Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Daimao said:
Alpha raised an eyebrow at that. "I'll... Be sure to remember that," he replied, taking the stuffed dog. "Soooo...now what?"
She shrugs, but then spots the Ferris wheel at the other end of the carnival. She looks up at him, gesturing towards it, "You afraid of heights, big guy?"
CelticSol said:
She shrugs, but then spots the Ferris wheel at the other end of the carnival. She looks up at him, gesturing towards it, "You afraid of heights, big guy?"
Alpha draped his arm over Jackie's shoulders. "Me? Afraid of heights? You make me laugh," he chuckled as he brought Jackie with him over to the ferris wheel.
Daimao said:
Alpha draped his arm over Jackie's shoulders. "Me? Afraid of heights? You make me laugh," he chuckled as he brought Jackie with him over to the ferris wheel.
She wraps her arm around his waist, leaning into him. On their way to the ride, she... relieved some other carnival goer of some tickets in order for her and Alpha to board the ride without issues. She hands the necessary amount of tickets to the operator, who takes them and opens the door to the Ferris wheel car. She walks into the car, pulling Alpha to sit down beside her. The operator shuts the small gate behind them, then starts up the ride. Absently, while eating some more of her cotton candy, she leans in Alpha, resting her head on his shoulder as she looks out over the surrounding area of the parking lot.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Draco looked at the walls around him. He was trapped. Silently he listened and heard Grimm shout for help. He couldn't he was trapped inside the stupid ball. He hit the side of the capsul with his fist. It made a dull thunk. He sighed and gave up. It was hopeless.
Grimm notices that Draco was knocking on the sides of the master ball and grins. Grimm throws the master ball into the air to release Draco. "Get this Magikarp off me!"

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz was still waiting on the front for somthing to happen,but nothing did.so he walked up and knocked.he still had manners.he hoped evreyone else does.
GingerBread said:
"Yay! I can't wait to have cookies!" Maya giggled happily, her smile never leaving her face as Isabel carried her through a portal. Once through the portal, Maya lifted her arms up into the air and had confetti and boxes of cookies rain down around herself, Isabel, Hakeem, Red, Blue and Emily. She giggled as the confetti started covering her hair and tickled her nose slightly as it brushed past it.

Maya reached an arm out and caught a box of cookies but frowned when she saw her hand was still covered in blood. She started realising how close she had been to dying, even though she didn't really fully understand death yet. Maya felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She was frozen as she just stared at her bloodied hand with a sad and terrified look in her eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

@Light @Embaga Elder
( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel notices Maya staring at her bloody hand and begins wiping it off. "Do you need cheering up?" Isabel begins wiping away the tears on Maya's face. "Nothing is wrong anymore. You're going to have great adventures with your mommy and your other amazing siblings!" She looks towards Hakeem, Emily, Red, and Blue. "We're going to eat cookies together and become the coolest and closest people there is. Sir Snakenton can be apart of the adventures as well. "If you turn that frown upside down mommy will teach you an amazing cookie recipe her my mother used to make." Isabel gives Maya a warm smile and slightly holds her closer.

She looks at the door momentarily, wondering if she could squeeze in the time. A holographic Morgan appears before Raz. "Yes?"

GingerBread said:
Vance looked at the door, then at the key in his hand, then back at the door. "Well this seems like a trap. But, I've got nothing else to do right now. I doubt anyone can trap me anyway" Vance shrugged and unlocked the door with the baseball bat sized key before swinging it open.

Once he swings it open he ends up in a new pocket realm, the Marriage realm.
Grimm notices that Draco was knocking on the sides of the master ball and grins. Grimm throws the master ball into the air to release Draco. "Get this Magikarp off me!"
Immediately Draco felt himself flying upward as he felt an odd tingling feeling run through him. His wings spread wide as he came out of the ball then flew down and grabbed the Magikarp with his tallons then lifted the fish easily and dropped it as he asked, "Want it roasted Grimm?" He looked at Grimm
CelticSol said:
She wraps her arm around his waist, leaning into him. On their way to the ride, she... relieved some other carnival goer of some tickets in order for her and Alpha to board the ride without issues. She hands the necessary amount of tickets to the operator, who takes them and opens the door to the Ferris wheel car. She walks into the car, pulling Alpha to sit down beside her. The operator shuts the small gate behind them, then starts up the ride. Absently, while eating some more of her cotton candy, she leans in Alpha, resting her head on his shoulder as she looks out over the surrounding area of the parking lot.
As Jackie rested her head on his shoulder, Alpha absently stroked the side of her face with the back of his fingers. Suddenly, he felt something in his pocket. Alpha stuck his free hand into his pocket to check what it was. It was a small, velvet box. Alpha got up and stood in front of Jackie. "Sooo...this may not be the best timing, with the guild being disbanded and whatnot, but I don't know when I'll get another chance, sooo..." With that, Alpha got on one knee, taking the box out of his pocket, opening, and holding it towards Jackie, revealing a black ring with bright red rubies. "Jacqueline Sapienti, will you...marry me?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/French-Vintage-Black-Gold-3-0-Carat-Ruby-Pisces-Weddinng-Ring-Engagement-Ring-R228-BGR-P-700x700.jpg.10aefb3ebe46043257895d9f8a61eba0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/French-Vintage-Black-Gold-3-0-Carat-Ruby-Pisces-Weddinng-Ring-Engagement-Ring-R228-BGR-P-700x700.jpg.10aefb3ebe46043257895d9f8a61eba0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • French-Vintage-Black-Gold-3-0-Carat-Ruby-Pisces-Weddinng-Ring-Engagement-Ring-R228-BGR-P-700x700.jpg
    202.2 KB · Views: 20
Light said:
Isabel was shocked at first and drops the sword as it reverts back into its dual weilds scythesaw form. Isabel smiles and hugs Maya back. "Thank you! You're the coolest daughter ever as well! We can get all the cookies you desire." Isabel glares up at the Elite reaper whom ended up dodging the attacks. It was still the last one standing. This reaper decides on leaving instead, allowing Isabel to have her mother daughter moment with Maya. Sunset disappears and a portal to the guild with the other children appear in its place. Isabel stands up along with Maya, carrying her through the portal to greet the other kids with a smile.
GingerBread said:
"Yay! I can't wait to have cookies!" Maya giggled happily, her smile never leaving her face as Isabel carried her through a portal. Once through the portal, Maya lifted her arms up into the air and had confetti and boxes of cookies rain down around herself, Isabel, Hakeem, Red, Blue and Emily. She giggled as the confetti started covering her hair and tickled her nose slightly as it brushed past it.

Maya reached an arm out and caught a box of cookies but frowned when she saw her hand was still covered in blood. She started realising how close she had been to dying, even though she didn't really fully understand death yet. Maya felt tears start to build up in her eyes. She was frozen as she just stared at her bloodied hand with a sad and terrified look in her eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
Light said:
Isabel notices Maya staring at her bloody hand and begins wiping it off. "Do you need cheering up?" Isabel begins wiping away the tears on Maya's face. "Nothing is wrong anymore. You're going to have great adventures with your mommy and your other amazing siblings!" She looks towards Hakeem, Emily, Red, and Blue. "We're going to eat cookies together and become the coolest and closest people there is. Sir Snakenton can be apart of the adventures as well. "If you turn that frown upside down mommy will teach you an amazing cookie recipe her my mother used to make." Isabel gives Maya a warm smile and slightly holds her closer.
She looks at the door momentarily, wondering if she could squeeze in the time. A holographic Morgan appears before Raz. "Yes?"
LokiofSP said:
Fola shrugs, "I don't know man, I wish you the best of luck though. I know I have a few job offers on the table though..." He thought back to the man who'd given him the opportunity to work for some kind of Royal Guard...It was enticing, but he was still unsure. He took another drink as he actually thought about the future. What was he going to do? No job, no purpose, the only thing he knew he wanted to do was propose, even then he was unsure how he was going to pay for a wedding at that point.
He took a few more sips from his drink as these thoughts went on. How would he survive? What did his future hold? The thoughts scared him to shit. He was so unsure of most everything in his future that it was difficult to even envision himself doing anything besides Dragon's Roar. He shook those thoughts out, turning to Inaro with determination in his eyes. If this decision was the only one he was sure of, then it would only make sense to act on it,
"Inaro, I need you to bring me to Isabel right now, I have to take care of something..."

@Embaga Elder
Hakeem was glad that Maya and Isabel came back safe and sound, but the question on his mind was. When did Maya leave? He didn't worry about it much and just push the thought to the side. When he saw Maya looking at her hands about to cry he was about to make her feel better but Isabel beat him to it. She was acting so motherly to Maya, which got him thinking why couldn't his mother act like that. He sighed and placed his hands in his pockets feeling a little down. But once again Isabel cheered him up basically calling them a family, he run towards Isabel and hugged her wrapping his arms around her. Lunic who was still on Hakeem's head placed his front two paws on Isabel and looked up at her work his icey blue eyes. Nothing could ruin this moment for Hakeem.

Inaro nods at Fola and placed his hand on his shoulder. They both slowly vanished, to slowly appear in the guild hall standing a few feet away from Isabel and her new family. Hey guys, nice little moment that's going on here. He said sincerely. Hakeem looked back at Inaro, then looked at Isabel.

Light said:
There seemed to be a lot of pictures of eggs on display as well as a waiting room. No one seemed to be at the front desk at the moment as if they were in the back room.

Seeing no one was at the front desk, Cole walked forward and pulled out a bell from a small void. He places it on the desk and rings it twice. Hello anyone back there? He asked. Crimson on the other hand was walking around looking at the different pictures of eggs they had on display. @Light
Daimao said:
As Jackie rested her head on his shoulder, Alpha absently stroked the side of her face with the back of his fingers. Suddenly, he felt something in his pocket. Alpha stuck his free hand into his pocket to check what it was. It was a small, velvet box. Alpha got up and stood in front of Jackie. "Sooo...this may not be the best timing, with the guild being disbanded and whatnot, but I don't know when I'll get another chance, sooo..." With that, Alpha got on one knee, taking the box out of his pocket, opening, and holding it towards Jackie, revealing a black ring with bright red rubies. "Jacqueline Sapienti, will you...marry me?"
Jackie takes ten seconds to process the situation, because she is half sure that she's had an aneurysm.

Alpha's on the ground. In front of her. On his knee. With a very shiny ring - which also happens to be the coolest fucking engagement ring she's ever seen - in a velvet box in his hand. Held out to her.

An engagement ring.

Engagement... Ring.

Holy fucking shit, he actually fucking asked.

Jackie leans back, eyes wide as Sanctum's words finally puts the last puzzle piece into it's proper place, and like a neon sign in her head, the sheer enormity of what is actually happening right now hits her with all the subetly of a wrecking ball.

He's asking her to marry him. Like, actually.

At some point, she slid out of her own seat to kneel before him, wide eyes locked on him. After a moment, she breathes, "Yes," then adds, cradling his face in her hands with an absolutely brilliant smile. "Yes, I will marry you," She pulls him close for a kiss, grinning through it.
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CelticSol said:
Jackie takes ten seconds to process the situation, because she is half sure that she's had an aneurysm.
Alpha's on the ground. In front of her. On his knee. With a very shiny ring - which also happens to be the coolest fucking engagement ring she's ever seen - in a velvet box in his hand. Held out to her.

An engagement ring.

Engagement... Ring.

Holy fucking shit, he actually fucking asked.

Jackie leans back, eyes wide as Sanctum's words finally puts the last puzzle piece into it's proper place, and like a neon sign in her head, the sheer enormity of what is actually happening right now hits her with all the subetly of a wrecking ball.

He's asking her to marry him. Like, actually.

At some point, she slid out of her own seat to kneel before him, wide eyes locked on him. After a moment, she breathes, "Yes," then adds, cradling his face in her hands with an absolutely brilliant smile. "Yes, I will marry you," She pulls him close for a kiss, grinning through it.
After kissing Jackie, Alpha hops up, fist pumping the air. "Yes! Fucking yes!" He laughed as he hopped up and down, before he realized that be had forgotten to give Jackie the engagement ring. "Oh, uh, here," he said sheepishly, putting the ring on Jackie's finger.
Daimao said:
After kissing Jackie, Alpha hops up, fist pumping the air. "Yes! Fucking yes!" He laughed as he hopped up and down, before he realized that be had forgotten to give Jackie the engagement ring. "Oh, uh, here," he said sheepishly, putting the ring on Jackie's finger.
Jackie, too, looks a little sheepish, muttering, "Thanks," Her hands are shaking a little bit as he puts the ring on her left ring finger. She inspects it a moment, getting her first good look at it. She looks back at Alpha after a few moments, smiling, then leans forward to kiss him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close.
Fola stuck his hand in his pocket, moving the ring between his fingers quickly. He opened his mouth to speak, but fear caught his throat. It was odd when he thought about it, he'd gone up against beings who could literally kill him with his mind, and he'd never felt afraid then. He'd been in the same room as murderers and psychopaths and never felt fear. He'd even faced Death (Literally and figuratively) and hadn't felt fear. But right now, looking at Isabel and the children surrounding her, he felt true fear.

Was he ready to step into this kind of life with her? Settle down? Raise kids? What if he fucked up? What if he couldn't be what she needed from him?

What if he wasn't good enough?

It was the question he always came back to because it felt like he never was. He'd failed to protect her time and time again, failed to make her happy time and time again. The one thing in his life and he couldn't even make it work then...He'd killed her, something he could never forgive himself for. The question kept coming up, not because he was insecure, not because he didn't feel he could do it, but because he'd PROVED he couldn't. Who was he to keep her when he'd already proven unable to help?

He sighed and looked away from the woman. The truth was he didn't deserve her, he wasn't good enough, but he was selfish. He wanted to be the one to care for her, he wanted to be the one to make her happy. Even if he couldn't, he had to try until he could. That's what he'd gotten into at the end of the world, when it was just him and her left. That's what he'd agreed to when he'd gotten the symbol on his chest. That's what he had to accept this one last time...

He felt tears begin to well up in his eyes, as his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Any sort of ideas he'd had of a romantic proposal went out the window as he looked at her, simply wanting to propose and be done with it. As soon as he did they could truly be happy, and they could truly take a break...

He cleared his throat and forced his words to come out despite the lump in his throat and the way they seemed so akward and difficult they were to say, "I-Isabel? I need to tell you something...Please..."

CelticSol said:
Jackie, too, looks a little sheepish, muttering, "Thanks," Her hands are shaking a little bit as he puts the ring on her left ring finger. She inspects it a moment, getting her first good look at it. She looks back at Alpha after a few moments, smiling, then leans forward to kiss him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close.
Alpha lifts Jackie up, kissing her deeply. After a few long moments, Alpha pulled away to allow Jackie to breath, before whispering in her ear, "I have absolutely no idea how to throw a wedding."
Daimao said:
Alpha lifts Jackie up, kissing her deeply. After a few long moments, Alpha pulled away to allow Jackie to breath, before whispering in her ear, "I have absolutely no idea how to throw a wedding."
Jackie opens her mouth to speak, but closes it after a second. She considers that, thinking about it, "... Me neither." She shrugs, grinning up at him as she takes his hand in hers, "I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually."

Vance entered his new realm and looked around it. He found himself standing outside of a church with the sun only just beginning to rise over the top of the church.
"So it looks like I got entire realm dedicated to marrying people, this seems like a one trick pony" He shrugged and continued on his tour around his realm by going inside of the church. Vance was slightly awed by how the building looked on the inside; The sun was shining through the stained glass windows onto the rows of pews. The curved ceiling was adorned by a layer of gold that sparkled in the sunlight. The altar had sunlight shining onto it, highlighting the spots where the bride and groom would stand, while the pathway up to the Altar had a red rug with golden yellow tassels laying over it.

Vance took his time walking up to the altar, running his fingers across the pews and finding that not even a speck of dust was on any of the things inside of the church. Vance noticed that the church even had a priest.
"Well this place is certainly impressive. And if I use it it should cut down on costs as well. Though there's still the matter of what to do with it afterwards. I'll think on that more later" Vance nodded to himself and decided to explore more of the realm he had just acquired.

Walking out of the church, Vance found another building close by and decided to take a look inside of that one. Walking inside the building, Vance was met by a fully furnished dining room, fit for a wedding and was once again sent into awe as he looked around the room; The entire room was filled with well decorated large circular tables that all had flower vases, albeit empty flower vases. Off to the side, though still in plain sight of the room was a large table, clearly meant for the bride and groom and other people, like the best man.

Satisfied with the dining room, Vance decided to wander into the kitchen, which was deceptively large. Vance noticed that the kitchen was fully staffed and there were also servers that he had missed before, in the other room.
"So this place is completely staffed and stocked, this realm keeps getting better and better" He smiled to himself as he walked out of the kitchen and out of the entire building, being met by the seemingly unmoving sun that was still peaking over the top of the church.

"So this is nice, I'm assuming I can bring other people in here. Maybe I can make a business out of this. I wonder if I can change what the places look like" Vance pondered on this and focused on changing the time of day to noon. He then looked up and saw the sun moving at a faster rate until it stopped moving in the middle of the sky. "That's a yes then. Guess it just started in a way that I would like. Guess I found a way to make money"

Vance snapped his finger and left his new found realm, slightly surprised when it worked. But he assumed he didn't need the key anymore. "Guess I'll just wait for Luna, see what she thinks of the whole realm. Even if she doesn't like it, I'm sure people will pay a lot of money for that sort of luxury for a wedding." Vance smiled as he sat down on his darkness bench. "I wonder if Fola will need a place to have a wedding, or any of the other former guild members. Could be some easy money"


Maya looked up at Isabel with a happy expression on her face. "Really?! How good is it?" Maya made a disgusted face "Does it have raisins? I don't like raisins, they're yucky" Maya closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out in disgust at the thought of eating raisins. She then broke out into a fit of giggles and smiled happily up at Isabel. "But I bet they'll be the best cookies ever! Since they're being made by the best mommy ever!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
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Lighthouse8477 said:
Immediately Draco felt himself flying upward as he felt an odd tingling feeling run through him. His wings spread wide as he came out of the ball then flew down and grabbed the Magikarp with his tallons then lifted the fish easily and dropped it as he asked, "Want it roasted Grimm?" He looked at Grimm
"Yeah! Draco use dragon fire!" Grimm points at the Magikarp while telling him of the move. "We need to catch those two!"

( @The Imperial Flame )

GingerBread said:
Maya looked up at Isabel with a happy expression on her face. "Really?! How good is it?" Maya made a disgusted face "Does it have raisins? I don't like raisins, they're yucky" Maya closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out in disgust at the thought of eating raisins. She then broke out into a fit of giggles and smiled happily up at Isabel. "But I bet they'll be the best cookies ever! Since they're being made by the best mommy ever!"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Emily grows jealous of Hakeem and Maya, she runs in and hugs Isabel as well. Red and Blue crawl up her body and sit on her shoulders, hugging her neck barely since their arms couldn't reach around. Isabel was smiling and laughing at the reaction of all of her kids along with Rose, Lunic, and Sir Snakenton. She was receiving a lot of hugs and love at this moment and it almost made her forget about the pain inside until Fola appeared before her. Isabel tries to hide whatever negative emotion his mere presence gives her for the sake of the kids. She decides on ignoring them to the best of her ability, focusing on making her kids smile. "The cookies are amazing Maya and no they don't have raisins. I'll try my best but I wouldn't call myself the best mommy ever. I'd say I'm at least okay."

Once Fola grew close she had no choice but to actually answer. "What is it?" She tried not to sound harsh. She went with her regular soft voice. Isabel looks back at her kids after responding since staring at Fola made things much more painful. The time they became mates. The time they fell in love. The times they kissed and struggled through life with one another. It was as if it were all meaningless. At this moment she could really feel her inner hatred reforming and sparking back up once more.

Inside of her mind rang a voice, the voice of Azriel. "It seems like I was wrong to put my trust in him." Not only that, several other voices erupt in her mind as well. The split personalities, Temperance, Azriel, Julius, and Carnage all begin to whisper and debate within her mind. There was something the majority of them could agree on though. Fola had to go. At this moment through guild had at least 12 minutes until it had to disband.


A large buff male walks out from behind the counter, barely able to fit through the door. "Hello? How can I help you?"
"Yeah! Draco use dragon fire!" Grimm points at the Magikarp while telling him of the move. "We need to catch those two!"
Silently Draco just unleashed a stream of burning fire at the Magikarp and roasted it to a turn. Silently he looked at Grimm then spread his wings as he stated, "Hop on quick I can catch them quick or you can just transport us."
Light said:
Grimm notices that Draco was knocking on the sides of the master ball and grins. Grimm throws the master ball into the air to release Draco. "Get this Magikarp off me!"
( @Embaga Elder )

Isabel notices Maya staring at her bloody hand and begins wiping it off. "Do you need cheering up?" Isabel begins wiping away the tears on Maya's face. "Nothing is wrong anymore. You're going to have great adventures with your mommy and your other amazing siblings!" She looks towards Hakeem, Emily, Red, and Blue. "We're going to eat cookies together and become the coolest and closest people there is. Sir Snakenton can be apart of the adventures as well. "If you turn that frown upside down mommy will teach you an amazing cookie recipe her my mother used to make." Isabel gives Maya a warm smile and slightly holds her closer.

She looks at the door momentarily, wondering if she could squeeze in the time. A holographic Morgan appears before Raz. "Yes?"

Once he swings it open he ends up in a new pocket realm, the Marriage realm.
"I was wondering if I could go in and talk to Isabel,if they were still around.most likely about ideas and other things,or just hang out and help with whatever.im fine with anything.im just bored."Raz was sitting on a lawn chair made of shadows.and there were flamingos made of Shadows as well next to him.
Fola didn't question Isabel's choice not to turn around, he was to focused on getting from point A to point B. He thanked whatever higher powers there may be that a proposal was to be done on one knee, as he wasn't sure he could have stood on his legs for much longer.

He got on a knee and took out the ring, visibly shaking as he did so. He suddenly found it difficult to find the right words for the first time in their relationship. He spoke shakily, "Isabel, we've been through so much together, and I feel so lost without you. So will you please accept this ring and allow me to once again pledge to be by your side from now, until all life ends..."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco just unleashed a stream of burning fire at the Magikarp and roasted it to a turn. Silently he looked at Grimm then spread his wings as he stated, "Hop on quick I can catch them quick or you can just transport us."
"You can use Fly? Looks like I don't need to find the HM Fly then." Grimm hops on Draco's back. "Before we go to! She knocked my Pokedex out of my hand! We need to find it."

MTchaos1134 said:
"I was wondering if I could go in and talk to Isabel,if they were still around.most likely about ideas and other things,or just hang out and help with whatever.im fine with anything.im just bored."Raz was sitting on a lawn chair made of shadows.and there were flamingos made of Shadows as well next to him.
"If that's the case then you can talk to me about it. I'm her mind so everything we'll talk about will go straight to her."

LokiofSP said:
Fola didn't question Isabel's choice not to turn around, he was to focused on getting from point A to point B. He thanked whatever higher powers there may be that a proposal was to be done on one knee, as he wasn't sure he could have stood on his legs for much longer.
He got on a knee and took out the ring, visibly shaking as he did so. He suddenly found it difficult to find the right words for the first time in their relationship. He spoke shakily, "Isabel, we've been through so much together, and I feel so lost without you. So will you please accept this ring and allow me to once again pledge to be by your side from now, until all life ends..."

( @GingerBread @Embaga Elder )

Isabel could feel it too once he says they've been through so much since they have. As the memories they share run through Isabel's mind, her eyes begin to produce tears as she cries before her kids even though she wanted to keep a happy exterior. She couldn't believe that Fola would try and tricks by proposing to her when she's suddenly back instead of proposing to the other woman she wanted to. There was no questioning it, she couldn't be with him. "No...just leave me alone. I can't believe you. You're so awful and I can't believe I trusted you only for you to deceive and play me like that." Isabel began to cry even more, obviously saddened because of Fola which upset Red, Blue, and Emily as well. "I'm breaking up with you and whatever we had is over. Forget the symbol and forget me while you're at it. Ju-just go away Fola! Go to that other girl you're romantic with. She might not care about you being a cheater so just leave, now."
CelticSol said:
Jackie opens her mouth to speak, but closes it after a second. She considers that, thinking about it, "... Me neither." She shrugs, grinning up at him as she takes his hand in hers, "I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually."
Daimao said:
Alpha lifts Jackie up, kissing her deeply. After a few long moments, Alpha pulled away to allow Jackie to breath, before whispering in her ear, "I have absolutely no idea how to throw a wedding."
A portal opens and both Jackie and Alpha's trial step out. They prepare attacks but stop at the sight, both of them tilting their heads in confusion. Jackie's trial speaks up first. "Engaged? Really?" Alpha's trial speaks up afterwards. "Hm....interesting."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/652e4b20d873961421457974c351ee0a.jpg.56f9fcfd62f6f1b269bf859a84814062.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/652e4b20d873961421457974c351ee0a.jpg.56f9fcfd62f6f1b269bf859a84814062.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/93ba2ab75ca9b5d593a4c518f6eed3b5.jpg.c4353bcd3ee55dcaa36a2c43b303439c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/93ba2ab75ca9b5d593a4c518f6eed3b5.jpg.c4353bcd3ee55dcaa36a2c43b303439c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
A large buff male walks out from behind the counter, barely able to fit through the door. "Hello? How can I help you?"
Cole eyes widen when he noticed the buff guy coming out from behind the counter. He sized the guy up slowly, while rubbing the back of his head. Uhh yeah we'll like to adopt three eggs. Preferably one that is silver, one that is red, and one that's purple. Unless you have like a certain system you gotta follow. @Light

CelticSol said:
Jackie opens her mouth to speak, but closes it after a second. She considers that, thinking about it, "... Me neither." She shrugs, grinning up at him as she takes his hand in hers, "I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually."
"Yeah, we probably will," Alpha chuckled in response.

Light said:
A portal opens and both Jackie and Alpha's trial step out. They prepare attacks but stop at the sight, both of them tilting their heads in confusion. Jackie's trial speaks up first. "Engaged? Really?" Alpha's trial speaks up afterwards. "Hm....interesting."
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Almost immediately, Alpha whips around pointing a finger at his trial. "You! You look like you get people married for a living, and you seem pretty chill. Be the priest at our wedding."
Light said:
A portal opens and both Jackie and Alpha's trial step out. They prepare attacks but stop at the sight, both of them tilting their heads in confusion. Jackie's trial speaks up first. "Engaged? Really?" Alpha's trial speaks up afterwards. "Hm....interesting."
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Daimao said:
"Yeah, we probably will," Alpha chuckled in response.
Almost immediately, Alpha whips around pointing a finger at his trial. "You! You look like you get people married for a living, and you seem pretty chill. Be the priest at our wedding."
Jackie looks at Alpha like he's

lost his mind, then at the trial, then back at Alpha, then throws her hands in the air, "I mean, both of those two tried to kill us, but y'know, okay," She looks at her trial, nodding, then shows him her ring, "We literally got engaged, like, a minute ago."
"Alright...that'll be 1,340 in gold. Those coloured eggs are rare."

Daimao said:
"Yeah, we probably will," Alpha chuckled in response.
Almost immediately, Alpha whips around pointing a finger at his trial. "You! You look like you get people married for a living, and you seem pretty chill. Be the priest at our wedding."
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks at Alpha like he's
lost his mind, then at the trial, then back at Alpha, then throws her hands in the air, "I mean, both of those two tried to kill us, but y'know, okay," She looks at her trial, nodding, then shows him her ring, "We literally got engaged, like, a minute ago."
"You're doing something other than killing people or getting people killed?" Jackie's trial looked simply....astonished. "You know what? I'm so proud of you I'll let this one go." The being smites itself and Jackie gains the lowest level of Absolute Speed.

Alpha's trial looks at the two and then flips to the marriage section in his book. He simply shrugs his shoulders in response. "Sure."

Vance was getting bored sitting around in his darkness realm doing nothing, he lazily looked around until he came across the birth scythe that he had asked for. "I guess I could always make a start on killing Apollo. I'm sure I can kill some time before Luna is done talking to her mother." Vance shrugged and snapped his fingers, teleporting himself out of his darkness realm and to the bottom of mount Olympus.

Vance looked up at the top of Mount Olympus.
"So I have to go all the way up there, just so I can kill Apollo? The things I do" Vance shook his head and decided that instead of walking or climbing up he'd just fly. Vance snapped his fingers and had a platform made of darkness appear underneath him. "I think I'll take the elevator instead" Vance snapped his fingers once more and the platform started to slowly ascend.



Maya was happy to see her best Friend but was confused why her mommy wasn't. "Why don't you like my best friend? And why are you crying mommy?" Maya tried to think about why Isabel would be upset and thought to her past experiences of being upset. "Did someone hurt you?!" Maya took a closer look at her mommy. "You don't look hurt... What's wrong mommy?! Did best friend get hurt?" She asked since she wasn't able to see him since Isabel wasn't facing him. Maya tried to think about how she could make her Mommy feel better and smiled when she came up with a solution. Maya summoned a box of cookies and then offered some to Isabel. "Here you go Mommy! Cookies make me feel better!"

@Light @Embaga Elder @LokiofSP

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