Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Once the news of the court debate and of Dragon's Roar officially losing power and disbanding went outward. Many people took interest in recruiting some oform the guild members for their own purposes. While others like collectors and or hunters wanted them trapped in their room or wanted their heads on their wall. It seemed like the world was either against Dragon's Roar, for Dragon's Roar, or wanted to hunt them down.
Grimm grits his teeth at the glass cutting some of his skin, drawing blood. Grimm pulls out an Ultra ball and throws it directly at her with intentions to catch her. "Draco us illusions to keep her distracted from being caught!"
Immediately Draco lifted an image of another dragon crashing in through a window. This one changed human landed then held out his hand as an ice ray hit some of the flying items causing them to shatter when the new fake dragon roared. He then had the dragon form fire ball hands and begin throwing then at the items quickly.
@Light @The Imperial Flame
Light said:
Isabel was about to respond to Hakeem and Maya but she was hit in the head by the ring Fola threw. After this she was pulled into a cage with Azriel and Temperance.
Temperance turns to Reed and whispers back. "I thought so too."

Isabel frowns at Siobhan's words. First she found out that Fola was cheating on her and now she's being yelled at about it. It didn't feel right at all, in fact it hurt. "Why are you saying this Siobhan? H-he cheated on me."

Azriel flicks the cage and it falls apart, she actually found it cute that Siobhan was trying to use authority. Her weapons change back to their regular form. "Little girl. I'd advise that you actually read the situation you're in. I'm not in the mood for your little games with your 'threatening' omnipotence. I can make you, the real Grimm, and your entire family drop dead in a million different ways faster than light speed. Speaking of the Van Fenrir. We're actually dropping out of the family ourselves. You're just about useless to us. They give no benefits to us whatsoever. Cool? Cool." Azriel raises her eyebrow at the first cool and nods her head at the second. Once she nods her head she makes sure it's on the record that they've cut themselves from the family.

( @Lighthouse8477 @MTchaos1134 @Daimao @metalcity )

"While I'm at it, I'll just disband the guild a bit early. We're going to leave now and I hope you all have a great time while it lasts because I may or may not be swooping back in later. Oh, I almost forgot. I love doing this." Azriel rolls her eyes and completely gets rid of the guild symbol and all of its benefits. The guild members could feel themselves lose the power they've gained from the guild symbol and feel their limits come back. They could also feel the end of the guild. At the same time, everyone in Germany died once more in one sweep. "Yeah, so now that we're done here. We're going to leave now. Goodbye!"

Azriel waves her hand to cause the disappearance of Temperance, Isabel, Maya, Hakeem, Emily, Red, Blue, Rose, Lunic, Sir Snakenton, and herself. All of them appear in the Anti-God Zone. It was completely empty, just white space.
"Alright kids. I'm going to cheer up your mother along with Temperance over here so she can go on adventures and bake cookies with you all in a good mood. She can get you strawberries as well." She looks towards Emily when she says this. "Here are your wands of creation. Run around the zone and create to your hearts content! Let your imagination run free. Create anything you want here. Go ahead! You can make a contest of who's creation will cheer up your mommy the most." Azriel hands the children as well as Lunic, Rose, and Sir Snakenton their wands so they can create things like land, trees, and floating smiley faces here. She was actually hoping the children would succeed in making Isabel feel better with their bright smiles and creativity.

Isabel stood there with a pained expression yet she still tried to smile. It was obvious she wasn't feeling okay. "Go ahead kids. I want to see your creativity! Nothing dangerous though okay? I want you all to stick together and don't go too far. Anyone want a hug before you go?" Isabel opens her arms to invite them into a hug. To be honest, she really needed one right now. Fola and Siobhan's words still stuck to her, no matter what zone or universe she went to.

Hermes didn't understand what Vance was trying to say when he brought up Apollo not having a chance. "Why don't you tell them that yourself then?" Hermes shrugs his shoulders and stares at Vance with a blank expression. "I mean you're already coming up and the threat would mean more if you did it."

( Why is she so difficult to catch? I'll use an Ultra ball this time. )

@Frozen steel )

Grimm grits his teeth at the glass cutting some of his skin, drawing blood. Grimm pulls out an Ultra ball and throws it directly at her with intentions to catch her. "Draco us illusions to keep her distracted from being caught!"

Light said:
Once the news of the court debate and of Dragon's Roar officially losing power and disbanding went outward. Many people took interest in recruiting some oform the guild members for their own purposes. While others like collectors and or hunters wanted them trapped in their room or wanted their heads on their wall. It seemed like the world was either against Dragon's Roar, for Dragon's Roar, or wanted to hunt them down.
Jackson felt his power go away but he had already seen this coming. His powers of light were stronger due to the absence of the dark. He didn't regain his gravity power but he didn't need them. He was training to regain his phoenix ziz form once again.

Theodore was still at the age of 17 and lost most of his Weakness through age itself with that being his greatest. He continued training.

Reed however didn't have any power ups so just went back to randomly teleporting to places.
Light said:
Isabel was about to respond to Hakeem and Maya but she was hit in the head by the ring Fola threw. After this she was pulled into a cage with Azriel and Temperance.
Temperance turns to Reed and whispers back. "I thought so too."

Isabel frowns at Siobhan's words. First she found out that Fola was cheating on her and now she's being yelled at about it. It didn't feel right at all, in fact it hurt. "Why are you saying this Siobhan? H-he cheated on me."

Azriel flicks the cage and it falls apart, she actually found it cute that Siobhan was trying to use authority. Her weapons change back to their regular form. "Little girl. I'd advise that you actually read the situation you're in. I'm not in the mood for your little games with your 'threatening' omnipotence. I can make you, the real Grimm, and your entire family drop dead in a million different ways faster than light speed. Speaking of the Van Fenrir. We're actually dropping out of the family ourselves. You're just about useless to us. They give no benefits to us whatsoever. Cool? Cool." Azriel raises her eyebrow at the first cool and nods her head at the second. Once she nods her head she makes sure it's on the record that they've cut themselves from the family.

( @Lighthouse8477 @MTchaos1134 @Daimao @metalcity )

"While I'm at it, I'll just disband the guild a bit early. We're going to leave now and I hope you all have a great time while it lasts because I may or may not be swooping back in later. Oh, I almost forgot. I love doing this." Azriel rolls her eyes and completely gets rid of the guild symbol and all of its benefits. The guild members could feel themselves lose the power they've gained from the guild symbol and feel their limits come back. They could also feel the end of the guild. At the same time, everyone in Germany died once more in one sweep. "Yeah, so now that we're done here. We're going to leave now. Goodbye!"

Azriel waves her hand to cause the disappearance of Temperance, Isabel, Maya, Hakeem, Emily, Red, Blue, Rose, Lunic, Sir Snakenton, and herself. All of them appear in the Anti-God Zone. It was completely empty, just white space.
"Alright kids. I'm going to cheer up your mother along with Temperance over here so she can go on adventures and bake cookies with you all in a good mood. She can get you strawberries as well." She looks towards Emily when she says this. "Here are your wands of creation. Run around the zone and create to your hearts content! Let your imagination run free. Create anything you want here. Go ahead! You can make a contest of who's creation will cheer up your mommy the most." Azriel hands the children as well as Lunic, Rose, and Sir Snakenton their wands so they can create things like land, trees, and floating smiley faces here. She was actually hoping the children would succeed in making Isabel feel better with their bright smiles and creativity.

Isabel stood there with a pained expression yet she still tried to smile. It was obvious she wasn't feeling okay. "Go ahead kids. I want to see your creativity! Nothing dangerous though okay? I want you all to stick together and don't go too far. Anyone want a hug before you go?" Isabel opens her arms to invite them into a hug. To be honest, she really needed one right now. Fola and Siobhan's words still stuck to her, no matter what zone or universe she went to.

Hermes didn't understand what Vance was trying to say when he brought up Apollo not having a chance. "Why don't you tell them that yourself then?" Hermes shrugs his shoulders and stares at Vance with a blank expression. "I mean you're already coming up and the threat would mean more if you did it."

( Why is she so difficult to catch? I'll use an Ultra ball this time. )

@Frozen steel )

Grimm grits his teeth at the glass cutting some of his skin, drawing blood. Grimm pulls out an Ultra ball and throws it directly at her with intentions to catch her. "Draco us illusions to keep her distracted from being caught!"

I guess the world ended is back.well,I don't know what to do now,so I'm just going to stand here until I can think of somthing.

(Sorry for not posting,got busy. And distracted.)
GingerBread said:
Maya ran into Isabel's open arms and hugged her tightly before stepping back and smiling brightly at her. "I'm going to make you the best thing ever mommy!" Maya smiled at her and summoned a couple of boxes of cookies for Isabel before running off, wanting to find an area away from everyone else. She looked down at Sir Snakenton with a determined look on her face. "We're going to cheer mommy up the most, we're going to make the best thing ever!"

Maya raised up the wand and tried to work out how it worked, she started waving it around wildly and managed to create a tree. Maya smiled as she slowly figured out how the wand worked. "This is so Cool!" Maya smiled happily as she began skipping around the area she had claimed, waving the wand she had been given.

Maya started by creating a large base of earth, which was actually brown coloured sherbet. she then had loads of strips of thin green liquorish grow out of the sherbet, to look like grass. Maya then had trees grow out of the ground, which were actually made out of chocolate. Maya then had giant rocks appear which were made out of rock candy. Maya then had melted white chocolate appear and run through the edible island she had created.

Maya smiled proudly as she skipped around the entire island she had created. She looked over to Isabel with eagerness, hoping she would like what she had made.
"Hey Mommy, I finished my thingy." Maya swung her arms out in front of her, showcasing the edible island she had made. "Do you like it mommy? It's made out of candy. So you can eat all of it!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Isabel claps and laughs at Maya's creation. "It's beautiful Maya! Thank you." Isabel had been discussing the change of her last and middle name with Azriel. She couldn't decide on a middle name though. "Did you really make that all for me?"

GingerBread said:
"No, it wouldn't. Because honestly I don't have enough time for this crap. So I'd like them to know, so as soon as I-" Vance stopped talking as he felt himself weaken as the guild symbol was taken away from him. "Fucking shit. Not now, Isabel you bitch" Vance took a deep breath and looked over at Hermes. "So, I may be slightly fucked right now Hermes. So would you mind giving me a lift up or something so I can get this over with quicker?"

"Sure thing!" Hermes grabs Vance and flies upward at fast speeds, already making it towards the room of Olympians. They were all sitting in their respective thrones, even Apollo.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Immediately Draco lifted an image of another dragon crashing in through a window. This one changed human landed then held out his hand as an ice ray hit some of the flying items causing them to shatter when the new fake dragon roared. He then had the dragon form fire ball hands and begin throwing then at the items quickly.
@Light @The Imperial Flame
MTchaos1134 said:
I guess the world ended is back.well,I don't know what to do now,so I'm just going to stand here until I can think of somthing.
(Sorry for not posting,got busy. And distracted.)
In front of the guild, Grimm notices Raz. "A rare one!" He equips a pokeball and throws it at him.
Light said:
Isabel claps and laughs at Maya's creation. "It's beautiful Maya! Thank you." Isabel had been discussing the change of her last and middle name with Azriel. She couldn't decide on a middle name though. "Did you really make that all for me?"
"Sure thing!" Hermes grabs Vance and flies upward at fast speeds, already making it towards the room of Olympians. They were all sitting in their respective thrones, even Apollo.

In front of the guild, Grimm notices Raz. "A rare one!" He equips a pokeball and throws it at him.
"Oh shit I'm a Pokemon."he narrowly avoids the pokeball.

Once Maya left he ran up and gave Isabel a tight hug. Everything thing will be okay ma. Hakeem will cheer you up. He let's go and runs off, with Lunic following beside him. He had a mission and it was to cheer up his mom. He found an open area and summoned a lawn chair. He set it all the way back and layed on it. He lifts up his wand and starts moving it as if he's drawing. A couple of minutes past and Hakeem's surprise his now ready. He runs back over to Isabel. Mama I finished. Look up at the sky. In the sky is a mural of Hakeem's knew family and their pets. Isabel is in the middle with Red and Blue on her shoulders, Emily was beside Isabel sitting on Rose, Maya was on the other side of Isabel sitting on a pile of cookies with Sir Snakenton in her arms. Hakeem was in front of Isabel wearing his king's crown with his hands behind his head, and Lunic sticking his head out the top of his shirt. Ma do you like it?

@Light @GingerBread
The Trio

The step out from a void in front of the guild with their eggs in bags on their backs. Completely ignoring the fact that Grimm just threw a pokeball, they walk up to him. Yo Invader Grimm, we have a question for you. So since the guild has been disbanded we need a job some fun and financial. Something like mercenary work. Can you help us out?? @Light
Light said:
"Okay there's something up with that being! Are you a god?" Grimm tilts his head but covers his eyes from the bright light. "Why are you here?"
As the mysterious figure loomed closer, Grimm was able to make out more detail: the being was wearing a suit of silver and gold plated armour and wielding a huge, glowing sword. The wings sprouting from its back were white and huge. Before Grimm could make sense of what he beheld before him, the humanoid picked up its pace massively and bolted towards him, stopping just a metre or so in front of him. The figure, who's face could not be seen for the helmet that he wore, matching his armour, slowly lifted its blade until it pointed directly towards Grimm's awestruck face. "Name yourself" demanded the humanoid in a low voice. @Light
(Posting with the others soon, but this one turned out to be longer than expected, also kinda important for character, so it's going solo)


Fola walked for a while, not once looking back at Isabel. She had said she loved him, yet then took everything from him, his happiness, his love and any hope he had at happiness. It wasn’t just that, he would never have faulted her for turning him down. But to do it so loudly? To make him look like a terrible person in front of children? She had practically emasculated him, making him look like a pathetic waste of space in front of multiple people, and it was more than he could bear.

He wished no ill will upon her, had no hopes she would be harmed, in fact he didn’t have any sort of describable feelings at the moment. All he felt was emptiness, and where there was emptiness, there was this need in every single man and woman on this Earth to fill that hole. So Fola intended to attempt to fill it in the only way he was familiar with.

He walked into the bar, the stench of hard liquor and cigarettes filling his nostrils. He coughed a bit in surprise, but he knew from experience that reflex would be beat out of him after a few hours drinking. He sat down, ordered his drink, told the bartender he had paid for as many rounds as his heart desired, and began to drink his troubles away.

One after another, drinking at astonishing rates, the bartender had even attempted to stop him from drinking, but he had told him he was fine. From there he had no other problems for a bit.

“Oi! You there, the sad shack of shit with the house of glass in front of him! Get out of my spot, ya asshole.”

Fola lazily turned his head to see some asshole that looked as if he was trying to be overly macho; he had some kind of jacket on him that he couldn’t make out. It looked custom made though, and it was without doubt leather. Fola scoffed at the man and turned back around, “Why don’t you just fuck off and leave me alone?”

The man chuckled and turned Fola around, patting his head as if he was some kind of child, “I don’t think you heard me right the first time bud, I need you out of this chair. So let me tell you again, stand up, and kindly fuck of-

There was the wet sound of metal hitting flesh, as the man looked down at his chest with wide eyes. He stumbled back and fell to his knees, the realization that he was dying slowly dawning upon him. He fell backwards in a bloody mess as dead silence came upon the bar.

Fola stood up, retrieving the Bioblade from the man’s chest and looking around to see shocked eyes upon him. He raised a brow initially, before pinching the bridge of his nose as he realized what trouble may come out of the situation, “Ok, nobody here saw a damn thing. It’s a fake body, and it was a practical joke, no need to be afraid, just go back to drinking your cheap liquor.”

A haze appeared over the crowd’s eyes, and after a few seconds a few actually began to laugh. Although some struggled to remember, they all eventually fell to his power and resumed their activity. Fola however, looked at the body with a scowl before turning back around, and drinking once more...
MTchaos1134 said:
"Oh shit I'm a Pokemon."he narrowly avoids the pokeball.
The pokeball bounces up from the ground and hits Raz's ankle. Now Grimm had to wait and see if the catch would either be successful or if Raz would break out. Grimm turns to the trio and smashes a pokeball in their faces. "I can't give you advice on killing people. I'm death remember? I don't kill people I just make sure that they die." Grimm turns to the glowing being grounded afterwards. "My name is Grimm. You are?"

( @GingerBread )

"I love it Hakeem! It's so lovely! I'm going to keep all of these here in this zone. They're just so wonderful." Isabel looks around in awe at what the kids could create. She would like to let them keep the wands of creation due to this. Emily was creating a mountain made out of strawberries and frosting. Red and Blue were making either hot peppers or bubbles. "All of you! Come on over!" Isabel waves for her children to make their way over. "I'm going to officially adopt you all now and tell you of our new family last name!"
Light said:
The pokeball bounces up from the ground and hits Raz's ankle. Now Grimm had to wait and see if the catch would either be successful or if Raz would break out. Grimm turns to the trio and smashes a pokeball in their faces. "I can't give you advice on killing people. I'm death remember? I don't kill people I just make sure that they die." Grimm turns to the glowing being grounded afterwards. "My name is Grimm. You are?"
( @GingerBread )

"I love it Hakeem! It's so lovely! I'm going to keep all of these here in this zone. They're just so wonderful." Isabel looks around in awe at what the kids could create. She would like to let them keep the wands of creation due to this. Emily was creating a mountain made out of strawberries and frosting. Red and Blue were making either hot peppers or bubbles. "All of you! Come on over!" Isabel waves for her children to make their way over. "I'm going to officially adopt you all now and tell you of our new family last name!"
Raz used thier shadow magic to expand very quickly and escape,this Pokemon isn't going down so easily."you need a better ball then that to catch me,like you said..I'm a rare! Raz uses water gun!"

Raz pulls out a water gun and squirts it at Grimm.

"It's ineffective!"

"Thanks" Vance nodded at hermes and then walked towards the Olympians. "So, who's going to die with Apollo? He's still going to die even if you guys step in, he made a mistake of messing with someone I care about. Even if it was before I knew her. So Apollo, are you going to face me like a man? Or will you hide behind everyone else like the coward you really are?"



"Yep! I made it all for you!" Maya smiled happily as she skipped over towards Isabel. "What does adopt mean? And why are you doing it to us?" Maya gave Isabel a confused looked as she hugged her. "Is it a type of candy? I bet it's the best thing ever! Especially if you're giving it to us." Maya smiled up at Isabel again, eager to find out what 'Adopt' was. "And I already have a last name. Why do I need another one mommy?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Light said:
The pokeball bounces up from the ground and hits Raz's ankle. Now Grimm had to wait and see if the catch would either be successful or if Raz would break out. Grimm turns to the trio and smashes a pokeball in their faces. "I can't give you advice on killing people. I'm death remember? I don't kill people I just make sure that they die." Grimm turns to the glowing being grounded afterwards. "My name is Grimm. You are?"
( @GingerBread )

"I love it Hakeem! It's so lovely! I'm going to keep all of these here in this zone. They're just so wonderful." Isabel looks around in awe at what the kids could create. She would like to let them keep the wands of creation due to this. Emily was creating a mountain made out of strawberries and frosting. Red and Blue were making either hot peppers or bubbles. "All of you! Come on over!" Isabel waves for her children to make their way over. "I'm going to officially adopt you all now and tell you of our new family last name!"
The being seemed satisfied by this answer, and sheathing his sword said "I am Abraxos, seventh rank angel. And I come in peace."

Once he had gotten the news that Dragon's roar was closing down, Revvar knew he had to go and find all the members of it, since now that the guild was no longer active and accepting members, he knew that all the old members would be limited edition, rare and most of all worth adding to his collection.

Revvar had traveled for a long time, through express shipping and found himself at the Dragon's Roar Guild headquarters. and was pleased to see many of the dragon's roar members already there, he assumed they were saying their farewells. Revvar overheard the Trio talking about how they needed a job, hearing this information put a sly grin on his face, but he quickly got rid of it as he swaggered over to them.
"Hello Gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for a job and I feel like I could be of assistance in that regard"

@Embaga Elder @Light
In front of the guild, Grimm notices Raz. "A rare one!" He equips a pokeball and throws it at him.
Looking at Raz Draco doubts the ball will hit the person. It does but on his ankle. He flies around with Grimm on his back he stayed within a perimeter he sensed Grimm wanted him to do. If anything was thrown at him or any magic launched at him he could avoid it possibly.
Light said:
"I love it Hakeem! It's so lovely! I'm going to keep all of these here in this zone. They're just so wonderful." Isabel looks around in awe at what the kids could create. She would like to let them keep the wands of creation due to this. Emily was creating a mountain made out of strawberries and frosting. Red and Blue were making either hot peppers or bubbles. "All of you! Come on over!" Isabel waves for her children to make their way over. "I'm going to officially adopt you all now and tell you of our new family last name!"
GingerBread said:
"Yep! I made it all for you!" Maya smiled happily as she skipped over towards Isabel. "What does adopt mean? And why are you doing it to us?" Maya gave Isabel a confused looked as she hugged her. "Is it a type of candy? I bet it's the best thing ever! Especially if you're giving it to us." Maya smiled up at Isabel again, eager to find out what 'Adopt' was. "And I already have a last name. Why do I need another one mommy?"
Hakeem was happy that his mom likes his gift. A cheesy big smile grew upon his face. His smile grew even bigger when Isabel said that she'll officially adopt them. He was probably the happiest kid alive. He was finally about to be apart of a family. When Maya asked what am adoption is he laughed a bit. Just know that she'll officially be our mom, and no one can deny it. He looks at his mom. So what's our new last names?
GingerBread said:

Once he had gotten the news that Dragon's roar was closing down, Revvar knew he had to go and find all the members of it, since now that the guild was no longer active and accepting members, he knew that all the old members would be limited edition, rare and most of all worth adding to his collection.

Revvar had traveled for a long time, through express shipping and found himself at the Dragon's Roar Guild headquarters. and was pleased to see many of the dragon's roar members already there, he assumed they were saying their farewells. Revvar overheard the Trio talking about how they needed a job, hearing this information put a sly grin on his face, but he quickly got rid of it as he swaggered over to them.
"Hello Gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for a job and I feel like I could be of assistance in that regard"

@Embaga Elder @Light
The Trio

The trio looks towards new gentleman that walks up on them. They all raise an eyebrow towards him when he mentioned that he can help in their situation. 1st Question, who the fuck are you? 2nd question. How exactly can you help us? @Light @GingerBread @
GingerBread said:

Once he had gotten the news that Dragon's roar was closing down, Revvar knew he had to go and find all the members of it, since now that the guild was no longer active and accepting members, he knew that all the old members would be limited edition, rare and most of all worth adding to his collection.

Revvar had traveled for a long time, through express shipping and found himself at the Dragon's Roar Guild headquarters. and was pleased to see many of the dragon's roar members already there, he assumed they were saying their farewells. Revvar overheard the Trio talking about how they needed a job, hearing this information put a sly grin on his face, but he quickly got rid of it as he swaggered over to them.
"Hello Gentlemen. I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for a job and I feel like I could be of assistance in that regard"

@Embaga Elder @Light
The Trio

The trio looks towards new gentleman that walks up on them. They all raise an eyebrow towards him when he mentioned that he can help in their situation. 1st Question, who the fuck are you? 2nd question. How exactly can you help us? @GingerBread
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz used thier shadow magic to expand very quickly and escape,this Pokemon isn't going down so easily."you need a better ball then that to catch me,like you said..I'm a rare! Raz uses water gun!"
Raz pulls out a water gun and squirts it at Grimm.

"It's ineffective!"
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Raz Draco doubts the ball will hit the person. It does but on his ankle. He flies around with Grimm on his back he stayed within a perimeter he sensed Grimm wanted him to do. If anything was thrown at him or any magic launched at him he could avoid it possibly.
@Embaga Elder[/URL] @Light
"Draco! Defeat Raz!" Grimm turns to Abraxos and raises a pokeball. "So to introduce you to the world. Would you like me to give you a tour or capture you first?"

GingerBread said:
"Yep! I made it all for you!" Maya smiled happily as she skipped over towards Isabel. "What does adopt mean? And why are you doing it to us?" Maya gave Isabel a confused looked as she hugged her. "Is it a type of candy? I bet it's the best thing ever! Especially if you're giving it to us." Maya smiled up at Isabel again, eager to find out what 'Adopt' was. "And I already have a last name. Why do I need another one mommy?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Apollo steps forward without saying a word. He merely had an arrogant smile on his face while his secondary bow appears in his hand. There was an odd glow to him that was oddly close to Luna's.
Light said:
"Draco! Defeat Raz!" Grimm turns to Abraxos and raises a pokeball. "So to introduce you to the world. Would you like me to give you a tour or capture you first?"
"Adopt means I'm going to legally claim you as my child so no one can deny the fact that I'm your mommy like Hakeem said." Isabel eats a cookie Maya gave her earlier. "Well you're not getting another one. My last name will replace yours so people will know even through last name we're a family. It'll be the name we share, a special name." Gething ready to answer Hakeem's question Isabel clears her throat. "Cipher." They may find it odd now but in time it will all make sense.

Apollo steps forward without saying a word. He merely had an arrogant smile on his face while his secondary bow appears in his hand. There was an odd glow to him that was oddly close to Luna's.
"What do you mean introduce me? And I would rather have the tour first."he thought for a moment.,trying to figure out what Grimm meant when they said they were going to introduce me.

"I'll take that as a yes. Good. We should be done in time for Lunch" Vance turned to Hermes while he had a sword made of darkness appear in his hand. "Hermes can you do me a favour? Call it a dying man's request" Vance looked towards the ground and chuckled before looking back up. "I think there's someone who would really like to 'watch' this. Could you go and get her? Thanks" Vance turned back to Apollo, staring him dead in the eyes. "So I'll let you get the first hit in, it's only fair since it'll be the only one you'll get"



"Yay!" Maya was happy at the fact that her mommy was doing something so that no one could say that she wasn't her mommy and take her away. "But what if I want to keep my name Mommy? am I not allowed to?" She smiled up at Isabel and laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling, becoming slightly jealous of what Hakeem had done compared to what she had done. "I like our new name mommy." Maya looked over at Isabel slightly. "When are we going to see my best friend again?"

@Light @Embaga Elder


Revvar smiled at the trio. "I can help you in many ways. I can help you feel stronger, I can help you become a better lover and I can also help you if you can't, shall we say, 'get it up'?" Revvar chuckled lightly, but mentally scolded himself for getting so far of topic. "I can offer, financial help. All you gentlemen would have to do in exchange is a small job. How does that sound?"

@Embaga Elder
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MTchaos1134 said:
"What do you mean introduce me? And I would rather have the tour first."he thought for a moment.,trying to figure out what Grimm meant when they said they were going to introduce me.
"But there is not time for that now," he said, in a stern voice, "I need your aid. What do you know of the organisation known as Dragon's Roar?"
"Draco! Defeat Raz!" Grimm turns to Abraxos and raises a pokeball. "So to introduce you to the world. Would you like me to give you a tour or capture you first?"
Looking at Raz Draco looked at Grimm and asked, "Are you nuts?" Their was no way he could defeat Raz at least not without Light powers which he didn't have. He sighed then looked at the dragon named Raz and smiled gently and stated, "Hey."
(Permission to give Draco light powers?)

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Raz Draco looked at Grimm and asked, "Are you nuts?" Their was no way he could defeat Raz at least not without Light powers which he didn't have. He sighed then looked at the dragon named Raz and smiled gently and stated, "Hey."
(Permission to give Draco light powers?)

[QUOTE="Frozen steel]"But there is not time for that now," he said, in a stern voice, "I need your aid. What do you know of the organisation known as Dragon's Roar?"

"hi,and yes I was in it."he turned to face the new man.

(Raz is not a dragon,but can become one,he can also become a giant,with the power of shadow magic and shapeshifting,he can be a lot of things)
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