Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Grimm smiles and picks up the pokeball. "Yes! I've caught a wild Raz!" Grimm heals Raz in the pokeball and releases him in front of them. He turns to Abraxos and gets very nervous at his frantic desperation. "No I don't. Sorry dude. Why do you need Dragon's Roar so badly?"
Silently Draco looks at Raz curiously reading his body language. He was bored from doing nothing. Shrugging Draco looked at who was asking about Dragon's Roar which had just disbanded did they not read the news? Perhaps it was hidden away tucked into a corner not to be mentioned so no one knew of the Dragon's Roar demise however Draco doubted it.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looks at Raz curiously reading his body language. He was bored from doing nothing. Shrugging Draco looked at who was asking about Dragon's Roar which had just disbanded did they not read the news? Perhaps it was hidden away tucked into a corner not to be mentioned so no one knew of the Dragon's Roar demise however Draco doubted it.
"I have no time for foolish questions!" Abraxos exclaimed. He drew his sword from his sheath and flicked his wrist quickly so that it landed just centimetres from Grimm's neck. Abraxos' breathing became loud and clearly audible. "You will tell me anything you know, of anyone within the guild, about them and where I can find them," he said, panting, "or so help me."
"I have no time for foolish questions!" Abraxos exclaimed. He drew his sword from his sheath and flicked his wrist quickly so that it landed just centimetres from Grimm's neck. Abraxos' breathing became loud and clearly audible. "You will tell me anything you know, of anyone within the guild, about them and where I can find them," he said, panting, "or so help me."
Looking at the man Draco almost growled but held it back. Silently he looked at Raz his eyes stating, "Help please." He looked at the man then closed his eyes. Softly he waited wondering what to do.
@Light @Frozen steel
Raz got up slowly and walked over to the man,he stood there for a moment before swatting the man with all his force,boosting it more with his shadow magic,hoping it would send the man flying far off,that would be funny to Raz.

Vance was slightly confused about what was going on, but sat down next to Luna. "Your mother seems a little bit crazy." Vance smiled over at Luna and noticed that she was crying. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better. Also would you like me to get rid of your food? Because I'm not going to eat whatever your mother cooks for me, I'm just not hungry" Vance shook his head. "I don't like her though, She just tried to forbid me from killing someone. If she wasn't your mother she'd be on that list"



"Yup!" Maya smiled at Isabel and skipped over to a cupboard and began pulling everything out of it before finally coming across a bowl. Without putting anything back, Maya went back to Isabel with the bowl. "Here you go!" Maya smiled up at Isabel and pushed the bowl onto the counter in front of her.

@Light @Embaga Elder
Just then a loud crash occurs as the girl reappears, and flings a door at the being. "You will not Harm him, He is under the protection of Cleopatra, The Queen Of Kings." Her true form burst forth. Her eyes began glowing and the ground shook as a nearby tree was ripped from the ground. It was shattered into sharp sticks and they were hurled at the being.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cleo.jpg.3cbd97410b2f8437061766f65a9fa11b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cleo.jpg.3cbd97410b2f8437061766f65a9fa11b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Frozen steel





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Immediately Draco breathed flames burning the tree up into ash. Looking at Cleopatra he snorted softly. He sat and bowed his head to her. Okay maybe he had been a little impulsive he glowed silently as his light began meandering around the room in no particular order it was because Draco was thinking of a way out seeing none he waited as he smiled gently and changed human and held up his hands and stated, "I am way out of my league so please don't hurt me." It was true plus it was easier to raise illusions in his human form he made one and moved silently.

@The Imperial Flame
Abraxos slowly removed his sword from Grimm's neck and sheathed it, before kneeling before him shaking. "I have let my anger best me. I ask your forgiveness, though i do not expect to receive it."
Light said:
"The world leaders shut us down since we're apparently more dangerous than good. I'm so sorry you had to come here to achieve nothing." Alina takes a break to wipe away her tears and turns to both Oden and the new male in front of her. "My name is Alina. I'm planning on going...who knows where now."
" I see, very well. Alina, I am following you, I have nowhere else to go, I already left my home and the trip back would be...awful." He replies looking at her with a smile. "We will just form a temporary party, prove that the members of this guild are not horribly dangerous and do good. Then the guild would reform right?" He asks her kindly, still smiling. "So no more crying."
GingerBread said:
Vance was slightly confused about what was going on, but sat down next to Luna. "Your mother seems a little bit crazy." Vance smiled over at Luna and noticed that she was crying. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better. Also would you like me to get rid of your food? Because I'm not going to eat whatever your mother cooks for me, I'm just not hungry" Vance shook his head. "I don't like her though, She just tried to forbid me from killing someone. If she wasn't your mother she'd be on that list"

Luna sniffles and points at her rice. "I ate all the chicken and now it's j-just bare rice. When you get your food give me some of it to put on my rice okay? I promise I won't waste it and I'll eat the rice."

GingerBread said:
"Yup!" Maya smiled at Isabel and skipped over to a cupboard and began pulling everything out of it before finally coming across a bowl. Without putting anything back, Maya went back to Isabel with the bowl. "Here you go!" Maya smiled up at Isabel and pushed the bowl onto the counter in front of her.

@Light @Embaga Elder
Isabel laughs and takes the bowl, while laughing she manages to get the words thank you Maya out. Isabel really liked her children...she was happy.

@The Imperial Flame[/URL]
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz got up slowly and walked over to the man,he stood there for a moment before swatting the man with all his force,boosting it more with his shadow magic,hoping it would send the man flying far off,that would be funny to Raz.
Grimm didn't know what was going on anymore. "Okay you all seem like cool people but I just don't get it. How about we all go to the city and visit a restaurant to get something to eat so we can talk things out okay?"

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]" I see, very well. Alina, I am following you, I have nowhere else to go, I already left my home and the trip back would be...awful." He replies looking at her with a smile. "We will just form a temporary party, prove that the members of this guild are not horribly dangerous and do good. Then the guild would reform right?" He asks her kindly, still smiling. "So no more crying."

"That sounds like a great idea actually. Why don't we go shopping in the city for supplies first though?"
Light said:
Luna sniffles and points at her rice. "I ate all the chicken and now it's j-just bare rice. When you get your food give me some of it to put on my rice okay? I promise I won't waste it and I'll eat the rice."
Isabel laughs and takes the bowl, while laughing she manages to get the words thank you Maya out. Isabel really liked her children...she was happy.

Grimm didn't know what was going on anymore. "Okay you all seem like cool people but I just don't get it. How about we all go to the city and visit a restaurant to get something to eat so we can talk things out okay?"

"That sounds like a great idea actually. Why don't we go shopping in the city for supplies first though?"
Raz turns back into thier disquise."sure.lets go,we can take my demension to get there."
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Vance stared at Luna as she told him she was crying over having plain rice. "Really? That's your problem? Are you a different Luna? Did I get taken to the wrong one? Because the Luna I know tried to take over the entire world and also stabbed people without even batting an eye. Yet you're crying over plain rice" Vance sighed and shook his head before leaning back in his chair. "But whatever, you can have all my food. I've already said I'm not hungry, and I'm not about to let someone fatten me up. The guild has disbanded and I'm getting all my money taken away, so I'm going to have to find a new line of work or go back to my old one"



Maya looked up at Isabel with a puzzled expression on her face. Why was her mommy laughing? Did someone tell a joke? Was she laughing at Maya?! "What's so funny mommy?" Maya stood on her tiptoes and tried to look on the counter to see if there was a bug doing a funny dance or something, but frowned when she couldn't see anything like that.

@Light @Embaga Elder
Light said:
"That sounds like a great idea actually. Why don't we go shopping in the city for supplies first though?"
"Um..other than what I have on me, which is my blades and my clothes, I have nothing..no money." He tells her laughing a bit. "It took all my money to get here. Sorry. I was hoping to find some work from the guild.."

Yaaaay he said happily. When mom asked for some eggs he nods happily and jumps over towards the refrigerator. He opens it and pulls out the eggs. He walks back over trying his best not to drop the eggs. Successfully making it back to the counter. Being at least eye level with the counter, lefts up the eggs and places it on the counter pushing it further away from the edge. Here you go mama. @Light @GingerBread


Even when the man pulled out a pouch of gold, the trio still weren't interested with whatever he was planning, or were they. Cole started thinking about what could they possibly do now that the guild has disbanded. He might a little sketchy but they've faced worse. What exactly is this job you have in mind? @GingerBread

Oden looked between Alina and Akki, keeping quiet throughout a bit of their interaction, speaking up when he figured it provided a chance to further his trust with the two. He stepped up, taking out a wallet and looking through a few bills, picking up two one hundred dollar bills, "If money is all you two need to get underway, I have it in spades. If you wish to go get supplies, I could provide you with the funds to do so."

@Ethan Vail @Light
Light said:
Luna sniffles and points at her rice. "I ate all the chicken and now it's j-just bare rice. When you get your food give me some of it to put on my rice okay? I promise I won't waste it and I'll eat the rice."
Isabel laughs and takes the bowl, while laughing she manages to get the words thank you Maya out. Isabel really liked her children...she was happy.

Grimm didn't know what was going on anymore. "Okay you all seem like cool people but I just don't get it. How about we all go to the city and visit a restaurant to get something to eat so we can talk things out okay?"

"That sounds like a great idea actually. Why don't we go shopping in the city for supplies first though?"
Abraxos pondered this for a moment begore saying "Yes. I shall go with you."
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz turns back into thier disquise."sure.lets go,we can take my demension to get there."
@Ethan Vail[/URL] @Light
"You Maya. You're just so cute. Don't worry, that's a good thing. Hakeem is helpful and nice as well. You'll make a great gentleman in the future!" Isabel receives the ingredient from Emily as well and pats her head. "That's right. You'll all be wonderful people in the future!" Isabel smiles, and this time it was an honestly bright and happy smile. A smile just for the kids, a smile of happiness and love. "Now let's finish these cookies! You all need something to eat anyways. Then later we can have an adventure filled with princesses, pirates, spies, and detectives!"

GingerBread said:
Vance stared at Luna as she told him she was crying over having plain rice. "Really? That's your problem? Are you a different Luna? Did I get taken to the wrong one? Because the Luna I know tried to take over the entire world and also stabbed people without even batting an eye. Yet you're crying over plain rice" Vance sighed and shook his head before leaning back in his chair. "But whatever, you can have all my food. I've already said I'm not hungry, and I'm not about to let someone fatten me up. The guild has disbanded and I'm getting all my money taken away, so I'm going to have to find a new line of work or go back to my old one"

Luna looks up at him with vulnerable eyes. "R-really?" She leans on him and holds him. "You're so good to me Vance."
Light said:
"Why not just walk though Raz? Enjoy the city view while we can." Grimm shrugs his shoulders and looks at Abraxos. "What do you say?"
Alina looks at the new male before her and smiles, looking between him and Oden. "Really? That would be great actually! Let's go!" She smiles for once and walks down the bridge. "Unless we have something here to do first."

"You Maya. You're just so cute. Don't worry, that's a good thing. Hakeem is helpful and nice as well. You'll make a great gentleman in the future!" Isabel receives the ingredient from Emily as well and pats her head. "That's right. You'll all be wonderful people in the future!" Isabel smiles, and this time it was an honestly bright and happy smile. A smile just for the kids, a smile of happiness and love. "Now let's finish these cookies! You all need something to eat anyways. Then later we can have an adventure filled with princesses, pirates, spies, and detectives!"

Luna looks up at him with vulnerable eyes. "R-really?" She leans on him and holds him. "You're so good to me Vance."
"Sure,lead away,you can even have me in the ball if you want while we walk."Raz seemed discouraged.

"Yeah... I'm going to go check how much longer the food is going to be, okay?" Vance smiled at Luna as he gently moved himself out of her hold and stood up. "I'll be right back, try not to cry over your rice anymore, or do, it might end up flavouring it more. I wouldn't recommend it though" Vance smiled at Luna again before walking towards the kitchen where Hekate had gone.

Vance walked into the kitchen and over to Hekate.
"So do you know what's wrong with Luna? Because she doesn't seem like herself right now. Or at least not how I knew her" Vance went quiet for a moment as he though. He moved his hand towards his dagger. "Did you do something to her?"



Maya smiled happily as Isabel called her cute, but when Isabel said after the cookies they'd all go on an adventure Maya gained an excited look, she was almost considering asking to skip the cookies so that they could go on an adventure faster. "Yay! Adventure! Though Princesses are boring" Maya wondered who would be coming on the adventure with them. "Is my best Friend; Fola going to come with us on the adventure?"

@Light @Embaga Elder


Revvar was about to walk away from the Trio but turned back around when they asked about the job.
"It's simple really. You guys will be contracted by me to do certain things." He gave the trio a wry smile. "You see gentlemen, I'm a collector. I find interest in collecting rare unique things, and sometimes, I have to go to extreme measures to get them. As they are hard to obtain, you understand" Revvar walked over closer to the trio, but made sure to maintain a respectable distance away from them. "I can write up a contact if you gentlemen would prefer. I can also offer you more power, if you'd prefer that over wealth. Or maybe both. It all depends on you, gentlemen"

@Embaga Elder
Light said:
Alina looks at the new male before her and smiles, looking between him and Oden. "Really? That would be great actually! Let's go!" She smiles for once and walks down the bridge. "Unless we have something here to do first."
"I am ready whenever you two are." He looks at the two of them with a smile. "My name is Akki, pleasure to meet both of you, I probably should of introduced myself earlier."
(Can't find the posts so whatever)

"Righty-o, make sure that you're ready to be a dope priest come wedding day," Alpha said to his trial. He then turned to Jackie, noticing that their ride on the ferris wheel was coming to an end. "Where to now, Miss Jackie?" He asked, holding out his hand.

@Light @CelticSol
MTchaos1134 said:
"Sure,lead away,you can even have me in the ball if you want while we walk."Raz seemed discouraged.
( @The Imperial Flame @Lighthouse @Frozen steel )

"No you can walk outside of the ball." Grimm begins to move forward but turns his head to Raz. "You okay? You sound down. Is it the guild?"

GingerBread said:
"Yeah... I'm going to go check how much longer the food is going to be, okay?" Vance smiled at Luna as he gently moved himself out of her hold and stood up. "I'll be right back, try not to cry over your rice anymore, or do, it might end up flavouring it more. I wouldn't recommend it though" Vance smiled at Luna again before walking towards the kitchen where Hekate had gone.

Vance walked into the kitchen and over to Hekate.
"So do you know what's wrong with Luna? Because she doesn't seem like herself right now. Or at least not how I knew her" Vance went quiet for a moment as he though. He moved his hand towards his dagger. "Did you do something to her?"

Hekate raises an eyebrow and sighs, shaking her head while doing so. "No. Luna has always been to certian types of food. For example rice and chicken." She grabs an extra plate. "It's nice to see that you worry for her even for the most minimal situations. Now, answer this. Are you prepared to die fighting Apollon?"

GingerBread said:
Maya smiled happily as Isabel called her cute, but when Isabel said after the cookies they'd all go on an adventure Maya gained an excited look, she was almost considering asking to skip the cookies so that they could go on an adventure faster. "Yay! Adventure! Though Princesses are boring" Maya wondered who would be coming on the adventure with them. "Is my best Friend; Fola going to come with us on the adventure?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"If you'd like to then yes." Isabel turns to the cookies they're working on while her stomach dropped due to what she'd have to do next, seeing Fola again. "Now to get them in the oven....how do I turn on an oven though?"

The being nods his head and disappears.
Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame @Lighthouse @Frozen steel )
"No you can walk outside of the ball." Grimm begins to move forward but turns his head to Raz. "You okay? You sound down. Is it the guild?"

Hekate raises an eyebrow and sighs, shaking her head while doing so. "No. Luna has always been to certian types of food. For example rice and chicken." She grabs an extra plate. "It's nice to see that you worry for her even for the most minimal situations. Now, answer this. Are you prepared to die fighting Apollon?"

"If you'd like to then yes." Isabel turns to the cookies they're working on while her stomach dropped due to what she'd have to do next, seeing Fola again. "Now to get them in the oven....how do I turn on an oven though?"

"My name is Alina! Though some people in the guild call me hamster girl." She extends her hand for him to shake and lightly blushes at not only her name but his appearance. She's been in the hospital for most all of her life so she wasn't used to seeing people like him. She found him...attractive but didn't know what to do about it.

The being nods his head and disappears.
"It's more or so not having a single purpose to even exist,besides doing my job.and I could end up just being forgotten,as I have no other purpose now then to work.but my work usally consists of things I would rather not do,One thing that people don't know is that I'm in constant pain,anger,and sadness.i feel these from the people that want vengance,I can feel evreything they feel In they need for vengance.when the guild disbanded this has gotten stronger,and it has gotten to a point where I wish to cease to exsist.or just do nothing at all.its like depression but times a billion.it sucks."Raz seemed more down as they were speaking.the hooded disquieted glicthing.
Light said:
"My name is Alina! Though some people in the guild call me hamster girl." She extends her hand for him to shake and lightly blushes at not only her name but his appearance. She's been in the hospital for most all of her life so she wasn't used to seeing people like him. She found him...attractive but didn't know what to do about it.
"Alina, it's a beautiful name." He tells her, shaking her hand gently. "So they call you hamster girl? Would you prefer me to call you that or Alina?" He asks playfully smiling at her.
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Daimao said:
(Can't find the posts so whatever)
"Righty-o, make sure that you're ready to be a dope priest come wedding day," Alpha said to his trial. He then turned to Jackie, noticing that their ride on the ferris wheel was coming to an end. "Where to now, Miss Jackie?" He asked, holding out his hand.

@Light @CelticSol
Jackie takes his hand, and thinks on it barely a second before she's give out an almost giddy laugh, "It's funny you think that I can think straight right now. I still can't even wrap my head around the fact that this is happening," She steps close to him, using her grip on his hand to wrap his arm around her shoulder, then wraps her arm around his waist, "Honestly, we can do whatever you want. I'm down for anything you want to do."

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