Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
As Colin and Fola leave Death is taken to the shrine of the Black Orb. The Black Orb was in its erratic form in the palms of Christina whom was inside the shrine. The area was just a completely black sky and what the shrine and Death were standing on was merely calm black water. The only source of light was the faint glow of the shrine itself which was grey. Darkness swirled around in the sky as the Black Orb awaited Death.
( Erratic Form )

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( Black Orb Form )

View attachment 232283

The negativity corrupting the souls of both Fola and Colin develop spreads outwards to anyone they walk by in the town. Causing the beginning of a pandemic of negativity and soul corruption which would lead to the decaying of souls. The negativity would continue to spread from one object and or being to another. The curse of the Black Orb refrains from affecting Fola and Colin so they wouldn't notice.

Alexandria slowly approaches Decimus and pokes his hand, completely terrified to the point in which her heart was pounding.

The guardian smiles and presses the button behind him. Ashlyn merely turns around to see that the stairs were gone due to the button being pressed. There was just a straight path towards the crystal ravine. She floats back out and crosses the new crystal bridge that connects to the cave entrance above the bridge they were just on since they were higher in elevation. Ashlyn enters the cave and floats up another set of stairs and faces yet another guardian. "The Red Orb.... Why protect this orb? Why protect her?"
Death sighed and picked up the orb. (If there's any side effects just post them after but I'll continue assuming there were)

After all she had experienced, the girl got up and closed her eyes, forcing herself to calm down. She smiled and disappeard

Alexandria was filled with a sense of calm passion. Flowing into her was the emotions only to b described as honor, loyalty, and relaxed. She had full access to feel his emotions and he said, "I will protect you and your orb. From anything. Always" And flowing into her, she could feel he meant every letter

Morpheus smiled and followed after. His thoughts were of course running wild on how he loved this place. When he reached the guardian he got serious again. "My so many questions you guys are serious about this. I understand. I protect the orb because it is her. I protect her because she is my leader and my friend. She let me into her home. And he gave me perfection. I will protect her from anything she can not handle or requests of me, at any costs"

GingerBread said:
(Wait, what? Can we get rid of it? Cause this is going to emotionally kill Colin D: )
Colin shook his head as he unwrapped Fola's arm from around his shoulders "N-No I'm f-fine. I-I'm Just g-going to g-go to my r-room and s-stay there, s-so no one else w-will be hurt b-because of me t-trying to be a h-hero" Colin semi lied, he just wanted to go to his room so that no one would see him cry.
GingerBread said:
Death appeared in Colin's room, the little orb floating in its calm form above her head. She pointed to it and looked up. "You failed. Though I'm not here to gloat. Just the opposite. I don't want you thinking I'm evil Colin. I'm not. I'm neither good nor evil. I am neutral. To uphold the laws you must be. So I come as a gesture of good will. You've impressed me, Colin. You display much more courage than a human should. Stupid? Yes. But courage isn't always logical. Don't forget that. So as a gesture of my appreciation, name any one thing and I will do it" She bowed and the orb disappeared. "Happily"
GingerBread said:
"I entered this guild to help the Sins. Remember those guys. absolute shitheads. But, whether she is an enemy or not doesn't matter. If I say she's fine and you're not to attack her or annoy her in any way. Do you know what you do?" Vance paused for a moment as if waiting for Earl to answer "You listen to me. You Apologise and then you fuck off. Because I'm the stronger person here and I know all the people in this guild only have one brain cell between them. But I'd like to think you have some scrap of self preservation."

@Dreamtique @DizjayDeathPride
"I will not walk away just like that without an answer. Even if it means......"

Earl paused. He was distracted by something.

"There is something wrong......" He dashed out of the room after mumbling that, he looked at two of them before stepping out of the door.

"Fair warning, something is off, not sure what yet, but it may me dangerous." With that, he dashed straight to the strong negativity he sensed, the level of it was abnormal.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Death appeared in Colin's room, the little orb floating in its calm form above her head. She pointed to it and looked up. "You failed. Though I'm not here to gloat. Just the opposite. I don't want you thinking I'm evil Colin. I'm not. I'm neither good nor evil. I am neutral. To uphold the laws you must be. So I come as a gesture of good will. You've impressed me, Colin. You display much more courage than a human should. Stupid? Yes. But courage isn't always logical. Don't forget that. So as a gesture of my appreciation, name any one thing and I will do it" She bowed and the orb disappeared. "Happily"
He walked near a door and banged open it. In his surprise, it was a little boy a girl with an orb. He slowly approached the orb, noticing that it is the source of the strong negativity he is sensing. He frowned as he inspect the black orb floating on the girl's head.

Is this the orb I saw in the mental message? This thing may be dangerous to human. Earl thought.

"What is happening here." He asked.

LokiofSP said:
(Damn, I mean, I knew I was writing him as depressing, but I didn't think it was THIS depressing 0-0)
Fola simply watched as Collin walked off, he shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets as he began to walk into town alone, just so he could walk and reflect. He decided to take the long way around as well, realizing he needed a bit of time to just reflect...
"Mmm... I love the smell of you, you know?" Fola could hear someone talking to him coming right on top of his shoulder. It is a black cat sitting on his shoulder, not sure when.
Fola turned to the cat, he raised an amused eyebrow and snorted before turning away to face the lake he was overlooking, a smirk still on his face, "A black cat, really? I really am slowly becoming a real witch...Alright, so who are you? Somebody here to tell me I fucked up?"

Light said:
The hamster shakes its head in fear and disappears. It seemed like this was really all the girl could do.
"Oh, of fucking perfect," Viktor groaned, shaking his head as the "imaginary friend" hamster disappeared. "But is job." He picked up the girl, walking over to a different spot and setting her on a mat to recover. While he waited, the old Russian took out a cigarette, flicking a lighter and beginning to smoke. While he was nowhere near addicted, he knew his body would heal it off the next time he died, and he had nothing to do otherwise. "Of shit job."

(@DizjayDeathPride Sorry, couldn't find the post D: )

Alexei yelled in surprise as the ogre he (stupidly) drew to life began to attack him. "Holy shit!" He yelled, rolling to the side as a crack opened in the earth. he tried to paint a weapon, but it only fell into the giant hole the ogre had opened. "Time for plan B," he murmured, before painting the tip of a spear in the air and attaching it to the end of his paintbrush. With a battle cry that sounded like a strangled cat, Alexei charged forward, thrusting the spear-brush towards the ogre's kneecap.

Dreamtique said:
"I will not walk away just like that without an answer. Even if it means......"
Earl paused. He was distracted by something.

"There is something wrong......" He dashed out of the room after mumbling that, he looked at two of them before stepping out of the door.

"Fair warning, something is off, not sure what yet, but it may me dangerous." With that, he dashed straight to the strong negativity he sensed, the level of it was abnormal.

He walked near a door and banged open it. In his surprise, it was a little boy a girl with an orb. He slowly approached the orb, noticing that it is the source of the strong negativity he is sensing. He frowned as he inspect the black orb floating on the girl's head.

Is this the orb I saw in the mental message? This thing may be dangerous to human. Earl thought.

"What is happening here." He asked.
Meanwhile, Ivan and Boris had just finished a small observation of the spider-cam, and Ivan could almost confirm Scar's betrayal to the guild. The Hawk grumbled before settling in his chair... and noticing the telltale signs of mop water on his floor. "Of dammit, Alexei!" He yelled angrily, while Boris chucked in the back. Ivan groaned, rubbing his temples as he adjusted back to guard duty. "Is not matter, Boris. Actually all is of at... wait!" Ivan raised his hand, noticing a strange dark figure teleporting around the rooms and harassing the guild members. "I have not made of seeing him before... Boris, make handle!" Boris grumbled affirmatively, cracking his knuckles with a smile. It was time for the Tinkerer to have a bit of fun.

A few seconds later, a fist of metal nanobots exploded out of Colin's wall, smashing into Earl and sending him flying outside of the room. Out of the hole came Boris, who gave them a sheepish smile. "Sorry, is of my bad. Do not make worry, is security reason." A small tide of nanobots flooded out of the hole, before fifteen of them stayed behind, sealing the wall with a molding paste. Boris's nanobots then followed the aged mechanic out into the hall, where he confronted Earl. "Make talking now. Why harass members?" He crossed his arms, with a stern, fatherly look crossing his face. "If not tell, you answer to Grimm."
Lotusy said:
"Oh, of fucking perfect," Viktor groaned, shaking his head as the "imaginary friend" hamster disappeared. "But is job." He picked up the girl, walking over to a different spot and setting her on a mat to recover. While he waited, the old Russian took out a cigarette, flicking a lighter and beginning to smoke. While he was nowhere near addicted, he knew his body would heal it off the next time he died, and he had nothing to do otherwise. "Of shit job."
(@DizjayDeathPride Sorry, couldn't find the post D: )

Alexei yelled in surprise as the ogre he (stupidly) drew to life began to attack him. "Holy shit!" He yelled, rolling to the side as a crack opened in the earth. he tried to paint a weapon, but it only fell into the giant hole the ogre had opened. "Time for plan B," he murmured, before painting the tip of a spear in the air and attaching it to the end of his paintbrush. With a battle cry that sounded like a strangled cat, Alexei charged forward, thrusting the spear-brush towards the ogre's kneecap.

Meanwhile, Ivan and Boris had just finished a small observation of the spider-cam, and Ivan could almost confirm Scar's betrayal to the guild. The Hawk grumbled before settling in his chair... and noticing the telltale signs of mop water on his floor. "Of dammit, Alexei!" He yelled angrily, while Boris chucked in the back. Ivan groaned, rubbing his temples as he adjusted back to guard duty. "Is not matter, Boris. Actually all is of at... wait!" Ivan raised his hand, noticing a strange dark figure teleporting around the rooms and harassing the guild members. "I have not made of seeing him before... Boris, make handle!" Boris grumbled affirmatively, cracking his knuckles with a smile. It was time for the Tinkerer to have a bit of fun.

A few seconds later, a fist of metal nanobots exploded out of Colin's wall, smashing into Earl and sending him flying outside of the room. Out of the hole came Boris, who gave them a sheepish smile. "Sorry, is of my bad. Do not make worry, is security reason." A small tide of nanobots flooded out of the hole, before fifteen of them stayed behind, sealing the wall with a molding paste. Boris's nanobots then followed the aged mechanic out into the hall, where he confronted Earl. "Make talking now. Why harass members?" He crossed his arms, with a stern, fatherly look crossing his face. "If not tell, you answer to Grimm."
(Did I forget about the ogre? I did)

The ogre roared in pain and exploded in thick forest green paint, splatterig all over the 'walls' and 'floor' and 'ceiling' and Alexei. It made the room seem to be... Tiny. But if he walked around the paint mess, it was like the room was... Shifting. (Imagine like the paint is stuck to a wall Kay? You walk through the white of the clean part and you can basically walk past the paint as if it were kind of suspended in air)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death appeared in Colin's room, the little orb floating in its calm form above her head. She pointed to it and looked up. "You failed. Though I'm not here to gloat. Just the opposite. I don't want you thinking I'm evil Colin. I'm not. I'm neither good nor evil. I am neutral. To uphold the laws you must be. So I come as a gesture of good will. You've impressed me, Colin. You display much more courage than a human should. Stupid? Yes. But courage isn't always logical. Don't forget that. So as a gesture of my appreciation, name any one thing and I will do it" She bowed and the orb disappeared. "Happily"
Lotusy said:
Meanwhile, Ivan and Boris had just finished a small observation of the spider-cam, and Ivan could almost confirm Scar's betrayal to the guild. The Hawk grumbled before settling in his chair... and noticing the telltale signs of mop water on his floor. "Of dammit, Alexei!" He yelled angrily, while Boris chucked in the back. Ivan groaned, rubbing his temples as he adjusted back to guard duty. "Is not matter, Boris. Actually all is of at... wait!" Ivan raised his hand, noticing a strange dark figure teleporting around the rooms and harassing the guild members. "I have not made of seeing him before... Boris, make handle!" Boris grumbled affirmatively, cracking his knuckles with a smile. It was time for the Tinkerer to have a bit of fun.
A few seconds later, a fist of metal nanobots exploded out of Colin's wall, smashing into Earl and sending him flying outside of the room. Out of the hole came Boris, who gave them a sheepish smile. "Sorry, is of my bad. Do not make worry, is security reason." A small tide of nanobots flooded out of the hole, before fifteen of them stayed behind, sealing the wall with a molding paste. Boris's nanobots then followed the aged mechanic out into the hall, where he confronted Earl. "Make talking now. Why harass members?" He crossed his arms, with a stern, fatherly look crossing his face. "If not tell, you answer to Grimm."
Colin lifted his head up from his Pillow as he heard Death's offer. Colin had lifted his head just in time to see someone get sent flying out of his room. Colin stood up and grabbed his staff as he faced Death. "C-can I n-not have th-three things? o-or two things and s-some truthful a-answers?" Colin knew Death would probably say no but It wouldn't hurt to try.

GingerBread said:
(Wait, what? Can we get rid of it? Cause this is going to emotionally kill Colin D: )
Colin shook his head as he unwrapped Fola's arm from around his shoulders "N-No I'm f-fine. I-I'm Just g-going to g-go to my r-room and s-stay there, s-so no one else w-will be hurt b-because of me t-trying to be a h-hero" Colin semi lied, he just wanted to go to his room so that no one would see him cry.

Death looked over, not speaking since it weren't her room. She watched as another man handled the situation for them and rolled her eyes, turning to Colin. "Negotiating with Death? Cute. 1 request and 1 question. My final offer"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Death looked over, not speaking since it weren't her room. She watched as another man handled the situation for them and rolled her eyes, turning to Colin. "Negotiating with Death? Cute. 1 request and 1 question. My final offer"
"O-okay. Th-that sounds f-fair" Colin pondered for a moment about what he wanted to ask "W-why w-were you w-willing to kill me for th-the orb? I-I doubt it w-was just because y-you thought th-that I-I would misuse it" Colin reasoned, getting the question out of the way first since he already knew what he wanted to ask for.

(Does the light realm cleanse the darkness from within someone? Like holy light or divine light, or is it just a realm of light with no one in there but them two limiting his rage supply to himself? )@Tazmodo
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GingerBread said:
"O-okay. Th-that sounds f-fair" Colin pondered for a moment about what he wanted to ask "W-why w-were you w-willing to kill me for th-the orb? I-I doubt it w-was just because y-you thought th-that I-I would misuse it" Colin reasoned, getting the question out of the way first since he already knew what he wanted to ask for.

"Because I want it in my vault. I wouldn't care if you destroyed the world or used it to fight crime in tights. I want them in my vault. And nothing will stand in my way"
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Did I forget about the ogre? I did)
The ogre roared in pain and exploded in thick forest green paint, splatterig all over the 'walls' and 'floor' and 'ceiling' and Alexei. It made the room seem to be... Tiny. But if he walked around the paint mess, it was like the room was... Shifting. (Imagine like the paint is stuck to a wall Kay? You walk through the white of the clean part and you can basically walk past the paint as if it were kind of suspended in air)
Alexei covered his eyes gingerly as the ogre exploded into paint, feeling the thick goo splatter on his knees. When he opened his eyes, the paint seemed suspended in air, but on closer inspection, it became clear that the paint was adhering to some sort of surface. Alexei wandered down the un-painted path, which constantly shifted and gave the rookie a sense of vertigo. "How do I get out?" he wondered, watching the thought bubble over above his head with interest.

Meanwhile, in a remote forest in Greece, a fishing net full of rocks bounced around the branch of a tree like a punching bag. "HA!" Another punch send the makeshift bag spinning again. "HA!" With a swift punch, Malren sent the bag flying across the forest clearing that was his training ground. The training points he spent in Alpha to accelerate his strength growth finally paid off. His knuckles would bleed from the rocks at one point, but now, they were toughened and weathered, like human steel. A few hours earlier, he had gotten the message, and knew he had to depart to find the orbs. Silently, he pressed his finger to the guild symbol, opening the channel for the first time in a while. "Hello? Grimm, Ashlynn? Anyone there?"

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Lotusy said:
Alexei covered his eyes gingerly as the ogre exploded into paint, feeling the thick goo splatter on his knees. When he opened his eyes, the paint seemed suspended in air, but on closer inspection, it became clear that the paint was adhering to some sort of surface. Alexei wandered down the un-painted path, which constantly shifted and gave the rookie a sense of vertigo. "How do I get out?" he wondered, watching the thought bubble over above his head with interest.
Meanwhile, in a remote forest in Greece, a fishing net full of rocks bounced around the branch of a tree like a punching bag. "HA!" Another punch send the makeshift bag spinning again. "HA!" With a swift punch, Malren sent the bag flying across the forest clearing that was his training ground. The training points he spent in Alpha to accelerate his strength growth finally paid off. His knuckles would bleed from the rocks at one point, but now, they were toughened and weathered, like human steel. A few hours earlier, he had gotten the message, and knew he had to depart to find the orbs. Silently, he pressed his finger to the guold symbol, opening the channel for the first time in a while. "Hello? Grimm, Ashlynn? Anyone there?"

Playing like an old school film, the wall facing Alexei counted from 10 to 2, switching to "How To Escape 101" playing old jazz music.

"Welcome to How To Escape 101 with Professor Xavier. Today I will teach you what escaping means. To escape means to get free from some sort of confinement. Let me give some examples" The movie continued to play on, showing Alexei how to escape various situations. None of which of course were what he were looking for. But if he were ever in a bear trap he knew how to save his leg"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Because I want it in my vault. I wouldn't care if you destroyed the world or used it to fight crime in tights. I want them in my vault. And nothing will stand in my way"
"S-since you've a-already answered a qu-question. I-I guess y-you don't h-have to answer this one. b-but I-I'm going to a-ask it anyway. C-can you b-be killed?" Colin looked towards the ground nervously "I-I'm only asking th-this because y-you said be-before th-that you were afraid o-of me k-killing you. I-I know it w-was probably j-just you b-being condescending to m-me. B-but I want t-to know if th-there was any t-truth in that." Colin paused for a moment as he apprehensively lifted his head up so that his eyes were meeting deaths "A-as f-for what I-I want. Y-you should a-already k-know. I-I w-want A-anna back, a-alive and w-well.

Tazmodo said:
Julliette had decided to go protect the orb of Alexandria when she received the message through the guild symbol. She was in front of the temple and looked at it. She reached over at the threshold hold and tried to enter the temple. @Light
DizjayDeathPride said:
Alexandria was filled with a sense of calm passion. Flowing into her was the emotions only to b described as honor, loyalty, and relaxed. She had full access to feel his emotions and he said, "I will protect you and your orb. From anything. Always" And flowing into her, she could feel he meant every letter
Alexandria was calm until Julliette appeared. The Nephalem yelps and jumps back, flying into the temple.

LokiofSP said:
(Damn, I mean, I knew I was writing him as depressing, but I didn't think it was THIS depressing 0-0)
Fola simply watched as Collin walked off, he shook his head and shoved his hands in his pockets as he began to walk into town alone, just so he could walk and reflect. He decided to take the long way around as well, realizing he needed a bit of time to just reflect...

@Light @GingerBread (Totally didn't have him walk just to fuck up some townspeople...Totally didn't...)
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Because I want it in my vault. I wouldn't care if you destroyed the world or used it to fight crime in tights. I want them in my vault. And nothing will stand in my way"
GingerBread said:
"O-okay. Th-that sounds f-fair" Colin pondered for a moment about what he wanted to ask "W-why w-were you w-willing to kill me for th-the orb? I-I doubt it w-was just because y-you thought th-that I-I would misuse it" Colin reasoned, getting the question out of the way first since he already knew what he wanted to ask for.

The negativity was spreading at inhumane rates. In 20 minutes all life and objects upon the landmass on the Atlantic ocean would be affected by the Black Orb. Fola could only think about his past mistakes and his negative feelings towards them. The urge to kill, steal, and harm were bubbling within him.

The urge of betraying her own word to deceive and humiliate Colin was pulsing throughout Death's body. The negativity was encouraging her to hate him, torture him, and then humiliate and kill Anna before his eyes.

Colin could feel like his desire for Anna was chipping away but his unrequited sexual desire was on the rise for Death. The feeling of making her bleed, moan, and die would be the only thing that would appease the hatred growing for her inside Colin in time.

Lotusy said:
Alexei covered his eyes gingerly as the ogre exploded into paint, feeling the thick goo splatter on his knees. When he opened his eyes, the paint seemed suspended in air, but on closer inspection, it became clear that the paint was adhering to some sort of surface. Alexei wandered down the un-painted path, which constantly shifted and gave the rookie a sense of vertigo. "How do I get out?" he wondered, watching the thought bubble over above his head with interest.
Meanwhile, in a remote forest in Greece, a fishing net full of rocks bounced around the branch of a tree like a punching bag. "HA!" Another punch send the makeshift bag spinning again. "HA!" With a swift punch, Malren sent the bag flying across the forest clearing that was his training ground. The training points he spent in Alpha to accelerate his strength growth finally paid off. His knuckles would bleed from the rocks at one point, but now, they were toughened and weathered, like human steel. A few hours earlier, he had gotten the message, and knew he had to depart to find the orbs. Silently, he pressed his finger to the guild symbol, opening the channel for the first time in a while. "Hello? Grimm, Ashlynn? Anyone there?"

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus smiled and followed after. His thoughts were of course running wild on how he loved this place. When he reached the guardian he got serious again. "My so many questions you guys are serious about this. I understand. I protect the orb because it is her. I protect her because she is my leader and my friend. She let me into her home. And he gave me perfection. I will protect her from anything she can not handle or requests of me, at any costs"
Ashlyn was listening to Malren's thoughts and knew exactly what he wanted. It was eavesdropping but it was still useful in the long run. She sends him directly behind Alice whom is crying in both fear and frustration due to the fact that her children. Red and Blue we're trapped in two vials. She was using all the strength she had to attempt to open the vials. "Don't worry... Mommy will get you out."

The guardian nods their head and presses the button. The stairs behind them disappear. Leaving them with a path to their left if they turned around. Ashlyn does exactly so and floats down that path, making a hard right some time afterwards. She exits the cave and floats across a crystal bridge and into a cave entrance. This bridge was above the left cave entrance to the main bridge that was in the center of the other cave entrances. Ashlyn travels down another set of stairs do a dead end with another guardian. "Why are you so persistent? Do you know of the consequences? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Are you prepared to face death in both forms?"
GingerBread said:
"S-since you've a-already answered a qu-question. I-I guess y-you don't h-have to answer this one. b-but I-I'm going to a-ask it anyway. C-can you b-be killed?" Colin looked towards the ground nervously "I-I'm only asking th-this because y-you said be-before th-that you were afraid o-of me k-killing you. I-I know it w-was probably j-just you b-being condescending to m-me. B-but I want t-to know if th-there was any t-truth in that." Colin paused for a moment as he apprehensively lifted his head up so that his eyes were meeting deaths "A-as f-for what I-I want. Y-you should a-already k-know. I-I w-want A-anna back, a-alive and w-well.

"Yes actually. Just very few things can kill me. For example, my Birth Scythe can. I named her Cyndi. She can kill everything. Then of course God can kill me. Other than that, nope. And to answer, when I die my Alpha Elite Reaper replaces me and becomes the next Death. And that's your request so be it. Ill bring her back later." Death took another bow and smiled at Colin. "Ill see you around Colin. I plan to personally reap you myself. Be safe" She turned on her heel and walked out of his room, disappearing once she turned the corner
Light said:
Alexandria was calm until Julliette appeared. The Nephalem yelps and jumps back, flying into the temple.
The negativity was spreading at inhumane rates. In 20 minutes all life and objects upon the landmass on the Atlantic ocean would be affected by the Black Orb. Fola could only think about his past mistakes and his negative feelings towards them. The urge to kill, steal, and harm were bubbling within him.

The urge of betraying her own word to deceive and humiliate Colin was pulsing throughout Death's body. The negativity was encouraging her to hate him, torture him, and then humiliate and kill Anna before his eyes.

Colin could feel like his desire for Anna was chipping away but his unrequited sexual desire was on the rise for Death. The feeling of making her bleed, moan, and die would be the only thing that would appease the hatred growing for her inside Colin in time.

Ashlyn was listening to Malren's thoughts and knew exactly what he wanted. It was eavesdropping but it was still useful in the long run. She sends him directly behind Alice whom is crying in both fear and frustration due to the fact that her children. Red and Blue we're trapped in two vials. She was using all the strength she had to attempt to open the vials. "Don't worry... Mommy will get you out."

The guardian nods their head and presses the button. The stairs behind them disappear. Leaving them with a path to their left if they turned around. Ashlyn does exactly so and floats down that path, making a hard right some time afterwards. She exits the cave and floats across a crystal bridge and into a cave entrance. This bridge was above the left cave entrance to the main bridge that was in the center of the other cave entrances. Ashlyn travels down another set of stairs do a dead end with another guardian. "Why are you so persistent? Do you know of the consequences? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Are you prepared to face death in both forms?"
Decimus didn't actually know what th problem was so he just followed after her. "Alexandria? What's wrong?"

Morpheus followed happily, having caught on by the second time he was here. He wondered Ashlyn had too or was just following the path. He ignored the thought and just met the guardian for the third time. "Why would you ask why I'm persistent? How can I say I want to protect her yet also give up when I'm sent in loops? Those contradict silly. Yes, I'm sure I do. Yes, I always am. And of course I am. They both seem lovely from what I've heard. Unless you mean something else by Death..." Morpheus turned around and leaned back on his Cane, looking where he came. He squinted and had a thought but pushed it aside, turning back to the guardian. "How many more times will you send us through this lovely loop? Nothing looks different. I'm mildly sad"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Yes actually. Just very few things can kill me. For example, my Birth Scythe can. I named her Cyndi. She can kill everything. Then of course God can kill me. Other than that, nope. And to answer, when I die my Alpha Elite Reaper replaces me and becomes the next Death. And that's your request so be it. Ill bring her back later." Death took another bow and smiled at Colin. "Ill see you around Colin. I plan to personally reap you myself. Be safe" She turned on her heel and walked out of his room, disappearing once she turned the corner
Light said:
Colin could feel like his desire for Anna was chipping away but his unrequited sexual desire was on the rise for Death. The feeling of making her bleed, moan, and die would be the only thing that would appease the hatred growing for her inside Colin in time.
Colin sighed as Death left Is she even going to bring Anna back? Probably not, why would she even bother. I should be the only one who has to fix it, It's my fault Anna died..... Colin sighed as he laid back in his bed, cocooning himself in the covers If anyone needs me to heal them they know where I am.... Though they'd be better off going to an actual doctor.... They'd probably be better off just doing it themselves for all the help I give. Colin sighed as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep, still holding onto the hope that this was a bad dream and that he'd wake up in his awful apartment and continue his mundane but safe life.
GingerBread said:
Colin sighed as Death left Is she even going to bring Anna back? Probably not, why would she even bother. I should be the only one who has to fix it, It's my fault Anna died..... Colin sighed as he laid back in his bed, cocooning himself in the covers If anyone needs me to heal them they know where I am.... Though they'd be better off going to an actual doctor.... They'd probably be better off just doing it themselves for all the help I give. Colin sighed as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep, still holding onto the hope that this was a bad dream and that he'd wake up in his awful apartment and continue his mundane but safe life.
Under Colin's bed was the sound of a faint ruffling and movement. Under him, a small pink kitten was destroying evidence. It turned itself blue and crawled out, standing in the center of the room and shaking, knocking dust off its tiny fur. The kitten looked up to Colin's bed but it was far too small to see him up there. So it meowed constantly to get his attention
DizjayDeathPride said:
Playing like an old school film, the wall facing Alexei counted from 10 to 2, switching to "How To Escape 101" playing old jazz music.
"Welcome to How To Escape 101 with Professor Xavier. Today I will teach you what escaping means. To escape means to get free from some sort of confinement. Let me give some examples" The movie continued to play on, showing Alexei how to escape various situations. None of which of course were what he were looking for. But if he were ever in a bear trap he knew how to save his leg"
"Oh, great," Alexei groaned, watching the film reel with Professor X slowly turn off. It seemed that whatever realm he was in had a touch of sass, and there was no way he was getting out anytime soon. He sighed and walked further down the hall. "Hello?" He called. "Anyone there?"

(You can leave him there if you don't want to interact with him, I'll think of something.)

Light said:
Ashlyn was listening to Malren's thoughts and knew exactly what he wanted. It was eavesdropping but it was still useful in the long run. She sends him directly behind Alice whom is crying in both fear and frustration due to the fact that her children. Red and Blue we're trapped in two vials. She was using all the strength she had to attempt to open the vials. "Don't worry... Mommy will get you out."
Malren could feel a sense of acknowledgement from the other side, then braced himself for the teleport nausea. The woman in front of him seemed to be struggling to open some vials, and though Malren had no idea what she had to do with the race for the orbs, he decided to help he nonetheless. Tapping her on the shoulder, he leaned down and asked, "Excuse me. Do you need any help, ma'am?"
(It's just a separate realm. The only two people who can supply his rage would be Jackson and him. But Jackson doesn't have rage and he wouldn't be able to supply himself with that much on his own.)

Light said:
Alexandria was calm until Julliette appeared. The Nephalem yelps and jumps back, flying into the temple.
The negativity was spreading at inhumane rates. In 20 minutes all life and objects upon the landmass on the Atlantic ocean would be affected by the Black Orb. Fola could only think about his past mistakes and his negative feelings towards them. The urge to kill, steal, and harm were bubbling within him.

The urge of betraying her own word to deceive and humiliate Colin was pulsing throughout Death's body. The negativity was encouraging her to hate him, torture him, and then humiliate and kill Anna before his eyes.

Colin could feel like his desire for Anna was chipping away but his unrequited sexual desire was on the rise for Death. The feeling of making her bleed, moan, and die would be the only thing that would appease the hatred growing for her inside Colin in time.

Ashlyn was listening to Malren's thoughts and knew exactly what he wanted. It was eavesdropping but it was still useful in the long run. She sends him directly behind Alice whom is crying in both fear and frustration due to the fact that her children. Red and Blue we're trapped in two vials. She was using all the strength she had to attempt to open the vials. "Don't worry... Mommy will get you out."

The guardian nods their head and presses the button. The stairs behind them disappear. Leaving them with a path to their left if they turned around. Ashlyn does exactly so and floats down that path, making a hard right some time afterwards. She exits the cave and floats across a crystal bridge and into a cave entrance. This bridge was above the left cave entrance to the main bridge that was in the center of the other cave entrances. Ashlyn travels down another set of stairs do a dead end with another guardian. "Why are you so persistent? Do you know of the consequences? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Are you prepared to face death in both forms?"
Juliette runs for her. "Wait no please stop. I'm a friend of Ashlyn's I came to help protect you. My name is Juliette." Her voice echoed though out the temple making sure she heard her.
For a brief moment all Arwyn could observe was a sea of dazzling gold before it was blotted out by a mass of red and dusky scales that was Syrax. "Oi, get off! You are going to crush me!" She hissed in surprise while thumping a hand on Syrax's side. The sudden weight shifted off of her legs once more as the wyvern got back to his feet and shook the dust from his hide. Teeth grasped the dragon knight's cloak and dragged her up off of the shimmering ground as if she was nothing more than a kitten and then placed her down on her feet.

"I didn't realize you were so delicate." the wyvern responded before dislodging some of the stubborn dirt clinging onto his scales with a barbed tongue. Arwyn smiled at this, "If you weren't so fat, this wouldn't have been a problem!" she teased. Now that she thought about it, it almost seemed as if the wyvern had grown a bit since their slumber beneath the mountains. He wasn't quite yet the size his mother had been, but she wondered just how big red wyverns grew.

Tan colored dust fell from the nooks and crannies of Arwyn's armor as she dusted herself off as best she could. 'I'm going to have bits of sand and dust in my armour for weeks.' she thought as she flicked away a tangled mess of some dried up plant.

After they recovered from their abrupt teleportation the two began walking through the golden city, looking in wonder at the strange area.

"I didn't think there was this much gold in all the world..." Arwyn said as they passed by a cafe coated in gold. Even the food and the potted plants were entirely made of gold, giving the location an almost eerie look. "It is so beautiful, yet so desolate." she observed out loud.

As soon as she caught sight of the river a strange sensation overcame her. "We need to go down there." she said suddenly to her dragonoid companion. "I don't know what's down there but we need to go."

The wyvern shrugged his shoulders and allowed Arwyn to climb onto his back. "Lets go then." he said before taking off in the direction of the river. He landed upon the bank closest to the city and sniffed down suspiciously at the water.

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Hans Frankenstein deactivated the rune. Scar was now stuck in the darkness realm. Pity. Hans had some plans for Scar.

Deciding to investigate the matter, Hans ended his holographic projection. Now, he would talk to Clair directly. Waving a hand, Hans teleported to the guild of Dragon's Roar. He had learned it's location thanks to Scar. He had a connection to him, one that let him track him anywhere.

Hans walked over to Clair. "Miss Clair," he said to her, smiling, "we must talk concerning Scar."

Tazmodo said:
(It's just a separate realm. The only two people who can supply his rage would be Jackson and him. But Jackson doesn't have rage and he wouldn't be able to supply himself with that much on his own.)
Juliette runs for her. "Wait no please stop. I'm a friend of Ashlyn's I came to help protect you. My name is Juliette." Her voice echoed though out the temple making sure she heard her.
A wall of darkness rose up directly in front of her, letting her crash into it. "Stop yelling. You're only making it worse. She doesn't know you. She doesn't trust you. And chasing her isn't making it better." Decimus went around her and continued after Alexandria

Lotusy said:
"Oh, great," Alexei groaned, watching the film reel with Professor X slowly turn off. It seemed that whatever realm he was in had a touch of sass, and there was no way he was getting out anytime soon. He sighed and walked further down the hall. "Hello?" He called. "Anyone there?"
(You can leave him there if you don't want to interact with him, I'll think of something.)

Malren could feel a sense of acknowledgement from the other side, then braced himself for the teleport nausea. The woman in front of him seemed to be struggling to open some vials, and though Malren had no idea what she had to do with the race for the orbs, he decided to help he nonetheless. Tapping her on the shoulder, he leaned down and asked, "Excuse me. Do you need any help, ma'am?"
Alexei's voice echoed back to him, though it had different words. "Yes! Yes I'm here! Hello!"

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