Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola blinked for one moment and opened them once more to realize he was underwater. He also realized it was strangly...Hot. He then realized just how hot it was when he felt the burn everywhere over his body, he shut his eyes and rubbed his skin as he opened his mouth to yell in pain, only to let more water INSIDE his body. His thrashing grew as the only thing that registered in his mind was pain, how it hurt, and how he wanted it to stop.

There was a breif moment of sensibility, as his mind screamed one word, 'SWIM DAMMIT'

He opened his eyes brifly to see where up was, scalding his eyes in the process. He pumped his legs, going off of pure instinct as he reached the surface and blindly reached in desperation for a ledge or some form of land. Finding it he quickly dragged himself to the surface, taking in deep breaths as he coughed up water. He then lay down, his chest rising and falling heavily as he regained his breath, his eyes were still closed tight as he simply awaited for the pain to pass. He spoke a few words only before shutting up, "Come on...I can get it in one more try..."

(Hurrah for long posts for no real reason!
@Light )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard shrugged. "To protect Alexandria from harm. I intend to give it to my friend knowing his immortality will give him the ability to protect her eternally." Decimus. Hurry up I have a mission for you.

Morpheus stopped twirling and used the snake head to scratch his own. "Well I am Ashlyn's protector. If I have her orb so the bad men don't take it then all is well"
The gate opens for them to pass, revealing the temple. It was a straight path towards the next guardian with a gate.

The guardian opens the gate and allows them to pass. Ashlyn floats forward and turns left, taking them to a hall with strange symbols engraved upon them.

Juju said:
Syrax looked over Arwyn's shoulder and spotted the peculiar keyhole as it slowly melding into the rough shape of a human being. "Over there." he rumbled while motioning to it with his wing.
The dragon knight turned around and looked at it. "Do I have to lay in that then?"

"Something tells me I wouldn't fit in that." was the wyvern's response.

Arwyn glared at him before walking up and inspecting the indentation. "Oh ha-ha. What are you going to do if it kills me, hmm?" she grumbled, although there was some uneasiness in her heart.

She didn't wait for his response. "Well... here goes nothing...Let's hope this pays off, Grimm" she said before climbing into the socket and laying on her back.

When she looked up, half of the sky was blotted out by the form of Syrax's head as he looked down at her watchfully. In truth she wasn't sure if this was really safe, but then again most things she did wasn't exactly 'harm-free'.

Once Arwyn sets herself in the key hole, it begins to turn. All of the orbs sink into the platforms and a portal appears underneath Arwyn and Syrax because of it. The portal swallows them both and closes behind them. Arwyn and Syrax could find themselves inside a of a city where everything was made out of gold. The ground, food, and other things were purely gold. There seemed to be no life in the city though. Arwyn could feel a calling to the nearest golden river since she was the key.

LokiofSP said:
Fola blinked for one moment and opened them once more to realize he was underwater. He also realized it was strangly...Hot. He then realized just how hot it was when he felt the burn everywhere over his body, he shut his eyes and rubbed his skin as he opened his mouth to yell in pain, only to let more water INSIDE his body. His thrashing grew as the only thing that registered in his mind was pain, how it hurt, and how he wanted it to stop.
There was a breif moment of sensibility, as his mind screamed one word, 'SWIM DAMMIT'

He opened his eyes brifly to see where up was, scalding his eyes in the process. He pumped his legs, going off of pure instinct as he reached the surface and blindly reached in desperation for a ledge or some form of land. Finding it he quickly dragged himself to the surface, taking in deep breaths as he coughed up water. He then lay down, his chest rising and falling heavily as he regained his breath, his eyes were still closed tight as he simply awaited for the pain to pass. He spoke a few words only before shutting up, "Come on...I can get it in one more try..."

(Hurrah for long posts for no real reason!
@Light )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death shook her head and chuckled. "We'll see." She continued forward, silently
GingerBread said:
"H-he's fine.... I-I'm S-sure he could u-use the guild s-symbol to teleport out anyway. I-I can't be the only medic in t-the guild" Colin gripped his staff tighter in worry "B-but I-I'm n-not doing this j-just to stop you a-anymore. I-I'm doing th-this to f-fix a mistake I-I made. S-so I-I won't let you t-take the orb. I-I'll d-die stopping you, I-If I have to"

All three of them could see blackened air flowing out of the door that's recently opened. They weren't even in the room of the orb yet and it's power was already gripping them. They can feel the negativity within themselves start to bubble and rise.

The guardian glares at Fola, seemingly unimpressed. "What does the Black Orb mean to you?"
Light said:
The gate opens for them to pass, revealing the temple. It was a straight path towards the next guardian with a gate.
The guardian opens the gate and allows them to pass. Ashlyn floats forward and turns left, taking them to a hall with strange symbols engraved upon them.

Once Arwyn sets herself in the key hole, it begins to turn. All of the orbs sink into the platforms and a portal appears underneath Arwyn and Syrax because of it. The portal swallows them both and closes behind them. Arwyn and Syrax could find themselves inside a of a city where everything was made out of gold. The ground, food, and other things were purely gold. There seemed to be no life in the city though. Arwyn could feel a calling to the nearest golden river since she was the key.

All three of them could see blackened air flowing out of the door that's recently opened. They weren't even in the room of the orb yet and it's power was already gripping them. They can feel the negativity within themselves start to bubble and rise.

The guardian glares at Fola, seemingly unimpressed. "What does the Black Orb mean to you?"
Richard continued silently behind Alexandria for a few moments then finally said, "Would you be okay with meeting Decimus now?"

Morpheus looked around and pouted that Ashlyn floated without him. He started to levitate and a fluffy white cloud appeared under him for him to sit on and float next to her. "So Ashlyn. On a scale of 1-10... How emotionally stable are you right now?"

Death could feel the pain and weight of death starting to build up inside of her. It was tiresome. Destructive. And all in all annoying. She sided and rolled her eyes, continuing forward to the door.
Near (insert area where character is), a creature, barely alive, stumbles towards it. He has no money, no food, no water, and is close to death. He walks towards a tree, but collapses before reaching it.

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[QUOTE="Masked Imperial]Near (insert area where character is), a creature, barely alive, stumbles towards it. He has no money, no food, no water, and is close to death. He walks towards a tree, but collapses before reaching it.

A small brown kitten fell from the tree and landed on its paws in front of this stranger. It was no more than 5 inches tall, 6 inches long, counting its tail, and its head way too big for its body. The little kitten looked up to the stranger with big sad eyes and meowed gently
[QUOTE="Masked Imperial]Near (insert area where character is), a creature, barely alive, stumbles towards it. He has no money, no food, no water, and is close to death. He walks towards a tree, but collapses before reaching it.

Julius saw this man and instantly ran to help. He grabbed some water and food. He knelt down to the guy. "Hey you still alive? I brought you some resources.
The man lifts his head. Underneath the helmet, there is a blank outline of a man. No nose, Only eyes are shown, and a slit for a mouth. Cracks cover the shell, and underneath it looks like light itself could not penetrate the veil. The eyes look like it is smiling, but the mouth only curves slightly. He gets up, and is much taller than he looked. He points at the food, and whispers in a hoarse voice, "Is that for me?" The cracks begin to heal, and soon only a few are left.
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[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius saw this man and instantly ran to help. He grabbed some water and food. He knelt down to the guy. "Hey you still alive? I brought you some resources.

[QUOTE="Masked Imperial]The man lifts his head. Underneath the helmet, there is a blank outline of a man. No nose, Only eyes are shown, and a slit for a mouth. Cracks cover the shell, and underneath it looks like light itself could not penetrate the veil. The eyes look like it is smiling, but the mouth only curves slightly.

The kitten looked between the two strangers and meowed happily, running away from them
Fola was still taking deep breaths, and still had his eyes closed, "You*huff Gotta let*huff* Your food cool off before you eat..." There was silence as the witch boy thought over his response, "To me the orb is..An out. I was told that a few freinds were gonna get hurt, I can't let that happen knowing I could do something about it. The orb is just the closest thing to an awnser I got..."

Light said:
All three of them could see blackened air flowing out of the door that's recently opened. They weren't even in the room of the orb yet and it's power was already gripping them. They can feel the negativity within themselves start to bubble and rise.
Colin stared at the blackened air rising out of the door in fear "I need to do this for Anna" Colin muttered to himself as he willed himself to continue forwards. As Colin got closer to the door he heard more negative thoughts in his head Anna is only dead because of you. You say you help people but how many people have you helped compared to the ones you've doomed? Colin felt tears prick his eyes and he became more sluggish as he walked forwards Even Fola is probably dead now. Because you didn't go back and help him because you want to protect the Orb. But not to help people. You only want it so you can bring Anna back because You miss her Colin hung his head in shame as his tears began falling to the ground.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light
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As he stands, several arrows are visible on his back. Some are broken off, others ripped out, some still in. A blueish black color surrounds the wounds. He sits down, wincing, and opens the supplies and starts to eat. He looks up at the stranger, and says "Thank you. What is your name stranger?"
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[QUOTE="Masked Imperial]As he stands, several arrows are visible on his back. Some are broken off, others ripped out, some still in. A blueish black color surrounds the wounds. He sits down, wincing, and opens the supplies and starts to eat. He looks up at the stranger, and says "Thank you. What is your name stranger?"

Julius put the kitten on his shoulder and sat down. "I'm Julius what about you?" He was still patting the kitten.
He frowns, then says "I can't remember right now. All I do remember is my initials, SC." He pauses, then says "It was something Clark." His eyes light up, and he says, "Are you a member of a guild?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard continued silently behind Alexandria for a few moments then finally said, "Would you be okay with meeting Decimus now?"
Morpheus looked around and pouted that Ashlyn floated without him. He started to levitate and a fluffy white cloud appeared under him for him to sit on and float next to her. "So Ashlyn. On a scale of 1-10... How emotionally stable are you right now?"
Alexandria turns around and begins to walk out the temple. She doesn't respond until they've exited it completely. "Yes I'd like to meet him."

Ashlyn doesn't look at Morpheus and continues to float around to the next guardian. She makes his cloud disappear to answer his question. "Why do you feel like you're worthy to be in the presence of the Red Orb?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola was still taking deep breaths, and still had his eyes closed, "You*huff Gotta let*huff* Your food cool off before you eat..." There was silence as the witch boy thought over his response, "To me the orb is..An out. I was told that a few freinds were gonna get hurt, I can't let that happen knowing I could do something about it. The orb is just the closest thing to an awnser I got..."

GingerBread said:
Colin stared at the blackened air rising out of the door in fear "I need to do this for Anna" Colin muttered to himself as he willed himself to continue forwards. As Colin got closer to the door he heard more negative thoughts in his head Anna is only dead because of you. You say you help people but how many people have you helped compared to the ones you've doomed? Colin felt tears prick his eyes and he became more sluggish as he walked forwards Even Fola is probably dead now. Because you didn't go back and help him because you want to protect the Orb. But not to help people. You only want it so you can bring Anna back because You miss her Colin hung his head in shame as his tears began falling to the ground.

@DizjayDeathPride @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death could feel the pain and weight of death starting to build up inside of her. It was tiresome. Destructive. And all in all annoying. She sided and rolled her eyes, continuing forward to the door.
The long hallway was filled with the black air. The negativity was building up within them all and it was incredible. The guardian down the hall couldn't be seen because of the air.

Fola was allowed to pass with the two.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson remained calm. He shot several beams of light at the man. These beams split into several more beams the size of needles. Thousands of beams charged from the front. Jackson shot up and more needle like beams rained down on people. (I forgot do you know what page the post was on?)
When Zedd's rage lightning was fired in a straight line towards Jackson it touched one light needle which lead to another, and another. The rage lightning took out the needles like a chain reaction while still heading for Jackson. Crimson looks up at Jackson when he jumps into the air sending more light needles. Crimson roars releasing red rage fire that formed a wall of flames stopping the needles. When the needles end Crimson jumps into the air crashing through the wall of flames towards Jackson. His aura becomes concentrated into his left fires flowing in a fury manner. Wake the fuck up Jackson!! He swings his fist punching Jackson in the face. The amount of rage concentrated within his fist sends Jackson flying through the castle.

Tazmodo said:
Scott takes a deep breathe while Brock makes a thunderstorm. Lightning cracks down and goes straight for Inaro due to his metal skeleton. Scott calls out to them. "Hey buddy we're good when you are let's do one on one. You pick."
As the thunderstorm appeared Inaro grinds and put his arm into the air forming it into metal conducting the lightning. It strikes his arm and he showed no pain. The lightning around his arm turned into atomic energy. He appeared behind Brock jabbing the hand with atomic energy on it into his heart. I'll fight. Inaro says as a beer appears in his hands capless and he begins drinking it. While his hand is inside his body since atomic energy begins to flow inside of it. @Tazmodo
[QUOTE="Masked Imperial]He frowns, then says "I can't remember right now. All I do remember is my initials, SC." He pauses, then says "It was something Clark." His eyes light up, and he says, "Are you a member of a guild?"

Julius thinks for a moment. "What about Steve? And yeah I'm in Dragon's Roar. Why?"
( ! )

Jackson takes the hits but doesn't fly back. He coats his body in protective light and grabs his arm. The light protected him from the lightning. He took a deep breathe and shot a beam of light in Crimson's face.

( ! )

Brock laughed and used his Demonic arm to absorb the energy. He then started to absorb Inaro's energy supply draining him. He used this energy to make a spear of demonic energy and stab into his chest. The spear split and spread throughout his body destroying it from the inside then exploding.
Light said:
Alexandria turns around and begins to walk out the temple. She doesn't respond until they've exited it completely. "Yes I'd like to meet him."
Ashlyn doesn't look at Morpheus and continues to float around to the next guardian. She makes his cloud disappear to answer his question. "Why do you feel like you're worthy to be in the presence of the Red Orb?"

The long hallway was filled with the black air. The negativity was building up within them all and it was incredible. The guardian down the hall couldn't be seen because of the air.

Fola was allowed to pass with the two.
Richard nodded and in a swirl of purple mist, Decimus came from being him. "I'll just tag out since we went outside. Decimus this is Alexandra. Alexandria this I'd Decimus Nogaletta. He will protect you with his life, just as I would. You can trust him. Get to know him. He's as relaxed as me so you two should bond well." Decimus crossed his stomach and bowed gently to her. "Ill see you later Alexandria, okay?" He waved and disappeared, leaving her with Decimus

Morpheus groaned and landed. "Okay got it. Take that as a no." He placed his hands on his hips and looked up. "Honestly? What makes anyone worthy? Its your orb. You're the only one able to decide who is or isn't worthy. Id say I am because I have proven my loyalty to you"

Death got more and more tense but continued anyways silently
[QUOTE="Nova King]Julius thinks for a moment. "What about Steve? And yeah I'm in Dragon's Roar. Why?"

The cat started to get restless and wined and kicked off, running away again
DaManofWar said:
Scar was confused. He thought that was what love is..."But..." his eyes became cold. "Fine. You can just get yourself killed for all I care. If I'm in your way, you can kill me, too. Why should it matter to me?"Scar then back handed Clair across the face. He followed up by grabbing her by the throat with both hands. "But I won't go down without a fight!"
Hans smiled. He tapped a finger against his cheek. "Perfect...." he murmured.


Ling Po was calm and cool in the face of danger. "I shall thus take my leave." Before he left, however, he gave the girl a small wink. "You make a good couple," he told them both. With that, his eyes glowed gold, and he vanished.

When he reappeared, he coughed, and stretched his back. "Oh, that really is a pain," he said softly. He sat down to mediate again, searching for the chaotic energy that plagued this island's balance.
( ! )

Clair opened a portal severing his hands. On the other side lava shot out at him. "Fine if this is how you want to take it. She opened more portal around him all flowing lava out of them. Even a portal under him had lava. "I guess this is the end."
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Clair opened a portal severing his hands. On the other side lava shot out at him. "Fine if this is how you want to take it. She opened more portal around him all flowing lava out of them. Even a portal under him had lava. "I guess this is the end."
Scar immediately started running, trying to dodge the lava. He was enraged to have lost both his hands, and needed them back. He could still see them, of course, but trying to get them back would be a problem. Scar could also feel the heat and pressure of the lava. He wasn't sure if he could survive.

Suddenly, he coughed up blood. A tentacle sprouted out of his mouth immediately afterwards. Two more came where his hands once were. His eyes glowed emerald green. The lava no longer burned him.

The projection of Hans Frankenstein was now next to Clair. "Beautiful, isn't it? It's an old rune I inscribed onto Scar. A rune of from the Necronomicon. I simply activated it. Now, it will run it's course in twenty four hours, after which, Scar will perish. And if that happens, my, how you will suffer." Hans smiled sadistically. He was enjoying this.
Crimson wasn't impressed by the fact Jackson didn't go flying. It was expected. When Jackson took a deep breath, Crimson also took a deep breath releasing a blast of rage energy. The two blast collide creating a sphere of pink Light and rage energy to gradually grow, until it explodes knocking both crimson and Jackson towards the ground.

Inaro doesn't have an energy supply besides his life force. He can't generate energy only manipulate the energy around him. When the spear was generated he used his esoteric energy manipulation to create a vector field with vector manipulation to redirect the impact of the spear back towards Brock.

(!) Inaro who's still using vector manipulation creates a vector plate under Brock sending him further away from Inaro with powerful force. The force that was used to send Brock back created a breeze of wind. Inaro used the breeze to create razor winds to slice off his demonic arms if possible. If not he slices up his non demonic limbs(!) @Tazmodo
In a quiet pasture deep on the farms of North Dakota, sheep grazed mindlessly on the fertile lush green plains low down at the bottom of a small hill. It was the time of year that nature blessed its fullest bloom. The small time farmer kicked back on his field, smoking tobacco and watching his livestock. A sheep with purple eyes with green eyes had snuck onto the fields with the other sheep, blending in with the other sheep, oblivious to the incoming storm. A large amount of the sheep started to baah and retreat, running from the rumbling. As it got closer, the sheep all ran from the location of this incoming disaster. The farmer was getting is animals under control while the green eyed sheep just stared mindlessly in the direction of the rumbling.

Coming over the hill was one small brown dachshund. It stood on the hill and yelped, running to the group of livestock. Close behind it, a swarm of them came, charging to the sheep on their tiny legs.

The green eyed sheep baahed and ran away, joining the other sheep who were all running I'm different directions. The farmer trying to get them to calm down was run over by the tiny dogs as they barked at the sheep and chashed them all around, terrorizing the small farm's pasture. The green eyed sheep kept stopping so often to eat then would run when a small dachshund yelped at him, quickly escaping

The dachshunds scared off all the sheep until all that was left was the one green eyed sheep and the one small brown dachshund

It stared up at the sheep for a moment before yelping at him. The sheep baahed in return. This conversation of sorts went back and forth for quite some time while the farmer dusted himself off from the assault and worked on reclaiming his animals

The brown dogs all ran from him, swerving left and right, tripping the farmer repeatedly on their tiny bodies. They escaped, running over a hill, followed by their leader dog

Light said:
The long hallway was filled with the black air. The negativity was building up within them all and it was incredible. The guardian down the hall couldn't be seen because of the air.
Fola was allowed to pass with the two.
As the thoughts got louder and harsher Colin's breathing became more erratic. He was now moving at a snails pace, wanting to stop going and just turn back. "I will get through this. I have to" Using the staff Colin modified his body to have an increased walking speed so that he was moving at the same speed he was before all these negative thoughts popped into his head "For Anna"

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