Dragon's Roar.

[QUOTE="Raiden Hyugga]Name: Raiden Hyugga
Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Interest: hetero (straight

Species: darkness battle mage


Personality: Raiden is loving and caring and will do anything to protect his friends. From time to time Raiden will go insane while fightning

Powers: Raiden has the ability to in case his weapons or limbs with shadows making them more powerful. Raiden can summon his kamas from the shadows. Raiden can shadow step or turn into a shadow in for short periods, but it takes a lot of energy to do so.

History/Reason For Joining: Raiden's family were a group of darkness mages. They have tought him every thing there is to know about darkness magic and Raiden didn't really like being a mage and he really liked weapons something besides a staff. Raiden then used his knowledge about darkness magic and made his own technique of darkness magic. He called it combat magic. Then when he just perfected his combat magic Raiden went back to his house and saw his family on the floor dead. All of the notes that his family have made were gone. Raiden knew that it was a band of evil beings who took his family away. Raiden doesn't want something like this to happen to some one else family again so he joined Dragon's Roar to help anyone else who is in trouble.

(Black goes for both, blue for only Darcy, pink for only Alina)

Name: Darcy (CelticSol) & Alina (Light)

Age: Unknown, but they physically appear to be no older than 12

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Homosexual


Species: Nightmare Demons


Darcy has blue hair

Alina has pink hair



Darcy is the leader out of the two. Like her sister, she seems innocent and childlike, but her true nature as a demon is revealed in the face of battle or the fear of others, where she is manipulative and takes pleasure in the harm and terror of her enemies. If she likes someone (which is rarer for her than it is for her sister), she is unusually kind and affectionate to them. Unlike her sister, she isn’t destructive out of childish ignorance, she is fully aware of the violence in nearly everything she does. Darcy tends to be a little bit violent or ‘demon’ like than her sister. However, she can become nearly obsessively loyal to anyone she’s sees as ‘higher’ than her. If she is separated from her sister, she gets very severe separation anxiety. (Darcy preferes to appear more demonic than her sister does.)

Alina takes everything in life as a game. Like her sister she seems innocent and childlike, but at the same time her view on morality is completely demented. She feels pleasure when receiving pain from others. She's not considered to be randomly violent seeing that she considers murder and fighting mere child's play and games. So she doesn't exactly mean to harm others with wrathful intentions only when she wants to 'play.' Alina is only loyal to her sister Darcy. Once separated from her sister, she gets disoriented and has a risk of nervous breakdowns. (Alina prefers to look more human than her sister does.)


  • Magic

    Illusions & Realizing

    Darcy is able to make very realistic illusions/hallucinations, but they can do no damage. However, Alina can make the illusions actually come to life, and with her magic, she can make Darcy’s magic do as much damage as they would had they been real. They have to be reasonably close to the other twin for Realizing to work properly, but once the illusion has been made real, it doesn't matter how far apart they are.


  • Darcy & Alina can shift their bodies into anything someone else fears, but they typically take the form of two twelve year old girls. It’s unknown what they actually look like.

[*]Fear Detection

  • They can tell if someone is afraid, how scared they are, and what they are scared of. At any point, they can sense what someone is afraid of. (I.e. claustrophobia, arachnephobia, etc)


  • They have the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others, and they are skilled enough to enter a simple daydream and turn it into a horrifying nightmare.
  • In addition, they can put individuals within ten feet of them to sleep. In most times these individuals are thrown into a dreamscape they (Darcy and Alina) control.


  • Strength and speed
    They are about as strong and as fast as an average demon.

[*]Advanced healing

  • They’re healing is faster than most humans, with a deep gash sealing in a matter of hours.


  • Very competent in battle

History/Reason For Joining:

Darcy heard of all the conflict and battles Dragon’s Roar had been involved, and, bored of their constant, repetitive lifestyle, Darcy decided to join up with them, especially after hearing about the supposed power and influence of their guild leader.

Alina has heard of Dragon's Roar and their expeditions. Her sister seems interested in joining and as usual Alina will follow, though she does have her suspicions.

Desired Guild:

Dragon’s Order


  • Darcy (Close up)


  • Alina (Close up)


  • Theme Song:


xoloveox said:


CelticSol said:
(Black goes for both, blue for only Darcy, pink for only Alina)
Name: Darcy (CelticSol) & Alina (Light)

Age: Unknown, but they physically appear to be no older than 12

Gender: Female

Sexual Interest: Homosexual


Species: Nightmare Demons


Darcy has blue hair

Alina has pink hair



Darcy is the leader out of the two. Like her sister, she seems innocent and childlike, but her true nature as a demon is revealed in the face of battle or the fear of others, where she is manipulative and takes pleasure in the harm and terror of her enemies. If she likes someone (which is rarer for her than it is for her sister), she is unusually kind and affectionate to them. Unlike her sister, she isn’t destructive out of childish ignorance, she is fully aware of the violence in nearly everything she does. Darcy tends to be a little bit violent or ‘demon’ like than her sister. However, she can become nearly obsessively loyal to anyone she’s sees as ‘higher’ than her. If she is separated from her sister, she gets very severe separation anxiety. (Darcy preferes to appear more demonic than her sister does.)

Alina takes everything in life as a game. Like her sister she seems innocent and childlike, but at the same time her view on morality is completely demented. She feels pleasure when receiving pain from others. She's not considered to be randomly violent seeing that she considers murder and fighting mere child's play and games. So she doesn't exactly mean to harm others with wrathful intentions only when she wants to 'play.' Alina is only loyal to her sister Darcy. Once separated from her sister, she gets disoriented and has a risk of nervous breakdowns. (Alina prefers to look more human than her sister does.)


  • Magic

    Illusions & Realizing

    Darcy is able to make very realistic illusions/hallucinations, but they can do no damage. However, Alina can make the illusions actually come to life, and with her magic, she can make Darcy’s magic do as much damage as they would had they been real. They have to be reasonably close to the other twin for Realizing to work properly, but once the illusion has been made real, it doesn't matter how far apart they are.


  • Darcy & Alina can shift their bodies into anything someone else fears, but they typically take the form of two twelve year old girls. It’s unknown what they actually look like.

[*]Fear Detection

  • They can tell if someone is afraid, how scared they are, and what they are scared of. At any point, they can sense what someone is afraid of. (I.e. claustrophobia, arachnephobia, etc)


  • They have the ability to enter and manipulate the dreams of others, and they are skilled enough to enter a simple daydream and turn it into a horrifying nightmare.
  • In addition, they can put individuals within ten feet of them to sleep. In most times these individuals are thrown into a dreamscape they (Darcy and Alina) control.


  • Strength and speed
    They are about as strong and as fast as an average demon.

[*]Advanced healing

  • They’re healing is faster than most humans, with a deep gash sealing in a matter of hours.


  • Very competent in battle

History/Reason For Joining:

Darcy heard of all the conflict and battles Dragon’s Roar had been involved, and, bored of their constant, repetitive lifestyle, Darcy decided to join up with them, especially after hearing about the supposed power and influence of their guild leader.

Alina has heard of Dragon's Roar and their expeditions. Her sister seems interested in joining and as usual Alina will follow, though she does have her suspicions.

Desired Guild:

Dragon’s Order


  • Darcy (Close up)


  • Alina (Close up)


  • Theme Song:


Name:Sir Dylan

Nickname: N/A


Personality: Stubborn, kind, caring of others well being, blunt,Good nature, willing to learn, friendly,protective of allies,and adventurous

Species:Human/Angel ( Hybrid )


Good/Evil/Neutral: Chaotic good ( do what he thinks is right )

Appearance: Under his armor. he is about 5'10", has pale skin that is covered in scares of battles long since past, Hazel Eyes, short black hair, and large white angel wings


Weapons:he uses a Claymore. which is a type of Scottish sword



Inspirational Battle Cry- helps allies by increasing damage, resisting stress and unholy attacks

Smite The Unholy-45% extra damage against unholy creatures types

Battle Heal- heals 1% to 25% of ally's heal

Bio: His father was a human Crusader and his mother was an Archangel. He has very dark past. he was Crusader that had fought many battles against the darkness of dungeons. Dylan and Silver meet when he was looking for a nice dungeon to cleanse but he find Sliver being attack by a Corrupted High Dragon. He help her defeat the corrupted Dragon. they have been friends ever since ( more details will be find out at a later time)

Like: honorable enemies and Allies, a good meal, mediation, reading, finding lose knowledge.

Dislike:losing his allies to death, people who are bloodthirsty or kill for sport, Harpies, Lamias and Succubuses.

Other: he is very resourceful and cunning. when he is over stressed, he will ether resist the Madness or slip into it for a short/medium/long period of time. ( His Afflictions Chances are, Paranoid, Selfish, Irrational, Fearful, Hopeless, Abusive,or Masochistic. his Virtues chances are Powerful, Courageous, Stalwart, Vigorous,or Focused. His Afflictions have higher changes then his Virtues of happening) , he is not bloodthirsty and will try talk his way out of things if he can. he will not kill monsters on site. He travels with Sliver. he is unwilling to share his past.


Name: Huxynen Silver

Nickname: Silver

Age: 30,000 human years

Personality:She is Stubborn, Kind, Loving, Shy, Friendly, Protective of allies/friends, and very Adventurous

Species:Dragon ( Light/Holy)

Gender: Female

Good/Evil/Neutral: Chaotic Neutral ( does whatever she feels like)




Light of Courageous- can light up dark areas and find hidden traps and treasures

Inspirational Battle Cry- helps allies by increasing damage, resisting stress and unholy attacks ( Learned the move from Sir Dylan)

Anger is power- 55% Damage increase but 45% decrease accuracy. only a short time

Share heart (one time use only)- she can share her heart with one other person of her choosing.(a life bond between her and that person, so if one of them died then the other will perish as well.)

Breath fire- she can breath fire at enemies

Bio: She lived in the high mountains of the north before meeting Sir Dylan. she defending her nest from a Corrupted High Dragon. The battle when on for two hours before Sir Dylan had find them fighting. Sir Dylan helped her defend her nest that was destroy in the battle. ( more details will be find out at a later time)

Likes:being around Sir Dylan, honorable enemies and Allies, mediation, Sunlight, holy creatures, and kindness

Dislikes:girls flirting with Sir Dylan, losing her friends/allies to death, people who are bloodthirsty, and unholy creatures

Other: She travels with Sir Dylan. she gets protective of Dylan if any one tries to hit on him or attack him.


Fola Keryn





Sexual Interest:






Typical Clothing:

He typically dresses in clothes that would look nice, but due to the fact that he simply doesn't care, his clothing is usually a size or two to big and hangs loose and messy. He would typically wear something like the picture below but much looser:



He is a jaded young idiot who just wants to make it to his next pay so he can drink. Unfortunately for him, he also has quiet the conscious, so he typically ends up only taking work that aligns with his sense of right and wrong. He doesn't care much for appearances but cares allot about what people care about him personally. He also loves jokes (Puns in particular) and loves company...As long as the other person picks up the tab that is...


Being his mother is a witch he has quite the potential for power and control over magics, but is only really proficient in things involving hexes and lighting. Below are the typical tricks and magic he uses in a skirmish:

  • Basic Use: This is the basics of lighting magic. From small balls of short lived electricity to breif but powerful beams, he can shoot different types in different ways, although he only typically uses three. He has a small ball that is typically fired off to allow a breif break in fighting, it drains next to none of his power but has short range, and only really catches opponents off guard, no stun, no pain/damage, just surprising. He can allow that small ball to grow and shoot it out, this one can reach farther and leave someone stunned for a few moments, but he can only use about twelve of these before tiring. His last spell of these basics is a breif and long ranged blast of lighting. He filters it in a tube like line that needs to be precise, but it can hurt allot and travel farther than any of the other two spells...
  • Apply to weapon: His preferred form of use of magic, he applies lighting to his weapon and fights that way. This allows for a left over arc after he swings allowing him to control a close ranged fight. If it is a ranged weapon,this will allow the thing being shot out to go longer distances faster.
  • Discharge: He creates a expanding sphere in a five foot radius, not much to say here, just a quick attack that allows him to once again create space he needs.
  • Mjolnir: This is one that he uses as a last resort, it's a flashy and big move that involves him making lighting in the shape of a giant hammer, it falls on a spot he wants it to...
  • Weaknesses: Although he is good in a fight, the problem with him comes in that he doesn't study/train, and there for can't get better. He had breif weapons training and studied magic with his mother for twelve years both, after that he refused to practice or study anymore. Meaning that unless he is fighting, his skill is never growing. Besides that he can give any person a great fight at close range, but he is lacking in long range and stands no chance at medium range. He can be outclassed and out ranged and most importantly, if he is drained of magic, he is even easier to outclass...

History/Reason For Joining:

Born between a human father and a witch, he was raised by the two of them, with his mother promising to lives a "normal" life with his father. He graduated High School at twelve (Due to cheating on every test and faking smarts, not because he's an actually genius) and refused to partake in his mother's secret magic training or his father's enrollment in different weapons/fighting classes. He spent the next few years of his life traveling the world with his family, learning of different cultures and such.

A problem arose when he was eighteen however, due to the type of life his family had lived, he felt he had seen everything the world had to offer him, and as such, felt bored with every option he had in life. This lead him on a two year journey to find his purpose, during that time he tried many different jobs, and attempted to live many different life styles. During the near end of this journey, he began to grow desperate, believing that he wouldn't find anything that fulfilled him, he began to cut off ties with his family in hopes that might help, but by the end of these two years he had grown bitter and lost hope, he turned to drinking to drown his sorrows.

He heard of Dragon's Roar through word of mouth, and figured it might be has last hope at a life of purpose.

Desired Guild:

Dragon's Roar

LokiofSP said:


Fola Keryn





Sexual Interest:






Typical Clothing:

He typically dresses in clothes that would look nice, but due to the fact that he simply doesn't care, his clothing is usually a size or two to big and hangs loose and messy. He would typically wear something like the picture below but much looser:



He is a jaded young idiot who just wants to make it to his next pay so he can drink. Unfortunately for him, he also has quiet the conscious, so he typically ends up only taking work that aligns with his sense of right and wrong. He doesn't care much for appearances but cares allot about what people care about him personally. He also loves jokes (Puns in particular) and loves company...As long as the other person picks up the tab that is...


Being his mother is a witch he has quite the potential for power and control over magics, but is only really proficient in things involving hexes and lighting. Below are the typical tricks and magic he uses in a skirmish:

  • Basic Use: This is the basics of lighting magic. From small balls of short lived electricity to breif but powerful beams, he can shoot different types in different ways, although he only typically uses three. He has a small ball that is typically fired off to allow a breif break in fighting, it drains next to none of his power but has short range, and only really catches opponents off guard, no stun, no pain/damage, just surprising. He can allow that small ball to grow and shoot it out, this one can reach farther and leave someone stunned for a few moments, but he can only use about twelve of these before tiring. His last spell of these basics is a breif and long ranged blast of lighting. He filters it in a tube like line that needs to be precise, but it can hurt allot and travel farther than any of the other two spells...
  • Apply to weapon: His preferred form of use of magic, he applies lighting to his weapon and fights that way. This allows for a left over arc after he swings allowing him to control a close ranged fight. If it is a ranged weapon,this will allow the thing being shot out to go longer distances faster.
  • Discharge: He creates a expanding sphere in a five foot radius, not much to say here, just a quick attack that allows him to once again create space he needs.
  • Mjolnir: This is one that he uses as a last resort, it's a flashy and big move that involves him making lighting in the shape of a giant hammer, it falls on a spot he wants it to...
  • Weaknesses: Although he is good in a fight, the problem with him comes in that he doesn't study/train, and there for can't get better. He had breif weapons training and studied magic with his mother for twelve years both, after that he refused to practice or study anymore. Meaning that unless he is fighting, his skill is never growing. Besides that he can give any person a great fight at close range, but he is lacking in long range and stands no chance at medium range. He can be outclassed and out ranged and most importantly, if he is drained of magic, he is even easier to outclass...

History/Reason For Joining:

Born between a human father and a witch, he was raised by the two of them, with his mother promising to lives a "normal" life with his father. He graduated High School at twelve (Due to cheating on every test and faking smarts, not because he's an actually genius) and refused to partake in his mother's secret magic training or his father's enrollment in different weapons/fighting classes. He spent the next few years of his life traveling the world with his family, learning of different cultures and such.

A problem arose when he was eighteen however, due to the type of life his family had lived, he felt he had seen everything the world had to offer him, and as such, felt bored with every option he had in life. This lead him on a two year journey to find his purpose, during that time he tried many different jobs, and attempted to live many different life styles. During the near end of this journey, he began to grow desperate, believing that he wouldn't find anything that fulfilled him, he began to cut off ties with his family in hopes that might help, but by the end of these two years he had grown bitter and lost hope, he turned to drinking to drown his sorrows.

He heard of Dragon's Roar through word of mouth, and figured it might be has last hope at a life of purpose.

Desired Guild:

Dragon's Roar
You posted this on the wrong thread
LokiofSP said:


Fola Keryn





Sexual Interest:






Typical Clothing:

He typically dresses in clothes that would look nice, but due to the fact that he simply doesn't care, his clothing is usually a size or two to big and hangs loose and messy. He would typically wear something like the picture below but much looser:



He is a jaded young idiot who just wants to make it to his next pay so he can drink. Unfortunately for him, he also has quiet the conscious, so he typically ends up only taking work that aligns with his sense of right and wrong. He doesn't care much for appearances but cares allot about what people care about him personally. He also loves jokes (Puns in particular) and loves company...As long as the other person picks up the tab that is...


Being his mother is a witch he has quite the potential for power and control over magics, but is only really proficient in things involving hexes and lighting. Below are the typical tricks and magic he uses in a skirmish:

  • Basic Use: This is the basics of lighting magic. From small balls of short lived electricity to breif but powerful beams, he can shoot different types in different ways, although he only typically uses three. He has a small ball that is typically fired off to allow a breif break in fighting, it drains next to none of his power but has short range, and only really catches opponents off guard, no stun, no pain/damage, just surprising. He can allow that small ball to grow and shoot it out, this one can reach farther and leave someone stunned for a few moments, but he can only use about twelve of these before tiring. His last spell of these basics is a breif and long ranged blast of lighting. He filters it in a tube like line that needs to be precise, but it can hurt allot and travel farther than any of the other two spells...
  • Apply to weapon: His preferred form of use of magic, he applies lighting to his weapon and fights that way. This allows for a left over arc after he swings allowing him to control a close ranged fight. If it is a ranged weapon,this will allow the thing being shot out to go longer distances faster.
  • Discharge: He creates a expanding sphere in a five foot radius, not much to say here, just a quick attack that allows him to once again create space he needs.
  • Mjolnir: This is one that he uses as a last resort, it's a flashy and big move that involves him making lighting in the shape of a giant hammer, it falls on a spot he wants it to...
  • Weaknesses: Although he is good in a fight, the problem with him comes in that he doesn't study/train, and there for can't get better. He had breif weapons training and studied magic with his mother for twelve years both, after that he refused to practice or study anymore. Meaning that unless he is fighting, his skill is never growing. Besides that he can give any person a great fight at close range, but he is lacking in long range and stands no chance at medium range. He can be outclassed and out ranged and most importantly, if he is drained of magic, he is even easier to outclass...

History/Reason For Joining:

Born between a human father and a witch, he was raised by the two of them, with his mother promising to lives a "normal" life with his father. He graduated High School at twelve (Due to cheating on every test and faking smarts, not because he's an actually genius) and refused to partake in his mother's secret magic training or his father's enrollment in different weapons/fighting classes. He spent the next few years of his life traveling the world with his family, learning of different cultures and such.

A problem arose when he was eighteen however, due to the type of life his family had lived, he felt he had seen everything the world had to offer him, and as such, felt bored with every option he had in life. This lead him on a two year journey to find his purpose, during that time he tried many different jobs, and attempted to live many different life styles. During the near end of this journey, he began to grow desperate, believing that he wouldn't find anything that fulfilled him, he began to cut off ties with his family in hopes that might help, but by the end of these two years he had grown bitter and lost hope, he turned to drinking to drown his sorrows.

He heard of Dragon's Roar through word of mouth, and figured it might be has last hope at a life of purpose.

Desired Guild:

Dragon's Roar
Accepted. Just have your character approach the guild on the other thread. xD

This is interesting, you might find one of my upcoming characters extremely interesting. For now you can say she's the 'source of all witch mana'
Name: Dante Ira

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexual Interest: Heterosexual

Species: Raiju


(Normal form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.72c339a9d9ab6faf1f93ec0493d70f2a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.72c339a9d9ab6faf1f93ec0493d70f2a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Usually wears a black denim vest with no shirt under it, black jeans, and black and red boots. Also has both arms covered in tattoos along with his shoulders and hands.

(Beast form)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a86a57680dfa9e7799844c8197367253.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103403" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a86a57680dfa9e7799844c8197367253.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Dante is very battle hardened and monotone, he often acts out and doesn't care what happens to his body for the most part just as long as he kills what he's fighting against and doesn't get mad often but when he does he goes on a rampage. However, while hard for him to get attached to someone, when he does he'll do everything in his power to protect them no matter the cost.

Powers: Climbing, electrical immunity, electricity manipulation, electricity mimicry/fire mimicry, lightning ball form, enhanced agility, enhanced balance, enhanced bite, enhanced durability, enhanced endurance, enhanced flexibility, enhanced jump, enhanced senses, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, super regenerative healing, fire manipulation, flight, canine physiology, feline physiology, claw retraction, mustelid physiology, night vision, predator instinct, simian physiology, weather manipulation.

History/Reason for joining: When he was a child he lived in a small village with his parents, living a life as if a normal human he never knew what he truly was until when he was 7 years old a group of people broke into his home, killed his mother and father in front of him, and took him to their facility. Where he was tied and bound in chains all while being tortured and experimented on 3 times a day for 13 years also while being forced to train, fight against, and kill other people captured. Finally after being the only subject still alive, he had gained the strength to break free from his cell, killed most of his captors, and escaped. However, not before finding his file they had containing his information revealing that he was in fact a raiju. After he escaped he had returned to his home and instead of finding the bodies of his parents lying on the floor he saw two swords instead, one of fire and one of lightning and one in the middle of the two, it's blade as red as blood as well as his fathers set of pistols. He then realized that the swords were his parents, and decided to travel the world as a mercenary.

Desired guild: Excidium

Extra: (weapons)

Mater ignis (mother of the flame)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a9c665f2c7771686b7b56f001d4915ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a9c665f2c7771686b7b56f001d4915ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pater tempestate (Father of the storm)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.3c64a0983ae554e9daaa56ccfef3743a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.3c64a0983ae554e9daaa56ccfef3743a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sanguinem pluvia (blood rain)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.57fc669b57666ade70aeb156caa160ce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.57fc669b57666ade70aeb156caa160ce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ahf and Hema

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.f93ef7c69097d99d2b6b2d1f13a4126b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.f93ef7c69097d99d2b6b2d1f13a4126b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme song: [media]




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Name: Kyoko Lyn Amiya

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: demisexual

Species: Neko



Personality: She is very curious, sweet, and adventurous. Willing to take risks to accomplish tasks or get what she wants

Powers: Cat like reflexes, night vision

History/Reason For Joining: When she was 9 a group of men robbed her house. She watched from where her mother hid her as the men murdered her mother and older brother. She learned to fend for herself and get what she needed to survive in the months after. She heard about Dragon's Roar and hopes it will be a place she can call home that will help her bring some peace to the world so no other little girls have to experience what she did.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar
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OceanBunny said:
Name: Kyoko Lyn Amiya
Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexual Interest: demisexual

Species: Neko



Personality: She is very curious, sweet, and adventurous. Willing to take risks to accomplish tasks or get what she wants

Powers: Cat like reflexes, night vision

History/Reason For Joining: When she was 9 a group of men robbed her house. She watched from where her mother hid her as the men murdered her mother and older brother. She learned to fend for herself and get what she needed to survive in the months after. She heard about Dragon's Roar and hopes it will be a place she can call home that will help her bring some peace to the world so no other little girls have to experience what she did.

Desired Guild: Dragon's Roar
Pst...Ocean, first off,didn't expect to see you here. Probably came cause we're always talking about it, sorry! Either way, this is the wrong thread, this RP's been redone like a million times! This is the one that's in use:

Dragon's Roar

See ya there!

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