

Powers: most of the same martial arts training Bruce endured, with variants as the two sisters work as a duo in combat, instead of by themselves. They work so well as a team that they self taught themselves to be able to fuse, more than doubling their combined power. When fighting alongside Bruce, all three can enact an attack known as the Wrath of the West

History/Reason For Joining: They're only joining the guild because Bruce half asked half paid them to be. Being the older sisters to Bruce, they constantly teased him, even when he started to match the duo in skill. They have gone back and forth, Bruce beating them, them beating Bruce in fights. He never admitted it of course.

Desired Guild: Excidium
Afrobrony said:
Name: Layla and Lana West
Age: (twins) 32 years old

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: straight, though it can get pretty weird since whoever wants to date one has to date the other

Species: Human

Appearance: They look exactly the same except for a difference in hair style, which is blonde. Layla has her hair up in two buns while Lana keeps her hair in a ponytail. Normally they wear gold and blue robes, which they use to hide their various weapons. As a fight intensifies, however, they will shed these robes, revealing dark green tights that go over their entire bodies. Once they fuse, their outfit changes yet again to red and white robes of the same style as the ones they wore before.

Personality: bubbly, and sometimes annoying, they can be fun to be around but it seems weird how connected they are, not only finishing each other's sentences but saying exactly what the other says at the same time. Like Bruce and the rest of the West family, they enjoy a good fight and the money that pays from using their abilities.

Powers: most of the same martial arts training Bruce endured, with variants as the two sisters work as a duo in combat, instead of by themselves. They work so well as a team that they self taught themselves to be able to fuse, more than doubling their combined power. When fighting alongside Bruce, all three can enact an attack known as the Wrath of the West

History/Reason For Joining: They're only joining the guild because Bruce half asked half paid them to be. Being the older sisters to Bruce, they constantly teased him, even when he started to match the duo in skill. They have gone back and forth, Bruce beating them, them beating Bruce in fights. He never admitted it of course.

Desired Guild: Excidium



Sexual Interest:Straight

Species:Phoenix hybrid


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Alva.jpg.5e533f468a489e2b847fed0d1cfde950.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Alva.jpg.5e533f468a489e2b847fed0d1cfde950.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Alva <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Icarus.jpg.7d5f2e12fd4bd62d7cfd1ab30c5bf2ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Icarus.jpg.7d5f2e12fd4bd62d7cfd1ab30c5bf2ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Icarus

Personality: Alva is a kind person who helps anyone who is in need. He also is close friends with Amonar and has shared a past with him. Alva is very intent on protecting his friends and will do anything to protect them. His powers are increased by the moonlight due to the type of phoenix that he is.

Powers: Rebirth- Being part phoenix Alva can be "reborn" the downfall of this is the process takes an entire week and he loses half of his current strength.

Midnight Flame- A normal flame breath that he can use to fight enemies, it becomes stronger based on the time of night and the current stage of the moon, a full moon at midnight puts him at his strongest possible potential.

Morph- Allows Alva/Icarus to transform between human and phoenix.

History/Reason For Joining: Alva used to belong to the plentiful race of phoenixes that thrived throughout the realm. The downfall of the Moonlight phoenixes caused him to fall to pieces. He met Amonar and decided he would use his strength to

Desired Guild:Dragon's Roar

Extra: He wears a crescent moon necklace at all times, it is what allows him to morph with ease and contain his phoenix powers to avoid being detected by unwanted threats.



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Dnaleri017 said:


Sexual Interest:Straight

Species:Phoenix hybrid


View attachment 108160 Alva View attachment 108161 Icarus

Personality: Alva is a kind person who helps anyone who is in need. He also is close friends with Amonar and has shared a past with him. Alva is very intent on protecting his friends and will do anything to protect them. His powers are increased by the moonlight due to the type of phoenix that he is.

Powers: Rebirth- Being part phoenix Alva can be "reborn" the downfall of this is the process takes an entire week and he loses half of his current strength.

Midnight Flame- A normal flame breath that he can use to fight enemies, it becomes stronger based on the time of night and the current stage of the moon, a full moon at midnight puts him at his strongest possible potential.

Morph- Allows Alva/Icarus to transform between human and phoenix.

History/Reason For Joining: Alva used to belong to the plentiful race of phoenixes that thrived throughout the realm. The downfall of the Moonlight phoenixes caused him to fall to pieces. He met Amonar and decided he would use his strength to

Desired Guild:Dragon's Roar

Extra: He wears a crescent moon necklace at all times, it is what allows him to morph with ease and contain his phoenix powers to avoid being detected by unwanted threats.
Name: Amonar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Kinetic Mage


Personality: Close friends with Alva, Loves Explosions, somewhat insane

Powers: Can form explosions into my left hand to throw and has wonderful sight

History/Reason For Joining: Was a failed test subject that ended up "dead" and got thrown out, only to make his way here for revenge on anything and everything

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: Studying an explosion spell, getting as much information as possible<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Amonar.jpg.4be00fae1ef014722a25ddfa3a894c61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Amonar.jpg.4be00fae1ef014722a25ddfa3a894c61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ExoticDemon said:
Name: Amonar
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Kinetic Mage


Personality: Close friends with Alva, Loves Explosions, somewhat insane

Powers: Can form explosions into my left hand to throw and has wonderful sight

History/Reason For Joining: Was a failed test subject that ended up "dead" and got thrown out, only to make his way here for revenge on anything and everything

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: Studying an explosion spell, getting as much information as possible
Can I have more detail on personality and powers please?
Light said:
Can I have more detail on personality and powers please?
sorry bout that, he is my friend, i can help him add more detail and update it within the next two days, its been a while since he has done rp
Dnaleri017 said:
sorry bout that, he is my friend, i can help him add more detail and update it within the next two days, its been a while since he has done rp
Yeah that's totally fine. :)


Name: Thana Morton

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Mare

Personality: She is polite enough but definitely to be feared. Her morals are corrupted and she's mentally unstable. The only time she seems to have a smile on her face is when she's scaring, hurting, or killing someone. She prefers to take orders and is actually loyal when she us put to that test. Her mood wavers often and is easy to upset.

Powers: The ability to conjure up people's worst fears. It intensifies when you look into her eyes. Her power comes from the fear and negative emotions of others which she consumes. She can conjure up just about any illusion but usually saves it for nightmarish things.

Reason for wanting to join: Thana is bored of acting on her own.She wants orders, she wants targets, she wants an enemy...

Desired Guild: Excidium​
Maxwelle said:


Name: Thana Morton

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Mare

Personality: She is polite enough but definitely to be feared. Her morals are corrupted and she's mentally unstable. The only time she seems to have a smile on her face is when she's scaring, hurting, or killing someone. She prefers to take orders and is actually loyal when she us put to that test. Her mood wavers often and is easy to upset.

Powers: The ability to conjure up people's worst fears. It intensifies when you look into her eyes. Her power comes from the fear and negative emotions of others which she consumes. She can conjure up just about any illusion but usually saves it for nightmarish things.

Reason for wanting to join: Thana is bored of acting on her own.She wants orders, she wants targets, she wants an enemy...

Desired Guild: Excidium​
This is an updated version of a character my friend made, he wanted me to help so this is what has changed! Hope its better now. :)

Name: Amonar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Kinetic Mage


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Amonar.jpg.2e09b6318adc1b4a153d21d9297d1b3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Amonar.jpg.2e09b6318adc1b4a153d21d9297d1b3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Amonar is close friends with Alva from their shared history together. He enjoys explosions due to the "experiments" done to him as a child in a laboratory. After being left to die he met up with Alva and has decided to put his new kinetic abilities to a use to both help those who are forgotten and to get revenge on the scientists who did this to him.

Powers: Being a kinetic mage Amonar can easily cast "spells" that allow him to cause certain objects or areas explode. Any other powers he has are unknown to him as of his current knowledge.

History/Reason For Joining: Amonar was a failed test subject that ended up "dead" and was thrown out. He began make his way here for revenge on the scientists as well as protect those who were less fortunate.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: Studying anything he can learn about his "powers" so that he may fully understand the capabilities that he has.



  • Amonar.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 47
Dnaleri017 said:
This is an updated version of a character my friend made, he wanted me to help so this is what has changed! Hope its better now. :)
Name: Amonar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Kinetic Mage


View attachment 108275

Personality: Amonar is close friends with Alva from their shared history together. He enjoys explosions due to the "experiments" done to him as a child in a laboratory. After being left to die he met up with Alva and has decided to put his new kinetic abilities to a use to both help those who are forgotten and to get revenge on the scientists who did this to him.

Powers: Being a kinetic mage Amonar can easily cast "spells" that allow him to cause certain objects or areas explode. Any other powers he has are unknown to him as of his current knowledge.

History/Reason For Joining: Amonar was a failed test subject that ended up "dead" and was thrown out. He began make his way here for revenge on the scientists as well as protect those who were less fortunate.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: Studying anything he can learn about his "powers" so that he may fully understand the capabilities that he has.

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