Dragon's Roar.

Pumpkakun said:
How should I jump in?
Walk in the guild. This rp isn't a very hard one to mingle in like those highschool rps when you have to do a whole bunch of things to get noticed. Just walk in, introduce yourself to whoever you desire to talk to and maybe leave do your own thing. Come back and conversate again. Maybe start up your own plot in the rp. Y'know.
Name: Zone

"That's the name, don't wear it out!"

Age: 17

"Human years? 17"

Gender: Male

"Last time I checked"

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Demi, son of Mercury




"Don't blink you'll miss me!" "What did I say?"


Zone is upbeat and hyperactive, always up for doing whatever. He reflects his powers of speed, always talking very fast and moving with a purpose; the boy couldn't sit still for a minute. Despite these facts, he is not stupid, just ignorant of many things; but when it comes to it Zone can definitely take care of himself.

"Wanna see me run around the world? Done!"


Speed: The boy is able to clock speeds nearing the speed of light, 99.99% to be exact. He has complete control over this and is able to make quick stops and turns.

Acceleration: Able to increase or decrease his acceleration, allowing him to cut through steel like butter

"Gotta go fast!"

History/Reason For Joining: Bored with life

"Might as well have some fun"

Desired Guild: Dragons Roar

"World peace man!"


You can always find him eating...

"I have to always be eating, I burn like 6 gazillion calories a day!"

Name: Alexia

"Nice to meet you"

Age: 16

"I'm 16 now"

Gender: Female

*Laughs a little* "I'm a girl"

Sexual Interest: Pan-sexual

*Blushes* "I don't have much experience with those type of things"

Species: Kitsune

"I'm a Kitsune"





Alexia is kind and loving, always wanting to help people out and have fun. She is sometimes childish, it showing when she acts like a cat from time to time; her liking to talk about the most random of things sometimes, but for the most part pretty much acts like a normal teen. Not much can really anger her, Alexia being a kind loving spirit and all.

"OOOH Shiny object!" *Gets distracted*


Telepathy: She is able to communicate with people with a 2 way link, and is able to read thoughts of people; unless they guard their thoughts deeply.

Healing: Alexia is able to heal wounds, the more severe they are the harder it is for she needs to concentrate more. If the wound is life-threatening, such a wound to an organ, she is not able to heal that nor is she able to heal any wound that has emotion attached to it, such as being stabbed in the back.

Fox transformation: Being a Kitsune, this is a natural power to have and should not come as a surprise.

"Not much I'm afraid"

History/Reason For Joining: Wants world peace to come soon.

"I don't like all the violence in the world"

Desired Guild: Dragons Roar
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Federoff said:
Name: Zone
"That's the name, don't wear it out!"

Age: 17

"Human years? 17"

Gender: Male

"Last time I checked"

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Demi, son of Mercury




"Don't blink your miss me!" "What did I say?"


Zone is upbeat and hyperactive, always up for doing whatever. He reflects his powers of speed, always talking very fast and moving with a purpose; the boy couldn't sit still for a minute. Despite these facts, he is not stupid, just ignorant of many things; but when it comes to it Zone can definitely take care of himself.

"Wanna see me run around the world? Done!"


Speed: The boy is able to clock speeds nearing the speed of light, 99.99% to be exact. He has complete control over this and is able to make quick stops and turns.

Acceleration: Able to increase or decrease his acceleration, allowing him to cut through steel like butter

"Gotta go fast!"

History/Reason For Joining: Bored with life

"Might as well have some fun"

Desired Guild: Dragons Roar

"World peace man!"


You can always find him eating...

"I have to always be eating, I burn like 6 gazillion calories a day!"

Name: Alexia

"Nice to meet you"

Age: 16

"I'm 16 now"

Gender: Female

*Laughs a little* "I'm a girl"

Sexual Interest: Pan-sexual

*Blushes* "I don't have much experience with those type of things"

Species: Kitsune

"I'm a Kitsune"





Alexia is kind and loving, always wanting to help people out and have fun. She is sometimes childish, it showing when she acts like a cat from time to time; her liking to talk about the most random of things sometimes, but for the most part pretty much acts like a normal teen. Not much can really anger her, Alexia being a kind loving spirit and all.

"OOOH Shiny object!" *Gets distracted*


Telepathy: She is able to communicate with people with a 2 way link, and is able to read thoughts of people; unless they guard their thoughts deeply.

Healing: Alexia is able to heal wounds, the more severe they are the harder it is for she needs to concentrate more. If the wound is life-threatening, such a wound to an organ, she is not able to heal that nor is she able to heal any wound that has emotion attached to it, such as being stabbed in the back.

Fox transformation: Being a Kitsune, this is a natural power to have and should not come as a surprise.

"Not much I'm afraid"

History/Reason For Joining: Wants world peace to come soon.

"I don't like all the violence in the world"

Desired Guild: Dragons Roar
Accepted! I like them.

Arcadia Frost





Sexual Orientation:

Depends on the day.





  • 5’4”
  • 3 piercings; one in each ear, and a cartilage piercing on her right.
  • She has markings traditional to the Fae. They can only be seen if you look close, as her’s are entirely white. They glow when she uses magic. (Markings are pictured below)


  • Her eyes are closer to gold than they are to brown


Usually soft spoken and calm, Arcadia is the compassionate, loving, comforting mother in every friend group. She is constantly there as support for any of her friends, and she takes pride in helping out her friends whenever they’re in trouble. Arcadia is strictly a pacifist, and will often try to diffuse fights or heal any injuries that come of it. However, she suffers from anxiety and has difficulties when interacting with new people, becoming shy and nervous until she is close with that person. On top of that, Arcadia can sometimes come off as a bit of a coward, and she doesn't handle physical pain very well. Typically, though, Arcadia is very calm and content.


  • Magic
  • Manipulation of the Natural World
    Can manipulate plants, rocks/dirt/soil/minerals, water, and air.


  • Can phase through object and avoid most foreseen attacks


  • Can cast powerful illusions, and by extent, is immune to them

[*]Call of the Wilds

  • The ability for her to call upon any beasts/animals within a 100 mile radius. She can only use it in times of very high stress or danger (Especially if she is wounded).


  • Flight (through wings that can fold into her back)
  • Advanced healing, and acute 6th sense
  • Aura of the Fae
    She gives off a natural aura of healing and calming

History/Reason For Joining:

Arcadia - though she is wary of the fact it’s a mercenary guild - believes in what they hope to achieve. Though she would be a non-combatant, she would like to contribute to the guild as one of the healers.

Desired Guild:

Dragon’s Roar


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CelticSol said:
Arcadia Frost





Sexual Orientation:

Depends on the day.





  • 5’4”
  • 3 piercings; one in each ear, and a cartilage piercing on her right.
  • She has markings traditional to the Fae. They can only be seen if you look close, as her’s are entirely white. They glow when she uses magic. (Markings are pictured below)


  • Her eyes are closer to gold than they are to brown


Usually soft spoken and calm, Arcadia is the compassionate, loving, comforting mother in every friend group. She is constantly there as support for any of her friends, and she takes pride in helping out her friends whenever they’re in trouble. Arcadia is strictly a pacifist, and will often try to diffuse fights or heal any injuries that come of it. However, she suffers from anxiety and has difficulties when interacting with new people, becoming shy and nervous until she is close with that person. Typically, though, Arcadia is very calm and content.


  • Magic
  • Manipulation of the Natural World
    Can manipulate plants, rocks/dirt/soil/minerals, water, and air.


  • Can phase through object and avoid most foreseen attacks


  • Can cast powerful illusions, and by extent, is immune to them

[*]Call of the Wilds

  • The ability for her to call upon any beasts/animals within a 100 mile radius. She can only use it in times of very high stress or danger (Especially if she is wounded).


  • Flight (through wings that can fold into her back)
  • Advanced healing, and acute 6th sense
  • Aura of the Fae
    She gives off a natural aura of healing and calming

History/Reason For Joining:

Arcadia - though she is wary of the fact it’s a mercenary guild - believes in what they hope to achieve. Though she would be a non-combatant, she would like to contribute to the guild as one of the healers.

Desired Guild:

Dragon’s Roar

Name: Berk Swiftstrike

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Halfling (4'9" Tall, slim built)


(Profile pic)

Personality: Can be quiet on most occasions, however will be a bundle of energy when he warms up to you. Not too much is known about him or how he will react as he can be very unpredictable.

Powers: Is a monk who focuses on controlling his bodies Qi energies to reduce pain and inflict high velocity strikes. Can do mild magic, mostly elemental like lighting and water.

History/Reason For Joining:

Was a member of a far away monastery when it was destroyed and he was cast off to fend for himself. Found some sort of peace at Dragons roar

Desired Guild: Neutral shifting towards dragons roar

Extra: Find out in rp
Xriel said:
Name: Berk Swiftstrike
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Females

Species: Halfling (4'9" Tall, slim built)


(Profile pic)

Personality: Can be quiet on most occasions, however will be a bundle of energy when he warms up to you. Not too much is known about him or how he will react as he can be very unpredictable.

Powers: Is a monk who focuses on controlling his bodies Qi energies to reduce pain and inflict high velocity strikes. Can do mild magic, mostly elemental like lighting and water.

History/Reason For Joining:

Was a member of a far away monastery when it was destroyed and he was cast off to fend for himself. Found some sort of peace at Dragons roar

Desired Guild: Neutral shifting towards dragons roar

Extra: Find out in rp
Name: Aeron Frye

Age: 21

Gender: male

Sexual Interest: heterosexual

Species: metahuman, anti-mage



Personality: Aeron appears as a jokester most of the time, while also being quite energetic and almost always smiling.But he is highly ironic and he will make fun of people alot, though he does it just to tease them. If you get past that initial appearance he is a really intense guy with high levels of morality and quite philoshopical. He rarely gets angry but if he does, his anger will make him become a chaotic force of nature, metaphorically speaking.


#Shapeshifting Organic Weapons- Aeron's arms can become a variety of organic weapons, used for both offensive and defensive purposes (such as blades, whipfists, hammerfists, shileds, claws and tendrils). If he concentrates on generating enough biomass he can cover his whole body in organic armor. His organic weapons can cut through all forms of magic as well as burning away mana little by little with each strike. His shields, as well as the rest of his organic weapons, are also extremely durable (about 50 times more durable than titanium). The stronger the magic , the more he needs to cut, so to say. The damage he does to others with the use of these weapons heals 3 times slower than usual.

#Magic Resistance- because of his anti-mage physiology, Aeron is highly resistant to magic, reducing it's effect to half.

#Enhanced condition- Strong enough to lift automobiles (even limousines) and punch through steel, fast enough to outrun race-cars, agile enough to leap over small buildings and dodge attacks at sonic speed (and having a very hard time dodging supersonic attacks), durable enough to withstand bullets, grenades and explosions of low-to-medium power as well as having a strong healing ability (20 times higher than that of a human in peak condition).

#The ability to sense magic in any form, if he concentrates on it.

History/Reason For Joining: Aeron was born in a family of mages, but he was very different from the rest because of his unique physiology:while he couldn't use magic himself, he was resistant to it and had a highly enhanced physical condition. While he was acctually quite strong he was considered a disgrace since he couldn't become a mage, so he was banished from his clan (family). He was extremely saddened by it, but he had no choice. Throughout his so-called adventures he met and fought a shapeshifting monster. He eventually killed the monster with the consequence of completely making his arms unusable. But a part of the monster created a symbiotic relationship with Aeron and as time went by it became a part of him, granting him his power of generating organic weapons (which where further enhanced by his anti-mage nature) as well as the ability to sense magic. At one point he joined the Dragon's Roar guild , being in need of a source of income. The other members became, little by little, Aeron's new family, in his eyes. Right now he is completely loyal to the guild and will do anything to protect his new home.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar


# Examples of his organic weapons:



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Name: Velaris


Gender: Female/Male (explained in rp)

Sexual Interest: straight....Gay........Bi?

Species: Astral Dragon (unseen in this world?)

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.448df78cd5b76b1e180e4104ee1bf7cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.448df78cd5b76b1e180e4104ee1bf7cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Velaris (Female) Is a gruff, straightforward, and determined person. If she sets a goal it is in your best interest to stay out of her way. She is not much for talking and would rather meet a challenge with force than compromise. Though she is impulsive and headstrong it is a fatal mistake to ever doubt her intelligence. She know what is important and will analyse a situation often as she dives in, she has rarely been over her head.

"We wouldn't be alive today if we were fools."

Velaris (male) the polar opposite of his female self he watches, processes, calculates a situation before acting. He is much more well-spoken and is as sly as he is suave. He is fond of toying with his opponents seeing just how far he can push them usually to make them stronger. Even in life or death situations he empowers and encourages his opponent, granted in an often mocking way he wants them to be at their best for some unknown reason. He is more likely to admit defeat even if he's clearly won than lady Velaris who would tap into her more serious powers before even calling a draw. Though when it comes to relationships they act mostly the same being quite protective of their "treasure" they will tear apart anything that would harm what they love.

Powers: Asisde from being able to utilize and weaponize astral energies her other abilities include intermediate magic and vector manipulation being able to manipulate an objects kinetic energy as well as it's vector.

History/Reason For Joining:Born into a parallel world Velaris was incredibly powerful since birth, due to this power the Draconic counts feared her and tried to kill her many times though clearly they failed miserably. Surviving to reach the age of eight Velaris had at this point defeated and "consumed" over a hundred dragons all of which had been trying to erase them and take their powers. Ever since she has taken residence in a vast cave system that centered around a pit miles deep. There Velaris rested falling into a deep sleep curled in their dragon form. They were only awakened recently and exited the caves to get some food when they found themselves surrounded by the four grand dragons. They immediately battled and after taking down two Velaris was cast out of their world by the remainders sent roaring into a massive portal in a blaze of dragon fire.

Desired Guild:Neutral

Extra: She uses a sword named Kinslayer <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.7e0c950b4ecb8365f336d740630557d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.7e0c950b4ecb8365f336d740630557d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> while His sword is called Requiem<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.5f3b8bd9a181835846840234847f65fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.5f3b8bd9a181835846840234847f65fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Also: Velaris can take the form of any dragon they've killed and "devoured"

Theme song:


[/media]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.1b263a665ca2fd166dfbb7c333b8f12c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.1b263a665ca2fd166dfbb7c333b8f12c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.71b32bed57c9fd3198ead8028e4bac1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.71b32bed57c9fd3198ead8028e4bac1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Name: Velaris

Gender: Female/Male (explained in rp)

Sexual Interest: straight....Gay........Bi?

Species: Astral Dragon (unseen in this world?)

Appearance:View attachment 103712View attachment 103710 View attachment 103708


Velaris (Female) Is a gruff, straightforward, and determined person. If she sets a goal it is in your best interest to stay out of her way. She is not much for talking and would rather meet a challenge with force than compromise. Though she is impulsive and headstrong it is a fatal mistake to ever doubt her intelligence. She know what is important and will analyse a situation often as she dives in, she has rarely been over her head.

"We wouldn't be alive today if we were fools."

Velaris (male) the polar opposite of his female self he watches, processes, calculates a situation before acting. He is much more well-spoken and is as sly as he is suave. He is fond of toying with his opponents seeing just how far he can push them usually to make them stronger. Even in life or death situations he empowers and encourages his opponent, granted in an often mocking way he wants them to be at their best for some unknown reason. He is more likely to admit defeat even if he's clearly won than lady Velaris who would tap into her more serious powers before even calling a draw. Though when it comes to relationships they act mostly the same being quite protective of their "treasure" they will tear apart anything that would harm what they love.

Powers: Asisde from being able to utilize and weaponize astral energies her other abilities include intermediate magic and vector manipulation being able to manipulate an objects kinetic energy as well as it's vector.

History/Reason For Joining:Born into a parallel world Velaris was incredibly powerful since birth, due to this power the Draconic counts feared her and tried to kill her many times though clearly they failed miserably. Surviving to reach the age of eight Velaris had at this point defeated and "consumed" over a hundred dragons all of which had been trying to erase them and take their powers. Ever since she has taken residence in a vast cave system that centered around a pit miles deep. There Velaris rested falling into a deep sleep curled in their dragon form. They were only awakened recently and exited the caves to get some food when they found themselves surrounded by the four grand dragons. They immediately battled and after taking down two Velaris was cast out of their world by the remainders sent roaring into a massive portal in a blaze of dragon fire.

Desired Guild:Neutral

Extra: She uses a sword named Kinslayer View attachment 103765 while His sword is called RequiemView attachment 103767

Also: Velaris can take the form of any dragon they've killed and "devoured"

CelticSol said:
(Sorry for all the unknowns. There’s literally nothing known about them.)

Known to others as simply “Leviathan”





Sexual Orientation:



Supposed Dragon


  • 6’3”
  • Lean, but muscular



Quiet, with their words being few and far between, but with an aura that automatically intimidates and terrifies, the being known as Leviathan is a terrifying figure revered by most as an extremely powerful mage. The Leader and organizer of meetings between guild, they are a leader of their own guild, which is seen as one of the strongest.


  • Biological
  • Shifting
    Can shifting into the form of a dragon without the use of any magic

[*]Natural armour

  • Scales can form on their skin, making a very durable protection against melee damage, though they are still able to be harmed

[*]Enhanced durability

  • Able to take huge amounts of damage

  • Magic
    Leviathan is one of the only people to ever master utilizing raw mana and forming it into a weapon of mass destruction

[*]Metallic Magic

  • Able to manipulate any and all metal within a mile radius, even metal under ground

  • Combat
    Master swordsman
  • Hand to hand combat expert

History/Reason For Joining:

Nine years ago, Dragon’s Order had been a feared group of criminals across the world, lead by their cruel leader, Aril. Leviathan had challenged Aril to a duel for both the guild and the pleasure of killing him. After a long, drawn out battle that destroyed most of the nearby city, Leviathan was victorious and laid claim to their prize by beheading Aril and taking over the guild. Though they did not necessarily change the fundamentals of the guild, Leviathan changed it from a group of bloodthirsty cutthroats into one of the most highly paid contracted mercenaries on the planet.

Desired Guild:



Leader of their own guild. (Dragon’s Order)
Light said:
@Light, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: ArchDemon

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/630b7cd27f900c7eec41d2fb6b162806.jpg.8913b14d9654b27dbbfbd7a1f08e20dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/630b7cd27f900c7eec41d2fb6b162806.jpg.8913b14d9654b27dbbfbd7a1f08e20dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He seems to be serious all the time. As if he lost his spark of fun and excitement. Most of the time he's silent. When he does have that spark he's the type of person you want to be around.

Powers: Death flame, it burns the soul or life force of anything it touches. Life flame, it does about the opposite as death flame and can purify others. Replacement magic. He can replace one thing with another. The chaos, he harbors the chaos that started everything we know within him. Immortality.

History/Reason For Joining: N/A

Desired Guild: Nuetral

Extra: He is called Astaroth. He is also the son of Lucifer.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Scythe.png.0cfa96108bb6684780fabbda896f0cec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Scythe.png.0cfa96108bb6684780fabbda896f0cec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His scythe.



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Trundle said:
Name: Gravefang
Age: Old.

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual.

Species: Undead werewolf.

Appearance: View attachment 104165

Personality: Gravefang, although strange, is a very nice wolf that loves to help people. He also is very unique in a way that he either loves talking or he becomes selectively mute.

Powers: Standard werewolf powers and mild necromancy.

History/Reason For Joining: He has no history that he would like to share. But he really does want to help people as much as he can.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: He is only hurt by holy things or silver.
List what standard werewolf powers consist of, then accepted.
Name: Danica Ravenheart

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Men

Species: Human



Personality: Slow to trust others, is quiet and reserved. Takes a long time for her to make friends, but once she considers someone a friend she is loyal to the end.

Powers: Pyrokinesis

History/Reason For Joining: Danica dose not know where she was actually born, or the names and history of her real parents. From her first memories she was raised in a small town by a couple who ran a small motel. They were not any more informed about her origins as her, they adopted her at the age of 2 months.

From the time Danica was eight, it became clear that she had a strange power. She could create fire out of thin air and control it. This manifested itself when she became angry at first, setting the hair of a girl that made fun of her on fire. She learned to control this over time and now rarely loses control of her gift.

She left the home of her foster parents to find what she could about where she really came from. She did not know where to start this search, but wanted desperately to find something.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar



[QUOTE="Danica Ravenheart]Name: Danica Ravenheart
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Men

Species: Human



Personality: Slow to trust others, is quiet and reserved. Takes a long time for her to make friends, but once she considers someone a friend she is loyal to the end.

Powers: Pyrokinesis

History/Reason For Joining: Danica dose not know where she was actually born, or the names and history of her real parents. From her first memories she was raised in a small town by a couple who ran a small motel. They were not any more informed about her origins as her, they adopted her at the age of 2 months.

From the time Danica was eight, it became clear that she had a strange power. She could create fire out of thin air and control it. This manifested itself when she became angry at first, setting the hair of a girl that made fun of her on fire. She learned to control this over time and now rarely loses control of her gift.

She left the home of her foster parents to find what she could about where she really came from. She did not know where to start this search, but wanted desperately to find something.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar



[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]We're doing theme songs now? Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with this one.

I already beat you all to it long ago on the nuetral tab.
Name: Sun Wukong (alias the Monkey King)

Age: more than 1000 years (looks 20)

Gender: male

Sexual Interest: heterosexual

Species: a creature born from the Magical Stone above the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, in the Heavenly Cave of the Water, initially taking the form of a monkey and later that of a human with monkey traits. Sun Wukong is also depicted as a demon of sorts and is considered a godlike being.





^He also has a tail.

The images are from the Korean webtoon The God of Highschool.

Personality: Sun is shown to be playful, honest and lighthearted.He primarily seeks nothing more than a good fight. He is fairly kind and hospitable to strangers, and develops strong bonds of loyalty with his friends.When angered Sun usually carries an expressionless face and will mercilessly beat the person responsible for his anger. Regardless, he really likes to make fun of others and cause trouble which is why even the most tolerant people find him hard to digest.


#Supernatural condition- he is strong enough to lift and use his 8 ton staff with no effort (the exact limit of his strength is unknown), fast enough to travel 54000 km in one extremely quick somersault (he can reach relativistic levels of speed), agile enough to dodge or counter attacks at relativistic speeds (even above), and he also posseses an insane level of durability (he is nigh-invulnerable) as well as a very strong healing ability.

#Close quarter combat mastery- he is a master of his own martial art as well as a master in using the staff. He was able to hold his own against the most powerful celestial warriors.

#Fighting style and tehnique immitation- monkey see, monkey do...Sun Wukong can perfectly immitate any fighting style and/or tehnique after seing it once. Although most of the times he slightly modifies them to fit his own style.

#Transformation- Sun knows 72 transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects; however, he is troubled in transforming into other forms, due to the accompanying incomplete transformation of his tail. Also, each of his hairs possess magical properties, capable of being transformed into clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects.

#Magic/esoteric energy manipulation - Sun knows spells that command wind and water, can conjure protective barriers and freeze ( or better said immobilize) humans, demons and gods alike.

#Atmokinesis- Sun can manipulate weather phenomena such as lightning, winds and fog, mostly through the use of his Flying Sparrow Could. He can also generate clouds sit or stand on them and use them for travelling at an extremely high speed.

#Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, but not only. Because of this natural ability Sun exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He is also almost impossible to kill and has no need to eat, sleep, drink or even breathe.

#Fiery-eyes golden-gaze - when he uses this ability he can recognize evil, no matter what form it takes, while also being able to see past illusions, however it causes smoke to sting his eyes. He only uses it when it's necessary.

>> Sun Wukong also has an unnaturally strong willpower, enabling him to be extremely resistant to telepathy, mind control and subliminal messaging. On the other hand he is not immune to such abilities and a strong enough telepath can still enter his mind or manipulate him, but with rather high difficulty.

History/Reason For Joining: History of the original Monkey King: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Wukong

Sun Wukong is back and ready for new challenges, he simply considered joining Dragon's Roar for a chance to meet strong opponents and protect people in need. But will the others be able to stand him?

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

Extra: The Monkey King's items:

#Yongpo- The Monkey King's Yongpo are his mystical garments which function as a supernatural armor. It has the appearance of a black jacket with a yellow fur covering his blue pants and a red belt on him. The black jacket has the image of a green dragon on the back. It enhances all his physical capabilities, including his durability, strength, and speed. He can dispel it and make it manifest on others.

#Ruyi Jingu Bang- the Monkey King's indestructible staff, which ,in it's normal state, weights 8 tons. It appears as a silver bo staff that can change size on command and is capable of killing thousands of weaker gods instantly. A casual strike with Ruyi Jingu can kill many lesser gods at once and cause a huge tsunami if is activated near the ocean . It extends at faster-than-light speeds and can reach into space. It can also be altered according to the purpose in each situation. It can grow broader or slimmer and taller or shorter at will. It is extremely heavy, whatever size it is. It has been shown to extend far out into space, through the upper atmosphere all the way to the moon. This means Sun can make it grow around 240,000 miles long and thousands of miles wide, possibly further. Sun Wukong can also control it with his mind.

#Cloud-walking boots- special boots that allow Sun to walk on clouds. It is useful when he generates clouds to use for travelling.
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[QUOTE="Danica Ravenheart]Name: Danica Ravenheart
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Men

Species: Human



Personality: Slow to trust others, is quiet and reserved. Takes a long time for her to make friends, but once she considers someone a friend she is loyal to the end.

Powers: Pyrokinesis

History/Reason For Joining: Danica dose not know where she was actually born, or the names and history of her real parents. From her first memories she was raised in a small town by a couple who ran a small motel. They were not any more informed about her origins as her, they adopted her at the age of 2 months.

From the time Danica was eight, it became clear that she had a strange power. She could create fire out of thin air and control it. This manifested itself when she became angry at first, setting the hair of a girl that made fun of her on fire. She learned to control this over time and now rarely loses control of her gift.

She left the home of her foster parents to find what she could about where she really came from. She did not know where to start this search, but wanted desperately to find something.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar



Zan: Oh.......oh my.

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