Dragon's Roar.

Full Name:

Crystalline Jewel Beatrice

Nickname/Alias:(Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.)

Gem or Crystal or Bea or Blue

Pet Name:(What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.)

Hotty, Chick, Odd eye, Rebel or Princess


" Make me "



Sexual Orientation:





Albino Nine Tails


March 12


North Carolina



Blood Type:



Dragons Roar

[Anime Picture]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-173.jpeg.5404affab65ed28a9257a38c9400044e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-173.jpeg.5404affab65ed28a9257a38c9400044e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-258.jpeg.d385cbf3a52c7b0daa33bfc8c8c6dcea.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/images-258.jpeg.d385cbf3a52c7b0daa33bfc8c8c6dcea.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye Color:

Right side is pink/orange/red and Left side is blue/green/turquoise

Hair Color:

Blue/Turquoise and gets lighter when you get towards the bottm


Small but strong

Height:(In feet and inches)


Weight:(In pounds)


Allergies:(Optional. Please delete if you don't chose to have allergies)

Oddly most types of vegetables

Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)


Handicaps: (Optional. Please delete if you don't chose to have any handicaps.)



Brave, Stubborn, Silly, Kind, Clever and Naughty


Sweets, meats, party's, pranks and music


Vegetables, Spicy food, silence and the principle

Theme Song(s): (Optional)



Quote(s): (Optional)

" No wait I'm allergic to stupidity I break out in sarcasm ! "

Quirk(s): (Optional)

Best liar ever known to mankind


Has a bunch of pets that she takes care of all by herself



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Name: Etala Coulisses


Age: Appears 15-16

"Well, I'm not even sure about my own age."

Gender: Female

"If I were a male, would I be taller?"

Sexual Interest: Demi-sexual

"Would you mind explaining this concept to me?"

Species: Mage, Shifter, Cyber-Being (?)

"A magic-user should be able to fit that description."




"I'm right in front of you..."


Etala is an introvert, meaning that she is not afraid of socializing, but prefers to be independent. She is hard to anger, annoy, or get any negative emotion out of, but this doesn't mean that she is a completely elated person, either. Etala is soft-spoken and a bit shy, but knows how to get her work done efficiently and in a short amount of time. She is seen as an easy target due to her size and naive nature, but she is actually intelligent and more than capable of defending herself.

Etala is usually calm and somewhat serious, though a bit air-headed most of the time. During combat, she is sharp, calculating and deadly, even when she is not in her shifted form. It almost seems like she is a different person on the battlefield--Etala becomes cold, deadly and ruthless. However, she does not have bipolar personalities, and just claims that it helps her focus.

Emotions is something complicated for Etala, as if she was a machine, and in all honesty, her abilities sometimes replicate that of a machine. She is usually said to have no opinion of her own, besides her likes and dislikes. She is rather cautious of those around her and her environment, but once she feels safe, she is usually less wary. Rather than leading people, she is someone who follows orders diligently.
"I find myself hard to understand sometimes."



Etala is an elemental mage, as well as a Shifter. Her shifter powers slightly differ than regular shape-shifting magic; it changes her form in order to enhance many of her attributes. She works with a bit of dark magic as well, but uses that as a last resort, since it is very destructive. As a counter part, she is a rather good healer. She is also said to be a 'cyber being' since she has a couple of attacks that can only be achieved by nonhuman beings.

Elemental Magic:

Etala is an ice mage, and uses ice that she creates in order to defend, attack, etc. She can also create grand structures with it, though there is a strict limit as to how much magic she can use, since using to much of it may put stress onto her body. She can also create weapons with ice, but she usually just resorts to straight attacks that don't require much movement, such as an ice shower, an ice beam, etc.


The Shifter form that she has does not add any extra powers to her collection--is just an ultimate enhancement of all the magic she possesses. In this form, she is faster and has more stamina. Her attack power and defensive powers increase, as well as her stability and endurance of hits. Her body can also handle much more magic at once so she can use more than one type of magic at the same time. However, this form makes most of her powers a lot more destructive, and harder to control. After she has taken this form, she usually faints, and gets seriously ill depending on the amount of magic she used.

Cyber Abilities

These are not powers, though it can be useful in battle. Etala can mimic the sound of the last voice she has heard, and even speak in a strange voice which sounds like an audience speaking at the same time. Also, her voice range is quite lengthy, reaching pitches that some people cannot hear, and her screams may cause tremendous headaches. Etala has amazing accuracy and precision, which is another reason why she is labeled as a 'computer' or a machine.

Healing Magic and Dark Magic

Etala can heal things that are strictly labeled 'wounds.' Small cuts, burns and scratches do count, so she will be able to heal those, but headaches, nausea, etc., will not be something Etala will be able to take care of. She can also work well with fatal wounds, and can use her magic to heal broken bones, close up large gashes and ease pain for a while, though this process is painful for the patient. The more severe the wound, the more magic it will use, and it will most likely leave Etala exhausted.

The dark magic isn't a broad spectrum for her--she can do simple things such as melting into shadows, and traveling through them. Etala can also use dark-based attacks, but as said before, these are very destructive, so she doesn't like to use it. The simplest one she usually uses is the magic to cast someone into sleep, though if not done with concentration, the person may be asleep for a couple of days. This is the magic that Etala has not mastered yet, and it quite unstable with--she may also end up injuring herself (more likely that this will happen than not).
"I didn't exactly master all of them."

History/Reason For Joining:

Etala doesn't remember much of her past, though she does remember being alone most of the time. Assuming that she was around the age of 9, she was locked up in a tower for reasons unknown to her. One day, the tower was attacked, and she was kidnapped, and put into another tower, though it was obvious that her kidnappers had malicious intentions. She experienced immense pain and suffered for a couple of months in the same fashion until her body couldn't handle the experiments anymore, and destroyed everything in a half-mile, though it was all the property of her kidnappers.

Etala was taken in by a couple who pitied her condition, as she was wandering in a ragged state when she met them. She lived with them until they passed away from old age, which was when Etala was 12 years old. She was quite lonely after the couple passed away, and continued to wander around since the house that they had lived in was sold off to someone else.

She eventually stumbled upon Dragon's Roar, and grew to love the place and officially join. Etala treats the members like her family, and enjoys being around them. No one knows of her past, however, and she claims that she has forgotten all of her past.
"I don't remember anything."

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

"A place that would accept me."


-Etala loves sweet things, and often is in search of sweet foods

-Despite having a 'cyber-voice,' Etala is a good singer, and often hums to herself

-Etala has a deep fear of arachnids

-Etala loves to sit in a hot bath for hours at a time, and sometimes falls asleep there
"I'm a little sleepy..."

(Sorry about joining late. ;.; Are you still accepting? I hope this is an okay CS--if there is anything I need to change, I'll be more than happy to do so~)
[QUOTE="Wild Born]

Full Name:

Crystalline Jewel Beatrice

Nickname/Alias:(Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.)

Gem or Crystal or Bea or Blue

Pet Name:(What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.)

Hotty, Chick, Odd eye, Rebel or Princess


" Make me "



Sexual Orientation:





Albino Nine Tails


March 12


North Carolina



Blood Type:



Dragons Roar

[Anime Picture]

Eye Color:

Right side is pink/orange/red and Left side is blue/green/turquoise

Hair Color:

Blue/Turquoise and gets lighter when you get towards the bottm


Small but strong

Height:(In feet and inches)


Weight:(In pounds)


Allergies:(Optional. Please delete if you don't chose to have allergies)

Oddly most types of vegetables

Phobias: (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)


Handicaps: (Optional. Please delete if you don't chose to have any handicaps.)



Brave, Stubborn, Silly, Kind, Clever and Naughty


Sweets, meats, party's, pranks and music


Vegetables, Spicy food, silence and the principle

Theme Song(s): (Optional)



Quote(s): (Optional)

" No wait I'm allergic to stupidity I break out in sarcasm ! "

Quirk(s): (Optional)

Best liar ever known to mankind


Has a bunch of pets that she takes care of all by herself



macaron said:
Name: Etala Coulisses

Age: Appears 15-16

"Well, I'm not even sure about my own age."

Gender: Female

"If I were a male, would I be taller?"

Sexual Interest: Demi-sexual

"Would you mind explaining this concept to me?"

Species: Mage, Shifter, Cyber-Being (?)

"A magic-user should be able to fit that description."




"I'm right in front of you..."


Etala is an introvert, meaning that she is not afraid of socializing, but prefers to be independent. She is hard to anger, annoy, or get any negative emotion out of, but this doesn't mean that she is a completely elated person, either. Etala is soft-spoken and a bit shy, but knows how to get her work done efficiently and in a short amount of time. She is seen as an easy target due to her size and naive nature, but she is actually intelligent and more than capable of defending herself.

Etala is usually calm and somewhat serious, though a bit air-headed most of the time. During combat, she is sharp, calculating and deadly, even when she is not in her shifted form. It almost seems like she is a different person on the battlefield--Etala becomes cold, deadly and ruthless. However, she does not have bipolar personalities, and just claims that it helps her focus.

Emotions is something complicated for Etala, as if she was a machine, and in all honesty, her abilities sometimes replicate that of a machine. She is usually said to have no opinion of her own, besides her likes and dislikes. She is rather cautious of those around her and her environment, but once she feels safe, she is usually less wary. Rather than leading people, she is someone who follows orders diligently.
"I find myself hard to understand sometimes."



Etala is an elemental mage, as well as a Shifter. Her shifter powers slightly differ than regular shape-shifting magic; it changes her form in order to enhance many of her attributes. She works with a bit of dark magic as well, but uses that as a last resort, since it is very destructive. As a counter part, she is a rather good healer. She is also said to be a 'cyber being' since she has a couple of attacks that can only be achieved by nonhuman beings.

Elemental Magic:

Etala is an ice mage, and uses ice that she creates in order to defend, attack, etc. She can also create grand structures with it, though there is a strict limit as to how much magic she can use, since using to much of it may put stress onto her body. She can also create weapons with ice, but she usually just resorts to straight attacks that don't require much movement, such as an ice shower, an ice beam, etc.


The Shifter form that she has does not add any extra powers to her collection--is just an ultimate enhancement of all the magic she possesses. In this form, she is faster and has more stamina. Her attack power and defensive powers increase, as well as her stability and endurance of hits. Her body can also handle much more magic at once so she can use more than one type of magic at the same time. However, this form makes most of her powers a lot more destructive, and harder to control. After she has taken this form, she usually faints, and gets seriously ill depending on the amount of magic she used.

Cyber Abilities

These are not powers, though it can be useful in battle. Etala can mimic the sound of the last voice she has heard, and even speak in a strange voice which sounds like an audience speaking at the same time. Also, her voice range is quite lengthy, reaching pitches that some people cannot hear, and her screams may cause tremendous headaches. Etala has amazing accuracy and precision, which is another reason why she is labeled as a 'computer' or a machine.

Healing Magic and Dark Magic

Etala can heal things that are strictly labeled 'wounds.' Small cuts, burns and scratches do count, so she will be able to heal those, but headaches, nausea, etc., will not be something Etala will be able to take care of. She can also work well with fatal wounds, and can use her magic to heal broken bones, close up large gashes and ease pain for a while, though this process is painful for the patient. The more severe the wound, the more magic it will use, and it will most likely leave Etala exhausted.

The dark magic isn't a broad spectrum for her--she can do simple things such as melting into shadows, and traveling through them. Etala can also use dark-based attacks, but as said before, these are very destructive, so she doesn't like to use it. The simplest one she usually uses is the magic to cast someone into sleep, though if not done with concentration, the person may be asleep for a couple of days. This is the magic that Etala has not mastered yet, and it quite unstable with--she may also end up injuring herself (more likely that this will happen than not).
"I didn't exactly master all of them."

History/Reason For Joining:

Etala doesn't remember much of her past, though she does remember being alone most of the time. Assuming that she was around the age of 9, she was locked up in a tower for reasons unknown to her. One day, the tower was attacked, and she was kidnapped, and put into another tower, though it was obvious that her kidnappers had malicious intentions. She experienced immense pain and suffered for a couple of months in the same fashion until her body couldn't handle the experiments anymore, and destroyed everything in a half-mile, though it was all the property of her kidnappers.

Etala was taken in by a couple who pitied her condition, as she was wandering in a ragged state when she met them. She lived with them until they passed away from old age, which was when Etala was 12 years old. She was quite lonely after the couple passed away, and continued to wander around since the house that they had lived in was sold off to someone else.

She eventually stumbled upon Dragon's Roar, and grew to love the place and officially join. Etala treats the members like her family, and enjoys being around them. No one knows of her past, however, and she claims that she has forgotten all of her past.
"I don't remember anything."

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar

"A place that would accept me."


-Etala loves sweet things, and often is in search of sweet foods

-Despite having a 'cyber-voice,' Etala is a good singer, and often hums to herself

-Etala has a deep fear of arachnids

-Etala loves to sit in a hot bath for hours at a time, and sometimes falls asleep there
"I'm a little sleepy..."

(Sorry about joining late. ;.; Are you still accepting? I hope this is an okay CS--if there is anything I need to change, I'll be more than happy to do so~)

Accepted and yes. We are still accepting we just started yesterday. Invite friends if you like.
Name: Zan Sozen



Sexual Interest:Bi

Species:Special human, Sword Saint.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.38efa737c3437178b9aafa74ac117245.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.38efa737c3437178b9aafa74ac117245.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





And thoughtful

Zan tries to reason with most enemies preferring to avoid combat if possibly he understand that it is sometimes necessary but would rather make friends than enemies. He fights to protect it is his biggest motivation and the only reason he needs to put his life on the line.

Powers: Omni-Empowerment, he channels his ability into his sword believing it essential to his power though it isn't he can give it elemental powers as well as spiritual he can makes its ability to give him strength speed and durability the blade itself changes. Currently his strongest empowerment is called Enshin (Flame god)

History/Reason For Joining:Always being a considerate person he only learned to wield a sword in order to protect those he loves. He became proficient with a sword completing seven years of training before finishing until he was gifted with his family's blade which sparked his powers, that he has trained continually since then.

Desired Guild:Dragon's roar


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.d899d74cd428001d460688593c433eb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.d899d74cd428001d460688593c433eb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.2ab338eb4a07daa658037bb1820eac40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/image.jpg.2ab338eb4a07daa658037bb1820eac40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Other transformations will be shown in the story, then added here.

Theme song :P





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[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Name: Zan Sozen


Sexual Interest:Bi

Species:Special human, Sword Saint.

Appearance:View attachment 102807





And thoughtful

Zan tries to reason with most enemies preferring to avoid combat if possibly he understand that it is sometimes necessary but would rather make friends than enemies. He fights to protect it is his biggest motivation and the only reason he needs to put his life on the line.

Powers: Omni-Empowerment, he channels his ability into his sword believing it essential to his power though it isn't he can give it elemental powers as well as spiritual he can makes its ability to give him strength speed and durability the blade itself changes. Currently his strongest empowerment is called Enshin (Flame god)

History/Reason For Joining:Always being a considerate person he only learned to wield a sword in order to protect those he loves. He became proficient with a sword completing seven years of training before finishing until he was gifted with his family's blade which sparked his powers, that he has trained continually since then.

Desired Guild:Dragon's roar


View attachment 102808

View attachment 102815


Other transformations will be shown in the story, then added here.

Accepted. Okay.
Name: Crickett Hawk

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Bisexual

Species: Were-cat


Personality: Hard, stubborn, tactical thinker, kind, hard to gain trust.

Powers: Skilled close hand combat/ Able to move very quietly and quickly/ Can change shape to any kind of feline.

History/Reason For Joining: When she was a little girl, Crickett was taken away from her real parents and trained by her kidnappers to be an assassin. At first she was doing just to please her kidnappers. Then when she revised what she was doing and was terrified that she loved to do it. She joined so that she could use her skill for a good cause.

Desired Guild: Dragon's roar.

Extra: Daggers
Name: Hannibal Vladimirescu

Age: 3,064

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Hetero

Species: Vampire


Personality: Hannibal is cocky and confident, typically acting above the others around him. He only trusts himself and believes that he is superior to everyone around him. Though he loves violence, he dislikes mindless carnage or ruthless efficiency, preferring theatrics and complex violence.

Powers: Extremely agile, has the ability to drain life force with his bite(this strengthens him while weakening the opponent. If not killed, the victim will become a vampire themselves), can fly, Night Vision, the more blood he ingests, the more powerful he becomes

History/Reason For Joining: Hannibal was previously a farmer in the Classical era who had the misfortune of being bitten by an ancient vampire while exploring a cave. Throughout history, he has been traveling the world using his newfound powers seeking carnage. He has recently awoken from a 1000-year long sleep and wants in on some action.

Desired Guild: Excidium

Extra: He has a sword that inflicts similar results to that of his bite (still drains life, does not turn victim into a vampire)
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Name: Banner West

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Human

Appearance: Height of 6 foot 2 inches with a very muscular build. Long, black hair that drops down past his shoulders. Plain brown eyes that show determination during a fight. He wears a navy blue coat over jeans and a black V-neck.

Personality: He's definitely not the best person, to say the least, yet he still recognizes the need for good qualities such as loyalty and, sometimes, honor. He never backs down from a fight, even if he knows he'll lose, he's always willing to get stronger. However his greed and arrogance often leads him to making poor decisions.

Powers: He really only has his physical prowess and training.

History/Reason For Joining: There are three things he's always wanted in this world, power, a good fight, and respect. He was always raised to only look out for himself by his parents though in time realized that you had to help others to get yourself ahead in the game and set out to become a mercenary. Eventually he found the Excidium guild and knew this was the place for him, more or less.

Desired Guild: Excidium

Extra: Weapons include a short sword and a heavy revolver for when things get really bad.

(I hope this is good enough, sorry it took so long and that it's not quite as detailed as other people's)
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Jacqueline "Jackie" Sapienti





Sexual Orientation:





  • 5'8"
  • 12 piercings; six on each ear
  • Several tattoos, most notably a dragon on her shoulder blade



Jackie is a tough skinned, spitfire, no bullshit criminal who is more concerned by the 'end' than the means needed to get to it. Known for her involvement for running a now disbanded assassins' and thieves' guild called the "Black Carnival", Jackie isn't worried about what she says and wouldn't think twice about pulling any of her metaphorical and literal punches. Armed with a sharp tongue and a mean right hook, Jackie is the textbook definition of 'rolling with the punches' and 'going with the flow', but don't mistake her easy going attitude as being a pushover, because she is not afraid to mouth off to anyone and everyone that shows her anything else but respect. She is a loyal to a fault and once gained, her loyalty and resulting friendship is impossible to shake.


  • Combat
    Former competitive street fighter
  • Renowned sniper and archer

  • Magic
    Can enter and manipulate the dreams of others’
  • Corruption magic
    Ability to corrupt any living thing to her will, including the thoughts, goals, beliefs, and actual physical body of herself and others in any way she desires


  • Technically, she can teleport wherever she chooses, but she has to have seen the exact location or exact person she is teleporting to in order for it to work. (Through her own eyes or pictures.)

  • Biological
    Advanced healing, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
  • Increased strength and speed

History/Reason For Joining:

After her own 'guild' of sorts disbanded, Jackie had nothing to occupy her time. So, she remedied that by going out and finding Excidium.

Desired Guild:



  • Besides English, Jackie has become fluent through her travels in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.
  • Weapon: Bow (collapsible)
  • Theme Song:

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Zero Kiryu





Sexual Interest:



Vampire/Vampire Hunter





A gifted hunter who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Zero nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other vampire as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for blood and in the latest chapters, his equally strong desire to kill vampires. Because of all this, Zero can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class vampires, and he also carries a positively burning hatred of all Purebloods. He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go.Zero is a tsundere character, However, his innate nature is to protect humans, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance.



Zero possesses the standard abilities to sense vampires from a far distance, accelerated healing and in spite of being a vampire, is also able to wield anti-vampire weapons. Since he became a vampire, Zero is able to distinguish Purebloods from other vampires and has gained improved healing abilities. Kaname tells Zero that after he devours Ichiru's blood, he would become the world's strongest hunter. He then explains that since he has drank from Yuki's since she was a Pureblood, as well as Kaname and Shizuka's blood, it has made him the most powerful vampire hunter. After completing the fragment, along with Ichiru now being deceased, Bloody Rose has now become a part of his body, growing vines that can easily kill vampires; although it requires a high dosage of his blood to do so.


History/Reason For Joining:

(To be edited, after I decide something)

Desired Guild:



I love using pictures in situations, so xD

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]May join O.o


Wings said:
Name: Crickett Hawk
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Bisexual

Species: Were-cat


Personality: Hard, stubborn, tactical thinker, kind, hard to gain trust.

Powers: Skilled close hand combat/ Able to move very quietly and quickly/ Can change shape to any kind of feline.

History/Reason For Joining: When she was a little girl, Crickett was taken away from her real parents and trained by her kidnappers to be an assassin. At first she was doing just to please her kidnappers. Then when she revised what she was doing and was terrified that she loved to do it. She joined so that she could use her skill for a good cause.

Desired Guild: Dragon's roar.

Extra: Daggers

[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Name: Hannibal Vladimirescu
Age: 3,064

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Hetero

Species: Vampire


Personality: Hannibal is cocky and confident, typically acting above the others around him. He only trusts himself and believes that he is superior to everyone around him. Though he loves violence, he dislikes mindless carnage or ruthless efficiency, preferring theatrics and complex violence.

Powers: Extremely agile, has the ability to drain life force with his bite(this strengthens him while weakening the opponent. If not killed, the victim will become a vampire themselves), can fly, Night Vision, the more blood he ingests, the more powerful he becomes

History/Reason For Joining: Hannibal was previously a farmer in the Classical era who had the misfortune of being bitten by an ancient vampire while exploring a cave. Throughout history, he has been traveling the world using his newfound powers seeking carnage. He has recently awoken from a 1000-year long sleep and wants in on some action.

Desired Guild: Excidium

Extra: He has a sword that inflicts similar results to that of his bite (still drains life, does not turn victim into a vampire)


Afrobrony said:
Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Straight

Species: Human

Appearance: Height of 6 foot 2 inches with a very muscular build. Long, black hair that drops down past his shoulders. Plain brown eyes that show determination during a fight. He wears a navy blue coat over jeans and a black V-neck.

Personality: He's definitely not the best person, to say the least, yet he still recognizes the need for good qualities such as loyalty and, sometimes, honor. He never backs down from a fight, even if he knows he'll lose, he's always willing to get stronger. However his greed and arrogance often leads him to making poor decisions.

Powers: He really only has his physical prowess and training.

History/Reason For Joining: There are three things he's always wanted in this world, power, a good fight, and respect. He was always raised to only look out for himself by his parents though in time realized that you had to help others to get yourself ahead in the game and set out to become a mercenary. Eventually he found the Excidium guild and knew this was the place for him, more or less.

Desired Guild: Excidium

Extra: Weapons include a short sword and a heavy revolver for when things get really bad.

(I hope this is good enough, sorry it took so long and that it's not quite as detailed as other people's)
Accepted. That's alright. :)

CelticSol said:
Jacqueline "Jackie" Sapienti





Sexual Orientation:





  • 5'8"
  • 9 piercings; four on each ear, and a nose stud
  • Several tattoos, most notably a dragon on her shoulder blade



Jackie is a tough skinned, spitfire, no bullshit criminal who is more concerned by the 'end' than the means needed to get to it. Known for her involvement for running a now disbanded assassins' and thieves' guild called the "Black Carnival", Jackie isn't worried about what she says and wouldn't think twice about pulling any of her metaphorical and literal punches. Armed with a sharp tongue and a mean right hook, Jackie is the textbook definition of 'rolling with the punches' and 'going with the flow', but don't mistake her easy going attitude as being a pushover, because she is not afraid to mouth off to anyone and everyone that shows her anything else but respect. She is a loyal to a fault and once gained, her loyalty and resulting friendship is impossible to shake.


  • Combat
    Former competitive street fighter
  • Renowned sniper and archer

  • Magic
    Can enter and manipulate the dreams of others’
  • Corruption magic
    Ability to corrupt any living thing to her will, including the thoughts, goals, beliefs, and actual physical body of others'


  • Advanced healing, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
  • Increased strength and speed

History/Reason For Joining:

After her own 'guild' of sorts disbanded, Jackie had nothing to occupy her time. So, she remedied that by going out and finding Excidium.

Desired Guild:



  • Besides English, Jackie has become fluent through her travels in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian.
  • Weapon: Bow (collapsible)

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Name:
Zero Kiryu





Sexual Interest:



Vampire/Vampire Hunter





A gifted hunter who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Zero nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other vampire as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for blood and in the latest chapters, his equally strong desire to kill vampires. Because of all this, Zero can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class vampires, and he also carries a positively burning hatred of all Purebloods. He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go.Zero is a tsundere character, However, his innate nature is to protect humans, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance.



Zero possesses the standard abilities to sense vampires from a far distance, accelerated healing and in spite of being a vampire, is also able to wield anti-vampire weapons. Since he became a vampire, Zero is able to distinguish Purebloods from other vampires and has gained improved healing abilities. Kaname tells Zero that after he devours Ichiru's blood, he would become the world's strongest hunter. He then explains that since he has drank from Yuki's since she was a Pureblood, as well as Kaname and Shizuka's blood, it has made him the most powerful vampire hunter. After completing the fragment, along with Ichiru now being deceased, Bloody Rose has now become a part of his body, growing vines that can easily kill vampires; although it requires a high dosage of his blood to do so.


History/Reason For Joining:

(To be edited, after I decide something)

Desired Guild:



I love using pictures in situations, so xD

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Name:
Zero Kiryu





Sexual Interest:



Vampire/Vampire Hunter





A gifted hunter who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Zero nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other vampire as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for blood and in the latest chapters, his equally strong desire to kill vampires. Because of all this, Zero can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class vampires, and he also carries a positively burning hatred of all Purebloods. He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go.Zero is a tsundere character, However, his innate nature is to protect humans, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance.



Zero possesses the standard abilities to sense vampires from a far distance, accelerated healing and in spite of being a vampire, is also able to wield anti-vampire weapons. Since he became a vampire, Zero is able to distinguish Purebloods from other vampires and has gained improved healing abilities. Kaname tells Zero that after he devours Ichiru's blood, he would become the world's strongest hunter. He then explains that since he has drank from Yuki's since she was a Pureblood, as well as Kaname and Shizuka's blood, it has made him the most powerful vampire hunter. After completing the fragment, along with Ichiru now being deceased, Bloody Rose has now become a part of his body, growing vines that can easily kill vampires; although it requires a high dosage of his blood to do so.


History/Reason For Joining:

(To be edited, after I decide something)

Desired Guild:



I love using pictures in situations, so xD

Considering I'm the only other vampire in the RP right now, this seems oddly directed towards me :/
O.o No...I just..I mean DX


[QUOTE="Lord Jaraxxus]Considering I'm the only other vampire in the RP right now, this seems oddly directed towards me :/

No...I just...wanted DX I always use him in all possible rps




Unknown. Appears 16/20/18



Sexual Interest:






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/732044.jpg.7eeb241d039b64903632f24e7c7afdf4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56302" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/732044.jpg.7eeb241d039b64903632f24e7c7afdf4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/wx0xOut.jpg.00ba7740c7809b3026bf357b651d9033.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/wx0xOut.jpg.00ba7740c7809b3026bf357b651d9033.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_mfwp1m9SqG1s1y62to1_500.png.2fd195c3d34d053a625f2dcf5017e287.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_mfwp1m9SqG1s1y62to1_500.png.2fd195c3d34d053a625f2dcf5017e287.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cerberus Form:



Alpha is quiet, rarely speaking. However, he is not shy. He is generally kind.

Beta is very serious, as well as cold and unfeeling.

Gamma is, suffice to say, maniacal and insane. There's not much else to say about him.


Shapeshifting (between Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and their Cerberus form)

Is capable of firing blasts of magical energy from his hands

Incredible strength/speed

Is able to exhale poison gas

History/Reason For Joining:

They don't talk about their history, claiming it's too boring. They joined because they thought it looked exciting

Desired Guild:



They don't fetch. Well, Alpha and Beta don't. Gamma might...



  • wx0xOut.jpg
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  • tumblr_mfwp1m9SqG1s1y62to1_500.png
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  • 732044.jpg
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Last edited by a moderator:
Daimao said:




Unknown. Appears 16/20/18



Sexual Interest:






View attachment 103001


View attachment 103002


View attachment 103003

Cerberus Form:

View attachment 103004


Alpha is quiet, rarely speaking. However, he is not shy. He is generally kind.

Beta is very serious, as well as cold and unfeeling.

Gamma is, suffice to say, maniacal and insane. There's not much else to say about him.


Shapeshifting (between Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and their Cerberus form)

Is capable of firing blasts of magical energy from his hands

Incredible strength/speed

Is able to exhale poison gas

History/Reason For Joining:

They don't talk about their history, claiming it's too boring. They joined because they thought it looked exciting

Desired Guild:



They don't fetch. Well, Alpha and Beta don't. Gamma might...
Accepted. The Excidium guild is currently empty since the members are at the Dragons Roar guild trying to work out an alliance. You can either post on the in rp tab and join them in the arena. Or just arrive at the Excidium guild. Organization tab.
Name: Ashton Shay

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Interests: He walks on both sides of the street

Species: Elemental

Appearance: Ashton is tall standing at 6 ft but often seen slouching. His skin is fair and his hair a smoky gray. His eyes are a smoky white and he wear a plain grey shirt with a dark green hoodie over it. He wears denim jeans and black shoes. He is often seen smoking and has a rather bland aura around him.

Personality: Ashton is very laid back to a point where he could die and not seem to care. He keeps a blank expression through most events and can be shy. He doesn't really talk much and will run if he is intimidated enough. He tends to choose the more easy and non-dangerous jobs.

Powers: He is a class of air elementals. He can turn into a large cloud of smoke and ash. It can spin rapidly cut people touched by it. He can partially turn his body into smoke and cough smoke up to use as a comfort or as a blunt projectile.

History: Ashton was born to two elementals one rock and one air. (It was a very complicated relationship) His father died five years afterward due to destruction of his land due to a nearby city, his mother soon left him as she didn't want to be shackled down by a child. He was left in the woods and construction workers who were going to chop trees down found him. He was sent to the city's orphanage and was able to survive the conditions. His fathers and mothers attributes gave him the ability to withstand the toxicity of human life. At the age of 14 he mastered his elemental powers and taken up the habit of smoking. At 15 he ran away from the orphanage and began traveling to search for a place to work at. There he met his first guild, Dragon Roar, and since there is a first time for everything he decided to join and see how it is.

Guild: Dragons Roar
Pumpkakun said:
Name: Ashton Shay
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Interests: He walks on both sides of the street

Species: Elemental

Appearance: Ashton is tall standing at 6 ft but often seen slouching. His skin is fair and his hair a smoky gray. His eyes are a smoky white and he wear a plain grey shirt with a dark green hoodie over it. He wears denim jeans and black shoes. He is often seen smoking and has a rather bland aura around him.

Personality: Ashton is very laid back to a point where he could die and not seem to care. He keeps a blank expression through most events and can be shy. He doesn't really talk much and will run if he is intimidated enough. He tends to choose the more easy and non-dangerous jobs.

Powers: He is a class of air elementals. He can turn into a large cloud of smoke and ash. It can spin rapidly cut people touched by it. He can partially turn his body into smoke and cough smoke up to use as a comfort or as a blunt projectile.

History: Ashton was born to two elementals one rock and one air. (It was a very complicated relationship) His father died five years afterward due to destruction of his land due to a nearby city, his mother soon left him as she didn't want to be shackled down by a child. He was left in the woods and construction workers who were going to chop trees down found him. He was sent to the city's orphanage and was able to survive the conditions. His fathers and mothers attributes gave him the ability to withstand the toxicity of human life. At the age of 14 he mastered his elemental powers and taken up the habit of smoking. At 15 he ran away from the orphanage and began traveling to search for a place to work at. There he met his first guild, Dragon Roar, and since there is a first time for everything he decided to join and see how it is.

Guild: Dragons Roar

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