Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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"hi,and yes I was in it."he turned to face the new man.
(Okay.) Looking at Raz Draco asked Grimm silently, "Are you sure you want me to do this because their is no way I can win against shadow powers with claws, fire, and Illusions if I had light powers I might be able to win but even then I doubt it." He looked at Raz waiting accessing his opponent who was well something else that was for sure.
@Light @MTchaos1134
Lighthouse8477 said:
(Okay.) Looking at Raz Draco asked Grimm silently, "Are you sure you want me to do this because their is no way I can win against shadow powers with claws, fire, and Illusions if I had light powers I might be able to win but even then I doubt it." He looked at Raz waiting accessing his opponent who was well something else that was for sure.
@Light @MTchaos1134
Raz looked at Draco for a bit then started changing,they were becoming a dragon,they gre larger and grew wing,eventually this was the outcome.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.19ced8f54371c2cbf05c367b5521674a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.19ced8f54371c2cbf05c367b5521674a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Ignore the sword,at least for now..)



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Raz looked at Draco for a bit then started changing,they were becoming a dragon,they gre larger and grew wing,eventually this was the outcome.
Gawking Draco looked at him then chuckled nervously. He was a human still looking at the dragon before him and stated, "Well at least I will die fighting. Then he changed into his dragon form which looked like this:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-22_20-26-38.png.75f9a7148f9ffd660d3ba3e71b0a2d54.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-22_20-26-38.png.75f9a7148f9ffd660d3ba3e71b0a2d54.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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GingerBread said:
"I'll take that as a yes. Good. We should be done in time for Lunch" Vance turned to Hermes while he had a sword made of darkness appear in his hand. "Hermes can you do me a favour? Call it a dying man's request" Vance looked towards the ground and chuckled before looking back up. "I think there's someone who would really like to 'watch' this. Could you go and get her? Thanks" Vance turned back to Apollo, staring him dead in the eyes. "So I'll let you get the first hit in, it's only fair since it'll be the only one you'll get"

Hermes was about to leave to grab Luna but another voice spoke up from behind with the added click of high heels. "Everyone sit down." All the gods, including Apollo, sit down at the command. She looked like Luna in some way. "Who goes by the name of Vance?" All of the Olympians point at Vance.

GingerBread said:
"Yay!" Maya was happy at the fact that her mommy was doing something so that no one could say that she wasn't her mommy and take her away. "But what if I want to keep my name Mommy? am I not allowed to?" She smiled up at Isabel and laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling, becoming slightly jealous of what Hakeem had done compared to what she had done. "I like our new name mommy." Maya looked over at Isabel slightly. "When are we going to see my best friend again?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
"Hm...if you're being adopted then you would have to go by my last name." Isabel picks Maya up and hugs her. "Um....we'll talk about seeing Fola later. For now let's get ready to bake cookies!"

Lighthouse8477 said:
Gawking Draco looked at him then chuckled nervously. He was a human still looking at the dragon before him and stated, "Well at least I will die fighting. Then he changed into his dragon form which looked like this:
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz looked at Draco for a bit then started changing,they were becoming a dragon,they gre larger and grew wing,eventually this was the outcome.
View attachment 266972

(Ignore the sword,at least for now..)
[QUOTE="Frozen steel]"But there is not time for that now," he said, in a stern voice, "I need your aid. What do you know of the organisation known as Dragon's Roar?"

Grimm grants Draco light powers for the battle and turns to the angel before him. "Yes actually the building is literally right behind us. The guild disbanded a few minutes ago my friend. Sorry....is there anything else I can help you with?"

Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed as he turned around and looked at the woman who had just interrupted him. "Okay, So I don't know who you are, and I'm not sure I really care. But if you need me, you can wait until later. Right now I'm busy killing a god. Don't worry though, it should only take 5 minutes. So you can wait until then, that sound good? Okay then" Vance spun on his heel and turned to face Apollo. "Right back on your feet. Unless you'd rather die sitting down. Either way, I don't care. Just hurry up so I can get this over and done with"



"But why do I have to? Why can't you be my mommy anyway? I'll change my last name if I have to though" Maya smiled at Isabel and hugged her back. "Yay! Cookies! I can't wait! It's going to be so cool! Isn't it mommy? We're going to make the best cookies together and then we can share them with my best friend as well!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Grimm grants Draco light powers for the battle and turns to the angel before him. "Yes actually the building is literally right behind us. The guild disbanded a few minutes ago my friend. Sorry....is there anything else I can help you with?"
Silently Draco cracked his head then felt a snapping and a humming within his bones and gasped. He grinned as he stated, "Wow that felt weird." He then felt a crackle of light sparkle out from him in a lightening like form. The light crackled moving in a complex pattern then retreated back into Draco who looked at Grim and stated, "Thanks." He then looked at his foe somewhat more confident.
@Light @MTchaos1134
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco cracked his head then felt a snapping and a humming within his bones and gasped. He grinned as he stated, "Wow that felt weird." He then felt a crackle of light sparkle out from him in a lightening like form. The light crackled moving in a complex pattern then retreated back into Draco who looked at Grim and stated, "Thanks." He then looked at his foe somewhat more confident.
@Light @MTchaos1134
When he looked back,Raz was slightly bigger then they were before."I remember you from the court,I respect you,so make a move first."
Oden (Still plan to do others, just low-key waiting to find interactions to put them in...)

Oden had been in his room in the guild, going over the few things he had brought. He had stripped from his typical polo and overalls and opted for a hood and sunglasses, in what was his attempts to be any sort of bit inconspicuous. He looked back at the room he'd barely spent any time at all in and shrugged, closing the door behind him and whistling as he walked off with his bags.

The guild being disbanded didn't affect him as much as it may others. He still had money in the bank, he had purpose, and he was young enough to have a few years in him before he was inevitably caught and sent to the chair for his crimes. So his plan until then was to simply do what he did before, kill until he got bored. Then once he got bored and was either arrested or somehow uncaught, then he might do something more interesting. The entire endeavor with the guild had taught him a few valuable things, one of which being that he didn't need any sort of powers to beat beings that could stand with gods.

Maybe that's what he would do once he was done, kill gods. Just so he could prove it could be done. That however, was to far in the future, the current however was leaving and figuring out where to go now that he was without somebody to do his bidding. He was going over this when he spotted Alina and what seemed to be some other man in front of the guild. Under normal circumstances he would have ignored the two, but now that the guild was no more and Illyana was no longer under his control, it might have been in his best interest to have loyal allies with powers to help him in his activities...

He approached the two and quirked a brow at the two as he approached, "Well what is this? Are you here to join the guild sir? If so, I have to tell you that we currently are disbanding, so sorry..."

@Light @Ethan Vail @GingerBread @Embaga Elder (Because I think we're all in the same general area....)
When he looked back,Raz was slightly bigger then they were before."I remember you from the court,I respect you,so make a move first."
Silently Draco looked at Raz and sighed. He stated, "I don't want to fight with you but I really have no choice in the matter. Deciding the new light powers was all he had he focused his mind like he was creating an illusion only with light which crackled around him in sporadic bursts suddenly the light seemed to behave as it shot out in concentrated beams that swirled then collided forming a light cage around Raz as the light changed from white to gold singaling that Draco had mastered the new ability."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at Raz and sighed. He stated, "I don't want to fight with you but I really have no choice in the matter. Deciding the new light powers was all he had he focused his mind like he was creating an illusion only with light which crackled around him in sporadic bursts suddenly the light seemed to behave as it shot out in concentrated beams that swirled then collided forming a light cage around Raz as the light changed from white to gold singaling that Draco had mastered the new ability."
Raz uses his dimension to get out of the cage."then I guess this is a non lethal fight,go again please."Raz didn't have the will to do anything really anymore.when he was in the guild,he had people to tell him what to do,he had to do more interactions,it was his excuse to leave his dimension,but now it's gone,and Raz has nothing better to do then do his job as vegance,nothing was interesting on earth to him beacuse he already seen all of it,the only things that interest him is gods,as he does not interact with them to much.which is a surlrise since Raz is somthing like a deity.

Raz waits for draco's next move.
Raz uses his dimension to get out of the cage."then I guess this is a non lethal fight,go again please."Raz didn't have the will to do anything really anymore.when he was in the guild,he had people to tell him what to do,he had to do more interactions,it was his excuse to leave his dimension,but now it's gone,and Raz has nothing better to do then do his job as vegance,nothing was interesting on earth to him beacuse he already seen all of it,the only things that interest him is gods,as he does not interact with them to much.which is a surlrise since Raz is somthing like a deity.

Raz waits for draco's next move.
Silently Draco looked at Raz silently. Closing his eyes he snapped his eyes open. Warm light radiated from his body then formed solid tendrils of light then swirled around in complex patterns as the light hit mirrors nerby refracting brightly as the light condensed then shot out in a serious of quick zips the light zommed around the room in a serious of bouncing lines from one polished item to the next. The beam shot past Draco hitting a mirrior that bounced the light onto Draco who smiled then he cut the light looking at Raz and stated, "I can't beat you Raz. On a power scale your an 9 and I am a 6 only a diety of some kind could defeat you and I am definitely not one of those." He folded his wings as he stated, "So go ahead and kill me I have nothing to lose anyways." He flicked his tail looking at Raz unafraid and glowing brightly.
@Light @MTchaos1134
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at Raz silently. Closing his eyes he snapped his eyes open. Warm light radiated from his body then formed solid tendrils of light then swirled around in complex patterns as the light hit mirrors nerby refracting brightly as the light condensed then shot out in a serious of quick zips the light zommed around the room in a serious of bouncing lines from one polished item to the next. The beam shot past Draco hitting a mirrior that bounced the light onto Draco who smiled then he cut the light looking at Raz and stated, "I can't beat you Raz. On a power scale your an 9 and I am a 6 only a diety of some kind could defeat you and I am definitely not one of those." He folded his wings as he stated, "So go ahead and kill me I have nothing to lose anyways." He flicked his tail looking at Raz unafraid and glowing brightly.
@Light @MTchaos1134
"I got nothing to lose either.who knows,you might get a,lucky shot.how about this,you attack me,and I'll give you a quarter of the candy I have in my dimension."he waits for Draco to attack him
"I got nothing to lose either.who knows,you might get a,lucky shot.how about this,you attack me,and I'll give you a quarter of the candy I have in my dimension." He waits for Draco to attack him.
Looking at Raz Draco raised an eyebrow as he stated, "A tempting offer I must say Raz." He looked at him then shrugged his shoulders and stated, "Very well then." He raised an Image of him thinking then moved silently as he allowed his light to increase. The light swirled in complex patterns around him as little balls of light collided with one another then formed into a large ball. Draco destroyed the mirage then fired. The condensed ball of light zommed forward crackling with energy as suddenly exploded sending out beams of concentrated light at Raz.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Raz Draco raised an eyebrow as he stated, "A tempting offer I must say Raz." He looked at him then shrugged his shoulders and stated, "Very well then." He raised an Image of him thinking then moved silently as he allowed his light to increase. The light swirled in complex patterns around him as little balls of light collided with one another then formed into a large ball. Draco destroyed the mirage then fired. The condensed ball of light zommed forward crackling with energy as suddenly exploded sending out beams of concentrated light at Raz.
Raz took the hit,and rolled over,pretending the blow was serious,and he was almost knocked out.now would be a good chance for grimm to throw a pokeball.

Light said:
Alina walks out the front double doors that open up once she approaches it. She had a backpack on with all of her stuff and she was lightly crying. The guild had just been disbanded.
"Disbanded? What do you mean? I traveled all this way.." He asks the girl with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "Why did the guild disband?"
GingerBread said:

Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed as he turned around and looked at the woman who had just interrupted him. "Okay, So I don't know who you are, and I'm not sure I really care. But if you need me, you can wait until later. Right now I'm busy killing a god. Don't worry though, it should only take 5 minutes. So you can wait until then, that sound good? Okay then" Vance spun on his heel and turned to face Apollo. "Right back on your feet. Unless you'd rather die sitting down. Either way, I don't care. Just hurry up so I can get this over and done with"

"Just as Luna described. You must be Vance, my future son in law." Apollo was about to stand up but Hekate glares at him. "Stay seated." He does so but Zeus was about to make a move as well. "You too." Zeus immediately stays seated too. "Before you recklessly fight Apollon. I would like to have a word with you."

GingerBread said:
"But why do I have to? Why can't you be my mommy anyway? I'll change my last name if I have to though" Maya smiled at Isabel and hugged her back. "Yay! Cookies! I can't wait! It's going to be so cool! Isn't it mommy? We're going to make the best cookies together and then we can share them with my best friend as well!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Isabel smiles and nods, walking towards a house that Temperance just made. She ventures around to find the kitchen and greets the ingredients that Temperance has layed out. "Are you ready?"

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz took the hit,and rolled over,pretending the blow was serious,and he was almost knocked out.now would be a good chance for grimm to throw a pokeball.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at Raz silently. Closing his eyes he snapped his eyes open. Warm light radiated from his body then formed solid tendrils of light then swirled around in complex patterns as the light hit mirrors nerby refracting brightly as the light condensed then shot out in a serious of quick zips the light zommed around the room in a serious of bouncing lines from one polished item to the next. The beam shot past Draco hitting a mirrior that bounced the light onto Draco who smiled then he cut the light looking at Raz and stated, "I can't beat you Raz. On a power scale your an 9 and I am a 6 only a diety of some kind could defeat you and I am definitely not one of those." He folded his wings as he stated, "So go ahead and kill me I have nothing to lose anyways." He flicked his tail looking at Raz unafraid and glowing brightly.
@Light @MTchaos1134
Grimm throws a pokeball at Raz, hoping that this time he'd make the catch. "Come on!" He notices that Draco has leveled up many times from this battle as well. His success as a Pokémon master may come true.

@Light[/URL] @Ethan Vail @GingerBread @Embaga Elder (Because I think we're all in the same general area....)
"The world leaders shut us down since we're apparently more dangerous than good. I'm so sorry you had to come here to achieve nothing." Alina takes a break to wipe away her tears and turns to both Oden and the new male in front of her. "My name is Alina. I'm planning on going...who knows where now."
Light said:
Hermes was about to leave to grab Luna but another voice spoke up from behind with the added click of high heels. "Everyone sit down." All the gods, including Apollo, sit down at the command. She looked like Luna in some way. "Who goes by the name of Vance?" All of the Olympians point at Vance.
"Hm...if you're being adopted then you would have to go by my last name." Isabel picks Maya up and hugs her. "Um....we'll talk about seeing Fola later. For now let's get ready to bake cookies!"

Grimm grants Draco light powers for the battle and turns to the angel before him. "Yes actually the building is literally right behind us. The guild disbanded a few minutes ago my friend. Sorry....is there anything else I can help you with?"
Abraxos stayed silent for a moment, before saying quietly "So it is just as I thought". He then lifted his head, saying "Quickly, you must tell me of the guilds leader and where I can find them.
[QUOTE="Frozen steel]Abraxos stayed silent for a moment, before saying quietly "So it is just as I thought". He then lifted his head, saying "Quickly, you must tell me of the guilds leader and where I can find them.

"Well the guild leader has left to some other zone or universe. I don't think I can take you there myself actually since it's locked down. This is a problem." Grimm scratches his chin.
Light said:
"Just as Luna described. You must be Vance, my future son in law." Apollo was about to stand up but Hekate glares at him. "Stay seated." He does so but Zeus was about to make a move as well. "You too." Zeus immediately stays seated too. "Before you recklessly fight Apollon. I would like to have a word with you."
Isabel smiles and nods, walking towards a house that Temperance just made. She ventures around to find the kitchen and greets the ingredients that Temperance has layed out. "Are you ready?"

Grimm throws a pokeball at Raz, hoping that this time he'd make the catch. "Come on!" He notices that Draco has leveled up many times from this battle as well. His success as a Pokémon master may come true.

"The world leaders shut us down since we're apparently more dangerous than good. I'm so sorry you had to come here to achieve nothing." Alina takes a break to wipe away her tears and turns to both Oden and the new male in front of her. "My name is Alina. I'm planning on going...who knows where now."
Raz lets themselves be captured,not evEnd the slightest struggle.
Light said:
"Well the guild leader has left to some other zone or universe. I don't think I can take you there myself actually since it's locked down. This is a problem." Grimm scratches his chin.
Abraxos stepped closer towards him. "Then do you know anyone who can? Or if I can get there myself?" His speech began sounding fast and panicked.

Hakeem rubs his chin thinking about his new last name. Hmm Hakeem Cipher. I like the sound of that. He said nodding his head. He waves his wand and creates a bag of gummy bears. So mama, do we get to keep these wands and can I keep these shoes and this lightning bolt on my back, or do I have to give it back?? @Light @GingerBread


After listening to what the new gentleman had to saw they seemed skeptical of his offer. They chuckled in his face and shook their heads. Naw we're good mate. We're not interested. We can manage just fine. Crimson glances towards Oden then looks back. But you have still yet to answer our first question. Who are you?? He said calmly taking his egg out of the bag. @GingerBread @LokiofSP

Vance turned around to face Hekate, though slower this time. "Right, in light of the new information you gave me. I guess I could have a word" He smiled briefly at her as he walked closer to her. "But is this really that important that you have to stop me when I was about to kick a gods arse? Because I'm almost sure what you want to tell me could've waited. But whatever, just hurry up"



Maya skipped happily behind Isabel as they entered the house and went towards the kitchen. "These are going to be the best cookies ever! They'll be so good that Best friend will come back and we can all go on loads of fun adventures together!" Maya smiled up at Isabel as she then went to look at the ingredients, only to find that the counter was at her eye level, meaning she couldn't see up onto the counter without standing on her tiptoes.



"I have already told you who I am. I am the man who could solve all your financial troubles" Revvar reached into his satchel and pulled out a handful of gold coins and held them out to the trio before tilting his hand to the side and letting them fall to the floor. "As well as any other troubles you might be having. But I understand that you gentlemen do not want any help from me" Revvar smiled at the trio. "So I shall take my leave and find some other person who would like my help"

@Embaga Elder
Grimm throws a pokeball at Raz, hoping that this time he'd make the catch. "Come on!" He notices that Draco has leveled up many times from this battle as well. His success as a Pokémon master may come true.
Watching Raz Draco closes his eyes as the tendrils of light cracked backwards into Draco. He spots a flying object which hit's Raz and a bright light flashes then something clatters to the ground. One of those balls that Draco had been captured in. Raz hadn't fought what was the dragon up to? He looked at Grimm waiting for orders.
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz lets themselves be captured,not evEnd the slightest struggle.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Watching Raz Draco closes his eyes as the tendrils of light cracked backwards into Draco. He spots a flying object which hit's Raz and a bright light flashes then something clatters to the ground. One of those balls that Draco had been captured in. Raz hadn't fought what was the dragon up to? He looked at Grimm waiting for orders.
GingerBread said:
Maya skipped happily behind Isabel as they entered the house and went towards the kitchen. "These are going to be the best cookies ever! They'll be so good that Best friend will come back and we can all go on loads of fun adventures together!" Maya smiled up at Isabel as she then went to look at the ingredients, only to find that the counter was at her eye level, meaning she couldn't see up onto the counter without standing on her tiptoes.

"You can keep them Hakeem." Isabel pats his head and picks up the book that has the directions in it. "Maya can you get me a bowl? Hakeem can you get me eggs and Emily I need you to grab some sugar."

GingerBread said:
Vance turned around to face Hekate, though slower this time. "Right, in light of the new information you gave me. I guess I could have a word" He smiled briefly at her as he walked closer to her. "But is this really that important that you have to stop me when I was about to kick a gods arse? Because I'm almost sure what you want to tell me could've waited. But whatever, just hurry up"

Hekate touches Vance's stomach and touches his face. "You're not eating properly. You need to eat more. Forget the message you need to eat. I forbid you from fighting Apollon for now. I need to get some food in your system. Luna is as skinny as a twig! I can't have you lack nourishment along with her. Come with me." Hekate grabs his hand and takes a step, appearing in a cave like house. Luna was crying at a table, trying to eat all the food set on her plate.

"Mother...I'm full." Luna didn't even get to talk to Hekate all too much before being forced to eat. "Eat your food! Your lover here needs to eat as well! Go on! Sit with Luna!" She waves her hand in a suggesting way and walks off to the kitchen.

Light said:
Grimm smiles and picks up the pokeball. "Yes! I've caught a wild Raz!" Grimm heals Raz in the pokeball and releases him in front of them. He turns to Abraxos and gets very nervous at his frantic desperation. "No I don't. Sorry dude. Why do you need Dragon's Roar so badly?"
"You can keep them Hakeem." Isabel pats his head and picks up the book that has the directions in it. "Maya can you get me a bowl? Hakeem can you get me eggs and Emily I need you to grab some sugar."

Hekate touches Vance's stomach and touches his face. "You're not eating properly. You need to eat more. Forget the message you need to eat. I forbid you from fighting Apollon for now. I need to get some food in your system. Luna is as skinny as a twig! I can't have you lack nourishment along with her. Come with me." Hekate grabs his hand and takes a step, appearing in a cave like house. Luna was crying at a table, trying to eat all the food set on her plate.

"Mother...I'm full." Luna didn't even get to talk to Hekate all too much before being forced to eat. "Eat your food! Your lover here needs to eat as well! Go on! Sit with Luna!" She waves her hand in a suggesting way and walks off to the kitchen.
Still as a dragon,Raz lays down,he has nothing better to do then to do nothing.so that's what they are going to do,probably do things that Grimm wants him to,but it would not be great attempts.

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